Trèfle's progress log - Mediocre dating streak after 11 lays


Diet : 2 good meals, solid deficit

Exercise: rest day, walked a good bit

Jinxed myself it seems, when I was kissing that girl on Saturday she was a bit worried for my health because of her cough so I told her "I never get sick don't worry" but yeah, been ill since, low energy and cough. Worth it, it's just a bad flu but I do have a date tomorrow - hope I don't give her the same thing if we click. First time I've gotten sick from dating, kinda funny (there was this girl last month who sent me a "hey I got clamydia" text but after getting my pee checked I had nothing)

Diet: 2 good meals, solid deficit

Exercise: sick in bed all day long

Been feeling terrible. Good thing this girl's a sweetheart, was coughing too much to feel like dating was a good idea but she was super down to date on Saturday instead, wishing me a good recovery. Pretty brunette, drives 3 hours just to meet me. I don't buy drinks at all usually but I'll make an exception for her, she deserves it
Today was definitely the worst "date" of my life, just waiting and waiting in front of a bar with her telling me she's going around in the city feeling lost but should find the place soon and being very vague everytime I offered to meet her where she was, lasted for like 4 hours in the cold and the rain still being sick (with nosebleeds even) before I got back home and she offered to go back to her car and drive to my place to enjoy some time together at least - been 2 hours in a half since I last heard from her. Still don't know if she trolled me or not, supposedly drove 300 kms to meet me. One thing's for sure, that was a terrible afternoon. More on the "funny anecdote" side of terrible but still enough to make me eat badly tonight out of frustration. Only day this happened this week so I do feel like things are in a ok spot right now, I'll do a end of the week weight loss report tomorrow
Good diet today too, solid deficit. Most consistent week in a long time, 5 days under maintenance and one around it. Good stuff. Haven't moved much, really focused on sleeping a ton but I care more about my calorie deficit

Dating isn't particularly thrilling right now but I expected it, just too way too weak in the looks department right now. Even my best feature (my face) is severely ruined by the current weight. It's not the main goal right now anyway, I won't stop going on dates but not expecting particularly great results in the near future, won't set new lay counts goals just yet. I'm comfortable with it I feel, I genuinely want hot women in my bed but I do have a better balance now in my opinion, lackluster dating success doesn't seem to affect me much anymore (I was fuming inside yesterday but mostly because that was a complete waste of a Saturday). Feeling optimistic, dating doesn't feel like the sole focus or source of pleasure of my life rn

A big goal of next week is to go back to the gym, been more than a full month. My wrist is still in pretty bad shape, very limited range of motion on it. Very disappointing because I had 2 different doctors feel it and tell me it would take one week, they were wrong. Military press is going to suck but I miss weights
Man things are just REALLY bad with women right now. Was meeting this cute girl who invited me to her place right away because she doesn't like bars but that was awful, she was sitting like 5 kilometers away immediately, after a while I proposed that we move to her bedroom but she was sitting on the floor there... Terrible, things were going nowhere - sat next to her on the floor but that was so uncomfortable I couldn't even try to kiss her, had to ask but she wasn't interested. I just left after 1 hour, was bored out of my mind and things were just horrible

I get that my physical appearance is very mediocre and women aren't going to fuck an unattractive guy (I think I get the kind of vibe and emotional connection to build, at least the basis, I wouldn't have had this amount of lays looking this bad otherwise surely) but it really does get worse and worse right now. It's more annoying than anything, not focused enough on dating to be actually hurt by it but when just 2 months ago I had this streak of lays it's hard not to compare to it. I got lucky though let's be honest, I just don't look nearly good enough rn. It'll come back I don't doubt it

Spending the day tomorrow with that chick from that insane date like 10 days ago. She's also not into me sexually, told me early in our first date, quite the consistent trend... Least she's gorgeous and we make out all day long so it should be decently fun. Don't expect to get laid but whatever I enjoy having her around and just kissing so it's fine. Really want to get laid again though been a full month since the last one, such a long time. Obviously it's about fat loss and taking better pictures mostly in my case I'm well aware. I'm still ill but she gave it to me in the first place so she's probably immune
If you feel your physique is holding back you need to get working out mec, theres no excuse. Run, cycle, squat and legs, watch your diet and the fat will come off. Your face has good potential, you need to thicken your neck and maybe work your jaw with tough gum/mewing and you'll end up pretty good looking.

Can you fill me in an what apps are popular in France? Also what sort of lines are used in French because I've no idea how to draguer and need to learn as I'm moving to a francophone country
Spazdig said:
If you feel your physique is holding back you need to get working out mec, theres no excuse. Run, cycle, squat and legs, watch your diet and the fat will come off. Your face has good potential, you need to thicken your neck and maybe work your jaw with tough gum/mewing and you'll end up pretty good looking.

Can you fill me in an what apps are popular in France? Also what sort of lines are used in French because I've no idea how to draguer and need to learn as I'm moving to a francophone country

Yeah it's not like I don't know how, been lean enough times to know how to get it done reasonably fast. Been struggling with consistently for sure these few months but things are better, will be a couple months to fix it. Dating when you know even the girls who kiss/fuck you aren't attracted to you truly sucks at times but I won't stop doing it anyway, even a good month of consistency should make a difference

Tinder's easily the most popular by far, where I got almost every lay thus far. Adopte is a big name but it's mostly for LTR, stopped using it, only got 1 lay from it. Fruitz is supposedly decent but not working out much for me for now, also I'm pretty sure I've matched fake profiles there. No idea what most guys do really when it comes to lines and all, the friends I've made lately really aren't into dating, it's just me and still learning. Feel free to ask if you want to know how to say something specific though would be happy to help
Been struggling not to compare with the other success stories on here lately, part of me feels like "I should be making more progress faster" while another part feels like I've come a long way already. In a way I guess both are fine, maybe the first 11 lays were mostly related to luck considering how bad I've let myself become in terms of looks and I definitely would have had more if I wasn't using food for escapism so much these last few months, but like the progress is there for sure - everytime I had the opportunity to talk about my sex life irl so far guys have asked me for advice, feels like a far cry from having never touched a woman in any way until 25. Yet a part of me feels like I'm struggling a lot sexually but it's stupid, can't say that with this kind of lay count and knowing I'm meeting up a very attractive woman who loves making out with me tomorrow, really need to work on that self esteem. I still feel like a virgin mentally sometimes I guess even though I clearly look and sound much more confident already

I think I'm still too hard on myself sometimes. I know there's guys here who work much harder than me, no doubt, and maybe I've had more help from stuff like genetics than I can recognize but I do have a good share of mental stuff I had to deal with, things this journey helps me recognize. Most of it was taken care of too, just a few months ago I was waking up lethargic everyday but it feels gone, like I still struggle with food sometimes but I look forward to every day. Even if I don't document that much here the career path finally brightens up too, just need to attend that event in early April but I got a solid plan to finally stop being that depressed middle school dropout with an almost empty resume. Women don't want me much right now clearly but it'll come back, I know how even 5 kilos can change things
Trèfle said:
Man things are just REALLY bad with women right now. Was meeting this cute girl who invited me to her place right away because she doesn't like bars but that was awful, she was sitting like 5 kilometers away immediately, after a while I proposed that we move to her bedroom but she was sitting on the floor there... Terrible, things were going nowhere - sat next to her on the floor but that was so uncomfortable I couldn't even try to kiss her, had to ask but she wasn't interested. I just left after 1 hour, was bored out of my mind and things were just horrible
An hour? You should've called it out. I don't think asking did you any favors.

Usually, I go, "Damn, you're so shy. You're sitting so far away"


"Come sit here <pats spot next to me>".

Not sure if this works differently if its in her place though. Maybe someone more experienced can shed some light.

There are some girls who are weird and will invite you over or come over on the first date and then have zero interest in sex. I call these girls validation cuck, but I guess not every girl thinks coming over = sex.

You asked to kiss her? I don't think that's ever going to go down well, especially if the compliance isn't there.

Trèfle said:
I get that my physical appearance is very mediocre and women aren't going to fuck an unattractive guy (I think I get the kind of vibe and emotional connection to build, at least the basis, I wouldn't have had this amount of lays looking this bad otherwise surely) but it really does get worse and worse right now. It's more annoying than anything, not focused enough on dating to be actually hurt by it but when just 2 months ago I had this streak of lays it's hard not to compare to it. I got lucky though let's be honest, I just don't look nearly good enough rn. It'll come back I don't doubt it
This shit comes in waves. Recently I went on literally 25 online dates in a row without getting laid once. Then I caught my break and got a girl who was crazy into me. It's easy to let streaks of failure make you doubt your worth, but every guy, even the advanced ones, has said time and time again, this shit comes in waves. When it rains, it pours.

Trèfle said:
Spending the day tomorrow with that chick from that insane date like 10 days ago. She's also not into me sexually, told me early in our first date, quite the consistent trend... Least she's gorgeous and we make out all day long so it should be decently fun. Don't expect to get laid but whatever I enjoy having her around and just kissing so it's fine. Really want to get laid again though been a full month since the last one, such a long time. Obviously it's about fat loss and taking better pictures mostly in my case I'm well aware. I'm still ill but she gave it to me in the first place so she's probably immune
She makes out with you but she isn't into you sexually? Dude, girls don't make out with guys they aren't into sexually. Unless by sexually you meant literally wanting to have sex. Do girls make out with their male friends?

Why aren't you trying to move things more towards sex? Or if you've tried, why don't you try to fuck on the next date? Even if she said no on the last date, she might have changed her mind by this time. Contrary to what a lot of guys say, I don't think every girl is going around fucking tons of guys on the first date. Some girls genuinely do take two or three dates.