Toast's AA log - Completed :) - Reuploading my videos as well

Day 13

Time, Leave (talk to very first girl you see; DONT let her slip by)
Time, Random question- Do you know anywhere that sells good wine?, Leave
Time, Random question- Do you know anywhere that sells good wine?, I got a promotion at work/Passed my test at school and I want to celebrate, Leave
Time, Random question- Do you know anywhere that sells good wine?, I got a promotion at work/Passed my test at school and I want to celebrate, What type do you recommend?, Leave
Repeat this 4 times today, you will speak to 16 girls in total.
(These thumbnails always make me look dumb so far lol)

Started off the day with a fresh haircut I think looks pretty nice so I was feeling good. Not as dressed up as normal, but still felt like I looked good.

Went to the mall a little later then normal and the amount of girls was definitely less. Only had about 45 min to do the drills.

Today went pretty well. Some things I'm not happy about but others that I am. So its a wash I would say. DID NOT approach the first girl I saw. Pretty bummed in the moment, and in my head the excuse was because her hands were full. Double fisting coffee cups while also holding shopping bags. Still could have asked even if she didn't give me the time. I went up the the very next girls I saw and asked the time. Even approached from their back which is something i tend to avoid. But I was pissed so I had to do it. Then right after that I approached another girl that was fairly close to the previous one and did the second part of the drill. No problems there. 3rd girl was where I felt the rest of the interactions were going to be pretty chill. Once I said I got a promotion at work and I was trying to celebrate the girl seemed happy for me and congratulated me. I feel like I knew that this point in the drill would be easy because the girls who were receptive would genuinely be happy for me. 4th girl had the same reaction. She was happy for me and congratulated me on the promotion. I said thanks and asked her opinion on a good wine, and she gave me her suggestion. After this interaction in my head I knew I wouldn't have a problem with today.

Not many women in the mall at this point. The first set probably took half an hour just because of how little of people in general there were in the mall at this time. Did a lap, saw one girl asked the time and she said she didn't have it. Felt sincere and not like she was mean or anything. Probably didn't have her phone, and she visibly showed me her wrists to signify she was not wearing a watch. On the way to the target next door I saw a girl who was really beautiful. Like she definitely had style and knew she was hot. She had headphones in and was on her phone. Still approached because of the sparsity of women. Got her attention and did the last part of the drill. Interaction went well, and when she gave me her recommendation she said the same wine as another the last one. I said that was interesting because someone else recommended that same wine. Kind of felt like a slip up, and I was letting out that I was asking other people. But that's honestly probably in my head. Like I don't think she would immediately think. "Oh this guys asking everyone for wine suggestions" Which in itself is honestly not that odd anyway. so whatever.

In target there was a hot Asian chick I hesitated to ask. Idk y this particular girl gave me anxiety but I hovered, didn't approach. Turned around, and bitched out again. Pretty bummed with this. But whatever, it happens and is all part of the process. Then I was in line to check out, bummed at my previous non-approach and i saw another girl who just came in the store, and decided to redeem myself. Went up to her and did the last portion of the drill. Asked all the questions, and the interaction went well.

There was another girl I let slip by today on the walk back to my car. We met eyes as I was looking around and she had headphones on. This kind of psyched me out for some reason and I decided not to approach. Felt disappointed in myself for that one.
I think today I talked to 8 girls. And 4 of them were the last portion of the drill, I feel like I'm forgetting one interaction. Its been several hours since I did the drill at the time of writing this.

Thoughts about Today
Not sure if I would call this day done as I skipped parts of the drill. But honestly today went well while doing the drills, but I'm definitely disappointed I let some hot girls slip by. The overall feeling of today was a success I would say because all of the interactions were very good, and I talked to a smokin hot babe as well and had a good interaction.
Today I approached more girls from behind to get their attention which is something i generally avoid. So that's a good thing I think. Being confident enough to approach from anywhere and not have to like fake browse and meet face to face.
I feel like today had a good impact on what I need to learn and work on. Which is a good thing.

DON'T let the first girl slip by because of some dumb excuse in my head.
Try less to set up a good approach and just approach from wherever.

Other Notable Things
Weighed in at 192.1 again. Nice!
2 Girls Suggested Stella Rose Black. Might actually take their recommendation and try this wine
Lol yeah I remember there was girl who was carrying 6 bags and I had to follow her for 2 minutes all the way across the parking lot just to ask for time. I felt so stupid doing that. First ones always the hardest.

I think drinking that wine after completing this week would be a cool way to celebrate.

Haircut looks good man.
Day 17

Sing/Say a 4-part ABC stack to 4 girls

1st Girl: ABCDEFG
* Challenge: Sing the ABC's over and over until the girl walks away.
Repeat this 3 times today, you will sing to 12 girls
OH MAN was today a struggle. Probably the most anxiety, anxious, and nervous of all the drills so far. This one was tough for me. The mall I went to was completely barren so that didn't help, or maybe it did because there was nobody to hear me act a fool. Driving to the mall and listening to the audio and thinking about what I had to do gave me anxiety. When I parked and was walking around I was totally in my head making myself even more nervous. Probably took me 15 or so min to find a girl that I had to courage to do the first part of the drill. I think I even let a girl go by. Did the first drill, still super nervous. Felt super cringe to do this for some reason. Next girl felt the same level of nervousness/anxiety. Next set still the same. Up till now the reactions were mostly silent from the girls. On this set the girl said "uhh thanks" as I walked away. My approach was mostly "Hey, can you listen to his real quick" and then I would sing. On the 4th girl I sang the whole alphabet, and she giggled at the end of it. This chick was also pretty hot as well. So that was a huge relief for me. Like if the hottest chick so far thought it was funny, maybe this is doable. My anxiety levels went down from like a 9/10 to a 7/10. Still super awkward and nervous. I had hella fidgety hands, always playing with my bracelet or ring. This one set probably took me 45 min to complete. and not because of the little amount of people in the mall. I definitely let girls pass by today. More then ever before. All the while I was trying to hype my self up by thinking, "it'll only take seconds to do this, Its just the alphabet, this is easy, stop being a bitch."

Second set was not any easier. Mostly neutral reactions from girls. Or blank stares like what is this dude doing. After i had finally completed this set the last girl also giggled. I approached from behind and like got her to turn around and take off her headphones. Asked her to listen for a minuet, and then sang the alphabet. She laughed and thought it was funny and i walked away not feeling completely like a fool, but definitely better then the last set. I then took a break and took some pictures in the parking lot, cuz I had planned on doing a self photoshoot to see what kind of stuff i could get on my own. This killed my social momentum completely.

Last set I was like almost mad at myself for being such a bitch and was like "wtf this is fuckin easy, just do this shit. Only 4 girls left to talk to." I was so nervous i accidentally sang the 2nd part of the drill up to the letter P. Walked around a store, let several girls pass by, and then kicked my self in the ass for not approaching. Then found a pretty hot chick in the grocery store and when i approached she like backed away. Probably cuz i came out of no where and B-lined right to her. Sang the alphabet and she looked at me all weird and didn't say anything. Last girl had the same reaction, got her attention while she was on the phone. Sang the whole thing and walked away. She didnt say anything back. Final chick was a girl sitting down and i just said hey "ABCDEFGH" and left.

Thoughts on Today
Felt real good to finally be done with today. Like a huge weight off my shoulders for not bitching out and completing it another day. There were so many chances for me to feel like I could just stop and do it another time, and im proud i didn't do that, and just pushed through.
Mostly neutral reactions, and 2 or 3 good ones.
SUPER anxious and nervous today
Probably the most amount of girls that I let slip by today. Not super happy about that.

Notable Interactions
The 2 girls where I sang the full ABC's were the ones who received it the well and were both some of the cutest chicks. They both laughed when I finished and it seemed to put a smile on their faces.

Other things
Weighed in at 193.1
New Bench Press PR 185 x 1 (Never benched this much ever in the past!)
Took some pictures that I'm gunna edit and see if any turned out decent
Had a little photoshoot. Just trying out the camera and shooting photos by myself. Was kind of hard using the phone app to auto focus and white balance and such. Let me know what yall think is the best pictures. So far I think I like the 8th and 10th picture the best.
Had a little photoshoot. Just trying out the camera and shooting photos by myself. Was kind of hard using the phone app to auto focus and white balance and such. Let me know what yall think is the best pictures. So far I think I like the 8th and 10th picture the best.

If someone could let me know how to edit the title of my topic that would be great as well. Didn't really want to make a whole new post for a picture review.
Great job with Day 17 man! I can really empathize with that experience.

In my opinion, completing this day should be like a badge that you earn on your profile. Day 17 REALLY gave me trouble. It was like torture trying to do it, I felt like such a fucking awkward weirdo doing it and the nervousness was like a 9 or 10 out of 10. I went 3 hours trying to get it done, lapped the mall probably 3x, and went home because the stores were closing. Brutal, I had to redo it.

Everyone says it, and maybe you'll see it now, but these hard days (where the nerves are cranked sky high) are the days where you grow the most. They become days that define your progress.

I mean Andy remembers some specific days and their drills from the AA program (and that was 5 years ago)

When I came back the 2nd time to finish it, I capped it off with a girl standing in line with like 40 or 50 people around her and did it. Felt like the world champ after that haha. But yeah man, Day 17 is hard as fuck. I'd say out of all the days, one of the hardest, for sure.

And, I actually read your post while I was hitting some resistance today, and I was thinking "well fuck, if Toast can do Day 17 today, I have no excuse for not trying." so that actually helped me out.

Seriously, seriously, seriously good work.

(I'd say 3 & 6 are the best pics, but I'm no expert)
Manganiello I definitely agree that day 17 deserves a badge. This one pushed me way out of my comfort zone like never before. Glad my suffering helped u power through ur drill as well lol.
Manganiello said:
Everyone says it, and maybe you'll see it now, but these hard days (where the nerves are cranked sky high) are the days where you grow the most. They become days that define your progress.
Pushing through this drill till the end really did feel like an experience where I grew as well. And is probably something ill remember in the future.
Manganiello said:
I capped it off with a girl standing in line with like 40 or 50 people around her and did it. Felt like the world champ after that haha.
This is definitely an achievement by itself.

Thanks for the input on the pics as well.
I just came here and saw Day 17 and I couldn't believe it til I saw it go from 13 to 17. Skipping the high five days? Last year I watched KillYourInnerLoser Andy's 10 high fives videos... I was looking forward to those... I kind of wanted future days to be a surprise, but Day 17 sounds intense. Still going to avoid reading about your Day 17 for a couple days though ahah

Big fan of your picture #8. You can tell how long it took when you flip through the pictures real fast, you can see the sun going down and down

Toast said:
to me if feels a bit awkward walking around in the female section of H&M, Zara, etc.

You're reading my mind

Toast said:
Then I said I was planning a candlelit dinner for my girlfriend. No real reaction from her from this statement.

She was probably disappointed you had a girlfriend ;)

Btw how are you benching? Home rack?
sundleboro said:
Skipping the high five days? Last year I watched @KillYourInnerLoser Andy's 10 high fives videos... I was looking forward to those...
Yah it only made sense with the current pandemic. I was reading Giles Log as well and I believe Manganiello both skipped the physical contact stuff. Just wondering how it may or may not affect the future outcome of this AA program. I was also looking forward to it as well. Seems like a fun drill just in general.

My "Excuse" right now for walking through the female section is that it is on the way to the male section in Zara/H&M.

sundleboro said:
Btw how are you benching? Home rack?
Yah I have a squat rack at home, and some rubber mats on the ground where I can deadlift as well.
Day 18

Haven't made a Vlog yet because I did drills before work.

Time, Leave
Time, Random Question - Do you like my shirt?, Leave
Time, Random Question - Do you like my shirt?, I just got it and I can't decide, Leave
Time, Random Question - Do you like my shirt?, I just got it and I can't decide, I'm going to wear it and keep the tag on so I can return it, Leave
* Challenge: Time, Random Question - Do you like my shirts, My boyfriend bought it for me, I think it's gay

Gave myself an hour before work to get as many drills done. Probably been 2 hours since the drills as I'm writing this so its not that fresh in my mind. If I remember correctly I think I did half of it. Compared to yesterday this was a breeze. I think completing yesterday really gave me confidence in approaching girls and asking anything. If I can sing the ABC's 12 times to different girls, then anything is possible as of now lol.

I went out in a plain black crewneck shirt, black skinny jeans, and a dark colored Patagonia jacket. Pretty plain outfit. First girl I approached I asked the time and the 2nd question. She said it looked nice, but kind of in a question response. Next girl I talked to, asked time, asked about my shirt. and she said "Its a plain black shirt, its nice" in a very curt way. Then I said I just bought it and was undecided if I was going to keep it or not. She said something I cant remember. After this reaction I thought that asking girls about a plain black shirt was kind of silly so I switched to to my pants. I also wanted to opinions as well just because I was curious. One girl in trader joes I tried to do the whole drill on but when I said I wasn't sure about the pants she was kind of walking away as she answered. Stopped the drill there and proceeded to look for another girl.

Notable Interaction
Next girl was the best reaction of the day. She was super cute. Kind of a hippy chick vibe, had a bandana on her head, cute low cut black top, and like 70s style jeans. Approached and asked the time, and asked what she thought about my pants. Then I said "by the way your top is cute." She said "Thanks! You want my honest opinion?" I was like yes, lay it on me. She then like scrutinized my pants, said the part around the calves looked nice, but the crotch area was a little tight. And then I mentioned that I have kind of thick quads. And she thought a little more and was like actually they fit really nice and look good on you. Then I said the next part about being undecided about keeping them. She replied that they looked good on me. I think this interaction went really well eve though it was kind off script. She was probably just a really nice and open person in general. Definitely could have talked to her more cuz she was open to talking even though I stopped her on the street.

After that interaction I was feeling good. Did the whole drill on another chick. Went well and she said my pants looked nice. I feel like when I get some social momentum I tend to skip the beginning part of the drills because they felt easy at this point. I don't wanna short myself by not talking to 16 girls total. But this drill was honestly a cake walk. Even walking around I was thinking to myself. No anxiety at all during this whole time. Maybe because I wanted girls honest opinion on my pants lol.

Asking time, questions, etc was such a nice drill compared to ABC's. Felt like I was back in my comfort zone. In total I think I talked to 10 girls. Asking the time is easy now, feels like second nature at this point. And its such an innocent question that anybody could ask.

Thoughts on today
While listening to the audio clip, Chris said some important things. "Just Fuckin Do it" was the main overarching theme. How do I approach, how do I do this and that. You just fucking do. Idk y this hit me so hard but it did. Began to realize that I'm the only one stopping myself from doing what I want. Even though its quite obvious lol.

Other Notable Things
Weighed in at 192.1. Almost a whole week of consistently weighing in at this. weight loss on track to be sub 190by the end of the month :)
Couple of coworkers said my haircut was nice. Even the kind of bitchy female who never says anything complimented me.
Workout went pretty well, Workin on increasing the size of my biceps and shoulders.
Toast said:
My "Excuse" right now for walking through the female section is that it is on the way to the male section in Zara/H&M.

I think I found a better one today, I was in an all girls store and just said I was looking for someone. Talked to a hot girl in there too.

Toast and sundleboro I still might do highfives this weekend, but I'm playing it by ear.

The AA program was never meant to do illegal stuff. (I don't think anyway). I might just say "Air five" and put my hand up or something like that. But this is for drills that have dialogue in them too (so not like day 14,15 and 16)

There's absolutely no guidance on this. Anywhere. There is no "what to do with physical distancing laws." part in the AA program. so it's just whatever. Idk, I'm just trying to stay true to the program, and the program was never designed for this situation.

I am no expert, just because I'm further ahead does not mean I'm doing it right. So what do you guys think?

Do you think raising up your arm and doing "air fives" would work?
Like what's the best ways to do these drills?

Giles I'm wondering your opinion on this too.
Manganiello said:
I think I found a better one today, I was in an all girls store and just said I was looking for someone. Talked to a hot girl in there too.
ooh this is nice. May have to use this if it ever comes up.

I think the point of the High5 is to get comfortable establishing physical dialogue/contact with females. From what Chris has stated, squeezing their arm or taking their hand is a more advanced form of the physical dialogue. So the high5 is just the beginning. If your not comfortable giving a girl a harmless high5 how are you ever going to grab a girls hand. Id say an air5 makes you get out of your comfort zone as well so may serve a similar purpose though.

In San Francisco (where i'm at) people are pretty strict about the social distancing and masks. Like if you stand too close people back away, or even cross the street if ur not wearing a mask. Maybe ill try and do a full hour of high 5s and see how people react just as an experiment. High 5s aren't illegal lol.
Manganiello I don't think anyone's gonna get arrested over some high fives, or even kicked out of anywhere. I want to tell myself, "Go ahead, don't do it, you've got the only excuse in the world!" but I know it's just the natural anxiety talking. I like the "air five" idea. Tomorrow's my Day 14, so I'm going to try actual high fives tomorrow, and may switch to air fives if I'm not getting anything. Chris says "If you aren't able to do this drill successfully, I don't want you moving on to Week 3." I don't need to tell you that, you're way ahead, but... I really want to do this day lol
sundleboro said:
Chris says "If you aren't able to do this drill successfully, I don't want you moving on to Week 3."
These next 3 days of high5s are probably pretty important, maybe if I had done them day 17 wouldn't have been as hard since for the past 3 days I would have been putting myself out there. I just didn't wanna get stopped in my tracks because nobody would high5 me. Thinking about it though, this is also an excuse not to do them lol
Yeah man that's some balls. I guess just nobody's really tried them during covid sundleboro , atleast that I know of.

I actually tried a few right at the start of it. Literally I was doing day 14 the day after government leaders were announcing lockdown measures and places started closing. Nobody wanted to do it. But it might be different now once the novelty and panic of it has faded a bit.

It's worth experimenting on.
If you give it a go, I'll 1,000,000% give it a go this weekend.
sundleboro Since we've all been living in a pandemic for a year now and the rates are going down and vaccines are getting administered its possible that people would be more receptive as well.
Manganiello Look out for tomorrow's log, new territory >:D

Toast I've also noticed people stepping back a lot. It might just be a 2 hours of rejected high fives, but you know what, it'll be faster exposure for having your high five rejected, that's a big fear for a lot of people (including me).
sundleboro said:
it'll be faster exposure for having your high five rejected, that's a big fear for a lot of people (including me).
Good point. any exposure is good exposure. I'm interested to see what your results are tomorrow, U got this man!