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Thrice log.

Your body language is frequently "squished", demonstrating small, inward-facing energy.

Be big. Extend your arms, let your shoulders fly. Show the world you own it, not the other way around.
pancakemouse said:
Your body language is frequently "squished", demonstrating small, inward-facing energy.

Be big. Extend your arms, let your shoulders fly. Show the world you own it, not the other way around.

Do you think that even in this "practice" phase i should fix hair style grooming posture etc?
Mo really showing up and being consistent.

I am proud of you brother.

You make me happy when you just keep going.

We're in this together. Every day, I am with you.

MakingAComeback said:
Mo really showing up and being consistent.

I am proud of you brother.

You make me happy when you just keep going.

We're in this together. Every day, I am with you.


thank you brother
i feel i could do better, do you watch youtube or the news? i watch youtube while eating, look on reddit for combat videos from ukraine to watch gore stuff, and i stalk girls on ig with fake profile, i feel those are time wasting activities, i don't know if other people do that, they're like vices to be honest, i'm lucky enough to not have real vices, i'm not into any thing execpt two coffe per day (one normal one latte macchiato, mandatory) but i feel like this internet habits are like trying to stop weed for people like Squilliam maybe i'm exagerating because it's not that internet is a substance you eat but i always have this fear of missing out and i have to check and see what attractive girls are doing or something like the news. i guess it happens when you don't have a life
I don't watch anything, no.

Don't browse. Don't read Reddit or anything.

Hustle all day pretty much.

Trying to live my dream.

Totally obsessed pretty much.

Thrice said:
i feel like this internet habits are like trying to stop weed for people like @Squilliam maybe i'm exagerating because it's not that internet is a substance you eat but i always have this fear of missing out and i have to check and see what attractive girls are doing or something like the news. i guess it happens when you don't have a life
Addictions don't have to be substance related. You can become addicted to almost anything. There's plenty of behavioral addictions. Sex, gambling, porn, etc. Even if these are not literal substances you are consuming, they still screw with your brain chemistry in a similar way to substances.

Technology is a very common addiction nowadays, especially social media.
Thrice said:
it's not that internet is a substance you eat

Mindless scrolling triggers the reward system in the same way that recreational drug use does, so while you're not consuming anything with your mouth, in essence you're reinforcing the same system that gets people addicted to drugs.
Thrice said:
So I'm fucked 😢 i need to take care of this and take it more seriously

I mean, we all have our vices, and as long at it's not consuming all your motivation to get up and change your life, I don't see the big problem with it.

Idk how much experience you have with depraving yourself of pleasure, but in my experience - the less comfortable day-to-day life I have, the more I'll be filled with this insatiable urge to make positive changes in my life. (up to a certain point obviously).

Imo that's the reason why no-fap and cutting out porn is a surefire way for a lot of guys to start actually giving a shit about their life.
Hard2Focus said:
Idk how much experience you have with depraving yourself of pleasure, but in my experience - the less comfortable day-to-day life I have, the more I'll be filled with this insatiable urge to make positive changes in my life. (up to a certain point obviously).

I don't say it's ruining my life because i still do stuff, but besides working out and taking pictures i could do way more if i didn't waste any time on this stuff. Just to give you an idea i have the same canon rp you have, i bought it like 4 months ago and still don't have 6 pictures for a baseline tinder profile. I'm pretty autistic but if it wasn't for this time wasting activities i would have done already.

You can learn to use the camera in one week if you really put effort into it, not 4 months
Thrice said:
You can learn to use the camera in one week if you really put effort into it, not 4 months

That's true but you're also working on posing and fixing some mental issues which takes time. You're making progress and your pics have become much better since the start, you should take some pride in that.
Thrice said:
pancakemouse said:
Your body language is frequently "squished", demonstrating small, inward-facing energy.

Be big. Extend your arms, let your shoulders fly. Show the world you own it, not the other way around.

Do you think that even in this "practice" phase i should fix hair style grooming posture etc?

Lighting will affect how your hair, skin etc looks, so I would say yes fix your hair and everything else if you can because you need to find the most flattering lighting that works for you. A nice thing I noticed about the EOS RP is it seems to take good quality photos in low lighting even on auto settings (I have the same camera you do).
hello guys i need some advice on what shoes to buy, the style i'm going for is "sexy edgy metalhead", i'm aware that most metalhead dress like depressed dorks thats why i'm shooting for something different, for example sleeveless heavy metal shirt, blue or dark blue jeans (not black jeans to avoid that doom and gloom look) and edgy sneakers that will make this look completely different from other metalheads, some examples of nikees searched for online
If I'm wearing a metal shirt I'm most likely wearing boots. If I'm just wearing all black, then I'm wearing Converse Pro Leather Ox White & Black.
I like it.

Black jeans don’t equal doom and gloom though. I think you’ll want to try ripped/knee slash jeans.

I’ll second that AF1s would probably look good, as well as black combat boots.

Add edgy accessories and a pair of jacked arms and you’ll look fucking sick
They look good, the only thing that always stopped me is that i have a 10/11 foot and was always afraid they would look even bigger with this kind of sneakers
THOSE ARE NICE TOO, air jordan 1, but they are huge, they look good on the model of the posing video because he has baggy jeans that covers them