@Relentless I am moving into SF. A spot that opened up that's too good to pass up is available to me, and the City will open more opportunities to meet chicks.
I definitely need to start eating in the morning, even if its something light. From past training experience, I've noticed if I eat anything before a workout I usually get mild nausea so this has probably lead to my bad habits of not eating anything before a workout. I think waking up earlier and then eating something small, like toast or oats and banana like u mentioned, would be a good way to start getting in the habit of eating b4 a morning workout. I feel like even though my numbers are going up for my lifts, I definitely feel a fatigue earlier in the workout session. Food would probably help this issue.
Japanese is my favorite foreign country to visit, and I'm also a big fan of Japanese chicks. So I wanted to learn because i think its a fun and interesting language, also for when I go back to japan, I can pick up chicks out there. Even though as an American you don't really need to know Japanese to get around in japan, or even pick up chicks. My friend got his wife from over in japan and conversed through Google translate for like their first year of dating lol.
Ur fine asking questions like this, as long as your being polite.