Was hit by a car today lolz


Feb 4, 2021
Hey Everyone.

Just felt like starting a new progress log that's separate from my Approach Anxiety log. I'm going to be using this to keep track of my personal goals and such. Using this as a tool to catalog my daily tasks, small goals and progression towards independence and larger life goals. Might seem disorganized in the beginning, but I'm hoping that by writing down everything I want to do in a day, hopefully it will become clearer with what I need to do in the future to reach my goals.

Wake up time - 9:15

Today's Tasks
Start a Goal Oriented Journal - Physical and Digital
Go to Recycle Center - Place was closed
Get hair cut
Pick up suit
Do AA drills
Clean Bedroom - Partially done. Folded some laundry so i made some progress
Change bedsheets
process 3d printing orders
Workout - It was my friends bday party. Bad excuse :(
Research Pellet B testing facilities
Research Pellet B test - https://www.testprepreview.com/pelletb.htm
Look for more jobs to apply to
Get ring resized
Clean my desk space
Update Esty store - Only added a little bit to the store. Still have around 20 items to update
Record February spending
Change oil in car

New Habits
Start Running
Wake up at 9 consistently
Teeth Whitening regiment
Daily record of tasks

Bad Habits I Need to Quit
Watching so much YouTube
Staying up past 1 am
Jackin it too much

Large Goals
Become a corrections officer/Sherriff deputy
-> This is an endgame goal that I'm not entirely sure ill stick with for life as my career. It's a stable job, doesn't require me to go back to college for another 2+ years, and pays upwards of 80k per year starting. There are many steps I need to take before this, but landing this job would allow me to pursue other goals while being financially stable.
Move out from home
-> Definitely high on the priority list. There's a potential option for moving out relatively soon, like within a few months possible, but becoming financially stable is the first goal
Learn Japanese/Pass JLPT lvl n5
-> This has been a goal for a while, and is something I really haven't dedicated a lot of time to. I always half ass it. Need to put together a concrete schedule and goals to work towards this goal. Class like structure with repercussions like failing the class motivated me and got me as far as i am now. Self study is hard to keep motivation up.
->Pay off CC Debt
pretty self explanatory

I feel like doing the AA has given me more drive in my life. I've been basically going out every day for the past month now working on aa and it has built up my self confidence a lot. This has caused me to reflect on what I've been doing this whole time and how slowly my life has been moving so far. In the past I've been able to make things move quite quickly, but end up losing the drive for some reason. For example I was gunning to be a firefighter. I was in school, and probably got half way done with classes, Got my EMT certification with the State of CA, but in the end never did anything with it. That all happened in 2019. When I put my mind to something I can make it happen I believe and AA drills have reinforced that ideal in my head. Now I'm going to put my focus onto become a Deputy so that I can be financially stable and peruse more lofty goals other then a stable job. I got side tracked with nerd shit and spent a year doing basically nothing. It was not a total loss because my hobby turned into my 3d printing side business. I don't think that its a lucrative business, but so far its making me like $300 a month of side cash with almost no effort.

Ill most likely come back and edit this post, trying to get some of todays tasks done so i cant be sitting at my desk writing for hours lol. very counter productive

Reflection of Todays Activities
I feel like writing down my goals is a good habit to begin. It gives me a tangible goal for the day with what I need to do. After having written down my goals I felt a little bit of guild not working towards completing the tasks. Definitely a good motivator. There were some minor things I did not do. Working out is something I don't want to slack off on at all. Waking up earlier will help me allot time for morning workouts. Cleaning is something I need to get more consistent at. This is a habit I want to work on. The more tidy I become the less I have to clean in the end.
Woke up at 9:10

Uncompleted tasks from yesterday
Change Oil
Look for jobs to Apply to
Clean desk space
Record February spending
Update Etsy Store - Added like 15 items to the store page
Clean Bedroom

Today's Tasks
Go look at apartment
Process 3d printing stuff
Get Vaccinated
Change Light fixture in garage and Bedroom
Trim Tree
Research when school starts and Apply for classes

Happy that I woke up at around my normal time, as well as I did not go to bed after 1 am. So that's a success there.
Today has a lot of tasks that are going to take up some time, like cutting the tree and changing the light fixtures. Idk exactly how to manage those with doing AA. AA generally takes up a good chunk of my afternoon hours. Along with working out I generally try and squeeze in an hour workout session at around 10 or 11. but that's when I'm getting vaccinated. So maybe a late night workout session?

Guess I should start with the easy stuff I can do on my computer first to get some stuff done, then work towards the harder longer tasks?
I wouldn't put all your tasks on here, seems like quite a waste of time. An app I use is Todoist, there I can just check off my tasks. I usually also start my day with a bunch of easy tasks if work allows it. Waking up earlier will give you more "productive" hours so can only recommend it.
Giles Thanks for the advice. Ill check out the app. Just needed a way to keep myself accountable for the things i need to do and to work towards it.
Glad you're putting them here tbh. Lots of eyes on them here, random checkups, might be good. Rock on

You're getting vaccinated already? I'm on list till summer, if I ever get it. Actually can't believe you and I haven't gotten it yet lol
sundleboro said:
Glad you're putting them here tbh. Lots of eyes on them here, random checkups, might be good. Rock on

You're getting vaccinated already? I'm on list till summer, if I ever get it. Actually can't believe you and I haven't gotten it yet lol

Yah I figured if I put it up for everyone to see maybe something my intertest someone and they can chime in. I just got my first shot today, as a security guard I qualified. My buddy got it too and he wasn't even qualified. I believe he just said he was a food worker. They don't check work id, so theoretically u could get it early if u wanted to go that route.
Uncompleted Tasks
Change Oil
Look for jobs to Apply to - going to stop this and focus my attention on the Sherrif Test rn
Clean desk space
Record February spending

Workout - Not happy I've been slacking on this. Gotta get back into it
Change Light fixture in garage and Bedroom
Trim Tree
Research when school starts and Apply for classes

Damn, I've been slacking on a lot of things that could have been done fairly easily :/

Todays Tasks
Process 3d printing orders - Printed, packaged and shipped 3 orders.
Clean Bedroom
Study for Pellet B and schedule a test to give myself a hard deadline to complete this task
Research Physical Agility test for Sherriff Dept. See if there are any testing opportunities
- Going to put these on hold since i was just contacted by the city for testing :)
AA before work - Shoot for 10 approaches - only able to do 2 approaches because of rain

The appt I looked at is definitely an option. Single Bed, bath, with kitchen. Pretty small and like 40 min away from where I live now. I was thinking I would most likely come back home to workout at the home gym I've bought and to eat dinner with my mom every now and then. Appt doesn't have a parking space so that's annoying. I could definitely make it work and the rent would be quite cheap. The Appt is co-owned by my mom and aunt so rent would be extremely cheap. I would like it live somewhere closer to downtown but this appt isn't so far removed that I couldn't make it work. 100% would not find a space for cheaper in SF then this appt. If I fix my motorcycle back up, commuting in the city and parking would be no problem.

Things are starting to move again with the Sherriff Deputy job! Just scheduled my test appt for the entry level application. Fuckin finally the city is getting the ball rolling again. Now its time to get serious and study my ass off for this test.
Stuff to do this weekend
Change Oil
Trim Tree
Change Light fixtures

Todays Tasks
process more 3d printing stuff
Deliver to post office
AA drills - Hopefully there's more girls out.

1 hr of research on REACT test

Just finished researching school, and I figured out I qualify for an AA in Liberal Arts and Humanities so that's good to know.
All of my focus is going to be on passing the Deputy entrance exam that's scheduled for this Wednesday. Purchased 2 practice tests that are put out by the company that hosts the test. I'm planning on taking one tomorrow, and then one on Tuesday. Not entirely sure on how to study for this test because its basically general knowledge and an evaluation of thinking and processing skills, but I'm going to do research anyway and see what I can find out.

Schedule for the next 5 days

Saturday - Work
Sunday - Morning run with friend, AA, and Practice test, print out documents for taking test and collect necessary supplies
Monday - Reflect on practice test, See what I can improve on, See how I can apply what I learned to what I need to study
Tuesday - #2 Practice test - compare and contrast my initial test and results of 2nd test
Wednesday - Take the test and pass.

I don't think that doing AA drills will take up too much of my time or focus on this test. Depending on how Sunday goes I may adjust my thinking on this.
Took the test on Sunday, didn't do great in one section, but I have a better understanding of the though process needed for the questions. Going to retake it again tomorrow. Feel more confident now that I've taken the practice test. Not much else to update.
I think I'm going to start posting updates like this man. This is a good idea of doing this besides the AA thread.
Manganiello I feel like it keeps me accountable. I can see day by day what I did and didn't do. Also can notice kind of what tasks I tend to avoid or put off.
Now that the test is over I can focus on personal goals a little bit more until the next phase of the hiring process

Shit that needs to get done asap
Change oil - About 1k over at this point, Cant put it off any longer for the safety of my car
Trim tree - Fruits about to grow so I wanna cut extra branches so the plums are huge this season

New Habits
Wash face every night before bed
Run 3 times a week
Wake up at 9am - Going well so far
Go to bed at 1am -Also going well. Some times I go to bed at 2am

Important Stuff to do, but maybe not tomorrow
Call College and Apply for AA
Call high school and request transcripts
Contact DMV and get my official driving records

Daily Stuff
Keep processing 3d printing orders
Shit that needs to get done asap
Change oil - About 1k over at this point, Cant put it off any longer for the safety of my car
Trim tree - Fruits about to grow so I wanna cut extra branches so the plums are huge this season

Going to do this things on Sunday

New Habits
Wash face every night before bed - Haven't been doing this
Run 3 times a week - Going well so far
Wake up at 9am - Been waking up at 930ish so kind of hitting my goal
Go to bed at 1am -Also going well.

Preparation for Sherriff Background Checks
Call high school and request transcripts
Contact DMV and get my official driving records
Get college academic transcripts
Social Security card Copy
Official Birth Certificate copy
All vehicle registrations
all Auto insurance policies
Will start doing these things on either Sunday or Monday

Daily Stuff
Keep processing 3d printing orders - Finally down to only 2 orders backlogged
Workout - Going well. 5 day split is working out fine. I want to incorporate Dead lifts back into my weekly routine. Been slackin and forgot how much fun they were
Running - Going to start timing 500 meter sprints. I need to get my time to sub 2 min. Totally achievable
AA - Going well so far

Stuff I accomplished today
Finally recorded my finances for the month of February and March - Got to really adjust my spending. This month has been expensive and I've only broke even cuz of tax returns. Not good
Tonight i went out for the first night around me new spot i moved into. I got a drink at a local bar like 2 min from my new spot and made friends with a costa rican group. They paid for my drinks all night and were really friendly. Also paid my entry for a club around the corner so i got to skip the line to get in. Was really fun to hang out with these guys.

I was walking home and a car rolled up and asked for directions. The chick driving said i was cute and wanted to make out. She grabbed my dick through my pants and said she would drive the block and come back to my spot. but then right afterwards I let this pair of chicks who were walking down my street use the bathroom at my appt, and they turned out to be really nice. I was making out with one of the chicks who just recently broke up with her boyfriend. She kept asking if i was gay so i took the opportunity to prove her wrong by making out and grabbing some titty. They both had to go cuz the other chich had an overprotective boyfriend but i got both of their numbers. Hopefully i can meet up with them again.

Fun night regardless. Glad i went out tonight. thanks Manganiello for pushing me to go out even if getting laid was not the intention. Would have not had such a crazy night if i had not gone out just to see what up. Moved into a pretty good neighborhood.

Im going to use this thread as my new approach log/ life progress log as well
Fuck ya man.

I was expecting you just to walk in and walk out. But you really went in there.

Not a bad start huh?
honeybadger Same here man!
Crypto I hope so too! Gotta just throw urself into whatever and hope for the best
Manganiello I expected to do the same myself. Had really planned on only grabbing a drink and maybe chillin for half an hour.
offwego I was initially waiting and debating about the girls who were in the car, and these other 2 chicks just happened to be walking by so I said hey. Happy I did day hello and chatted with them.