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Thrice log. Just find out i have legit approach anxiety

please stop it and leave me alone, you're stressing me, i dont need and want advice from Zug noclip and Spider Jerusalem and dont want them to ever post on my log again and i dont know them anyway
move on with your life and stop the discussion here...my fucking problem is i dont get girls not useless discussions with users i dont even know. Move on and stop commenting about this, my cognitive dissonance is not your problem
Hey Mo,

I understand you're in a bit of a tough spot. Been there, as you know very well.

These things, can be resolved. Believe me. Even in my case, we are making progress.

For now, I am just reaching out to say, please just try to rest up, get some sleep, and focus on your mental health today.

We are working on a plan to help you move forward. In my chat today, Rags2Bitches has given your case some thought, and has given provided an action plan for you. We're working on it and we will take some small steps, that will move you forward.

I will share tomorrow, once you've got some rest. Please forget about this for now. I sense your overwhelm, and I sense your present frustration. All part of the journey, and we don't judge you for it.

We'll work out a plan and we will find a way to move forward, OK?

Just leave it with us for a bit, got your back, alright?

woke up in the middle of the night with excruciating pain in my shoulder, went to the ER and find out i have Calcific tendinitis , stayed in bed for a week and a half, ate some junk food so i lost my jawline and skin quality in the face got worse, today took pictures at the skate park anyway, woke about 5.30 am...i just cant take pictures when people are looking so the only way is to wake up early


- keep approaching on weekends and ask girls for numbers, i can't tell them i dont have ig until i have enough followers and cools pics, my logistic is good, the house is near the center and even if the apartment sucks i can use the airbnb room

if i dont do this i will live inside my head which i'm already doing

-find a better job to buy car and forniture
worked on my pictures with photoshop because i still can't use lightroom, most pictures are overexposed so what i did is simply upload the pic -new fill-levels- blend mode from normal to multiply and decrease opacity as needed

i got 14 matches with a boost, none of them hot

the only very cute girl is a 20yo with freckles, the kind of girl i masturbate to everyday so it felt very bad when she said she doesen't trust people with social media after asking me for my instagram

she said if we met in real life and i dont have a social media it would be ok, but if i'm on tinder, which is a social media, and i dont have any other social media she cant trust me

the sad thing is that this bitch is right

of course she's not that interested, if i was a chad she'd be flying to me like Goku, but she has some level of interest and i lost the opportunity because i dont have ig, and i dont have ig because i dont have a life, this means i have to get a life

it's still encouragion that i got matches with normal looking girls with pictures that i consider not good at all, certainly i can do better than that

those are just the first pictures transitioning from weirdo to normal, i can do way better, still getting use to smiling etc

i'm also really thinking about a test cycle
Thrice, It really is a battle against your psyche every time here, isn't it?

She's not judging you for not having social media, she's judging you because your PROFILE LOOKS FAKE.

You have four photos, all obviously taken with the same camera, same location, and all practically with the exact same outfit.

This is WEIRD. And you were already warned once not to do this.

Take a look at other profiles on KYIL, the ones that people say are good. Figure out what they are doing that you aren't, and copy that. I'm happy to spell it out for you if you need help.
ok Pancake i thought there's enough variety and the fake profile thing is not a concern anymore, also the other girls didnt think i'm fake and the girl with freckles said something like "i want to see what people are up to looking at their social media" to me it sounded like she wants to screen out weirdos with no friends and no followers

but you're right i will keep working on quality and variety thanks brother
pancakemouse said:
Thrice, It really is a battle against your psyche every time here, isn't it?

+1 (said with love).

This super high feeling of "I deserve only the hottest girls" is holding you back. Are you scared of success?

Thrice said:
it's still encouragion that i got matches with normal looking girls with pictures that i consider not good at all, certainly i can do better than that

Do you want really want to keep spending years trying to make yourself more "attractive", trying to tweak the perfect instagram etc. Or just go out and fuck a few of these (perfectly alright looking - and one of the "normal" ones looks hot to me) tinder matches you discount as being normal. If you were getting laid with a new girl every week, then yeah, start being as picky as you want. But until then..

I suspect you'll reply, "I deserve hotter ones". But really, what is the point/who you trying to impress here, your ego? Like fucking a girl you're sexually attracted to is great. If you don't have the sexual desire for these women, and you're watching porn/masturbating, try stopping. It really changes your drive, and makes you keen to fuck more variety of women.

Plus, hot women can sense if you're having sex or not.
Squilliam said:
In my experience 9/10 times they're a timewaster when they do this. Doesn't hurt to take the lead anyways though.

agree, but i remeber 2 times with the other tinder profile when girls that seemed interested asked for ig, and by interested i mean giving compliments or introducing some sexual things in the conversation, my idea back then is that they wanted to feel safe but who knows

Antonio44 said:
This super high feeling of "I deserve only the hottest girls"

what? never thought or wrote that in my entire life, i'm not rejecting any girl, it's always their choice

going from only matching trans and obese girls to normal girls is a great achievment, but it's still their choice, i'm not in a position to reject any girl anyway so i dont know why you think that

i mention the quality of the girls as a way to judge the performance of my pictures, not because i only want hot girls
Squilliam said:
In my experience girls who ask for instagram or snapchat when you want their number tend to be total timewasters

confounding factor: low value ig can convert a girl previously on the fence into a timewaster
Thrice said:
Antonio44 said:
This super high feeling of "I deserve only the hottest girls"

what? never thought or wrote that in my entire life, i'm not rejecting any girl, it's always their choice

going from only matching trans and obese girls to normal girls is a great achievment, but it's still their choice, i'm not in a position to reject any girl anyway so i dont know why you think that

i mention the quality of the girls as a way to judge the performance of my pictures, not because i only want hot girls

@Thrice sorry, my bad - I misunderstood, thought you were rejecting any who were not "hot". If you can get 14 ok matches, can you convert some of them to dates?
17 matches and wasent able to convert none of them into dates, they take ages to reply, its clear they could care less i blocked all of them so i can start with zero matches

While this girls are looking for the best option because average for them is disgusting, I'm checking if they reply because I'm lonely af, a very humiliating experience

I got a message today from a girl that wanted to go out, she was very enthusiastic and we met in 10 minutes, we have a lot of interest in common so i told her i would like to be friends

She's 19 and already fucked in the head, her hair alone is like 12 colours and about 5 piercing on the lips hahhaha I'm not attracted and she clearly has issues but she's very sweet and friendly

I unmatched all the other ones, i know they don't care, i do it so i stop caring too and stop checking

It's humiliating that we need them more than they need us, i still didn't accept this
got over the anger and did a boost and got 17 matches + some matches here and there, i have matches with girls that are within 1 mile, ask them for a date same day, they say i cant today i have stuff to do, ask them for the day after and stop replying or take ages to reply so i just unmatch, i just get angry

i also matched some girls within a mile that didnt even answered the first text
i couple of girls agreed to meed but they're in towns without a train station

it looks like a have some matches with every boost, without boots is almost dead, i have no problem paying for boost but i also need a car for girls that arent in my small town, which is most of the matches

went from matching 1 trans and 1 obese girl once a month to actually some matches and some girls wanting to date

even if im 35, most matches are 18/22 this means i didnt age like shit (like woman do)

the profile is suboptimal, i still have that sad stare in some pics, so it's actually encouraging, i basically did an experiment with bad pictures on purpose

so i have to stay positive, fix logistics which wont be easy but is doable, new job + car + forniture, some genuine hobby pics and friends pics which doable to

i wish i got the first lay to get rid of that Elliot stare LOL but if i need new pictures even for just the first lay so be it, i got good with the camera and more confortable so it wont take much
Thrice said:
got over the anger and did a boost and got 17 matches + some matches here and there, i have matches with girls that are within 1 mile, ask them for a date same day, they say i cant today i have stuff to do, ask them for the day after and stop replying or take ages to reply so i just unmatch, i just get angry

Can you post the screenshots here (even in Italian)? It's likely you're rushing the meetup and being too needy.
pancakemouse said:
Thrice said:
got over the anger and did a boost and got 17 matches + some matches here and there, i have matches with girls that are within 1 mile, ask them for a date same day, they say i cant today i have stuff to do, ask them for the day after and stop replying or take ages to reply so i just unmatch, i just get angry

Can you post the screenshots here (even in Italian)? It's likely you're rushing the meetup and being too needy.

i unmatched all the girls that went silent and didnt take screeshots

i exchanged numbers with this girl but didnt tell when she's free on watsap

thats how i open sometimes, no answer in this case and she's within 1 mile


she's within 1 mile and her bio said "probably taller than you" No answer


this is an example of a good convo i had, the only problem is that she's in Bologna and i'm in Parma, it's 1 hour train distance


i will do screen when girls stop replying instead of unmatching
jakeD said:
You can do it man. Just keep pushing. We need to get your first success here. Cause that first one is going to be a heavy uphill battle but after that, if you can do it once you can do it again and just keep building on it..

Agree with this, keep it up thrice!

Also - many women have tinder notifications turned off, and don't check it often, so don't be too quick to unmatch. Had plenty of dates where their reply time was more than 2 or 3 days (many times I was also slow replying). It's not a reflection on you or disinterest, just that a lot of people don't prioritize dating apps like we do on this forum.
Thrice said:
this is an example of a good convo i had, the only problem is that she's in Bologna and i'm in Parma, it's 1 hour train distance
. Why not just go anyways, it's only an hour. On the date, you can also ask her to take some photos of you so you have more photos in a different setting/city.
Thrice said:
ask them for a date same day, they say i cant today i have stuff to do, ask them for the day after and stop replying or take ages to reply so i just unmatch, i just get angry

"When are you free?"

Is about 20x better than asking if they're free that day.

Asking to meet too soon sends the wrong vibes for most girls.

Sure SOME girls will meet you the same day. But why scare MOST girls away? And then getting angry about it kind of shows you're expectations are not in line with reality.

Thrice said:
it looks like a have some matches with every boost, without boots is almost dead, i have no problem paying for boost but i also need a car for girls that arent in my small town, which is most of the matches

Yup same experience for me. After awhile matches only came from boosts.


Other thing. You need to upgrade your logistics. There's a few things that matter a lot with sleeping with girls.

1. WHO YOU ARE (Vibe + SMV)
2. VOLUME (number of approaches, boosts, swipes)
3. LOGISTICS (Living in a good spot)

If any one of those 3 things are off it will destroy your sex life.

If your serious you need to move.

I moved to one of the world's biggest cities that's known for its high beauty standard.

And before that I lived in the best possible location in a city with 1.4 million people.

Small town doesn't work and won't ever work.

You need to fix this if you want to quickly progress or get lots of experience with girls.
Manganiello said:
Sure SOME girls will meet you the same day. But why scare MOST girls away?

they are retarded, i used to do tinder experiments with a good looking guy and they wanted to meet me in 10 minutes
Manganiello said:
If your serious you need to move.

i dontknow how to move, i dont pay rent here i sould leave and pay rent to someone else, i dont have a job or degree, i dont know about italian cities like rome or milan, the rent is like 500euros for a small room, nobody does this in Italy so i would be the only hwo moved just to get laid lol

but the problem is money, i should move and hope i find a job as a pizza delivery

ps: this fucking girl that gave me whatsap sent me a vocal message "i prefer watsap when i'm interested in someone because on tinder i get lost between thousands (!?) of matches so i select the ones i like most and give them watsap"

this girl is 33 and NOT attractive, not ugly but not attractive either, average at best, no guys with option would fuck her and she has thousands of matches, not onlt that but she's also saying that i'm one of the lucky people she chose to move on watsap, wow i feel super lucky LOL

god knows how many lucky guys had the honor to move on watsap, just to be forgotten there to anyway

no wonder they dont reply, this game is so fucking rigged

what should i do? should i put aside my pride and double text in cases like this?
Thrice said:
what should i do? should i put aside my pride and double text in cases like this?

Probably doesn't matter. You should just run the game the same for each girl. I don't double text. And I'm sure I would convert like 1 or 2% more if I did. But who cares.

Thrice said:
so i would be the only hwo moved just to get laid lol

Well most people don't have a log on a forum for the purpose of getting laid.

Thrice said:
but the problem is money, i should move and hope i find a job as a pizza delivery

Ya I had to do the same thing. I mean I didn't deliver pizza. But I had to problem solve how to make more money to get better locations.

Like a lot of success in dating just comes from your own ability to achieve desires, in general.

If you fail (or worse, don't even try) to find a job that pays enough. How are you going to do well at anything else in life?