Was hit by a car today lolz

Good fucking shit Toast!
It was actually the first time you ate a girl out :eek: From my own experience and talking to girls lots of em fucking love being eaten out, so being good at it and liking it is just another huge string to your bow. I know a lot of guys don't do it too, so you just win free points!

Hope the girl had a IUD brother otherwise you might get in trouble haha. I would probably text her and ask if she does or went to get a pill.
Great job.

Glad you didn't give up on fucking her mid-date.

I still think movies might be good.
Maybe it's just you need to be hyper fast at making your move. Like within 2 minutes. I think Mike does it that fast.
Holden Yah I'm most likely gunna just start suggesting listening to music. The movie thing didn't get in the way the other 2 times I brought a chick over, But 2 other times I kind of did. If I just take action quicker then the movie doesn't seem to matter. Removing it from the equation just seems to make sense

Adam Nah I didn't take her to the drug store or buy planb. She can buy that shit herself.

Master Yah it was fun and ill probably keep doing it. She kept saying i was pretty good at it and was surprised how much she was getting off on it. Idk if she was just trying to make me feel good lol.

Manganiello said:
Glad you didn't give up on fucking her mid-date.

I still think movies might be good.
Maybe it's just you need to be hyper fast at making your move. Like within 2 minutes. I think Mike does it that fast.
Yah same here. I was pretty much ready to just be done with this chick. Ended up being worth it in the long run
That's crazy man. I'm a paranoid fuck about condoms and I always have a Plan B pill in my drawer just in case. I only go raw if I've been seeing the girl for a few months and if she's intelligent & responsible enough for me to trust her.
2/15 today - 1 hour of approach

Learned a lesson about integrating approach into every day life.

Was walking to the post office to drop some stuff off. Saw a cute Asian chick on the corner. Didn't approach.
Was done doing my chore and she was still there, but as i was gunna approach her bus came and she hopped on.

Gotta start taking action whenever I see the chance. The window of opportunity is very small. Never know when or where someone is gunna be or if ur ever gunna see them again.

Went to first location. Was dicking around and not in the approach mindset.
Wasted like 15-30 min doing like 1 maybe 2 approaches.

Decided to move spots/get dinner for later

Saw what I figured would be an underage girl. Approached and she turned out to be 30. WTF. Never fails that my eyes deceive me. She had a fiancé but was very flattered/nervous because of my approach. Smiling, giggling the whole time.

Saw another cute Asian girl. Approached. She was very neutral with all her responses. Like she was confused as to what was happening as I was approaching her. Got the number.

Saw a friend randomly who I hadn't chilled with in like a year or more. Stopped approaching and chatted with him and got lunch for maybe an hour.

Moved locations again.

Went like 1/10ish here.

Approached a really petite Nicaraguan chick with braces. Really cute. She didn't speak English very well. Called her pretty but maybe i spoke really fast for her. So i said "you are beautiful" (Full stop) and she smiled really big. We talked for a little bit, she was meeting up with a friend so no potential for instadate. Got her number.

Later like 5 min or so i saw another really pretty Latin chick. Approached as she got off the phone. She was receptive and said she was meeting up with her friend. We talked for maybe a min and she said "oh my friend is here" and ran off. Low and behold her friend was the girl whos number i had gotten 5 min prior. LOL

The friend definitely saw me talking to the 2nd girl. Ima text tomorrow. Well see if she responds.
5/20-25 Today in about an hour at the mall.

Today felt like a positive tilt day. Every 3 to 5 approaches seemed to net me a contact exchange. As well as the Asian chicks were receptive today. 3 of the 5 contacts were Cute Asian chicks. one Korean, one Japanese(i think) and a Chinese(I think)
I'm pretty decent at guessing the differences between Asians lol

Pushed through an initial rejection as well.

Approached a cutie Asian who was walking. Business Lady in a blazer coming off of work. Called her cute, said random shit that's irrelevant. Asked for her contact. She said she was ok, I don't really give out my contact. I'm like nah its ok, lets meet up some time for coffee. She thought about it for a bit and hesitated. Said something along the lines of, why are you hesitating, something like this never happens. Why not just give me your number. She giggled and exchanged.

I NEED to figure out a different area. I'm paying for parking every time I go to this spot and its going to eat through my bank account. Like 8 bucks for an hour of approaching. If i need to keep doing this i will, but i would like not to.

Been lacking motivation as well for getting out of the house to approach. I think i need to set up some goals or something.

1. 1 hour in a new location at a new time to test the volume.
2. Hit my normal spot for an hour to get 20+ approaches in an hour/ work on higher volume in this area. Try to push it to 30+ in an hour
3. Focus on being more pushy during the interaction. Eg. asking for the contact 5-15 times
4. Focus on setting up instadates or screening for them

Having goals motivates me and allows me to see progression. Rather then the transient feeling of confidence gains through approach.

I have a date set up for Thursday and one on Saturday as well. So things are moving along smoothly on that front.
The girl who I fucked on 4th of July hasn't ghosted since then so its looking good that she may become my first plate :D
4/30ish today. Was a weird one tbh

Started off approaching around my house at like 430pm.

Was on a positive tilt. First approach exchange, 3rd approach exchange, 5th approach exchange.
I was 3/8 and girls were receptive. First girl had a boyfriend. Only pushed 1 time and she gave me the contact after stating boyfriend.

I was apprehensive to approach and probably missed a few duos and some chicks I could have ran across the street to approach.

Switched locations to a usual spot and had a tough time getting the ball rolling. After a about 15-20 min and maybe 10 rejections I finally started to normalize my mood and approach with more gusto. went 1/20ish in the mall.

Today showed me that positive reactions don't net more confidence and actually cause me hesitation and apprehension to approach. You would think, oh im having a great time right now, everyone is being so receptive. but it didn't really play out like that. Only until I started getting rejected did i get the ball rolling.

After like 10 rejections i started being more bold. Like walking directly across the street to a bus stop to approach a chick.
Its like, ok I'm going to get rejected, so why not throw myself at this extremely hot chick whos walking directly towards me.
Rejection fuels me to be more audacious.

A positive tilt almost seems to hinder my approach prowess. like maybe an underlying thought of why is everything going smoothly. Where as rejections, or at lease a small size of them, keep me level headed. like ill have a good approach day if i get 10 rejections off the bat and then get some positive interactions.

Idk wxactly how to combat this becasue some days will be very positive. And i don't want this to be hindering my performance.
Toast said:
Today showed me that positive reactions don't net more confidence and actually cause me hesitation and apprehension to approach. You would think, oh im having a great time right now, everyone is being so receptive. but it didn't really play out like that. Only until I started getting rejected did i get the ball rolling.

Thats a great lesson.

It usually takes a few blowoffs for me to get going. But for me, I find it's more about speed.

If I'm quick to get a bunch of approaches in I get the ball rolling & don't think as much. Good reception or not.

Great job getting 30 in.
Introspective day today

Did not have the motivation to go out and approach.

This morning I had work related business at 8am until 11pm. Went back to bed and slept until 1pm as to not fuck up my schedule for overnight shift.

I had ample time to go out and approach. I was awake at the normal time I go out and approach, but I just slacked off and hung out around the house watching YouTube and basically getting nothing productive done with the day. Only thing productive i did was fulfill some orders for my Esty business. This did not have to take so much time.

Something I came to realize while sitting around the house doing nothing is that I think I've become somewhat complacent because I have my first girl who is willing to come over to fuck basically on a weekly basis now. I've gone on like 4 or so dates with this chick and we've hooked up twice now. We get along and she seems like she will stick around for a while now. She seems into me.

I also had a date with an Asian chick yesterday, but I did not really feel the pressure to make a move since she was a little bit uglier without her mask on and I had just gotten laid the night before this date. The pressure of wanting sex was not there to motivate me.

This made me realize that I have become complacent with where I am because I have had a small amount of success so far with a few girls. This is not good. Again I'm falling into the trap of putting all my eggs in one basket. Lets say I fuck something up with my plate and she bails on me. Then what, I'm back to square one and have no consistent sex.

I don't want this to happen. Being lazy today inadvertently made me come to the realization that I need to change my attitude. As well as reevaluate my goals,

Manganiello said to me "people are not lazy, they just don't have a goal then want to work towards"
and that resonated with me because that's exactly the situation I'm in. I don't think that I'm a lazy person. I've been working hard for 6 months to get to where i am now. The motivating factor was having a tangible goal. Finishing AA, Getting Laid through cold approach, 500 cold approaches, getting a plate.

I have achieved my goals for now. I got laid through cold approach, I have a chick I can have sex with on the regular, I am able to cold approach when I want to with little to no issue.

So what's next for me? I need to some up with a problem for me to tackle. I guess I'm goal oriented. Maybe didn't realize it until now.

So I'm writing this post almost as a way to work through my thoughts and feeling as well as get others opinions on the matter.

Some goals I have thought for myself are:

+50 approaches 4x per week
1 New lay every 2 weeks
10 total cold approach Lays
Fuck an Asian chick who is 8/10
2nd plate

But idk if these are things that are enough to motivate me. I've thought about these goals before so it might not be.
I literally crafted the perfect schedule for approach, as well as got great logistics and location for pulling chicks home. I'm squandering my actions because I'm not motivated.

Maybe it is something more to do with begin consistent and setting up a routine then to do with needing drive. i need to make it a habit to go out and approach, rather then something i need to motivate myself to do. Just like going to the gym.

Ill state it here and now that tomorrow I will go out and approach and try to hit 50 approaches. Stating this every day is not a solution to the problem in my mind.
Have you considered now might be a good time to add making an elite online dating profile to the equation?

When i was going hard at approaching I was also fixing my tinder with Andys help and trying to get leads from absolutely everywhere at once
Radical said:
Have you considered now might be a good time to add making an elite online dating profile to the equation?
I actually haven't at all. Maybe this is something I need to do as well. Like you said, get leads from all sources. I have ample time at work to be swiping, and my conversations skills have improved.

I'll add it to the list and maybe it will spice things up again.

Thanks for the input
Your problem is that you lack something you really want at the time.

Fact: If you really wanted to get laid a lot, you wouldn't have a motivation issue. That's OK by the way, I'm like that; I got periods where I want to get laid and periods where it's the last thing I wanna do.

Perhaps you can ask yourself what you want to be doing a year from today and what kind of behaviors you should follow on a daily basis for that goal. Personally, even though I'm spreading myself too thin with quite a few things, I'm slowly moving forward and I like it. I believe laser like focus is important when you're a newbie somewhere, but when you have broken through the initial hurdles, you can mix things up (especially if you don't have a burning desire for something)
From what I've seen, it seems like the real thing that would motivate you is moving to Japan.

I see this as you've done everything you wanted to do so far.

And now you want to move.

But it's not inspiring because in your mind your thinking either one of these:

1. The sacrifice is too much to move to be worth it.
2. You don't see a way that would work quickly and easily.

I think if both of those 2 things were true. You'd feel inspired, like your working towards some worthy goal.

Like i said I think we're in the same boat. We both want to move.

My interpretation is that you're not inspired because what does inspire you doesn't appear feasible right now.

I could be wrong. But that's how I see it.
Manganiello said:
From what I've seen, it seems like the real thing that would motivate you is moving to Japan.

I see this as you've done everything you wanted to do so far.

And now you want to move.

But it's not inspiring because in your mind your thinking either one of these:

1. The sacrifice is too much to move to be worth it.
2. You don't see a way that would work quickly and easily.

I think if both of those 2 things were true. You'd feel inspired, like your working towards some worthy goal.

Like i said I think we're in the same boat. We both want to move.

My interpretation is that you're not inspired because what does inspire you doesn't appear feasible right now.

I could be wrong. But that's how I see it.

I think ur right in thinking that Japan is the next goal.

I've been studying Japanese casually lately, Looking into housing, looking into work over there, Looking into more outlets for Language learning schools.

The 2 things you listed does make sense in my mind. Japan seems like a far off goal. Like something that isn't achievable until next year or even later. So I'm not driven currently in the moment to make progress towards Japan.

That's why I was trying to think of more short term goals to focus on. Something to motivate me now, while I'm waiting for my opportunity to go to Japan comes closer.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
Your problem is that you lack something you really want at the time.

Fact: If you really wanted to get laid a lot, you wouldn't have a motivation issue. That's OK by the way, I'm like that; I got periods where I want to get laid and periods where it's the last thing I wanna do.

Perhaps you can ask yourself what you want to be doing a year from today and what kind of behaviors you should follow on a daily basis for that goal. Personally, even though I'm spreading myself too thin with quite a few things, I'm slowly moving forward and I like it. I believe laser like focus is important when you're a newbie somewhere, but when you have broken through the initial hurdles, you can mix things up (especially if you don't have a burning desire for something)
I agreed with you for the most part until the last sentence. And now I'm thinking that if you don't have a burning desire, the goal should be developing that desire, envisioning how success will lead you to bigger and greater things.

That (and perhaps more importantly routine) is how I've kept up working ~non-stop.
RogerRoger said:
I agreed with you for the most part until the last sentence. And now I'm thinking that if you don't have a burning desire, the goal should be developing that desire, envisioning how success will lead you to bigger and greater things.

I agree with this more.

I've done that where you hit a goal and then do a bunch of stuff.
It works but it's not as fun as coming up with an exciting goal for the here and now.

If I were in your shoes Toast I would make creating an inspiring goal THE goal for now.

Still approach, but the #1 goal is getting inspired. That's always worked for me. It just takes some time.
Toast said:
Introspective day today

Did not have the motivation to go out and approach.

This morning I had work related business at 8am until 11pm. Went back to bed and slept until 1pm as to not fuck up my schedule for overnight shift.

I had ample time to go out and approach. I was awake at the normal time I go out and approach, but I just slacked off and hung out around the house watching YouTube and basically getting nothing productive done with the day. Only thing productive i did was fulfill some orders for my Esty business. This did not have to take so much time.

Something I came to realize while sitting around the house doing nothing is that I think I've become somewhat complacent because I have my first girl who is willing to come over to fuck basically on a weekly basis now. I've gone on like 4 or so dates with this chick and we've hooked up twice now. We get along and she seems like she will stick around for a while now. She seems into me.

I also had a date with an Asian chick yesterday, but I did not really feel the pressure to make a move since she was a little bit uglier without her mask on and I had just gotten laid the night before this date. The pressure of wanting sex was not there to motivate me.

This made me realize that I have become complacent with where I am because I have had a small amount of success so far with a few girls. This is not good. Again I'm falling into the trap of putting all my eggs in one basket. Lets say I fuck something up with my plate and she bails on me. Then what, I'm back to square one and have no consistent sex.

I don't want this to happen. Being lazy today inadvertently made me come to the realization that I need to change my attitude. As well as reevaluate my goals,

@Manganiello said to me "people are not lazy, they just don't have a goal then want to work towards"
and that resonated with me because that's exactly the situation I'm in. I don't think that I'm a lazy person. I've been working hard for 6 months to get to where i am now. The motivating factor was having a tangible goal. Finishing AA, Getting Laid through cold approach, 500 cold approaches, getting a plate.

I have achieved my goals for now. I got laid through cold approach, I have a chick I can have sex with on the regular, I am able to cold approach when I want to with little to no issue.

So what's next for me? I need to some up with a problem for me to tackle. I guess I'm goal oriented. Maybe didn't realize it until now.

So I'm writing this post almost as a way to work through my thoughts and feeling as well as get others opinions on the matter.

Some goals I have thought for myself are:

+50 approaches 4x per week
1 New lay every 2 weeks
10 total cold approach Lays
Fuck an Asian chick who is 8/10
2nd plate

But idk if these are things that are enough to motivate me. I've thought about these goals before so it might not be.
I literally crafted the perfect schedule for approach, as well as got great logistics and location for pulling chicks home. I'm squandering my actions because I'm not motivated.

Maybe it is something more to do with begin consistent and setting up a routine then to do with needing drive. i need to make it a habit to go out and approach, rather then something i need to motivate myself to do. Just like going to the gym.

Ill state it here and now that tomorrow I will go out and approach and try to hit 50 approaches. Stating this every day is not a solution to the problem in my mind.

It's cool that you're able to be so introspective about it. I don't think there's anything wrong with taking a day off of approaching here and there if you're content with what you've got, but sounds like you definitely need to take your own advice you gave me about not putting all your eggs in one basket or you could end up like me, where the girl wants to fuck in 15 minutes and then one seemingly minor thing I say makes her cut me out of her life. There was no indication that would happen at all for me either, and she actually told me she would understand any reason for me changing my mind and any circumstance I was going through. So if you think a girl is gonna stay in your life, you could very well be wrong, especially if you've only known her a few weeks.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
Your problem is that you lack something you really want at the time.

Fact: If you really wanted to get laid a lot, you wouldn't have a motivation issue. That's OK by the way, I'm like that; I got periods where I want to get laid and periods where it's the last thing I wanna do.

Perhaps you can ask yourself what you want to be doing a year from today and what kind of behaviors you should follow on a daily basis for that goal. Personally, even though I'm spreading myself too thin with quite a few things, I'm slowly moving forward and I like it. I believe laser like focus is important when you're a newbie somewhere, but when you have broken through the initial hurdles, you can mix things up (especially if you don't have a burning desire for something)
Missed this reply when I quoted Manganiello

Yah ur totally right. I think currently in the short term I do lack something that I really want right now.

Thats why I'm trying to re-evaluate what I want in the short term while working towards my long term goal.

Japan is the long term. It has to be because I'm so overly obsessed with thinking about it at this point. Like a Japan thought comes into me head like every day.

So that really seals the deal for the long term. Now I gotta focuz on what to do in the mean time. How to build up to that goal.
RogerRoger said:
the goal should be developing that desire
Sage advice my man. Thanks.

I think that now that I'm aware that I'm lacking i can really focus and create that goal for myself.

SamJ_ Yes, you are totally correct in thinking I need to take my own advice. No matter how well things seem on the surface, everything could go to shit and I could end up with nothing.

I am happy right now, but that's not what I envisioned in the beginning. My signature says 10lays. Why stop along the path when I got 2. I got sidetracked cuz having sex is nice lol.


Thanks everyone for the advice. Thinking out loud here really helps.

I believe I now know what I need to do. Or a lease a small step in the right direction.
Toast said:
I am happy right now, but that's not what I envisioned in the beginning. My signature says 10lays. Why stop along the path when I got 2. I got sidetracked cuz having sex is nice lol.

Yeah good shit on staying accountable Toast, it helped you understand what should be your long term goal (Japan) and now you can focus on finding short ones.

Sex def feels good, it kind of kills your motivation and I even caught myself slacking in the last 2 weeks in some areas because "muh I have what I want why should I bother" but NO. Like you when I started I saw the big picture and I wont settle for less because I feel fine. Reach for higher heights, always.
I wonder why you aint into lifting more, you know more than anyone (as far as I can tell) about training in general. I know you are training right now but shy not make it your objective now that you are super lean. Bulk up, womens love it!

Stay hard brother wherever it may be 💪🍆 no homo