Toast's AA log - Completed :) - Reuploading my videos as well

Day 29

Super High-Five!
[Get Double High-Five]
Repeat this 10 times, you will do this on 10 girls

I most likely could have attempted today, but I was with a buddy while out at the mall and I did not really wanna do approached with my friend around. He's supportive of me doing this kind of thing, but it just felt weird so I didn't. Ill attempt this tomorrow though. Got to at least give it a go. Although last time I went for 30 high-5s I only got 3 successful ones so we shall see.

Day 30

~To be done in a Bar/Club~

Walk past 10 girls, squeeze their arm lightly, but enough so they notice it.
After you squeeze their arm, say "nice." and continue walking.
After you do the drill on the first 10 girls, do it on 10 more girls but say "cute." instead of "nice."
* Major Challenge: Squeeze every girl in the place on the arm.
Repeat this 2 times, you will do this on 20 girls total.
Do whatever you want for the rest of the night.

Unfortunately I'm going to have to skip this day until the bars re-open :?
Last time I went out there were barely any people at the outside bars that are open. The ones who were out were sheltered in these dumb cubicle style outdoor seating areas

Day 31

~Reflection Day~

1. Which single drill was the hardest for you? (note that in the forum)
-Later today or tomorrow- I recommend doing that drill and KILLING IT. Try to leave a good taste in your mouth by smashing your enemy in the face.
2. How are things going so far?
-Compare yourself on Day 0 to right now.
3. How does the future look?
-Take into account your progress and multiply it by 2. That's how you'll feel next time we check in. Remember though, progress with this stuff is often exponential, 30 days from now you might be 5-10x better and not just 2x as good.

1. The hardest drill I've done to this point is the ABC's drill. So much anxiety while doing that drill. Felt like a weirdo while doing it even though some times I got good reactions. That day I still think is the day where I made the most progress so I'm interested to see how I will be when I attempt this day again. I'm going to set a challenge for myself and sing the ABC's 5 times. Little bit of anxiety even thinking about doing this but I for sure know I can.

2. Things are going pretty well so far. With the program I feel like I am making good progress. I've repeated some days that were challenging, but I'm glad I did so because I grew because of it. After day 17 (ABC's) the challenges have been mostly not too bad. I feel like I'm way more confident approaching random people and asking whatever I want. I haven't really had a problem approaching hot girls or even groups of hot girls. I feel like even if I make a fool of myself in front of someone it doesn't really affect me that much. The occasional bad interaction sometimes has an effect but, after a little bit of internalizing what happened I just move on from it. I would say I've literally talked to more girls in the past 30 days then I have in my whole life. And probably the most hot girls ever without being anxious. On day 0 it took me an 30 min to ask 5 girls for the time. I did it in 2 min not to long ago. I don't feel as much awkwardness from approaching girls that are near the last girl I have approached either. Still some but not even close to as much.

I also feel like the drills have had a positive effect on my overall confidence and social freedom. I have no trouble just asking for whatever I want from someone, or just talking to strangers in general. For example, in the past if I went into a store I would avoid the attendants and just wander around and look for whatever I needed. Now I just ask the people to direct me to exactly what I need. No hesitation at all just walk straight up and ask. Might seem small but its definitely a positive change to be able to just demand things from people, even if they are supposed to help. I feel like the change in my style has attributed to my confidence as well. I feel like I look good. Definitely more stylish then in the past. I care more about my appearance then before and its lead me to take care of my self. I use a facial scrub and moisturizer, so my skin is a lot better then before. I've lost close to 30 lbs, and I'm really proud of that. Hopefully with another 30 gone ill have abs. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I think I should focus more of my attention on working on my dating profile. I have been more focused on the drills, but if I did it in conjunction with the approaches , the progress would most likely be even more rapid. I have the time to do so but I've just been lazy. What's the point in doing all this work if I'm not even trying to get girls through online platforms. The confidence I have built goes to waste.

3. The future looks great! I'm very confident that I am going to finish this program and really make a everlasting impact on my life and lifestyle. The impact it has had so far is more then I honestly expected. I went into this program with no real expectations, just thinking I may give it a try. I had been a pretty shy person in the past talking to girls. I never really had a problem speaking my mind to new people, but girls especially I just did not know what to do or say. This program has given me more confidence in a month then I would have expected. I find my self thinking that I want to skip ahead and start doing cold approaches and calling girls cute and complimenting them. I'm not going to do that and ill just stick to the progression of the drills. Chris has said that the dudes who take short cuts or skip stuff are the ones who will fail in the end. Don't want be like that. I'm sure I will be humbled shortly in the future.
I actually like 4884 the best for the photos.

Can't believe you did day 25 in 50 minutes. I tried to beat it but couldn't bro

I'm falling behind, I didn't realize how far you were ahead... I'm scared to read your reports lol. Alright alright I'll read them...

Manganiello said:
I'd rather take papercuts to my knuckles than do that day again.

sundleboro said:
Can't believe you did day 25 in 50 minutes. I tried to beat it but couldn't bro
Just one of those days where I was on a roll honestly. I remember just feeling great about the day and the drill, and was approaching almost anybody I saw. The thought of "I'm just fucking with people" really allowed me to kind of get into the mood and act a fool.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Super high five was my favourite drill. I got 10 out of 10 girls to give me one. Not a single rejection.
After reading this there's no way I can bitch out.
Day 29

Super High-Five!
[Get Double High-Five]
Repeat this 10 times, you will do this on 10 girls

Attempted this day even thought my last high5 day was pretty trash. Today was the complete opposite!
I did not approach 10 girls. Not too many girls on the street, and I did not go into a store so I most likely missed out on opportunities to hit the full 10. I approached 6 or 7 girls. Can't remember exactly. I'll round down so I don't short myself on approaches.

I tried to psyche my self up by telling my self I need to act extra excited. More energy output then I normally give off, and talk in a more energetic way. I fee like this worked. I was approaching girls not yelling, but talking pretty loudly saying "HEY! How's it going!? Super High5?!" I feel like I was smiling the whole time and acting excited. This seemed to work and for the most part the girls responded well, or were also influenced by my overly excited demeanor. I also tried to force my way into their personal space. Like either walk up in front of them or get kind of closer then normal.

First girl I saw was one I had approached before, so its kind of a cheat approach. Chatted with her for a little bit and then go a double high5. Good way to start it off. Next girl was walking by. Next girl had earphones in and was walking away i got her attention by waving and saying "hey!" but she only looked smiled and kept walking. Next girl was walking towards me and to the side so I didn't enter her personal bubble and she slipped by. When I asked for the high5s she was giggling but kept walking. Next girl seemed shy. When I asked for high5s she said "I cant its covid" in a really quiet voice. So then I offered the elbow bump as an alternative and she smiled and gave me one. Next girl was with her mom, and gave the same response. Next girl was working in front of trader joes . I asked to use the hand sanitizer, she said it was cool. Then I asked for the double High5. She was hesitant so I switched to the elbow bump and she gave me one. Next girl was the last I approached and she did the same. She was walking towards me so i kind of scooted inline with where she was walking and said "Hey! How's it going?!" "Super High5?!" She smiled and laughed but declined. Then I offered the elbow bump and she did that.

Today really enforces the idea that the way you talk, the energy you output, and probably with masks, how much you smile with your eyes, really has an impact with how receptive the girls are. Last time I did high5's I only got 1 successful one. I was definitely not overly amped up and energetic so I would attribute that to my numbers. This time around was completely different.

Even if you're feeling like shit, fake the energy, and it might even come naturally
Demeanor plays a huge roll in receptiveness
Getting in there and "forcing" your approach on girls helps

Other stuff
3rd day in a row of weighing in at 188.7. Hope I'm not plateauing at this weight again. Either need to add cardio or eat less I guess
Glasses look good - maybe try something with a darker frame? Don't know much about style esp glasses (contacts for life hate wearing glasses) but I think that shape and style looks good on you
enjoyablehat said:
Glasses look good - maybe try something with a darker frame? Don't know much about style esp glasses (contacts for life hate wearing glasses) but I think that shape and style looks good on you
Thanks for the input. Ill take a look into dark frames.

I have a limited amount of contacts as of now. So I'm saving them for special occasions. I do want to transition away from glasses so I'm going to set up a eye doctors appt and try and get more contacts. Rn I have maybe 20 pairs of single day contacts.

I wanna get eye surgery as well, but I have an astigmatism so its like several thousand dollars per eye :(
Toast said:
Today really enforces the idea that the way you talk, the energy you output, and probably with masks, how much you smile with your eyes, really has an impact with how receptive the girls are. Last time I did high5's I only got 1 successful one. I was definitely not overly amped up and energetic so I would attribute that to my numbers. This time around was completely different

What made you feel more energetic this time around?

Did you feel like complete shit when you started or was the energy already there?
Manganiello said:
What made you feel more energetic this time around?
Did you feel like complete shit when you started or was the energy already there?
On the drive to work I listened to the log and I kind of had low energy, but I forced myself to be more energetic. I was thinking while walking around "act more exaggerated then you normally act" "Talk louder then normal" Basically just trying to get into a character I guess. Become someone who has a bubbly personality and exudes energy. At the end of it I feel like faking it actually made me act more energetic. Along with the social momentum of approaching girls.
Day 31

Time, Leave.
Time, Directions, Leave.
Time, Directions, Non-Sexual Compliment (I like your shoes/shirt), Leave.
* Challenge 4th Girl: Time, Non-Sexual Compliment, Directions, Non-Sexual Compliment (I like your shoes/shirt), Leave.
Repeat this 6 times, you will speak to 18 girls.

Today was a weird one. Not really feelin the drills, no social momentum, walked around for hella long while not approaching at all. Letting girls pass. Even while writing this log I realized that I didn't complete the full drill. Miss read how many approaches I needed to do, and completely forgot about doing the rest of the double high5. I think it was because my attention was focused on shopping for some things I needed rather then completing drills. Was shopping for shoes at one place I went and then a jacket at the next place I went to.

Overall the approaches I did went well. Asking for the time and directions is easy and not anxiety inducing at all. Even giving a compliment was not really that hard either. I gave a compliment to every girl I approached. First girl I approached I asked the time and gave her a compliment, she smiled and said thanks. After that I walked around for a while, shopped and found what i was looking for. I then walked to the mall and walked around. Kind of empty, but there were some girls to approach. It was a weird day really. Probably got in 8 or so approaches in this mall. Let some girls walk by without approaching. After I drove to another mall not too far away. Was also pretty empty. Did some approaches, did some shopping. Still not really any social momentum going at all. finished up 8 more approaches so I did 16 total.

I's just gunna chalk it up to a wack day and move on from there. Not every day is gunna be good. Today was just one of those days.
Going finish the Double high5s, and the last 2 compliments as well. Ill also try and do the challenges.
Completely forgot about singing the ABC's as well. The personal challenge I set for myself I definitely do not wanna bitch out on.

Focus on the drills when your doing them.
Maybe do some warmup sets if the energy/mood is low

Other Stuff
Weighed in at 188.1. Didn't add any extra cardio. So just gotta be patient and stick to the diet plan
[Make-up Day[/b]

Today was focused on finishing off the drills I had forgotten to do in the past. I finished up the Double High5's, Non sexual compliments, and my own challenge, Sing the ABC's to 5 girls. The double high 5's went well. Not much if any anxiety while approaching. Same as last time everyone opted for the elbow bump, and I tried to act extra bubbly when approaching. Giving compliments to girls is easy as well. Hey nice hair, nice shirt, nice shoes, is not really anxiety inducing. Both of those drills went off without a hitch and did not take too long to complete.

The ABC's are a different story. It felt like I had been reverted back to day 17 and I was full of anxiety thinking about what i had to do. I walked around the mall for a while again, was in he head, and couldn't commit. I was gunna approach a girl but instead I just asked the time and she left. WTF was that I thought to myself. I kept walking around thinking about why it was so hard. Its no more embarrassing then then flexing and asking for the beach, and no more weird then saying I'm not a rapist. I finally just dove in and approached 2 girls and did the drill. I sang the ABC's instead of saying it Hella fast, and the girls were smiling while I was doing it. When I was done I feel like they expected something else but I just said thanks and walked away. Afterwards I was thinking "see that's not that hard, and it only took 10 seconds of your time, they were smiling too and not creeped out, its easy." Still couldn't muster up the courage to approach again so I moved locations and kind of changed up the dialog and approached a girl who was working. I said "hey I'm thinking of starting a singing career, what do u think?" Sang the ABC's and said "well should I start?" she gave me a kind of confused look afterwards and said, "yah sure, go for it." then I walked away. After I was still not able to rapid fire approach another girl. I came across another lady who looked like an Asian cowboy. I sang the ABC's to her and she was like walking away while listening and didn't say anything. She was most likely just confused. After this I fuckin gave up and didn't do that last 2. Not happy about that. The whole time I was thinking "this is extra, I've already done enough, fuck this drill, this performance is already better then the last day 17." Hella excuses. This drill out of all of them makes me the most anxious, and induces the most anxiety.

Atop being a bitch and get in there and do the drill
Hyping yourself up or getting into a character alleviates the anxiety
Fuck the ABC's
Drills are short, its only a few seconds of embarrassment

Other Stuff
Weighed in at 187.4 - Seems like ima smash the 185 by end of march goal at this rate
Toast said:
approached a girl who was working. I said "hey I'm thinking of starting a singing career, what do u think?" Sang the ABC's and said "well should I start?" she gave me a kind of confused look afterwards and said, "yah sure, go for it."

Haha that's funny man.

Toast said:
This drill out of all of them makes me the most anxious, and induces the most anxiety.

Oh yeah? Cmon man you still got to ask a girl if she'd fuck you with nerd glasses! :cool: Do that challenge atleast once. sundleboro you got to do that challenge too when you get to it.
Manganiello said:
Oh yeah? Cmon man you still got to ask a girl if she'd fuck you with nerd glasses! Do that challenge atleast once
Aww shit, totally forgot about that. Gotta add that to the list of things I need to redo.
Day 33

Directions, Leave.
Directions, Hopefully I can get there I just fell down a few minutes ago, Leave
Directions, Hopefully I can get there I just fell down a few minutes ago, Non-Sexual Compliment, Leave
Directions, Hopefully I can get there I just fell down a few minutes ago, Non-Sexual Compliment, I need to be a little more careful, Leave
* Challenge (5th rep): ... I hope you don't fall down and break your neck, Leave.
Repeat this 4 times, you will speak to 20 girls.

Today went pretty well. The start of the day took a while. A lot of walking around looking for girls by themselves. Did not have too much anxiety but the first 10 approaches took a lot longer then I was happy with. Around 45 min id estimate. Too long for my liking. Moved locations and then set myself a goal of the next 5 girls in 5 or 10 min. This fired me up a lot more and i got it done relatively quickly.

Approaches were fairly predictable. Asking for directions was not hard, and asking for directions and saying I fell down wasn't hard either. At this point in the interaction the girls were generally concerned with my well being, or they looked me up and down to see if I looked hurt. Giving the compliment in the middle of this interaction was kind of funny, Like asking for the hospital and then saying, oh that's a nice jacket, felt kind of funny. The girls still smiled and said thanks but went back to begin concerned. A lot of the girls told me where the nearest hospital was, and the ones who didn't looked it up on their phone.

I'm pretty sure I approached 16 girls. I didn't do the challenge but I tend to forget how many girls I've approached after 15. So

Notable Interactions
Approached 2 cute Asians who were eating. Walked up to their table and ran the drill. They said they were not from around here and both seemed really concerned that I was ok. They both got out their phones and looked up the closest hospital. I then complimented one of them on her jacket and she smiled and said thanks and went back to trying to help me look for a hospital. Told them I needed to be more careful and then left. They were both really hot and very nice.

Probably early 30's white lady, she was cute, and dressed very stylishly. She was extremely concerned for my well being. "I'm not from around here, but are you lightheaded, do you feel fine?" I said I was ok, and told her that her glasses were really nice. then said I needed to be more careful. Then I tried to walk away and she followed me and said "maybe you should ask a worker for directions. Are your driving?" Told her I would and I was feeling fine. I'm pretty sure if I told her I needed a ride to the hospital she would have given it to me or at lease helped me get there. She was really worried.

oof of the day
There was a person who was wearing a Carmel colored coat, like from Zara or h&m, and a stuffed animal bunny backpack, with like shoulder length curly hair. Approached from behind and asked if they knew where a hospital was, and it turned out to be a dude! I was like omg, wtf how did I mistake that guy for a girl. Wearing a mask and not seeing him from the front probably had something to do with it, but I've never made this mistake before. Man I felt hella foolish.

Set mini goals for the day - 5 approaches 5 min for example.
Think about the drill before hand and plan what can be done to achieve success the best

Other Stuff
weighed in at 187.4 today :D
Nice man.

Toast said:
Approached from behind and asked if they knew where a hospital was, and it turned out to be a dude!

Lol I've been nearly fooled many many many times. They're tricky.

One thing I wanted to do on this day but didn't get a chance to was explain what happened and how u got injured. I think making fun y stories would be fun.

"Like oh my friend was pulling me on a sled behind his truck and took a corner too fast"

"We were playing the pain game and seeing who could hit the other person with their car before chickening out.
Manganiello I don't feel as much of a fool now that I know I'm not the only one whos been tricked lol
Day 34

Ring... ring... ring... Banana Phone!, Hey there, do you hear a phone ringing?, Leave
Ring... ring... ring... Banana Phone!, Hey there, do you hear a phone ringing?, Non-Sexual Compliment, Leave
Ring... ring... ring... Banana Phone!, Hey there, do you hear a phone ringing?, Non-Sexual Compliment, I think it's your banana phone, Leave
Ring... ring... ring... Banana Phone!, Hey there, do you hear a phone ringing?, Non-Sexual Compliment, I think it's your banana phone, Hey- I think your banana phone is ringing, Leave
Repeat this 3 times, you will speak to 12 girls.

Today gave me some nerves while starting the drills, but it was not enough to stop me from approaching. I was like anxious while approaching, but I was still able to approach. Kind of weird honestly. Never really had this feeling before. Maybe it wasn't even anxiety, maybe it was excitement? Idk exactly, but nevertheless I was able to approach 6 girls today. Was doing drills b4 work so I had about half an hour to walk around. First girl was walking towards me, and I said "ring.ring.ring. banana phone." Idk exactly if it got her attention, cuz she was wearing glasses. But she kept walking and I almost yelled, hey did you hear that phone ringing? she kept walking. 2nd girl definitely heard me. Was walking towards me as well. "Ringx3" she looked at me like i was a weirdo and kept walking as I asked if it was her phone ringing. Not a great start but it didn't really effect me. I still had nerves at this point. 3rd girl was a cute blond in a sun dress. Did the Ringx3, and she said something like "Its cold out right now" She may have said that to me because we made eye contact and I approached. Asked if her phone was ringing and she smiled and said it wasn't, I then complimented her on her sundress and she said thanks. 4th girl was somewhat nearby, but probably not close enough to be heard from the last girl. Cute Asian girl who was holding her phone. Did the drill, complimented her on her mask, and asked again if it was her phone that's ringing. She laughed a bit and like turned her phone over and said it wasn't.

After this I wasted a bunch of time walking around, went to trader joes, and bitched out on approaching 3 girls in the store. Probably because of them being so close to each other and having a lot of other people over hear me. Doing this today definitely made me realize that I still have trouble approaching near a group of other strangers. have not had trouble with this in the past but today it was an issue. might need to work on this specific situation in the future.

5th girl I probably approached kind of oddly because she was spooked when I did the ringx3. But she played along and smiled when I asked if her phone was ringing, She was like "nah its not my banana phone," and laughed a bit. 6th girl had headphones in, and took them out to hear me say, is that your phone ringing? I'm assuming she didn't hear the first part, but it still got her attention. She walked off after that.

Thoughts on Today
I could have done better for sure. Passing on the approaches inside of Trader Joe's is a wake up call that there are aspects of my AA that still need working on. Going to try and dedicate some time to specifically working on approaching girls close to ones that I just approached. Or girls near other groups.

Other Stuff
Weighed in at 188.1.
Diet has been pretty on point. I eat around 1600-1800 calories regularly. Have not deviated from this so far. :)
Good stuff man.

Blast through this week.
It's easier than week 4.

Then you can get to the real stuff in week 6!
Day 34b

Continuation of Banana Phone Drill

Today was a good day :) I focused on challenging myself to do drills near someone I already had approached. That was what I learned yesterday and wanted to work on in the future. Had only 20 or so min b4 work to do the drills. So while walking to my spot i was thinking, "I gotta try and approach 3 girls in 10 min, then the next 3 in 10 as well." Setting goals and time restrictions really seem to motivate me.

First girl I approached was in a store and was standing near another approachable girl. Perfect opportunity. Approached and said "ringx3 banana phone. hey is that your phone ringing? " She then happily replied it wasn't and that it happens to her too where she thinks its her phone ringing and its someone else. I thought this interaction was funny. next girl was standing maybe 5 or 10 ft away, and most definitely heard me before. Approached her did the drill and she gave me a look, like wtf are you doing. She responded it wasn't her phone, and then i said her jacket was nice and she thanked me and walked away.

Felt really good after doing this. Set out to approach girls near each other, and during a drill that gave me anxiety yesterday, and smashed it. First 2 approaches done in like under a min. Small success but still a success nonetheless.

3rd and 4th approach were not really any thing noteworthy.
5th Approach was a pair of cute Asian girls. One of them said "I feel like this is a joke I'm not getting" and the other one laughed. I said I just heard a phone ringing, are you sure its not yours? and then complimented the one who didn't like the approaches scarf.
6th girl was holding her phone while I said "ringx3 Banana phone, Hey did you hear that? Is that your phone?" She responded "yah it is my phone." I then said "well seems like you should pick it up, nice coat by the way." She then put together what I said and laughed and said thanks.

Setting mini goals and time constrains helps motivate me a lot. I've said this before but I finally took my own advice and put it into action lol
Accomplishing the mini goals gives me a boost of confidence. Really upped the energy levels afterwards

Other Stuff
Weighed in at 187.4 - Weight loss is going well -I find my self under eating sometimes. Like Breakfast/lunch/dinner only equate to around 1200 Calories, But I'm not really that hungry at the end of the day. I end up eating popcorn/other snacks to fill my stomach and meet my calorie goal. Idk if this is an issue.

Today for example:
Breakfast - Avocado toast Turkey Bacon 334cal
Lunch - Snickerdoodle Banana Protein Shake 333Cal
Dinner - 2x Chicken wraps 487cal
Total = 1154

So I need to eat another 500 calories somewhere. I have a 200cal protein bar generally but that's still only 1354cal.

Gunna get my suit in a few days. Ill most likely take some pictures in it and post here for feedback. Hopefully I look good. The gay guy at the store, and my friend said I did but he's a salesman so he would say that lol.

Also was looking back through my old videos and noticed i make this face a lot lol
Day 35

Hey Bro, Time, U Mad Bro?, Leave
Hey Bro, Time, U Mad Bro?, Non-Sexual Compliment, Leave
Hey Bro, Time, U Mad Bro?, Non-Sexual Compliment, U Mad Bro?, Leave
Hey Bro, Time, U Mad Bro?, Non-Sexual Compliment, U Mad Bro?, You really helped a Bro out, Leave
Challenge: Say "U Mad Bro?" after every thing you say AND after the girl says anything-
Hey Bro, U Mad Bro?, Time, U Mad Bro?, Non-Sexual Compliment, U Mad Bro?, You really helped a Bro out, U Mad Bro? Leave
Repeat this 4 times, you will speak to 16 girls.

Today was oddly challenging. The last Bro day was pretty easy and I was having fun with it, but this one was weird. Anxiety inducing, time wasted walking around the mall, not many approachable girls. The beginning of the day just did not go well. I was able to ask for the time by saying "Hey bro what's the time," but the umad bro part just felt odd and I couldn't say it.

1st and 2nd girl I approached like ran off when I asked for the time. 2nd girl I actually made eye contact with and then approached and she like got scared and walked away Hella fast. Put me in a weird mood for sure. Pretty sure there was another girl I approached as well who walked off. Probably spent like 45 min only being able to do the first part of the drill. I talked with sundleboro and Manganiello and they basically summed it up to "why is this even hard, don't be a pussy, channel your inner scotty and just fuckin do it."

Moved locations and started fresh again and it went a lot better. Had to convince myself to not be a fuckin bitch and just do it. I was mad ay myself at this point with my earlier performance. Went in thinking its already been almost an hour. In the next 20 min approach 6 girls, that's your goal. It went way better after this point. started saying u mad bro, but kind of in a funny way I thought. Like they would give the time and id give the girl a look like I was questioning them and say "U mad bro?" some would laugh, others got a little bit offended. But I got through it. Used this same questioning demeanor to ask u mad bro, after giving a compliment. Then moved on to the "thanks you really helped a bro out.

Probably approached 20 or so girls, but a lot of the approaches were in the beginning just asking for the time.

Gotta stop being a pussy and just approach
How do you approach - You just fuckin do
Setting time constraints and goals always helps. Especially today

Other stuff
Broke my diet for one night. Probably ate like 2000-2200 calories
Weighed in at 188.1 - Just gotta get back on the train and not derail too bad. One day aint the end of the world.
Day 36

Time, Leave
Time, That's a nice shirt, Leave
Time, That's a nice shirt, Those are cool shoes, Leave
Time, That's a nice shirt, Those are cool shoes, That's a cool haircut, Leave
Time, That's a nice shirt, Those are cool shoes, That's a cool haircut, That's an awesome purse (even if she isn't holding one), Leave
* Challenge: Give as many non-sexual compliments as you possibly can. Try to reach 7 or 8 before the girl leaves.
Repeat this 3 times, you will speak to 15 girls.

Today for some reason I was cool as a cucumber. I felt really on point mentally. Mind was clear and focused. I worked out in the morning and my pre-workout has some nootropics mixed in for mental clarity and focus, so that could have attributed, along with a good workout session to minimize extra internal energy. Went into the day feeling really good, calm, and collected. Felt like I looked sharp, and was walking around standing proud with my head up. In my head for some reason the thought of "I'm Mr. Cool Cucumber" kept popping up. It really made me laugh and probably took some of the edge off of today. Such a dorky thing to think, but whatever works. I took notes to keep my self accountable. No "oh I think I did 15 approaches, that's probably right. Ill end it here."

Started today at 2:38. Ended at 3:10
15 approaches

Drill went well, only a minimal amount of anxiety when starting, but even with that it did not phase me. I almost feel like used that energy to catapult myself into the drills. Approached the first girl I saw asked the time and left, next girl was the same and had no problem giving a compliment. Girls responses were generally neutral-like a thank you, positive-where they actually were saying thank you cuz they appreciated the compliment, or very positive-where the compliment lead to a conversation.
By 2:44 I approached 5 girls. 5th Girl was a really cute Asian. She saw me walking near her and I walked straight up to her and asked for the time. Then gave a few compliments like, cool jacket, cool shoes, and then I complimented her on her hair color. It was like black roots with the rest blonde. She then continued by talking about what colors she had before and said she was thinking about lavender next. I then said that I though lavender would look really good, but that any color would look good on her. She was definitely really into talking to me at this point, 100% vibing with this girl and she was really receptive. This felt like a really natural conversation and approach. Almost like a real cold approach would feel. Basically is at this point I guess.

I must have been feeling really confident at this point in the day. In my notes I wrote down "some nerves but still calm, feel like I'm exuding big dick energy, standing tall and proud"

Rest of the approaches went well. Giving compliments was not very hard, and the girls thanked me afterwards. Finding the girls was probably harder then giving the compliments and approaching. The only other girl who was memorable this day was one who when I complimented her on her hair she went off on how she went to a stylist who was from Hong Kong, and she taught her how to Curl her hair and colored it, and it was only $100. This girl like wanted to keep talking even as I was walking away lol.

Taking notes and keeping myself accountable for approach numbers motivates me. Seeing the actual time stamps of approaches and numbers makes it so I can either be happy with the times or disappointed. Which further motivates me. Either be happy and continue, or be displeased with myself and use that inner anger to stop being a bitch and just fuckin approach.

Getting into a character if you wanna call that, makes it easier to get into the right mindset - Today I was Mr. Cool Cucumber. This doesn't mean I'm being fake at all, but some days require a higher energy personality and others require a different one. Today's was a calm, collected, and cool cucumber.

Time constraints = Successful drills - Going to keep writing this until I internalize it that I need to do this every day I do drills.

Other Stuff
Workout went well - Today was a leg day
Weighed in at 188.1 - Slipped up on my diet yesterday but it didn't seem to affect my weight at all. Happy about that.
Trying to start formulating a plan to move out from home.
Going to start logging my expenses more meticulously and set my self a weekly allowance

I need to start visualizing my goals more solidly so I can work towards them. With all this approach stuff the end goal is to get laid, but what steps do I need to take in between this. Moving out seems like the top priority, but there's things I need to do in-between that. This is where I'm going to do some thinking and write down my goals and stuff.

There's also a lot of things I can be doing to work towards getting a better job. I've been slacking because of covid. But that excuse is long gone and shouldn't have even existed in the first place.
Gotta light the fire under my ass and get going.