Toast's AA log - Completed :) - Reuploading my videos as well

Dude. Time. Limits. What a difference. That drill that took you 12 minutes, took me 3 hours. Insane!

When I saw your vlog from yesterday, I was like, I'll just say good job but I really felt you could have done better. We're here for all kinds of feedback, here to kick each other's ass if they're not giving 100%. "All you have to give is all you've got."

So what do you think about the challenge for the sesame street one? I think you should try it on 10 girls, it's actually pretty hard. Least it was for me, I'm going to repeat it tomorrow.

Day 23 sounds pretty quick so you can definitely make tomorrow a short challenge-22 + 23 kind of day.

Actually, wait, I saw tomorrow's drill, isn't it the birthday one? The one you did, wasn't it from Day 5?
sundleboro said:
Dude. Time. Limits. What a difference
Yah man seriously. The time limit so far has really driven my performance in all of the drills.

sundleboro said:
When I saw your vlog from yesterday, I was like, I'll just say good job but I really felt you could have done better. We're here for all kinds of feedback, here to kick each other's ass if they're not giving 100%. "All you have to give is all you've got."
I really appreciate the honesty. If we're not here to keep each other in check who will.

After reading your log I realized that I didn't do the challenge at all and completely forgot. I like the idea of doing the challenge 10 times so ill do that today.
sundleboro said:
Actually, wait, I saw tomorrow's drill, isn't it the birthday one? The one you did, wasn't it from Day 5?
lol wtf ur right, that is day 5 challenge. Id probably chalk it up to a technical error on my phone when reading the challenges haha.
Day 23 Challenges

Before I did all of day 24 I did 10 approaches of the challenge for Day 23
Ask 10 girls, "Do you know how I can get to Sesame Street?"
* Challenge: After you say that and she responds, the challenge is to say- "I'm not a rapist."
Repeat this 3 times, you will speak to 30 girls.

This was definitely hard to do and I had no social momentum after any of the approaches. First girl I had tons of anxiety doing this, maybe my head wasn't in the right place, I don't know but it was awkward as fuck. In approached 10 girls and 8 of them I did the challenge. Low mood overall today, not really feeling the drill and kind of dreading just doing it in general. Just thought of this but maybe only eating 350 calories all day at the time of writing this attributed to my low energy and mood. I think only one chick I actually looked in the face and said "I'm not a rapist", and she may have giggled a bit, but the majority of approaches I said it while kind of walking away. Not entirely impressed with my performance today, but I got it done non the less. I think all 10 approached took like 20-30 min.

One interaction that stuck out today was when I approached 2 girls who were working at a store, I did the drill minus the rapist part. This was one of the 2 where I bitched out. Later as I was doing another lap around the mall, i passed by again but one of the ladies was replaced with some dude. He called out to me and it went like this

Dude: "Hey you ever find sesame street?"
Me: "No, still looking"
Dude: "Well get out of here, and look somewhere else" in a mean sounding manner.

I was kind of taken aback by this and it put me in a weird head space. Like wtf was that, was he being mean, was he trying to be funny cuz that girl was next to him. I didn't really know how to take it and I wanted to go back and tell him to fuck off, but I thought more about it and maybe I just took it wrong. I was thinking back on how Manganiello told that chick to fuck off, and wanted to do the same, but that wasn't really the point of today so I let it slide. Obviously it was funny enough to the girl cuz she told him about it.

Day 24

Ask 15 girls, "What do you want for your birthday?"
If they give you an answer, you can leave.
If not, ask them again, "What do you want for your birthday?"
If they give you an answer, you can leave.
If not ask them again, "What do you want for your birthday?"
If they still don't answer- you can leave.
* Challenge: "I'll give you a- whatever she said she wanted" (see audio)
Repeat this 2 times, you will speak to 30 girls.

At this point the day had felt really long and I was not in a great mood. The first girl I did the birthday drill on was pretty funny.

me: Hey, what do you want for your birthday?
Her: uhh what?
Me: what do you want for your birthday?
Her: how did you know its my birthday soon?
me: I didnt, but what do you want for your birthday?
Her: do i know you? this is weird.
me: so you dont know what you want for your birthday?
Her: uhhh i dont know.
Me: ok by, happy early birthday

This chick must have been so shocked that her brain shut down, cuz even after 4 times she never gave an answer. Funny first interaction, kind of brought back my mood after the whole sesame street drills. Next chicks were very similar in responses. Most girls first response was "Uhh, what?" or something similar. Next responses were usually the same "Uhh what" or "What do I want for my birthday?" Only like 3 or 4 out of the first 15 gave me a response with an actual thing like, money, anything, everything. Stuff like that. 3rd time asking a lot of girls said "what" again or sometimes thought about it and said "I don't know." These first 15 approaches probably took me another hour to complete. Not really any social momentum, kept circling the mall and looking for hot girls. There were some but not nearly as many as yesterday. Chris specifically said to go for girls by themselves so this made it take a little longer to find girls.

Next 15 went way faster. Moved locations to a nearby Nordstrom rack and asked 3 or 4 girls in the store, 2 of them responded well, and I could tell they were into talking to me. 5th chick said, no thank you, but i still asked her 3 times. I was so tired at this point in the day of walking around, feeling weird, i was just tired of doing drills and wanted to get it done. There were several points in the day where I was not feelin it at all and just wanted to go home. I toughed it out and completed the day, regardless of how long it was going to take and just fuckin did it. Last interaction was the most memorable of the day. I walked into an Ulta store, mainly a female makeup store I believe. Not sure if there's even any guy stuff in there. The worker greeted me and I approached her and asked what she wanted for her birthday. She, like the rest, first responded with "uhh what?" I repeated. She then said "Like in the store" and I said "No like anywhere. What do you want for your birthday?" She then looked at her coworker and she chimed in "money, a guy." I then said "I could give you a guy" in a coy way. They laughed and i walked out feeling pretty good. Overall this interaction was the best. And I was happy to end it on this note.

Don't give up no matter what, just tough it out and get it done.
Head space really influences mood and ability

Other Shit
Weighed in at 190.8. Was happy I hit my goal so I snacked last night on hella kettle corn. Glad I didn't rebound too much after a night of indulgence.
Broke my 4 day streak of 10k steps a day. What happened? 10k today though.
Toast said:
Dude: "Well get out of here, and look somewhere else" in a mean sounding manner

Yeah could of been a joke or being a dick. But honestly he was probably making a joke (Thats what I see anyway. Most people are nice).

Great job sticking it out. In the end thats what matters most I find, cuz momentum won't always be there.

It's weird how you got different responses. I had almost exclusively very positive reactions. Birthday day has been my favorite day of the program so far. People kept thinking they won something haha. Had a lot of genuine conversations woth people. It was really cool.
Manganiello said:
Yeah could of been a joke or being a dick. But honestly he was probably making a joke (Thats what I see anyway. Most people are nice).
Yah he most likely meant it as a joke, but I think the mentality I had today just made me take it like an insult or something.

Manganiello said:
Great job sticking it out. In the end thats what matters most I find, cuz momentum won't always be there.
Sticking it out till the end is what im most proud of today overall.
Maybe her boyfriend? The boyfriends seem to take things negatively and insecurely, every single time. It’s pretty funny, don’t worry about it. In fact, do it on purpose.

Sorry for making you do a double day. When I said it I thought today’s drill proper would actually be the asking for the time really quick drill. But yeah man, embrace the awkward if you’re gonna repeat the Day 23 challenge. Glad you stuck it out and actually still had girls to talk to after all that time, what a boss. I think if we had an infinite stream of girls coming, we could do like 5 drills in one day fueled by social momentum alone.

Toast said:
me: Hey, what do you want for your birthday?
Her: uhh what?
Me: what do you want for your birthday?
Her: how did you know its my birthday soon?
me: I didnt, but what do you want for your birthday?
Her: do i know you? this is weird.
me: so you dont know what you want for your birthday?
Her: uhhh i dont know.
Me: ok by, happy early birthday
Hahahaha that’s a lot of “birthday”s. That’s awesome

Toast said:
There were several points in the day where I was not feelin it at all and just wanted to go home. I toughed it out and completed the day, regardless of how long it was going to take and just fuckin did it.
The only thing that matters.

The last girl being the best is something that keeps happening.

Good plan for hitting 10k steps: get high on social momentum in a mall at 3 pm and stay there until closing. Quit work, do drills full time. Done
sundleboro said:
Sorry for making you do a double day.
No need to be sorry, it was definitely the most awkward day yet so its good experience. Glad I did it cuz I feel like I learned where some of my weaknesses are and what I need to work on as well.
sundleboro said:
The last girl being the best is something that keeps happening.
At the end of the drills I feel like I'm either so done walking around that I don't care, or I got a bunch of social momentum that the drill is gunna go well for the most part.
Day 25
Hey, What's for lunch?
No seriously, What's for lunch?
No for real, What's for lunch?
Hey, I really need to know, What's for lunch?
* Challenge: I am going to ask you a 5th and final time,
Repeat this 3 times, you will speak to 15 girls.

I took notes after every approach to try and better remember the responses. Idk if it really adds anything but heres what i wrote down today. Kind of time consuming so i may not do this every time.

Start 1:10
1st: Walked away shaking head
2nd: Did challenge, ended with just messing
3rd: 5th time asking, gave chipotle answer. Was giggling
4th: 3rd Q, responded food court, was laughing
5th: Laughing but never gave response, Said I don't know
6th: Not entirely responsive, answered with local restaurant
7th: Said no lunch today, was walking away
8th: Straight up from china pair of Chinese girls, Totally unreceptive, walked away immediately (As per usual)
9th: Pair of hot girls, Did challenge. One was feeling it other was not. Response was looking for a spot
10th: Hesitant responses, but gave answer after 3 Q
11th: Pair of girls, receptive, Said pizza, then said Sandwich shop, Both laughing, 3 Q total
Drove to different spot - 15 min drive
12th: 2nd Q, said already had lunch, was smiling
13th: Pair of hot Asians, One not feeling it and walked away, other cam back and I i asked again, then she left with her friend
14th: giggling whole time, did challenge "Just ok" (Idk what this means lol)
15th: Shy cute Asian girl, giggling whole time, Did challenge and she responded "lunch"
End 2:05

Overall the day went well. Most of the time the girls who were receptive were either giggling or smiling when I asked over and over. Not a single girl said what was for lunch on the first question. Most of the time the response was "huh?" or "what?" After I repeated the question they were mostly smiling or giggling. A lot of them were still questioning the whole interaction as well. 3rd time was when some of the girls who were into the drill were giving their responses. 4th time asking either got a response or another "what?" or they repeat it back to me. Pretty good social momentum throughout the day. when I did the challenge I leaned into the question and said "ok. 5th and last time asking. What's... for ...lunch" while saying it with lots of pauses and very jokingly.

After I finished this drill i moved on to try and repeat the Sesame st drill to try and prove to myself that I could do it. I did a warmup approach without the challenge. Went well but I had anxiety while doing it. Next girl i approached was working at a kiosk. I asked where sesame st was and she smiled and said she did not know. Then I looked her in the eyes and said "just so u know, I'm not a rapist" and she laughed after I said that! Felt great to finally do it without bitching out or walking away. Next girl was also working in a kiosk but had a male coworker. Asked her and she didn't get the joke, and I looked her in the eyes and said the same thing. She reacted a bit differently but also said "oh haha" and laughed. Felt great to get 2 good responses in a row. Finally proud to not have bitched out and it felt awesome. next chick I saw didn't receive the approach well so i didn't do the challenge. But still felt proud of doing it earlier. Probably should have done it anyway but whatever.

Other Stuff
Took a dump and weighed in at 189.4 (counts as weight loss right? lol)
haven't hit 10k Steps yet but I'm like only 2k away as of writing this so ill hit that easy
Took some portrait pictures this morning, Ill post when I go through them
Here's the photo dump of all the pics I took today, Shot on burst so hella of the same pic with tiny variations. messed around with f/stop, lighting from the window, and different poses. I think maybe 4 total are ones that I like. I feel like I wanted the light to hit my iris better so that the color of my eye could be seen better but it looks like I wasn't able to catch it. Phone app is kind of hard to use, and it doesn't really show the same color as what is caputred on the camera. Really need to tether it to a laptop or something for better viewing. May need to get a remote, but ill try with that I got so far. <- all 170ish raw unedited pics

4885, 4892,4893,4881 are my top pics right now
4864 - Only the pose is nice, not looking in the right direction.
^ these are my top pics
Toast said:
Finally proud to not have bitched out and it felt awesome. next chick I saw didn't receive the approach well so i didn't do the challenge. But still felt proud of doing it earlier. Probably should have done it anyway but whatever.

Congrats man those are some important steps.

Definitely pursuit the bad responses every now and then. I filter some girls out midway through a drill, but I also don't sometimes just to get those calluses. It definitely helps.

So that whole thing took you 55 minutes? That's not bad at all. How many cute girls are you finding?

(I'll take a look at your pics later on today).
Manganiello said:
Definitely pursuit the bad responses every now and then. I filter some girls out midway through a drill, but I also don't sometimes just to get those calluses. It definitely helps.
Agreed. Ill have to start doing what the drill says and ask the questions even if they don't make sense or the chick isn't receptive.

I believe that the whole 15 approaches took like 45-55 min like you said. Most of the girls were cute girls, The first chick who was not responsive, and the pair of Chinese girls were meh. But everyone else was like a 7/10 or hotter. Didn't ask any older ladies, was mostly young chicks in their early to mid 20s if I had to guess their age.
Day 26
Had the AC on in my car, didn't know it would effect the sound so much :?

We are going to play a game.
* Challenge: If they interrupt you, yell at them- "I'M DETECTIVE JOHN KIMBALL" and restart the drill.
Repeat this 10 times, you will speak to 10 girls.

Today was one that I went into not too thrilled about, but came out pleasantly surprised. Started off by watching Manganiello vlog about the day and he said he did not like it at all. Chris said the opposite and said it would be a fun day. Personally I wasn't all too thrilled to do this for some reason. Had anxiety when walking to the mall, passed a pair of cute Asians that were eating. probably made up some bs excuse in my head as why not to approach. Spent like 10 min walking around looking for a chick. Finally got it into my head that I was "just fucking with people" and this made it seem easier to me.
-First approach went well. Girl was cute and laughed at the whole thing. Was definitely confused by the whole interaction but still thought it was funny.
-2nd & 3rd also received it well.
-4th chick didn't wanna play but was laughing the whole time. Did the challenge when she interrupted me as well, Still laughing
-5th,6th,7th, all immediately said no and turned their backs to me and kept walking. I tried to coax a response from them by repeating it but still nothing. Moved on from there
-8th girl I knew id get a response from the way she dressed and carried her self. I was right. she took it well and gave me an answer
-9th Was a pair of girls, thought it wasn't funny at first and were confused. Repeated and they both then thought it was funny, 3rd time asking they were both giggling
-10th Asian girl who I thought might take it bad received it well.
Overall took about 45 min to do the whole 10 approaches.

When doing the funny man game it definitely helped me to just not think about the response and just think about fucking with people. I also consciously did not thank people after the drill, and did not explain why I was doing this. Chris said today DO NOT back down and say "oh its just a joke, haha" or explain to them why your doing this. Backed down on the "just get in there" approach so it wasted a lot of time walking around. Got to focus and just approach the first girl i see every time. I think before hand i need to do like a mental check of everything that is important to think about while doing drills.

Pre Drill Thoughts
-Just fucking do it
-Approach first girl you see
-Your just fucking with them
-Any response is a good response
-Don't be a bitch
-No bs excuses

Thoughts on Today

Not sure if reading other peoples logs before gave me anxiety or not. I generally don't read other peoples logs before and I think ill continue to not do so. Their information is valuable to compare to, but I don't wanna set up in my head that since they had a bad day I might as well. Everyone is approaching with a different demeanor, time of day, and location. All of these attribute to different outcomes so nothing could be even remotely similar between peoples experiences. From now on ill most likely read after and compare and contrast to see what can be done different and see if I need to try again and change my approaches.

Kindergarten cop is a pretty funny movie as well. I'm definitely gunna rewatch it as I haven't seen it since the 90's

Other Stuff
Weighed in at 189.4 - Weight loss going well. On track for like 2 lbs. a week
Workout from yesterday left me Hella sore today. Pre-Workout is super legit. Mad pumps like never before, super focused on the workouts.
Almost need to make a new hole in my belt, a lot of my fat guy pants don't fit any more :)
Dude, this day still gives me nightmares. Hearing "Who is your Daddy and what does he do" is like a trigger.

I just remember like people explicitly saying "I don't want to play this game"... and then they would Stay There, and I'd have to say it to them 3x. Fuck man. I'd rather take papercuts to my knuckles than do that day again.

Glad you got better responses. I think, looking back on it now, it was where and who I was doing the drill on. A lot of people who just hate life in general. Definitely not good people to do drills on.

Yeah it's weird when I read this day and listened to the audio it was the total opposite, because Chris said this day is Awesome, Andy's vlog says this day is awesome.

But those people walking away toughen you up a bit. So it's all gold.

Toast said:
Almost need to make a new hole in my belt, a lot of my fat guy pants don't fit any more

Wicked. Everything that was a tight fit will be loose. Good stuff.

You're going fast man.
Toast said:
^ these are my top pics

Quality is good,
But it could just be me, I think the lighting is too poor, for these to be useable.

I'm also no expert, so don't listen to me too much.
Manganiello said:
I think, looking back on it now, it was where and who I was doing the drill on. A lot of people who just hate life in general. Definitely not good people to do drills on
Yah this makes sense, not everyone wants to get fucked with or even talk to strangers.

Manganiello said:
But it could just be me, I think the lighting is too poor, for these to be useable.
Hopefully I can just edit them and adjust the lighting to make them better
Day 27

Tap on shoulder, Hey/Bro - I have a question... Leave
Tap on shoulder, Hey/Bro - I have a question... Where's the beach?, Leave
Tap on shoulder, Hey/Bro - I have a question... Where's the beach?, (Start Flexing your muscles in all directions for 5 seconds), Leave
Tap on shoulder, Hey /Bro - I have a question... Where's the beach?, (Start Flexing your muscles in all directions for 10 seconds), Leave
* Challenge: Approach an additional 5th girl and flex your muscles for 30 seconds
Repeat this 4 times, you will speak to 16 girls.

Today was a fun one forsure. I was looking forward to this day since the beginning. Calling chicks bro is just funny to me. Workout in the morning went well so I was in a good head space when starting this drill. Since I was excited to do this drill I decided to flex for 10 seconds for every approach. I did not tap anyone on the shoulder though, because of covid. Got in there on the first girl I saw and did the drill flexing for 10 seconds while asking for the beach. She probably thought I was a weirdo, but I was having fun. A lot of the time people were either confused, or actually helpful while I was flexing. Some times I mixed it up with where's the closest gym, cuz it still makes sense.

Notable Interactions
3rd girl, she was decently good looking, and was sitting down eating. I approached and said hey bro, and she was like "Bro?" in a kind of offended tone. did the drill and asked for the beach and she was not impressed or receptive at all. I flexed probably for longer then 10 seconds, and since she couldn't just get up and leave she was looking at me all mad. I thought this was super funny. Finished flexing and left laughing to myself. Super funny how off put she was by being called bro.

I walked up to a pair of older women, probably around their mid 30, enjoying lunch. I said "hey bros, I got a quick question" and they looked at me funny for saying that. "Where's the beach" and I started flexing. They were smiling a tiny bit but didn't really respond. One of them finally said "this is new" and I continued flexing. Throughout the whole thing they eventually started warming up, since I was flexing for them for a while, they started smiling more. There was also 2 other girls right behind me most likely watching the whole interaction. Other girl said "maybe you should look somewhere else" and I responded "oh yah I definitely will" and walked away still flexing. I believe the store worker came out to probably shoo me away, but as I was walking I overheard them asking "is that your friend?" and then a bunch of laughter afterwards.

Last girl I did the drill on was confused when I called out to her. I said "hey bro, I got a quick question." She looked around like I was talking to someone else and then realized I was talking to her. I did the drill and started flexing, and she was laughing and smiling. I continued and she thought it was funny and said it was cute. Best reaction out of the whole day.

Other Stuff
-Weighed in at 188.7, weight loss is going smoothly, but I find myself sometimes eating too little. Like 1300-1400 calories. I'm not terribly hungry but id like to keep my calories up around 1700 and lose weight slower as to not possibly lose muscle.
-Still performing in the gym well, and progressively overloading. No noticeable strength loss from weight cut yet.
Yeah bro!

That was a fun day. I loved calling girls bro too. Kinda fun

You should try Day 28 with your glasses on. Just to see what happens.

Oh make sure you do the challenge atleast once on a girl. I'm curious how you find it.
Manganiello said:
You should try Day 28 with your glasses on. Just to see what happens.
that's not a bad idea.
I'm definitely trying to continue doing the challenges. Seems like the most growth comes from them as well.
No drills today as I had to take care of some business before work.

Right back into it tomorrow :)

Weighed in at 188.3 today
Day 28

Tap on shoulder, Hey - I have a question, Leave.
Tap on shoulder, Hey - I have a question, Do you know where I can get nerd glasses?, Leave
Tap on shoulder, Hey - I have a question, Do you know where I can get nerd glasses?, How cool are nerd glasses?, Leave
Tap on shoulder, Hey - I have a question, Do you know where I can get nerd glasses?, How cool are nerd glasses?, Pretty fuckin cool huh?, Leave
* Challenge: Approach an additional 5th girl and ask "would you fuck me if I had nerd glasses?"

Today was an odd one in terms of how I was feeling. Maybe I over exerted myself working out today, and as a result I had really low energy going into the drill. I experimented with 3 of the sets to see if wearing sunglasses, no glasses, or glasses would make a difference in response.

-Sunglasses approaches
First girl I approached I tried tapping on the shoulder. I approached from behind and she was eating her lunch, and she was hella spooked by me. Gave me a creeped out side eyed look, and I asked where to find nerd glasses. She didn't even respond and just turned away and kept eating. I repeated again and nothing. Next set was 2 other girls sitting right by the first. They responded better, and said they didn't know. 3rd girl thought it was funny when i asked, and I switched it up to "hipster" glasses, instead of nerd. 4th also thought it was funny.

-Glasses on
first girl received it well and gave me some places to look for hipster glasses. Next girl completely ignored me after I asked for nerd glasses. Said she couldn't help me and turned away. Feeling a little bit down from that response I walked around for a few min in the store and then approached another girl. She was the complete opposite from the 3rd girl. She thought it was funny and was laughing. Made me think that it wasn't me but the girls personality that dictates responses. 4th girl responded "What like the ones on your face?" while smiling. I couldn't help but laugh a bit and said "yah exactly." I figured I may get a response like this one time. Definitely called me out lol.

-No glasses
I literally cannot see clearly past my arms reach so it was hard to tell if a girl was hot or not.
Approached what I thought was a hit girl but was actually a bitchy mom. said she couldn't help me and went back to shopping. Approached a group of 3 girls, as they got closer it was a girl my age, one slightly older, and a mom. 2 older chicks didn't receive the question well. younger one stopped and said "what?" and I repeated it. She said "urban outfitters maybe" and then the group kept walking. Next 2 chicks were helpful and gave decent responses. Didn't really laugh or anything, just gave either "I don't know" or a location.

Last set I had my glasses on and not much of note happened. Basic responses like no I don't know, or a place to buy glasses.

-The girls personality plays a huge role in their response. Like Chris has said, if the chick is a decent human being she will give you the time of day and answer your question. If not she will brush you off and act bitchy.
-Don't take responses personally. Manganiello said it well before. It's their job to respond well. If not move on to the next one.
-Your thoughts on how to approach make a difference. When I was thinking I was just fucking with people it was way easier to approach anybody I wanted. Today I didn't really think like that and I had a harder time approaching.

Other Stuff
Weighed in at 188.7. Happy I'm solidly under 190 now :)
Switched to a Bodybuilding split and increases sets
Today was chest and did 4 exercises and 5 sets of 10-15. Also did it fasted so I was completely drained of energy after.