Toast's Japan CA log - Reflecting on 6 Months of living in Japan

sundleboro said:
I love reading about your adventures. Did that last girl give you her LINE? Her offering to come out if you pay for her is hilarious. What kind of alcoholic mindset is that
Yah after she said no to coming to my place to drink we exchange LINE. Its possible that she really did have only 2000 yen in her bank acct. But thankfully i was aware enough to not buy into drinks = better outcome for potential lay
0/15ish today at ikebukuro.

Went out feeling tired, and started off really slowly
Found my self doing anything but approaching.
"oh ill start off with going to the bathroom, then smoke a cig then start approaching."
"ill maybe walk this way for better volume"
and other excuses.

The one chick today who i actually had a short convo i ejected too soon from
she was going to her part time job and i thought she said "i have a boyfriend" so i ejected after that. Turns out she didnt say boyfriend lol

Lessons learned today:

Start the day with the right mindset to approach
Keep in the approach until she ejects essentially
Keep persisting through the negative thoughts
Keep off the phone while approaching

Positives for today:
Went out even thought I wasn't feeling that great
Stuck in there for a while even though my negativity was getting the better of me
Update from yesterday:

Met up with a dude from Australia whos been here in Japan for a few years.
Went out to do street approaches. Went like 1/20 or so in 2 hours.
Ive moved away from spam approaches. Although it does work I think that its different here in japan.
Read a book specifically tailored for japanese approach and a lot of the guys who do it this way have a lot of success.
More focuses on talking more, conveying yourself as not just some dumb foreigner, but someone who can have at lease a mildly interesting conversation in japanese. As well as understand the intricacies of japanese life.

australian dude and i were motivating each other to approach.

He pointed out a super hot chick to me and was like shes your type go for it
its nice to have awingman to approach cuz its very motivating and you can reflect afterwards on what was good.

So i go up to her and approach in english.
Say whats up. Hows ur night going
Switch to japanese and ask what shes doing
Didnt understand what she said
so i said im studying japanese in school
she said it was cool
repeated what she said
i was like "oh i understood that"
She thought it was cute how i reacted and said "kawaii"
She was going to the subway to meet a friend
so i asked if she wanted to exchange line
she agreed
i asked when she was free and she said thrusday
text her it was nice to meet
she responded Thanx ❤️😊
Told her im also free thursday
she took a day to respond and said something along the line of "thats good, lets meet if you can, i want to learn english as well"

Im going to respond later today and say lets meet up for drinks at X location, ive been wanting to try it.

Hopefully she pulls through but odds are she will either ghost or come up with some excuse lol
but we shall see.
Here's her pic colgate definitely ur type too. Hopefully when ur done in the states u can come to japan. These chicks are all so fucking hot
Had my first insta date from Cold Approach the other day

Was out with some buddies approaching for several hours. Probably went 4/40 or 50 maybe. Idk cuz im not counting at all. Just approaching whoever looks cute.

Towards the end of the session my friend and i were walking and talking and i spotted this chick who kept looking over at us.
So I swung around my buddy to open her.
Said hey whats up in english.
she replied in english too which is rare.
Chatted for a bit and asked what she was doing
she said nothing.
It was probably 930pm or so at this time.
I said lets go to a cafe.
She agrees
we walk maybe 5 min to a cafe. get a coffee, and chat for a bit
asked her if she likes karaoke
she said she does
i said after this lets go to karaoke
she agrees
we go upstairs and get a booth
unfortunately the booth had a camera inside it so i was a bit uncomfortable escalating
we sing a couple songs.
I then throw my arm around her and we keep looking for song
she puts my arm back on my lap lol
we sing another song and she realizes what time it is.
Said she has to go to catch the last train
so we bounce.
End of date

Logistics right now are a mess because I'm still not in my own apartment
But the pull to cafe then karaoke has worked for other dudes.
So this was a huge step in the right direction

Nice to see some progress after having been here for almost a month now.
Gotta figure out which karaoke places dont have cameras as in japan its pretty common to hook up there

Still trying to manifest a lay this week cuz its japans national holiday and a lot of people from outside of tokyo come to visit.
This chick was from Gunma which is like a 2 hr drive away

Potentially i could have asked her to come back out and stay but she said she was catching a Taxi back home so i assumed she was already on the way. Bad assumption but oh well. Live and learn
Had a 2nd instadate with a chick from Approaching like 2 days ago. Went and got drinks in the park, chatted for like maybe 30-40 min and then sent her on her way home cuz I could tell she didn't want to pull. She said she enjoyed talking to me and would wanna meet up again.

Fast forward to today we met up for a 2nd date. Went to a bar, got some drinks, had some food and chatted for like maybe another 30 or so min. Date went fine, she's nice, but she didn't want to bounce to an internet café to watch a movie.
I couldn't really understand what she said in Japanese when I asked why, But I think it was along the lines of something similar happened to her friend and it was a bad experience lol.
She seems really shy. Might take several attempts and some warming up to hook up. Its good practice speaking Japanese with her so I don't think its a waste of time.
She seems to enjoy hanging out with me and wants to meet up again so its fun for me too. Who doesn't wanna hang out with a cute short stack Asian chick :)

Had some time to kill b4 i met with her so i approached for a little bit and went like 1/5 or so
Talking to some other chicks as well. 1 girl might come out Tuesday but she most likely will 👻👻👻

Just gotta keep pluggin away on the streets and ill have some lay reports sooner then later
Buddies out here also agree that same night lays are better then trying to set up dates as contacts generally dont go anywhere unless the chick really likes you. Gotta just catch them in the moment when they're out
Went to a birthday party for my school friend.
Had fun, drank a lot of drinks.

Table next to ours was a table with 5 dudes and 1 chick. They were super loud and our groups mixed together. The chick came up and started talking to me and we hit it off pretty well. One of her guy friends was being abusive and slapped her in the face in a non joking manner. I asked if she was ok and if she wanted to leave and come for drinks with me afterwards. She said she was down. Checked in with her friends and told them where she was going.

We bounced to my house, and got drinks at the convenience store on the way.

Put on some music, sat on my bed and i threw my arm around her.
Was feeling up the side of her ass, and could feel her panties through her skirt.
slid my hand up a bit and was feelin the side of her tits
No resistance at this point at all
Tried to go for a kiss but it was a half assed attempt and ended with a kiss on the cheek
She asked what was that and i didn't really respond just went back to listening to music
We then put on a movie and laid down to watch.
Was feelin up her ass a bit. No resistance, Felling up her tits again, No resistance
Slid my hand under her shirt and started feeling her tits again.
Then tried to get in her bra but she pulled my hand away.
Did the same with her ass. Slid my hand in her pants, started feelin her butt up, But once i tried to get in her panties she pulled my hand away
It was getting late so we fell asleep.
Cuddled with her all night. Hands on her tits, then also on her ass.
But any time i tried to go further she would stop me

She left in the morning.

Definitely a lot i could have done better. Spoke with Manganiello and he said something i could have done better is set the tone of hooking up and being sexual from the beginning.

I would say i tried to escalate in the bedroom but maybe i was not aggressive enough.
Getting closer to a lay.
A lot to learn from this pull.

Have a bumble date later tonight at like 430ish. Plan is to go to a cafe, chat, try to pull home and then hook up.
Met a girl like 3 weeks ago during japans holiday called golden week.

Approached her cuz she had a drink in her hand and i asked her to let me have some. She was receptive on the approach and i probably missed an opportunity to have an instadate at the moment, but at that time I didnt have a place to pull so i was more focused on exchanging contacts.

We didnt really text very often but i was able to set up a date to meet. Lots of im busy this week, but we eventually settled on metting yesterday.

Had trouble initially finding her at the station, but we eventually met up.
Went to an izakaya (bar/restaurant) but the place was full. So she looked up another place and we settled on a place across the street.
Probably ate and drank for maybe an hour or 2. My Japanese is still pretty bad so the conversation was not great. But she thought it was funny when i didnt understand things. So she was giggling the whole time.
Told her i wanted to go and drink more and suggested we go and drink at my house. I believe she was asking where i lived b4 i suggested this so she seemed interested in staying later with me anyway.
She agreed to come over to drink.
We ride the train 1 stop to my house and walk 5 or so min to my apt
Told her to sit on the bed, turned the lights down and threw on a movie.
Put my arm around her as soon as the movie started
After maybe 10 min of watching the movie i went to kiss her
she was really shy and had her had up to her mouth the whole time so i just took her hand and placed it down and went to kiss her
she didnt really kiss back but wasnt pulling away. I think she was just a really bad kisser lol
I was definitely leading the whole interaction.
went to take her shirt off and she let me take it off no resistance
Started fondling her tits and whenever i would touch her nipples she would moan
went for her undershirt and also unbuttoned her shorts. No resistance there either
Laid her down on the bed and then undid her bra.
She was super petite. Definitely the thinnest chick ive ever been with.
Cute small tits and a nice small ass. Very soft ass lol
Started suckin on her nipples, and fingering her. She was moaning the whole time
Could barely get 2 fingers in her. He pussy was tiny. Like just my middle finger was filling her up
Took her panties off and then spit on my dick to lube it up so it would go in easier.
Had a bit of trouble getting it in but once i go the tip in i just slowly pushed it farther in.
had sex 3 times this night and 1 more time in the morning.

Feels fuckin amazing to finally have a lay in japan.
Been puttin in the hours approaching on the streets
All of that work finally lead to this.
Now to keep getting back out there and smashing more chicks

RN I have 3 other leads.
1 chicks who's 39 and specifically said she wants to see me alone
Another who i met like a month ago and had to reschedule a date. potentially will see her this coming week
And another chick who i went on a date with from bumble. We text like every day and we get a long pretty well. Wont see her till next weekend.

There is another chick on bumble who i was talking to, but my buddy also matched with her and she told him she has herpies so ima just ghost her lol
Mark Japan is great. Definitely a different kind of approach here then in the states where I started
SIGMA_1234 said:
Hey bro, you gonna stay in Japan for good now? Just curious.
That's the plan. Just gotta figure out how to do it now. USA sucks lol
Oh shit. So you are gonna move there. How are you gonna make money? I heard Japanese work & corporate culture sucks tho
SIGMA_1234 Im here now for 1 year on a student visa. I can get a part time job in the mean time but i have enough money for now to live comfortable without working. Yah work culture sucks, but im not planning on becoming a traditional business man. so hopefully I wont get stuck at a shit company. Ill figure something out tho. I always make whatever i wanna do work in the end
Went out tonight with a buddy and approached for an hour
went like 2/15 or so

Most approaches i was just completely ignored.
One notable chick was super hot. my buddy told me to go for it and if i wasn't he was so i approached.
She was receptive. Was on the phone initially but as i approached she hung up. Was waiting for a friend to go meet for dinner
Told her i was a Japanese language student
she told me the typical. Wow your Japanese is so good
Asked her to exchange line and she agreed
Got a call as we were exchanging
Once she was done she still went on to exchange which was a surprise to me
Texted he and she responded already which is a decent sign

Other notable chick was a short chick in a skin tight purple dress with a Phat ass
Super cute
Caught up to her as she descended into the station
told her that he dress was very pretty
asked where she was going
said to work
asked what she did
said she was going to dance
asked if she was a dancer in a club
said she was an idol
i was like "oh wow, are you famous"
she said not really, maybe a little bit
b4 she got onto the train i said lets exchange
and then we did

Everything was said in Japanese.
Definitely trying to break out of my English speaking shell
Need to specifically stop saying rehearsed lines that i know in Japanese and be more fluid with my conversations
Those types of convos seem to have the best outcomes
Good night over all.

Have a date on Wednesday with a chick i met a couple weeks ago
Have a date this weekend with a chick from bumble
And another date scheduled for the 31st with a chick i met 4/17 lol. Had to reschedule this date and we finally agreed on a day. Bet she will ghost tho 🤣
Had a date tonight with the 39yo girl.

Nice date, she showed me a really famous/delicious sushi place and paid for the dinner. I tried to split the bill but she said it was fine.

Didn't try to pull cuz shes not really my type, but as the date went on i guess i became a bit more attracted to her.
I think she has a really nice body. Seems like she has a nice ass and shes got some nice tits as well.

On the fence if i should keep seeing her or not. Shes nice and ive never been with someone 10 years older then me.
Ill probably see her again some other time as she seems interested in me.
As well as having someone older who will pay for dates is nice.

After the dinner we went to a cafe and got a coffee and chatted for a while longer.

Will see how this plays out. Still have to decide what i want to do
During our date she was talking about how shes going to Okinawa during summer and asked if i wanted to go as well. Or rather she asked if i wanted to go alone or with friends and i said with friends.


Have a date tomorrow with a chick i met from CA like a few weeks ago.
She's Wayyyyy hotter then tonight's date.

Hopefully she doesn't flake. But she probably will lol
Asked her tonight if she wanted to go to a bar cuz i told her my friend showed me a cool place to drink.
We shall see if she responds tomorrow

Also have my 2nd date with the chick from bumble on sunday
I think this chick is DTF so i will see how that goes

Potentially could have 2 lays in 1 week
and 1 lay last week

Chick i smashed last week seems to have ghosted me, but ill ping her again with another message to see whats up.
asked if she wants to hang out again some time and no response.
Date from Thursday flaked kinda. I guess the day we set wasn't sent in stone and the time either. I asked her if she wanted to meet Thursday but I didn't specifically say this is past Thursday. So she hit me back up and said next Thursday. So idk if that counts as a ghost or just bad planning on my part lol.

Not much action in the CA department this week.
Just relying on previous chicks to come out for dates.

Bumble date is on Sunday now. Definitely going to try and smash. We have been texting pretty much every day, and get along quite well.
Plan is to go to an aquarium, maybe get a bite to eat, and then ill try and bring her home to watch anime or something lol.

I think i should set a schedule for when i approach potentially.
Cuz RN im just going to school 5x per week and gym 3x per week at like 11pm for 1 -1.5 hours
Approach is kinda just thrown in whenever and studying as well.
Maybe ill go home from school, study for an hour and then go out to approach until like 10pm.
So it could look like
School over at 345 - shoot the shit with my buddies after school.
Get home by 5ish
Study till 6 or 7
Approach for 3 - 4 hours
Gym at 11
Bed by 2am

Idk if this is ideal but ill see if it can work
2nd date on saturday didnt go great.
As in i deviated from my plan and was not able to pull due to time constraints. Wont go into much detail but we didnt go where i wanted to go. Got side tracked and spent way too much time at the new location. Then she went to meet her friend afterwards so couldnt pull.

Lesson learned is to keep dates simple like i used to and always stick to the plan set from the beginning. So that you have a guideline to pull home

Went out yesterday to approach
Made tons of excuses
Took a nap cuz i was tired and didnt approach till too late
station was dead
did like 5 approaches in 30 min

Went out today with a friend
Much better
Both chicks were super hot
Was out for 2 hours about
Volume was decent but im finding out that the super hot chicks are more rare in Ikebukuro
Getting better at not sticking to a script of what im comfortable saying in japanese.
Being more spontaneous and quirky is better on the approach
"hey your cute" is so sommon here that basically it gets u nowhere when approaching
You gotta do funny things

One chick who was receptive but didnt exchange was listening to music with earbuds in.
So i walked up and said, hey let me listen to ur music. and motioned to take out her headphone
she laughed and said noooo
then just had normal conversation afterwards.
Was in a rush to go to work and said she had a boyfriend so she didnt exchange

Another chick was super tall and had sexy long legs
walked up and say hey
you long legs are pretty
she smiled and then we started talking
asked a bit of what she was doing and she was going to work until 9am
probably a night worker, maybe a hostess, maybe a sex worker
didn't actually understand what she said her job was lol
I think she said she washes skin or something which makes me believe she works at a soapland lol
we exchanged and she was super hot

good day of approach
Gotta focus on being driven when im alone and cant rely on approaching with a buddy
Gotta be self motivated and try to approach every day i can

Setting a schedule was a good idea so i can set limits for what i need to do in the day

So far im liking the
1245-345 school
get home by 5-530
Study till 7
approach till 11ish
Date from CA today at 6pm
Went to a cute cafe and ate a giant parfait
really tasty
Didnt remember the chick so when i first met up with her i was a little disappointed with how her face looked lol
Went to the cafe. Had a nice chat for maybe an hour while eating our parfaits. She was giggling the whole time
Very smiley and happy girl
Wearing a loose fitting button up and a long skirt
Hard to tell what he body looked like
Wanted to smash so i figured why not bring her home and try
During the date we were talking about how I am studying japanese and she mentioned that she wanted to see my homework
Told her that i would show her at my place and she agreed
Finished our stuff and then walked to the station
when we go to the station gate she said "ok see you next time"
I was like, "nah come with me"
she agreed no resistance
got to my house
told her to sit on the bed cuz and she did
put on Truman Show and watched maybe 20 min b4 i went for the kiss
She gave no resistance after i kissed her and was kissing me back
Laid her down and started kissing and fondling her boobies. as well as rubbing her coochie
Stood her up and undid her shirt
And to my surprise she was really busty
Maybe D cup or Double D with a very thin body
so it made her boobs look even bigger
Sex was ezpz after that

Its crazy how Japanese girls actually sound the same like they do in porn lol
Kinda whining and seeming like they're in pain.
Asked her if she was ok and she said she was feeling good
Told me that my dick was big
Had sex with a condom on and then for the 2nd round b4 we started i asked if she was on the pill. She said she wasn't so i threw another condom on again. Didn't cum the 2nd time but we fucked for probably 15 or so min and i didnt cum :(
Tried to get her to keep going but she said she had to go home
Walker her to the station like a gentleman lol

She seemed way more into me then the first chick i smashed.
This one was wanting to kiss me during sex and like hold my hand while fucking
More into the sex then the first chick which was really nice

Since she was so small it was able to actually like pick her up and fuck while just holding her up with my hands under her ass. A position i was not able to do with bigger chicks in the states lol. Nice experience

Guess if theres a lesson to be learned from this experience is that the interaction is never really over until the guy decides
Had I not continued to try to set up dates with this chick i would have never smashed
Had i deleted her after her not responding for like a few weeks this wouldnt have happened
Many opportunities to not talk to her but i persisted and it worked out in the end
Toast said:
Told me that my dick was big

Being born a fake Asian was a brilliant move. You fool them into thinking you're one of them during the approach, and then surprise them with your big donk.

Omedeto aniki.