Was hit by a car today lolz

[❌]Sleep until 2pm - Woke up at 3pm again :mad:
[⭕] 8hrs of Japanese Immersion - 12 hours of listening to Japanese today
[⭕] Core 2k , JL1K Kanji Deck, Nampa Deck - Around 500 cards to review
[❌]Approach Today - No Approach
[❌] 1 HR of Japanese bookwork (63/150) - Less important then SRS cards
[❌] Study Next Chapter in Text Book - Same as above. No need to do this every day

Consecutive days studying Japanese [ 19 ]


Crisis_Overcomer said:
It's all the hentai bro. Stop watching and you'll feel better.
How'd u know I had a hentai marathon where I jacked it for 5 hours straight instead of approaching today?!


Not much to update again. Just steadily listening to Japanese and doing flashcard reviews.
[⭕]Sleep until 2pm - Woke up at 2:30. gettin better
[⭕] 8hrs of Japanese Passive Immersion
[❌] 1-2 hrs of Active Immersion - Need to start doing this
[⭕] Core 2k , JL1K Kanji Deck, Nampa Deck - Around 500 cards to review
[❌]Approach Today - 3/20ish
[❌] 1 HR of Japanese bookwork (63/150) - Less important then SRS cards
[❌] Study Next Chapter in Text Book - Same as above. No need to do this every day


Went to the mall. got there at like 415 stayed until 545. 1.3 hours of approach. 3/20ish. A lot of people at the mall, mostly couples, kids with parents. Still hung around and got baseline volume in.

Im definitely screening out white chicks cuz i wanna smash Asians way more. Like some that i passed cuz they didn't meet my threshold of attractiveness would probably be 8/10 smokin white chicks for yall.

Where as some might think the Asian chicks I'm approaching are boring lol. different strokes for different folks. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Had one instadate today which came about in an interesting way. Approached an Asian chick solely cuz i saw her ass in sweats lol. Followed her down the escalator and approached. She didn't speak much English nor speak it well. Asked for phone number, said it only worked over wifi. Asked if she had line (Japanese messenger) and she said yes. I'm like oh ok, this chick is Japanese. time to bust out the Japanese.
"日本語 話しますか"
oh yes I speak Japanese.
we talk a little bit in Japanese/ English. Very basic on my end, and end up exchanging via line.

forget about her and continue approaching.
About an hour later i get a message from her asking if I'm still at the mall.
i said I'm leaving soon. but did you want to meet up?
So i meet up with her and we talk for like 20 min about stuff. I'm still trying to speak Japanese and she's trying to speak English.
it was a really fun instadate. Haven't had any chance to test my Japanese skills. I'm so bad haha. But decent enough to convey simple messages.

Didn't go for the pull cuz i was just enjoying trying to speak Japanese as well as her ride was like 15 min away. She said she's free for the next 2 weeks and then she's going back to japan.
Maybe she will meet up, but most likely she will 👻👻👻


So I added active immersion to my list of things to do for Japanese study. I have made a habit of passive immersion, but i need to really be actively trying to decode anime that I'm watching. Like spend an hour either trying to translate the show in real time. or spend time going line by line trying to translate the show and then compare to the subtitles. This active immersion is where the real progress is made Vocab and grammar can be obtained via active immersion and through context of shows with language being heard and read.

Big part I've been missing. If u could just listen to Japanese all day id already know it cuz of the thousands of hours of listening over the years. Its the act of actively trying to solve what is being read that really ingrains it into your mind.

The passive part allows your ears and brain to distinguish the phonetics of the language. But not the entire language itself.

Vocab studies helps. but its a 3 part process

Learn vocab - SRS flash cards
Active immersion - translating anime
Passive immersion - Distinguishing the phonetics of the language.

Speaking to the Japanese chick today really made me understand how little i know and hoe much more work i need to put into it.
Hey man, if you're looking for a study buddy/someone to speak Japanese with, I studied it seriously for a while and made a lot of Japanese friends abroad, even meeting up with them in Japan and speaking Japanese 100% of the time some years ago. I'm probably N2/N3 level (haven't actually taken the test).

A bit more rusty now and haven't been studying it much lately, but hit me up if you wanna exchange contact info.


colgate You are definitely way above my level. Im probably not even N5 yet. Without google translate I was able to read and understand maybe 1/3rd. Appreciate the offer to study together though.
[⭕]Sleep until 2pm - Woke up at 2:30
[❌] 8hrs of Japanese Passive Immersion
[❌] 1-2 hrs of Active Immersion - Need to start doing this
[⭕] Core 2k , JL1K Kanji Deck, Nampa Deck - Around 500 cards to review
[⭕]Approach Today - Cheeky 1/6 in 25 min
[❌] 1 HR of Japanese bookwork (63/150) - Less important than SRS cards
[❌] Study Next Chapter in Text Book - Same as above. No need to do this every day


Hooked up with my single plate last night. For the past few weeks, she was being lame as fuck. Flaked on me twice and I was about to drop her ass and just not care. Sent her a beta text cuz fuck it.

"good morning beautiful.
Hope you have a wonderful day 😘💗"
She replied "Beautiful? that's different."
I literally have never texted her any beta-type messages ever.
Respond with "different maybe, definitely true"

Hours later she asked if I wanted to hang out. We smash that night.
Beta texting probably didn't save the relationship, but maybe it put her in a state where she wanted to hook up. IDK but it was funny to me so I included it here.

Today I went out for a cheeky 30 min to get some approach in. Was feeling tame AF cuz I smashed last night.
Recorded some audio for approaches and will post the 2 that have some value.
went 1/6

The last approach was "bold" some might think.
Sexy ass blonde working in Swarovski. Was about to leave the mall but said fuck it ill approach.
Here's the audio for this approach.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q0q_h19ynwjSwz45zPmggWWzAy1cxBqp/view?usp=sharing

Here's audio for a boyfriend rejection. Would have continued to push but she walked away after 2x pushing

Side note. Got a number from a chick who said she wouldn't be free for a month. Forgot about her basically. Was going through my contacts and deleting chicks who never responded. Saw it had been a month. Texted her asking if she was free. She said she is and we have a date tomorrow at 5.


Still haven't started active immersion. I need to get home after approaching and sit down and study for at least 1-2 hours. Need to make a habit of it. I've made a decent habit of studying my flash cards every night at work, and listening to Japanese audio as well. Gotta just make this a new habit as well.
Toast said:
Still haven't started active immersion. I need to get home after approaching and sit down and study for at least 1-2 hours. Need to make a habit of it. I've made a decent habit of studying my flash cards every night at work, and listening to Japanese audio as well. Gotta just make this a new habit as well.

Are you following Refold/Migaku? I remember the good old days of doing active/passive immersion & grinding anki all day.

Toast said:
The last approach was "bold" some might think.
Sexy ass blonde working in Swarovski. Was about to leave the mall but said fuck it ill approach.

I can imagine just what she looked like. Designer stores always get the baddies working as close to the entrance as possible. Did you text/get a response or is she a ghoster?
Toast said:
I can imagine just what she looked like. Designer stores always get the baddies working as close to the entrance as possible. Did you text/get a response or is she a ghoster?

Probably a ghoster
TimmyTurner said:
Are you following Refold/Migaku? I remember the good old days of doing active/passive immersion & grinding anki all day.
Yup exactly. Following Refold as well as a Patreon subscriber for that juicy JP1K Anki pack. Ill look into migaku, but I'm assuming its some of the same?

Manganiello said:
Probably a ghoster
👻👻👻 This is correct 👻👻👻
Toast said:
Yup exactly. Following Refold as well as a Patreon subscriber for that juicy JP1K Anki pack. Ill look into migaku, but I'm assuming its some of the same?

Yeah, the founders used to be partners but split. Migaku does develop good addons for anki though.
Just finished a date with a chick who's number I got a month ago.

Approached her 7/7 according to my phone. Was going through my contacts to delete and saw I hadn't messaged her. She initially sent me a wall of text when I approached saying how she wouldn't be free till early august. Essentially viewed that as a rejection.

Come last Saturday when I texted her she actually responded saying she wanted to meet up Monday or Tuesday.

Set a date for Tuesday. Gelato as per standard lol. I arrive thinking she's a blonde chick. All I had written down on my phone was "Chloe green eye white chick" so I almost didn't recognize her when I showed up at the location. We talk for a bit about random stuff. it was mostly me talking about stuff which is actually odd. usually, I ask the girl questions but this time she was interested in what I was doing I guess.

We talk about hobbies and stuff. she said reading, cross-stitching, and watching tv. Perfect transition to movie pull. Ask what she's been watching lately. Said she rewatching futurama. I'm like ok nice, have u seen disenchantment. A show made by the same guy. She said no, I said let's go back to my place and watch the show and she agreed.

Walk to my place. Only a 5 ish min walk.

Get home. Sit on the couch. Put the show on. And I put my arm around her within like 5-10 min. She snuggles up real close to me. Like gets comfortable and rests her head on my chest. In my mind I'm like, ok this is guaranteed at this point.

Make the move to kiss her and we start making out. Start rubbing her nipples through her shirt. Transition to hand down the pants and she stops me saying she's on her period. I'm like ok. Continue making out, playing with tits. I go to take her shirt off, and she removes it. Really nice pair of tits and she has pierced nipples. :)

Eventually, I try to finger her again but no dice. Mentions she is on her period and says "sorry I don't wanna be a tease" I'm like ok, "how about you just take your pants off anyway, we won't have sex" She happily agreed.

We move to the bed. I'm able to rub her clit and finger her a bit but when I try to stick some fingers in she moves my hand away for the 3rd time. So I back off and just keep playing with her pussy.

She eventually goes down on me and gives me probably one of the best blowjobs I've gotten. To be fair I haven't received too many but she knew how to suck a dick. Deep throat a bit, play with my nuts, The good stuff lol.

Blew a load in her mouth. She swallowed and we cuddled for a bit.

Asked later if she was free Saturday again and she said yes.

I think I was decently forward with trying to push for sex. 3x tying to finger her and getting denied is decent. But towards the end, I probably could have just stuck it in but I didn't wanna do that and ruin the chance of coming at some point later down the road.

Even though she said we should meet up on Saturday that is not a guarantee she will come back. Can still ghost anyway.

Stats so far from cold approach:
1 plate - fucked her 3 times now
2 times having sex
2 blow jobs

~6-700 approaches. Idk honestly. Don't think I've broken 1k yet
Toast said:
~6-700 approaches

Do you remember how many contacts?

Cuz I think you're exchanging at the same rate I am. Which is like 1/6 or 1/7

GJ getting the bj. I think that's a lesson that sometimes the girls federal even long ones aren't always a rejection.

All cuz your cardigan.

Should've posted a pic of your style.
Toast said:
I think I was decently forward with trying to push for sex. 3x tying to finger her and getting denied is decent. But towards the end, I probably could have just stuck it in but I didn't wanna do that and ruin the chance of coming at some point later down the road.

Even though she said we should meet up on Saturday that is not a guarantee she will come back. Can still ghost anyway.
Definitely not guaranteed but I'd still count the bj as a victory. It can help to know why a girl doesn't have sex with a period. If she doesn't want you to get grossed out by the blood throwing down a red towel or playing in the shower can help. But other girls just aren't in the mood and you can't do anything about that. Anyway, good job not giving up with her.
RogerRoger said:
Definitely not guaranteed but I'd still count the bj as a victory. It can help to know why a girl doesn't have sex with a period. If she doesn't want you to get grossed out by the blood throwing down a red towel or playing in the shower can help. But other girls just aren't in the mood and you can't do anything about that. Anyway, good job not giving up with her.
Definitely still a victory. Even if she ghosts, doesn't change the fact that i blew a load in her mouth :)

I thought about pushing more and asking if she wanted me to throw a towel down. But in my mind i weighed the options and figured id rather not push just for sex and just settle for a BJ. As well as she suggested another day to meet up when we were in the middle of fooling around.
Toast said:
But in my mind i weighed the options and figured id rather not push just for sex and just settle for a BJ.

I'll call you out on this


Your goal is to get laid, not get BJs. Since she was receptive and not creeped out, you should have tried 3-30 times to have sex with her (I'm not joking, I've had 2-3 lays with girls on their period, simply because I kept pushing for a long time)
Crisis_Overcomer said:
Toast said:
But in my mind i weighed the options and figured id rather not push just for sex and just settle for a BJ.

I'll call you out on this


Your goal is to get laid, not get BJs. Since she was receptive and not creeped out, you should have tried 3-30 times to have sex with her (I'm not joking, I've had 2-3 lays with girls on their period, simply because I kept pushing for a long time)
You are definitely correct. In hindsight I should have pushed to have sex. That is the goal.
Not being able to burn the bridge most likely comes from a lack of consistent approaching and ability to get multiple lays whenever i want.

Thank you for calling me out.
I think it's a personal judgment call. A BJ is a victory even if you can't +1 your imaginary doesn't-matter-anyway notch count.

I'm all for persistence when going for the lay but I view a period as a legit medical reason to withhold sex. Some girls have spent years telling themselves period-sex is disgusting. Even if you persist and get your +1, she might legitimately regret it afterwards.

Be as non-judgmental as possible, get a towel and put it on the bed (without asking/telling her), assure her you've had sex with girls on their periods before and that you don't mind doing it. If she still doesn't want to, just get a BJ and schedule your next meet right then and there while she's with you.
Holden I'm happy i blew a load in the end so that's a success.

I would say that since she was limiting me and not the other way around it is fine.

Holden said:
Be as non-judgmental as possible, get a towel and put it on the bed (without asking/telling her), assure her you've had sex with girls on their periods before and that you don't mind doing it.
Thought about doing this in the moment as well but decided not to and just get a BJ