Thrice log. Need ideas for vacation, let me know if you can host me thanks

how do you explain the guys that got nothing out of 1000approaches? I also feel like a bluepiller who doesn't know that attraction (or lack of thereof) is created within a fraction of a second. So I feel like a cuck who's entertaining a girl when the outcome is already decided.

The numbers I got from the club were from girls who stared at me all night. I would have to approach a girl who didn't notice me to believe in game, and even then I would have to ask her if she found me attractive from the start

by the way, we're not so distant as it may seem, I do believe in something and it's "social circle game". There are this girl at the club, they are super hot and like 19yo and they are dating illegal immigrants they met within their social circle. they simply bought weed from them I think

These guys are not better looking but the girls are hot, I can send a picture if you want of a girl I find very attractive and her current boyfriend. I can't believe my life revolves around this while a girl that hot is fucking a guy that's average at best and selling weed.
What's most fucked up is that he probably think that this girl is nothing special while I get a small heart attack every time I see her lol

So we can agree there's another form of attraction, which I would call "attraction through proximity". Maybe the female brain evolved for this kind of attraction, or maybe I'm being too harsh and those guys are actually good looking?

in any case I will approach and test game. I will try to follow all the rules and not snap or rage at girls.
Yeah social circle, situational status from selling drugs (not encouraging it btw) and specially preselection are a big factor, but those guys also tend to be decent at game or at least some aspects of it. They may suck with cold approach but they are decent with girls they already know. Maybe they aren't great at being fun but they are decent at not trying hard , so they stick around, don't make noticeably beta mistakes, maybe they know a move or two that creates sexual tension (eye contact, being close, talking to the girl's ear), play for the long term instead of trying to close right away, and end up getting the girl.

Most guys in the club scene have better social skills than guys on the internet and some of them pull hotter girls than most puas. Yes there's the social circle factor, but they also have better vibe and better social intuition. They may even do push pull teasing, roleplays and game techniques but in an unconscious way.

Just because they don't cold approach and don't read game books doesn't mean they don't have game.

The problem is these two things (social circle and social skills) correlate a lot so it's hard to know whether it's just social circle or there's something more to it.

But I've also met very average or even ugly short and fat guys without these type of nightlife jobs or status that get attention from very hot girls just by having a social circle and social skills.

There's definitely skill involved in this game, just not the type of exclusively analytical skill that most guys entering game would hope for. It's all still about "looks" in a way, just not necessarily about physical appeareance, but it's still very shallow, being perceived in a certain way, and not about "real" connection or being actually high value and interesting.
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Old friend of mine, ugly teeth, looks like 15y old from body cuz he is so skinny and short, has childhood rheumatism, no jaw, hands and knees look weird, swollen due to that disease, list goes on.

He went to a lake to swim and drink with his father. Got drunk, messed around and got laid to 30v old hot blond dancer girl from different city in her tent on that day, next to that girl family tent. I was fucking mindblown.

Unfortunately he is drug addict, no job, tried to kill himself and quite fucked up actually. He has been messing around since 15v so he has tons of fucked up stories.

But what I've learned from that guy is...his storytelling is beoynd and above everything else, I could listen to his stories all day long. He has really good empathy as well and knows how to listen. Also cuz he is so fucked up, he makes jokes about everything. He got kidnapped and tortured and when he was telling me that, he made bunch of jokes even though it was horrifying. I had no choice but to laugh a lot.

I have good looks as well but my results with girls are not that good. It must come to lack of good social skills. Lack of banter, lack of funny stories, lack of situational awareness
Today i got my first testosterone injection, 50mg test enanthate. I feel like an adult who's able to make big decisions. i like what I did, found low levels, and went for it. I talked with my endo yesterday started TRT today without overthinking

one of the reasons I'm stuck is because I'm an overthinker, this shit has to stop. Now TRT is out of the way so I can focus on the other goals
Today i got my first testosterone injection, 50mg test enanthate. I feel like an adult who's able to make big decisions. i like what I did, found low levels, and went for it. I talked with my endo yesterday started TRT today without overthinking

one of the reasons I'm stuck is because I'm an overthinker, this shit has to stop. Now TRT is out of the way so I can focus on the other goals

This is the action of a mature, put together man

Keep this up

Now, get more granular about your goals

What 2 things, if you could achieve this year, would make this year a success?

shitty unproductive week. got angry at the club got wasted, and ended up drinking too much. i saw a girl spitting on a guy so I chased her and wanted to beat her up, this bitch called the police saying "Please save me I'm a girl I'm in danger" while just 30 seconds before she was swearing and cursing everyone like a gangster lol they know how to use their victim status strategically

there's this cute girl, she's always super elegant, I was a dick to this girl the entire night, I take her hand and don't let her go while she keeps pulling to free herself...sounds creepy af but she was having a lot of fun the entire night and laughing...hilarious. I told her I find her very sexy, she smiled and said thank you...her boyfriend was next to us wtf

the drinking ruined my mood for the entire week, from Monday on I started waking up very late, which caused me to work more hours during the evening to compensate

I wake up 11am, fork till 5pm, rest for an hour and I go deliver pizza from 6 pm to 10 pm
no time to practice singing or lift weights, it's a shame because I just started testosterone so I should lift weights now that I have an edge

I want to do something different this summer, I want to get used to traveling, I'm thinking about a big European city like Krakow, but at the same time it feels bad to sacrifice the beach

I have no idea I need advice, I need a place where I can practice night game and use Tinder with good volume
if this place has a beach it's a bonus
I'm thinking Germany, Amsterdam, and Sweden, I like nordic and slavic girls and I want to test my SMV with this type of girl...they should like dark-skinned guys because local men are very white and not that masculine I think

this easiest choice would be Italian cities like Rimini or Riccione , close to home, don't have to take the airplane and there's plenty of girls from northern Europe...but it feels wrong to stay in my comfort zone, I want to travel for the first time. I'm also already close to these areas and I'm not getting matches with these tourists so

I need to decide now because because booking later will be more expensive

if you have a place and want me to hang out with you let me if you want to host me
i saw a girl spitting on a guy so I chased her and wanted to beat her up, this bitch called the police saying "Please save me I'm a girl I'm in danger" while just 30 seconds before she was swearing and cursing everyone like a gangster
Thrice this is not the first time you've wrote about aggressive, women hating behavior. If this happens again, we are going to have to ban you. It's not something we can accept or condone within the community.

You hold a lot of anger and resentment towards women. I encourage you to seek some support with therapist or even just a mature guy. You'll never have the success you seek with them until this is sorted.