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Thrice log. Just find out i have legit approach anxiety

Thrice said:
i unmatched all the girls that went silent and didnt take screeshots

i exchanged numbers with this girl but didnt tell when she's free on watsap

- Never ask more than two questions in a row. Better to tease or make assumptions than ask questions. This matters, or else you just leech value from girls.
- You rush the meetup without her giving any signs of interest. This is a sure bet to giving a flaky number.
- The conversation you SHOULD have had happened after she rejected you. She wanted more comfort (Colombians need this in general).
- Your response to the job question was good.

Thrice said:
thats how i open sometimes, no answer in this case and she's within 1 mile


Boring, standard opener. Every guy is sending this. You want to stand out from the rest. Send something unique, non-needy, that piques her interest and spikes her emotion to respond.

Thrice said:
she's within 1 mile and her bio said "probably taller than you" No answer


This question sounds needy/low value because it sounds like you're coming from the position of a short guy who wants to qualify himself to her. Whenever a woman makes a confident statement it's better to tease her about it: "oh god another girl that thinks she's taller than me ;-)" or make some other tease about her height.

Your conversations don't have any flirting whatsoever, they come off dull. Gotta learn how to play with girl's emotions in order to fuck them.

Thrice said:
they are retarded, i used to do tinder experiments with a good looking guy and they wanted to meet me in 10 minutes

Yes, and when I was Gengis Khan I had 17 concubines lining up to suck my cock without me saying a word.

Then I woke up.

You're not high value on Tinder. You're barely above average. So accept your position and starting acting in a calibrated way. That means not asking girls out same day.
pancakemouse said:
oh god another girl that thinks she's taller than me ;-)

should i always end with a question to get her to respond since i'm not good enough on tinder?

i mean something like:

"oh god another girl that thinks she's taller than me ;-) How are you?"

i feel saying something that doesent end with a question mark and expecting them to respond is something for higher value guys
pancakemouse said:
that piques her interest and spikes her emotion to respond.

so saying i find her attractive would be needy? i dont how to pique her interest, she's within 1 mile and with an empty bio, all i can say is i like redheads, but giving free validation i guess is needy
thank you, i feel i want to do what i can here, at least get forniture and a car, fuck some girls, get cool social media with followers and a social circle, once i prove to myself i can do this i will move to a bigger city, also after improving my house with forniture i can rent it and use the money to move, not forever, i want to live here, i can rent it for 6 months and live elswhere 6 months and come back here, because i like to live in this city even if its not optimal for tinder

also what to do if they dont respond lets say for a week, is it worth it to send another text? i guess is needy but i'm not interacting with her anyway
Thrice said:
pancakemouse said:
oh god another girl that thinks she's taller than me ;-)

should i always end with a question to get her to respond since i'm not good enough on tinder?

i mean something like:

"oh god another girl that thinks she's taller than me ;-) How are you?"

i feel saying something that doesent end with a question mark and expecting them to respond is something for higher value guys
pancakemouse said:
that piques her interest and spikes her emotion to respond.

so saying i find her attractive would be needy? i dont how to pique her interest, she's within 1 mile and with an empty bio, all i can say is i like redheads, but giving free validation i guess is needy
thank you, i feel i want to do what i can here, at least get forniture and a car, fuck some girls, get cool social media with followers and a social circle, once i prove to myself i can do this i will move to a bigger city, also after improving my house with forniture i can rent it and use the money to move, not forever, i want to live here, i can rent it for 6 months and live elswhere 6 months and come back here, because i like to live in this city even if its not optimal for tinder

also what to do if they dont respond lets say for a week, is it worth it to send another text? i guess is needy but i'm not interacting with her anyway

If your text is "spiky" enough, you don't have to end in a question mark. She should be intrigued enough to write back. In fact, adding a question would just relieve the tension of your spike. Example for the redhead: "I hope you're not one of those crazy redheads :)"

If it's more boring, like you're answering a question she asked you, then ask her a question back.

You can double text a couple days later if they don't respond, but don't expect much
pancakemouse said:
Thrice said:
should i always end with a question to get her to respond since i'm not good enough on tinder?

i mean something like:

"oh god another girl that thinks she's taller than me ;-) How are you?"

i feel saying something that doesent end with a question mark and expecting them to respond is something for higher value guys

so saying i find her attractive would be needy? i dont how to pique her interest, she's within 1 mile and with an empty bio, all i can say is i like redheads, but giving free validation i guess is needy

thank you, i feel i want to do what i can here, at least get forniture and a car, fuck some girls, get cool social media with followers and a social circle, once i prove to myself i can do this i will move to a bigger city, also after improving my house with forniture i can rent it and use the money to move, not forever, i want to live here, i can rent it for 6 months and live elswhere 6 months and come back here, because i like to live in this city even if its not optimal for tinder

also what to do if they dont respond lets say for a week, is it worth it to send another text? i guess is needy but i'm not interacting with her anyway

If your text is "spiky" enough, you don't have to end in a question mark. She should be intrigued enough to write back. In fact, adding a question would just relieve the tension of your spike. Example for the redhead: "I hope you're not one of those crazy redheads :)"

If it's more boring, like you're answering a question she asked you, then ask her a question back.

You can double text a couple days later if they don't respond, but don't expect much

ok thanks brother

lets do this live experiment because she just replied a minute ago hahah

she didnt text for 3 days, in the audio she said she has thounsands of matches and if she like someone she moves on watsap, she also said she works a lot but she can be free at 9pm for a beer, in the last text on tinder i told her to tell me when she's free


i responded to her low effort text with a youtube link (a metal song i like), if she doesent engage i wont text her anymore, i already reek of desperation
Thrice said:
pancakemouse said:
If your text is "spiky" enough, you don't have to end in a question mark. She should be intrigued enough to write back. In fact, adding a question would just relieve the tension of your spike. Example for the redhead: "I hope you're not one of those crazy redheads :)"

If it's more boring, like you're answering a question she asked you, then ask her a question back.

You can double text a couple days later if they don't respond, but don't expect much

ok thanks brother

lets do this live experiment because she just replied a minute ago hahah

she didnt text for 3 days, in the audio she said she has thounsands of matches and if she like someone she moves on watsap, she also said she works a lot but she can be free at 9pm for a beer, in the last text on tinder i told her to tell me when she's free

You could go straight for the kill: "how's the schedule looking for that drink?" but it's probably too soon, you'll get deflected again.

I would maybe start with a tease about working too much and see show she responds. From that you can decide when to ask for the date again.
To be honest i like to dance to music, approaches or not i like to get wasted and forget the world, cannabis makes vomit and drinking two cocktails every weekend dose not align well with my goal of getting lean

All my hope are on phenibut tried 2g/3g from fusion supplements and didnt feel anything... Edibles are illegal in europe but I'm looking on the dark web, any advice?
Gotta stay within the law always brother, I have to protect your ass and keep you and the community safe.

We never discuss anything that is illegal. No dark web discussions.

i'm legit depressed and angry this days, i'm also suicidal thinkink what a fuck i'm doing 35 is too late nobody my age is doing what i'm doing. I also hate woman, when i have a bad reaction from them when approaching i push them or hit them, i still didn't accept the bitter redpill truths to be honest.

You might think i've been redpilled for so many years the anger phase is over, it's not. All i see is girls in their 20 fucking, they fucked recently and they will fuck again soon, i get angry thinking this while looking at them. A girl i approached 2 weeks ago made sure to avoid eye contact this time, man built the world to allow an inferior beign to selectively allow human interaction or not...we are cucks really and this is mans fault

Also the fact that they have this sexual power and we can't do anything about it. I have a mental damage, it's partially permanent even if i do all the therapy for trauma in the world, i will literally get buried with this trauma, yet nobody talks about it and the fact that woman find most man repulsive is hidden to most man.

Sometimes i push them hoping i get into a brawl with their male friends, i'm so depressed that everything can be exiting, even a brawl.

Tonight i will try tinder with a new number, i wasent able to find a middle eastern or african number to pay less for boosts

Sometimes i feel like i turned into a depressed chad, because i will have those 3/4 staring and i'm just there angry, some girls keep staring because they gave me their number and i didn't text them to set up a date. Well i'm like this because i went through hell growing up, in the same way i would go through hell again if i gained back 15 pounds of fat.
Thrice said:
when i have a bad reaction from them when approaching i push them or hit them, i still didn't accept the bitter redpill truths to be honest.

Thrice said:
Sometimes i push them hoping i get into a brawl with their male friends, i'm so depressed that everything can be exiting, even a brawl.

You can't assault women just for rejecting you. That's not on at all. It's also illegal.
MakingAComeback said:
Hey Mo,

I understand you're in a bit of a tough spot. Been there, as you know very well.

These things, can be resolved. Believe me. Even in my case, we are making progress.

For now, I am just reaching out to say, please just try to rest up, get some sleep, and focus on your mental health today.

We are working on a plan to help you move forward. In my chat today, Rags2Bitches has given your case some thought, and has given provided an action plan for you. We're working on it and we will take some small steps, that will move you forward.

I will share tomorrow, once you've got some rest. Please forget about this for now. I sense your overwhelm, and I sense your present frustration. All part of the journey, and we don't judge you for it.

We'll work out a plan and we will find a way to move forward, OK?

Just leave it with us for a bit, got your back, alright?


Anything from this? (not to pressure ravi)
Thrice said:
i'm legit depressed and angry this days, i'm also suicidal thinkink what a fuck i'm doing 35 is too late nobody my age is doing what i'm doing. I also hate woman, when i have a bad reaction from them when approaching i push them or hit them, i still didn't accept the bitter redpill truths to be honest.

You might think i've been redpilled for so many years the anger phase is over, it's not. All i see is girls in their 20 fucking, they fucked recently and they will fuck again soon, i get angry thinking this while looking at them. A girl i approached 2 weeks ago made sure to avoid eye contact this time, man built the world to allow an inferior beign to selectively allow human interaction or not...we are cucks really and this is mans fault

Also the fact that they have this sexual power and we can't do anything about it. I have a mental damage, it's partially permanent even if i do all the therapy for trauma in the world, i will literally get buried with this trauma, yet nobody talks about it and the fact that woman find most man repulsive is hidden to most man.

Sometimes i push them hoping i get into a brawl with their male friends, i'm so depressed that everything can be exiting, even a brawl.

Tonight i will try tinder with a new number, i wasent able to find a middle eastern or african number to pay less for boosts

Sometimes i feel like i turned into a depressed chad, because i will have those 3/4 staring and i'm just there angry, some girls keep staring because they gave me their number and i didn't text them to set up a date. Well i'm like this because i went through hell growing up, in the same way i would go through hell again if i gained back 15 pounds of fat.

Dude. Yikes.

You're your own man, I can't make you do anything, so take from this what you will.

I know you've had a lot of challenges here, which are totally understandable. Life does not dish out cards fairly. I can completely sympathize with that point.

I also hate woman, when i have a bad reaction from them when approaching i push them or hit them

I really, really, really hope I'm misinterpreting that statement due to a language barrier.

If I'm not, then this is where my sympathy ends. Pushing, hitting or abusing women in any way because they didn't act in a way you want is unacceptable. People like you are making it harder for the men who genuinely want to get to know women. Actions like these are why women get hyper defensive when a man approaches them. She has no idea if the reaction will be pleasant or if she'll run into someone like you.

I'm also concerned that you're just brushing over therapy. This tells me that you probably didn't take it seriously to begin with. There is zero point in engaging with women when you are this filled with hate, shame and regret. Especially when it's clear you're projecting these feelings onto women.

I honestly don't know what to say man. This spiral is getting worse. You're imagining women doing things they may or may not be doing. You're abusing them if they don't react in a way you want like they owe you something.

What happened, brother? What happened to all the positive, uplifitng advice people gave you over the past few months?

You're slipping away, dude. I'm worried about ya.

You've made women your god, and now you're acting as if your god has forsaken you.

Please turn back while you can.
bonzo34 said:
Anything from this? (not to pressure ravi)

Respectfully, it's not on Ravi or anyone else to fix these kind of issues. This goes a lot deeper than women/game.
Firstly, my apologies for not sending over Rags2Bitches breakdown of how Thrice can improve his profile. I was having a mental health crisis in Budapest as those of you who follow my log will know. Got back, and getting on with it.

Thrice said:
i'm legit depressed and angry this days, i'm also suicidal thinkink what a fuck i'm doing 35 is too late nobody my age is doing what i'm doing. I also hate woman, when i have a bad reaction from them when approaching i push them or hit them, i still didn't accept the bitter redpill truths to be honest.

You might think i've been redpilled for so many years the anger phase is over, it's not. All i see is girls in their 20 fucking, they fucked recently and they will fuck again soon, i get angry thinking this while looking at them. A girl i approached 2 weeks ago made sure to avoid eye contact this time, man built the world to allow an inferior beign to selectively allow human interaction or not...we are cucks really and this is mans fault

Also the fact that they have this sexual power and we can't do anything about it. I have a mental damage, it's partially permanent even if i do all the therapy for trauma in the world, i will literally get buried with this trauma, yet nobody talks about it and the fact that woman find most man repulsive is hidden to most man.

Sometimes i push them hoping i get into a brawl with their male friends, i'm so depressed that everything can be exiting, even a brawl.

Tonight i will try tinder with a new number, i wasent able to find a middle eastern or african number to pay less for boosts

Sometimes i feel like i turned into a depressed chad, because i will have those 3/4 staring and i'm just there angry, some girls keep staring because they gave me their number and i didn't text them to set up a date. Well i'm like this because i went through hell growing up, in the same way i would go through hell again if i gained back 15 pounds of fat.


I understand you're suffering.

I understand you're in pain.

You cannot post anything illegal on the forum. You cannot assault anyone, man or woman. You are not allowed to do this, and in this community, we do not approve of violence towards anyone, any law breaking, and we are committed to creating a better world. better men, and to always leave women better off.

You are breaking the rules. You have to stop.

You cannot tell me otherwise. You know the hell I came from, the absolute torture I have endured, I also have scars that are so deep I think they may be permanent.

I still fight for a better life, a better world, and to find love. To end the cycle once and for all.

I lift all my friends up, family up, and everyone around me. I serve this community with love and genuine care.

Because I want to end the cycle of loneliness and isolation that broke me into a million pieces and make sure that when other men arrive here from that dark place, they get the help they need. My mission with this forum is to ensure it is the ultimate end destination that supports all human beings in their self improvement. The buck stops here.

But you, my friend, need to be better. I am not saying this to insult you, I am saying this because I want to help you.

I was anxious, I was mentally ill, I got rejected thousands of times, assaulted, drinks thrown at, was an awkward weirdo completely humiliating himself for years, all that. I got knocked on my ass more times than anyone I have ever encountered in this space. I am the hardest case I have ever seen in 13 years. No one got knocked down lower than I did. So many months walking the streets, totally stuck in my head. So many years, wandering the venues, leaving me confused and lost. Ghosted and chucked for f**king years, dude. Treated like a god damn cockroach for most of my life.

And guess what?


You used to read my log when I was down and f**king out, and you saw how everyone helped me. I am trying to help you, because if I didn't, I would be throwing all the help the community gave me back in their face. That won't happen.

I do not judge you, but from now on, you must commit more firmly to healing your mental health.

You have access to the help here, man, you have me and I am a fucking library for this shit. You have to be more coachable and accept help more, man.



Strong people, do not tear others down in life. They build others up.

They do not cause harm to other human beings. Trust me, they don't.

There are ugly realities in the world, and I also suffer because of them. And yet, THERE ARE WAYS FOR THE UNDERDOG TO WIN TOO!

Remember, dude, you only need this to work ONCE. You become the best version of yourself, looking great, happy, sexy, positive, competent, and successful, you find ONE gal who is awesome, ride or die, and loves the fuck out of you, you have effectively won.

You will get the companionship and warmth that will support your healing, which will be a long road.

There are ways low SMV people who are not considered attractive (geuss what, that includes me, after YEARS of self improvement) can also get in the arena and compete. I understand your anger, and I have also experienced it deeply. It goes way over time man. I used to live in the dark side, too. Game freed me and allowed me to understand, whilst I am operating at an extreme deficit, I can still find ways to make something happen from time to time.

........Mind is primary, and with weak mental health, you're dead in this game man.

People forget I worked on my mental health full on, for 2 years, before I started my forum account.




-You need to heal your very sick brain, dude. Get your ass into ketosis, start reducing your brain inflammation, and start feeling better.
-Research Dr Chris Palmer's theory of Brain Energy. Dedicate some time each day to watching these videos. Also study the videos on the youtube channel, Metabolic Mind. Start to understand the concepts. You have mental illness, and you need to heal this. It is possible but you need to start to recover your foundation. Start to understand that your mental and physical health are deeply interconnected, and when one is broken, the other follows. Brain problems such as depression show that brain areas have become inflamed, developed abnormalities, and have become stuck. Ketosis restarts the stuck and sick brain.
-Get a copy of Dr Palmer's book
-Research ketosis and healing, look up the work of Dr Courtney Hunt
-Develop a mental health action plan and post it here. We will help you. Tag me and I will help you.


Importantly, make an action plan for mental health and STICK TO IT.

We will hold you accountable.

You can't make any posts about violence or law breaking, man. You are allowed to vent and express how you feel, but you must make a commitment to being clear about being aware of your mental illness. Because you have reported almost lashing out once, we have to nip this behaviour in the bud, and put a rule in place for you:


-When you feel very defeated and want to express your emotions and feelings in unproductive avenues such as violence, I want you to pause, log out from the forum, and spend some time studying mental health, and the thinkers I have mentioned above. After that, you can log in, and you can vent and express. But you will have to make clear, you are journalling, and do not in any way seek to engage in any illegal acts.

You HAVE to commit to this.

Post and confirm with me that you agree and accept?

The boys are not OK with your conduct and the mods are having to deal with it. I believe in you and I do genuinely care. So don't let me down, man. Please take your mental health seriously.

If you can't commit to that, after all this time, then we will be firmer with you. Next time, we'll issue a warning, and after that, we may have to explore a ban.

No one is above the community. When I had deep anger and mental health problems, geuss what? They slapped the shit out of me. People like Andy, The Dom, these guys were pretty brutal. I now thank them for it, because I became better.

It makes me really sad and upset to see you suffering.

But if there is one thing I know about the human animal, is that we are unbelievably strong and resilient, AND WE CAN CHANGE.


There is no goal that cannot be achieved by the truly dedicated seeker.

It just takes warrior spirit.

So we are going to stay on the right side of the law now, alright - you understand that, yes?

MakingAComeback said:
So we are going to stay on the right side of the law now, alright - you understand that, yes?

yes i understand, i will come up with a mental health plan and stick to it, i will also start journaling to process negative emotions
MakingAComeback said:

you have to say everything to a therapist for it to work (if it works because i doubt the science behind therapy), imagine telling a therapist what i think, like i want to fuck young girls or approach in clubs or get pictures for tinder, this stuff is so strange for normal people
Yeah man, assaulting women is not only wrong, but could land you in prison.

Thrice said:
you have to say everything to a therapist for it to work (if it works because i doubt the science behind therapy), imagine telling a therapist what i think, like i want to fuck young girls or approach in clubs or get pictures for tinder, this stuff is so strange for normal people
You will need to find a therapist who is a good fit for you. Not every therapist you find will be a good fit, don't be afraid to shop around until you find one that you actually want to stick with.

My roommate (who is in a similar position to you), said similar things. Oh, how is a therapist gonna be able to handle me talking about X/Y/Z difficult topic. The answer is, they don't care. They're getting paid. Plus this is literally their job, to help you fix your mental problems. And chances are, the therapist has heard things that are way worse or more strange.
Thrice said:
i'm legit depressed and angry this days, i'm also suicidal thinkink what a fuck i'm doing 35 is too late nobody my age is doing what i'm doing.

I’m 40 and I’m doing it! I go out 2x a week to approach girls. I haven’t gotten laid yet but I’m making slow progress and until I can execute master Tom Torero’s method reasonably well, I’m not gonna complain!

Alex Forest started doing daygame when he was a relationship virgin at 46! Here’s his book:

Alex Forest: Too Late, Mate?

Read it! I was having the same doubts as you do about being too old for daygame.

I hope it was helpful!
first thought on the therapist- using chat gpt
i agree this stuff is weird to tell people about
Tried tinder again with same pictures, got 58 matches in 3 days, man 3 of them are 18yo who look like models, no dates, they might chat for a bit and become ghosts when i ask for a date, i have to follow pancake's advice and take new pictures, sunday i will meet a young photographer and ask him for help

Never believed i could be considered good looking, get matches, numbers, yet this things are happening, i'm recieving compliments on tinder even if i look like a sad serial killer in some pics, so i have to start believing in myself and start smiling more

found a new job, i work from 9 to 15, easy job i just travel around most of the time, no boss no anything, i stop at bars for coffee everytime i want etc, i'm happy because i've been delivering pizza for 10 years and it started really hurting my self esteem and self image

maybe i have a date sunday in Bologna, it's 1h train, the girl is one of the less attractive ones i matched but why not, i need to ineteract with human females

i work from monday to friday 3pm, since i can't move to a bigger city because i'm too unstable and need to work on myself, i can still try it on weekends, friday i finish work 3pm, take the train, in 40 minutes i'm in Milan, i rent an airbnb friday and saturday, or even friday, saturday and sunday, on monday by 9 am i have to be at work

Milan has 1.5 million people i think, it's easy to try it on weekends and be back to work on monday, and less hassle compared to trying to move, find a house, new job etc

the downside is that i will have to find girls that are down to fuck on weekends same day, dont know how common is that, i will have to make my tinder look as attractive and safe as possible

bonzo34 said:
first thought on the therapist- using chat gpt
i agree this stuff is weird to tell people about

thank you will look into it!

bonzo34 said:
first thought on the therapist- using chat gpt
i agree this stuff is weird to tell people about

jakeD said:
Everytime you start to make a little progress by the way you always just start gravitating back to this bullshit. And then it's another enraged rant.
Maybe a professional would help but I'm not sure either. Cause deep down you have to make a pretty big leap to finally start really deeply challenging this stuff.
Do you even want to change?
But you need to open your fucking mind to something other than rage and hatred. Begging you. For your own good brother.

listen, i have to be honest with you, i have no control on my mood swings, it's not about beign open or closed or wanting or not wanting, i went htrough a lot growin up andnow my brain is shaped like this, i dont much about this stuff but expert say that you have a neuron pathway that dosent change, it can change but nobody is sure how and how much it would take, for example i might win the lottery, become rich and be still like this, depends on how much this neuron pathway is fixed/fucked

I'm not avoiding or ignoring your advice, i dont have this huge control over my mood swings, to be honest the only thing that works very WELL is to take a deep breath and enough benzodiazepines, i'm against big pharm and all about natural stuff, but thats the truth. When i feel very bad the only thing that really work is benzodiazepine, it allows me to calm down and think "tomorrow is another day, i can do this"

my goal is to get results despite this problems, not waiting to fix my brain to find solution to pay for it, the motivation isn't there because it's a very slow process, i prefer to use my mony for new pictures, clothes, boosts, car, forniture, and now i'm thinking i can move to milan on weekends to try tinder in a big city (even if milan it's not huge like american cities), if i founf a job that pays something like 2k i will be happy to work with a therapist.

Congrats on your new slayer alt boy look!


Big picture life changes here, will support you tremendously.

I am glad you've seen, how many men, with enough looks improvement, can eventually become attractive.

I could tell you'd be part of that group, which is fortunate, as it does mean you'll need less of the more difficult road (Game).

Really proud of you man.

You will find ways to get your dating life going for sure dude. I did it like this at the start before moving to London.

I hope you can continue to build your mental & emotional health up, and work on your beliefs, to affirm that you have value and deserve good things.

You will be OK dude.
