Was hit by a car today lolz

Back at the mall. Got there at 4pm which is decent. Approached until 545. was on a positive tilt right off the bat. 2/2 in like 5 min. Ok weird.

got a rejection. Very nice

Next girl was an ambiguously aged asian chick i only saw from behind. Approached.
Hey your cute.
oh hi, thanks :)
how old are you?
oh good, i thought u might be 16, hard to tell with the mask
(she laughs)
What are you up to?
nothing much, just going home
oh ok, how about we go chill and get some boba?
ohh idk, I gotta do some stuff later
its ok, we will just go downstairs and get boba
ok sure

Insta date happens. Talk about random shit. Eventually, make the pull for movies.
Walk her out of the mall. Right across the street from the parking lot she says she's gonna catch the bus.

well, i live close, let's just go watch a movie at my house
oh you meant today? Sorry, my English is bad i misunderstood
that's fine, let's go.
oh, I cant I gotta help my friend later
so you have no time now?
no not really
ok lets exchange numbers - We exchange

Im happy with this instadate because i was pushy basically through the whole date and was leading the conversation. Felt naturally aggressive and pushy which is good. Was not conscious of instadate. Just came as a result of being deregulate and forward on the approach.

45 min session around my block as well. Was still on a positive tilt. 3/10 or so
1/1 today. Only got one approach in cuz i went to the grocery store and saw a cutie Korean chick with some nice milkers on her.

Approached, Called her cute, in the middle of asking what she was up to she interrupted me and said she had a boyfriend. Said we should still exchange and do something casual. She exchanged with no resistance.

Tomorrow I have the same girl who gave me a BJ coming straight over to my place to chill. Looks like it was not a mistake to take it slow.


Re-occurring problem I keep having is i get complacent when i know i can get laid soon. I need to keep battling this feeling. I want to approach more cuz it really balances out my life. Makes me feel calm and relaxed in life outside of approach. Like i literally feel happier after having a good approach sessions and lining up dates and women.

Maybe I need to make approaching easier, so that its not as much of a task. Like even the 15 min drive and paying for parking downtown is annoying. As im writing this i realize it is a dumb excuse. Some stuff to think about for sure.
Went out before I had a girl coming over to approach. CANNOT keep getting complacent after hooking up with a chick. I need to continually fight the cumfort of having a girl to explode into.

Went 0/15ish at the mall and around my house. Was probably closer to 12 if i had to give an exact number.
Wasted 30 min driving to and from the mall. At the mall i was doing good. like 5 approaches in 5 min. and then the volume rapidly declined and only got one more approach in after 10 ish min before calling it and leaving. There were a lot of people at the mall, but a lot of couples and groups of ambiguously aged girls.

Drove home and approached on my block. It was decent volume. Like if i had stayed there initially I may have been able to hit 20/hour. Next weekend i may just do this.

So far it seems like weekends from 5-8 are good on my block
where as mall on the week days are when more women are out and about shopping. Weekday volume at the mall varies from 15-20 per hour.

Manganiello has been pumping out high volume as of late. its made me think that im not trying hard enough. I should be able to hit 35-40 per session. I just need to stay at a location for longer. In general my sessions at one location last an hour. I need to stay for 2 and really get up to 40 in one session.


Had the same chick who gave me a BJ come straight to my house. I'm VERY surprised she did not ghost, as well as her saying she would come over Saturday was not just a tactic to promise me sex so i would not keep trying right then and there.

Via text she asked if we should meet somewhere or meet at my place. I said my place and she agreed. She said "ok :)"

She arrives, we just chill, talk a little bit and we drink some sour beers.
Like maybe 15 or so min after she comes over I got for the kiss and it was smooth sailing from there. This chick is probably the most affectionate girl so far. EZPZ lay. We undress and transition to the bed. She starts to give me a BJ again and then straddles me. No hint at all of wanting me to put a condom on so im like ok, lets goooo. Stick it in and have a good time for a bit and then explode in her.

We cuddle for a bit and go back to watching TV on the couch. Basically rinse and repeat this 2 more times and explode in her 2 more times lol.

The last time i had like maybe 30 min before i had to leave for work, We were just about to finish a movie we were watching. So i just started making out with her again and exploded in her like 2 min before i needed to go to work.

Condoms suck lol.

This will be my 3rd Cold approach lay so far.
Estimated # of cold approaches is ~700 at this point.
So its about 1/~150 approaches for me to blow a load. Which I believe is about average
Estimated # of cold approaches is ~700 at this point.
So its about 1/~150 approaches for me to blow a load. Which I believe is about average

The Toast equation.

I like it!

Damn man, you're out there crushing it with those numbers.
Inspiring to see what's possible, keep it up!

Drove down a street where I have had success in the past. Volume is subpar. Like maybe 6 encounters per hour if I hit every girl I saw walking the street. Most of them were of ambiguous age as well. Young crowd here. Maybe worth spending 30 min here and getting 5-10 in if I'm lucky.

spent 30 min driving from my house, down this street previously mentioned, and to the mall. Had about 1.5 hours to approach. Feelin pretty good overall mood-wise. Got a few approaches in, mostly rejections. Then i walked outside the mall and encountered a chick who was hyper my type.

Dressed up very well, like Instagram influencer status. young girl probably 20yo from kazahkstan. She was walking towards me and I walked right up to her and stopped her/called her cute. She was super receptive. Definitely orgasmed on the spot cuz of my approach. She was acting cute and didn't have anything to do later. Just said she was going to sephora. Like very responsive to my questions and engaging. Crossing her legs and leaning into me a bit when she answered.

Due date for school application is not till November. So i have plenty of time to get everything in order. No rush on that front. Studies are going well, but I'm definitely slacking in areas other then doing flash cards and passive immersion. I need to start translating sentences and watching more anime lol. Just it takes a lot of time. 1 hour per day would be good to start. But approach is taking up most of my time outside of work. Gotta figure out a way to study while at work lol.
asked when she was free and she said Wednesday. She also responded to my initial text after we exchanged contacts. 100% means shes gunna ghost when i text her lol.

Didn't push for instadate cuz i had somewhere to be in like an hour. This is the second time this has happened on a Monday. Gotta approach with logistics in mind. Like i need to have at lease 3 hours post approach to go for date/pull/hookup.

3/10 over an hour in and around the mall. When i leave the mall it takes a few min to walk up the block and around the central outdoor shopping area. So time is always wasted there. But oh well. Outdoor approach was good today cuz it was sunny.
MakingAComeback FYI the equation is a loose estimate of my numbers thus far. I could be on a positive tilt. Some other people have gone on 1000+ no dates/hookups. I expect to encounter something similar eventually lol

SIGMA_1234 Such a great feeling indeed

Now I still think I'm very much a noob in most aspects of approach. Much more is possible then what I've achieved so far. Exciting stuff lol
i can't wait to see your cold approach log when you move to japan lol
No Approach today. Took care of 3d printing business. packaging and shipping orders. As well as catching up on some sleep cuz of my fucked up sleep schedule for the past few days.

It is interesting how things happen in patterns.

Both of my plates hit me up and want me to hang out at their house. And they both texted me this today. Odd how things happen like this.

21 yo white chick wants to chill tomorrow evening. Hopefully I can hook up at her place even though she has a roommate.

Latin chick wants to get sushi and chill on Friday. She explicitly said "no sex, my roommates would hear" So I'm gunna try to get her to give me a BJ lol.

IDK if its necessary for plate maintenance to do things like this. I'm new to having multiple girls so I figure it wouldn't hurt to give in a little bit.
No Approach today. Got a haircut. Discussed Japan things with my mom. Played with my adorable cat and ate dinner.

Went over to my plates house cuz her roommate is out of town and we hooked up.

Other girl wants to hang out Friday, so i need to think of a way to hang out with my plates, but also keep my approach volume up. I don't think I've approached in the past few days and that is not good.

Sex is cool and all, but approaching in high volume is really what is the man maker. Cant let my volume slip.

Ill approach tomorrow. and then on Friday ill approach before I'm supposed to chill. Most likely will have to always hang with plates around 7pm id say.
Chill 5/20ish at the mall. Like 1.5 hours spent there.

Today I didn't really feel much from approaching. Like no gains in audacity, no increases in anxiety. I was just out there doing what i needed to do. Putting in the work and approaching. There were some times where I would skip and then catch myself and go and approach, but that's normal.

What did come from today was realizing that having plates has made me complacent. That is BAD.
I need to keep approaching, to keep the edge to my Alpha tendencies. Earlier today i thought, "why don't i just hit up my plate for sex instead of approaching." Thats needy as fuck. And could be a huge turnoff and could jepordize my plate.

So the lesson from today is consistent approaching keeps me from caring about plates, because the drive to find new girls makes me care less about the ones i have. As a result those girls don't become crutches and i don't become overly needy with these women, and lose them as a result.
Had to do life shit the past couple of days. RIP approach volume for the week

I have my plate coming over tomorrow, but ima go out for a chill 1.5 hours of approaching before we meet up

Gotta take some time to reevaluate my schedule and what is actually possible with my current tendencies of sleep, and stuff like that. Probably was a little bit over zelous thinking i could wake up at 1 and approach from 2-7 every week.
Took last weekend to reorganize my thoughts about motivation and priorities.

Been really lack luster about approaching and Japanese. Basically just doing the bare minimum of studying. As well as not really approaching cuz I can get laid with my plate.

The conclusion I came to is I need somewhat of a organized week to adhere to so that I don't have to make decisions about what to do that day. I would basically be procrastinating deciding what to do and end up doing nothing in the end.

Now I'm going to approach 3 days a week, and study Japanese/plan for japan 3 days a week. Mondays will be my free day.

Schedule for the week is as follows:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Free day Approach Japanese Approach Japanese Approach Japanese

As well as setting weekly goals to hit as to motivate me more for approaching.
going to try and hit 100 approaches per week. But 60 at the minimum

Today was the beginning of my rotation so it was an approach day. For the first time I was actually looking forward to approaching again.
Went rock climbing in the morning with a friend. and gave myself an hour to approach. hopefully in the future ill give myself 2 hours to approach.
Went 2/8ish over an hour at the mall. Volume was pretty dead so I did the best that I could.

One of my plates is acting up again and ghosted on a date we planned. So her being weird probably motivated me to try and approach and find another one to replace her. I think ima just not text her anymore. She can hit me up if she wants. But I'm not gunna play her games and reach out to her.

My 21 yo plate is pretty dope so far. Seeing her once a week basically. I have a lot more fun hanging out with this chick, and she lets me smash no condom and I get to nut in her. She's on birth control so all y'all can calm down lol.
Approached today for 2 hours. 2/20

Been a while since I had a session. Definitely feeling the effects of not approaching. Was not feeling audacious, bold, or confident really.

AA is not as much of a factor now as much. I do find myself selecting girls and passing on others on the basis of how attractive I find them. Plenty of times I see a nice ass and then decide to not approach cuz she isn't actually that attractive once I get a full picture.

My go to location was quite dead. Volume was around 15/hour. went 0/15 here.
walked around a lot just looking for girls. As well as kind of being in my head thinking about how i was feeling. Regardless i made myself approach. Caught my self slipping and doubling back to approach a girl I would have skipped. Usual stuff. Motivation was not really there. maybe my mind was somewhere else.

Walked around my block after for 30 min and went 2/5.

Notable approach right at the end.

Saw a girl across the street. She was walking towards me and we made eye contact as I was checking her out. Pretty much held eye contact until I walked across the street directly up to her. Called her cute and said I had to stop to say hi. Asked her wat she was doing and she said she was on her way to a date. Said "well let me grab your number so we can go on a date some time" she laughed and agreed. We exchanged.

This is the only approach of the day where I really felt bold or audacious. Generally I don't hold eye contact like this on approach as a lot of my approaches are from behind. But this one I was just feeling quite dejected from having a lackluster approach sessions so I guess I didn't really care.

Gunna have to continue with my 3 days per week schedule to see how it affects mentality on approaching or if I need to do 5 days a week in small sessions to keep the ball rolling. Ill most likely experiment with this for 2 weeks or so.
Ayeee! New Japanese milestone. Took a sample JLPT N5 test and barely passed. Still a pass nonetheless.
80/180 is a passing score lol. I got an 84/180

Grammar is not my strong suit cuz I have not been studying grammar at all. I'm just slowly increasing my vocab and listening comprehension.

The vocab portion of the test was simple enough. Just gotta learn more words.
The listening section, which people think is the harder part, was actually fairly straightforward.
The grammar part was annoying. As expected tho

Ima try and take this test at the beginning and end of the month to show progress.
Its cool to see some actual results though. My studies are actually producing some tangible results so far
