Was hit by a car today lolz

Went to stoner street again. Probably the most consistent place ive found so far with top tier girls. Bums aside, theres a lot of cuties and ones that are young walking around. Also i think the area kind of gives off a more open to talk vibe, But thats probably just speculation

First approach i got a contact. Really nice girl. Tbh i dont remember what she looks like lol. Good problem to have.

Later i approached a smoking hot chick who was in a skin tight grey dress. She had a really nice ass and was busty af as well. Found out later she's Indian. Like not native American but from India. Approached her, called her pretty right off the bat. She was like "dayummmm ok, hey how's it going" giving off the impression that she was impressed with my boldness and direct approach. Chatted her up, asked what she was up to. She said she was working and we should grab a drink after her meeting. We exchanged contacts and she put a 🔥 emoji next to her name lol.

I fully thought she was going to blow me off. As i was walking to my car about to leave i get a text from her. Saying we should meet up. I ask when shes free and she said RN. Im like ok where u at? No response. I walked around a bit, approached another chick while waiting for her text and saw her across the street. Walked up and said hi. From there we grabbed some mixed drinks from a liquor store and walked the park while drinking and talking about random shit. I wasn't really forward with putting hands on her or anything like that but the conversation was decent and we were getting along well. I tried to ask her to come back to my house to chill but she said she had to be somewhere in about an hour. Im like ok, np.

As the date progressed we ended up at a pizza place and she was warming up to me. Said she had never been approached by someone and hung out with them. like someone random off the street like me. At some point i just kissed her and we were making out for a bit. Felt good to make out with a random chick i just met that day. She said she was free this weekend and that we should meet up soon. I'm like ok lets chill this weekend.

Walked her to her car, and kissed her goodbye. Kind of tried to make out some more but she told me to chill and laughed.

Hopefully this chick comes through on Saturday, and i can smash.
Good insta date. as well as my first.
Went back to my now favorite spot to approach.

Low volume of approaches. like maybe 10 total today, but that was because of the instadate.

Saw this beautiful black chick walking down the street in an orange flowery romper. She was gorgeous.

Caught up to her and approached. Called her pretty, asked what she was doing and she said she lived around the area and was just going for a walk. Idk how exactly cuz i don't remember exactly what i said, but i asked for the instadate. And she said lets walk the park, and asked if i was chill with that.

We walked around for probably an hour maybe longer. just chatting, getting to know each other. Conversation was moving along pretty well. no real awkward moments. She was super cool.

After we were done walking the park we got back to her neighborhood, and we got a drink at a bar. Chilled a bit more. And then parted ways. I asked when she was free next and set up a date for monday. Hugged her goodbye. Hopefully no flake.

In retrospection, i should have gone for the pull. Its somewhat more difficult when my house is a 15min drive away, but that's literally just an excuse. There will be a time in the future where i pull a chick from the street, into my car, and drive her home to smash. That is an eventuality that will happen with enough volume.

I think i was just having fun in the moment talking with her and didnt really think about going for the pull. It was brought to my attention that she could have possibly been waiting for me to go for it. But that's also speculation. I was forward with my initial approach so i think that leads on for me to be more forward with the rest of the interaction. But idk. This is all a learning experience. Todays date had value in that i was able to converse with a really pretty woman for an extended period of time and just speak my mind about whatever.
Pretty fucking insane how those cold approach are paying off man good shit Toast keep slaying 💪💪
Master said:
Pretty fucking insane how those cold approach are paying off man good shit Toast keep slaying 💪💪
Yah man, Grinding the hours is showing results. That's why i said it was an eventuality for me to pull a chick from the street to the sheets. Literally bound to happen if i keep grinding.
Went to the mall b4 my date. Basically the first date i went on with this chick i was not maximally forward with the pull and ended up acting kind of like a cuck. Rolled with it and am not playing the roll of a potential boyfriend per say. Date tonight was going to be ramen. So at lease i got a good dinner tonight lol.

Session at the mall was 2/25-30 in like 1.5 hours. Felt like i had decent spurts of high interaction as well as some times of low interactions. Like a hallway would have a few cute chicks in it. And i would get several approaches in the span of like 5 min. Then walk around trying to find more wasting another 5 min with no approach. normal session.

Only thing of note was an approach on the escalator. Saw a cutie going up, i followed and went up and rode it with her. Walked up to the same step she was standing on and approached. We rode the whole way to the top and she didn't run away. At the top she zoomed off. First time for this.

Immediately afterwards, I did the same type of approach but going down the escalator. Good to know my boldness is not waning. Something like this would have given me anxiety in the past i think.

Regarding the date.

We went for ramen. She sucks ass at using chopsticks and took forever to eat her food. Was really enjoying the sake i ordered, as well as the food. Conversation was chill. We were at the restaurant for a while. We were talking about alcohol and she wanted to try some spiced rum i have at my place so i invited her back and she agreed. Step 1 complete. We drive back to my place and i throw on a movie. Unfortunately it was a good movie and i got absorbed watching it as well as she did. I had my arm around her the whole time and she was like cuddling with me and leaning against my chest.

Movie finished, i suggest we watch another show for a little bit. She said sure. At this point i put it on and basically went for the kiss like 1 min into the show starting. She backed off and then said some things like "you didn't even ask my orientation, did you just bring me here for sex, i don't have casual sex."
She asked if i was mad as well, Said i wasnt.

After that we chilled for a little bit more, and then she left.

its been brought to my attention by others who are more knowledgeable then me that I am not creating sexual tension, I'm not flirting, I'm failing shit tests, and im not taking risks.

Lot of things to think about today.

I have a date tomorrow with a smokin hot black chick who seems way smarter then me lol.
I suggested drinks tomorrow around 830, she asked if there's some places in my hood i wanna try out. Seems like a good sign. So lets hope i don't fuck this up. Going to try and learn from todays mistakes.
Good stuff. Interesting that she reacted that way when you tried to kiss her. I would've thought calling her attractive and clearly showing interest when you approached would make it pretty clear that you wanted to eventually be intimate. I know that Ive approached a few girls already who let me know they were lesbians straight up after I called them attractive haha.
SamJ_ said:
Interesting that she reacted that way when you tried to kiss her. I would've thought calling her attractive and clearly showing interest when you approached would make it pretty clear that you wanted to eventually be intimate.
She was probably into me but has reservations about having sex. Attraction and intimacy in the bedroom are different. You can think someone is attractive but not want to fuck.

I don't think I was clear enough with my intentions. My intention is to smash. She most likely wants a relationship. Those are very different
Toast said:
SamJ_ said:
Interesting that she reacted that way when you tried to kiss her. I would've thought calling her attractive and clearly showing interest when you approached would make it pretty clear that you wanted to eventually be intimate.
She was probably into me but has reservations about having sex. Attraction and intimacy in the bedroom are different. You can think someone is attractive but not want to fuck.

I don't think I was clear enough with my intentions. My intention is to smash. She most likely wants a relationship. Those are very different

Yeah good point, I'll have to be way more clear in the future too. Good job tho, you're way ahead of me lol and a lot of people on here
Date tonight went well

Went to a bar near my spot. Had a few drinks and chatted for quite a while. date started at 830 and she just left my place at 1130. So a lot of chatting and getting to know each other. She was telling a lot of stories about her life and stuff and it was interesting. We moved bars to another one and got another drink. She had a work meeting at 830am tomorrow so she said she had to go soon but I still invited her back to my place to chill and she agreed. We watched a bit of a show and I threw my arm around her right as she sat down. We chilled for a bit and I summed up the courage to kiss her. We started to make out for a bit, but she said "sorry to be a tease but I do have to go soon." Said we should grab some drinks in her area next time and she mentioned a place we would go to. Looks like ill have a 3rd date hopefully.

Date ended with some making out, and I kissed her goodbye when she left.

Also the chick who I had a date with yesterday said this. Lol

Lessons from today

- Initiate for the pull to my house sooner
-Topics of conversation were quite sexual tonight (swingers clubs, past crazy experiences, ets)
-Still need to learn how to flirt more
-Need to work on physical contact during the date
-Need to be comfortable initiating during the date and not just at my house where I'm comfy.
1/6 today, Only had about an hour b4 work.

Interesting approach today. As well as the first one of the set.

Cute blondie in my neighborhood. Walking towards me. Black leggings, black sports bra. Had earbuds in.

She was walking towards me and I stuck up my hand to say hi to get her attention. She slowed down and took out her earbuds.
me: Hey I thought u were pretty and I wanted to say hi
her: oh that's nice of you (or something similar)
Me: you live around here?
her: yah, I'm kind of in a rush, I'm heading home.
me: ok well I don't wanna take up too much of your time. Let me get your number, and we can get coffee.
her: well I'm talking to someone right now so I'm ok.
me: sure, but we could be talking as well. How about i get your number and we grab coffee
her: she thinks for a bit... ok sure why not. There's a coffee shop up the street.
me: Cool, grab her number.

There was some other small talk in the convo but this was the meat and potatoes

Example of me being forward, and not backing down when she denied the exchange. I 100% think she will ghost, but its a proof of concept that being pushy for the exchange works. I didn't change my attitude when she denied the exchange, and I also said something somewhat audacious. Which probably in her mind translated to attractive/confident on my part.

Really like this exchange. Affirms to me that i should just be pushing through the boyfriend/married/seeing someone wall. Cuz it does work to get the number.
She'll probably ghost.

That just shows that your skill level is increasing.

I wouldn't be surprised if some of those pushy approaches convert down the line.
Manganiello said:
She'll probably ghost.

That just shows that your skill level is increasing.

I wouldn't be surprised if some of those pushy approaches convert down the line.
Don't think she even responded to my initial text lol

Most definitely. Some chick will be super impressed that I pushed through her shit test
Toast said:
Manganiello said:
She'll probably ghost.

That just shows that your skill level is increasing.

I wouldn't be surprised if some of those pushy approaches convert down the line.
Don't think she even responded to my initial text lol

Most definitely. Some chick will be super impressed that I pushed through her shit test

Not just that. People's states flip.

Like they're not thinking about it. Then all of a sudden they are.

Good weather. Inspiring movie. Etc. People's minds change all the time.
Toast said:
its been brought to my attention by others who are more knowledgeable then me that I am not creating sexual tension, I'm not flirting, I'm failing shit tests, and im not taking risks

Same for me, its a pain in the ass, like going for a kiss always seems to come from nowhere

Anyway, congrat for your progress !
Toast said:
Affirms to me that i should just be pushing through the boyfriend/married/seeing someone wall. Cuz it does work to get the number.

Absolutely man, I think guys are legitimately closing off potential doorways by ejecting and not pushing through the "seeing someone" line. I think it's true girls often use it as a first defence, but also when they say they're seeing someone it might not be serious.

Anecdotally, one of the hottest girls I went on a date with was the Italian I met in the gym last year. She did say by text she was seeing someone, but I told her to hit me up if things didn't work out anyway. And she did, a couple weeks later. Girls always have options, so be the guy in her contact list she's next to hit up if her first drops off.
It didn't work out with her unfortunately but was a definitely a proof of concept for me.
Spazdig said:
I told her to hit me up if things didn't work out anyway. And she did, a couple weeks later.

This has literally never worked for me. In my experience girls have so much options they just forget about you if you don't text them for a week. Do you text girls a lot just to make conversation?

I always cringe at advice like "she should be initiating most of the time" because girls (almost) never do this with me. I have a fuckbuddy I see on-and-off for 4 years now, and she has literally never initiated a text convo or asked for a meet-up herself, even though she's the sweetest, most submissive and most enthusiastic girl ever in bed. Same with another FWB I saw for a year and a half.

And we're talking about girls I fuck regularly, never mind girls I have never even met!
Holden said:
This has literally never worked for me. In my experience girls have so much options they just forget about you if you don't text them for a week. Do you text girls a lot just to make conversation?

Of course, but nothing ventured nothing gained. Has never worked out other than in this case, but I never would have known had I not tried. You might might be next on her list to hit up, but only if you're the one to initiate it. Same with everything in this game, it's a gamble, but you're odds are zero if you don't buy in at all.
Holden Spazdig There's always the magic unicorn where the girl initiates so it is possible. I would lean on the side of it never happening tho.

I'm of the mindset that the man needs to be the one to initiate and take the lead or nothing is going to happen.

Spazdig said:
Absolutely man, I think guys are legitimately closing off potential doorways by ejecting and not pushing through the "seeing someone" line. I think it's true girls often use it as a first defence, but also when they say they're seeing someone it might not be serious.
Learning this lesson more and more when i start approaching more assertively. Just repeatedly ask for the contact regardless of what she says. Determination and confidence can surly get past the shit tests and defenses
Gabi said:
Same for me, its a pain in the ass, like going for a kiss always seems to come from nowhere

Yup exactly. When i kissed the girl it was literally out of nowhere. We were sitting and i had my arm around her and i just went for it. No indication she wanted me to, but also no resistance from her at all.