Toast's AA log - Completed :) - Reuploading my videos as well

Mav said:
Idk, think there's a fine line between going up and saying "Hi, you're cute" to directly asking "would you fuck me" in a mall lol. I get the point of it but for me and other people Ive talked to, if they hole up in their house, they backslide w/ their social skills. Would think the same would apply here in regards to the "social freedom" you're getting by asking such questions as part of program and then stopping the more outrageous things after the program is completed. Or do questions/behavior like that become the norm? Seriously curious.

Oh I got you.

Umm. Yeah momentum does slip if you stop. 100%. I took a week off during the program and it was brutal starting again. So you do lose it (or "some of it" would be more accurate) But the point is to keep going. Like I'm spending most of the weekdays and weekends approaching.

For the outrageous things?
Hmm. I dont think so actually. I think you retain the ability to do it. As long as your still regularly approaching.

And it becomes valuable because you can say what's on your mind more freely. I mean in a sense your breaking free of social norms by approaching.

And it's weird because after you do outrageous things a few times it stops feeling outrageous. Same as driving a car I guess. Feels nerve racking at first and then you just become used to it.
Manganiello said:
For the outrageous things?
Hmm. I dont think so actually. I think you retain the ability to do it. As long as your still regularly approaching.

And it becomes valuable because you can say what's on your mind more freely. I mean in a sense your breaking free of social norms by approaching.

And it's weird because after you do outrageous things a few times it stops feeling outrageous. Same as driving a car I guess. Feels nerve racking at first and then you just become used to it.
Id also agree with this statement. Getting going in the beginning is generally always a struggle, even to this day, with approaches.

But in terms of social freedom, I feel more confident to ask people for normal things, or just do whatever i want. I have no problem asking for things i want in social settings. Like telling people to move if they're in my way at the store. Some people feel anxious doing things like this, but the program kind of rewires your brain to be able to just do whatever u want.

I even find myself being more friendly and open to random people, just cuz i want to. I'll say hi to a stranger, give a compliment to a girl for no reason, talk to someone if they ask me a question. In the past i would definitely not be doing this. The aspect of social freedom isn't really to always be doing crazy things, but to just be confident in yourself and be able to do whatever u want.
Toast said:
You mentioned a weekly calorie goal, and that if you over eat on one day you under eat on another. I'm not sure what the benefits or determents for this type of eating could be. I generally stick to ~1700 calories every day. Which is around a 300 calorie deficit from my maintenance calorie intake.
I guess the benefits are that when I overeat today, I know that I’m losing something (tomorrow’s calories). By actually eating less the next day or by intimidation, results in a lot faster weight loss for me.

Toast said:
#1 - Cute, time, Directions. And 2 non-sexual compliments for no reason. She was really responsive
Man I can’t imagine throwing in 2 compliments on top of the cute. Two already feels so unnatural. Good stuff

The lady whose responses didn’t match her body language, that’s really strange. Super interesting. Picturing that in my head lol

Mav said:
That's all well and good but don't think most will be able to keep that kind of social freedom unless they're constantly cracking the whip and doing/saying those outrageous things on a consistent basis.
Not gonna lie, I’ve had the same thought. But this stuff is based on exposure therapy principles, and psychologists use that to treat anxiety of all kinds as a panacea, and they don’t make you do the exposures every day until you die, just until you’re “bored with it”. So it must work permanently. And it’s better to do something on the chance that it will help (and by consensus of everyone whose done the program saying so) than do nothing and ensure it. The hopelessness may even feel good for you. You have to make the decision to follow a routine even in the face of it. You might want to see a professional and ask them about exposure therapy instead of doing the program first. If you’re afraid of elevators but don’t live in an apartment, then is it worth doing exposure therapy to stop being afraid of elevators? What if you relapse after not riding elevators for too long? Studies like these show that a single session of exposure therapy had permanently dampened anxiety to that situation in the brain when checked 6 months afterwards: There’s actually few literature on relapse from exposure therapy, which is a good sign, and seems there’s a way to avoid the chances of it coming back when you’re not doing the exposure every day: by getting a reward out of the situation that used to cause you fear. In these, the reward is the funny responses to the drills, and eventually at the end of the program, chicks. This may help you intellectualize the program a bit, it was designed intellectually based on these and experience.
sundleboro said:
I guess the benefits are that when I overeat today, I know that I’m losing something (tomorrow’s calories). By actually eating less the next day or by intimidation, results in a lot faster weight loss for me.
That's definitely one way to compensate. Personally I don't like feeling hungry when I go to bed, so I don't think I could do this type of eating. Hunger pains suck ass.
Day 40d

Finally finished off the last 2 approaches for this day.

No warmup, just went straight into the approach. Cute girl in trader joes. Stopped her while she was shopping. Called her cute, got the time, kind of went off script here. I said that i saw the coffee shop next door was closed and asked if she knew a spot. She said she didn't. Then said "One last thing. High 5" and held up my had. Got the high 5 and left. She was nice, and answered my questions. Idk if going off script is bad, but it just felt more natural then firing off question after question.

Next girl was a really hot black chick. I'm generally am not attracted to black chicks, but this girl was hot! Tight crop top, conservative Afro, and she was thicc. She was across the street from me at the other side of the cross walk. I kind of waited for her to cross towards me and approached in the middle of the cross walk. I stopped her and called her cute, and she said thanks and continued walking so I turned around walked with her and asked the time. She said "oh its like 2" and started to turn away. I then said "one sec, one more thing" and asked for a barber shop near by. She said she didn't know, and kind of turned to walk away again and continue on her way. I said " one more thing, high 5?" and held up my hand. She gave it to me then I asked for another with the other hand and she gave me another hi 5.

This last approach was probably one of my more aggressive approaches. She definitely had somewhere she was going and I continued the approach not letting her leave until I finished. She was receptive, but not really available at the moment. In the end it all worked out.

Thoughts on Today
This drill took way too long overall, and Manganiello pointed out to me that I had only been giving myself around 1hr-30 min before work to do approaches. Looking back there was another drill that took several days because I didn't give myself enough time to approach. I've been leaving it up to chance to find girls before work. But I could be trying harder and dedicating more time to approaching b4 work.

I thought on it some more and it boiled down to me getting comfortable with this routine. I'm pretty consistent with approaching almost every day, but that mindset had caused me to relax with my approaches. In my head i justified the day being ok because I had done a few approaches. "oh its fine, I got one or 2 in before work, that's better then no progress." But that's just an excuse.

Looking at my morning routine today really showed me what time I was wasting.
Woke up at 9, but got back in bed and didn't get up till ~945
drank coffee and did morning stuff till 1030
processed 3d printing stuff till 11
worked out till 12
ate breakfast, cooked work meal and got ready for work till 1
get to work at 130
AA approaches until 2

There's a whole hour and a half of wasted time. I don't feel like it needs to be approaches, but it could be used for more productive things other then just relaxing and waking up.

Other Shit
Weighed in at 186.3 - Still a few days till my goal date. I think ill hit it just fine.
Just waiting on my test results at this point. But I've planned some other stuff to prepare for future steps in the hiring process
Toast said:
sundleboro said:
I guess the benefits are that when I overeat today, I know that I’m losing something (tomorrow’s calories). By actually eating less the next day or by intimidation, results in a lot faster weight loss for me.
That's definitely one way to compensate. Personally I don't like feeling hungry when I go to bed, so I don't think I could do this type of eating. Hunger pains suck ass.

They do but I found it a lot like the AA program, even before I started it. You suffer for one day, and then it’s easier to face afterwards. Every time I cut, I have to sit through the pain for one day at the start and go to bed without feeding it and then it gets easier from then on. Maybe it’s just a placebo. Helped me lose probably a lifetime total of 70-80 lbs tho
sundleboro said:
They do but I found it a lot like the AA program, even before I started it. You suffer for one day, and then it’s easier to face afterwards. Every time I cut, I have to sit through the pain for one day at the start and go to bed without feeding it and then it gets easier from then on. Maybe it’s just a placebo. Helped me lose probably a lifetime total of 70-80 lbs tho
Honestly this sounds terrible lol. But if ur able to stick with it and it works then there's not really a problem with it. I don't think I have the will power to not eat when I have hunger pains.
Didn't fully realize how close to the end of the program I was until yesterday. So I'm writing this plan out to keep my self accountable and to have concrete goals to try and hit

Today I'm going for a run with my buddy in the morning and then after that I plan to do approaches and complete day 42 - 20 total approaches for this day. Should be doable and if I'm on my shit could b doable within an hour. I'm going to go to several different locations as needed. I will stay out until the drill is done for this day. If the time is shorter then anticipated I will start the next days drill

Monday - This day I work, but I'm going to go in an hour earlier and walk around to try and get in more then 2 approaches done before work. This day requires 21 approaches. If I can get 10 approaches before work that will be a success and reduce the number of approaches needed for the next day. Leave for work at 1230 tomorrow, get to work by 1, and approach until 2 or 215. This should allow me enough time to get a decent amount of approaches b4 work. Generally I've only been giving myself 20-30 min and this has not been sufficient.

Day 44 will be skipped because literally everyone says its a waste of time. Eye contact day. Manganiello skipped, Andy skipped, and I will to lol

Tuesday - Complete the program and stay out as long as necessary to do it. this day will consist of 2 drills. Day 45, and Day 46. Hopefully there will be 12 groups of girls I can approach. I don't really have a plan for if there is not and I don't wanna get stone walled at this point. If it seems like I'm missing a bunch of approaches due to there being no groups, Ill most likely start day 46 and day 45 at the same time. Like if I see a group ill approach, but if its a singular girl ill do Day 46.

Day 47 is required to be done at the bar so unfortunately it will be put on hold until bars are open again.

This is the end of the program at this point. You are allowed to run free and do approaches after this point, and week 7 is basically a waste of time.

This is my plan to complete the AA in 3 days, and I'm going to try my hardest to do it. Seems very doable on paper. Lets get this done!
Man with a plan.

So wait, you're trying to complete Day 42 today, and then Day 43, 45 & 46 on Tuesday?

What time are you starting on Tuesday?

Give yourself some extra time to find groups too, it's very random. Sometimes there's tons, other times there's none. Best spot for groups of girls are mall food courts. that was my experience.
Definitely going to do day 42 today. And if possible I guess complete day 43, 45 and 46, on Tuesday. If possible I should try and do day 43, and day 45 today. Which would be 40 approaches approximately. And then spend all Tuesday doing approaches as well. Basically like 4+ hours today and on Tuesday
Day 42

Hey- you're cute, I'm [Name], Leave
Hey- you're cute, I'm [Name], Handshake, Leave
Hey- you're cute, I'm [Name], Handshake, Time, Leave
Hey- you're cute, I'm [Name], Handshake, Time, Directions, Leave
Repeat this 5 times, you will speak to 20 girls.

Alright! Part 1 of the plan was semi-completed. I finished this day as I wanted to which is great, but it took way too long. The mall was crowded but not that good for approaches. Seemed like all the girls were not of approachable age. I kept on plugging away at it though and got the full 20 approaches done in 2 hours about. Started the day at 1pm and finished approaching at around 3 I believe. I walked 15,000 steps today over all, which is like 8 miles. oof. Also went on a 3 mile run this morning so my legs were so fuckin tired by the end of the day, Definitely didn't help with energy and enthusiasm to approach.

My notes for the day were just counting approaches. But I did write down that one girl I approached had her hands full and I still went for the handshake. She had to shuffle her bags around to give me a handshake. I thought this was pretty funny. Overall I believe I got a decent amount of handshakes. TBH I remember shaking a girls hand and thinking "wow that's a soft hand, if only it could stroke my dick" haha.

It was not really that hard to call a girl cute and then introduce my self. I feel like most of the anxiety for starting this day was thinking about how I had a solid plan to finish the program in 3 days, and weather or not I would be able to hit the numbers. Once I started approaching it went well. Could find a cute girl here and there, and generally they gave me a handshake. Sometimes it felt awkward to ask for the time after introducing my self. Most likely because its kind of a weird flow of conversation in my mind. Like this girl is somewhat expecting me to hit on her, and I want to, but I gotta ask for the time. I could definitely tell the girls were expecting more then just asking the time and directions.

Another interaction I remember was this really tall slender chick. She was probably 6'2" or maybe even taller. I'm 5'11" with boots on and I had to look up at her. Approached, called her cute and gave my name. She was like "oh, how sweet, thanks" Went for the handshake and said nice to meet you, and started to keep walking. She like paused after and was like "that's it?" I'm like "yah that's all, haha, have a good day!" She definitely was expecting me to say some more, but it caught her off guard that I just gave her a compliment. This interaction definitely put a smile on my face and she was laughing a bit after as well.

At this point my legs were jello and I just wanted to finish the day. I had moved spots 3 or 4 times by this point and exhausted almost all my approachable areas. So I went back to the original starting mall to try and squeeze out like the 4 or so needed approaches to finish day 42. Fuckin still the same situation with a lot of people but not many actual approachable girls. Got baited by some ladies that looked hot, but then I saw a kid walking next to them. Pass for me. Finally I found the girls somewhere and finished the day. I was exhausted by this point. Left the mall to drive to another location 15 min away. A new mall and a fresh-ish start for day 43.

Also I think I have a small form of PTSD from the 3 older Asian ladies who I approached a few days ago. I find my self not approaching an Asian chick till I've seen her face. With masks and a nice haircut, from the back, an Asian girl can be either 15-35. Fuckin black magic man. So I like might be a creeper doing a loop around the girl b4 i approach but its what has to be done and definitely saved me on a few approaches.

Day 43a

High Five, Hey- you're cute, Leave
High Five, Hey- you're cute, I'm [Name], Leave
High Five, Hey- you're cute, I'm [Name], Handshake, Leave
Repeat this 7 times, you will speak to 21 girls.

Hate to put the a. after 43 but unfortunately it had to be. Only got in 6 approaches at the new location I went to after moving spots. Mall was just as bad. This mall is a little less crowded then the first spot I went to, and there's not as many good surrounding areas. First approach was a pair of girls sitting at a table, went in for the high 5 and got turned down immediately. Elbow bump? Flat out no. Oh well moved on and thought to myself "very nice, great start to this mall." Walked around inside and honestly I don't remember much about what happened in here. I wrote down in my notes I got 6 approaches here and it was 4:30 by the time I stopped. I do remember one girl I stopped who was walking by and asked for a high 5 and then called her cute and gave my name. She was already continuing walking by by the time I wanted to ask for a handshake. Technically I could count this as a 7th approach but when I was on this set I was going for the handshake. So I didn't count it.

I remember now that after this approach I walked to a girl standing in line, then asked for a high 5 and she put out the elbow, then I said she was cute and gave my name. She said thanks. then I stuck my hand out and said nice to meet you and immediately felt silly cuz if she wasn't gunna give me a high 5 why would she shake my hand. So then I got another elbow bump. Totally a brain fart moment.

After this the only memorable approach was this pair of girls in line for a trader joes. Walked up to them and asked for a high 5, but switched to an elbow bump after, called them both cute, gave my name, and they both blushed. This reaction feels great to get. Cant get enough of embarrassing girls by calling them cute. Not sure if embarrassing is the right descriptor though.

After this I walked around the mall some more and got that final approach. it was 430 at this point and I needed to be home by 5. I was starving, and super fuckin tired. My legs were so sore at this point. 20000 steps total for the day.

Thoughts on Today
This is definitely the longest I've ever approached in a day, as well as the longest time I think I've been out approaching. Kind of puts in to perspective how little I've been trying up to this point though. Like if I had been putting in this much effort since the beginning I would already be done. No use crying over spilt milk though. All I can do I learn and improve. Apply this motivation towards real approaches when the time comes.

Other Stuff
Weighed in at 185.6 - Very nice
Ran for 32 min with a buddy - Definitely pushed my self harder then normal since I was running with a friend. I think were gunna start running every Sunday morning.
Planning on posting a comparison pic from 195 lbs to 185lbs. Don't know if the difference is that noticeable but I got pics so why not.
Toast said:
TBH I remember shaking a girls hand and thinking "wow that's a soft hand, if only it could stroke my dick" haha.

Not gonna lie I've had that.

Toast said:
She was like "oh, how sweet, thanks" Went for the handshake and said nice to meet you, and started to keep walking. She like paused after and was like "that's it?" I'm like "yah that's all, haha, have a good day!" She definitely was expecting me to say some more

Lol I always thought that was funny about these drills. (Hey you're sexy, we should go for a drink- actually nah, seeya!)

Toast said:
Cant get enough of embarrassing girls by calling them cute. Not sure if embarrassing is the right descriptor though.

I know what you mean. It's not embarrassed, caught off guard isn't right either. It's like some mix embarrassed and shy or something.

2 more days man. ALMOST done.
Manganiello So close I can taste it.

The plan for today is to leave for work at 12 and I was gunna go to a different grocery store that a little bit of a drive away from my work, approach there for half an hour and see what its like. Then drive to work and walk around in my usual spots until work starts. If I can get 15 approaches b4 work ill be golden to finish the drills on Tuesday.
Day 43b

Sticking to the plan I have laid out so far seems to be working. One thing I was afraid of was not completing day 43 by today, but no use worrying about it any more. Just means I gotta try harder tomorrow.

Got a total of 9 approaches done today, Brings my total up to 15/21 so I'm getting close.

Gave my self an extra hour before work to approach. I went to Whole Foods, got 2 approaches there, went to Safeway got another 2 or 3. Half an hour had passed by this point so I went to the trader joes by my work. This is were I got the last 6 approaches. Good day today, decent amount of girls walking on the street for a sunny Monday.

A few interesting approaches today

At whole foods I saw a cute Asian girl, got a high 5 and gave me name and got a handshake. I walked away and then realized that I didn't call her cute. So I had to circle the store to find here again. She told me her name was Christina I think, and I called out to her. She turned around and then i said "hey I forgot earlier, but I wanted to say your really cute." Glad i was able to find her and finish the approach, even if it was out of order

The other interesting interaction was a older chick, tattoos, kind of chubby but still attractive, maybe 30years old. She was walking her dog with earbuds in, I had to wave and call out to her to get her attention. She probably saw my reflection in the store window since I was walking beside her. She stopped and I asked for a high 5.
Her response was "do I know you?"
Me: "uhh no, just asking for a high 5"
Her: "ok" - gives high 5
me: "thanks, your cute by the way, my name is Devin"
Her: "sure... "

Another girl was leaving a store and I was also leaving as well. I said "hey, excuse me" from behind her. She like whipped around to face me and backed away wide eyed.
me: hello, high 5?
her: what do you want? -while still kind of backing away
me: a high 5?
her: oh, no. - still seemingly scared of me
me: ok, what about an elbow bump?
her: no - while walking away really fast and pulling out her phone to talk on it.

This was a pretty funny interaction to me. Like I scared her by just saying hello. She seemed extra confused at what was going on. Idk if its because I got her attention from behind or if she knew I was following her out of the store. Honestly I wasn't even purposely following her. She walked down the stairs in front of me and I was planning on leaving as well. We just happened to be walking the same way. This didn't really bother me cuz I thought her reaction was really interesting. I know I'm not doing anything malicious, so her response is just because of a misconception, her confusion, or her mental state.

Total approaches left until I finish the program 42. So close to being done!

Other stuff
Weighed in at 185.6 - Gotta keep my diet tight to weigh in consistently at 185 for the next 2 days and officially ill be 185!
Gunna pack my suit and bag tonight so I don't have to worry about it tomorrow and I can focus all my attention on drills
Going to stay out as long as necessary to do drills tomorrow. 10am-7pm possibly
Toast said:
me: "thanks, your cute by the way, my name is Devin"
Her: "sure... "

It's odd. I dont think I've gotten this reaction ever since doing real approaches, even though I'm more or less saying the same thing. It's almost like the high five and saying "you're cute btw" completely changes the dynamic.

You're so effin close!

You could be done this time tomorrow.
Manganiello Yah it was definitely an interesting reaction. Today I probably got the most non-standard reactions. maybe the way I was going about approaching was different then normal? Idk exactly. Its probably just her tho.

Starting off with a high5 i feel like gives off a different impression then just introducing yourself. Like "why is this guy asking for a high 5 during coved" Kind of sets the tone as odd i feel like.
Well I wrote a long as fuck entry to end it that summed up everything but I took so long to write it, that it logged me out.

So here's the condensed version haha

Day 43 - 6 approaches to finish it off
Day 45 - 12 approaches over like 4 hours and 4 different malls
Day 46 - 24 approaches at like 2 different malls
Total time approaching 11am-6pm with lunch break and driving time
Total girls approached today 42
5 malls visited - each mall is about 30 min drive from eachother

I allowed my self to do day 45 and 46 together. I didn't want the limiting factor for success to be finding groups. I completed day 46 before day 45. I had done 24 approaches for day 46 while still needing to find 4 more groups to approach

Day 43
Not much to say here, Fairly easy. Started at 1115am, took 30 min to finish 6 approaches.

Day 45
Walk up to a group of girls and give BOTH/ALL of them a high-five, Leave.
Walk up to a group of girls and give BOTH/ALL of them a high-five, say "You guys are cute,", Leave.
Walk up to a group of girls and give BOTH/ALL of them a high-five, say "You guys are cute,", I'm [Name], Leave.
Walk up to a group of girls and give BOTH/ALL of them a high-five, say "You guys are cute,", I'm [Name], Shake hands with at least 1 girl, Leave.
Repeat this 3 times, you will speak to 12 groups of girls.

Fuck finding groups of girls. This was the hardest part of the day. A lot of girls did not want high 5s or anything to do with my approach. Probably got denied by like 6-8 approaches that were groups. A lot of the time I had to be really aggressive to get the high 5. Like standing in the girls way. Walking up to them if they were looking at something and getting in their personal space. Being relentless with the different styles of contact. Be it high 5, elbow, toe tap, or air 5. Probably was annoying to some so much so that they gave in just to get rid of me. That did not matter though. I got the day done and got all the successful approaches needed. Some of the time I didn't need to be aggressive at all. Some just depends on the girls. Some are cool, some are not.

Day 46
"I know this random but I thought you were cute and wanted to say hi", Leave.
"I know this random but I thought you were cute and wanted to say hi", I'm [Name], Leave.
"I know this random but I thought you were cute and wanted to say hi", I'm [Name], Handshake, Leave.
"I know this random but I thought you were cute and wanted to say hi", I'm [Name], Handshake, So.. tell me what your up to today, Leave.
Challenge: On the handshake- hold it until she noticeably takes her hand back.
Repeat this 6 times, you will speak to 24 girls.

This day was not really that hard. At this point introducing my self and calling a girl cute is fairly easy. Since day 38 I had already called 160 girls cute. Today was no different. The line of "I know this random but I thought you were cute and wanted to say hi" is quite long and sometimes loses the girls interest part way through. I felt like being more direct and saying they're cute earlier on gets the girl to listen to you or be more interested initially. I stuck to the dialog tho and finished the day. I think I got 2 handshakes out of 6, rest were elbow bumps.

Time line for today approximately based on memory:
1100 leave home
1115 - get to mall 1
1145 - finish 6 approaches and leave towards mall 2
1215 - arrive at mall 2 and get 1 group approach
1245 - leave for mall 3
1315 - eat lunch
1400 - approach and get 12 day 46 approaches and 6 day 45 approaches
1520 - leave for mall 4
1550 - Approach and get rest of day 46 done along with 4 day 45 approaches
1730 - leave back to mall 3
1800 - finish off day 45 final approaches by 1730
Total time approaching is around 4 hours 30?
These times are an approximation of how long I spent at each place. Overall I spent a fuck load of time approaching and also too much time driving between each place.

Final Thoughts

Today was definitely one of the hardest and longest days of all. I set the challenge for myself to finish the rest of day 43, and complete day 45 and 46, A monumental 42 approaches in one day. Largest single day approaches I've ever done. And I smashed it. I persevered and honestly never once thought about stopping or quitting. There was no failure for today. The added pressure of completing all this today was the best motivator of all. It didn't even allow the thought of quitting to enter my head.

I feel like I've grown so much from this program. I've become more self confident. I feel like I look better. I feel like I can do anything I set my mind to.

Persistence is key. Never giving up in spite of all the obstacles in front is a huge mental hurdle to overcome. My brain has muscles now from how strong it has become.

The tables have turned. In the past I would be looking at girls, and if we locked eyes I would look away. Today it was the opposite. I was the one seeing girls look away from me when i looked at them. They are no longer unattainable mystical creatures, that need to be glorified. They are just people like you and me.

The saying "there's plenty of fish in the sea" really means something now. I always knew that there were plenty of hot chicks out there, but I did not have tools necessary to catch them. These fishes were just swimming away. Now I have the tools to catch as many as I want.

This program teaches much more then just how to approach girls. It really rewires your brain to think way more highly of yourself. Every day you are presented with a new challenge, and every day you beat it. Even if you don't the reflection time afterwards helps you grow as well. Thinking about how you can best succeed the next day is huge. Instead of wallowing in self pity, your brain is rewired to think how the next day can be utilized to achieve what you did not the day before. The mental fortitude gained from this program is amazing. The countless rejections just glide off now. Almost 2 months of going out in to the world and challenging yourself with something new and somewhat terrifying really changes a mans mentality.

There is still a ton of stuff I need to do in the future, but after completing the AA program, anything feels possible. A short list of things I want to do are:
-Move out from home
-Get a new job (currently in progress)
-Get laid
-Start cold approaching
-Get laid from a cold approach
-Work on physique

All of these things are within my grasp. Nothing really seems unattainable any more. As long as I set my mind to it I can do whatever I want. This is the kind of mentality that completing the program does. I approached an unprecedented amount of girls in the past like 50-60 days. Literally more girls then I've talked to in my whole life. Probably more girls then 10 of my friends put together.

Having put forth this much effort since the beginning of the program has shown me how comfortable my life has been and how little I have been trying in the past. Not saying that my previous years are wasted, but just a reflection of who I was before this program. The work ethic needed to complete this program is massive. I don't think I've really ever committed my self to an endeavor for as long as this one. Sure I've gone to school, but that was out of obligation. This was something I challenged myself with and smashed it. Really shows how much can be accomplished with a little bit of hard work. Even during the program I realized how much harder i could work. Seeing how much wasted time there is in the day really puts into perspective how valuable time is. There's only so many hours in the day to accomplish the goals you want.

Thank you everyone who was here for the ride. I appreciate the support that all of you have given me. The advice during times where things did not make sense, or where the energy was low was much appreciated. I know for a fact that every one of you can achieve whatever you set your mind to if you keep trying. As Tim Allen said in Galaxy Quest "Never give up, Never surrender"

I feel like the rewrite of this ending is not as spectacular as it once was when I wrote it like an hour ago lol. But either way. I'm finished with the program, and very happy with what I have accomplished. There is still a lot to do now, but this program has given me the confidence to believe in my self , and that I can achieve the goals I will set out to do.

Other stuff
Weighed in at 183.9 this morning - fuckin smashed my goal weight by a whole pound. fuck ya
KillYourInnerLoser I'm definitely down to talk about my experiences. ill shoot you a PM so we can hash out the details.

Wifty It really is man. Very happy with myself currently :)