Was hit by a car today lolz

Toast said:

Total Approaches: 7

Went out today with the intention of finding good areas to approach. As well as trying to get in a high volume of approaches. Started the day off in Japan town. Kind of felt like the crowd today was young anime nerds. Probably cuz its a holiday. Got one approach in b4 calling if at this location
Cute Asian. She was walking towards me. Got her attention, called her cute, gave my name. And then she zoomed off. Didn't even give me a chance to talk. Walked around some more and didn't really see anyone approachable.

Next i went to the shopping district/ touristy area of SF and walked around. Probably only passed up on 1 or 2 girls walking around solo. A lot of pairs of girls were popping up. Walked to the mall and the same thing was happening. Probably spent like 30 min trying to find an approach.

2nd Approach. Said she had a boyfriend pretty early in the convo. Moved on
3rd approach. Pretty awkward convo. Girl wasnt very receptive. Said she had a boyfriend

By this time it had been almost an 1.5 hours of walking the street and mall. I was pretty disheartened with the results so far and the amount of approachable girls.

Moved locations to whole foods. In the store I bitched out on 2 approaches. Feeling down I got in line to buy whatever I had in my hands but then saw a chick walk in. Said fuck it I gotta approach. Convo went fine but when I asked for her number she said "I appreciate it but no thanks"

Went home. Ate some food then went out again like an hour later.

Saw a girl with a dog. Told her the dog was cute and seemed friendly. Dog was cute and friendly and walked up to me to get petted. Chatted with the girl for a bit and then asked for her number. She said she had a boyfriend.

Todays Thoughts
Happy that I'm getting more experience approaching, but there's definitely a lot to improve on.
Going to have to grow some balls and just approach pairs since that's a huge limiting factor with getting high approach volume.
Also need to be able to approach whenever. Like if I see a girl turn the corner and she's already past me. just gotta go for it and catch up to her. no thinking just action.

Whole foods/ Trader joes seem to be good locations.
Still have to try some trendy streets where they block it off for foot traffic.
A lot of places to explore still

Good stuff. I KNOW you can approach groups. I'm one of the most inexperienced guys on here and I chicken out way way more than you but I've done it several times. You're way ahead of me so I know you can do it. I just mostly talked to one girl in particular out of groups tho, I didn't know how to address the whole group and I'm not good at it. But I forced myself to do it
SamJ_ Thanks for the words of encouragement. I've come to the conclusion that I'm basically just making up situations in my head and trying to pre plan what I'm going to say. This generally leads me to get anxiety and not want to approach. You are right, I can do it. I just need to throw myself into the approach and do it.

Addressing one girl more then the other seems like a decent strategy. Go for the one you are interested in but still talk to both. Good tip

Total Approaches 9

Only had maybe 15-20 min b4 work. Went out to buy milk.

Saw a cute girl in Trader joes. Took some time to work up the courage to approach. When I did the interaction was fine. Had a boyfriend

Bought my milk and moved locations to another store with like 5 or so min left b4 work

Walked in behind a cute girl. Had to pretend shop to work up the courage. Approached, Interaction went fine. Had a boyfriend.

Today proved to me that I can approach with a limited amount of time, as well as when approaching is not my main goal. I have to become more comfortable approaching when it is very random. Or if I'm just out and about doing whatever. All other reasons to not approach are just excuses. Basically there is no legitimate reason to not approach.
Small Update

Total Approaches: 12

Went out for a jog this morning. Really woke up excited to approach. I went out with the thought of getting rejected 20 times today. That's the GOAL. Getting rejected the the outcome I want!

Jogged for 30 min today. While on my run I encountered 3 approachable girls.
#1 - Had a boyfriend (1 rejection. Very nice. Off to a good start)
#2 - Cute Mail lady - Said she was in a relationship. Said I could be her second. She said she was married. (Rejection 2 👍)
#3 - Literally ran across the street to catch up to this girl. Car honked at me lol. Asked what she was up to. Breakfast for her friends bday. Asked if she had a boyfriend. Said she didn't and actually offered me her number. I didn't ask. (damn got a number, No rejection lol)

Thinking about the approach differently really alleviates the pressure. I feel like I had no anxiety while on the street. When you expect to get rejected there is no negative reaction. When you get a number you are happy, but u gotta dial it back and remember its the literal like 1% chance outcome.

I was very ballsy today, and it paid off. Pretty much there is no excuse not to approach. Run across the street. Run behind a girl to catch up. All else is just an excuse!
Toast said:
Small Update

Total Approaches: 12

Went out for a jog this morning. Really woke up excited to approach. I went out with the thought of getting rejected 20 times today. That's the GOAL. Getting rejected the the outcome I want!

Jogged for 30 min today. While on my run I encountered 3 approachable girls.
#1 - Had a boyfriend (1 rejection. Very nice. Off to a good start)
#2 - Cute Mail lady - Said she was in a relationship. Said I could be her second. She said she was married. (Rejection 2 👍)
#3 - Literally ran across the street to catch up to this girl. Car honked at me lol. Asked what she was up to. Breakfast for her friends bday. Asked if she had a boyfriend. Said she didn't and actually offered me her number. I didn't ask. (damn got a number, No rejection lol)

Thinking about the approach differently really alleviates the pressure. I feel like I had no anxiety while on the street. When you expect to get rejected there is no negative reaction. When you get a number you are happy, but u gotta dial it back and remember its the literal like 1% chance outcome.

I was very ballsy today, and it paid off. Pretty much there is no excuse not to approach. Run across the street. Run behind a girl to catch up. All else is just an excuse!

Wow that's ballsy, I think you will definitely be really successful with this soon
SamJ_ It may be ballsy, but it is needed to get high volume of approaches. I believe you can do it too. When you become less outcome dependent then approaching becomes much easier. There was like very little stress while approaching because I was 100% expecting to get rejected, and also wanted it to happen. Seems counter intuitive for getting numbers but its really the mindset of the approach that holds me back. This new outlook make it way easier.
Total Approach Count: 18


Got 6 more approaches in after the first 3 I did on my run. Still trying to figure out a good area for high volume

Here's what I wrote in my notes, plus some comments on the approaches:

4 - Got number, She was hella nervous. Like visibly uncomfortable because she did not know what to do in the situation. Probably has never been approached by someone who was confident. Called her cute, asked what she was doing (to gauge instadate), asked if she had a boyfriend. She declined to get coffee then I got her number
5 - Engaged
6 - Didn't stop walking
7 -Boyfriend, didn't stop walking
8 - Rejected myself when she said she was working. This was a weird one. Approached, said she was cute, asked what she was doing and she said "im working right now" I was like ok, have a good day, and excused myself. Idk why I took this as rejection. Just a noob mistake.
9 - boyfriend, asked if she wanted a 2nd one. she rolled her eyes at me. Trying to be more aggressive when a girl says she has a boyfriend. Cuz a lot of the time its a defense mechanism and not the truth. Or its a girls test to see if your resolved with your approach.

Again the mentality of accepting rejection as the normal really makes such a huge difference. I am able to be ballsy and approach on a whim because I know that the most likely outcome is rejection.

Didn't hit my quota of 20 rejections today, but this is the highest volume of approaches I've done so far. So that's a win in my book. Onwards and upwards from here.
Yeah man. That's how it's done.

Toast said:
9 - boyfriend, asked if she wanted a 2nd one. she rolled her eyes at me.


Good approach count. Good improvement.

I'm really starting to internalize the 5 approaches in a day is basically dick all.

And when you think about it, it kind of is. How many cute girls do you say in a given day? Probably more than 5.

Fuckkk I wanted to sink 3 hours into approaching today tho. Too bad I couldn't.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
Manganiello said:
I'm really starting to internalize the 5 approaches in a day is basically dick all.

5 is pretty doable. Remember GLL's basic rule - aim for 30 girls a week MINIMUM. That'll get you laid roughly every 2 weeks.
5 per day is 100% withing my grasp. I'll probably even shoot for 10.

I think ima block off at lease an hour b4 work to do approaches. If I can pin a good location it will easily be achievable. Dont wanna fluff myself too much after one decent day. Let's see how tomorrow goes.

PK47 yah it was kind of an automatic response. I'll have to be more conscious about pushing the approach. Making good progress so far though.
Toast said:
Again the mentality of accepting rejection as the normal really makes such a huge difference. I am able to be ballsy and approach on a whim because I know that the most likely outcome is rejection.

These days, I adopt a mentality of: "I am a blessing to these girls. I am the hottest dude in the room, and she's lucky I'm giving her attention. I know I can hold a good conversation, and I can show her a good time, in & out of the bedroom. If she rejects me, her loss."

Same goes for my business: "I am a blessing to these businesses. I made my previous clients more money with my services, and I can you more, too. In fact, I can make your family legacy last one more generation for your future kids. If you reject me, your loss."

Makes it easier for me to stomach rejections.
SIGMA_1234 said:
These days, I adopt a mentality of: "I am a blessing to these girls. I am the hottest dude in the room, and she's lucky I'm giving her attention. I know I can hold a good conversation, and I can show her a good time, in & out of the bedroom. If she rejects me, her loss."
There is definitely some of this mixed into the mentality. If she rejects me, its her loss is very true. These girls have to meet my expectations for the approach to work. If they cant even do that its not worth my time.

Total Approach Count: 34

Total approaches today 16

Today was a great day for approaching. I was direct with my approaches and my intentions. Rejections really did not have an effect on me. If a girl declined my approach. Her loss, on to the next one.

First approach was the most interesting. Girl walking towards me. Approached and called her cute. She said she was in a hurry. I also said I was going another way. to clearly indicate that I'm not here to take up her time. Basically asked for her number right after that. She was like "Idk how to respond to this." I said something along the lines of "when has this eve happened to you. Why not give me your number" And handed her my phone. 100% expect her to never text back but that's besides the point. Being direct and bold is what matters most here. As well as aggressive with my stance and not backing down from the situation.

Here's what I wrote down in my notes while walking around.

1 - Number
2 - Rejection, walked away from me
3 - didn't even look at me
4 - Boyfriend
5 - Boyfriend
6 - kept walking
7 - Married
8 - Walking and talking sucks
9 - Number
10 - Number
11 - Super Unresponsive, Walked away
12 - Duo, walked away
13 - number
14 - Kept Walking
15 - Not interested
16 - Kept walking

Personally I'm not going to follow a girl and try to continue the conversation. When I say kept walking its either I approached, and instead of stopping to talk with me, they continue walking away. Maybe ill walk for a little bit but at a certain point ill basically stop walking and if they continue. Approach over. One instance was a girl who was talking to me, but then crosswalk changed and she started walking. Its not like she isn't fully in control and has to walk right then and there. That's her decision.

2nd number I got was a really receptive girl. Really pretty blonde. She's in town for 2 weeks. As I was walking away after I got her number I stopped turned around and called out to her to see if she wanted to schedule a date for the next day. She agreed and we are going to meet at 10 tomorrow.

3rd number was another really pretty French girl. She was a little more hesitant to give her number. But did anyway. Fully expect her to ghost. She did text back and ask for my Instagram but nothing after.

4th number was another pretty blonde. Hmm maybe i have a type haha. She was nice, and the conversation was really awkward on my end. She still gave me her number. She just texted me and said she wants to just be friends. Ill probably still meet up with her cuz more friends who are cute girls the better. Hot chicks have hot friends.
Amazing man.
You just started approaching too.
Still lots more to do.

Love the motto
Not happy at all with how my date just went.

Grabbed coffee, and within like 15-30 min we transitioned to my place. Then back at my house I did not make a single move. FUCK. We talked, and that was it.

I had a game plan to bring her back home but my plan pretty much ended there. After that I just couldn't sum up the courage to do anything.
Manganiello pretty much. Was just a bitch about getting rejected. Huge lesson to learn from.

honeybadger No, i didn't do anything like that. My apartment is pretty bare bones right now so I don't have a couch. Made it weird to put my arm around her. But I could have done something.

I have to stew in these feelings of being a pussy so i can be better next time.
At some point you just have to stop the conversation and go in to make out

I dont escalate like some smooth transition sequence, its make out with them and then lead them to the bed
Toast said:
@honeybadger No, i didn't do anything like that. My apartment is pretty bare bones right now so I don't have a couch. Made it weird to put my arm around her. But I could have done something.
The only excuse is when she literally sits on the other edge of the table and you cannot even reach her to hold her hand. And even then, your job is to change places to be in position to escalate.

Even if your room is literally bare walls and nothing else and you are sitting on the floor. Sit down in front of her and put your hand on her knee, or whatever. It wont be awkward unless you literally are awkward about it yourself, or shes not down for anything more than talking, in which case you want her out anyway, don't you.

My point: see it as 'I did not do it because I was afraid' rather than 'there was no good way to do it'.