Was hit by a car today lolz

Idk if ima keep making videos on cold approach. Nothing really new to share.

Still don't care about rejection. Basically already normalized that its gunna happen most of the time, and as a result, doesn't affect me.

Went to 3 locations today:

Location 1 - 1/~7ish approaches. ~30 min total
Went here yesterday. Decent foot traffic for the street. Only walked the block once. A reoccurring theme here is questionably aged girls. Also tourists who are only here for the weekend or day. Several times I heard "oh I'm visiting from (insert location) I'm here for the weekend. Idk if this is a good or bad thing. Good if they're free that night to meet up again or bad cuz they are just visiting. IDK yet. I do like the girls in the area tho. Chicks that like crystals are generally hot for some reason lol.

Location 2 2/~25 1.5 hours
Went back to my usual spot. High rejection for most of the day. Probably 20 in a row. Was approaching with decent volume and consistency. Maybe let a couple girls pass once I got a good look at their face. Did have a little thought about the high rejection volume come to mind, but just tried to keep approaching. Over time the number to rejection ratio probably balances out so high rejection days are fine.

Interesting thing that happened today was i approached a pair of 2 Asian chicks. One was so sexy. fuckin smoking hot petite Japanese's chick. Her friend was dressed well but kind of uggo. Approached and talked to the really hot one, but the other girl was more receptive. She was kind of answering most of the questions and the other friend chimed in every now and then. Got both of their numbers. Felt awesome. Never got 2 numbers from a duo. Texted them both and one hits me back with "who is this? I live in (Not San Franciso)" Turned out to be fake number lol. most likely both girls numbers were fake. good stuff

Location 3 45min 1/~12
Around my block probably 5pm. FUCK it was pretty good around this time. Literally parked and walked like 500ft from my car down the block. Pretty girl comes my way. Approach. convo was chill. we exchange. Good start. Walked around some more and there were girls everywhere having outside dinner. Idk how to break into that barrier. Seems kind of odd to approach while someone is having an outdoor meal. Maybe if they were drinking. IDK. The block was pretty decent for foot traffic as well. One chick i approached pretty much at the beginning after i called her cute said "don't want to be rude, you are cute, but I'm engaged" Good ego stroke right there haha.

Wow this turned out to be a wall of text. Idk how much of this is valuable. Almost just typing for personal record at this point.
Toast said:
there were girls everywhere having outside dinner. Idk how to break into that barrier. Seems kind of odd to approach while someone is having an outdoor meal. Maybe if they were drinking. IDK

I did one like this on Wednesday. It took noticeably more courage to approach. But I think just cuz it's a new situation.

Like everything else. You just do it. Maybe there's a special technique but I think it's just Hey you're cute.

You approached duos at mall food courts before right?
Story Time!

Smashed my date that I met on Wednesday. Fuck yah!

Via text I thought that she was gonna flake on me. Pretty bummed cuz earlier in the day I already had a date flake. Last night she texted me that she wanted to reschedule and I texted her back like 2min after she texted me. Thought I flubbed it and came off as needy. Today I texted her at 2pm to meet up at 430 at a gelato spot. Didn't hear back from her at all. 415 comes around and I figured ok. She's flaked. Feeling bummed I was trying to figure out what to do. Then I got a text at 420 that she was on the way. Sick!

Met up with her, and she was looking really sexy. She's an 18yo short latin chick(I think). Had on baggy cargo pants with like straps and shit hanging down. And one of those skin tight shirts that are basically a tube top with sleeves attached. Super my type. She looked cuter today then when I met her.

We got our gelato, and sat outside cuz it was a really nice day. Talked about random stuff. Our hobbies, what we like. Pretty much whatever. Then I asked about movies but didn't ask to go back to my place. And the conversation continued. In my head I was like "fuck I goofed. How do I ask her back to my spot?" We win she's our gelato and I suggested we walk around. After walking down the block a bit I just said "hey how about we go back to my spot and watch a movie" she's like sure!

Ok fuck up adverted. Good shit

We get to my house. Maybe a 5 min walk from the gelato spot. And she explores my house a bit, sees some oranges on the table and asks for one. I said sure.

Fucking orange hell ensues

We're sitting on my couch. Chilling she's peeling this orange. And then I really awkwardly throw my arm around her. She's now eating this orange for what seems like an eternity. Basically my arm got tired from waiting for so long for her to finish that I just put it around her waist. I shit you not, she was eating this singular orange for like 15-20 min. Like half bite for each slice of orange. That's what it felt like to me at lease.

She finally finishes. Maybe a min after she done I summon the courage to kiss her and it was smooth sailing from there.

We made out on my couch for a bit, went for her shirt. came off easy. Back to making out. Then for the bra. No resistance there. She asked me to carry her to the bed, which I did with ease cuz she's a small chick. On the bed I go for her pants which she took off herself.

I'm in my undies and on top of her and she hits me with "didn't know we were gunna fuck"
I'm like "yah?" and then just go back to making out and move to fingering her.

Rubbing her pussy for a bit then I stick a finger in, she's pretty wet already at this point.
I keep fingering her and she moaning and pretty into it at this point.

Go to take off her panties and then she's like "wow you could have lit a candle or something to make it romantic"
I said "yah but that's too much effort"
She didn't ask about me putting on a condom so I'm like whatever and just stick it in. I thought about asking her but I didn't wanna ruin the mood or whatever.

Were fuckin for a bit, idk how long to be exact but, admittedly I'm not the most sexually experienced person so I came kind of fast. Pulled out and came and then just stuck it back in and kept fuckin. I still had a hard on but I wasn't like mega hard. After a bit of fuckin with like a semi-hardon I just like slowed down and stopped lol.

After that we cuddled and chilled on my couch again, watched some more tv and then she left to go drink with her friends.

Later she texted me thanking me for the orange lol

We might hang out on Monday and go thrifting or something. Ill text her Monday and try and set something up.

Very happy about my success from cold approaching. Feels like all the work I have put in since the beginning of the year has come to fruition. Basically 6 months of hard work, grinding the AA program, Getting more time at work, moving out, and grinding approaches has led to this.

Fuck oranges by the way. God that was hell.
Awesome job man. You made what is a remote dream for a lot of men into a reality. Was that under 100 cold approaches?
Amazing man. I think this one's going to be remembered for a very long time.

You deserved it.
~ 200 approaches
~1,200 drills
Doing what nobody else wants to do.
offwego said:
Awesome job man. You made what is a remote dream for a lot of men into a reality. Was that under 100 cold approaches?
Feels good to be able to talk to a cute girl on the stree, and then have it end up in my bed :)
I think its between 150-200 approaches.
3 dates total. 1/3 is pretty decent in my mind.

Manganiello said:
Amazing man. I think this one's going to be remembered for a very long time.
Definitely a milestone in my life. In a year im probably still gunna remember my first cold approach lay and how noob i am right now
LOL at the oranges. She was waiting for you to make a move!!

Awesome work man. Inspiring to see guys like you make it with the AA program.
Toast said:
Story Time!

Smashed my date that I met on Wednesday. Fuck yah!

Via text I thought that she was gonna flake on me. Pretty bummed cuz earlier in the day I already had a date flake. Last night she texted me that she wanted to reschedule and I texted her back like 2min after she texted me. Thought I flubbed it and came off as needy. Today I texted her at 2pm to meet up at 430 at a gelato spot. Didn't hear back from her at all. 415 comes around and I figured ok. She's flaked. Feeling bummed I was trying to figure out what to do. Then I got a text at 420 that she was on the way. Sick!

Met up with her, and she was looking really sexy. She's an 18yo short latin chick(I think). Had on baggy cargo pants with like straps and shit hanging down. And one of those skin tight shirts that are basically a tube top with sleeves attached. Super my type. She looked cuter today then when I met her.

We got our gelato, and sat outside cuz it was a really nice day. Talked about random stuff. Our hobbies, what we like. Pretty much whatever. Then I asked about movies but didn't ask to go back to my place. And the conversation continued. In my head I was like "fuck I goofed. How do I ask her back to my spot?" We win she's our gelato and I suggested we walk around. After walking down the block a bit I just said "hey how about we go back to my spot and watch a movie" she's like sure!

Ok fuck up adverted. Good shit

We get to my house. Maybe a 5 min walk from the gelato spot. And she explores my house a bit, sees some oranges on the table and asks for one. I said sure.

Fucking orange hell ensues

We're sitting on my couch. Chilling she's peeling this orange. And then I really awkwardly throw my arm around her. She's now eating this orange for what seems like an eternity. Basically my arm got tired from waiting for so long for her to finish that I just put it around her waist. I shit you not, she was eating this singular orange for like 15-20 min. Like half bite for each slice of orange. That's what it felt like to me at lease.

She finally finishes. Maybe a min after she done I summon the courage to kiss her and it was smooth sailing from there.

We made out on my couch for a bit, went for her shirt. came off easy. Back to making out. Then for the bra. No resistance there. She asked me to carry her to the bed, which I did with ease cuz she's a small chick. On the bed I go for her pants which she took off herself.

I'm in my undies and on top of her and she hits me with "didn't know we were gunna fuck"
I'm like "yah?" and then just go back to making out and move to fingering her.

Rubbing her pussy for a bit then I stick a finger in, she's pretty wet already at this point.
I keep fingering her and she moaning and pretty into it at this point.

Go to take off her panties and then she's like "wow you could have lit a candle or something to make it romantic"
I said "yah but that's too much effort"
She didn't ask about me putting on a condom so I'm like whatever and just stick it in. I thought about asking her but I didn't wanna ruin the mood or whatever.

Were fuckin for a bit, idk how long to be exact but, admittedly I'm not the most sexually experienced person so I came kind of fast. Pulled out and came and then just stuck it back in and kept fuckin. I still had a hard on but I wasn't like mega hard. After a bit of fuckin with like a semi-hardon I just like slowed down and stopped lol.

After that we cuddled and chilled on my couch again, watched some more tv and then she left to go drink with her friends.

Later she texted me thanking me for the orange lol

We might hang out on Monday and go thrifting or something. Ill text her Monday and try and set something up.

Very happy about my success from cold approaching. Feels like all the work I have put in since the beginning of the year has come to fruition. Basically 6 months of hard work, grinding the AA program, Getting more time at work, moving out, and grinding approaches has led to this.

Fuck oranges by the way. God that was hell.

Fuck yeah man! Awesome job! This is the kinda stuff that motivates me to keep going! Also one question I have--what type of approach was this? Was she in a group, did u chase after her on the street lol or what?
SIGMA_1234 said:
LOL at the oranges. She was waiting for you to make a move!!
Quite possible that she was. She also did keep saying how much she was enjoying this orange and how tasty it was lol.

SamJ_ said:
what type of approach was this? Was she in a group, did u chase after her on the street lol or what?
lolz, just a regular approach. Walked up to her from the front on the street after she crossed the crosswalk or something. The type of approach it was probably has no significance to the outcome though.
AWESOME! Cherish that feeling, this might be one of the most important milestones in your life. I'm hoping to follow your example soon.

Toast said:
She didn't ask about me putting on a condom so I'm like whatever and just stick it in. I thought about asking her but I didn't wanna ruin the mood or whatever.

Risky man. If I haven't fucked a chick before I always use a condom. One thing is potential STDs, but pregnancy is a serious issue as well. Pulling out isn't safe of course (precum and so on). I have fucked a lot of girls that were not on any kind of birth control, indeed the majority of girls I fucked were not. If you get a chick preggo, that is big time trouble.

If you are worried about ruining the mood, that has never happened to me before. As long as you know what you are doing with the condom, I don't think it will be an issue.

If you are unsure of how to go for the kiss and how to escalate, the escalation guide form BoyToy is pretty good. BoyToy was active in the early days of GLL. His site is great, I recommend checking it out. He unfortunately took it down, but there is a backup on the Internet archive. The internet archive (loads slowly, but it does. sometimes it is completely broken for a day, just try later):

His escalation guide:

Since this was one of your struggles, here are his recommendations on getting her home and generally how to do on the date:

Now after this short advice, I seriously want to give you props again. I think I will be taking advice FROM you for a while haha
Yeaaaaah buddy! Absolutely class. You'll slay, you've got the mentality down and you're number of approaches are top-tier, I can't even fathom doing those yet.

Serious warning though, as CainGettingLaid said, don't fuck around without a rubber. Never trust what a girl says about birth control or whatever. Last thing you need is to get landed with a pregnancy, that'll ruin a lot more than just 'the mood'.

Also I'm getting boytoy's site is deactivated? Shame, would like to have read it also
Fucking legend Toast! With all the approaches you do and weight loss/training you are going hard at it and you are now reaping the fruits of your laber proud of you man GOOD SHIT 💪💪👊
CainGettingLaid said:
Risky man. If I haven't fucked a chick before I always use a condom. One thing is potential STDs, but pregnancy is a serious issue as well.
Lol to be completely honest I don't think I've ever used a condom in my whole life. That being said I've only fucked 5 chicks over my 28 years with one being a repeat lay for like 3 months. I do understand the risks tho.

CainGettingLaid said:
If you are worried about ruining the mood, that has never happened to me before. As long as you know what you are doing with the condom, I don't think it will be an issue.
Ill keep this in mind. Using a condom is a normal thing so I can see how it wouldn't ruin the mood. Thanks for the advice.

Spazdig said:
Yeaaaaah buddy! Absolutely class. You'll slay, you've got the mentality down and you're number of approaches are top-tier, I can't even fathom doing those yet.
Thank you. I still honestly feel like a beginner. Only really dipped my toes into the approach game. So much to still learn. Ill feel really accomplished once I can pull a chick from the street straight to the sheets.