Upstart's AA Program Log

Remove the sunglasses one entirely. Very, very bad. You look 80.

Your best photo is on campus and even that isn't good because you have a notebook that looks like it costs $3. You're also posing in the same way as the car photo.

The gym photo we can't see your face.

The motorcycle photo you're looking down (sign of submission).

The dog photo it looks like you're just using a dog for a photoshoot.

Sorry to say, these photos aren't that good. I'm surprised you're even getting as many matches as you are. Has nothing to do with being black. Being black is awesome nowadays.

As far as message funnel, you should get 1 date every 25 matches on Tinder.
yooo i see you're in austin. i went on 6 dates and brought back 2 girls in a week from cold approach as a kinda skinny still-virgin when i briefly lived there, you can definitely crush it bro 👊🏾
JUNE 24th DAY 50 (of 90)

I just realized. My dating profile is OPTIMIZED.... get fat chicks, older women, and trans women. -_-

And at best, younger chicks looking for a commitment.

I feel like I should take different photos. But I don't even know where to start. A shirtless pic maybe?
I'll just have to watch Austin Dunham and FitxFearless for reference. I don't look anywhere close to their physiques, but they're the only non-white references I have.

4th day without jerkin' it! I can feel my balls getting warmer.

Anyways, I only went out for work today (dishwashing job). I saw the girl I went out on a date with and said "wassup" to her. After work, I planned to go to Target to try some more social activity, but a long urgent phone call with a family member cut that off. Needs help moving on Sunday.

I didn't swipe at all yesterday. Just to collect myself a bit. The Roosh V book mentioned if you go too hard, and get rejected too much you start to dislike women. Which is what is happening. I went through this state 2 yrs ago, so I'm familiar.

I may have written this before, but by the time I finally do get a girl, I'll be so thoroughly disgusted by the difficulty of getting her, I won't even won't even care if she sticks around. I literally walked away from both of my first lays at the first sign of troublemaking.

I feel like I'm losing the mojo of approaching because I haven't done it in over a week. Feel like I need to baby step to get back into it again. But I now have a few rituals I do to improve my vocal tonality, breathing, and facial expressiveness before I go out.

I'm starting to wonder how much my race plays into this game. I was completely unaware of it before now. I feel like I've been applying a "white" solution to a "black" problem.

Are there tactics that will generally work for everyone? Sure.
Are there tactics that will probably never work for me due to factors I can't control? Sure.

There are advantages and disadvantages to every race no doubt, but I'm starting to wonder what will actually work for me & my vibe, and who can I actually attract.

What I currently am is a broke, anime-loving geek, who could honestly care less about this dating game, but needs intimacy on a fundamental level, so I actually care a lot -_- .
I'm kinda strong, have a decent physique. Have a drive to succeed in my art profession, with some tangible results to show for it.

But how do I present this in a package that a woman would want?

Lets look at looks, status, money for example:

Looks: maybe 4-6/10. Visible muscles, ideal frame and size. Underbite. Looks like I could be on the spectrum. -_- (i refuse to actually verify that)
Status: Almost none. Barely any local friends or contacts. Small youtube channel.
Money: Consistently broke. Trying to make it as a comic creator in a historically low market and low paying industry which takes a decade or more to bear fruit. Day job(s) barely pay enough to live on.

I can work around the money thing. I just have to present a better package for online dating. And improve my text game I guess.

This entire process forces me to strip down, face reality, reassess and start again until it works.
Remove the sunglasses one entirely. Very, very bad. You look 80.

Your best photo is on campus and even that isn't good because you have a notebook that looks like it costs $3. You're also posing in the same way as the car photo.

The gym photo we can't see your face.

The motorcycle photo you're looking down (sign of submission).

The dog photo it looks like you're just using a dog for a photoshoot.

Sorry to say, these photos aren't that good. I'm surprised you're even getting as many matches as you are. Has nothing to do with being black. Being black is awesome nowadays.

As far as message funnel, you should get 1 date every 25 matches on Tinder.

I actually was just using my roommate's dog, and the notebook is $10 not 3!:p

But that settles it, I'm taking new photos and replacing them over time. I can't afford a professional. But I don't know where to start besides the Tinder guide and the Getlaidin6weeks book.

yooo i see you're in austin. i went on 6 dates and brought back 2 girls in a week from cold approach as a kinda skinny still-virgin when i briefly lived there, you can definitely crush it bro 👊🏾
Preciate that, Colgate! Imma crack this code soon.
I actually was just using my roommate's dog, and the notebook is $10 not 3!:p

But that settles it, I'm taking new photos and replacing them over time. I can't afford a professional. But I don't know where to start besides the Tinder guide and the Getlaidin6weeks book.

JUNE 26th DAY 52 (of 90)

"I need to get laid from the dating apps, so I can have the confidence boost I need to go approach more women and chill tf out."

I finally found the belief at the core of my frustrations. It took me a bit of meditating to find, but now that I'm aware of it, it's like a tight knot has come unwound.

While this belief was running in the background of my mind I put so much pressure on myself to "just get laid" it didn't matter who or how, just so long as it was SOON. I didn't care to get to know the women, I just wanted to get to the date so I could get my foot in the door to an eventual lay.

Everything until then would be boring tedium coupled with increasing pressure to just fuck something already. Which would just make me feel frustrated and desperate.
Since I've seen through the belief, most of the pressure and frustration has dropped, but I still feel some of the residual energy of it. I'm lucky I caught this early.

I don't know when I'll next get laid. But chasing it with that belief at my core keeps it far away.
It could be happen tomorrow, or next week. I don't know. Every once in a while, God will give me a layup and all I gotta do is put it in.

In some way, I'm glad this stuff doesn't come easy. Otherwise, it wouldn't feel worth it.

Thanks bro. Do you think I should use Photofeeler to get my pics rated?