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Thrice log. Just find out i have legit approach anxiety

kratjeuh said:
You have a lot of potential if you figure out a way to release the toxic mindset.

You would be surprised how this is common.

Thrice, da amico, it’s all in your mind, in there exist a version where you become elite and another where you become the lowest bottom scraper.

The choice is in you
Thrice said:
Tomorrow i will do some photography exercises that a reddit user gave me to learn to correctly expose pictures, looking forward to do it

I would be interested to read these exercises, if you don’t mind posting them.
jakeD said:
Those are legitimate fears. And I will be honest with you. Despite the way things are put on this website, there might not be a happy ending. You might not actually make it. I used to think if you just worked hard, you are guaranteed to win. But plenty of people never make it.
But how many of those people truly put 100% effort in? Many people never make it purely because they quit. Not saying I necessarily agree with the whole "success is guaranteed if you don't quit" mantra, but I would wager most people who ultimately don't make it never tried that hard to begin with.
Thank you guys! i will read all of your comments, i need to take the fucking ungratefull cat to the vet first hahah yesterday to other pic in the parking lot but with wront settins, used faster shutter speed 1/8 and it ended up sucking, best pictures were with slower shutter speed 1/320, the 2 best pictures in the parking lot for now

so frustrated because i had high expectations for my haircut but the barber didn't really understand what i wanted, 4 months growing my hair for nothing, now i'm trying to figure out whats the best way to style my hair and what product to use until they grow back enough to get the hair cut i really want

Crisis_Overcomer said:
Thrice said:
i need to take the fucking ungratefull cat to the vet first hahah

You have a cat and haven't taken a pic with her for OLD?!

i have 2 cats actually hahah one bastard ungratefull and one very affectionate. ;y house sucks but will try to take a good pic

Squilliam said:
jakeD said:
Those are legitimate fears. And I will be honest with you. Despite the way things are put on this website, there might not be a happy ending. You might not actually make it. I used to think if you just worked hard, you are guaranteed to win. But plenty of people never make it.
But how many of those people truly put 100% effort in? Many people never make it purely because they quit. Not saying I necessarily agree with the whole "success is guaranteed if you don't quit" mantra, but I would wager most people who ultimately don't make it never tried that hard to begin with.

yea for the same reason there's so few genuine skinny fat transformation, it's so difficul that people tend to quit

AskTheDom said:
kratjeuh said:
You have a lot of potential if you figure out a way to release the toxic mindset.

You would be surprised how this is common.

Thrice, da amico, it’s all in your mind, in there exist a version where you become elite and another where you become the lowest bottom scraper.

The choice is in you

Grazie Dom, you're an inspiration

kratjeuh said:
You are done practicing your photography in the parking lot. You have a couple of extremely good main pics which I'm honestly jealous of. In terms of completing your Tinder profile, your job is to get a couple of other pics in more social areas and also some of you doing things you love.

It's urgent for you to look for a hobby where other people are involved. It's a good way to meet new people who have a similar interest which makes it easier to bond with them. You might make some new friends, you might not. At least you'll get out of your room and witness the world.

A lot of people on this forum would wish to have your facial bone structure. You have a lot of potential if you figure out a way to release the toxic mindset.

you're spot on, the lonely wolf thing doesen't leat to nothing good and girls don't want a creepy lonely guy, will create an instagram page and start looking for band asap, singing in a band is a great way to socialise and meet people

MakingAComeback said:
This is entirely my fault, accept my sincere apologies as a brother in the community and a friend

Mac, you have absolutely nothing to apologyse for, you are absolutely an amazing human beign and in regards to self improvement you're a fucking tank

Your ability to keep things positive even in the hardest of times is amazing. You kept your composure even when a dumb bitch called you loser for no reason, you are allowed to express pain and frustration like anybody else, you're ability to quickly recover and go back to business and motivate yourself and others is second to none anyway.

It's NOT about the lay count because it's a number that does not reflect value and tell the whole story, you are already a role model for me and an inspiration, in my book you've already made it and i'm looking forward to see what you will do business wise to get an inspiration for that too.

natedawg said:
You seem hyper-focused on your age, and while I believe self awareness is good, I'm curious if it's driving you to take the 'fast track' with these supps.

Hey Nate, i did all my blood work and started taking 125mg of 4andro from Fusion supllements, a brand i trust. The reason i'm focused on age is because i can look 10 years younger now, but we are in our 30's and this can suddenly change once we devolop wrinkles and grey hair etc

i will be honest with, once swallowed the redpill i'm only attracted to girls below age 25. Today i was shopping for new clothes for the photoshoot and saw a group of girls age 18/23...something moved inside of me, girls age 26 already lose that glow. I'm like Rice in this regard, if a test cycle will improve my chances i don't care about shortening my life span 5/10 years

self improvement turned me into a gym rat, i like lifting, i like the slow grind, i don't want muscle to grow faster because i don't like lifting, far from that, my home gym turned into my bat cave, i'm adding this dual pulley system and i will have the smallest most efficient home gym in the world hahahah

that dual pulley system costs 2k, that proves i genuily like lifting, just like you, but if we like girls age 18/23 we have to be realistic, if we age too much in the face it will be more difficult
Thrice said:
Thank you guys! i will read all of your comments, i need to take the fucking ungratefull cat to the vet first hahah yesterday to other pic in the parking lot but with wront settins, used faster shutter speed 1/8 and it ended up sucking, best pictures were with slower shutter speed 1/320, the 2 best pictures in the parking lot for now

so frustrated because i had high expectations for my haircut but the barber didn't really understand what i wanted, 4 months growing my hair for nothing, now i'm trying to figure out whats the best way to style my hair and what product to use until they grow back enough to get the hair cut i really want

Crisis_Overcomer said:
You have a cat and haven't taken a pic with her for OLD?!

i have 2 cats actually hahah one bastard ungratefull and one very affectionate. ;y house sucks but will try to take a good pic

Squilliam said:
But how many of those people truly put 100% effort in? Many people never make it purely because they quit. Not saying I necessarily agree with the whole "success is guaranteed if you don't quit" mantra, but I would wager most people who ultimately don't make it never tried that hard to begin with.

yea for the same reason there's so few genuine skinny fat transformation, it's so difficul that people tend to quit

AskTheDom said:
You would be surprised how this is common.

Thrice, da amico, it’s all in your mind, in there exist a version where you become elite and another where you become the lowest bottom scraper.

The choice is in you

Grazie Dom, you're an inspiration

kratjeuh said:
You are done practicing your photography in the parking lot. You have a couple of extremely good main pics which I'm honestly jealous of. In terms of completing your Tinder profile, your job is to get a couple of other pics in more social areas and also some of you doing things you love.

It's urgent for you to look for a hobby where other people are involved. It's a good way to meet new people who have a similar interest which makes it easier to bond with them. You might make some new friends, you might not. At least you'll get out of your room and witness the world.

A lot of people on this forum would wish to have your facial bone structure. You have a lot of potential if you figure out a way to release the toxic mindset.

you're spot on, the lonely wolf thing doesen't leat to nothing good and girls don't want a creepy lonely guy, will create an instagram page and start looking for band asap, singing in a band is a great way to socialise and meet people
went out yesterday to grab a beer, the good thing is that this new guy working here can be my new friend, he likes to go out, he's into LSD trips, spirituality etc, i need friends so it's a good thing having found someone to go out with, i need many more but we have to start somewhere

the bad thing is that i didn't approach, yes it was a strange night with not many girls but in a couple of occasions i could've approached, i just had approach anxiety, no excuses, it was a shitty nigh most bars were closed and we didn't want to go to a club but the reason i didn't do those 2 or 3 possible approaches is approach anxiety

i would like to do something to feel alive, i feel dead alive, a test cycle to change physique, sing, a brawl, get hit in the face, something, i don't feel alive, i'm just exsisting
Thrice said:
get hit in the face
see if you can find a sparring partner in your area and practice boxing

i'm a beginner at boxing but the one time i sparred, every time i got hit in the face i got jolted alive
colgate said:
Thrice said:
get hit in the face
see if you can find a sparring partner in your area and practice boxing

i'm a beginner at boxing but the one time i sparred, every time i got hit in the face i got jolted alive
that's a good idea, thanks

now that i think about i know a guy that used to do private sessions, this could be the best option for as someone who lift weights and only wants to do some sparring
Hi man I'm new here, just read your stuff. I am 100% supporting you & getting motivated from your journey.

Thrice said:
went out yesterday to grab a beer, the good thing is that this new guy working here can be my new friend, he likes to go out, he's into LSD trips, spirituality etc, i need friends so it's a good thing having found someone to go out with, i need many more but we have to start somewhere

Even one such friend is valuable. Imo you ALWAYS need friends who you can help with if you wanna forget some stupid flaky girls, call after a shitty date or just hang out on Friday and forget all crap.

Thrice said:
the bad thing is that i didn't approach, yes it was a strange night with not many girls but in a couple of occasions i could've approached, i just had approach anxiety, no excuses, it was a shitty nigh most bars were closed and we didn't want to go to a club but the reason i didn't do those 2 or 3 possible approaches is approach anxiety

I feel you bro. I have HUGE AA and cold approaches are SO hard for me. So I'm sticking to Tinder for now. Gotta challenge myself though. I have a few ideas that I will test myself.
1. Dance course. There are ALWAYS more women than men there so I get to touch women in an acceptable environment, gain more confidence and friends of course
2. Start doing smalltalk to girls who work at the shop or similar. I always do some funny chitchat with those. I am NEVER ashamed or afraid with those girls because it's socially acceptable. Only when talking to random girls on the street.
3. Just ask her what time is it or where is a nearby cafe. Nothing else. Or just say "hi" or "ciao" or whatever. And nothing else. Give yourself permission to suck and be scared. Take baby steps. I should do more of this instead of acting like I know anything. But wanna share it with you guys. I'm totally feeling the AA.

Thrice said:
i would like to do something to feel alive, i feel dead alive, a test cycle to change physique, sing, a brawl, get hit in the face, something, i don't feel alive, i'm just exsisting

I know the feeling. It is called [mild] depression.
- Get hobbies
- Get friends
- Sleep 8 hours a night
- Have some time off nicotine, porn, drugs, alcohol, whatever. Just cut all the crap.

When I had a similar phase I used to do urbex, break into buildings, climb into cranes and such. Go hang somewhere at night. Bingewatch shit.

Use that energy to something creative. Feel alive by doing something that really makes you feel alive. Not something that dulls out your feelings.

jakeD said:
Just go up to girls and ask them if they have a cigarette or something. Just something basic at least. Getting you approaching / hitting OLD is the priority here man at this point.

Will start on weekends, hopefully i find a wingman or simply a friend, which is the thing i need the most

Today i suffered like a pig for no reason, i must have done something bad in my past life.

Starting from tomorrow will use the agenda and write down daily tasks and follow them to the t, stop thinking, just follow the agenda like a robot, the daily tasks will be written the night before

hyrtsmyrts said:
Use that energy to something creative. Feel alive by doing something that really makes you feel alive. Not something that dulls out your feelings

I like to sing and dance (like Michael Jackson) so i will try to use those 2 hobbies to meet people
Thrice said:
hyrtsmyrts said:
Use that energy to something creative. Feel alive by doing something that really makes you feel alive. Not something that dulls out your feelings
I like to sing and dance (like Michael Jackson) so i will try to use those 2 hobbies to meet people

Excellent. That will give you TONS of new friends. Also the girls. Especially the girls.
The agenda is ready, will never do anything thats not written in the agenda, i will just act like a robot without even thinking

Time wasters that i have eliminated :

-Coffee at bar, from now on only coffee at home

-stalking girls with fake profiles, just work on creating a real ig page, tinder and approach online/live, I've stalking girls for years never got anything out of it, it just increases the fear of missing out

-buying food every day, from now on will just buy food for 3/4day at least, no need to go to the supermarket everyday

-watching YouTube videos while eating or working out, complete waste of time, if i don't touch the phone the workout is complete in an hour and i eat in 10 minutes if i don't sit down to watch youtube while eating
Today was a good day, followed my daily tasks on my agenda, the "only" thing i fucked up is my diet, ate a bunch of sweets, i just have cravings when I'm depressed

Tried 70mg of DMAA for energy and appetite suppression, didn't do shit, total bunk, i will ask for a refund

Same thing for the 500mg of 4andro, not feeling anything, and i consider fusion supplements a legit brand, don't know what to think...

I will look for something else for appetite suppression, meanwhile i need to eat more salad, like tons of salad until I'm filled

Every time i see girls age 18-23 i die inside, if i keep on beign a pussy i will never get girls like that

Even today i could've done more, i cleaned the house, the gym, groceries, but didn't do nothing else expect for waiting for the airbnb guest

I'm also looking for advice for hairstyle, i look better with the hat because the barber didn't do what i told him and ruined my hair

I have to do more fuck i don't know what to do I'm stuck, now waiting until i have enough money to buy clothes and sneaker to take daylight pictures, perhaps in the park + i will retake the night pictures in the parking lot with better setting.

Other that i don't knkw what do, i get bored during the day
Hey Thrice

Look I get that you don’t like the haircut. But there is no chance that it objectivity looks bad. I think it looks p good.

To me it seems like you are putting up barriers and making the actual thing for complicated than it needs to be. Are you currently running anything on OLD? How’s that going? Can you put any time into being on the front lines.
Thrice said:
Every time i see girls age 18-23 i die inside, if i keep on beign a pussy i will never get girls like that
So what are you going to do about it?

You look good enough to get laid. Go on online dating and try to setup dates. It doesn't take much time or effort to swipe a little bit and message some girls each day. If you're not getting many matches it won't use up as much time anyways.

If you want to get laid, you need to talk to girls in some way, shape or form. Doesn't matter if it's cold approach, online, etc. Just talk to some girls.

You can still work on your pictures while swiping & going on dates.
Yo dude I am going to 3rd/4th/however many the advice to get on OLD!

Use Andy's templates so it takes a little pressure off yourself to perform. Those are tried and true, if a girl doesn't get back to you, it's not on you. You just share different values. When you use those templates, you are screening for girls who are actually looking to meet up and who are cool with direct communication.

It will be slow to begin with at first, but don't hold it against them. Yes, some chicks are just looking for attention, but you aren't wasting time on them because you are screening with the templates.

Also have some sympathy for these girls, you will see it from their perspective eventually and they have a lot to deal with. Imagine a ton of unattractive chicks constantly hitting you up, all saying they will cook for you and clean your house before they even know who you are. But then there are some who get angry when you don't accept, acting like you owe them something. And also they are all stronger than you and you never know if one of them will get violent.

Before long bro you will be the one laying next to them after sex, seeing them text these guys back, and you will understand.

The biggest thing for me is what Andy says -YOU ARE ON THE SAME TEAM-

You and these girls are both sexual beings.

A man who can be dominant and confident but also empathetic is RARE. On top of that you are a stud, your hard work has paid off and you look good.

Over time and with experience you will cultivate both of these qualities of dominance and empathy, and you will realize just how much of a rare commodity you are.

Get on the apps. Don't be discouraged by a slow start. On your first date, your goals are to enjoy the conversation, try to understand her, and to escalate physically. All I mean by that is touch her elbow or back, and notice if she is into it. If she is, you can occasionally touch her leg etc. until you are kissing. If she doesn't seem into it, respect that and give her a little space.

There is a little push pull here where she needs to see that you are confident enough to escalate, but also respectful enough to back off when she feels uncomfortable, then to test the waters again respectfully after you've talked a bit more.

You got this brotha.
jakeD said:
Bro i am going to keep pushing you on this. But start fucking approaching. Or run OLD. Literally I am not lying when i say your looks are more than enough, you just need to start getting laid or at least attempting to.

Even do a challenge with me if you want since approaching is new for me as well. If you want some accountability. But it's time to fucking approach.

Can you ask 5 women for the time tomorrow? If not, why not?

trying to set up OLD but i'm banned, tried hard reset bought new number from pingme didn't work, that app is a scam, i will just buy a new cheap phone and new sim card

i'm in a small city of 200k people, don't know if approaching is a good idea!

Adrizzle said:
Are you currently running anything on OLD? How’s that going? Can you put any time into being on the front lines.

you're right i'm making excuses, always waiting for the right time and perfect pictures, will just buy a new phone and set up OLD

Squilliam said:
You can still work on your pictures while swiping & going on dates.

this is my problem, perfectionism, waiting for the right time/perfect pictures instead of start trying with what i have, that's the mentality i have to get rid of

Method said:
Imagine a ton of unattractive chicks constantly hitting you up

now that i imagine ton of guys like me hitting them up i do have 😂😅
Method said:
The biggest thing for me is what Andy says -YOU ARE ON THE SAME TEAM-

You and these girls are both sexual beings.

A man who can be dominant and confident but also empathetic is RARE. On top of that you are a stud, your hard work has paid off and you look good.

Over time and with experience you will cultivate both of these qualities of dominance and empathy, and you will realize just how much of a rare commodity you are.

Thank you Method! Will start running old even if my pictures are not the best i can do yet, even finding one girl to date will make self improvement way less stressing and more enjoyable, there must be way to circumvent this tinder ban