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What are your vices, and why do you do them?

Nicotine: Stopped for 7 months thinking I was in the clear, 0 cravings from the moment I quit... Started studying for an EU med school exam and immediately felt the intense need to start again back in April, haven't stopped since and have increased my consumption.
Caffeine: I've been addicted since HS and in college my consumption got to a pretty absurd point, I've stopped intermittently but I continue because I get the fucking intense energy to do the task at hand.
Masturbation/Porn: I think masturbation is fine by itself, but given my ED issues porn/images speed up the process and help me get to that sweet release quicker.
Weed?: I've started smoking again back in May, generally had bad experience in the past but I've been smoking by myself and it's a nice way to unwind at the end of the day for me. Don't usually get blitzed, but it makes my video games, dinner more enjoyable; also makes doing chores a treat.

I feel like there is more I can add but this is it in terms of physical/mental vices off the top of my head.
Caffeine is the biggest one, I've drank coffee every single day for literally years. Wakes me up. I'm trying to cut down from 3 cups a day to 2. Also started taking some mild OTC sleep aids every single night, but idk if that counts as a vice since they actually are helpful for me to sleep. Alcohol is another one, just because there are certain drinks I love the taste of and also love the experience of getting a good buzz. But I don't drink every day, it ranges from a couple times a month to a few times a week depending on whats going on, but I def have too much when I do, though I don't really wanna quit completely lol.
Caffeine 100%. Been hardcore addicted since I was 15-16. Tried going without it for like a week 3 years back and it was fucking terrible. Can't see my self quitting any time soon, but I try to moderate at times and only drink 2-3 cups of black coffee per day.

I can have bouts where I'll drink 1-2 180mg caffeinated energy drinks per day and it will most likely affect my sleep in a properly negative way. The downward spiral is quick to enter: day 1: drink 1-2 x 180mg energy drinks + 3-4 cups of coffee and sleep like shit, day:2 feel like shit since you slept like shit, drink more energy drinks and energy drinks to function, repeat until insanity.

Not as bad as amphetamine though, which I've also dabbled with in the past.

I started using the scandinavian version of snuff, snus, when I was 18. Have been on and off it with years in between since, and three weeks ago, after having been off it for probably 3 years, it was back on. Plan is to ween down in the long run and then quit again, I guess. Atm I live close to the Swedish border where I can get snus without tobacco, which isn't nearly as crazily addictive as the regular one - only vegetable fibers injected with nicotine and additives.

I've had issues with weed and amphetamines in the past. And because of this I've chosen to stay off it privately. That being said, if I'm at a party and someone asks me if I'd like to join in on a joint I seldom hesitate.
Have tried coke on several occasions, but I preferred speed because of the long duration.
Trashy food (frozen pizza, fast food), alcohol, internet. Why? I mean, they're all forms of avoidance of discomfort in life. I'm failing at my goals, I'm stressed out or tired, shit didn't go according to plan, or maybe I'm just lacking direction and feel aimless. I know I can avoid feeling these things for a while by getting cheap dopamine hits.

A realization I had a while ago, though, was that part of the reason was a feeling of internal incongruousness. When things weren't going well, my brain subconsciously tried to remove uncertainty from the world by blaming me. If things were bad, my brain wanted me to blame myself, so I would compulsively indulge in my vices, so then my brain would have a justification for it's negative emotions. Unfortunately, this realization alone isn't very helpful - when I'm grabbing a greasy hamburger from a drive thru at 10 pm, I will often think, "why am I doing this? It's bad for me and setting me back in life." The answer is "Because I hate myself, and am too weak willed to stop." Which then makes me more depressed and resigned to my fate of following my baser instincts.