Was hit by a car today lolz

I wish we could have been friends when I was still in San Francisco. Keep killing it man!
Super Solid day today!

Went and approached on my block


100% contact acquisition

Girls must be trolling right?
Went out with my friends today

Had like 15-20 min b4 they showed up.

Sat at a coffee shop and the barista was a really cute Asian. Its been weeks since I approached.
Was nervous but still approached after sitting drinking my coffee for like 5 min. She said she was thankful but not interested

Approached 2 others and got both their numbers within like 30 seconds of each other.
Interaction with the first ended and the 2nd chick walked by in the other direction. Turned around and caught up to her.

Eazy 2/3 today besides the beginning.

Cold approaching skill rusty but still able to do it
I'm back from the dead lol

Japan accepted my application to the school so ill be moving to Tokyo in April! School starts April 11th.

I've been absent from the forums because I became extremely complacent with the girl who I met via cold approach. Essentially quit approaching because it is so much easier to not have to try to find pussy lol.

Ill be updating my log with my approach progress in Japan.

Huge hurdle to get back into approaching in another country where I barely speak the language.
Its necessary thought to improve my conversational skills along with meeting sexy Japanese women.
I want to try and get in some sessions before I leave so I can get over the newbie anxiety, but I'm most likely going to be busy packing up all my stuff.

Not sure if self promotion is allowed, but I've started a YouTube channel to document my progress moving to Japan. For anybody who is in a similar situation feel free to follow me on YouTube and hopefully my journey can help anyone else who is interested in doing something similar to me. Don't have any videos posted yet, but I have some topics I'm going to post soon.


Radical Let me know if u want me to remove the self promotion
Here is what I need to do before moving to Japan
This is mostly just a list for myself to figure out what I need to do to move.

Things to do here in CA:
Pack up my appt
Consolidate my clothes into 1 carry on and 1 Suitcase
Sell my van (I have like 20+ ppl interested on craigslist already)
Cancel all subscriptions to apps (Spotify / Tinder / Climbing Gym, etc.)
Upload YouTube videos to channel
Maybe see my Dad (he kinda sucks lol)
Visit the Japanese embassy to validate my Visa
Purchase Plane ticket
Refresh my Japanese and study for the month im here

Probably missing a lot of what I need to do

Japanese stuff:
Research Japanese phone plan
Estimate total cost for time I'm in Japan (Appt, food, travel , school books)
Pay Tuition for school (wire transfer in progress already)
Figure out free time vs school schedule
Look into appt in japan / get in touch with an agency that can help
Toast said:

Hmm.. you sure?

What dating apps do they use over there?

I'd be using everything at my disposal to get laid. I think an accomplishment would be getting laid within 2 weeks of arrival.
Manganiello said:
Toast said:

Hmm.. you sure?

What dating apps do they use over there?

I'd be using everything at my disposal to get laid. I think an accomplishment would be getting laid within 2 weeks of arrival.

If I have the expenses to pay for tinder out there then ill reinstall it, Mostly just trying to curb my finances so I can not have to work and just approach

I like the idea of setting goals to get laid tho. Def gives tons of motivation

Not sure exactly what dating apps they use but 'i'm sure tinder is one of them
Toast said:
I've been absent from the forums because I married my cold approach plate, had 3 kids with her, and moved to a village by the sea

^ There, fixed it for you

(Just realized that as a mod, I could literally edit your original post)

Toast said:
Maybe see my Dad (he kinda sucks lol)

When was the last time you saw him? If he's not a regular figure in your life, I'd pass.

Toast said:
Upload YouTube videos to channel

Definitely not a priority and imo, it shouldn't even be in your list.

Toast said:
Not sure exactly what dating apps they use but 'i'm sure tinder is one of them

Bumble as well.
Btw, have you considered finding someone who lives in Japan, on Fiverr or Upwork, and paying for their time so you can ask them questions?
Crisis_Overcomer said:
've been absent from the forums because I married my cold approach plate, had 3 kids with her, and moved to a village by the sea
This is almost accurate lol. Thanks for the edit

Crisis_Overcomer said:
When was the last time you saw him? If he's not a regular figure in your life, I'd pass.
Probably 2 or more years. Im gunna make him come to me cuz i dont have the time to drive 3hr to see him

Crisis_Overcomer said:
Definitely not a priority and imo, it shouldn't even be in your list.
If I wanna transition to Japanese youtube blogger then it is a small priority. But thats a lofty long term goal

Crisis_Overcomer said:
Btw, have you considered finding someone who lives in Japan, on Fiverr or Upwork, and paying for their time so you can ask them questions?
Nah im too cheap
Crisis_Overcomer said:
Toast said:
Nah im too cheap

Gonna cost you whey less than Lord Voldemort, aniki.

That's a fair point. I do have the school company that I'm talking to to answer a lot of questions tho so they have been really helpful so far.
I'm also more of a figure it out as I go kinda guy. Ill make it work
First YT video up. Check it out and subscribe plz

Japanese shit:
Researched what its going to take to live there
got in contact with an appartment agency
Paid my tuition
Started studying vocab again

California shit:
In the process of selling my van. Buyer is being a flakey bitch
Dads gunna visit me next week
Found a tenant to take over my appt
Selling some of my shit
Filmed a 2nd YT video. Need to edit it

Approach shit:
Holy fuck guys this is big!
I approached 1 girl today!
HUGE mileage. Its been like 8 months since I've approached.
I was parking my car and I saw a baddie walking across the street.
Rolled up on my onewheel like a baller and got her attention.
She took out her airpods and I said "hey your cute, just wanted to stop you and say hi"
She said "oh thanks" and smiled and kept walking.
I rolled along beside her and tried to continue the convo, but she waved me off so that was the end of that.
Such progress! Much wow!!
New video out!


Moving Progress:
-Sold my van - had to take 1300 cuz of some bullshit but I'm glad its gone finally
-Started packing my attp - Moved the smaller items out and cleaned out my closet of shit
-Sorted all of my stuff into donate/keep/Give away
-Filed my taxes and got a nice return
-closed my Esty shop - 1 order left to fulfill
-Found a tenant to take over a 1 year sublease
-Filmed a YT video - Not trying to focus as much on this. Although making videos and editing is fun, but time consuming
-Climbed at the gym

Japanese Progress:
-Started using Anki again for Japanese refresher - using Tango N5 deck
-Took a JLPT N5 test - Failed that so my Japanese is definitely lower then it used to be
-Reached out to the apartment agency. 2 possible locations are available from my list.
-Called the bank about the wire transfer for tuition. Money is processed and completed on their end. Waiting for the school to receive the money.

Things to still do in US:
-Sell my one wheel for some extra cash - hopefully $1300-$1500
-Pack up and move half of my shoes / clothes
-Pack up kitchen - will do that last week of march
-Pack the rest of my things and furniture - last week of march
-Make a video about finding Appt

Japanese things:
-Keep Studying - Anki Deck
-Maybe grammar refresher - read Genki chapters (low priority cuz I don't think 1 month will change my placement test much)
-File my visa once the tuition gets completed - Paper work needs to be mailed to me once the tuition goes through
-research where to buy a bike - Friend said Mericari is a good place for a cheap one
-Research where to buy a cheap bed / desk / chair

Most likely there is more I need to do but ill keep thinking of shit as time goes on
New Video Out!


Japan Progress:
In the process of finding an apartment - few prospective places
Visa paper work is in the mail and on the way
Practicing Anki Decks

Moving Progress:
Apartment is like 1/3rd packed up
Gave away a bunch of stuff to friends
Got more boxes to move shit
Bought a laptop - fuck yah for student discounts. even tho I haven't been in college for like almost 6 years
Japan Update:

Secured an apartment in Japan finally. I'll be living in Ikebukuro. I'm super stoked about this because its like a known hub where cute Japanese girls hang out. My apt is only an 8 min ride and like 3 min walk from the major hub station in Ikebukuro. So this is the perfect distance to bringing girls home.

Rent is 74,500 yen per month which is USD $615. Super cheap IMO. Could have gotten cheaper, but I would be in the outskirts of Tokyo and not near anybody.

Move in date is going to be May, but I'm looking at house sitting options for the month of April. So that will help cut cost of rent for the first month. As well as allow me to look into places to buy a bed and stuff like that.

One thing that was a major ball ache out of the way.

Going to buy my plane ticket for April 4th
Got my visa appt with the embassy on the 25th and my visa should be ready by the end of the month.
Shits getting closer but I'm slowly making progress towards actually flying out.

This is also my final week at work so ill have the last week of march to finalize everything.