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Was hit by a car today lolz

Didn't approach today.

Woke up not feeling motivated so instead of forcing myself out, i just switched to studying Japanese and researching what i need to do financially to live for. a year.

Having this flexibility is nice. So now hopefully i can get a good nights sleep and wake up with the right mindset to approach on my day off.
Still having some issues. 2/10 today

Volume was decent at the mall. What I found myself doing was being hyper selective with who I wanted to approach.

Basically only approaching cute Asian girls. Probably passed up on 5+ hot white girls cuz I'm just not that into it. The one I did approach had a PHAT ass so she got my attention. If a white girl looks like she was born from Aritzia, generally ill pass. Not cuz she's not hot, but it's just not my type.

I have a baseline of approach that i can always do now. I've built up my skill to a point where i can basically approach whenever. AA isn't really the issue. Its just volume of girls i wanna smash.

Gotta think about what i need to do to remedy this.
Toast said:
Didn't approach today.

Woke up not feeling motivated so instead of forcing myself out, i just switched to studying Japanese and researching what i need to do financially to live for. a year.

Having this flexibility is nice. So now hopefully i can get a good nights sleep and wake up with the right mindset to approach on my day off.

You're a disgrace to the entire cold approaching community of KYIL.

All 6.4 of us.

Shame on you.
Had a plate come over yesterday. Shes been easy going so far. Ghosting/flaking on dates. Shes cool
Other plate has disappeared. She flaked on me and hasn't texted me at all for like a week. Im putting 0 effort to get her back. Literally care less then 0 about her and her antics/games

Went to the climbing gym today. Approached a cutie asian with a nice ass. Had a decent amount of anxiety since its a new situation.

Called her cute, she said thanks, chatted for like 30 seconds and asked for her number. We exchanged. Then we hung out in the same area and climbed and talked a bit more. Maybe 45 min. As i was leaving i probed to see when she was free. She said shes free to climb this next week. I wanted to make sure she understood i was asking when she was free to go on a date for coffee or something. She said after her vacation in a couple weeks.

Chick was receptive so that means she will 👻👻👻

Gunna have to not give a shit about creating a reputation at the gym. There are too many cute girls who climb.
Toast said:
Gunna have to not give a shit about creating a reputation at the gym. There are too many cute girls who climb.

Yea your moving anyway. Just burn that bridge for the sake of approach gainz.

I liked you better when you were fat :'(
Manganiello said:
Yea your moving anyway. Just burn that bridge for the sake of approach gainz.
Ill be happy if i gain a reputation. Ill wear a it like a fuckin badge of honor. Im the dude that comes to this gym to fuck cute Asian girls lol

Fat Toast was a happier Toast
Chill 1/10 before my date today

Went back to Haight and Ashbury and got in 2 maybe 3. Tons of anxiety since i haven't approached in a long time. Like over a week or something.

Had to talk myself into approaching. Which is something i consider myself fairly good at. Like i will see a girl. pass and then think to myself. Thats dumb, go back and fuckin approach. And i do.

Volume was traash here and i only spent like 15 min walking around.

Went to the mall and busted out 5 approaches in like literally 5 min. ! extremely sexy Asian girl crossing the street towards me. Walked directly up to her, and turned around and walked back across the crosswalk.

Next was a girl with a PHAT dumpy. Walked up the escalator to catch up to her. Admired that phat ass for a bit before approaching. Then chatted her up. She was extremely positive on the approach. "oh you are very sweet, but i don't give out my number. You're good looking too" Pushed probably 5x for exchange.

Crisis_Succumber Approached a Duo who were both sitting down at dick level. Walked up and called one cute and just leaned in a bit. Somewhat like this.
She was very receptive on the approach. Said she just got back from Korea and had not activated her phone. Said lets exchange insta. I denied. Asked if she had any messaging apps. She said no. asked for facebook. I denied and said i would just take her number and held out my phone in front of her. All the while she kept looking at her friend for approval. The friend was silent but gave a look like "sure if u wanna exchange go for it." Her friend was probably just enjoying watching her friend get hit on. At the end of it I was over trying to squeeze out a number so i just left.

Rest of them were not memorable.

Exchanged with a cute petite Asian girl who I could have most likely instadated as well. She was receptive, was just walking around getting lunch and not doing anything later. had my date in maybe 45 min so i just exchanged contacts. She responded to my initial text as well. Which indicates she will 👻👻👻 :D
No approach.

Went to my climbing gym and planned on approaching but i didn't really find anyone that tickled my fancy. As well as focusing on climbing too much. Oh well.

Japanese is going well. Still studying Vocab cards daily. Still watching anime with Japanese subs. Need to study grammar a tad bit more.

Found out that the country is not issuing visas at the moment, but if I get accepted by the school then ill be allowed into the country right away. So plans have not changed.

Sent out like 6 messages to contacts I got in the past couple weeks. One girl got back to me. So it seems like re-messaging after an extended period of time does work. My current plate was messaged 1 month after getting her contact. but she said she was actually busy for a month when i met her so that's a bit different.

Approaching tomorrow.
TLDR: 21yo Thai virgin from cold approach. Non receptive on the pull. Got her home by basically just walking to her to my house. Failed kiss attempt. Dropped trow. Placed her hand on my cock. Got her to jerk me off. Pushed her head towards my dick. Got her to suck me off for like 20 min. Paid me 15 bucks and left

Story Time :D

Went on a date today with a 21 yo Thai chick I met from cold approach.

She was late like maybe 15 min to our date spot so I was annoyed right off the bat. But once I saw she was cute I was happy again. She walked by me and I didnt recognize her. When I saw her i thogut if thats her then shes cute and ill give her a pass on being late. Ended up being her.

We got boba and walked down to the grassy area near my house. Probably walking and talking for maybe 15-20 min. Conversation was sort of strained. Mostly me asking questions and stuff. Some long silences of just walking and drinking out drinks. I pushed for the movie pull 1 time and she basically deflected the question. Didnt excplicetly say no. 2nd time she asked what else there was to do around here. I said we could go back to my house and chill. She just kind of giggled.

Then i asked if she was hungry and suggested we walk the block where there was food. We got burgers to go and there was no outdoor dining so i just said lets walk and find seats. we walked back towards my house and i said i live down this street we can eat at my house. She said ok.

We get to my place. sit down. i throw a movie on and we eat our burgers. I ate my burger hella quick. Like 5 min. She probably took 3x as long. So i was just chillin watching the movie while she was eating. After she was done i swapped the movie cuz it was kind of boring to her.

Then I put my arm around her and sat there kind of awakardly cuz we were both sitting up. I went for the kiss and she kind of backed off and looked at me puzzled. I didnt really react much and then just went back to chillin. She then said lets lay back a bit and get more comfortable. So we did.

After like 5 min i didnt really know what to do, but she wasnt resisting at all. I asked to see her hands and she gave them to me and i held them for a bit. An indicator of receptiveness. So after like a few more min I just stood up and took my pants off and sat back down. Said i was getting comfortable. She didnt react. So in my head im like ok. This is going somewhere. I take her hand and put it right next to my flacid dick on my thigh. With my arm over her shoulder i start rubbing her nipple through her shirt. No reaction or resistance from her at all. So i just take her hand and put my dick in it. She doesnt pull back or anything. im like ooook, lets keep going. I start rubbing her nipples with my hand in her bra and get her to jerk me off. Basically had to have her hand in my hadn rubbing my cock.

Eventually she starts jerking me off on her own. Poorly i might add. So i start rubbing her pussy through her pants. She said something like, i wont have sex becasue im a virgin but i can help. So i took that as she will get me off in some manner. So shes then slowly giving me am unenthuastic hanjob. Not really doing much for me. I lean her forward and just go for her shirt. Shes like, huh, what, no. But i just take her shirt off anyway.

I keep playing with her nipples. and now i got my hands in her pants rubbing on her clit. Shes definitely feeling it cuz i could feel her body shaking from me playing with her.

After a bit i just push her towards my dick and lean her over so that her mouth is on my cock. I say, how about you try sucking my dick. So she then starts licking my dick like a lollypop but eventually takes the whole thing in her mouth. She actually decent at sucking dick which was suprising. Shes probably sucking my dick for maybe 5-10 min id say. hard to tell.

I was just enjoying the moment of having gotten this chick who really showed no enthuasim for anything sexual to suck my sick.

I told her to stand up. and i pulled her pants down. She said no again but i just sat her down and started playing with her pussy again. she started jerking me off on her own this time, but i was semi hard again and she was just yakning on my dick so it didnt really feel that good.

So i just push her over again and get her to suck my dick for another 5-10 min. I asked if she wanted to try and have sex while she was sucking my dick. She like hesitated for a bit and said proably no. I asked if i could just stick the tip in and we can see how she feels. She just stayed silent. After a bit she stopped sucking and got up to use the restroom. Didnt cum cuz I was with my plate yesterday. We fucked 3 times, and then another 2 times in the morning. She cam back fully clothed and said she was gunna catch the bus home soon. We chilled for another 5 min. Then she got up and put $15 on the table for her part of the date and walked out the door. She had to come back in cuz she forgot to put her shoes on lol.

I count this as a major success.

It was a huge lesson on how being forward and just taking risks and burning bridges on the date pays off.

I have never just taken my pants off. But had i not done that i dont think this would have happened. Being forward on the date and doing things that might seem strange can work.

Just placing her hand on my cock worked extremely well as well. Something else i would not have done in the past too.

This is the first chick who didnt want to kiss when i attempted it. Goes to show that you can fail the kiss and still get some action.

Get paid $15 by a chick for sucking your dick? SIGN ME UP!

BTW, I read this title as 'Looking forward to getting my dick sucked'

And I was like....

Haven't approached in a bit but old leads got me a date with a girl tomorrow.

Messaged a chick whos number I got on 9/5. She didn't respond to my initial text with my name. Generally I delete numbers if they don't at lease respond with a hi or their name or whatever. Was experimenting with re-messaging girls cuz why not. Literally nothing to lose. only 1 of the 5 i messaged got back to me. Messaged her 11 days after initially receiving her number.

I have 0 idea what this girl looks like.

Radical said:
Lol, at least you tagged her as cute
Lol yah all I have in my phone is "cute brunette." Might need to be a little bit more descriptive with my descriptions.
Post date report:

Nothing special

She was a really pretty 30yo Puerto Rican girl. Still have no recolection of approaching her what so ever lol
Met up for boba
Talked for a bit. Had a "good" conversation.
Went for movie pull maybe 15-20 min into the convo.
She declined. She said she had to go check out her appt shes moving into soon.
Kept talking for a bit more. and finished our drinks.
Asked when she was free next and if she wanted to hang out again some time. She said sure but shes busy with the move.
Caught an uber and left.

Most likely will 👻

Seems as though shes just part of the statictic of 1/3 girls who wont come back to my place.

On to the next one.

I really need to approach more.