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TimmyTurner - AA Log

The Beast said:
I know what you mean mate, I'd still say post everyday even if you don't manage to get approaches in. That way you're less likely to go too hard on yourself and potentially go missing for a few days/weeks because you don't feel like you have anything positive to report back with. Plus if you're updating here every day you're more committed to your self improvement journey as a whole, not just the AA programme. Also, are you lifting? That's always been a big help for me if I ever feel like I'm not progressing in an another area, at least I'm still able to push myself physically.

Sorry bro The Beast thought I'd replied. Yeah, you're right. I'm going to have to force (for lack of a better word - sounds so aggressive/like a regime) to be more accountable by posting every day. I don't lift (as in go to the gym), never been a fan of gyms so I do callisthenics using gymnast rings (I'll post my workout/set up in my other log this evening). Haven't been as consistent lately, as I tried switching to working out in the early mornings so I could do the AA program in the evening but work kept getting in the way and I would always oversleep so I'd have to skip a workout. I'm switching back to evening workouts which in turn means I have to execute quicker when I get outside as I have less time in the evening.

Update from Friday night - talked to a few girls, all were friendly. Pussied out of asking for numbers and instead went for Snapchats.

Update from Saturday - Didn't do anything as I went to Football from midday to about 6 and went for food after with some friends. Told them that next week I'm coming late as it really does cut into any plans I have for a Saturday. If I go from 2-5 and aim to do drills from 10-1.30 I won't feel as bad.

Looking to go out today but I'm absolutely shattered and I broke my 25-day no-fap streak so my body is in that weird limbo stage I get where I'm not thinking clearly and everything feels like it requires a whole load of effort. Think I'll borrow a boris bike and use that to get around so I don't have to walk as much.
Nothing has been done since the last post. Been in a shit headspace, making excuses & shitty weather. Went on a date with a girl from Tinder. Skimmed the date section from the Tinder guide & the only negative I would say is that I didn't invite her back. Still had fun though & I'd be down to see her again. Mental masturbation type question but when should I reach out again to set up another date?

Motorcycle licence training tomorrow & Tuesday but I'm trying to jump to get at least an hour outside for drills. My leeway in terms of time-limit is basically gone now so I need to put in some hard hours to meet my deadline.
2/5 sets of day 6 done. I was out in the rain all day and by the time I started I was already fed up with it but I managed to get some done.
Nothing done today. First day back to work since last week and I hardly felt like I did anything productive. Tried to spend some extra time trying to catch up but I haven’t even made a dent. Going to have a man early night so hopefully in the morning I can put in some time.

Defo going out tomorrow to do something though. Chris said you can’t have more than two days off in a 10 day period.
Felt like I regressed back down again. Went out yesterday (in the rain) but could only get the time, not even fucking directions. I've got a weeks worth of holiday in reserve and feel I might use them to get a solid week of drills in. 9-5 type thing. Kinda scared that I'll waste it by not executing though.
Finally feeling ready to jump back in. Been doing the most basic daily things (e.g. NoFap, morning & night skin routine, going to bed on time) and I’m feeling like someone completely different compared to a few weeks ago. Haven’t done a drill in time so I’m not sure how I’m going to perform but I’ll see.

Going from day 6 (but if I feel like I’m struggling I’ll do day 4/5 again just to get the momentum back).
The past couple of days have been shitty. I went out for about 30 mins on Monday & an hour yesterday. Time + directions have been fine but I'm bailing out with the 'have you been there bit' despite doing a couple of sets with it before. Definitely overthinking it but going to keep trying until I figure it out.

Don't need to read this:

Backdate from the GLL forums that are AA specific

31st Dec:
I've been very lazy/using the tier 4 lockdown in London (highly suggested to stay at home) and the fact most people aren't outside to not do anything. Came to my senses over the past few days (especially with the talk of a tier 5) and went out yesterday and the day before. Tried to do day 6 but saw I was struggling so yesterday just did day 4 to get back into the groove properly. Took me quite a while as there's not too many people and I'm battling my tendency to look for the perfect scenario to walk up to a girl. Anyway, got it done and moving on to day 5 today. Tomorrow is New Years Day and family tend to visit so it might be a bit harder to get out but thankfully it lands on a Friday so I've still got time on the weekend.

1st Feb:
Goal = Complete week 1 of AA program
Didn't do much towards this I can't lie. This should be at the forefront of my mind daily but I've been using the lockdown in London and shitty weather as an excuse. Life's going to carry on even if I do/don't do it so I can only rely on myself to get it done if it's what I truly want.

I went out yesterday and there was hardly anyone outside making it a bit harder as there's more time to get into my head. I've given myself a bit of leeway for any days that I struggle with my thoughts. Also switching up my work pattern, usually try to go out at lunch then after work but I've seen it takes me a while to get warmed up and by the time I've gotten started it's almost time to go back home. Going to take 2-hour lunch breaks and make up the extra hour in the evening so I can better build momentum.

2nd Feb:
Day 5 done and day 6 audio listened to. Just thinking about asking if someone has been there is making me feel anxious. I feel like I’m fine with time + directions but just that last bit throws me off. Also means I have to hold the interaction for what feels like an age.

It’s going to rain tomorrow so I’ve got my umbrella ready.

3rd Feb:
Day 6 started but not completed. I got up to the directions but couldn’t manage to get the final rep in where you ask if they’ve been there.

I was asking ‘time’, ‘time + directions to a coffee shop’. We go again tomorrow.

5th Feb:
Still on day 6, only went out for a little bit today but my head wasn't in the right place since I had a client call just before with a passive-aggressive woman. I'd rather you be upfront and bitch about something than to moan indirectly. Anyway, the aim is to get the drill completed this weekend. Still stuck with the 'have you been there' question.

6th Feb:
Left my house around just after midday hoping to do crush my AA goal. Spent the first 3 or so hours in my head for no reason walking around. I had a slight rip in my t-shirt collar that I noticed after I left the house and I literally was saying to myself everyone can see it and they're judging me because I look homeless. WTF?!? Bitched out on every girl I saw and wasn't even holding eye contact. I started getting pissed off at myself so I read through some of Manganiello's log and I think it was his day 12 where he talked about something similar but I was determined not to go home without talking to at least one person/I'm forcing myself to stay out for as long as I have set for the day (i.e. for the full 4 hours today). Set a 10 minute & got straight in time - done, time + directions - done. The timer went off when I asked someone the time lol, played it off. Lost a bit of momentum but got in with the time + directions - they didn't know any coffee shops so I skipped the have you been there, tried again - neither did they. This happened another 3 times and by that point, my momentum had gone and my feet were aching so I called it a day.

7th Feb:
Went out to do AA drills, in the snowfall/cold weather but there was hardly anyone out. Couldn't go from 0-100 (i.e. straight to time, directions & have you been there) so I just repped time + directions. Went in after an hour as the weather was shit and my fingers couldn't take it anymore. Going to have to rethink my deadlines for the AA program for the rest of the month.
TimmyTurner said:
The timer went off when I asked someone the time lol

I know that feeling hahah

TimmyTurner said:
Going to have to rethink my deadlines for the AA program for the rest of the month.

Are there no indoor places, shopping centers, malls, grocery stores you can be in? The thing with this program is to just do it every day, and really aim for above the minimum. If this is your Goal #1 like your signature says, then you definitely have to push yourself to do it day in and day out. Yeah, we're going to have bad days. I'm going to have a bad day in the future with the program that's going to make me feel hypocritical for writing this. But the most important thing to me so far is this thing that Chris says: you're going to hit a point where you're not going to be motivated anymore to do it. At that point, you have to choices: you either quit, or you start working harder. Putting in actual work and literally forcing your body to just do the drill. Last year, I started this program, I used COVID as an excuse and picked the first option. This time, COVID's still around, but I'm going with option #2.

But you're dumping a bunch of the logs out at once, so maybe you are going through with it, and in that case congratulations! Disregard what I wrote. We'd still like to hear from you on a daily basis, it really helps with this. But Timmy, if you're taking a bunch of days off, then there might be more important things to do in your life than this. That's fine, priorities are priorities, mostly if it's work-related or something else of long-term importance. Maybe it's hard already. If you get into the rhythm of the program though, like doing it every day and updating us every day, then you build up a momentum. You need that momentum, knowing that on the previous days, you did the drill no matter how horrible and hopeless and dreadful you felt. All you have to do is give it your all, and have fun with people's reactions a little. Take a look at my log, it reads like some stream-of-consciousness novel of anxiety. Felt really hard and important at the time I was writing them, and it still does every day, but at least I'm feeling that anxiety for harder and more out-there things. You can do it too.

TimmyTurner said:
got in with the time + directions - they didn't know any coffee shops so I skipped the have you been there, tried again - neither did they. This happened another 3 times and by that point, my momentum had gone and my feet were aching so I called it a day.

Try continuing the conversation even if they say they haven't been there, even when it doesn't make sense. "Have you been to any good coffeshops?" "No." "Did you like it?" "Huh?/I said I haven't./Oh no, I haven't been there." You kind of have to face those reactions when you're saying weird stuff. Don't try to avoid it, drive straight into that wall. You realize immediately that it's not really a wall and nothing bad happens. Just explore how people react when you say nonsensical things. The AA program lets you start small, so just do the program, that's all.

Watch this (thanks KillYourInnerLoser for introducing me to this channel through his log last year) and the rest of the channel's videos. That guy is totally neurotic and awkward, but he does it. Over and over and over and over. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8CpRG-e64E
sundleboro said:
But you're dumping a bunch of the logs out at once, so maybe you are going through with it, and in that case congratulations! Disregard what I wrote. We'd still like to hear from you on a daily basis, it really helps with this. But Timmy, if you're taking a bunch of days off, then there might be more important things to do in your life than this. That's fine, priorities are priorities, mostly if it's work-related or something else of long-term importance. Maybe it's hard already. If you get into the rhythm of the program though, like doing it every day and updating us every day, then you build up a momentum. You need that momentum, knowing that on the previous days, you did the drill no matter how horrible and hopeless and dreadful you felt. All you have to do is give it your all, and have fun with people's reactions a little. Take a look at my log, it reads like some stream-of-consciousness novel of anxiety. Felt really hard and important at the time I was writing them, and it still does every day, but at least I'm feeling that anxiety for harder and more out-there things. You can do it too.

As of tomorrow, I should be posting daily (need to work on my feelings of being a burden on the forum). Took a major decision on Friday and used the weekend to come to terms with it. More on that later.

Didn't go out today (tying up loose ends to do with the decision I made) but did on the weekend. Literally the last set of day 6 left. Literally can't stand 'have you been there' & I'm just grinding through it
Keeping it brief as I'm knackered + I wanna get a good nights sleep before what's going to be a long-ass day tomorrow.

First thing, the news I alluded to over the past few days that would affect the AA program. It's been approved by senior management so work & I have agreed for me to terminate my contract. I've been lacking motivation in my role & while I've maintained my standard of work my overall engagement & mental health (I was sooo depressed every morning) had taken a hit. Worked a 12 hour day today finalising everything for my handover and for the rest of the week I'll be working half days (till 12/1pm). After this week, I'M A FREE MANNNNNNN!!! FUCK YEAH!!!

What that means is for the next month (March), AA program is essentially my job (fuck, that makes me kinda nervous - what if I fail?!?). Thinking 12pm-6pm most days then workout in the evening but we'll do a little taster tomorrow (note to self: wear comfortable trainers).

As for today, I don't know what it was but I couldn't get myself going at all. It was like I was there to do the drill but I couldn't execute anything. Usually I have a few go-to tricks to get me started (approach the next girl no matter what, set a timer, ask a store employee) but none of that worked today. Fucking Weird AF. Low-key making me anxious that it might happen tomorrow. I think I'm gonna check-in throughout the day so if anyone's around if I'm struggling, please give me a push in the right direction.
TimmyTurner said:
After this week, I'M A FREE MANNNNNNN!!! FUCK YEAH!!!
Congrats man!
TimmyTurner said:
I don't know what it was but I couldn't get myself going at all. It was like I was there to do the drill but I couldn't execute anything.
I wouldn't worry too much about days like this. Everyone has off days, even the most successful people out there feel like shit some times. Nobody is perfect every sing day of their life. Setting simple mini goals with a time limit or approach goals helps motivate me. On the days where I put the pressure on myself I feel like I've done my best. Everyone is different thought. Just gotta think about what motivates you and lean on that.

When I first started and I was getting nervous asking for the time, I set goals like 30 min, 5 girls. And I would try to hit that. If I did better I would be happy, but if I did worse id try to think back on why I didn't hit my goal.
TimmyTurner said:
As for today, I don't know what it was but I couldn't get myself going at all.

Just have to build momentum. Do 5 days in a row, and you won't want to skip on the 6th. And if you do, force yourself to walk out the door and do it anyway. You'll feel better after the first set.
The time is 12pm (or 11:59am) & I'm stepping out. Will post as I go.

Update 1: half way point. I’ve literally walked for ever. Only gotten up to time + directions before bailing. Haven’t found the momentum for the have you been there. Taking a lil break in the park to rest my feet then back again.

Update 2: Day 6 is done finally. Had a fuck it moment & forced myself to ask the next woman I see. Had to cross the road & stumbled my way through but got it done. Done an extra set just to make sure it wasn't a fluke. I'm listening to day 7's audio now and resting my feet ready for tomorrow (almost 40,000 steps :shock:).
TimmyTurner said:
Had a fuck it moment & forced myself to ask the next woman I see. Had to cross the road & stumbled my way through but got it done. Done an extra set just to make sure it wasn't a fluke
That's what I'm talkin about man! Great job forcing yourself to do it instead of just making up excuses why not to or putting it off till the next day. Definitely some great progress right there.