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Tristan's Hustle Thread | 500 SUBS HALF WAY TO 1K LETS GOOO!!!!!


Jun 15, 2020
Wassup guys.

Thought I'd join the hype and have a little log for myself over here.

Youtube: This is my "side hustle" technically because it's basically a part time job for me (20 hours per week).

I have a job at the moment that pays the bills and allows me to get new equipment for this.

Just got an editor to start editing my videos. I do fitness/lifestyle/vlogs for my channel.

I believe having an audience no matter the medium is invaluable and despite spending a decent chunk on this I think it will pay off.

Business: Created a product but was unable to launch this at the moment due to COVID since my main marketing stream was going to be local concerts.

So this is on hold for the time being until those are running again.

Any advice is appreciate but this will be mainly a log for me to keep myself accountable.

I'd like 1k subs by the end of 2020 and 10k subs by the end of 2021.

So lets get to it!
Thanks Dude.

Search Tristan Nigro on youtube should be able to find it. Idk if andy wants me posting my channel on here.
Yup. You and dc helped me make that switch seem necessary.

Need to make a viral video.

More videos doing something that is going to really make people share. Just having a good physique and making videos isn't going to work.

If you guys have any ideas, let me know!

Yea dude.

It's kind of annoying.

I'm trying to sleep and boom, idea. Pulls out phone and writes it down. (this shit fucking encompasses my life but that's a good problem to have) means passion and dedication.

I have a few ideas that I am going to roll with, soon. I have a whiteboard to write things down, I have my phone's note pad where I write things down and stickies on my computer to store ideas as well.

Sometimes I look at other YT channels with a third of my videos and they already have 10k subscribers and they have the most BASIC ass content.

"I took Creatine for 30 days"
"I did 2000 jump ropes everyday for 30 days"

Makes me think they've bought their followers or get their traffic inorganically some how.

I think that's just it though, something is going to click and eventually the algorithm will hit and I'll be on a roll. It's just a matter of time. Gotta be consistent and always improving.
Oh 100%.

I don't look at others to make myself feel bad. I'll get there eventually, I'm just trying to figure out what is he doing that I can replicate. Obviously not copy his content, but there's either something he did that boosted him higher.

I'm going to be on the main page of a website so that will hopefully boost my followers a little bit have thousands of people seeing my face and physique.

It's just little things each day that will help me build the following I want.

Used to think like that and see these 18 yo's that already have 300k followers and multiple sponsorships but there's always going to be someone younger and more successful so all I gotta do is focus on me and what I'm doing.

The results will come, whether in 1 month, 1 year or 5 years from now. Doesn't matter.
Is this outlandish?

I have this ALL red n white Canadian speedo.

Was going to go to the gym when it opens. I have a buddy I'm gonna see in a week that wants to help with it.

Basically put on some heavy weight for a back squat.

Then go up to some guy and ask for a spot. (i've checked, don't think anyone's done this)

Then take off my clothes to the speedo and see if he still spots me. Think it could be really funny. But let me know if you think it's stupid or not.

I was also gonna go to the university and basically do the "party boy" jackass bit. Mention that I got it from them. Only difference is that I'll be jacked af where Pontius was kind of mediocre. On the fence on that one cause its already been done but nevertheless I feel like I'd get a fuck load of funny reactions to that.

Just some super shredded dude walking around at 7-8% bf on campus dancing.

If any of these just sound really dumb lmk know lol.

https://youtu.be/h6a1cDwbURE (party boy video)

Have a bunch more ideas. I might just fucking use the mud at the wall method and just see if any of these are hits.

Ill also need some more equipment for shit like this though. Body mics, longer range camera. But mic is all I absolutely need right now
I second Evernote. Great for making text or voice notes whenever ideas come to you so you don't forget. Syncs to all your devices also
Wherever, I put it down, as long as it's accessible It'll be fine.


New video going to be posted today. This will blow your mind... Change how you think about fitness. I'm so surprised that this hasn't been covered by anyone since these studies have been published around 2015..
New Video is Up!


This is absolutely nuts and I'm not sure why no one has made a video on this.

Some have but it was poorly marketed and they didn't realize the magnitude of something like this.

Cardio is still very very healthy but bodybuilders and people concerned with losing weight are wasting a lot of time doing cardio.

Editor made an intro for me which is really cool as well.

Applied ads to this video and plastered it everywhere I could for social media.

I'm really hoping this video gives me some traction. No one's ever covered this.

The last thing I want is for some big youtuber to steal it and not mention me at all and they get all the credit for finding this info. That's why I've got ads on it so that it at least reaches a some what big audience.
Thank you man. I plan to get a makeup light or whatever they're called to make the lighting even better.

Tried to run fucking ads on this video and they said it's "misleading content" Fucking retarded...

Even though I have straight facts to support what I'm saying.

My only hope is that some big youtuber mentions the video but they'll have to find it first lmao.

This is pretty revolutionary information. This should change how every single person approaches weight loss and bodybuilding competitions but I'm unable to reach a big enough audience to get that traction that I need.

Tags are relevant to the video but they could probably use some work.

For this one I just put Weight Loss, Fitness, Cardio

What would you have put? Should I be putting as many as I can?
Yea ring light.

And I was thinking of that.

Not sure how people feel about just posting your links for the first time a subreddit but I'll try.
I'm no expert but I had to audit a few YT channels & videos when generating my own experience when I wanted to switch careers over to digital marketing, so I thought I'd throw in my little knowledge.

One thing I learnt was to focus primarily on your title & description (so that they're SEO friendly, something people are searching for & something that isn't too competitive for your current level so you can rank higher).

Next, it's the thumbnail, as that is what people tend to glance at first and is what gets people to click on the video along with the title. Do you know what your current CTR is and how it compares to the other vids on the channel?

The content is all up to you but you can analyse it to see where there are any drops in viewer retention & if you want people to subscribe you kind of have to keep saying it (e.g. once in the beginning, somewhere in the middle and at the end - whatever works for you and flows naturally). Then, (I'm not sure if it's true) but YouTube likes when people direct to other content on the platform, so using end cards that point to one of your playlists or another video is helpful.

YouTube says that tags don't have much influence over placing in search results but it may be helpful trying to maximise them out as much as possible (you have a 500 character limit) with anything relevant to the topic so YouTube knows what the vid is about and who it should present it to.

Lastly, engage in the comment section as much as your time allows and if someone asks a question you're knowledgable about, think about using that as a future video topic.
Yea I mean, at the end of the day. These are VERY little things.

I will make it so my editor starts to research this stuff when he has time in order to maximize this aspect of the videos.

I spoke with dc7 and he told me that a MUCH bigger importance needs to be placed on PUMPING OUT CONTENT like every day.

His most viewed video that went viral HAD ZERO editing and the aspect ratio was even off so there were black spaces on the sides.

Just goes to show you that all that matters is the subject matter, and TONS AND TONS of content.

This is what I will be focusing on.

Making catchy titles and subjects and just CHURNING out content, which I can do now with an editor.
Took a "vacation" for a week up north from where I live to a cottage.

Wasn't really a vacation because I brought my entire computer setup and was working most of the time.

Wasn't able to put out as many videos as I wanted.

But we're back to it.

Posted a vid today from the cottage stuff if you're interested.


Been pretty stagnant for subs.

All good though, going to have some killer content quite soon.

Big videos that I'll be figuring out how I want to do them:

Shredded Party Boy in Public
Gym Prank (putting 405 on the squat rack and asking some dude to spot me and then I take off all my clothes to reveal a canadian flag speedo and see if they still spot me lol)
Gym Transformation Video

These are vids I'm expecting to get much bigger views and hopefully help me catapult to 1000 subs. Not depending on them, just hoping they put in a big dent in my goal of 1k subs.

Have to wait on a body mic for those prank vids.

Also need to be show ready for my transformation video.

Basically show a slideshow of pictures from me as baby going through puberty and then finally starting to workout and reach final form.

(these videos sometimes go very viral depending on the transformation)

We shall see.

I'm still uploading because people love content and that is key.

I don't want to be exclusively a very niche channel. I want to talk about and film what I want.

Vlogging, Webcam videos and entertainment.

Going to keep grindin.

First 1000 subs is going to be the hardest so maybe my goal is less reachable but it's a challenge so I gotta rise to the occasion.
New Video I posted.

Analyzing random tinder profiles from reddit.


A lot of stuff is going to be reiterated if you've read Andy's guide which is MUCH more in-depth than mine.

But this will give you an idea of how I analyze pictures and help other dudes out that have messaged me.

Might offer some differing ideas as well and ideas for new photos, and places to get clothes.

Hey as someone who’s previously built a large YouTube following. https://www.youtube.com/user/iygisi

(I had to delete all my content because I got in trouble with school that’s a long story.)

You need to ask yourself a few questions with your videos.

What direction and audience am I going for and how can I monetize it.

Mabye you’ll figure it out better than me. But when I did reaction content I got a lot of views. But I didn’t convert much.

When I switched to informative content like Derrick does now. My views dropped a lot but I started getting way more clients/business.

Something to consider.

Either way you seem super hardworking. Keep going after it.

Bang on the door enough times and it will either open or you’ll break it down haha.