Was hit by a car today lolz

Small update

Busy day with life shit. Not much time to approach.

Went out when I had a moment but I had a fat headache. Dehydrated, and sunburnt from the day.
Shitty mood, feet hurt, the works. Still had to make myself go out and get some reps in.

Went 0/6 in half an hour near my house.

After the 6 I felt a little bit better thinking that in this poor condition I can still do something.

play_time_is_over,Manganiello encouraged me to just keep pushing. So thanks for that. Def helped while out there feelin shitty.
1/1 today

Walked to the post office.

Saw a girl with a HUGE ass. Dropped my mail off and walked back to where she was. Approach went like this.

Hey, Kind of random but I thought you were really pretty. Wanted to say hi.
Aww thanks, that's so sweet of you.
how's your day going?
good, just dropping off some boxes.
cool same here, you live around here?
yah I do, I live around the block.
Oh nice, same here
well I'm sure ill be seeing you around then, I gotta get going.
ok, maybe I could grab your number and we can get a coffee?
oh sorry I have a boyfriend.
that's fine, lets still exchange numbers.
oh sure why not.

Total interaction of like maybe a min. I was very unreactive when she said she had a boyfriend. just pushed for the exchange anyway. This is probably the first contact I've gotten from a chick who said she had a boyfriend. Cool to see the results from this kind of interaction.
Haha damn brother I saw a chick with a huge ass when I was out doing my pictures today and let me tell you I was glad to be alive LOL
Toast said:
oh sorry I have a boyfriend.
that's fine, lets still exchange numbers.
oh sure why not.

This is worth 500 imaginary gold stars. Good job toast.
That's the boldness you need. Girls often say they have a bf as a knee-jerk reaction. Sometimes they don't, and it takes the man with the mettle to push through and not be dissuaded. Nice one man.
Spazdig said:
That's the boldness you need. Girls often say they have a bf as a knee-jerk reaction. Sometimes they don't, and it takes the man with the mettle to push through and not be dissuaded. Nice one man.
Exactly. I treat the approach as a game once they say they have a boyfriend. Basically ive already been rejected so i can literally say anything afterwards.

Today for example.

Girl said she has a girlfriend. I was like oh so you're bi? she said yes. I was like cool. Maybe all 3 of us could do something together.

If the girl agreed amazing. Possible cold approach 3 some. If not that's fine. I had basically already been rejected when she brought up she was taken.

Today I had extra time to approach. Went out for probably 5 hours, and wasted an hour getting an eye exam. Didn't realize how bad my current glasses are lol. Having clearer eyes will help me spot cute girls from afar and take out the hesitation of approaching. Cuz ill be able to determine if they're cute or not from farther away.

The girl I got a date with on Thursday was interesting as well. She was sitting down eating lunch and I walked up to her. Called her cute. asked what she was doing. said she was working. asked for her number and said we could grab coffee. She was really shy about it. Probably cuz I was so forward with my approach. I think she was actually on the phone with her sister while I approached if I remember correctly. Didn't have to push to get the contact, but she did hesitate and think about it for a bit. Before I left I made sure to ask when she was free and state we should grab a drink or coffee. This is something I'm going to try to do in the future. To possibly prevent ghosting via text. I don't think it makes much of a difference tho honestly.

Some lessons from today.

Approaching a girl on a hair trigger.
Saw a cute girl in the grocery store. Missed my opportunity to approach cuz she was checking out in line. An excuse basically.

Walked down the street and she turned the corner right in front of me. Was surprised but in like a split second I pulled the trigger and approached. She was in a rush but we still exchanged. Happy I did this.

Close contact approaches
2 cute girls walking down the street maybe 20 ft from each other.
Approached 1 rejected.
All of us kept walking to the next street corner, and then waited for the crosswalk.
Contemplated how to approach the second girl while the first one was walking maybe 20 ft ahead.
Just fucking did it. The 2nd girl stopped to talk with me and we exchanged.

In my head I was thinking. oh man is the first girl gunna turn around and say something. what if she hears me. Etc. Doesn't matter. all that bullshit is just in your head.

Good high foot traffic areas
This is literally the most important thing. I NEED to explore more in the city. Some days will probably be a bust for approaches but it is a necessary thing i need to to do find the good areas at good times.

Stats for the Day
7 numbers
4 hours walking around?
35-40 approaches? (was kind of low volume per hour)
Possibly 50 at the maximum. Seemed like I was getting numbers at a decent rate and not rejected in big streaks of like 10 or more girls. so i would estimate closer to the low end of 35.
Nice stuff man.
I loved that you were doing ballsy stuff and pulling the trigger quick. I think that's super crucial to get into the 30+ approach workdays. I need to focus on that stuff too.
Manganiello said:
I loved that you were doing ballsy stuff and pulling the trigger quick.
Definitely happy with doing this. Every day im trying to do something even more extreme. I think it helps with getting high volume of approaches. if you do something crazy the day before, the next days approaches will be easier in comparison
Toast said:
Manganiello said:
I loved that you were doing ballsy stuff and pulling the trigger quick.
Definitely happy with doing this. Every day im trying to do something even more extreme. I think it helps with getting high volume of approaches. if you do something crazy the day before, the next days approaches will be easier in comparison

Definitely that's how I feel about approaching duos. It took me fucking 45 minutes to do it once a week ago, and today I did it twice with only slight resistance.

I want to get one in where the girl I just approached sees me approach another girl, or vice versa. That's definitely something that would clear up room for more volume.
Manganiello said:
I want to get one in where the girl I just approached sees me approach another girl, or vice versa. That's definitely something that would clear up room for more volume.
Same here. This is something on my mind as well.
Went out and just explored some new areas to approach in.

Went back to a spot yesterday that had decent volume. Was just about as good today as it was yesterday

I actually approached a girl who I have a date set up on Friday. I initially approached her around where I live, and I just so happened to run into her today in a completely different part of the city. What are the chances of this happening. LOL. hopefully she doesn't flake on my date on Friday.

Got 2 numbers in this spot so its pretty decent. Maybe did 10 approaches in 45min to an hour?

Moved locations. Sucked ass. wasted too much time in this are for such low volume of people and approaches

Moved again. Its a trendy outdoor area but the foot traffic was pretty low. Maybe only 2 or 3 approaches here.

Todays lesson is to really go to the areas where high foot traffic happens at certain times. Other wise the day is basically just wasted walking around.

I have a date lined up for Thursday. Hopefully she doesn't flake
Date lined up with the chick who I approached again on Friday, and possibly another date on Friday if she responds.
Toast said:
Went out and just explored some new areas to approach in.

Went back to a spot yesterday that had decent volume. Was just about as good today as it was yesterday

I actually approached a girl who I have a date set up on Friday. I initially approached her around where I live, and I just so happened to run into her today in a completely different part of the city. What are the chances of this happening. LOL. hopefully she doesn't flake on my date on Friday.

Got 2 numbers in this spot so its pretty decent. Maybe did 10 approaches in 45min to an hour?

Moved locations. Sucked ass. wasted too much time in this are for such low volume of people and approaches

Moved again. Its a trendy outdoor area but the foot traffic was pretty low. Maybe only 2 or 3 approaches here.

Todays lesson is to really go to the areas where high foot traffic happens at certain times. Other wise the day is basically just wasted walking around.

I have a date lined up for Thursday. Hopefully she doesn't flake
Date lined up with the chick who I approached again on Friday, and possibly another date on Friday if she responds.

Awesome, already have dates set up with multiple girls!
Coffee date with a cute Mexican chick. Petite and very much my type.

Was not really that nervous while talking with her.

Maybe 15-20 min into the convo I asked about movies, and suggested we go back to my place to watch one.
She said "I don't go back to peoples houses. I like to get to know someone more"

Mistake #1 - Agreeing with this statement.
I said "that's fine I understand" - Beta as fuck. I think I should have doubled down and suggested to go back even more. Been even more aggressive with suggesting we go back.

A few min later I suggested we go back again. Said since she doesn't have much time to chill and watch movies we should go.

Said she's meeting her friend later, and texted her to check in.

Chatted for probably another 5 or so min. idk how long.

Date pretty much petered off at this point and ended with me asking about another time to meet up. She was very dismissive about the next time. 100% no second date. Contact deleted. On to the next one.

Possible 2 dates tomorrow. Will be maximally forward with pushing to go back home. That's the lesson from today. I was too passive about going back.

Gunna go out and approach for probably 4 hours.
So if she said "I dont go back to people's houses." What would you have said/done differently?

The lesson I got was to make the decision for them. Hey let's watch a movie now. Yeah let's go... then stand up.
Toast said:
She said "I don't go back to peoples houses. I like to get to know someone more"

Shit test bro. In general, don't take the first objection of girls seriously. She contradicted herself when she later said she doesn't have much time to chill and watch movies.

I don't agree that you should have been more aggressive. You could have said "Yeah, people are always trying to move things so fast and not enjoy the moment". Talk a bit more, and then suggest it again.

Were you touching her?
Crisis_Overcomer said:
Toast said:
She said "I don't go back to peoples houses. I like to get to know someone more"

Shit test bro. In general, don't take the first objection of girls seriously. She contradicted herself when she later said she doesn't have much time to chill and watch movies.

I don't agree that you should have been more aggressive. You could have said "Yeah, people are always trying to move things so fast and not enjoy the moment". Talk a bit more, and then suggest it again.

Were you touching her?
My thoughts too. That's why that was the first mistake. I failed the shit test basically. She could have pushed hanging out with her friend back and chose to hang with me if she wanted. So she did contradict herself.

Maybe aggressive is the wrong word.

Did not do any physical contact. She sat across the table from me and I told her to sit on my side to get the sun out of her eyes, but she positioned herself kind of far away from me. I could have done something to initiate contact tho. That's def mistake #2

This is only my 2nd date so im slowly improving and learning