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Thrice log.

jakeD said:
Keep working on the pics but I'd say 100% at this point if you can't fuck girls, it's definitely not a looks issue.

Thanks brother, I'm working a lot on logistics and productivity right now

natedawg said:
Dawg, that last one is cold blooded.

Thanks a lot brothet ☺️

Trying to make some good money on airbnb this summer without the bad reviews i recieved last summer, bought new floor tiles for the bathroom and installed and now the bathroom went from looking old to looking amazing

Will do the same job for the main room i rent, I'm choosing what tiles to use, i need a different brand the ones i used for the bathroom are too expensive for a bigger room

I will also buy a smart tv and a small armchair, with the new floor the room will look amazing and bad reviews will be a thing of the past

I decided to update everyday, i know i already said that and i even changed the title of this log to "log once a day until first tinder lay" and i didn't stick to it

I'm autistic so all i can do is 3 steps forward and 2 steps back 3 steps forward 2 steps until i reach my goals anyway

If i wasn't autistic i would be married with kids like all the guys i grew up with by now and not chasing pussy on tinder

Tomorrow i will finish the last retouches to the bathroom's new floor, clean the house and take new pictures
Cleaned the house and looked on amazon for reviews about smart tvs and tiles

Didn't take pictures because it's raining and i don't want to ruin the camera

My goal is to take pictures with that bad boy style edges because thats what appeal ti the girls i want, mind fuck myself to believe that i can do it, that i look good enough, that i can be sexy and edgy

Even if takes telling myself those things in the mirror 100 times a day

I'm looking for a partner for hardcore accountability, i will give him a certain sum i can't afford losing and he will give it back to me only if i achieve my goals or keep it

I will do this u til i start making serious money with airbnb and can afford coaching
I could've done more today, took too much to train, buy food, clean house, and prepare a bed for ned bnb guest

I wake early my problem is that i start lifting 1 houre or more after waking up, i just have to prepare coffee, feed the cats anf lift but for the first hour or so I'm kinda foggy in the head
Had a great workout this morning, getting more and more shredded by the day at 1500kcal, cleaned the house and recieved a new airbnb guest

Tomorrow will workout, clean the house, and take new pictures in a parking lot at night
MakingAComeback said:
Fantastic work, you look great!



Thank you Mac! Huge improvement compared to the shitty pictures i used to taked, still a lot to improve in vibe, style, posture, hair style and pic quality if i want to have a chance with girls age 18-24

but since those are the first decent pictures i'm thinking of trying it in another city, unfortunately i can only do it if i pay...fuck tinder! money sucking machine for man hahah
Thrice said:
took some night pictures, tecnique is improving!

CHADULLAH. Only issue is your hair poking through your hat. That being said, add this one to the online profile immediately.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
Man, if pic #1 had pic's #3 lighting it would be amazing.

Interesting because pic 3 was taken with flash and reflector, i was hesitant as i was advised to not do it until i learn how to properly expose without flash!

pancakemouse said:

Hahabhahahahh learned a new term after chadpreet😂
What a shitty day, wake up on time just to be depressed and not do anything, i ate so much junk food also, and sweets.

If that's not enough i skipped working out, which makes me feel particularly bad

I just recieved 4andro yesterday, i want to start some sort of cycle, lifting knowing you have an edge it's such a good feeling

I don't wanna beat myself up too much, I'm already lean enough so the only problem now is style, hair, and photography tecnique level

I'm in such a deficit that bad days can't do much, I'm only on 1500kcal

I wish i had friends and some girls to go out with and go out with, no man is an island and it's hard to stay sane when you're so isolated and lonely

Starting from tomorrow it's business as usual, I'm sure i will reach my goals, like i said even if I'm a hard case 3 steps forward and two steps back will still work, i think the motion is still forward

I will look for some appetite suppressor to use when i have days like that, I'm checking predatornutrition

I had a shitty day and ate sweets, first world problem, imagine people who in africa or ukraine

I also had bad sleep and nightmares so i bought blue light blocking glasses from amazon, no the orange ones but the normal once so i can wear them even at work starting from 8pm, they look like normal glasses and still block 40% of blue light

I'm searching for aps that block blue light on the phone

jakeD said:
Do you want to go for online or cold approach or both? And do you think you can do it in your current location or you have to move first?

Thank you brother, yes online dating first, the quality of my pictures improved but it's not at the level i want yet, the first pictures have so much shadow in the face and the last the light could be way better

Will try tinder and night game approach in clubs, street approaches don't make sense in a city of 200k
did not workout today, i still have head ache and stuffed nose, i also beed dealing with a lot of anger to ward woman and negative self talk, i think trangers notice my tense face when i'm out buying food and having this internal redpill debates about woman sex etc, my guess is that i make tsrange faces when i argue with myself thats why i get some weird looks

i need something big to move out of this rut or i'm going nowhere, i'm too old and running out of time, i bough 4andro to increase my free test and restore my blood, i'm waiting for blood work results first, the truth is i'm a pussy scared of pinning, i have to look myself in the mirror, admit i'm a pussy, and just buy some fucking test instead of wasting my time with sarms and pro hormones

i also bought pure DMAA from predatornutrion, it's a strong stimulant and appetite suppressant, when i'm down i eat a lot of junk food and gain back all the weight i lost with hard work so i will experiment with that and see if it works

just found a brand i trust called HYDRAPHARM i will start trying some different nootropics because i'm very metally tired, really can't take it anymore, i would to live some normal life instead of always beign on survival mode
I have a new cowerker, he's 22 and seems the type of guy i can get along with and go out with. Like Andy said the ability to make friends is just a muscle you have to train so i will start practicing.

First thing first i have to create an instagram page with some normal pictures to be able to connect and keep in touch with potential friends, and i need to get rid of the vice of stalking girls with my fake profiles and show my true face to the world
Didn't workout today, it feels bad to miss workouts, muscle building is already slow as it is, but i still have stuffy nose and a little bit of diarrhea too, when you toughen up and workout in this case can worsen the symptoms

I cleaned the house, prepared the bed for the next airbnb guest and will practice photography tonight in the same parking lot, will try to take better pictures

The goal now is to get a nice haircut, nice clothes, and take some edgy pictures for instagram and tinder

I see many guys saturday night with very cute young girls and in many cases the guy is nothing special to be honest

I think i can do it if i stop overreacting and put some effort, which i didn't do till now, i have to force myself and do what i have to do and stop time watching YouTube videos and ig stories
Today i skipped workout too but I'm feeling better so i go back to the gym tomorrow and start lifting regularly again

Today i watched some tutorials on photography and booked appointment for my blood work

Once i have the results i will decide what, self trt, prohormones, sarms i don't know but i have to do something

Depression and high cortisol ruined my body and left me with very very bad fat distribution, my upper body is shredded and lower body still fat, i could battle it naturally but I'm already in my 30s and we only have one life, nothing bad about needing some chemical help

I'm also still very angry, specially when woman look away to avoid eye contact with, i have the same level of respect for them

Tomorrow i will do some photography exercises that a reddit user gave me to learn to correctly expose pictures, looking forward to do it
Thrice said:
Today i skipped workout too but I'm feeling better so i go back to the gym tomorrow and start lifting regularly again

Today i watched some tutorials on photography and booked appointment for my blood work

Once i have the results i will decide what, self trt, prohormones, sarms i don't know but i have to do something

Depression and high cortisol ruined my body and left me with very very bad fat distribution, my upper body is shredded and lower body still fat, i could battle it naturally but I'm already in my 30s and we only have one life, nothing bad about needing some chemical help

I'm also still very angry, specially when woman look away to avoid eye contact with, i have the same level of respect for them

Tomorrow i will do some photography exercises that a reddit user gave me to learn to correctly expose pictures, looking forward to do it

Just checking: Make sure you do a thorough screening as far as taking prohormones, etc. Depending on what you take, it can seriously mess with your body more than you think. You seem hyper-focused on your age, and while I believe self awareness is good, I'm curious if it's driving you to take the 'fast track' with these supps. Remember, most of your life will not be spent in your 'youth'. You will also accomplish more in less time than you think. All this isn't to say those supplements won't help, but I would seriously make sure the rest of your fitness regimen is dialed in before adding that stuff (Example: If you're not on a consistent diet/lifting regimen, those hormonal supps won't help much.)