Was hit by a car today lolz

You first youtube videos seem pretty high quality to me. Good equipment too with some very crispy sound there. The whole Japanese living niche seems solid.
Thebastard said:
You first youtube videos seem pretty high quality to me. Good equipment too with some very crispy sound there. The whole Japanese living niche seems solid.
Thank you for the compliment! I'm trying to learn how to make better videos and want to do a mix of informational videos as well as lifestyle blogs and such. Next vid is probably gunna take me another week to produce. Focus on storyboarding, interesting shots and better editing.
KillYourInnerLoser said:
I remember on our podcast together, you told me you wanted to move to Japan. Super happy for you

Took a while but i've been slowly making my way there. Now its finally happening. Just gotta never give up on ur goals
Japan Update:
Apartment is officially secured. Spoke with the rental agency on Friday and we went over paperwork.
Just submitted my visa paperwork to the Japanese consulate and I can pick up my visa on April 1st
Rented an Airbnb for $550 from April 5th - April 28th
Contacted a house sitting agency so i can cut cost of rent for the time b4 my apartment is available to move in

USA shit:
Apartment is like 1/3rd packed up
Started a spread sheet to track my expenses so I can budget properly while I'm out in Nippon-desu
New tenant is gunna buy my TV and Ikea shelves for $150 so that's some nice extra cash
Posted my One wheel on Craigslist finally. Hopefully I can sell it for $1300 b4 I leave. If not my friend will sell it for me

Still need to contact the internet, Gas, and electric company to terminate my contract.

Going away party this Saturday. Bonfire on the beach and gettin drunk af with the homies
T minus 6 hours until I leave for Japan!
Flying to LA and then flying to Narita Japan.

Packed all my belongings into one suitcase and one carry on. Really tight fit but I made it.

Fuckin stoked to be flying away.

Covid testing procedures have been a ball ache.
Had to get a test within 72 hours of departure but i got a tests and my results came back too early. So i got another test and the results havent come back yet. Fingers crossed that I dont get stuck in japan at the boarder. Gunna just risk it cuz i didnt wanna pay $200 for a rapid test.
Thank you MakingAComeback I'm fuckin stoked as well!

Crisis_Overcomer that's the plan ;)

Stuck in LAX until I get my rapid covid test results back. Fortunately I have a 5 hour layover, unfortunately I had to pay 200 bucks for the covid test
Man I'm sure the whole experience is surreal rn.

I remember going to Europe for 3 months and the whole day of flying was full of anticipation and the unknown.
Finally made it through Security and I'm currently waiting at the gate for a flight that leaves at 11:05.

Yesterday was extremely stressful but fortunately everything worked out today. In 11 hours Ill be in Japan!

I wont be completely stress free until I make it through Japanese customs because there's is always the change that some sort of paperwork is improperly filled out or some other bullshit. But I'm hopeful because my clearance to fly is good to go so i believe that should be good enough to make it through customs.

Also the ticket agent got me a full row to myself so that's a nice bonus for my flight.
Its official. I am completely past Japanese customs and sitting here typing this in my Airbnb.

Such a hectic past couple of days. But all the stress was well worth it.

Once i get settled in and get my phone working and get into the swing of school, its back to approaching!
Japan is such a cool place. Went there when I was 14 and I totally wanna go back some day. Have fun!
Blog Style video of the troubles I went through flyting to Japan

nice i want to visit japan
you have litterly millions of young japanese women to approach now get to work king goodluck
Apartment Tour of my Airbnb.


I'll Mostly Spam this log with stuff for my YouTube videos honestly. Appreciate the people who have watched my vids.
Ill start an approach log separate from this log once I start doing CA in japan.
Just waiting on getting my pocket Wi-Fi so I can have data while out of the house.
Wow that looks so japanese.

Damn man that's a great price. I'm paying $140 for one day in a hotel next weekend.

Can't believe your there. Youre gonna legit smash some cute Japanese chicks.
Manganiello said:
Wow that looks so japanese.

Damn man that's a great price. I'm paying $140 for one day in a hotel next weekend.

Can't believe your there. Youre gonna legit smash some cute Japanese chicks.

Yah its super cheap and perfect for just one person.
Bed is quite shit but definitely good enuff to smash on 🤣