Toast's Japan CA log - Reflecting on 6 Months of living in Japan

Crisis_Overcomer said:
Toast said:
Told me that my dick was big

Being born a fake Asian was a brilliant move. You fool them into thinking you're one of them during the approach, and then surprise them with your big donk.

Omedeto aniki.
a blessing in disguise for sure
Went out to a party with friends from school yesterday night. All u can drink and a like 6 course meal for 3000yen. Pretty cheap.
Probably had like 6-8 drinks in 2 hours so i was feelin good. 22 ppl came out and after dinner was over it was myself and 1 chick and 5 other dudes.
We went to a bar that was also all u can drink all night for 3000yen. Never been to a bar like that but it was fun
The chick that came was drinking a lot and actually keeping up with the guys. One of my friends who is also an advisor from school got so drunk that he fell asleep outside of the bar lol.
During the night the chick and i were talking a lot and she was talking about sexual things like having one nipple piercing.
When i asked about it i poked one of her boobs and said this one is pierced and then touched the other and said this one isnt.
She was fine with that. All night she was also fine with me putting my arm around her and touching so that was a good sign
Come 5am for the first train everyone went home. Myself, her and my friend all took the same train. She had a job interview at 10am
We helped her take the train home
when we go to my station i said how about u just sleep at my place so u can get a bit more sleep. She agreed
Brought her to my house
Told her we could share the bed
She laid down with all her clothes on so i told her to get a bit more comfortable and take her pants off. She said ok so i helped her take her pants off
After maybe 1 min of cuddling I rolled her over and kissed her and she started making out with me.
took her top and bra off no problem and then started fucking.

She was definitely being a sexual person all night
talking about her nipple piercing
talking about how she's gone on 6 dates from tinder
Talking about how one of the japanese guys she hooked up with came super fast lol
So the indicators for her to be down were pretty positive all night
Had a bumble date last night
She was a bit heavier then in her pictures but still had a cute face and some nice tits so i figured why not just go through with the date
Went to a bar that was super cool. Very cute little side street tucked away from the main area. My friend recommended it so it was a very nice spot. 80s themed bar where the bartender played different old-school records. Had a drink and then afterwards went to smoke some shisha. Chilled at the shisha bar for like an hour.
The chick is a Japanese girl who was born only 30 min away from where i lived in California. Small world lol
Was hesitant to pull cuz she was a little bit fat but whatever. I wanted to smash and this would be the 3rd chick in 3 days i hooked up with.
After shisha it was like 1030 so i asked if she wanted to come to my place to watch a movie. She agreed
Got back to my place and put on shaolin soccer. Really funny movie so she was like laughing the whole time
After maybe 30 min or so of watching i went for the kiss and she was down from there.
Started making out. She pulled her top down and then i started sucking on her tits
She seems like a girl whos very sensitive. She came from me fingering her for like 5 min
After we had sex and she was super into it
Round 2 of sex happened maybe about an hour later after cuddling more
She came like 5 times while i was fucking her from behind. Asked me to choke her a bit as well and that made her cum somemore
She spent the night and we also had sex in the morning

This is actually my first hookup from online
During sex she was like omg your soo deep, your dick is so thick
never heard this from chicks in the states so maybe asian chicks really do have smaller tighter pussies
pretty awesome to hear this from a couple girls now lol
Strokes my ego :)
Toast said:
never heard this from chicks in the states so maybe asian chicks really do have smaller tighter pussies
I also imagine that guys in Japan have much smaller dicks on average, lol.

Congrats on the lay. Sounds like you had a blast.
Squilliam said:
Toast said:
never heard this from chicks in the states so maybe asian chicks really do have smaller tighter pussies
I also imagine that guys in Japan have much smaller dicks on average, lol.

Congrats on the lay. Sounds like you had a blast.

Yah i believe on average they do. I dont think im exceptional but i did buy the large size condoms and they fit like normal lol
Toast said:
During sex she was like omg your soo deep, your dick is so thick
never heard this from chicks in the states so maybe asian chicks really do have smaller tighter pussies
pretty awesome to hear this from a couple girls now lol
Strokes my ego
lol, great timing, literally had the same thing happen last night too XD

Congrats on the lay!
So I heard you may even have more luck in a gaijin bar where you could find gaijin-hunter girls. Who are girls that are obsessed with being with a foreign guy. Just an idea of another place to do approaches.
NotYourAverageNerd Appreciate it . Seems like the planets lining up for both of us
Holden Yah, i figured as much. Just never actually experienced it myself till now
AmericanAndy Im not the biggest fan of the nightlife culture. Ill bring a chick to a bar if she's with me but im not a huge fan of competing with other dudes in the bar. Rather just approach on the street lol. Even tho there's still competition out there too, just in a difference sense. But why not look into these kind of places. No need to shoot myself in the foot. Just gotta use any outlet to get laid lol
Been not approaching as of late because its finals week and I really want to do well.

This is definitely an excuse, but I have already seen the effects of dating all weekend and then come Monday i have a test. My grades reflected this lol

I approach here and there with like one off chicks I see every now and then but this is not a way to maintain.

I did like scheduling my approach sessions into my day so maybe ill have to take a harder look at what the break down of time that's appropriate for how I can approach and study.

That's not to say I've stopped talking to chicks.

Potentially have my first chick ill be able to keep seeing. Fucked her last Monday for the 2nd time
Talking with 2 chicks on bumble. Potential date This Sunday
Dropped one girl from bumble
Trying to schedule a date with a chick from CA
Also trying to worm my way into a chick from class

Little introspective here but the battle right now seems to be a balance between wanting an awesome sex life with tons of Japanese chicks and also keeping my studies in check and advancing my Japanese

Studying and passing tests is directly tied to my visa so it is really important. As well as the more I improve my Japanese the better I get at picking up chicks and maintaining girls whom I have picked up.

I will have to really think hard about how to balance these things.

Approaching is a great way to practice Japanese, but it doesn't really help me with my studies unless I specifically try to use the Japanese I'm learning in class. Which at this point doesn't directly correlate to things said on the street.

Potentially i could set Sundays as a Japanese day and have Friday and Saturday be days where i go out and have dates, But idk at this point. Ill have to see what works best and experiment
Toast said:
Squilliam said:
I also imagine that guys in Japan have much smaller dicks on average, lol.

Congrats on the lay. Sounds like you had a blast.

Yah i believe on average they do. I dont think im exceptional but i did buy the large size condoms and they fit like normal lol

Went out on Sunday to approach a bit
I think i went 1/20ish maybe 30 idk. Was out for a couple hours with a friend

Same thing on Monday as well

Today i went out for a couple hours again with the same friend but earlier in the day right after school from 430-630
My right calf has been bothering me so i called it quits as well as its uncomfortable hot out right now
went 0/20 ish today

Today started off well. I was motivated and in a good mindset of approach. Approaching more on a hair trigger and less worried about getting rejected. Still need to relearn the lessons that i once knew in the past but its all slowly coming back together

past 2 bumble dates flaked on Sunday, Supposed to have dates with then next month lol
We shall see if that actually happens XD

Finals are finally finished. Thursday is the last day of school then I have summer vacation for 2 weeks
Plan to use this time to approach a lot but i also dont wanna burn my self out too much. Especially with the heat
Summer in japan is unbearable
its like 30-40c with 100% humidity. Fucking terrible weather, and it causes the stations to become like ovens. Even with the aircon on in the station.

Passed my class thankfully
82% on the big final written test
100% on the listening test
85% on the reading test
most likely 80% on the speech test

Weight loss is also going at a decent pace I think
Came over to japan at around 85kg
Weighed in around 82.0-82.5 throughout the week now
I think im miscalculating my calories and underestimating what im eating. Going to be a bit more strict on measurements of oil and other condiments
Went out and approached today from 630-830ish
Was getting blown out left and right
Had maybe 2 decent conversations within the first 20 approaches
Was with my buddy again
He left to go to do jujitsu so i was on my own for the last hour
Probably did another 10-15 approaches

saw a chick with big tits across the station so i walked around and hesitated to approach. Saw she was just strolling around and looking at the cute prize machines (gatchapon) so i approached and asked if she thought they were cute
Made basic conversation with her for maybe a few min.
Tried to get her to go to have a drink with me but she said she was going home
Asked to exchange line and we did

last chick i talked to was walking up the stairs
caught up to her
said her style was pretty
she said she was busy
so i just asked to exchange
and was like "quickly quickly"
she pulled out her phone and we exchanged
less then 1 min interaction
Most likely wont go anywhere cuz she probably gave me her line to just get ride of me lol but whatever

2/30-35 today in like 2 hours

I find it always easier to approach when im with a friend and that's a crutch
Being alone for that hour today was good
I need to go out alone more to work on that skill again
I still find myself relying on the same things i know how to say
Getting stone walled by the language is annoying at times but also works to my advantage at other times
I can always not know what to say and then just tell them im a language student and that works sometimes
most likely this problem can be fixed by just learning a lot more vocab and then speaking just words instead of sentences
The interactions that seem to work the best are the ones where im saying things that are more interesting then "your clothes are prety" "i like your style" etc.
Things like "you look like a princess" "want a bite of my onigiri" etc. always seem to hook a chick more cuz its random and interesting
Really gotta give you credit for trying to do this in a language you barely know (especially cause Asian languages tend to be really hard for English speakers), approaching in your mother tongue is hard enough lmao

Been reading through your log dude good to see you're still killing it with those cute Japanese chicks!

Congrats on the fitness goals and passing the classes too - real big wins!
Squilliam said:
Really gotta give you credit for trying to do this in a language you barely know (especially cause Asian languages tend to be really hard for English speakers), approaching in your mother tongue is hard enough lmao

Appreciate it. Id say approaching is a great way to learn the language, but its also a detriment because its difficult to express myself.
Im just thankful that i dont really care about looking like a fool so sounding and acting dumb doesnt really affect me too greatly lol. Can just laugh off a shit approach haha

Spider Jerusalem said:

Been reading through your log dude good to see you're still killing it with those cute Japanese chicks!

Congrats on the fitness goals and passing the classes too - real big wins!
Thanks brutha. Its been a blast so far!
Today was great. Major achievement lol
Always wanted to street to sheets and today was the day.

Started the day off with a solo approach session from 630-730
Approaching solo was actually pretty decent today
Probably 15-20 in an hour. Girls were opening nicely. had a few conversations but no exchanges.
Had some business to take care of so i went back home

Was going to meet up with my buddy to approach for another hour so I went back out.
Got to the station maybe 15-20 min before he did so I started approaching
Probably did maybe 3 approaches.
Saw a chick walking slowly. Hesitated for a bit but said fuck it why not. She has nice tits
Walked up to her, Tried to ask if she liked the color blue cuz it was the color of her shirt
But i dont think the sentence came out properly
She stopped to talk with me which is really rare.
Most chicks never initiate the stop when approached
We kept chatting for a little bit and she spoke a little bit of english so she was trying to speak in english wile i spoke in japanese
Asked what she as doing
said she was going home
Told her it was a bit early to go home so we should grab a drink
she said she didnt have any money for a drink
So i was like ok lets exchange and we can meet up another time
Asked when she was free and she said tomorrow
but then she was like im free now to go to a cafe or something
I was like ok lets walk

We started walking towards a shopping area
Made random conversation along the way
Said lets just grab a drink at the convenience store and chill in the park
She said ok
I bought her a lemon sour (like 5% alcoholic drink) and bought myself one too
Cost a total of 300yen
walked to the park
Had a nice chat about random stuff like our hobbies and such
Eventually started talking about movies so i suggested we go watch one at my place
Told her it was either one stop away or a 20 min walk
She said lets walk.
Walked to my place
Got to my appt and then put on stranger things cuz we were talking about that earlier
Had her sit on the bed because my appt has no space for chairs.
Put my arm around her waist and she leaned into me
maybe 5 min pass maybe even less and i go to kiss her
Shes into it so we start making out
Ezpz lay from there

TLDR: 2 approach sessions. First session 0/10-20 in an hour. 2nd 1/3 in 10-15 min. Pull to park, Buy drinks, Walk her home. Smash.

Very gratifying to know that street to sheets is possible and i can do it. Its like a silly achievement, but i'm super happy i was able to accomplish this. Just knowing that its possible to see and smash a chick in under 2 hours after meeting is super dope.

Lesson to learn from this is approach every single hot chick you see. You never know who might be the one that pulls home. Had i hesitated and 2nd guessed myself on this chick i would have never smashed.
No need to fear the interaction because you literally have no way of knowing how its going to pan out.
Toast said:
approach every single hot chick you see. You never know who might be the one that pulls home

100% agree here. It’s more about getting over the ego, and those silly excuses guys often say like don’t spam approach etc.

You never know” is what I repeat to myself daily doing this stuff. From there literally anything is possible.

Good work man keep it up!
Been a while since i updated.

Took a vacation went to Osaka, Caught covid. Put me out of commission and in quarantine in my room for like 2 weeks.

Boring as fuck.

Had a date with a school mate i had smashed before a while back on Sunday 7/24
Got drinks, walked around, went to a bar, tried to pull home but she insisted she had to go home and call her friend she promised to call.
Said we would meet up again some time. Not sure if she's DFT but she told me she was a huge slut during her vacation and saw a different guy every day of the week for 7 days straight lol. Said we would definitely hang out another time.

Had a bumble date last Tuesday 7/26 with a 31 yo like 5foot nothing Filipina chick. We had been talking on bumble for probably a month now but could never arrange a date. The first date i had with her got canceled because I caught covid.
Finally went on a date. Brought her to a random bar. All the drinks were 200yen each so it was a nice cheap date. cost us 1000yen each.
During the date we talked about movies and stuff. Suggested to watch a movie at my place. She hesitated but agreed.
Got home, put a movie on that was annoyingly good. Put my arm around her, pulled her close to me. She seemed fine with it. Went for the kiss eventually after way too long of time. She was into it. But she pulled out her phone and complained about missing last train. It was only like 9 so we had a few hours before last train. Hooked up ezpz after that.
Going to see this chick again on Friday. She lives 2 hours away by bus so its inconvenient for me to meet her when she is not working in Tokyo like she is now.

Today 7/27 Wednesday
Ive been trying to complete 3 simple tasks every day
Gym at 10am
Study after school for an hour

Today started bad. Didn't go to the gym and slept in, But i studied Japanese instead so that's ok. Went to school. came back home and wasted time getting dinner. Finally went to the gym at 8pm and got back home by 9pm.
Left to approach and got to the station by 915. Pretty shit session. Worse i've had in a long time. Made one singular approach.
Was out for essentially an hour.
Not really a win of a fail
I set out to do 3 things and i achieved them
But i also did all of them poorly

Life changes dont happen in a day. So im not going to beat myself up over this. But what i can do it try to improve and be better tomorrow.