Toast's AA log - Completed :) - Reuploading my videos as well

Manganiello said:
I find myself driving somewhere new every day, and considering almost not shitting where I eat, so to speak. Maybe less stressed about that after today

Ive been going to the same 2 malls for the most of the program. I find it nice actually because it feels familiar and comfortable. And I start to get a sense of where I can easily find the cute girls.
Manganiello said:
I feel like my diet is unsustainable long term.
This is also something that Greg talks about. A diet should be a lifestyle change that you can do forever or else when u get off the diet you may just gain the weight back. I'm not too well versed in keto, but popcorn is carbs and u can only have a very minimal amount of carbs/sugars during ketosis. Popcorn is a good snack food though, because it is low calorie and very filling, also high fiber. I'm a fitness YouTube junkie, so I'm full of random information which may or may not be good lol.

Manganiello said:
I find it nice actually because it feels familiar and comfortable. And I start to get a sense of where I can easily find the cute girls.
I agree with this as well. At certain malls where I go there's a higher density of cute girls on one side for sure.
No drills today, not for lack of trying, but ill get to that later

Went out on a ~5 mile hike today to do another solo photoshoot. Wanted to go to a spot where there was some graffiti in a concrete building. Had a good idea in mind of the kind of shots I wanted to get. The spot was at the top of a mountain and used to be a missile control center in WW1 I think. Packed a bag with some different clothes and my tripod and camera and hike up. Probably a little over zealous of me, but I got there in the end. Beautiful day for a hike, but the climb was killer. Made it even harder on myself cuz instead of walking the switch backs I just walked straight up the mountain. When I finally got there the buildings I remembered were tore down and all that was left was the graffiti on the foundation. Still found a decent enough spot with some stairs so I took some sitting down shots. Along the way I chatted with some people, saw some cute dogs. Definitely more comfortable talking to strangers, and saying whatever is on my mind. So overall it was a good day.

Later I went to my local Safeway to try and get in a set of Day 20's drills. Literally no hot girls in the store. As I was shopping one came in and when I walked up to her I tried to get her attention but she was laser focused on picking a pack of chicken breasts and had earphones in. I said excuse me and was probably only standing 4-5 ft. away from her, and waited a good 15 seconds. No response. So I gave up and continued buying groceries. I was in the store for a good 30 min. One notable interaction was when I was picking canned tomato, I asked the couple next to me if they knew how many cups per ounce. I feel like I normally wouldn't ask someone and would just look it up on my phone. Id say the AA drills are working because I'm getting comfortable just interacting with strangers and asking for whatever. They helped me out and were friendly.

Feel free to let me know what pictures y'all think are best. Some of the scenery pics are from the San Francisco Discovery point where the Native Americans lead the first settlers who traveled to California. Having a pretty fun time doing photography, and I definitely wanna get better.

Calories eaten yesterday - 1783
Snacked late at night :(
Weighed in at 193.1 in the morning 😒
Weighed in at 192.3 post hike 👍
5 days left till my deadline of 190lbs by the end of February. I think ill make it. I'm like 1 or 2 pounds away if I keep my diet in check.
Day 20

Time, Thanks, Leave
Time, Do you know where the nearest restroom is?, Thanks, Leave
Time, Do you know where the nearest restroom is?, I mean the mens room, Thanks, Leave
Time, Do you know where the nearest restroom is?, I mean the mens room, I hope it's clean, Thanks, Leave
Time, Do you know where the nearest restroom is?, I mean the mens room, I hope it's clean, The mens room is usually gross, Thanks, Leave
* Challenge: Instead of saying restroom- say "bathroom" (it's slightly less appropriate)
Repeat this 4 times today, you will talk to a total of 20 girls;

Wow almost the end of week 3! Crazy how fast this is going by. Today was relatively easy. Did the full 4 sets in around 45 min. Best time so far for any drill. Pretty happy with myself for this.
Not much to really say about today. I didn't initially think today was going to be that hard in general. First set I think I completed in like 10 min maybe. First approach was a pair of chicks. got the time and then straight to another girl sitting near by. Asked the time and where the restroom was. ezpz. Rest of the sets went very similar. The mall was medium crowded so it was a good day for approaches. Went to a Trader Joes near by and discovered this is a haven for cute chicks. Like could have done the 20 approaches in here. Definitely going back here. I don't remember exactly if i said restroom or bathroom. I probably said bathroom more, either one doesnt really seem any different from each other. Is saying restroom more appropriate then bathroom?

Notable interactions
One lady I stopped for the time straight up said no and walked away. I was kind of taken aback by how rude she was, but after a few seconds she turned around and said "oh i thought you said do you have time, not do you have the time" She was nice after that but initially I thought she was a bitch and was just going to move on from there. Made me think on my past approaches and maybe people have been mishearing me this whole time. So i changed it up form "do you have the time" to "do you know what time is it?" a little harder to miss hear. I usually point at my wrist to indicate I'm asking for the time as well.

Other girl I did the full drill on definitely thought something was up after I asked where the restroom was, and then said I'm looking for the men's room. I continued the drill and she repeated where she said the bathroom was. Then I said its usually gross, and she kind of like backed away a little bit and was like " yah sure, its over there." I liked this interaction because I was just continuing the drill regardless of her response.

2 other separate girls were really helpful. One asked a store worker of directions where the restroom was for me, and another spent like what seemed like 2 min explaining how there's several bathrooms, and some people use this one from this store but the one over there has more workers that clean so that one may be cleaner but the other one is more used, yadda yadda. Thought this was kinda funny. She was really sweet with trying to help me out. initially the 2nd girl I assumed to be a shy Asian chick but she ended up being really helpful.

Personal Challenge
After the drills were done I wanted to put myself in an uncomfortable position for further exposure. So I said I would walk my local park, which is a 2 mile roundabout, without my shirt on. Something I would usually never do. I don't think my body looks great rn, but I'm trying to tan more so I did this challenge. While walking to the park I was definitely having some anxiety, but once I got there I ripped the shirt off and walked the walk. It went fine, and walking without a shirt on a sunny day feels really good. Probably haven't had my shirt off in public in a long time. Felt good not to give a fuck, and get some sun.

Other Stuff
Bought a nice denim jacket from Zara, and some more accessories from H&M. Love wearing rings now, definitely going to collect more.
Weighed in at 191.3 after my walk. Only 4 days left till my deadline of 190. Totally within my reach.

Question for Everyone
Day 21 involves going out to the club/bar, but I believe all of them are closed as of now. I drove by my local bar with outdoor seating, but It was closed. Maybe cuz it was a Wednesday at 11pm? The covid restrictions just lessened in my county but idk if bars are going to open up again soon. There's also a spot that's more of a restaurant then a bar but has drinks and outdoor dinning. idk if its odd to do this drill at this location. Maybe ill scope it out? What does everyone think of this day during the pandemic. I want to do this day, but I don't really know where or how to do it. Possible alternative solutions anybody? Also going to look at some other peoples logs to compare. Thanks in advance.
Keep it up man - liked the personal challenge, inspired me me to literally make a note and reminder in my phone called "Personal Challenge"....set to "Daily" repeat after my reminder to think of something I'm grateful for (7 AM ~ on the/getting to work)
Toast said:
I want to do this day, but I don't really know where or how to do it. Possible alternative solutions anybody?

Probably go to a street where all the bars are. Every city has a street like that. Probably around 6pm to 8pm and then right when the bars close is when you'll find good foot traffic. That's all I can say from my very limited experience being out last Friday. Bars were under lockdown restrictions on all the night time drills when I got to them.

Toast said:
While walking to the park I was definitely having some anxiety, but once I got there I ripped the shirt off and walked the walk.

Wow nice man. I dont think I could do that right now. Lol well it's subzero Temps still.

Toast said:
"oh i thought you said do you have time, not do you have the time" She was nice after that but initially I thought she was a bitch and was just going to move on from there. Made me think on my past approaches and maybe people have been mishearing me this whole time. So i changed it up form "do you have the time" to "do you know what time is it?" a little harder to miss hear. I usually point at my wrist to indicate I'm asking for the time as well.

What I'm about to say isnt the biggest thing in the world, but it will help you in the future days.

You want to build up calluses to the "bitch" reactions as much as possible.

It's the girls JOB to respond well to you.
Not vice versa.

It might not seem like a big deal now but it will later. Especially the days where you'll get more bad reactions than good ones.

So if the girl responds poorly, just be grateful that she did because she's only helping your exposure therapy.
Oh for some reason my post to your pics didn't show up.

Those are some good pics man.

4626 is the best imo. It's a good natural smile.
Manganiello said:
Probably go to a street where all the bars are. Every city has a street like that. Probably around 6pm to 8pm and then right when the bars close is when you'll find good foot traffic. That's all I can say from my very limited experience being out last Friday. Bars were under lockdown restrictions on all the night time drills when I got to them.
I'll probably do this, seems like a better chance for running into people in this kind of area.

Manganiello said:
What I'm about to say isnt the biggest thing in the world, but it will help you in the future days.

You want to build up calluses to the "bitch" reactions as much as possible.

It's the girls JOB to respond well to you.
Not vice versa.

It might not seem like a big deal now but it will later. Especially the days where you'll get more bad reactions than good ones.

So if the girl responds poorly, just be grateful that she did because she's only helping your exposure therapy
This makes sense. Don't expect any sort of response from someone, but if they want to continue the conversation they also have a part to play.

Felt real good to be confident enough to walk around shirtless. I'm sure u could do it too if it wasn't below freezing lol.

Thanks for the input on the pics.
Day 21

Walk past 10 girls and squeeze their arm lightly, enough so they notice it.
Leave the place, if you want.
* Challenge: Go to another place and go the drill again
You will squeeze 10 girls on the arm, 20 girls if you do the challenge.

Went out around 7pm with the full intention to try and do this day, Drove to my local bar with outdoor seating. Only like 5 ppl in the bar. So I left and drove to another spot that I mentioned that was more of a restaurant. It was a like seated table outdoor dining area so I thought it would be weird to walk from table to table squeezing girls arms. So my last ditch effort was to drive to a pretty popular street in San Francisco with a bunch of bars along 2 blocks. Walked around for probably 30 min, and half of the bars were closed and the outdoor seating was setup like wooden shacks/ cubicles. No real opportunities, and any girl I saw was with a group and like tucked away in the seated area. Definitely not conducive for this drill. Not trying to be a weirdo or act like some fuckin bum on the street. SF is full of these kind of people. I work Friday night, and Saturday night, so tonight was the night I could make it happen.

Left the area feeling pretty dejected and bummed, I wanted to do this drill cuz it seems like the only one that would actually be a challenge for me right now. Had some anxiety while driving to the first bar, so that also confirms my thought on this being more of a challenge for me right now.

Just might have to skip it for now and come back later when the night life is back.

Other Stuff
Went out today with a buddy and practiced photography. Was a fun day in general. Got some decent shots I think
Weighed in at 190.8. Fuckin close to my goal with only a few days away!
Ate closer to 2000 calories today :? Gunna do some cardio to bring the total down. like 30 to an Hour of stationary cycling.
That's frustrating. Hmm. Maybe it was because of Thursday? It's pretty slim pickings here for that drill too.
Day 21
Hey, Leave.
Hey, Do you know where I purchase suspenders?, Leave.
Hey, Do you know where I purchase suspenders?, My mom says I look good in suspenders, Leave.
Hey, Do you know where I purchase suspenders?, My mom says I look good in suspenders, Suspenders are good idea because I've lost so much weight my pants won't even stay up, Leave.
* Challenge 5th Girl: Hey, Do you know where I purchase suspenders?, My mom says I look good in suspenders, Suspenders are good idea because I've lost so much weight my pants won't even stay up, You can see my asscrack, Leave.
Repeat this 3 times, you will speak to 15 girls.

Today was a relatively easy day. Nothing too hard about asking these questions. mostly good reactions today. Most of the girls smiled or giggled when I mentioned my mom. Noticed that the younger girls laughed and the older women were either neutral or like didn't think it was funny. One lady flat out told me no. I had a little bit of anxiety in the beginning but that went away quickly. Thought I had to do 4 sets total so I actually completed today unintentionally. I also did the challenge as well after each set. I tried to ask women of different ages today, just to see the differences in their reactions. Some of the older ladies were helpful, and some were not. Most of the younger girls, Around 20s or so, thought it was funny most of the time.

Notable interactions
One girl who I did the full drill on laughed and another girl was behind her listening. As I was walking away I'm pretty sure I heard them laughing about the whole thing. Since it was shortly after I left idk what else they would have been laughing about.

I approached a pair of girls who had just been seated in an outdoor dining area. They were like tucked away but I still got their attention and did the drill. They one of the girls didn't really respond well and just said she didn't know. but once i said that my pants were falling down she definitely looked like she was over the whole interaction. The other girl was seated facing away and when I said my mom thought I looked good in suspenders she smiled and turned around.

I stopped a pair of girls in the middle of a crosswalk and walked with them to one side to do the drill. They received it well and actually thanked me on my weight loss and also thought the pants falling down and showing my ass was funny.

Other Stuff
Weighed in at 191.3 today. Confident I can drop a pound in 3 days
Workout went well today. Did some deadlifts, felt good. 255 x8 I think. Haven't deadlifted in probably a month. PR is 300 x1. trying to get back there.
Got some gorilla mind Preworkout. Excited to see how effective it is as everyone raves about it.
Toast said:
Definitely more comfortable talking to strangers, and saying whatever is on my mind.
I've been finding this too. I just find myself talking to random people.

Toast said:
After the drills were done I wanted to put myself in an uncomfortable position for further exposure.
That's the stuff man! Good work! Hahah did you get this from me saying it'd be better to take my shirt off and ask people how that looked instead of doing the shirt drill?

Good photos, too, I liked 4598, 4601, 4626, and the ones with the black pants, which look great on you. Cool spot with the ocean photos too, even if they're a little hazy (maybe because of the distance)

I'm sad about Day 21, and your confirmation that it's going to be difficult if not impossible. Such a hard decision, especially after watching Andy's vlog on it... seems like a day where you "grow up" again.

Manganiello said:
I dont think I could do that right now. Lol well it's subzero Temps still.
Canadian problems :evil:
sundleboro said:
ive been finding this too. I just find myself talking to random people
Doesn't it feel pretty good to just be able to say whatever is on your mind to whoever. On my walk I saw a shirtless dude just enjoying the sun. He was definitely a character, and not someone who I would just chat up randomly.
sundleboro said:
Hahah did you get this from me saying it'd be better to take my shirt off and ask people how that looked instead of doing the shirt drill?
Maybe the seed was planted when I read that , but I actually was motived cuz I'm pasty af and I wanna get a tan.
sundleboro said:
I'm sad about Day 21, and your confirmation that it's going to be difficult if not impossible. Such a hard decision, especially after watching Andy's vlog on it... seems like a day where you "grow up" again.
Same here man. That's why I attempted it. I would say u should still try and see what kind of luck you have on a Friday or weekend. Could still be possible. Unfortunately I work swing on Friday/ Saturday, so I'm not able to check and see what the best days could be like.
Day 22a

Ask 10 girls, "Do you know how I can get to Sesame Street?"
* Challenge: After you say that and she responds, the challenge is to say- "I'm not a rapist."
Repeat this 3 times, you will speak to 30 girls.

Today didn't cause any anxiety and is actually a fun day. Like Chris states in the audio clip, just go out with the thought that your fucking with people. I definitely had that mentality when I was walking around, and it was pretty fun. I think I approached like 10-15 people total, and half of them were couples. So maybe like 6-8 girls total today. Not many chicks on the street today so I was not able to do the full drill. Maybe because I'm in SF some touristy people may think that there actually is a Sesame St. I tried to make it completely obvious and said "123 Sesame St" but several people didn't get the joke. I'm almost positive that if there were more girls I would be able to do this drill in under 15min. I think ill go out and try to accomplish this on my second try. Gunna speed run this day next attempt. I'll also try and do the challenge as well.

Notable Interactions
One lady I asked didn't seem to get the joke and actually looked up 123 Sesame St on her phone. I thought that was pretty funny. She was like "you sure you have the right address?" and I said "yah 123 Sesame St" but said it kind of slower to imply what I was referencing. She still didn't get it.

Another girl also didn't get the joke and said she wasn't around here and asked "don't you have a phone?" I said I was just messing around. And as I was walking away I hear a "OOHHH" and some laughs. Pretty sure the people around her explained the joke.

Other Stuff
Weighed in at 190 this morning! Weighed my self later and I was 190.8, then a 3rd time and was 190. So I'm definitely right there. In a day or 2 ill for sure weigh 190 and meet my goal. So stoked! I haven't been 190 in like a few years. Pants that I bought earlier this year were literally falling off without a belt.

Added a couple pictures I did a quick edit on. Lemme know what u think. Definitely just messing around and still learning
Come on Toast, you could have done the whole thing today. It's so short! Was it procrastination? The silent killer.

It's a really funny day. I tried some of the challenge and it's kind of awkward but also gets some laughs, so you'll have fun with it tomorrow. The "I'm fucking with them" attitude is gold.

Hearing "Don't you have a phone?" is pretty new. That's literally never happened, even though you'd think going into this in 2021 it'd be the number one response to these drills from 2013. It only took like 300 people, eh? Good work today!

Toast said:
Weighed my self later and I was 190.8, then a 3rd time and was 190.
Hahah do it until you get the right answer. Nice

For the edits, I think they look too 2012-era Instagram-y. I liked the original coloring, maybe try adding some more saturation but that's it.
sundleboro said:
Weighed in at 190 this morning!

Yeah buddy.

I remember I had two people look on their phone for this one. The closest Sesame street was over 1000 miles away. Hahaha. They still didn't get it. So I made them type on their phone into Google. "Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street".

They still didn't get it. Lol I forgot how fun day 22 was.
Manganiello said:
They still didn't get it. So I made them type on their phone into Google. "Can you tell me how to get to Sesame Street".
I'll have to try this one today when I redo the drill.

sundleboro said:
Come on Toast, you could have done the whole thing today. It's so short! Was it procrastination? The silent killer.
I was doing the drill before work, but that is probably just an excuse. I could have gone into the trader joes near by and just asked everyone in the store and been done with it so ur right.

sundleboro said:
For the edits, I think they look too 2012-era Instagram-y. I liked the original coloring, maybe try adding some more saturation but that's it.
Thanks for the input, they do kind of look like I slapped an Instagram filter on and just cropped it. That's kind of what I did cuz I was using a very basic editing program. I watched a bunch of videos on portraits and editing so hopefully I learned something and I can take a better next set of pictures.
Day 22b / 23?
Part 2 of Sesame St. drill.

Challenged myself to do it in 10 min. Got really close to hitting that mark but I did it in 12 min. 30 girls total 12 min. I'd say that was a success. Went to the mall today and just fired off from the get go. I was approaching groups of girls, girls next to other people, girls with boyfriends, almost any girl that I thought was cute. Didn't really approach any moms because I didn't see any hot moms. Drill went really well today, I was laser focused on completing the drill as fast as I could and that really got me in gear. No time (literally) to worry about being nervous or have anxiety. I took sundleboro advice and took some notes while I was doing the drill and noticed some things. I tend to fidget and touch my rings when I'm doing drills. May sometimes be giving off a nervous vibe possibly? Also when i did the drill inside of a target a lot of people said they dont work there. So location seems to somewhat dictate responses.

Since i did the whole day in such short time I decided to do the next days drill since it was short.
-Ask the time from 5 girls. Record your time. Now do it again but faster.
I asked 5 girls for the time in 2 min. I asked girls who were close to another and I don't feel like I let any girl pass. Idk if they could hear me ask the next girl but I do remember 4 of the 5 girls gave me the same time so it was quite fast. The first girl I asked the time had to turn her phone on and wait for it to boot up. I thought this was pretty funny. She was definitely nervous and I tried to make conversation to break the tension. Seemed like her phone took forever to turn on haha. After the first 5 girls I walked around to cool off from all the drills and was thinking to myself. There's no way I can beat that time. So I decided to not try again. On the drive home I was thinking about what sundleboro posted earlier
sundleboro said:
Come on Toast, you could have done the whole thing today. It's so short!
This man keeps me in check. It's bs that I didn't go for 5 girls in 1 min. I may have called it done in the vlog but today is not done. I'm going for sub 1 min for asking 5 girls for the time. No excuses. If I start cutting short now how will this affect my future drills. Chris has even said to not do this because it will only lead to failure in the future or giving yourself an out.

Notable interactions
-Did the drill on a cute Asian girl with a very average boyfriend. He was definitely mean mugging me while I was talking to his girl, and she didn't even get the drill either which made it more funny. The guy got the joke but it went over her head.
-Pair of girls I approached laughed when I asked and said it was really funny.
-Approached a group of 3 girls standing in line for the Victoria's secret. They were mid conversation talking with the hot store worker. They were probably the hottest group or 2nd hottest group today. Walked right up to them and did the drill. One girl got the joke and smiled and giggled, one didn't get it at all, and the 3rd also laughed. Felt good to be able to approach high caliber girls like them. Whole group were like 8 or 9/10
-Saw a group of 3 super hot Asian girls about to come in the store. I like almost stood in their way as they were coming in the mall and did the drill. At first they definitely seemed like "wtf is this dude doing in our way." Once I did they drill they all smiled and laughed and said they didn't know how to get there.

Taking notes helps analyze things that may or may not be thought of later.
Don't bitch out, do the whole drill to the T.
Location can dictate the type of response people give

Other Shit
Hit my goal of 190 by the end of February! Scale dipped to ~189 and settled on 190.0 flat!
Now it's 185 by the end of March totally doable :)
Toast said:
Don't bitch out, do the whole drill to the T.


I think going for the hot girls is smart. You're going to be doing a ton of that anyway. So may as well prioritize them now.