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Tristan's Hustle Thread | 500 SUBS HALF WAY TO 1K LETS GOOO!!!!!

Haven't posted in here in a while but I'm going to be making some big strides very soon.

I filmed a prank today - working out in an elevator

Not even sure I'd call it a prank, cause I'm just fucking around and getting people's reactions. It was really funny but the audio got messed up.

I had a wireless mic attached to me and then my sister was holding the receiver. But when the elevator closed the audio cut out. All the footage is basically unusable. I'll upload it to the computer and see if it's any good but I doubt it.

I'm going to try to go back by myself either tomorrow or the next day and just hold the receiver with me because the gopro has shit audio.

Main Year End Goal = 1k subs

To get there.. I need to start doing at least 1 prank every week.

If I can put out 6-8 prank videos by the end of the year, I don't think there's any doubt I won't hit that goal.

I was nervous leading up to these videos and having self doubt but I know this is the way. I also learned I FUCKING LOVE doing these. They're so fun and it brings me back to the Approach Anxiety program. I had so much fun doing that program and this is almost the exact same thing. Once I'm doing the pranks, I'm in the zone and nothing can stop me. I don't laugh, I can keep a straight face and crack jokes easily. Feel like I was made for this.

Saying this right now.. I will be the next fitness/prank youtube icon. I fucking got this.

Lets go!

Hope everyone is absolutely slaying life right now because it's all up from here. Gotta just put in the work.
Hey man! Take a look at this channel's movies. Go through the titles. It's top tier catchy titles, and you can see it reflecting in views and subs. Posting this to maybe give you some inspiration (its fitness content aswell).

.Main Year End Goal = 1k subs

To get there.. I need to start doing at least 1 prank every week.
It's within reach. Succes can be really sudden - one video going viral and you are set.
But there is no shame if you cannot achieve that goal this year. There is no shame in trying and failing. The only shame is not trying, or giving up.
Year in summation | 2020

Covid shit on my mental health and I've been doing worse mentally than ever before, since I can ever remember.

Weekly breakdowns feeling worthless and utter self doubt.

It's weird though, up until the past couple of weeks after talking to a friend, I didn't really realize that Covid has likely been a large factor to why I'm feeling like this.

Silly, I know.

I just thought I was mentally fucked and needed to seek a therapist/counselor (I still think I need to see one). But what changed for me wasn't from working in an office to working from home, I already do that. And that's likely a benefit for a lot of people that have never worked from home. I went from having an outlet away from home, which is essentially my office to not being able to go out and do fun things with friends. If I did go to see friends then some people around me would criticize me. I think the Covid shit is so stupid it baffles me and I wish politicians weren't just hitting a panic button and telling everyone to stay inside, forcing businesses that are people's life work go bankrupt. It's fucking sad.

This year I wasn't able to:

Start the business I was planning (dependent on marketing at festivals which is completely shut down)

Compete in bodybuilding: You don't want to know how much money I spent on that show just to have it shutdown. Then to see another show 1 month later go through that organizers told me was likely going to be cancelled too. THEN to see people that didn't look nearly on my level win was just yanking the blade they already inserted into my dick.

I got denied into the US: Likely not Covid related but it was my one "holiday" I was going to be able to take this year, and instead I'm stuck in shit ass Ontario.

Anyway enough of the shitty stuff, but I just needed to get that off my chest. Cause fuck, some of that shit had me in tears, literally.


- I made the most money I've ever made in one year. No, it wasn't business related but my job earned me the most I ever have, which is awesome and will allow me to buy this new camera and lens before the end of the year.


This means I have no excuse but to start putting out at least 1 prank video out per week starting in 2021.

- Despite spending thousands of dollars on my prep before it got cancelled, I looked fucking incredible. I put some fitness models and bodybuilders to shame despite using minimal dosages.

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- I'm moving away in April to a really swanky ass apartment in a big city where I'll be able to collaborate with bigger Youtubers and have all the nice scenery I could ever want. I think this will help with my mental health a lot since I've hated living at in my hometown for the past 2 years that I've been back.

- I hit 320 subscribers which is far from my goal but I'm still proud of that. If you put 320 people in my house right now, you'd have one massive rager.

- My work is buying me a $6000 setup that will make working online more efficient and allow me more time to put together more videos.

If there's one quote that I've read recently that has helped me the most it's, "You've survived 100% of your bad days, you're doing great"

That's right, I've been down right suicidal and I'm still here and kicking ready to slap the world right back in 2021.

I was meant for this shit and I want to prove that I'm ready to take what's mine.

None of this is COVID's fault or the politicians fault, it's my fault. Only I can take the blame for letting all this affect me the way that it did.

You have full control over how you feel and think and I chose to feel shitty.

Shit happens and it's how you overcome that adversity that makes you a real man.

I'm looking forward to making 2021 the best it can be and ready to drop kick the fuck out of any adversity that comes my way.

Hope you guys had a great year and adapted a bit better than I did.

Happy 2020 and Happy New Year.

Love you guys.

Really enjoyed reading your summary dashedhopes Making more money in a year than you ever made before is a major positive, despite all your set backs and disappointments. 2021 is going to be my year too. Let's have at it!
January Update

I'm officially moving.

Just put the deposit down for a nice 1 bedroom apartment with a small extra room for my computer setup.

View of the whole city and some of the mountains.

19th Floor

Nice gym, Sauna, Steam Room, Pool all in the building.

Grocery Store, Commercial Gym, and the highway are all right there.

Going to have super reliable internet at all times.

I get to take a super long drive out there with all my stuff and leave everything behind in this boring ass place.

This will be the grind laboratory where I buckle down and get shit done.

Nothing standing in my way anymore..

Got the camera setup
Good Internet
Place for just my GF and I
Friends there to help me film
Tons of places to do pranks in a bigger city
Way more fun shit to do
Got a steroid cycle coming up where I'll get even more jacked (going to be my edge for pranks, some obnoxiously jacked dude fucking with people lmao)

Very excited but scared at the same time. Making big moves to setup my environment to be completely conducive to reaching all of my goals for this year and many years to come.

Lets. Fucking. GO!
I'm officially moving.

Just put the deposit down for a nice 1 bedroom apartment with a small extra room for my computer setup.

View of the whole city and some of the mountains.

That's exciting. You moving to Vancoucer?
Manganiello said:
I'm officially moving.

Just put the deposit down for a nice 1 bedroom apartment with a small extra room for my computer setup.

View of the whole city and some of the mountains.

That's exciting. You moving to Vancoucer?

Nah. Close though.
New video is live!


Wanted to spread a little love with this video and I think I did that.

First valentine's day during covid where it's definitely much harder to meet people.


Trying to do one prank/public video like this per week.

I might have to drop my editor and do these on my own. Still unsure on this.

I like editing my own videos, especially these ones where I can make the video have the correct theme without having to explain it properly and not have the right message.

Still not sure. Money might be better spent on having a filmer come around and help me a few times per month.

Let me know what you guys thought of the video, what I can improve on, if I should keep my editor, what you thought of my basic ass editing etc....

Thanks! <3
It's good man.

I think just making your voice more audible. The music made it a bit hard to hear at some parts. Concept was good.
Manganiello said:
It's good man.

I think just making your voice more audible. The music made it a bit hard to hear at some parts. Concept was good.


That's a good point, I wasn't sure if it was good or not.

At the end, I would've spoke a bit louder but my gf was sleeping :S
Ok that makes sense. You sounded quiet at the end. I thought maybe thats just how you normally talked.

Also, the speakers /headphones you edit on can change it too. Something can be loud on one set of speakers and then muffled on another. Just be mindful of that.

Source: I've mixed a shit ton of songs.
Thanks man.

Appreciate that.

I'm still torn on keeping my editor or not.

That likely would have been fixed if he was editing. I'm not that great at editing but I can't afford to live here, pay for an editor and a filmer. If I'm staying consistent and making 1 prank video per week, maybe a vlog here and there then I can definitely edit a few of my vids.
yeah dude YVR is pricey.

You'll get better with the edits.

Inexperience has a cost. You can pay with your time to learn it or pay someone to do it for you.

You might need to make a tradeoff with time or money, or find some creative way to get around that.

Honestly though: The editing wasn't too bad, just a few minor things, really.

New video up!

Told you guys, 1 video per week.


I'm so much fucking happier in this new place, it's insane.

So much good shit is happening.

Health is good, lifts are going up, getting way more jacked, new videos rolling out.

These are some of the videos I'm going to "copy" but make way better.

I live in the same city as him.

I'm going to do my own which will be, "Working Out at the Worst Reviewed Gym in My City"

I actually have a membership at this gym but it's complete dog shit. Only reason I'm there is because it's the only 24 hour gym close to me and my schedule is so fucked that it being 24 hours is imperative. There's a thrift store underneath the gym so when I leave at like 4am I see homeless people breaking the lock of the donation box and picking through all of it. It's a pretty sketchy area.

A friend recommended I do some of those. So I'm going to try them out with my filmer.

Hope you guys are all killing it.

Lets go!!!!! 2021 is our year.