Upstart's AA Program Log

Remove the sunglasses one entirely. Very, very bad. You look 80.

Your best photo is on campus and even that isn't good because you have a notebook that looks like it costs $3. You're also posing in the same way as the car photo.

The gym photo we can't see your face.

The motorcycle photo you're looking down (sign of submission).

The dog photo it looks like you're just using a dog for a photoshoot.

Sorry to say, these photos aren't that good. I'm surprised you're even getting as many matches as you are. Has nothing to do with being black. Being black is awesome nowadays.

As far as message funnel, you should get 1 date every 25 matches on Tinder.
yooo i see you're in austin. i went on 6 dates and brought back 2 girls in a week from cold approach as a kinda skinny still-virgin when i briefly lived there, you can definitely crush it bro 👊🏾
JUNE 24th DAY 50 (of 90)

I just realized. My dating profile is OPTIMIZED.... get fat chicks, older women, and trans women. -_-

And at best, younger chicks looking for a commitment.

I feel like I should take different photos. But I don't even know where to start. A shirtless pic maybe?
I'll just have to watch Austin Dunham and FitxFearless for reference. I don't look anywhere close to their physiques, but they're the only non-white references I have.

4th day without jerkin' it! I can feel my balls getting warmer.

Anyways, I only went out for work today (dishwashing job). I saw the girl I went out on a date with and said "wassup" to her. After work, I planned to go to Target to try some more social activity, but a long urgent phone call with a family member cut that off. Needs help moving on Sunday.

I didn't swipe at all yesterday. Just to collect myself a bit. The Roosh V book mentioned if you go too hard, and get rejected too much you start to dislike women. Which is what is happening. I went through this state 2 yrs ago, so I'm familiar.

I may have written this before, but by the time I finally do get a girl, I'll be so thoroughly disgusted by the difficulty of getting her, I won't even won't even care if she sticks around. I literally walked away from both of my first lays at the first sign of troublemaking.

I feel like I'm losing the mojo of approaching because I haven't done it in over a week. Feel like I need to baby step to get back into it again. But I now have a few rituals I do to improve my vocal tonality, breathing, and facial expressiveness before I go out.

I'm starting to wonder how much my race plays into this game. I was completely unaware of it before now. I feel like I've been applying a "white" solution to a "black" problem.

Are there tactics that will generally work for everyone? Sure.
Are there tactics that will probably never work for me due to factors I can't control? Sure.

There are advantages and disadvantages to every race no doubt, but I'm starting to wonder what will actually work for me & my vibe, and who can I actually attract.

What I currently am is a broke, anime-loving geek, who could honestly care less about this dating game, but needs intimacy on a fundamental level, so I actually care a lot -_- .
I'm kinda strong, have a decent physique. Have a drive to succeed in my art profession, with some tangible results to show for it.

But how do I present this in a package that a woman would want?

Lets look at looks, status, money for example:

Looks: maybe 4-6/10. Visible muscles, ideal frame and size. Underbite. Looks like I could be on the spectrum. -_- (i refuse to actually verify that)
Status: Almost none. Barely any local friends or contacts. Small youtube channel.
Money: Consistently broke. Trying to make it as a comic creator in a historically low market and low paying industry which takes a decade or more to bear fruit. Day job(s) barely pay enough to live on.

I can work around the money thing. I just have to present a better package for online dating. And improve my text game I guess.

This entire process forces me to strip down, face reality, reassess and start again until it works.
Remove the sunglasses one entirely. Very, very bad. You look 80.

Your best photo is on campus and even that isn't good because you have a notebook that looks like it costs $3. You're also posing in the same way as the car photo.

The gym photo we can't see your face.

The motorcycle photo you're looking down (sign of submission).

The dog photo it looks like you're just using a dog for a photoshoot.

Sorry to say, these photos aren't that good. I'm surprised you're even getting as many matches as you are. Has nothing to do with being black. Being black is awesome nowadays.

As far as message funnel, you should get 1 date every 25 matches on Tinder.

I actually was just using my roommate's dog, and the notebook is $10 not 3!:p

But that settles it, I'm taking new photos and replacing them over time. I can't afford a professional. But I don't know where to start besides the Tinder guide and the Getlaidin6weeks book.

yooo i see you're in austin. i went on 6 dates and brought back 2 girls in a week from cold approach as a kinda skinny still-virgin when i briefly lived there, you can definitely crush it bro 👊🏾
Preciate that, Colgate! Imma crack this code soon.
I actually was just using my roommate's dog, and the notebook is $10 not 3!:p

But that settles it, I'm taking new photos and replacing them over time. I can't afford a professional. But I don't know where to start besides the Tinder guide and the Getlaidin6weeks book.

JUNE 26th DAY 52 (of 90)

"I need to get laid from the dating apps, so I can have the confidence boost I need to go approach more women and chill tf out."

I finally found the belief at the core of my frustrations. It took me a bit of meditating to find, but now that I'm aware of it, it's like a tight knot has come unwound.

While this belief was running in the background of my mind I put so much pressure on myself to "just get laid" it didn't matter who or how, just so long as it was SOON. I didn't care to get to know the women, I just wanted to get to the date so I could get my foot in the door to an eventual lay.

Everything until then would be boring tedium coupled with increasing pressure to just fuck something already. Which would just make me feel frustrated and desperate.
Since I've seen through the belief, most of the pressure and frustration has dropped, but I still feel some of the residual energy of it. I'm lucky I caught this early.

I don't know when I'll next get laid. But chasing it with that belief at my core keeps it far away.
It could be happen tomorrow, or next week. I don't know. Every once in a while, God will give me a layup and all I gotta do is put it in.

In some way, I'm glad this stuff doesn't come easy. Otherwise, it wouldn't feel worth it.

Thanks bro. Do you think I should use Photofeeler to get my pics rated?
JUNE 27th DAY 53 (of 90)

The Answer is in the PAST.​

WOW. I just looked back at my old logs to check something.

I DID NOT GET PUSSY UNTIL AUGUST 19th, exactly 3 months after I started on the forum.
I knew I was having a lot of the same complaints as last time, but I had to make sure. I'm so glad I kept writing stuff down. This learning curve is crazy, but at least I don't have to repeat it verbatim. I can now temper my expectations.

(I'll post about my experience going out today later.)


I just realized something:
A large part of my impatience comes from my anger at my friend for breaking our friendship.

Not only did I want to get a girl to replace him (and SOON), but I wanted to get a girl before he did so I could bring her back to my place and rub it in his face. Simply to get revenge and to feed my own ego.

So many of my thoughts were unconsciously oriented in reaction to him. Avoiding him, thinking negatively about him, being better than him. We've already talked things out and only now do feel like letting it go. Because I'm finally aware of the thought-loop.

I've also used a lot of RP ideology, videos, and shocking stories to mentally distance myself from women. So if they're bad to me or reject me, I don't have to feel bad about mocking them. It is simply a non-compatibility issue. And I've been using the thought, "I'll chill out when I finally get laid again" to avoid my own mental hangups.

I'm re-listening to Models by Mark Manson and it's causing me reevaluate myself, and think a lot about who I am at my core and what I actually care about.
I'm going to attempt to list as much as I can here for posterity


  • Authentically, I am someone who genuinely wants to push myself as a man. This has been the one throughline in all my life experiences which never changes. I genuinely want to see just how good life can get. And I know there are certain things i need to do to achieve this.

  • I genuinely DON'T want to go out and approach women, but my desire to fully actualize myself completely overrides social hesitation. My sexual desires have pushed me far beyond who I was and who I thought I could be. I will push even further out of my comfort zone if it means achieving something I've never seen or done before. It's like unlocking a new map or level in a game to me.

  • Things I think a genuinely think are fun: competitive video games like Smash Bros or shooters (like COD or Uncharted Multiplayer, or Metal Gear Online), walks in new areas, hikes, skating, riding my motorcycle, or table tennis. Naturally, I just want to play games all day and be alone, but if I were to stop interacting with people to do that, the resulting depression and lethargy would just push me back to this path again. I can enjoy video games after I've actualized a good chunk of my potential.

  • I am genuinely fascinated by "toxic" male influencers like Myron Gaines, Andrew Tate and Jon Zherka because they possess very unfiltered, polarizing traits I wish I had. Growing up, I was very withdrawn and introverted and never had many friends because of it. So these personalities naturally draw my interest.

Though they had to go through some fucked-up shit to become like they are, I want to do my own version of what they do in a way which matches my own natural vibe, is not harmful to women, and is actually fun for me and the girls.​

  • I also still look up to anime characters for similar reasons. Characters like, Naruto, Kamina from Gurren Lagann, Kenshin from Rurouni Kenshin, Gintoki from Gintama, Luffy from One Piece, or Gon and Killua from Hunter x Hunter and Goku from DBZ. For their creativity ingenuity and unbridled masculinity. To me, that means their unwavering will to succeed and to never give up.

  • I obsess over my own masculinity A LOT. "Am I strong enough, can I fight off danger? Am I being too passive? Am I expressing myself clearly, am I actually doing my best?" etc.

I want to have an unshakeable confidence.​

  • Sexually, I love softcore stuff. Voyeurism vids, ENF, upskirts, spanking, girls flashing in public. Most things you would see in anime fanservice is probably something I like IRL. I even talked about this with Andy on our call recently and he was able to help me find ways to introduce the idea to girls I'm seeing.
I'm completely indifferent to BDSM stuff tho.​

  • On the other hand, I'm and actually annoyed by the constant softcore porn on tiktok and youtube youtube in the form of girls showing off in the gym or dancing around half naked. I make sure not to click on those and if I do, I erase the history, otherwise the algorithm will spam me. I'm only annoyed because they're obvious thirst traps and I want my thirst quenched in real life. I'm dying here!

  • I'm genuinely not looking for a relationship right now. My goal is ethical non-monogamy, put in other words, I'm trying to smash A LOT and be as honest as I can about it so I don't losing my soul. I want to find other girls who'd be into that, but they might only be available at nighttime bars and clubs.

  • My goal in life is to master my craft in storytelling but in order to tell great stories, I have to experience an interesting life. I notice a lot of artists in my field tend to have unfulfilled personal lives and are afraid to do what I'm doing. It tends to bleed into their complaints on social media and their work. I want to be the opposite.

  • The kind of girl i'm actually into would be easygoing, kinda dumb in some things but smart in others, non-judgemental, and a little goofy like me.

  • Still debating on getting tattoos, but I don't want to do something that permanent just to get women..YET. Who knows maybe i need to. But I'd rather find someone who slays without it.

  • I've made peace with being broke for the next few years or even a decade as I figure this stuff out.

  • My exit strategy for this game is to end up with two women and have children with both. Even I don't know why I want that.
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unbridled masculinity.
This is also what you probably like about the RP guys. They are unapologetically themselves which by no coincidence, makes them attractive to women.

You've made an excellent list here and done some good inner game work. Other guys would really benefit from outlining for themselves, in detail, who they are and what they want.

Now your task is to find strategies to authentically express who you are and strategies for getting what you want. For example, Andy mentioning how to bring up softcore stuff to girls. That's a strategy.
JUNE 28th DAY 54(of 90)


It was another day of walking around aimlessly in a grocery store (Target) working up the nerve to go approach some girls. I saw at least 3 good opportunities which I completely whiffed on. As soon as I walked in the store there was a girl at checkout who looked really cute, then two others who --when I worked up the courage to finally talk to- they literally disappeared from sight.

Example: Saw a cute girl in an aisle, I walked past her, said "Excuse me" and went into the next aisle, built up the courage, then walked over to her aisle. She was gone. Checked the others, nowhere to be found.

I felt like a creep, because I was lingering in the store too long without buying anything which is what I used to do when I first started the approach anxiety drills.

I spoke to an employee to warm up, then to some woman about reading books. I didn't approach anyone with dating intent. Lastly, after leaving the store, I complemented a girl on her Rick and Morty shirt.
She said thanks and smiled.

I considered the day a 10/10 because I went out and pushed myself. I always consider it a 10/10 when I make an effort. Better than considering myself a complete loser.


From this, I figured out that there should be repeatable things I do each time to warm me up and get me prepared to approach and talk to girls. Warming up is something I've heard from PUA guys, thousands of times in the past, but only now do I feel I can apply that knowledge from experience.

These are a few notes I jotted down in a google doc.
  • Baby step everything
  • Focus on one sticking point at a time
  • I need a set of warm-up practices to get me in the flow of approaching and talking to girls instead of wandering around.
  • Untangling negative beliefs
  • Installing new beliefs
  • Training new habits alone
  • Trying them in field
  • Warming up
  • Train like you would in the gym practicing lines and free word association, getting better on your own and going out to use it with women.
  • Repeatable steps
  1. Approach
  2. Breathe out for vocal tonality
  3. "Excuse me"
  4. Smile
  5. Acknowledge situation and context
  6. Compliment: "You look cute today" I like your... *blank*
  7. She speaks
  8. Context: "I know this is random, but are you single?"
  9. Answer
  10. Conversation + touch on shoulder at high points.
  11. Phone number on high note.

Train your neurology to instill new habits. Field-test everything.

I need to find activities or something that would be in my wheelhouse, like comic conventions or art events, physical activities something with lots of girls and opportunities.

Now your task is to find strategies to authentically express who you are and strategies for getting what you want. For example, Andy mentioning how to bring up softcore stuff to girls. That's a strategy.
Thanks Bman! Yes, that's exactly what I want to do, I want to express my actual vibe and develop confidence through action.

It's a lot like this guy I've seen online named Castillo, (his catchphrase is "Big Man Ting") he used to be scared of people, esp. women. He'd go on subways and such to try and push himself out of his comfort zone and approach. Now you can barely tell he ever had any social issues. I really resonated with his story.