Toast's AA log - Completed :) - Reuploading my videos as well

Toast said:
In total 22 out of 25 approached in 25 min

Toast if you approach 22 in 25 minutes. That means, atleast, mathematically you could do 300 approaches in a day. :eek:

I mean you'd have a lot of people envious.

... its kind of insane just thinking about that.
Manganiello Theoretically that is possible! Might just have to test out the theory one day :)
Day 40
Walk up to and stop 10 girls and say "Hey, wait a second- you're cute." say your name and leave.
(just like yesterday's 2nd drill)
Walk up to and stop 10 girls and say "Hey, wait a second- you're cute." say your name and put your hand up for a high five. Leave after you get a high-five.
♥ Refer to "Do What You Want Principle" (explained on Day 39)
Repeat this 2 times, you will speak to 40 girls.

Today was a good day as well. Went out a bit later then normal. Got to the mall at 5:35 and set the goal for 20 approaches in 30 min. Mall was crowded so initially I thought it was going to be easy. So far I've not really had a problem calling girls cute. Its become fairly easy and non-anxiety inducing.

First 5 min got 5 approaches done, after that things slowed down significantly. A lot of people in the mall, but not many girls alone or in pairs. Lots of girls with their parents, cute girls with young kids, or possible high schoolers. Definitely don't wanna risk that approach so I stay away from girls who I cant tell their age. I also don't really approach women with kids, even if they're a Milf. Hit the 30 min mark and only had 7 approaches. Walked the mall one full lap at this point. Was bummed at not hitting my goal. Walked across the street to a different part of the mall, and finished off the first half of the drill.

High 5 drill wasn't so much more difficult, but it did stump me for a little bit. I was still able to call girls cute and give my name but the high 5 didn't come out. When I did it I got one on my first try. That put me in a good mood and I got in total 5 high 5's, 2 elbow bumps, an air five, and a rejection for the high 5. None of these were negative reactions either. Mainly just no high 5 cuz of covid.

Interaction of the Day
2 young, really cute, slutty dressed Asian girls passed me by and I bitched out on approaching them. I was upset that I let them go and did not want to have to repeat the week. Anytime it comes in to my head that I regretted not approaching is grounds for repeating the week. So I turned around and followed them. Thankfully they want into a store and not out to the parking lot. Followed for a bit and then caught up to them. Approached and called them cute, gave my name and went for the hi 5. One of them gave an elbow bump and I was happy I did not bitch out. These girls are the first ones to give me anxiety to a serious degree while approaching. Maybe a mental thing, maybe cuz i thought they were both really sexy. IDK either way I approached and didn't not regret it.

Other Stuff
Weighed in at 186.9 - Happy I'm consistently weighing in at the same weight
Studied for the Sherriff Deputy test. More confident now. Going to re-take the practice test on Tuesday
Morning run with friend was fun, and I'm not as in poor of shape as I thought. Going to start running more consistently and doing jumping jacks
Day 40 b
Walk up to and stop 10 girls and say "Hey, wait a second- you're cute." say your name and leave.
(just like yesterday's 2nd drill)
Walk up to and stop 10 girls and say "Hey, wait a second- you're cute." say your name and put your hand up for a high five. Leave after you get a high-five.
♥ Refer to "Do What You Want Principle" (explained on Day 39)
Repeat this 2 times, you will speak to 40 girls.

Part 2 of Day 40

Started at 220 - Approached 1 girl while walking to get lunch
ate lunch till 249
Got back to my car at 3:50 (Cant remember exactly but I think I was filming the vlog at this point)
Total time out there - 1hr 30min
Total Girls approached 22

Today I went to a new location. Drove 45 min to a high end mall. I figured it would be good, but I didn't think it would be this good. Lunch was great. Potato Corner was awesome, and the girl working wasn't wearing a bra and u could see she had her nipples pierced. Great start to the day lol.

This mall is huge. A lot of high end stores like Prada, Gucci, and Rolex. When walking around I noticed that there were a lot of girls either by them self or in pairs. Not that many with their parents or ones that looked underage. After lunch I got up and immediately approached a girl standing by. By 2:58 I had already approached 7 girls. The next one I said she was pretty instead of calling her cute. Not sure if cute vs pretty has any different connotation. A lot of the girls today were really hot. Probably the highest density of the hottest girls I've seen in a long time. The other mall I go to is generally family's, and the occasional hot girl mixed in. Nobody so far really gave me any anxiety approaching. I'm actually enjoying calling girls cute at this point. I think I've said it before but it makes me happy when the girl seems happy from me calling her cute.

Now it was high 5 time. First girl I approached I didn't ask for a high 5. I believe I didn't ask because her initial reaction was not positive. She kind of just said thanks and brushed off the compliment. Later I saw her walking around with a guy so makes sense she wasn't available and didn't care about the compliment. Next girl I asked for a high 5 and she was happy and excited to give me one. Great reaction from the first actual high 5 approach. Girl after this responded well, and gave me an elbow bump. She stood out because she actually gave me her name when I told her mine. Generally when I say my name they don't give me theirs and just say "thanks Devin." Must mean she was into me or something. I had another girl who didn't really respond well to the cute compliment so I didn't ask for a high 5 and just moved on. Another girl also gave me her name unprompted

Interaction of the day
Was walking around in forever 21 and I approached a cute Asian chick. Probably a 7/10 in hotness. She was wearing a yellow sundress with an open back. Said hey and got her attention and called her cute. She shyly said aww thanks while smiling and looking away. Gave my name and she perked up and said her brothers name was Devin. I asked if it was spelt the same as mine and it was. I then asked for her name and she said it was Kaila. Not sure if I'm spelling it right but it was definitely a unique name. I was like "ooh that's exotic" and she told me she was from Hawaii. This conversation flowed smoothly and I feel like if I was cold approaching it would have gone well. She was cute and I feel like she was into me since she was willing to talk more with me. Great interaction over all.

Thoughts on Today
I fell like I'm understanding a little bit more about the idea of presence while walking around. Looking good, dressing well, walking tall with good posture. I feel like I was attracting more looks and definitely caught some girls looking at me while walking around. Not sure if its because I'm looking at them and we meet eyes or if they're noticing me first then I see them looking. While walking around I was looking at the other men as well seeing how they compared to how well I was dressed. I feel like I was more well put together then most of the other people. I was wearing black pants, black shirt, with a dark red/black flannel and brown boots. Almost like the attached picture. A lot of lame street wear guys, or just plain lazy outfits. So this most likely made me stand out more.

Other Stuff
Weighed in at 186.9 - Good stuff
BBQ tater tots are delicious
Legs were destroyed from the run yesterday. Gotta get back on my running regiment
Ate probably close to 1600 calories. Haven't been tracking as heavily but I have a pretty good mental estimate of my calorie intake now. Tend to over estimate as to not over eat when eating out at restaurants.
Going to prep more tomorrow for the upcoming test on Wednesday
Wow you look amazing in that photo.

Toast said:
This conversation flowed smoothly

It's probably a good idea to start chatting up girls like that. Its not in the program til Day 46. But if you can get some conversations in while you're on the other days in week 6 it will be good preparation.
Manganiello said:
It's probably a good idea to start chatting up girls like that. Its not in the program til Day 46. But if you can get some conversations in while you're on the other days in week 6 it will be good preparation.
Seems like a good idea. If the convo flows naturally might as well. I tend to think of strictly doing the drills, since Chris says getting laid isn't the goal right now. I definitely feel like I've missed opportunities to just get a number though. Some of these girls seem really cool too.
Day 41

Hey- you're cute, (wait a second), Leave
Hey- you're cute, Time, Leave
Hey- you're cute, Time, Directions, Leave
Hey- you're cute, Time, Directions, High-five, Leave
Hey- you're cute, Time, Directions, High-five, High-five again, Leave
Repeat this 4 times, you will speak to 20 girls.

Total time approaching 2 hrs
10 approaches completed
3 were not counted cuz they were old Asian ladies
Went to 1 mall, 2 targets, another 2 stores across the street, and a grocery store. Like 7 locations or sum shit.

Went in to today with low energy, maybe because I worked out and ran b4. Or maybe it was coffee time and I didn't have it yet. Either way it took a bit to get going and I never really got any good momentum. Started at 4pm and took about 5 min to get my first approach in. Not really cuz of anxiety, just cuz the mall was not full of hot chicks. According to my notes at 4:12 i had done 5 approaches and gotten high 5's from every girl i asked. Not the double high 5 cuz i thought it was weird and questioned why it was part of the drill. Talked with Manganiello and he cleared up why it was included and it made sense. He said "Its teaching you to be persistent and do the same thing more then once in a conversation." Makes total sense, so from here I did it. Also he mentioned that i was supposed to not leave until they gave me a high 5 so i started this as well.

Next 5 approaches took almost 1 hour 45 min. I was not even being extremely selective with girls. There were just not many around. One girl i saw was an asian chick. Turned out that she was either just taking the interaction badly or she was just old and crotchety. She scoffed at me and walked away as i asked for the time. After that, the same thing happened. Got baited by a cute haircut and it turned out to be an older asian lady. probabaly 45-50 maybe. She also seemed offended that i called her cute. I laughed to myself at this interacion. Thought it was funny that someone would get mad at being given a compliment. Next chick was also a trap and an older asian lady. Fuckin tough to tell with masks and not seeing their face. She also seemed offended that i called her cute. Idk what was up with these ladies but w/e. Didnt affect me much but I just found these interactions odd.

Moved locations across the mall and this place was a bust except for one approach. Girl was probably early 20 and it went like this:
Me - Hey there, excuse me.
Girl - Hey
Me - Your cute
Girl - oh uhh yah (very monotone voice)
Me - Do you know what time it is?
Girl - Nah I don't have my phone (Still sounding bummed or something)
Me - Do you know where to get a coffee around here
Girl - No I'm not really from around here
Me - Oh, well one more thing. High 5
Girl - Sure (gives me high 5 and finally smiles)

This one was weird as well. This chick was totally not receptive at all, but she still went along with what i was saying and gave me a high 5. Idk what to really think of this one.

There was another girl I approached in the grocery store. Called her cute and asked for the time. Then she said she had a boyfriend and she pointed to him. He was like 10 ft behind me and I turned around and waved at him and said hi. She gave me the time and I said thanks and left. This was funny to me. First time i approached a girl whos boyfriend was not around but then came around during the middle of the approach.

Next chick was another Asian girl who after the interaction I would downgrade to a 6/10 in hotness. I called her cute and she seemed off put as well. Asked for the time, She said she didn't have it. Asked for a coffee shop and she just pointed and said over there. Asked for a high 5, and she said no. Now in my head I was like "ok here it goes, I cant leave now till she gives me one or walks away." Told her I couldn't leave till she gave me a high 5. She asked why and i said " its my moral code." She was like ooook and rolled her eyes. Kept shopping while I just stood there with my hand up. She looked back at me and I said " Ill leave if u give me a high5" She said no again. Kept waiting, and then offered an elbow bump. she declined again. And finally after a few min she walked away.

This was not really anxiety inducing. At this point in the day i just wanted drills to be done and this chick was prolonging the day. I was fed up with Asian chicks. and she wasn't helping their case. After this i walked around just a bit and saw another girl shopping. Did the whole drill. asked for a high 5 and she declined, then asked for the elbow and she gave it to me and smiled and laughed as I walked away.

Thoughts on Today
Low energy going in didn't help. Gotta also be more careful when approaching Asian women lol.
Definitely need to make sure I'm either caffeinated or have enough energy to start drills.
Having a coffee mid drills helped, but I think working out as hard as I did earlier didn't help in the long run. My feet were tired, my body was sore, and maybe i was even mentally drained. IDK
This mall that is usually decent was trash today, yesterdays mall was like heaven compared to today. Just sucks that its a 45 min drive away

Other Stuff
Took the Sherriff practice test again. Did better so I'm more confident now
Workout went well - Shoulders and Traps
Went for a run - Legs were beat but still went out. 30 min total of jogging and walking about 2 miles total
20 Body weight squats and 200 jumping jacks after the run with no break in between
Ran without my shirt off since it was a sunny day. No anxiety like the first time. Feels good to be more socially free
Manganiello said:
Next step is no pants.
Lol this guy. I was wearing running shorts so that's like a half step there.

Forgot to say as well, my legs are so white u cant tell where the leg ends and the socks start. Tryin to change this with the shorts and no tshirt thing

No lie dudes, I made the mistake of thinking a guy was a girl a couple of times too. Lot of long haired fellows out there. One time it was a girl that I thought was 50/50 a guy, but went for it and it ended up being a girl. Whew

The hospital day sounds hilarious. I'm picturing you stumbling around faking an injury

Toast said:
Think about the drill before hand and plan what can be done to achieve success the best
More on this?

Manganiello said:
"Like oh my friend was pulling me on a sled behind his truck and took a corner too fast"
Hey, wait a second. I'm going to do this. "So what happened to your friend?" "He ditched me."

Toast said:
Doing this today definitely made me realize that I still have trouble approaching near a group of other strangers. have not had trouble with this in the past but today it was an issue. might need to work on this specific situation in the future.
This is super important. So many of these situations are in front of other people. I've had trouble with this too. The flex day helps with that, the challenge. Flexing for 30 seconds while other people are walking by.

The creepy approach sounds hilarious in hindsight. I read it on GLL I think, "If it'll be funny in a few months, it's funny now."

Toast said:
next girl was standing maybe 5 or 10 ft away, and most definitely heard me before. Approached her did the drill and she gave me a look, like wtf are you doing. She responded it wasn't her phone, and then i said her jacket was nice and she thanked me and walked away.
Dude, you smashed it! Awesome awesome awesome awesome. The days I've done this as a personal challenge, it seems to erase most of my anxiety afterwards no matter what drill it is. You got good results too I see. Do you remember if the first girl you talked to heard you approach the second girl for the banana phone?

Your time constraints are gold. Sometimes I think, is this cheating? But anyone can put a time constraint on anything, whenever they want. Great work

Gotta say, the cat picture was familiar after having watched your vlogs for so long, but that face looks a lot better on you than on the cat. Lol. Btw you're looking good these days man

"Hella families" hahah

Toast said:
but a lot of the approaches were in the beginning just asking for the time.
Feel this on a personal level. And I always hate myself after it. A few times I've changed my mind after approaching someone if I think they look unfriendly and do this. Disgusting habit

Don't know if I told you guys, but I've been on a pretty strict calorie diet myself like you and @Manganiello. Are you doing weekly calorie averages? That seems to help me, if I overeat one day, I undereat the next day, and break even at the end of the week. How's your actual/goal ratio been for calories over time?

Glad you had fun with the U mad bro? Day though. It sounds hilarious (I know how it goes when you're actually in the field though), and glad you pulled a Scottie like we said. I'd love to see footage of this drill in action...

To be continued...

Toast said:
I'm Mr. Cool Cucumber
I'm Mr. Cool Cucumber. I'm Mr. Cool Cucumber. I'm Mr. Cool Cucumber.

"Fuck off, it's not a nice jacket" Hahaha

Toast said:
Started today at 2:38. Ended at 3:10
15 approaches
Holy shit dude. Knocked it out of the park that day. And two drills in one day? Must be a really good day. The Hong Kong girl who started talking about the background of her hairstylist reminded me of one of the earlier audios from Chris, where if the girl's into it, she just starts talking about random things to you. Even as you're walking away.

When you say you want your own place, probably with housemates though right? Unless you're moving to Wisconsin ;)

Day 38
Drive-by cutes. Big old whales. This stuff needs to be written down hahah

Big step up today with the cutes. 13 in 45 minutes is great.

Toast said:
One girl gave me a look when I called her cute. Like a suspicious or "wtf is he doing" look.
She was definitely seriously unavailable.

Ah Zara... the temple. The HQ. The center.

Toast said:
One girl didn't have the time to stop and talk to me. I said " hey there, one sec" as she was walking towards me. She then said something like she couldn't talk and walked away quickly.
Don't worry, you know I thought people at the mall would be more skeptical but you proved me wrong. At one point, I thought people at Targets were more receptive than people at malls. At another point, I thought the opposite. After a while, I realized the "nicer" place was wherever I'd go towards the end of the drill. It was all in my head, or at least all in my demeanor towards them or even just in my interpretation of their responses. Insightful as fuck

Really killing it on time. 28 in 1.5 hours, and 43 total cutes. You were really excited it about doing this one and it shows in the performance

Day 39
Toast said:
One girl I let pass by, and I thought to my self. WTF was that, why did u let her pass. I turned around and followed her until I caught up to her and then approached
Nice follow through.

For the challenges, putting them at the end of the day (when you have social momentum) helps, I think that's why Chris put them at the ends of the sets. Starting with them is admirable, even if they're old challenges and you've "leveled up" from them a bit more. I don't know if challenging yourself when you're not quite as ready to face it helps for the future. That original anxiety-challenge ratio may help toughen you up, maybe? Idk

Hearing about your mentality is great too, can't wait to get where you are.

Toast said:
First girl was standing waiting for food. I had hella anxiety approaching. this was my first approach of the day. Walked up, asked if she knew where to find hipster glasses. She said she didn't. I asked if she thought hipster glasses were still cool. she didn't really answer. I then said "one more question, would you fuck me if I was wearing hipster glasses?" She gave me a look, like wtf is this guy asking, like a dirty look and just turned and walked away.

Dude finally! One of my favorite days so far. You went in there and took the victory. The dirty looks are anxiety leaving your body. Hahah

"Calling girls cute compared to that is nothing" Hahah glad I'm 10 days ahead then ;)

Mav said:
Idk, that is so cringey to me. It's like something someone with autism would say... that's legit though that you dont can actually go through with that
Easy to call things cringey when you know you can't do them yourself. The point of the program is to face things that can make you cringe because you can't do them.

Toast said:
Jade is good luck in Chinese culture, and its usually under my shirt.
I like that, that it has meaning. So many guys out there with random ass tattoos who are lying to themselves and getting tats just because tats are popular in the last 20 years. You definitely have the best accessory game too.

Toast said:
maybe a 6/10 slipped in cuz of misjudgment
Dude I'm rolling

13 girls in 12 minutes though. Fuuuuuuuuuc

When I was going through these, I wondered, what if you went to a girl, called her cute, said her name, and she was like "Aww, thanks Devin." And then you followed up immediately with "Would you fuck me?" That kind of situation is still anxious for me, "disappointing" girls. What do you think?

Day 39 looks like it stretched out for you, so much volume involved. Good hustle. No landmark like @Manganiello's day 39, right? Good stuff

Day 40
Toast said:
2 young, really cute, slutty dressed Asian girls passed me by and I bitched out on approaching them. I was upset that I let them go and did not want to have to repeat the week. Anytime it comes in to my head that I regretted not approaching is grounds for repeating the week. So I turned around and followed them. Thankfully they want into a store and not out to the parking lot. Followed for a bit and then caught up to them. Approached and called them cute, gave my name and went for the hi 5. One of them gave an elbow bump and I was happy I did not bitch out. These girls are the first ones to give me anxiety to a serious degree while approaching. Maybe a mental thing, maybe cuz i thought they were both really sexy. IDK either way I approached and didn't not regret it.
Love it, fuck yeah. What would you have done if they'd gone into the parking lot? Run and catch up to them like you said, I guess. Still picturing you running after girls in the parking lots and yelling "hey, wait a second! you're cute!" Lol

Glad you're getting better high five results. Again, it was really surprising you got such a poor ratio on Day 14. Now we're back to typical numbers. Cool

DAY 40 man. The 40s. I'm ashamed. You're killing it.

Jumping jacks... haven't done those since elementary school

Day 40b
Intro music is back!

Potato Corner isn't just a one-off thing? I saw one for the first time the other day, and it looked seriously great. Like a nice non-chain thing. Oh well, was still good. No nipple pierced workers here though :(

You're really packing them in. Is it the sheer volume that's motivating you for the back to back approaches?

Kaila seems like a nice girl

Toast said:
A lot of lame street wear guys, or just plain lazy outfits. So this most likely made me stand out more.
You're looking good. I bet you look better than the guy in the picture, that guy looks almost like a homeless streetwear guy himself.

Test today for sheriff's department, right? Good luck!

Day 41
The repeated conversation thing that you talked about sounds like the "What do you want for your birthday?" or "What's for lunch?" days. After asking 3 to 5 times, most people usually answer no matter how weird the question is. Repeating things in conversations when they're not ready for it the first time.

The scoffing girl: I'm so happy for you. Seriously. Gotta get those reactions dude!

And the girl who gave that delayed response, that was awesome. Like it seems like a trainwreck at the start, then still a trainwreck, and then still a trainwreck, but then a smile and a high five. Really internalizes the stuff you heard before. "Just keep talking."

"It's my moral code" lol. Heard about it earlier but you went through that too just like @manganiello. Nothing you wanted to say to her afterwards?
sundleboro said:
Think about the drill before hand and plan what can be done to achieve success the best
I think just thinking about situations that may or may not happen prepare me for interactions. I always over think when asking for directions. Like "ok there's a coffee shop near me so i cant ask for that cuz that's silly, maybe ill ask about something else. Ok now that the coffee shop is on the other side of the mall I can now use this dialog in the approach." Working out these small details in my head before hand alleviates the anxiety sometimes. Or even thinking about the malls layout in terms of girls density per side of the mall. Like "The north side of the mall has h&m and zara, so ill go there first and attempt 10 approaches, then after ill go to the south side where target it and get 5 more." Having some sort of plan helps me. Since all approaches are unfamiliar territory. Having a little bit of a plan relieves some of the stress.

sundleboro said:
A few times I've changed my mind after approaching someone if I think they look unfriendly and do this. Disgusting habit
I don't think judging people based on their looks is a bad thing. We've basically been doing it the whole time while looking for hot girls. I think if u think they look unfriendly and that's why u don't approach because they are intimidating is different then judging their looks. The internal reasons for not approaching based on looks is what matters. Idk if this makes sense.

sundleboro said:
The days I've done this as a personal challenge, it seems to erase most of my anxiety afterwards no matter what drill it is. You got good results too I see. Do you remember if the first girl you talked to heard you approach the second girl for the banana phone?
I was super hyped after this and very proud of myself. I'm not sure if the first girl heard me approach the second, but the second girl definitely heard me approach the first. Like u said., the days where you set personal challenges are the days you grow the most.

sundleboro said:
When you say you want your own place, probably with housemates though right? Unless you're moving to Wisconsin
Im looking at my options, I could probably squeeze a place into my budget for a single bedroom by myself in sf but it would be tiny. The alternative would be moving into a spot with a room mate tho. Idk what friends wanna possibly move out with me tho. This is all in the very early stages of planning. Also definitely not moving to Wisconsin.

sundleboro said:
Love it, fuck yeah. What would you have done if they'd gone into the parking lot? Run and catch up to them like you said, I guess. Still picturing you running after girls in the parking lots and yelling "hey, wait a second! you're cute!" Lol
I would have had to restart the whole week. If I saw them turn towards the parking lot I most likely would have ran to catch up to them. The fear of having to restart the whole week is definitely a great motivator.

sundleboro said:
Potato Corner isn't just a one-off thing? I saw one for the first time the other day, and it looked seriously great
I think it is a chain, just not really popular in America. I believe its from the Philippines. Im a big fan, even without the girls behind the register lol

sundleboro said:
"It's my moral code" lol. Heard about it earlier but you went through that too just like @manganiello. Nothing you wanted to say to her afterwards?
At this point in the day I was honestly just over it. I'm also not really that combative so I didn't feel the need to call her out. I think Chris has said that its fine if you want to move on and not worry about it, and generally you have a healthy mentality to not need to fight someone about it. If u do get offended you should call her a bitch or whatever. The point of Manganiello calling that girl a bitch was that he wanted to do it so he had to.
No drills today

Whole day was taken up by the Sherriff Deputy test. Fuckin 3.5 hour test that didn't need to be so excessively long. Woke up this morning at a reasonable time - 8:50 I think. Collected myself and calmed my nerves b4 the test. Ate breakfast, had a healthy amount of coffee. Dressed well and hopefully passed the test. Confident in 3/4 of the sections that I did very well, but 70% is the minimum needed in all of the sections. Unfortunately doing better in other sections does not carry the weight of doing poorly in others.

Weighed in at 185.7 after a dump - Finally hit that 185 on the scale. Gunna smash my target goal by like a few days. Very nice

sundleboro You mentioned a weekly calorie goal, and that if you over eat on one day you under eat on another. I'm not sure what the benefits or determents for this type of eating could be. I generally stick to ~1700 calories every day. Which is around a 300 calorie deficit from my maintenance calorie intake. I think my body has adjusted a bit to the low calorie diet so maybe its less, but I'm still losing weight so maybe my metabolism has not regulated it self to a 1700 calorie diet yet. If I know I'm going to eat a big dinner I may eat a smaller breakfast to balance out the days calorie intake. I've also removed almost all liquid calories from my diet, as well as replacing most sugars for sweeteners. I'm pretty strict with counting calories and tend to over estimate what I eat when I get takeout, as to not over eat accidentally.

I've also tried to eat healthier, but I've also substituted a lot of me favorite dishes for low calorie ones. Chicken tikka masala, French toast, banana pancakes, waffles, chicken wraps, and spaghetti. it's not like I'm starving myself either. I still eat pretty good, im just more concious about eating excessive calories via high fat items like butter , maple syrup, chocolate, and sweets.
Short Update for today

Day 41b

Only had approximately 20 min b4 work for approaches.

Got 2 in. Called a girl cute. She seemed surprised but thanked me.
Next was a tall slender Asian girl. She was probably 6 ft tall. When I called her she seemed to really appreciate the compliment. I asked for the time and she had to fumble around in her bag to get her phone out and just showed me the time. Maybe some sort of language barrier. She seemed confused cuz I think she was looking around the area for something.

Trader joes was a bust. Only moms and couples in here today. Girl behind the cash register was cute, but instead of doing the drill I complimented her on her pants. Just sort of came out, I didn't really intend to do that, but they were pretty dope pants. Tight jeans that were laced up from the ankle to the hips on the front of each leg.

Walked the block but nobody was at my usual spots I hit up.

12/20 approaches for day 41 at this point.

Other Stuff
Ata a fuck ton of sushi last night. This morning I was 186.9. Yesterday I was most likely pretty dehydrated after my run so that's y I was ~185. No biggie. Still got 6 days to meet my goal of 185 by end of March
Only did deadlifts today for my workout. Not really trying to meet any goal weight. I've pulled 300 in the past but I probably rushed to hit the number. More focusing on technique and quality of lifts to get back to 300.
Day 41c

Continuation of calling girls cute then getting 2 high 5s

Today went better than yesterday. I had approximately 30 min before work, and it was really sunny out. On the drive to my parking spot i could feel that today would be better. I saw some cute girls while driving around. Definitely a good sign.

I'll just type out my notes i took while walking around. 5 total approaches, but some of them were interesting. Maybe because i'm paying more attention to body language, or i'm just getting a feel for how a response may go after calling a girl cute.

#1 - Cute, time, Directions. And 2 non-sexual compliments for no reason. She was really responsive
#2 - Cuteish asian girl, pink crop top. Decently receptive, but got a high 5
#3 - Body language showed she was not very receptive. Crossed her arms after i called her cute. She still answered my questions, and gave me an elbow bump 2 times
#4 - She was walking in front of me, probably 20 or 30 ft away. Called out to her to stop her, and called her cute
#5 - walking towards me, Stopped her called her cute, asked the time

Missed out on 2 opportunities because the girls were across the street. Didn't wanna play frogger with traffic just for an approach.

Total Approaches for day 41 - 17/20. Most likely will finish this day in tandem with Day 42

The lady who did not seem receptive and crosser her arms, was somewhat of a surprising interaction. Initially i thought she would not respond well. She was very curt with her answers. But in the end she responded to everything i said and even gave me an elbow bump and a 2nd one when i asked. Maybe this is a case of she's not available, but is just a nice person or whatever.

Other Stuff
Weighed in at 186.3 - Not bad. I think eating after 10 is what causes me to keep weight on even if i don't eat a lot during the day. Some days where I eat 1700 but don't eat when i get home i see a small weight loss. Other days where i eat less during the day but then eat a snack at night to get to 1700 i don't see any weight loss.
Workout went well, Squats, Some legs, and core.

Manganiello I was approaching before work at around 1:30. My normal time for approaching on working days. Some days when it's sunny out it's great, other days it can be dead.

That's all well and good but don't think most will be able to keep that kind of social freedom unless they're constantly cracking the whip and doing/saying those outrageous things on a consistent basis.
Mav said:
The point of @Manganiello calling that girl a bitch was that he wanted to do it so he had to.

Yeah it's not about calling girls ourt for the sake of it. Its just leaving the interaction complete. Like you said everything that needed to be said. In my case. I was mad and regretted not telling her to "fuck off". The angry mom from yesterday... didn't need to yell at her. But I said everything that was on my mind.

Toast said:
Don't know if I told you guys, but I've been on a pretty strict calorie diet myself like you and @Manganiello

I've fluctuated wildly this last month. Strict diet work best for me but I need to put them as a 1b goal for them to work. Which I haven't done this last month.
Mav said:
That's all well and good but don't think most will be able to keep that kind of social freedom unless they're constantly cracking the whip and doing/saying those outrageous things on a consistent basi

I dont know what this debate is about. Am I missing something?

The program makes you VERY direct with girls because you NEED to be when you approach for real life.

If you have no intention of approaching ever. Don't worry about it.

But if you do want to approach worry about it.

Whats wrong with asking a girl if she would fuck you? Honestly? Like for real.

It makes her feel uncomfortable maybe. But you're doing that just by approaching her. It doesn't matter dude.

I'm not sure where you're coming from Mav I'm confused by your questions.
Manganiello said:
Mav said:
That's all well and good but don't think most will be able to keep that kind of social freedom unless they're constantly cracking the whip and doing/saying those outrageous things on a consistent basi

I dont know what this debate is about. Am I missing something?

The program makes you VERY direct with girls because you NEED to be when you approach for real life.

If you have no intention of approaching ever. Don't worry about it.

But if you do want to approach worry about it.

Whats wrong with asking a girl if she would fuck you? Honestly? Like for real.

It makes her feel uncomfortable maybe. But you're doing that just by approaching her. It doesn't matter dude.

I'm not sure where you're coming from @Mav I'm confused by your questions.

Idk, think there's a fine line between going up and saying "Hi, you're cute" to directly asking "would you fuck me" in a mall lol. I get the point of it but for me and other people Ive talked to, if they hole up in their house, they backslide w/ their social skills. Would think the same would apply here in regards to the "social freedom" you're getting by asking such questions as part of program and then stopping the more outrageous things after the program is completed. Or do questions/behavior like that become the norm? Seriously curious.