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Tristan's Hustle Thread | 500 SUBS HALF WAY TO 1K LETS GOOO!!!!!

Thanks dude.

Definitely throwing mud at a wall right now.

Don't know what I want to do exactly right now.

Right now it's basically find out what I like filming, what gets more views and what I can offer to others.

But yes, those are very important questions I pretty much ask myself every single day and can't sleep cause I think about it haha.

I also get bored very easily and like keeping myself engage so I can't just do ONLY reaction videos, or JUST vlog or JUST informative videos like Derek MPMD.

Right now, I'm thinking the best way is to find a way to combine, self-improvement, my personal progress in bodybuilding, entertainment and informative study based videos.

All of which I've done except the entertaining stuff which is what I'm currently working on. Bought a body mic and will be getting a long range lens to do stuff like "prank-ish" stuff.

Have 3 ideas for that so far and I'm hoping they do well in views.

I also have a few ways I want to monetize in the future but they're not GREAT and don't tie in well with my channel. I think that will come. Since I probably convert 0 right now, not the most important. I'm doing fine for money so getting my subs and views increased is probably the bigger goal for the short term.

But you're absolutely right. Developing a theme of the channel and finding a way to monetize well are my next goals, which like I said are always in the back of my head.

Thanks for the feedback man, I really appreciate it.

Hardworking, I wish I could say that about myself haha. I just always think I could be doing more, but it's good to hear from someone else, so thank you <3
Need to write this out so I don't forget and it just feels good to put this down in words.

Moving out of my parents again this friday/saturday.

I got in a massive fight with my mom, or she got in a fight with me. Basically told me to go fuck myself and started throwing shit at me. That was the final straw. I only moved back to save money, I can perfectly afford living on my own.

Wasn't the first time she did something like this, and I won't be the fool again. I love her but I can't be around her, no one is an exception to my rule that if you fuck me over, I'm done with you.

I was close with my mom, so it took a bit of a toll on me the past few days. Been severely depressed and have been finding it very hard to do anything or find any meaning in life.

The only thing that was helpful was commenting on someone's tinder profile and providing some of my advice. Makes me happy trying to help others, genuinely. I think that's a good thing and shows even under my own mental barriers I'm able to find solace in helping others.

I think this move is going to do a lot of good things for me.

1. It'll allow me to work on being alone. I have issues being alone and left to my thoughts, which can't be done at home when people are always around.

2. I'll have better internet and can stream, post videos faster, and just do more.

3. I'm living with 3 clean girls, which will force me to keep the place clean and work on developing better habits when it comes to personal organization and cleanliness.

When I'm more organized and clean, I think I'm more stable. (despite my mom's OCD cleaning being a big problem for me)

I watched this video last night and it made me internalize a few things that are on my whiteboard that I don't think I really understood.


In particular, this quote, "When your desire to make money is greater than your desire to look cool you'll have all the money you want."

Mainly in that video he talks about Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

I already have the bottom three needs, Basic necessities, belongingness and love, but I'm stuck around the prestige part. This ties in to my desire to look cool. I've said this to myself lots of time but I don't think I really understood it or internalized it.

In my head, I said that I don't care about a big following or big prestige but I really did. I wanted that for the influence that would bring me when In reality I need to look for self-actualization and strive for my full potential no matter what.

This goal in my mind is something I want to achieve. Eventually have 1+ Mill on youtube, develop a multi million dollar business. Everything I'm doing wasn't because I wanted to make more money and achieve my full potential. It was because I wanted to be famous, look cool for having these "accomplishments" and "prestige".

I'm still trying to wrap my head around all of this.

But I think that's a big reason why my depression was hitting because I was doing all of this for the wrong reasons.

It doesn't mean, I shouldn't continue with what I'm doing but it needs to be to achieve that full potential because to me, helping others and accomplishing my personal goals is the only thing that is going to make me feel fulfilled creatively.

Men back in the 50s-60s had it much simpler. They worked all day to provide for a family and that was them fulfilling their potential, which is something he mentions in the video.

I'm going to see a therapist soon to work on my mental issues more, but I think this was a big step in truly internalizing, "When your desire to make money is greater than your desire to look cool you'll have all the money you want."

I will win a physique competition because it will bring me closer to reaching my full potential.

I will achieve a massive following on Youtube because it will bring me closer to my full potential.

I will build a multi million dollar business because it will bring me closer to my full potential.

And I will never stop until it's fully complete.

/end rant.
dashedhopes Your lookin fucking great man whens your show? I almost died when you asked that chick at the drive thru window how aesthetic your physique looked in your youtube video Lol

That little snippet just shows how people on the spectrum, who dont leave their house, that you can literally say anything to anybody , and they will think its funny, or be mildy amused when you dont really give a fuck what their reply will be.

Your just doing it because you think its a funny entertaining thing to say. Who doesnt wanna joke around with random people out in public? hot girls included. I found just getting into the habbit of saying stupid, funny things to any random person out in public, made it way easier to approach girls cuz its not really much different. Don't force it, but if you think somethings funny, blurt it out like a fucking retard who cares, you just might make someones day.
terry_crews87 Thanks dude haha, show is Oct 3rd, 9 weeks out!!!! (if it doesn't get canceled :| )

It was just a spur of the moment thing, I do random shit when people are in the car with me to try and make them laugh.

Honk and wave at random people on the road, talk to people at stop lights etc...

I should incorporate more of that in my videos.

Can't wait to get my body mic so I can do Prank "ish" style videos.

It's stuck like 3 hours away at a buddy's place cause I had it shipped there instead of my house cause I thought I was going to do a video with him but it arrived a week late : /
dashedhopes said:
It was just a spur of the moment thing, I do random shit when people are in the car with me to try and make them laugh.

Honk and wave at random people on the road, talk to people at stop lights etc...

I should incorporate more of that in my videos.

This is the level of confidence I want to obtain. I've done stuff like this as university and out with friends, but I want to be this confident all the time.
Sin Silver Yea it's something I've developed with a good physique, being more confident from the AA program, approaching lots and having more self esteem.

I'm also in general a pretty goofy person so I like making people smile and laugh.

terry_crews87 No worries man.
Big update. Just got put onto the front page of the new Gorilla Mind supplement site.

Pretty big step.

Mind you, it's not the best picture of me, but this was the one that was requested cause most fighters contrary to popular belief aren't 6% bodyfat all the time.

Something besides a gym shot was wanted for this photo so it works.

You can view it at - https://bit.ly/2PruOdi
Good job man!! Thats awesome! I've been seeing gorilla mind all over the net for a good while now.

Whoever is in charge of getting the name out there and marketing is doing a fantastic job, and the product seems to be selling itself too because of the quality, you guys are killin it!

have this guy who's going to come to Toronto to help me film at the end of the month, which means I'm going to have to do this. Kind of scared but excited at the same time. Kind of feels like the AA program. EDIT (gave like sorry context for this lol) basically going to walk around the busiest part of the biggest city in canada in a Canadian flag speedo for a video- also going to do this in a gym setting. Basically going to ask someone to come spot me and when they come over, I'm going to take my pants and shirt off so that I'm in the speedo and see if they still spot me lmao.


This cut has been killing me lately.

Had an unadvised cheat meal and definitely paid for it in terms of weight gain, rip..

Still looked ripped though, just gonna need to be super disciplined these last 7 weeks and just fucking pin a bunch of melanotan, take Gorilla Mind Rush and drink tons of caffeine to keep myself going.

I'm eating more veggies though and staying consistent with videos.

Feel a lot better. Also got a therapist to help work on some mental issues, which was smart but expensive. Hope it pays off in time.

Physique Update:

GravyTrain It's really hard to say man. You lose a lot of muscle on a cut. But because I'm peeling the fat, the muscle looks bigger and fuller so it's definitely not noticeable.

I have no idea the exact amount but I'm sure it's a decent bit but that's why I take PEDs and eat lots of protein to sustain that muscle.
First Prank Video - Posted

This is what doing the AA program and having goals will allow you to do.

Enjoy, ehh. ;)


Gotta make better content if I want to get to 1000 subs by 2021

This is a tough tough goal and probably going to be one of my hardest besides my prep for my bodybuilding show but I'm up for the challenge.

First 1000 subs is apparently the hardest.

Things I've done that should help this:

- Realized the importance of SEO

I wasn't putting in nearly enough tags. I was using maybe 3-5 at most when you're allowed up to 500 characters worth. I also purchased a service called Tube Buddy that allows you to see how well you rank for certain tags. They offer several other great features that I will have to learn about utilize a bit more.

- I need to focus on making only content that people are really going to enjoy.

Less vlogging, more prank style videos, More videos that I know will get lots of views. Just finished recording and sending notes to my editor for a Gorilla Mode Stim review. These notoriously have done really well and will get me some commission money as well. Videos like UFC Predictions, Pranks, Reviews, Challenges etc.. are all videos I've done that have done really well and I will have to continue to do in order to get more attention.

- Need to utilize social media even more.

Mainly TikTok but also twitter are platforms I'm going to focus much more on. Tiktok is untapt and 15 year old kids are getting 10s of 1000s of views on content that quite frankly isn't that good. Going to start brainstorming ideas for those sorts of videos. There's a small learning curve on the platform but once I get passed that, it should be easy to put out 15 second videos.

Ideas I already have that well do awesome on there:

Shotgunning Egg Whites (already did this but I feel it'll do well if I do it again on there)
Pushup Progressions (1 pushup normal, 1 clap pushup, 1 pushup with 1 hot girl on my back, 1 pushup with two hot girls on my bad)

I'll only do half a liter or something of egg whites cause I already did 2 liters of it once and that didn't go so well :?


Anyway... I got a lot of work to do AND so do YOU! So let's get to it!!!! <3
Your goal is 10,000 subs by the end of 2021, but have you decided on the quality of those subs?

If your goal is just a big sub number, thats OK.

But from what I understand you want to monetize that audience at some point. So Im not sure what kind of people you’ll attract with prank videos. Will they be buyers? Or Just people bored who need an entertainment Fix?
Not really worried about that at this point. I'll worry about that when I have 10k subs.

I really enjoy making those prank videos, they do well for views and getting subs.

Also what evidence do you have that getting subs from "prank" videos have less of a conversion rate?

I know plenty of "prank" channels and channels that feature "goofy" content that have VERY high conversion rates.
Ok so how do you measure "quality" of subs because you mentioned monetization?

Is this just a thought you had? What makes you think all people that watch pranks and entertainment won't be monetizable?
Hey man, pretty solid plan you posted, good to hear you're getting ready to dial it up a notch.

Maybe you can even frame it that you can reward yourself by doing some vlogs when you get back to 1k subs. I have a feeling they're not the best for getting subs but I did enjoy watching them.

Have you thought about doing "How to" videos? You've pretty frequently done that for random exercises in your vlogs but I mean like a 5 minute video "How to Squat with Proper Form" / "STOP Making These 5 Squat Mistakes" etc.

GravyTrain mentioned a while ago paying someone to figure out how to get videos going viral. That definitely makes sense and I otherwise was going to suggest that you study the people who produce similar content to you but have the most subs and try to connect some dots...anecdotally, "click-bait" titles work (at least for me every once in a while when I'm hardly on youtube and try to spend as little time on there as possible).

Anyway, good luck dude! Keep on reflecting, experimenting, iterating to perfection. Double speed to success by doubling rate of failure. Keep hustling.
To measure the quality you'd need to test with different audiences. So we can't can get a definitive answer.

Also I didn't say they won't be monetizable at all. In 10,000 subs, some will be buyers.

However a couple thoughts on quality:

1) One of my mentors helps online businesses. He's noticed that there's a buying bias from social media to social media. For example, Youtube leads are higher quality than FB ads (quality for me = desire + ability to buy)

The reasoning is that YT leads are actively searching for answers to their problems. On the other claw, FB leads are mainly killing time. The same is true with Amazon leads versus most platforms - if you're on Amazon, you're primarily looking to buy something. Not search for free info (google/bing) or live inside your echo chamber (Reddit, Twitter, Parsler)

This makes me think that you can apply the same reasoning on a platform's different content options. So people who are attracted to (example) "heal your prostate" advice are actively looking to solve a problem and might become buyers. People who are attracted to "funny cats" videos on the other hand? Not so sure they're buyers.

You can make the argument that pranks/funny videos solve the "I'm bored out of my life" problem and I'll agree. However if I had a gun to my head and needed to make money, I'll choose an audience who has one of the perennial problems - health, wealth, relationships etc.

2) I also look at my own buying behaviors. For example, I subscribe to guys I've either bought from in the past or I'm interested in buying from in the future. They all solve problems and mainly have how to content.

Having said everything, I have no idea how you'll monetize your channel so my suggestions might be irrelevant to you.
RogerRoger I'm still going to do some vlogs and stuff like that but maybe have some sort of attraction in the title that will draw people in and not just be a simple workout. Something like you mentioned with How to videos and stuff like that.

I've talked to some people that have helped me figure out what I can do to increase traffic to my channel. IE. using other SM platforms like TikTok
RogerRoger said:
Double speed to success by doubling rate of failure. Keep hustling.
Love this.

Crisis_Overcomer Thanks for the detailed response man.

The monetization goal in mind would be to educate kids on fitness and entertain them then sell them a product that allows them to feel apart of the brand/channel. The channels I look at for inspiration for this would be: Soosh, Bradley Martyn, Connor Murphy

The thing is, once you have the audience then you can monetize. I'm not there yet, I'm years away from it. It's better to have a big audience and not have an idea for monetization yet than to have no audience but multiple options setup for monetization in my opinion.

I make some pocket change from being an affiliate for Gorilla Mind and that's all the promoting/shilling I feel comfortable doing right now. It's quite frankly all I have time for right now. Starting an apparel company or finding other ways to affiliate market and solving problems related to health, wealth and relationships isn't what I'm interested in nor have time for. I really don't care about the money, not right now at least.

I enjoy making videos, entertaining people, teaching people and striving towards that 1k sub goal right now.

Maybe even after 1k subs I could start looking at monetization options. I make enough money right now that I'm comfortable focusing on building an audience, which is my main goal right now.

I've had plans for an apparel brand but that got completely shutdown by Covid.

Anyways, you got me thinking.