Toast's AA log - Completed :) - Reuploading my videos as well


Feb 4, 2021
Front Page Update Area

I made all of my videos private for personal reasons. Feel free to reach out to me if you would like for me to share them with you.

I've been doing the GLL AA program for about 2 weeks now with some breaks in days because of life. Going to record my log here as well. Manganiello Suggested this to me because everyone here seems chill and active on the forums.

Day 7

Time, Leave
Time, Directions, Leave
Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Leave
Repeat this 5 times today, you will speak to 15 girls in total.

Today surprisingly wasn't particularly that difficult. Got in there and asked the first girl for the time. Had to walk around for a little bit because the mall is pretty barren because of covid. But I saw 2 cute Asian girls and went right up to them and asked for the time and then left like instructed. After that the other approaches were not difficult either. Asking for time is relatively easy now since I've had only 1 bad reaction out of the like 30 or so girls I've approached in the past week or so. Not sure if because of masks but when I approach and ask for the time some girls will respond with an odd answer like "I don't work here." Maybe its just a deflecting question because I'm a stranger? This has probably happened like 3 or 4 times so far. After I clarify that I just want the time and some directions the girls don't mind to give me a response.

Best interaction with no anxiety today was the hottest girl I approached. Saw her come in the shop, thought to myself I'm gunna approach, and then got in there. She did the same thing where she answered with an odd response other then what the time is. But after I clarified I'm pretty sure her body language was suggesting she was into me. But since I'm a noob at this I'm not familiar with what to do next. All of the other interactions were pretty straight forward and nothing else interesting to report really. Might have to go a little farther away to the higher class mall where more chicks are shopping so i don't waste a bunch of time in an almost empty mall.

day 8

I only had about 20 minutes before work to do the drill. I tried to get out of the house before work but on my 30min walk there were literally no girls that i ran into.
Girl 1: First girl I saw I walked right up to her, asked the time, left.
Girl 2: Had headphones in. Still got her attention and asked the time. Then asked where I could get a coffee. She responded nicely. I maybe was feeling rushed or confident, but i asked the next question of if she's been there, and then i also asked if she liked it. Interaction went well with no problems. She genuinely seemed like she was trying to help me out.
Girl 3: Was walking away. Got her attention asked for the time. She kept walking but pulled out her phone and gave me the time. She was like 15 ft away so i didn't keep following to continue the questions.
Girl 4: Not sure if this counts but there's an acute girl I work with. I felt extremely more comfortable talking to her. Normally I'm timid around her but today I was a lot more chatty. Also gave her a compliment on her nails. She seemed to like the compliment and was also a little more talkative with me as well.

Overall the 3 interactions went well and I really felt little to no anxiety. It's nice to see success from something so little. Not even a week ago would I have thought I could approach a hot girl and ask anything without feeling weird.

Going to continue tomorrow

I definitely see the increase in confidence from just this small amount of exposure. Also I'm excited to continue with the program. Each day is like a challenge and I'm starting to enjoy approaching, Its fun just throwing urself out there and talking to hot girls who I never would have in the past.

Day 8b

Girl 1: Approached the first girl I saw and got in there. Asked the time and left no problem
Girl 2: Asked time, she was talking on the phone so she gave it to ne and continued walking. couldn't ask for directions
Had some anxiety walking around looking for the next girl
Girl 3: Asked time, asked for a coffee shop near by, asked if she had been there. No real issues. But she responded that she hadn't been there, so i didn't continue the convo.
girl 4: Asked time, Girl was on the phone but still gave me the time and continued walking. Didnt really wanna interrupt her phone conversation
girl 5: asked the time, asked for directions for a coffee shop. Said she didn't know

There was one girl who I let pass by. I think I need new glasses/contacts because sometimes its hard for me to judge from a distance if a chick is one who I would like to approach.

This was all the time I had before work, but I still tried my best. I feel like the limited time makes me more motivated to approach. The pressure is good cuz I don't have time to bitch out.
Day 8c

Girl 1: Older Asian Lady. Walked straight up to her asked the time. no hesitation because she wasn't really that attractive at all.
Girl 2: Cute chick outside of Trader joes. Asked time, asked if she knew where to get a coffee. she pointed to trader joes which was right next door. Asked if she had been, but kind of felt silly because she had grocery bags from trader joes. Then left feeling a little silly
Girl 3: Cute Indian chick. Asked time, asked for a nearby coffee shop. She said Petes. Asked if she had been there. then asked if she like it. She responded nicely throughout the whole interaction.

I think ima call it here for day 8. May not have hit the 15 girl total but this type of interaction isn't really anxiety inducing anymore. Knowing that responses generally go the same without a problem really removes the anxiety from approaching girls for this drill.
Day 9a

Today seemed easier then the previous day, even though the drills were basically the same. I dressed nicely when I went out so maybe that had something to do with my confidence. Only had 30 or so minuets before work so I made the best of the time I had. Also wore contacts today, just to try and get used to wearing them again. I also got the risers for my boots, so I was walking around at 6ft tall :cool:

Girl 1: Just a passing by girl, but the first one I saw. Asked for the time, then left.
Girl 2: Just from a glance when I approached her I could tell it wouldn't go well. She just had this look in her eyes. Asked if she the time. She said no. I moved on. no need to push the conversation if she was not receptive.
Girl 3: Blue hair chick, not really attractive but on a Monday at 2pm not as much to pick and choose from before work in my area. Asked time, she seemed surprised that I approached. Had to clarify I needed the time, then asked if she had eaten somewhere near by. Said she hadn't.
Girl 4: Glasses blondie, kind of cute. Got her attention because she was wearing headphones. Asked the time, asked if she had eaten at the Mexican place near by. She said she had like a year ago. Asked if she liked it, said its been so long she couldn't remember. She seemed happy to converse and answer my questions.
Girl 5: Older blond with a lazy eye I noticed after approaching. Had to walk walk out of my way to approach. She seemed a little off but that I like went out of my way to approach. Asked the time. She gave it to me and then I left.
Girl 6: Cute Asian chick that was leaving the bank. Got her attention because she had headphones. Asked the time. She told me and as she was was turning away, i asked if she had eaten at a nearby restaurant, she said no. Then I left.
Girl 7: This was the best interaction of all of them. Really cute girl with pink hair, pink eyeshadow and sparkly eye makeup. She was lookin pretty bored on her phone sitting at a table. I walked up and got her attention because she had headphones in. Asked the time. She told me. Then I decided to compliment her on her makeup just because I felt like it. She received the compliment really well and looked really happy afterwards. continued with the drill, no problems with the rest of the interaction. She definitely seemed like someone I could have kept talking to. Was definitely my type as well.

I can feel the anxiety of approaching girls for these drills going away. This drill was fun and I felt like I was literally on the hunt looking for any girl in the area to run the drill. Most girls I've approached in a few days in the shortest amount of time. The bad interaction in the beginning didn't even phase me in the slightest. And the last interaction was awesome as well.
You're making good progress man. The compliments aren't til Week 5. Good stuff. Best part about these drills are talking to the hot girls.
Manganiello said:
Best part about these drills are talking to the hot girls.

Thanks man. I definitely agree with this. Hot girls are great!
Been a couple days since I posted cuz I went snowboarding. Tons of fun. Definitely can see the effects of the AA program. I really had no hesitation talking to anyone or just saying hi to people.
One interesting interaction with a cute girl was when a cute blonde was snowboarding by. She kind of got stuck near my group and I just casually said hi and talked with her for a bit as she passed. My friends girlfriend even noticed that I had no hesitation saying hi and making the Blonde smile with whatever I said. Its cool that other people are noticing that my confidence has gone up. Feels good.

Gunna start back up with the drills tomorrow, and also gunna get my photographer friend to help with some nice profile
Hey Toast, I'm going to comment on your older stuff that I'm caught up with because I'm choosing not to look at the drills ahead of time. Makes it a bit more fun/manageable.

Toast said:
There was one girl who I let pass by. I think I need new glasses/contacts because sometimes its hard for me to judge from a distance if a chick is one who I would like to approach.

Seems like it'd be a lot easier to just ask the first girl you see, no matter what. No thought/judgment required. Get in there! Let's do this
sundleboro said:
Seems like it'd be a lot easier to just ask the first girl you see, no matter what. No thought/judgment required. Get in there! Let's do this

I definitely agree with this, but I tend to try and gravitate towards girls who I find more attractive because personally asking a grandma that passes by doesn't cause the same type of anxiety as a approaching a hot girl.
Day 9b

Today was pretty chill. Mild anxiety when approaching the first girl but after that it was easy. Not much to really report for today as I was just finishing the tail end of day 9. One interaction I was happy with was a girl who was crossing the street. I stopped her in the middle of the crosswalk and did the drill. Generally I feel like approaching in the middle of the street is going to be received poorly but this woman was kind and answered my questions no problem. We didn't stand in the middle of the street I approached and then we walked and talked for a bit.
Day 10
Time, Leave (talk to very first girl you see; DONT let her slip by)
Time, Do you know if there is a movie theater near here?, Leave
Time, Do you know if there is a movie theater near here?, Have you seen any good movies lately?, Leave

Finally completed a day in one go!
One of the girls at work even said I looked nice today. (Even though I was dressed in my "Dad" outfit lol) Nice confidence booster right before doing the drills.

Today was relatively easy. Gave myself some extra time before work to walk around. Just about an 45 min. No real hesitation approaching the first girl I saw, and infact it was a group of 3 girls that I had to approach. The interactions were pretty standard. Asking the time, no problem. Asking the time and about the theater, pretty chill.

3rd part of the drill was a little more challenging. One girl I stopped as she was walking by and was startled that I even said hello to get her attention. Pretty funny reaction. I don't think I was being aggressive, probably just caught her off guard. Light hearted apology and then asked if she knew where a theater was, She said no. Then asked if she said she had seen a movie lately. She again said no. She was not being standoffish at all, I think she was probably just a shy girl whos never really been approached before.

Another girl I approached I kind of went off script a little bit. asked if she had seen a movie recently and she had to think a bit, but gave a response. Then I asked if she liked it, and she was happy to respond. IDK why i asked that, maybe just natural flow of the conversation. Overall it was a good reaction.

A common response to "is there a theater nearby" was either i dont know. Or yah but its closed. Which kind of threw me off. Sticking to the drill helped me continue the conversation and not get thrown off script.

One girl I asked the time for said she didn't have it. just brushed it off and on to the next one.

Lessons from today
Responses are pretty predictable after the first drill
Stick to the script, and I wont become flustered by an irregular response.
Day 11
Time, Leave (talk to very first girl you see; DONT let her slip by)
Time, Is there a place that sells cell phones around here?, Leave
Time, Is there a place that sells cell phones around here?, What phone do you have?, Leave
Time, Is there a place that sells cell phones around here?, What phone do you have?, Do you like it? Leave
Repeat this 5 times today, you will speak to 20 girls in total.

Listened to the Audio clip on the drive over to the mall, and instead of getting hyped I got some anxiety. Idk y but I got over it and started the drills.

Today was a bit tougher then the last. Went to a different mall, lots of couples so it was harder to find girls on their own.

Still approached the first girl I saw now problem, but as the time went by it was getting a bit tougher. Still finished the drill but over all I'm not entirely impressed with the day today.
Asking the time is no problem as usual. Little bit of hesitation asking for a cellphone store. The dialogue kind of seems old to ask for a cellphone store lol.
One approach that I thought was notable was a girl I asked the time for and since we were standing next to the apple store I didn't proceed with the 2nd part of the drill.
I can definitely tell right off the bat when someone isn't really into the approach. Stopped a chick for the time, and then asked if somewhere sold a phone. She was very curt and didn't really make eye contact at all. Brushed it off and moved along.
Another notable interaction was a girl who at first didn't hear what I said. Then once I started asking the questions she was very happy to respond. What Chris said in the audio clip makes sense. If the girl thinks you look good she's just happy that an attractive guy is talking to her.
Also I noticed that at this mall there were a lot of Asian girls/Chinese girls who seem like they're either first born in America or straight from China. These girls are not nearly as receptive to approaches as Asian girls who grew up in America.
Today I was definitely in my own head more then the other days. Maybe because it was on my own time I felt like I could let girls pass because there was no time limit like when I do drills before work.

Stick to the drills!
Don't take the bad reactions poorly.
Stop thinking so much and just focus on the drill.

Other Notable Things
Weighed in at 193.5 today. Going to try and eat as much as I did yesterday and not eat late as well
Work out went well. Tried to push my self more in the gym
Yeah man!
Glad your doing vlogs.

I had the same issue with valentines day, after about 30 minutes, I only saw 1 attractive girl (without a boyfriend) that I called cute.
You handled that "No" really well too sounds like.
Toast said:
Listened to the Audio clip on the drive over to the mall, and instead of getting hyped I got some anxiety. Idk y but I got over it and started the drills.

I don't know why but I was feeling this too with this audio. Chris was going into some advanced stuff later on in the clip, thought it was kind of too early, kinda discouraging, and not great for an audio meant to hype you. Idk

Great job on the vlog and Day 11, my man
Manganiello said:
I had the same issue with valentines day, after about 30 minutes, I only saw 1 attractive girl
Yah it was tough, ima go back to the same area and see if todays different.

sundleboro said:
Chris was going into some advanced stuff later on in the clip, thought it was kind of too early, kinda discouraging
Definitely agree, I tried to pick apart the important information, but overall it just increased my anxiety lol
Day 12

Time, Leave (talk to very first girl you see; DONT let her slip by)
Time, Random question-Do you know anywhere that sells nice candles?, Leave
Time, Random question-Do you know anywhere that sells nice candles?, I'm planning a candlelit dinner for my girlfriend, Leave
Time, Random question-Do you know anywhere that sells nice candles?, I'm planning a candlelit dinner for my girlfriend, I'm the sweetest guy ever, Leave
Repeat this 4 times today, you will speak to 16 girls in total.

Today the Drill took a while to complete because I was shopping while doing the drill. Estimated ~2 hours total between 2 malls. Lots of walking around just trying to find girls who I thought were attractive.

Today was a really great day. Interactions were very good overall. Spoke to a decent amount of cute girls. Definitely better then yesterdays drill. This one was actually pretty fun once I knew what kind of reactions the women would give.
Progress in this 2nd week of drills is going well. No real hesitation or anxiety approaching the first girl for the time. Doing the 2nd part of the first set was a little awkward. 3rd part was where the interaction turned well. I think I modified the dialog a little bit, but it was basically the same. Asked the time, didn't say "random question" I think I just asked if she knew where they sold candles. Said she didn't, then I said I was "I'm planning a candlelit dinner for my girlfriend." After that she said aww that's so sweet, good luck. This was when I saw the change in how the girls reacted. The next drill went similar. Approached 2 girls, and after I said I was trying to plan a candlelit dinner the girls attitude changed and they stopped and thought about if there was actually a place near by that had candles. I think I messed up the dialog and said "I'm trying to be the best boyfriend." After the first set I didn't really have any trouble asking the questions. I believe I may have jumped right to the candlelit dinner dialog on the next girl I saw. I was looking for accessories so I was in the walking through the female section of H&M and I approached a cute Asian girl in. Did the full drill and when said I'm the sweetest guy ever she just laughed, and made a comment about her own boyfriend.

Was not able to finish all of the 16 interactions at this location, but I did go to another mall and finish off the end of the interactions.
I'll redo a set of this with the next days drill since I didnt do the drill exactly like written every time. But today was really successful so ill call it there.

Notable Interactions
The most notable interaction was the cute blonde in target who walked me to the candle section and tried to help me pick out a good candle. Stopped her while she was shopping asked the time. No prob. Candles near by? She then said like here? I replied anywhere that has nice candles. She pointed to a section nearby, and then I might have like looked behind and asked "oh back over there?" Then she walked me to the section. I then said "I'm planning a candle lit dinner for my girlfriend." I think she said something along the lines of that's sweet, and then told me which candles were good, and that if I was trying to make the candles look nicer I could peel the sticker off the glass to make it fancier. Since it was an unusual interaction I just went with the flow. Talked about the candles a bit, and thanked her. She wished me good luck.

Had to exchange some pants I bought at Uniqlo, I was feeling pretty good from all the interactions, and the cashier was cute so I said her sweater was nice. There was little to no anxiety when I said it, was a just spur of the moment thing. She said thanks and then I chatted with her for a bit as she was helping me. Then I decided to do the drill on her. Didn't ask the time, but asked if she knew where they sold candles. She named a store near by. Then I said I was planning a candlelit dinner for my girlfriend. No real reaction from her from this statement. She then finished exchanging the pants and I then left. Not sure if girls who work in the store really count since they're kind of obliged to answer questions. So I tend to avoid doing drills on people working. But since she was cute I did it anyway. Will probably avoid approaching girls who are working in the store in the future.

Thoughts about today
Unsure if strictly sticking to the drill, or going with the flow of the conversation is a good or bad thing. I feel like it isn't necessarily a bad thing since talking to hot girls is exposure. But it is off script and Chris says to just leave after the dialog.
When I mentioned that it was for my girlfriend, it seemed like the girls lowered their defense when approaching. They knew my intention so they seemed happy to help.
A lot of girls by themselves are in the actual stores, and to me if feels a bit awkward walking around in the female section of H&M, Zara, etc.

Remember the script so if you get flustered you can fall back on to it

Other Notable Things
Bought some accessories. Pinky ring, Black leather and bead bracelet, Small gold earing (tiny hoop with a ball)
Weighed in at 192.1 this morning
Only ate ~1727 calories yesterday. Trying to stick around the same today.
Beautiful. You're crushing this right now.

Toast said:
A lot of girls by themselves are in the actual stores, and to me if feels a bit awkward walking around in the female section of H&M, Zara, etc.

Yeh I remember that. Those are my favorite places now haha.

I like the "notable interaction" part. I'm going to start doing that. Actually I'm going to edit mine to have that now.
Manganiello I've actually adopted some of your format for my logs as well. Definitely going to have to go back to H&M/Zara and most likely will become my go to place lol