Toast's AA log - Completed :) - Reuploading my videos as well

Toast said:
My friend got his wife from over in japan and conversed through Google translate for like their first year of dating lol.

That's pretty awesome!

Have fun in SF dude! I'm from that area originally and I love it.

I had pretty GERD the night of when I'd eat before / immediately after workouts. But I figured out what foods trigger me (anything with a ton of oil such as peanut butter, olive oil, fish, etc.) and what foods are safe to eat (in general, stereotypical healthy foods but also pretty light on proportions).

Let's keep up the gains!
Thanks! I hope i have a good time in SF. as well

RogerRoger said:
I had pretty GERD the night of when I'd eat before / immediately after workouts. But I figured out what foods trigger me (anything with a ton of oil such as peanut butter, olive oil, fish, etc.) and what foods are safe to eat (in general, stereotypical healthy foods but also pretty light on proportions).
I think i need to experiment with what i can handle. So far a banana or like toast generally doesn't upset me. Gotta stick with something light, I can see oils and fats upsetting my stomach as well.
Small update:

Picked up 2 more days at work so this will help me be financially stable when I move out. I don't think I'm going to have to worry too much when I move. Just gotta start making good spending habits and staying frugal.

I worked on estimating my expenses and planning what my monthly expenditures will be, and it looks like with 2 more days at work things will be pretty solid. Not going to have to live off bread for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Also I'm going to calculate that I'm eating dinner at work 4 days a week, so that definitely helps.

Took the practice physical test for the Sherriff Dept. Was able to complete all of the requirements no problem. That's a huge load off my mind. Now I need to train my body to be able to withstand the academy.

Haven't started approaching just yet. Its pretty low on my priority list right now. I may try and squeeze in a few approaches here and there, but since other things seems to be moving rather quickly I'm fine with setting this aside for now.
Havent posted any physique progress pic this whole time since I started, so I figured I might as well.

Looking back on my old pics, and vlogs. I can see a change in the fat on my face. Very happy to have lost a portion of my double chin.

I think that I took the left pictures in February some time so I was around 192lbs, in the right currently I'm 185.

Face definitely looks less fat as well as some weight loss around the upper abs. Happy with my progress so far, but still got a long way to go.

Also RIP my hair :cry:
Damn it feels good not to give a fuck.
Went running without a shirt again and it feels great. Couple other people out there running with shirts on sweating like a pig looking miserable. While here I am, pale as fuck and chubby loving the sun and the air on my skin.

I wanna become more tan as well since I've been a pasty indoor nerd for quite a while. Dad always used to say "so white u can't tell where the legs end and the socks start"

Did week 4 of couch to 10k - 30 min total of running ~400 calories burnt
5min warmup walk - 3 min jog - 90sec walk - 5 min jog - 2.5 min walk - 3 min jog - 90sec walk - 5 min jog - 5 min cooldown walk
Felt fairly consistent with my cadence the whole time, beginning my running form is definitely more solid, in the middle i generally lose steam, and the last 5 min I kind of get my second wind.

Also sprinted up my hill, probably a 15 second sprint at a 35-45 degree steepness. Didn't feel as gassed as I thought I might.

Also before the run I did the initial test for the 100 pushup challenge. Hit 35 pushups with good form. 35th one I was about to release my core and dip my hips so I called it there. Not too shabby I think. Ill probably start the program tomorrow. I'm kind of transitioning to a 3 day a week full body split, and on off days I'm going to run and do accessory muscles and stretching.

Flexibility goals are inspired by Kneesovertoesguy. Highly suggest watching some of his stuff for knee health and longevity. As well as other good information.
-Fully locked knees with palms on the ground.
-Splits (long term goal)
-opening up hip flexors to fix butt-wink (possibly work on seated good mornings?)
-better ankle mobility for better Asian squat/ass to grass squat

Also weighed in at 183.6 today, finally dropping some weight this month.
Took a while to figure out, but i think my body loses weight best when I don't eat after like 10, and even better if I don't eat after 8.
In the past ive hit my 1700 calories at midnight then went to bed with no significant weight fluctuation, but there have been days where i ate my 1700 by 10 and I've dropped a bit over night. Probably already knew this, its just hard to stop eating at night some times. Might think about drinking 0calorie water like crystal light or something to make the cravings less. Sparkling water just doesn't really do it for me.
Good stuff man. I'm going to start logging my daily calories on here again. Thanks for posting this. It's given me a bit of a push.
Toast said:
@Relentless I am moving into SF. A spot that opened up that's too good to pass up is available to me, and the City will open more opportunities to meet chicks.

I definitely need to start eating in the morning, even if its something light. From past training experience, I've noticed if I eat anything before a workout I usually get mild nausea so this has probably lead to my bad habits of not eating anything before a workout. I think waking up earlier and then eating something small, like toast or oats and banana like u mentioned, would be a good way to start getting in the habit of eating b4 a morning workout. I feel like even though my numbers are going up for my lifts, I definitely feel a fatigue earlier in the workout session. Food would probably help this issue.

Japanese is my favorite foreign country to visit, and I'm also a big fan of Japanese chicks. So I wanted to learn because i think its a fun and interesting language, also for when I go back to japan, I can pick up chicks out there. Even though as an American you don't really need to know Japanese to get around in japan, or even pick up chicks. My friend got his wife from over in japan and conversed through Google translate for like their first year of dating lol.

Ur fine asking questions like this, as long as your being polite.
Moving to san francisco sounds really cool. I have been there once when I was on a usa westcoast roadtrip 3 years ago and I really enjoyed that city. Hope you are gonna have a great time there.

Never been to Japan but it is high on my 'still to visit' list. As far as I can tell you would recommend going (even besides your taste for japanese girls).
Relentless I'm really excited to move to SF. Finally going to be in a big metropolitan city with a night life scene (hopefully lol). Also very cautious as well. The city has changed a lot in 3 years and crime is at an all time high. The area I'm moving to isn't a bad are, but the crime spreads from the bad districts. Ill shall see what's up once I'm finally moved in.

Highly suggest visiting japan once u get a change. People are generally very friendly to tourists, and in the Tokyo area a lot of signs and stuff are in English so its pretty easy to navigate. Out here in the states id consider my self a 6 or 7/10 in hotness. out there I'm probably closer to an 8/10 since Americans are "exotic."
Today I did my first cold approach. Purposely gave my self a limited amount of time before work to do approaches to motivate my self to get it done and not bitch out. My goal was to approach 1 or 2 girls in 15 -20 min. Set a low achievable number to be realistic. I knew it would be difficult, it being my first approach and like 2 weeks since I've done any approaches.

Walked to the local trader joe's and saw 1 girl who seemed approachable. Not really any other girls in the store that were cute besides this one. I kind of hovered near by pretending to look at stuff, but eventually walked away. Bitched out on the first girl. Went back to look again and she was gone. I think she had checked out at this point.

Left the store and walked around outside for maybe 10 min.

It was getting close to work time so i had maybe 5 or 10 min left. Went back to trader joes and there were different people inside. Probably 2 approachable girls. Passed on an asian chick who i deemed not as cute as i Inaitally thought when i first saw her. Next girl i got a couple looks at and hovered around in the section she was in. Walked away but then thought to my self, "fuck it just jump in and get one done." So i walked back and it went like this;

me- Hey, just wanted to say you look really cute today
her- Thanks that's really sweet
me- My name is Devin, nice to meet you - put hand out for handshake
her -returns the handshake. Nice to meet you too
me- what's your name?
her - Sarah
me- Nice to meet you Sarah How's your day going?
her- Its going pretty well, how about you?
me- Its going pretty good for me, just shopping before work
her - (idk what she said here)
Me - So I was just wondering, maybe i could grab your number and we could meet up and get to know each other a little better
her- Thanks, but I have a boyfriend,. but it was very nice of you to call me cute.
me- Thanks, Have a good day.

I'm very happy I committed to approaching at lease one girl today, and that I got it done. Doesn't really matter that I didn't get the number. The actual approach is what mattered. All experience that I've gained in the long run. It's been a while since I've approached any girls out in the wild so it really felt like I was starting fresh in the AA program. I wouldn't say that it was nearly as hard as when I initially started the program, and actually doing the approach shows that I've come a long way since the beginning.

Definitely a lot to think about how the approach went down. This girl was nice enough to talk to me, but the conversation was not flowing well so there's a lot of things I need to work on. Maybe give a compliment to the girl instead of asking how their day is going. Gunna have to do a ton more approaches to really figure out the best way to do these.
Yeah man. I dont think the time away from approaching contributed that muxh to the AA there. You're doing something you've never done before so its just like another day in the AA program where the difficulty increases. I approached 36 hours after completing the program and had the same experience you had.


So the plan is get a few approaches in here and there til you move into your place?
Manganiello Yah, approaching on the side just to get the experience is what I plan on doing for now. After the hiring process slows down a bit and i move in, ill most likely get back on online dating and cold approaching. Also since i'm working full time at work, ill have to see how much time I can actually put towards cold approaching.
Not much happening on the approach/dating aspect of my life. Definitely a secondary goal right now.

Did Week 4 day 3 of couch to 10k:
5min warmup walk - 3 min jog - 90sec walk - 5 min jog - 2.5 min walk - 3 min jog - 90sec walk - 5 min jog - 5 min cooldown walk
Ran with my buddy and I was able to keep a conversation while running for most of the time. Feels good to have decent enough cardio to be able to talk and run.
My friend is currently in the Police Academy, and has been running like 5 times a week. For the last min of the 5 min jog we upped the pace and I was out running him for a bit. He said once I picked up the speed he couldn't keep up, but towards the end of the 1min I slowed down. Feels good to know my cardio is on par with his. Also the new running shoes I got are amazing. My feet feel lighter and bouncier while wearing them. Brooks Ghost 13 for anyone wondering. Amazing shoe so far.

Did week 3 day 2 of the 100 pushup Challenge
20-25-15-15-30 = 105 pushups total
This was fairly challenging towards the end. The first 3 sets went well, but the last 30 pushups were tough and I really pushed myself to get from 25 to 30 pushups at the end for that little bit of extra gains.
Really like the progression of this program. It makes doing a lot of pushups easy so far. Didn't ever really think I would be able to do 105 pushups in a single session. Usually I would do like 20/20/20 and be gassed. But this makes it doable.

This week is my first week of my updated work schedule. Working full time 40 hours a week on swings, so my mornings are increasingly more valuable to me. I've been sleeping in a bit recently and I need to fix my wake up time. I've been sleeping in till 10am now. Such a waste of time. Since I wont have much time during the week to do stuff, the time in the morning are even more important. If I'm lazy in the mornings before work, then basically I only have 2 days to do stuff I want. I would like to start trying to wake up at 8 am, and sleep for only 7 hours. ill slowly work towards that. I was waking up at 9 consistently before I went to Wisconsin, but I'm sort of still getting back into the swing of things. But as I write that I'm realizing that's honestly just and excuse.

I'm going to take this week to feel out what its like to have less free time and see what is important or not. I can do a lot of computer work while at work, but idk how much stuff I can do while at work that's actually beneficial to my daily life.

Physical Test is at the end of this week. I'm 100% confident in my ability to pass at this time, so I'm not worried in the slightest about this.

Probably going to have to re-evaluate what's most important after this week with the new schedule, Maybe even create a schedule of some sort to really show myself how much time I have in the day to do things.
Toast said:
Also the new running shoes I got are amazing. My feet feel lighter and bouncier while wearing them. Brooks Ghost 13 for anyone wondering. Amazing shoe so far.

Did week 3 day 2 of the 100 pushup Challenge
20-25-15-15-30 = 105 pushups total
This was fairly challenging towards the end. The first 3 sets went well, but the last 30 pushups were tough and I really pushed myself to get from 25 to 30 pushups at the end for that little bit of extra gains.
Really like the progression of this program. It makes doing a lot of pushups easy so far. Didn't ever really think I would be able to do 105 pushups in a single session. Usually I would do like 20/20/20 and be gassed. But this makes it doable.

Brooooooo I have these exact same running shoes, those are great for running! I used to have knee problems when running due to me having heavy flat foot, but with these even at 205+lbs I had no issues!

Congratz on completing week 3 day 2! You are already doing better than a friend of mine whos doing the program with me and got stuck on week3 day 1 for 2weeks keep it up!
Master ayeeee what a coincidence haha. I got them in all black as well! What do u think of them after putting as many miles on them as you have? Have they held up well so far?
Manganiello said:
Admire how seriously you're taking your health goals man.
I think I'm just lucky that I actually enjoy working out and don't find it a chore to do. Seeing the numbers go up on lifts is a big motivator as well as cutting down my times for running. If there is an attainable goal or number to reach I can generally dedicate my self to obtaining it. Probably why I've attached myself to counting calories as well and have had success with weight loss. I guess measurable success is something that motivates me.
Toast said:
@Master ayeeee what a coincidence haha. I got them in all black as well! What do u think of them after putting as many miles on them as you have? Have they held up well so far?

They are just perfect, I've been running for 6 weeks 25-30km per weeks and up until now I don't feel or see any problem with them. Very happy about my choice :)
Master that's really good to hear! I definitely noticed an improvement in my running the first time I wore them , so I'm glad to hear that they last.