Was hit by a car today lolz

Master said:
muh I have what I want why should I bother
Definitely had this mindset. It's not good. I'm trying to work myself out of it.
You're right about working out as well. I've been slacking on that front for a while now. Its another aspect where I reached a goal and stopped. Thanks for pointing that out.

I don't want to make excuses so I'm going to just say what I need to do to change.

I have the time to workout. Havent really found a great spot to approach at after 7pm. So I could workout out at that time.


I want my day to look like this:

Work until 7 am
Sleep until 2pm (reduce that down to 1pm)
Approach from 3-7pm (maybe 30min break for lunch in between)
-> +50 approaches 4x per week
8-9pm workout
10 pm leave for work.

1hour of Japanese bookwork while at work. Anki Flash Cards, Wanikani Kanji Practice

This all seems very doable in my mind.
Today I actually felt like approaching. Talking about shit yesterday helped motivate me.

Got to my spot at 4 approached until 5. Went 0/12. Not disappointed in the slightest. It is a good baseline to build upon with the new mentality I'm trying to cultivate. Just a stepping stone towards becoming better.

Positives for the day were that I was taking action and not letting myself bitch out.

Started the day with the thought of approaching the first hot girl I saw. Walked through the mall towards Zara since it's a spawning ground. Saw a cute Asian pair in the store. Walked in, hesitated, walked out. Thought to myself "WTF u said the FIRST hot girls u saw." So I turned around and approached them. She was only in town till tomorrow. I am happy I didn't bitch out. A good approach in my mind.

This kind of approach happened several times today. I was second-guessing myself a lot but wouldn't let the opportunity pass. I am happy I am able to catch myself. Something I can do to improve is to think less though. Gotta approach on a hair trigger.

My skills have dulled because of my lack of consistent approaching.

Consistency is key. I have to think back on why I was successful in the past. I was only able to do the AA program because i was so consistent. I created time for approaches ever day. Even if it was an hour or minuets. I integrated it into my daily life. I need to do the same for approaches. if i see a hot chick, approach. It doesn't have to be during my block of approach time.

Tomorrow I will do better.



Here's what i did today to work towards changing my habits

[❌]Sleep until 2pm (reduce that down to 1pm) - Woke up at 3
[❌]Approach from 3-7pm (maybe 30min break for lunch in between) - Approached at 4pm for 1 hour
[❌]8-9pm workout
[⭕] 1 HR of Japanese book work
[⭕] Anki Flash Cards and WaniKani
4/30-35 approaches over like 2 hours.

Woke up at 2pm today feeling motivated to go out and approach. Keep the streak going. Wanting to do better than yesterday and having a new insight as to why I'm doing this helps. Didn't futz around the house for long. Brushed my teef, showered, and shitted. Watched youtube for like 15 min to unwind and wake up for a coffee and I was out of the house by 3pm on the road to approach.

Went to a spot I've had success at before. Went 1/10 there in 30 min. The volume was decent but there was a lot of walking around with no approach. Sparse for my liking. As I was leaving I had the thought that maybe I'm not spending enough time here. I saw a few approachable women as I was driving away. always seems to be like that when ur driving.

Got to my other good spot and the volume was way better than yesterday. Probably one encounter per 5 ish min. Some irregular gaps in between while walking around. But that's normal at a big mall when transitioning floors. felt like I was approaching with regularity. First 15 min felt like 1 approach per min. Very good. Slowed down a bit after that. Volume here was 20-25 for sure. Possible more but I like to underestimate. 1/10 contacts is somewhat normal.

Interesting interaction today as well. Most responsive duo I've ever approached.
Pair of hot blonde white chicks. One is dressed in a crop top tank top. IDK what they're actually called. Basically, a tanktop bra with hella mid-drift showing. She has some nice big tits. Her friend was also very hot, but more petite. I'm trying to score a chick with big tits so I went after the busty one. Approach, call her cute and don't even look at the friend at all. Only talk to the one i approached. Ask how her days going. Her friend is just smiling standing back watching this happen. The friend then says "ask for her number" while giggling. So I do, just straight up say let me get ur number and we can get coffee some time. She's like ok sure, while smiling herself. we talk for a little bit more, and her friend introduces her self to me. this was funny cuz i was still only talking to the one girl i approached.

I've never had a duo be this receptive, as well as a friend encourage her to exchange contacts. Just goes to show that duos can be amazing and u just gotta take the chance.

Heres the kicker. We exchange, I text her my name. She texts back maybe 30 min later saying it was nice to meet me. And then she texts back again asking what I'm doing tomorrow. This hasn't happened before. Pretty much still expect her to ghost since it's such a positive interaction lol. I told her I'm not up to much tomorrow. Now just waiting on the response.

Today was much better. Slowly feeling more motivated to approach. Im also increasing my volume slightly as well. Still trying to work up to 50 per session. I find myself only ever skipping 1 maybe 2 approaches in a day. And i also find myself holding my standards higher. Like i wont approach a chick whos semi attractive just to get my numbers up. Seems like cheating.
Habits i'm trying to work on

[⭕]Wake up at 2pm
[⭕]Approach from 3-7 pm - Approached from 330-630 including driving time. Pretty close so ill count it.
[❌]8-9 pm workout - Ate Curry instead and took a nap
[⭕] 1 HR of Japanese bookwork
[⭕] Anki Flash Cards and WaniKani
Toast said:
Still trying to work up to 50 per session.

125 a session is more like it ;)

Also super cool about the duo. I've had one time the friends were super encouraging (although it was unfortunately a warm-up rep I wasn't interested in) and that definitely makes it more fun.

From what I recall you're based in SF. I'll be back home (just south of sonoma) in maybe 2-3 weeks. How's pier 39 been for you? I feel like that would be fun with all the tourists but it's been a while since I've been in SF. Anyway, if you're in that area we should hit the bars/clubs sometime.
RogerRoger said:
Toast said:
Still trying to work up to 50 per session.

125 a session is more like it ;)

Also super cool about the duo. I've had one time the friends were super encouraging (although it was unfortunately a warm-up rep I wasn't interested in) and that definitely makes it more fun.

From what I recall you're based in SF. I'll be back home (just south of sonoma) in maybe 2-3 weeks. How's pier 39 been for you? I feel like that would be fun with all the tourists but it's been a while since I've been in SF. Anyway, if you're in that area we should hit the bars/clubs sometime.
Yah I'm in SF. If u know the spot with volume like that please let me know. I tried pier 39 one time. Had a fuck load of people, but it seemed like mostly families and not hot chicks I would approach. Maybe I went in with the wrong sort of view as to what was approachable. Should try again some time.

I'm down to meet up some time if ur in the area. My work schedule doesn't really allow me to hit the bars unless its a Sunday or I cut out early cuz I start work at 10pm.
Lazy day today. No approach

That's not to say it wasn't somewhat productive.

Basically spent a lot of today just thinking about Japan logistics.

Started filling out paperwork for applying for a student visa for Japan. Prospective date to fly over would most likely be April of next year. Need to get my finances in order for self sponsor or convince my mom to let me just use her bank account for the paperwork so I look good.

Goal would be to hopefully save $250 per week so that come April I have 20k in the bank and would fully be able to self sponsor for a year.

-Tuition for 1 year of school is around ¥800,000 ($~7200 USD). Got that locked down
-Apartments can rage from $400-$600 per month. So another ~$7200 on rent. Would like to score a really dirt cheap place to live. I would possibly live in a share house, but idk what the policies for having guests over and clappin cheeks would be. Probably not allowed lol.
-Food, Transportation, cellphone and health insurance are another factor I need to look into to see how much it costs
-Students can work a maximum of 28hrs per week on a student visa. A remote job paying $20 per hr USD would alleviate a lot of financial stress. Not sure if this counts towards the 28 per hour as a student on a visa
-Plan for after the student visa is also up in the air. A bachelors degree makes life much easier to get a working visa but i don't have one. I also don't wanna go back to school. There's several other options i need to look into. But that's farther in the future and probably only adds to the confusion.

There's a lot of stuff I need to research, but money is always the root of the problem. Still gunna try to go over no matter what at this point.


[❌Wake up at 2pm - Woke up at 3 :/
[❌]Approach from 3-7 pm - Didn't Approach :/
[❌]8-9 pm workout - Ate Curry instead
[⭕] 1 HR of Japanese bookwork
[⭕] Anki Flash Cards and WaniKani
Toast said:
RogerRoger said:
125 a session is more like it ;)

Also super cool about the duo. I've had one time the friends were super encouraging (although it was unfortunately a warm-up rep I wasn't interested in) and that definitely makes it more fun.

From what I recall you're based in SF. I'll be back home (just south of sonoma) in maybe 2-3 weeks. How's pier 39 been for you? I feel like that would be fun with all the tourists but it's been a while since I've been in SF. Anyway, if you're in that area we should hit the bars/clubs sometime.
Yah I'm in SF. If u know the spot with volume like that please let me know. I tried pier 39 one time. Had a fuck load of people, but it seemed like mostly families and not hot chicks I would approach. Maybe I went in with the wrong sort of view as to what was approachable. Should try again some time.

I'm down to meet up some time if ur in the area. My work schedule doesn't really allow me to hit the bars unless its a Sunday or I cut out early cuz I start work at 10pm.

Fair enough about pier 39 being families; I was thinking it'd be a lot of tourist girls but maybe not so much. I grew up in the bay area but haven't really hit the city that much as an adult.

Sounds like we'll be doing daygame then
RogerRoger said:
I was thinking it'd be a lot of tourist girls but maybe not so much. I grew up in the bay area but haven't really hit the city that much as an adult.
Exactly my thoughts as well. It's possible that it could have a good amount of tourist girls but when i went it was families. Ghiradelli square seemed to be a better spot too and not as far
[⭕]Sleep until 2pm (reduce that down to 1pm) - fuckin woke up at 7 am on my off day 😫
[❌]Approach from 3-7pm (maybe 30min break for lunch in between) - Haven't approached in a couple of days
[❌]8-9pm workout - Still haven't started. TBH not a huge priority rn
[⭕] 1 HR of Japanese book work - Probably did 2-3 hours or more of workbook pg 38/150 completed
[⭕] Anki Flash Cards and WaniKani - very consistently doing these every day
[⭕]Sleep until 2pm (reduce that down to 1pm) - Woke up at 1
[❌]Approach from 3-7pm (maybe 30min break for lunch in between) No Approach.
[⭕] 1 HR of Japanese book work (48/150)
[⭕] Study Next Chapter in Text Book - Chapter 4 completed
[⭕] Anki Flash Cards and WaniKani

So as most might see Japan is my top priority.

I've completed all of the necessary steps to becoming a Sheriff Deputy so I'm just waiting to hear if I get into the police academy. Mr Background Investigator. If ur reading this, hire me so I can go through the police academy, make bank for a few months and drop out to go to Japan.

Been talking with 2 different Language learning school consultants to get my paperwork in order and see what my chances of getting accepted are. Submitted one application through one consultant, but he's still got some more questions for me. The other one I'm currently filling out the application but there are some things i need to get in order first. Approximate entry date into japan if everything goes smoothly would be April 2022.

Until then I'm going to try and pass the JLPT N5 (beginner lvl ) language test. Test is in December.

Approach has diminished because I'm prioritizing spending hours studying Japanese. But I still want to at least do like 100 a week. That's like 3 sessions of ~35 per week. Easily doable.

Had a date today, she flaked 2 hours before we were supposed to meet. Good stuff. Have a date on Thursday as well with a girl I've yet to close. This time its basically smash or pass. Going to just suggest coming straight to my place for wine and a movie or some shit.
Good work Toast.

If Manganiello is anything to go by, I'd say it would be very helpful to be able to say "oh no no" in Japanese. Worked well for him!

[⭕]Sleep until 2pm (reduce that down to 1pm) - Woke up at 2
[⭕] 1 HR of Japanese book work (56/150) - probably 2 hours of actual pencil on paper work being done
[⭕] Study Next Chapter in Text Book - Chapter 5 completed
[⭕] Anki Flash Cards and WaniKani
[❌]Approach from 3-7pm (maybe 30min break for lunch in between) No Approach Again
[⭕]Sleep until 2pm (reduce that down to 1pm) - Woke up at 2
[⭕] 1 HR of Japanese book work (63/150) - Chapter 6 text book pages
[⭕] Study Next Chapter in Text Book - Chapter 6 Is DENSE with information >.<
[⭕] Anki Flash Cards and WaniKani - 17/1000 Kanji memorized
[❌]Approach from 3-7pm (maybe 30min break for lunch in between) No Approach Again

Something i noticed today was my lack of approach has affected my ability to pull the trigger when i see a hot girl in the wild.
Today i went shopping to buy dinner. Saw a cutie Asian and I felt some anxiety. Didn't approach and missed my opportunity. Not a good thing, but also a good thing because I'm dumb and i always learn best from my mistakes.

I've been obsessed with Learning Japanese, and it had greatly affected my approach.

I think i need to set aside a block of an hour and still consistently approach at lease 20 minimum. Not even for the numbers or getting laid. Just to keep my confidence, my skills sharp, and my fuckin baseless confidence that i can do anything i want.

Approaching really steels the nerves against uncertainty in life.

Tomorrow ill go out from 4-5pm and approach. Maybe even for 2 hours.

I want my day to look like this:

Wake up at 2
3d printing business/breakfast till 3
Approach from approach from 330-5
Study Japanese from 7-9
Prepare and leave for work at 945

Something like this is a good balance. I get overly obsessed with one thing, which can be a good and bad thing. I don't feel like I'm going to burn out on Japanese studying this time. But it is healthy to have a balance. The brain literally only has a limited capacity for thinking per day before it turns into mush. Just like how u can over work muscles, the brain is the same.
[❌]Sleep until 2pm (reduce that down to 1pm) - Woke up at 6pm due to having to work 12 hour shift
[⭕] 1 HR of Japanese book work (63/150) - Going to finish Ch6 while at work.
[⭕] Study Next Chapter in Text Book - Chapter 6 Is DENSE with information >.<
[⭕] Anki Flash Cards and WaniKani - 20/1000 Kanji memorized
[❌]Approach from 3-7pm (maybe 30min break for lunch in between) 30ish min of approach 0/4


So today did not go as planned. I had to stay at work until 11am and it fucked my day up.

Woke up at 6pm. Didn't have any time to study Japanese's, didn't have time to do 3d printing stuff. Had to leave for work in 3.5 hours.

Walked my block to get some food and figured I would approach since its Friday and there would be some women to approach.
went 0/4 I believe.

Funny interaction that's never happened before on 2 levels happened today.
Approached a chick. Said she had a boyfriend. Pushed 2x after. Said "how serious is it?" and she laughed, thanked me and walked away.

Approached a couple more girls while walking to get food. Got my food and was walking back home when I saw her again. She walked up to me and said "i thought about it and i would like to give you my number"
in my head I'm like, ok this is hyper rare situation. Something like this has never happened.
we exchange, I text her my name. And then approach a 9/10 duo on the way home. No exchange.

Get home and the girl texts me back. She sent me a pic of 2 dudes fucking each other. LOL. Blocked and deleted her number.

First time something like that has happened.
MakingAComeback Lol yah. Such a hyper rare situation I should have been wary of some foolishness going on haha.
Radical A rare thing to encounter haha.
Adam Ahh the classics.
Manganiello TBH I was thinking about texting her back "so when are you free?"
[⭕]Sleep until 2pm (reduce that down to 1pm) - Woke up at 2. Back on schedule again
[⭕] 1 HR of Japanese book work (63/150) - Going to finish Ch6 while at work.
[⭕] Study Next Chapter in Text Book - Re Reading chapter 5 and 6, Read Ch 7
[⭕] Anki Flash Cards and JL1K Kanji Deck
[❌]Approach from 3-7pm (maybe 30min break for lunch in between) - No approach

Approach Related

I think i need to do an hour of approaching per day. At lease 20 approaches. I have the time and means to do it. Feeling needy and really dependent on the few women I am talking to right now which is not good. The girl ive hooked up with twice now was very direct with me when I said we should hang out and relax.

she said "so does that mean watching old movies, drinking wine, and fucking?"

Didn't really know what to say back to something so direct. I'm unsure if she wants me to be clear with my intentions or if its a shit test. She did say before that she didn't know what i wanted because I didn't specifically say i brought her home to fuck on the second date. But that also seems like a shit test so i did the same and just joked about it. So i responded:

"lolz, if that's relaxing to you then I'm down. I was more thinking going out to dinner" Tried to throw it back at her as a joke, and then ended with a beta response lol. Probably not the best answer. No response yet ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Japanese Related

My studies are going well. I'm progressing well through the book but the though that came in to my head is that I think i need some concrete goals and time frames so that I don't get lost along the way. Something to really show far along I've gotten.

-Plan so far is to finish Genki 1 Workbook and Textbook by the end of August.
-Im going to try and get to level 5 in WaniKani Kanji app
-Fully Memorize all Vocabulary within Genki 1
-Continue working through the Core 2k Japanese Vocab Anki Deck
-Then take a JLPT N5 Practice test to see if my reading, writing, and listening comprehension are good enough to pass at the end of august

The JLPT N5 Test is in December.

I would like to try and go through Genki 2 and get to N4 but idk if progressing through both of these books by December is reasonable.