Toast's AA log - Completed :) - Reuploading my videos as well

Day 38

Walk up to/pass by 10 girls and say "You're cute." and Leave.
Walk up to and stop 10 girls and say "Hey, wait a second- you're cute." and Leave.
Repeat this 2 times, you will speak to 40 girls.

I waited about 30 min after doing drills from earlier in the day and also changed locations. The audio log for the day is very insightful. Would definitely recommend everyone listening to it if you have not already. Gives a great perspective on why hot girls are really nothing special, or even actually pretty lame in general. Basically just a hot body with nothing else to offer. This week is definitely the beginning of what could be considered actual cold approached. Calling a girl cute, chatting her up, and asking for the number is average guy game as Chris has stated. Also the Mr. Cool Cucumber popped into my head so that helped me laugh and not let the anxiety get to me.

I approached 13 girls in 45 min I think. I didn't write the end time down but I believe I remember my car clock saying 4:45 while recording the Vlog

I had some anxiety while starting up again. My social momentum had died down from earlier, and the anxiety came back a bit. I had moved locations since I talked to basically all of the approachable women at the last mall. This new mall was pretty dead but there were some candidates. I tried to focus on only approaching girls who I thought were cute. First approach took 4 min of walking around and hyping myself up, but I got it done. 5th girl was approached at 4:11, after this I don't have any other timestamps in my notes. #7 I wrote down was very friendly when I called her cute. The drill says to walk up to and or pass by and say "your cute" to girls, but I generally got the girls attention before saying they were cute. So its almost like I did 13 of the 2nd part of the drill. I remember a few chicks were walking towards me and I stopped them to tell them they were cute. everyone was generally friendly. One girl gave me a look when I called her cute. Like a suspicious or "wtf is he doing" look. as I was walking to my car there was another cute girl walking kind of behind me so i stopped turned and walked up to her and said "hey, just wanted to tell you, you look really cute today." She thanked me sincerely and we kept walking our separate ways.

Notable Interaction
I was feeling pretty good after approaching 25 girls today in total. Including the previous Mr. Nice guy drills. So I went to stop and get some food. The worker was a really cute Asian. I got my food and then said "Hey, I just wanted to let you know that you have really pretty eyes." And she was definitely like shy or embarrassed that I had said that and she said thanks. Maybe bashful is the correct way to describe her response. Either way it was really cute how she responded. I felt really good that I could say that to her.

Other Stuff
Bought a home less guy some Starbucks cuz he said he was hungry. Don't tend to do this often, but I was feeling good, and he was not asking for money so I was fine with it.
Bought a nice coat from Zara as well. So i wanna try and take some more pics since its a new outfit. Maybe some walking down the street poses or some shit. Idk
Toast said:
Taking notes and keeping myself accountable for approach numbers motivates me. Seeing the actual time stamps of approaches and numbers makes it so I can either be happy with the times or disappointed. Which further motivates me. Either be happy and continue

Wait do you time stamp each approach? Or just from start to finish?
Manganiello It depends, I try to not have note taking take too long, but i do put in the occasional time stamp after a few approaches to see how long things took.
Today for example looked like this :
Start 1:36
2-142 she said awww thank you
3 145
Mall is soo dead

I try and write key reactions sometimes so I don't forget the interactions. Like if something stood out ill write a quick note.
Day 38b

2nd day of calling girls cute

Total time approaching 1.5 hours - 28 Approaches total

Approach 1-6 1:36-2:02
Approach 7-12 2:02-218
Approach 13-19 2:18-2:52
Approach 20-28 2:52-3:06

Today went well. Had more anxiety in the beginning then last time, but I was able to overcome and push through. All of my approaches today were ones where I stopped them by either saying "Hey, one sec" or "Hi, how's it going." Nothing really different then yesterday. beginning of the day went kind of slowly because the mall was so dead. After walking around and switching spots it finally picked up around 230. Everyone's response was fairly predictable. Generally a thankyou was the most common response. The outliers were the ones who seemed very appreciative of the compliment.

One girl didn't have the time to stop and talk to me. I said " hey there, one sec" as she was walking towards me. She then said something like she couldn't talk and walked away quickly. This is the first time this has happened in the whole time doing this drill. I later saw her downstairs just shopping around. Figured she's not even worth my time and moved on.

Another chick really appreciated the compliment. She responded "Awwww, thank you so much." She seemed really happy that I told her she was cute.

Another chick I passed by and was gunna approach, but saw she was with a friend and it made me bitch out. I walked away, but then shortly returned and approached. Very happy about this approach. Would have probably regretted not approaching. Glad I was not a pussy
Man that's so different than my day 38. Day 38 felt like beating the final boss (and not throwing up).

Feels like you got some like Anti-AA armor perk active or something.

Yeah "cute" usually gives a positive response.
Manganiello said:
Feels like you got some like Anti-AA armor perk active or something.
haha yah something like that. I think I was excited to finally get into the meat and potatoes of AA drills. Calling girls cute is something I've wanted to do, where as embarrassing myself isn't and is something I dreaded.
Day 39
Walk up to and stop 10 girls and say "Hey, wait a second- you're cute." and Leave.
Walk up to and stop 10 girls and say "Hey, wait a second- you're cute." say your name and leave.
♥ Refer to "Do What You Want Principle" below (IMPORTANT)
Repeat this 2 times, you will speak to 40 girls.

♥ Do What You Want Principle
You probably know that I consider "Doing What You Want," to be the key to living a highly rewarding life with no regrets. I want that to start now as well. Your only goal is to DO THE DRILL and LEAVE.
Beginning on these drills, however, if a girl is rude to you and you want to put them in their place- DO IT. Say whatever the fuck you want.
There is such an effort to teach guys to "not be reactive," that they end up becoming even bigger pussies. I'm not going to tell you "Don't be reactive," I'm going to tell you- DO WHAT YOU WANT.

Start 3:42pm
Approached 9 girls
End 4:20 (Nice)
Only approached girls of 8/10 hotness or attractiveness

Today went really well. I'm feeling like calling girls cute isn't even that much of a challenge at this point. Maybe I've been looking forward to this part of the drills for so long that I'm enjoying it. Also making girls blush and happy is fun as well, so I'm enjoying the positive responses. Almost like them appreciating my compliment is validating my own existence as a attractive alpha male. Today I only got positive responses. I stopped every girl I approached and called them cute and they gushed and said thank you. One girl was really happy and called me cute back. Felt good to know she though I was good looking as well.

I approached 5 girls in 4 min to start it off. The lotion/makeup section of target is a good area. Generally there are hot girls in that side of Target.

One girl I let pass by, and I thought to my self. WTF was that, why did u let her pass. I turned around and followed her until I caught up to her and then approached. Felt good to not bitch out. The though of having to redo the week and approach 40 more girls definitely is a motivator not to bitch out. along with the mentality of doing what ever I wanted.

Another girl I thought was hot from a distance and when i approached and she turned around it was an older lady who wasn't really cute. Still did the approach but I'm not counting it. She also didn't really respond well either. Was like "Uhh thanks?"

Wasted a lot of time walking the mall, but there were not any hot girls. Moved locations to the Nordstrom across the street and finished off the rest of approaches in there.

I feel like the way I'm carrying myself while walking around really attributes to how girls view me. I'm standing tall with good posture and probably look like I'm 6ft. Zara over coat makes me look slim as well so I feel like I'm stylish as well which attributes to my mentality as well. The thought of "I'm the only guy in the past year probably, who has approached you and made your day interesting" really helps with the approaches. These chicks are having a boring as fuck day shopping at target. Then an attractive guy comes up to them and calls them cute. Made them smile, Made them feel good. People say don't get full of yourself, but why not? I'm literally the only person out here doing this, or could even be doing this. I made their fuckin day 10 times better with a simple compliment.

Manganiello Mentioned this mentality weeks ago, but its really only hit me right now. I didn't think that much of thinking of myself as better then all the other guys out there. Its literally true tho. I am better then all the other guys out there. They're all pussies who wouldn't do this, and couldn't even if they tried.

No regrets
Do what you fuckin want to whenever you fuckin want to
Toast said:
am better then all the other guys out there. They're all pussies who wouldn't do this, and couldn't even if they tried.

Absolutely 100% you are.

Toast said:
People say don't get full of yourself

Don't listen to them. They're toxic people who will drag you down.
Day 39b

Only a small update

It was raining today and I only had 15 min before work to approach. Still got in 2 approaches. Went to Trader Joes. Saw 2 girls who were 8/10 and called them cute. 11/40 approaches done for this day. 2 Approaches done in like 2 min.

I don't think that calling a girl cute, waiting for a response, then saying my name is going to be any more difficult. So I just need to get the approaches done so I can move on to the next day.

There was one girl who I could have approached but she was like border line hot. Decided it was not worth my time and moved on. Don't think this means I bitched out. I just didn't think she was attractive enough for an approach. Old me would have approached, but since I'm aiming for only really hot girls, or ones I think are very attractive, she did not make the cut.

Manganiello Took until now to really internalize what you said weeks ago. I 100% agree with it now though. Those people who say "don't get full of yourself" are just jealous that they don't think of themselves as highly as I think of my self. Definitely wont let them drag me down.

Other Stuff
Weighed in at 188.1 - Gotta tighten up my diet and get back on working out.
I was looking at my old vlogs and the first one I posted I can definitely see some face gains. Happy I started vlogging cuz its like a day by day transformation
Scheduled my Test for Sherriff's Dept. Finally can get the ball rolling again on a better job.
Toast said:
-No glasses ... I literally cannot see clearly past my arms reach so it was hard to tell if a girl was hot or not.

Lmao dude I loved your variation on the glasses day, trying 3 different ones. I hope you did the challenges for that day at some point, I'm still reading. "Would you fuck me if I had nerd/hipster glasses on?" It's definitely the most aggressive one at that point, and you're a softie after not getting those bad responses for Arnold day (heheh) but you can do it. All you need is someone to flip out on you to harden you. What am I saying, you're 11 days ahead, you can do it better than anyone.

Toast said:
Even if you're feeling like shit, fake the energy, and it might even come naturally

Body follows mind. I read somewhere, "Don't leave your energy up to chance". Force it. Great advice. The super high five drill prompt is hilarious. I wish you'd done the full 10. Maybe do it a few more times at some point. (Nvm, saw the make-up day, you did do it.)

Toast said:
This drill out of all of them makes me the most anxious, and induces the most anxiety.

The ABCs... different sticking points for different folks. I know you were anxious about that day. I say freaking repeat Day 17. Like a whole day for that. Insert it into the program. Do the challenges. It's liberating the few times I've done it, except once when even that couldn't get me going. But I'm almost desensitized to it by now, you just have to do it more times than I did. When your amygdala pulls you in one direction, it's the absolute best sign to force yourself into the other direction at least 10 times. I want you to keep singing the ABCs over and over until they walk away. As Chris says, "the creepiness is the anxiety leaving your body".

The challenge for Day 31 seems interesting. I don't usually look ahead, but I'm doing it for you. Compliments sandwiching a normal question. I can see why Chris put that in there...

I can't believe no one gave you a high five. Hell, I had a girl give me a high five out of nowhere. SF is wack man

Manganiello said:
Oh yeah? Cmon man you still got to ask a girl if she'd fuck you with nerd glasses! Do that challenge atleast once. @sundleboro you got to do that challenge too when you get to it.
Tomorrow! Man it's kind of nerve wracking, but going to try just executing that challenge.

Toast, I want you to do more challenges. I noticed you're doing barely any of them. They really step it up, and "seal" that day. For ABCs, doing the challenge (seeing the challenge as just part of the day) really helped. I can go up to random girls and just spout of the alphabet and stare at them waiting for a reaction, no problem now. I've sealed that day, I can now do it on a dime. Seriously, strongly recommend. I feel like you have to venture a bit into the dark side, you're doing great executing but it's almost like Disneyland vibes. The challenges have helped. On a lot of days where I had trouble, I knew that if I hadn't done the challenges, I would have finished it on the first day. Since we're fighting our own emotions, setting the difficulty level higher won't actually take more effort, but will forge your confidence in a hotter fire. Not saying you should get kicked out of the mall, but you know what I mean. Give it a thought


More to come (I'm on the hospital video), I'm watching everything in depth. Apologies again for my bad time management and absence past two weeks
sundleboro said:
Toast, I want you to do more challenges. I noticed you're doing barely any of them.
you're totally right man. I haven't been doing enough challenges. I think ill incorporate a day where I only do the challenges I've missed. Most likely ill do this on Sunday on my day off.

sundleboro said:
The ABCs... different sticking points for different folks. I know you were anxious about that day. I say freaking repeat Day 17. Like a whole day for that. Insert it into the program. Do the challenges. It's liberating the few times I've done it, except once when even that couldn't get me going. But I'm almost desensitized to it by now, you just have to do it more times than I did. When your amygdala pulls you in one direction, it's the absolute best sign to force yourself into the other direction at least 10 times. I want you to keep singing the ABCs over and over until they walk away. As Chris says, "the creepiness is the anxiety leaving your body".
Fuck dude, just reading this makes me dread this. Must mean I really do need to repeat it, and just blast it out of the water.

Thanks for putting the pressure on me.
Toast said:
When your amygdala pulls you in one direction, it's the absolute best sign to force yourself into the other direction at least 10 times. I want you to keep singing the ABCs over and over until they walk away. As Chris says, "the creepiness is the anxiety leaving your body".

Man, this is so true. I'm going to use this today.
Day 39c

Another quick update. Not many approaches since i only had time before work.

Called 5 girls cute, and then waited for their response and then introduced myself. No out of the ordinary reactions today. All the girls said thanks, nice to meet you.

What was interesting today was that I did 2 of the challenge approaches for the "Nerd Glasses." Both approaches happened to be really close to each other. First girl was standing waiting for food. I had hella anxiety approaching. this was my first approach of the day. Walked up, asked if she knew where to find hipster glasses. She said she didn't. I asked if she thought hipster glasses were still cool. she didn't really answer. I then said "one more question, would you fuck me if I was wearing hipster glasses?" She gave me a look, like wtf is this guy asking, like a dirty look and just turned and walked away.

2nd girl walked up right after the first one left. I stopped her and asked if she knew where to buy hipster glasses. She said she didn't. Then i said "one more question, would you fuck me if I was wearing hipster glasses?" She laughed, and hesitated for a moment. then said "have a nice day." She was definitely smiling and this was a positive reaction.

Felt real good to do this. Had hella adrenalin afterwards, and felt amazing for doing it with hella anxiety. Also the 2nd girls good reactions was a huge bonus as well.

Other stuff
weighed in at 188.1 - gotta tighten up my diet again, and also start working out more consistently
Still eating around 1700 calories
Starting days on challenges is never easy. Let alone the would you fuck me challenge.

Good effort on the limited time.

New accessories?
Manganiello said:
Starting days on challenges is never easy. Let alone the would you fuck me challenge.
Yah it was definitely tough to do with no warmup. I think doing it proves ive grown. Especially since it was the glasses one.

Manganiello said:
New accessories?
I've gradually been collecting new stuff. The necklace I don't take off ever though. Jade is good luck in Chinese culture, and its usually under my shirt.
You're directly asking if girls would fuck you in person? is that part of the AA program because the only fucking going on, is that being fucking crazy lol
Mav said:
You're directly asking if girls would fuck you in person? is that part of the AA program because the only fucking going on, is that being fucking crazy lol
In the program there is a day where you ask girls "do you know where to buy nerd glasses?" The challenge at the end of it is it ask "would you fuck me if I was wearing Nerd glasses?" Modified it to hipster glasses because it is more current.

It may seem crazy, but honestly its not that hard. Might induce a crazy amount of anxiety, but its just words.
Idk, that is so cringey to me. It's like something someone with autism would say... that's legit though that you dont can actually go through with that
Day 39d

Today was a really good day! Set a goal to approach 25 girls in 25 min, cuz that's all the time I had b4 work. I also dropped my standards by 1 so 7/10 were acceptable today. 4 days total on this day, so and I didn't feel like wasting more time. It was sunny out so the chances of more women on the streets was high. B lined straight to Trader joes (A hipster/trendy grocery store), The mecca of hot women in my area, and approached 5 girls pretty fast. Went to a clothing store nearby and approached a bunch more. I was counting on my phone so from 1:47-1:59 I had approached 13 girls. Walked the block to a coffee shop down the street and approached like 5 or so on the way. Then made my way back to trader joes to approach any new girls who came in the store.

In total 22 out of 25 approached in 25 min

38 out of 40 total for day 39 - Ill do the next 2 on day 40. So far calling girls cute has actually been really fun. Seeing the girls smile and making them happy with a compliment is enjoyable.

Girls were really cute today, but maybe a 6/10 slipped in cuz of misjudgment while looking at them from behind.

Notable Interaction
There was a pair of girls shopping in Trader Joes and I stopped them and called them both cute. They both seemed to appreciate the compliment, and it felt really good to not bitch out cuz it was 2 cute girls rather then one by herself.

Other Stuff
Weighed in at 186.9 - Finally a weight drop after a week or so of staying at 188 - 11 days till my goal of 185 by the end of March
Workout went really well - Chest and tri today. Did a pushup test and did 30 straight after doing 4 sets of bench, 3 sets of chest fly's and 3 sets of cable pushdown. Definitely an improvement in strength. I don't think I went max effort either. Most likely could have done another 10.
Mav said:
Idk, that is so cringey to me. It's like something someone with autism would say... that's legit though that you dont can actually go through with that
I agree that it is cringy, but that's not the point. The ability to do whatever and say whatever you want is the lesson at the end of the day.