Wnyhg progress log


Chin-ups 6. Done at home before workout and every other day. Negative reps per scooby what’s his name.

155.0 x 6.0
155x 6.0
155x 6.0
0.0 x 4.0
Up 10 lbs
Whoops forgot

--Barbell Bench Press--
145.0 x 6.0
145.0 x 6.0
145.0 x 6.0
Up 5 lbs
--Incline Bench Press--
135.0 x 6.0
135.0 x 6.0
135.0 x 6.0
No change
--Triceps pushdown--
60.0 x 6.0
90.0 x 6.0
100.0 x 6.0
100.0 x 5.0
Up 30 lbs
--Hanging Leg Raises--
0.0 x 6.0
0.0 x 5.0
Knee vs leg
--Walking Treadmill--
10.0 x 5.0
*up.5 mph

Heart rate went from 99 to 156 on the treadmill and was around 141 during workout. Only increase of .5 mph and that means severe deconditioning. Now it makes sense. Poor me. This is going to take an awhile and as much as I hate cold showers, cryo or ice baths should limit bodily angst.


Workout tonight. I don’t want to spam the forum with my posts. I’m posting an addendum to clear my mind and hopefully help someone who is in my shoes.

Goal for DL is 450. BP is 250 and SQ is 315. For reps. Meaning I’ve got a ways to go and need to prep my mind and body with conditioning and strength before I get to to those numbers and expect abs.

The last two months have been a clean bulk. Not what I intended but it’s working out since if my body is deconditioned and dead from chronic low testosterone (it took the docs almost 2 years to treat correctly), then making muscle and quicker recovery has been maximizing “gains”. I made the mistake of going for 21 grain organic bread rather than veggies which leads to another issue manifested over the last two weeks. So my calories have been higher and weight loss hasn’t occurred.

Soreness. Is it the need for longer recovery, quicker return to workout or inadequate protein. I ate almost2100 calories post workout a few days ago and the last 2 days have been brutal with sleep. My legs won’t relax. I took 50 grams of whey and was somewhat better this morning; are supplements better than real food? I remember reading a female athlete writing that she’s never going back to real food because it doesn’t work.

The waist is the same but my legs and love handles and shoulders look a lot better. If I grab my right axillary fat with my left hand, it’s almost gone. Before I could grab a disgusting amount and it really sickened me. Now I’m elated. spot reduction doesn’t happen and this is proof for me. Unfortunately the last place for me to lose fat is my gut.

Cardio is an issue because I hate walking. If there isn’t a purpose like grocery shopping I ain’t doing it. Studies show it’s inefficient and a much better approach is portion control/calories. Currently lacking, I’ll finish off this loaf and give the other to my parents. Then I’ll buy some stir fry and cauliflower rice and pray that it works. Fat content in my
meals is under better control. I’m still going to do some cardio after the workout, the goal is 29 minutes or so and gradually increasing either incline or speed until I’m at 9 mph with Tabata. Not going through that back sprain thing again.
Basically, progressive overload with the main three. I’m not a candidate for RPT or intermediate training at this point. Keeping it simple with diet and weight lifting and keeping abreast of recovery, which is where I’ll make progress is what seems to be the next goal. Next week I have some appointments with doctors offices and a first impression with how I currently look will let me know how to proceed with my looks.

So apparently prophets are alive in their graves. Every single one of them. How does that work? I’m writing it because they do come into a persons dream like one of them came into mine.

This week I plan on bringing my calorie count down below 1500, while upping my cardio or trying to. I think I need to base my protein intake and carbs on my lift success while following macros. Not sure how that works haven’t read it besides one of Andy’s articles, he could be right. So I’ll keep the goal of 255 100 and 70 with protein carbs and fats. drink lots of water and maintain the IF structure. I’ve got a bag of BCAA lying around that I need to finish and once the diet is perfected with more veggies, I’ll add them periworkout. If I can remember.

165.0 x 6.0
165.0 x 6.0
165.0 x 6.0
Up 10 lbs
--Stiff-Legged Deadlift--
145.0 x 6.0
145.0 x 6.0
145.0 x 6.0
Up 10 lbs
--Chin Up--
0.0 x 7.0
*in the workout. negative reps.

--Overhead Press--machine
90.0 x 6.0
110.0 x 6.0
0.0 x 6.0
*nauseous after chins. recovery

--Bent Over Rear Delt Raises--
20.0 x 6.0
20.0 x 5.0
*needs work

--T-Bar Row--
45.0 x 6.0
70.0 x 6.0
70.0 x 6.0

--Concentration Curls--
20.0 x 6.0
25.0 x 6.0
25.0 x 6.0

I’m really weak in certain muscles and progressing in others. If I’m going to pull a 50 lbs recurve my delts better be able to raise more than 100 lbs.

Was nauseous after the chin-ups but they were quality. Had to slow down a little bit after and felt like I was walking on a cloud after the workout with all the soreness gone. Pathetic actually. :)

I’m happier now that I can go to the gym and not feel a complex coming on. I see people take off when they see me in the gym and other times chicks start doing jumping jacks to get attention. I’m literally ficked in the head, I’m in no mood to expend myself except on myself. I would like companionship but not with a chick whose practically bare in the gym.

Looking for a new wardrobe for the gym. Shorts with tights that I can use for swimming. I found a pair and they ship from Kyrgyzstan of all places. He’s real and responded to my email. Compression tights may be better because I was feeling the tightness in my hamstring. Checked out Virus and Rogue and I’ll keep searching. Might end up being 3/4 cycling tights, lol.

I’ll get to a cold bath with epsom salt soon but yeah fuck Amazon, never buying from there or ebay.

Started using Pantene after a barber said my hair was too dry. Specifically their conditioner. Made quite a difference, I thought hair was dead.

Here’s a question for myself? How many pages of posting in this forum will it take for me to get chiseled? I’m guessing 30. My goal is that it better be less than that.
Right, OK.

What is your weight target for Q1?

What is your current methodology for hitting this target?

How often are you recording your actual bodyweight?

For weight loss (I lost 85lbs btw), you really want to dial lifting in, get your 10k steps a day, and be consistently in a calorie deficit.

You want to NAIL your sleep, really optimise it, and nail your hydration, daily.

Be systematic. You come across as rather scattered - this needs to be condenses into a coherent, systematic approach, and one which gives us clarity and the ability to manipulate variables to obtain the desired result.

How do we know what we're doing is working? In your goal, the scale weight has to come down, in a sustainable manner.

This goal, is entirely achievable, and if you SMASH this goal, in 2024, the rest of your days will be brighter for it.

If you handle this, we can work on the dating life, and your broader mission.

There is a lot going on with you. The tells are in your posts, such as your references to being "fucked in the head" - I do get it, and was a hardcase myself.

To win, in this game, a guy like you, is going to have to be fucking strategic and have a proven methodology that works.

Lets really MOVE with this now, Doc, and get crystal clear.

Weight 257 so far 6822 steps not including the treadmill because I read instead. Im still up and will probably move the post for the day prior. 1.06 gallons of water drank not including whey and soda.

Neck 16 down 1 inch
Chest 47.5 up 1.5 inches
R arm 15
L arm 15
Belly 46.5 down .5 inches
Hips* 42 down one inch
R thigh 23.75
L thigh 23

--Chin Up--

0.0 x 5.0
*at home

175.0 x 6.0
175.0 x 6.0
175.0 x 6.0
0.0 x 4.0
Up 10
0.0 x 6.0
0.0 x 6.0
0.0 x 5.0

--Incline Bench Press--
135.0 x 6.0
140.0 x 5.0
140.0 x 3.0

--Barbell Bench Press--
135.0 x 5.0
155.0 x 6.0
155.0 x 6.0
Stronger than incline up 20 lbs
--Triceps pushdown--
60.0 x 6.0
120.0 x 6.0
120.0 x 6.0
120.0 x 8.0

--Hanging Leg Raises--
0.0 x 6.0
0.0 x 6.0

--Walking Treadmill--
10.0 x 5.0
*hr 134


Protein 183 carbs 110 fats 42

Protein: 6.49
Carbs: 56.22
Fat: 0
Calories: 250.81

Small Potatoes
Serving Size: 320.00 Grams
Total Calories: 250.81
Protein: 6.49
Carbs: 56.22
Total Fat: 0

Pre Workout
Protein: 45.32
Carbs: 4.86
Fat: 0
Calories: 200.74

Serving Size: 3.00 solo (1 fl.oz)
Total Calories: 15.03
Protein: 0.75
Carbs: 3.01
Total Fat: 0

fruity cereal whey
Serving Size: 52.00 grams
Total Calories: 185.71
Protein: 44.57
Carbs: 1.86
Total Fat: 0

Post Workout
Protein: 56.78
Carbs: 31.13
Fat: 11.48
Calories: 436.82

Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Caramels
Serving Size: 44.00 Grams
Total Calories: 191.3
Protein: 1.91
Carbs: 24.87
Total Fat: 11.48

Diet Pepsi
Serving Size: 3.00 Can 330ml
Total Calories: 4.8
Protein: 0.3
Carbs: 0.9
Total Fat: 0

fruity cereal whey
Serving Size: 52.00 grams
Total Calories: 185.71
Protein: 44.57
Carbs: 1.86
Total Fat: 0

Serving Size: 1.00 Scoop
Total Calories: 55
Protein: 10
Carbs: 3.5
Total Fat: 0

Protein: 74.06
Carbs: 17.2
Fat: 20.62
Calories: 583.02

Veg - Cauliflower Rice
Serving Size: 340.00 G
Total Calories: 103.02
Protein: 6.46
Carbs: 17
Total Fat: 1.02

Fried egg
Serving Size: 2.00 Egg
Total Calories: 240
Protein: 15.6
Carbs: 0.2
Total Fat: 19.6

Serving Size: 2.00 1 Can
Total Calories: 240
Protein: 52
Carbs: 0
Total Fat: 0
I don’t have a weight target besides losing 1 1/2 lbs per week.

The methodology I’m using is correcting my diet and calorie intake to less than 1500. I’ve been hitting my macros but the calorie count as a result has been above 2000 calories. I know my diet still hasn’t been corrected to the point where I can stay below 1500 calories and still hit 200-255 protein etc.

I check my weight once a week and have been looking for a spreadsheet to measure my waist, hips arms since although my lifts are going up, so is my weight. I have purchased a Myotape for this. I currently use MyMacros app for macro and calorie counting.

Thanks to your yt vid on procrastination, my internet use has halved and I haven’t touched YT in about a week. My sleep has improved and my hydration situation has also improved now that I have a Nalgene bottle specifically for when I’m out of the house.

You’re absolutely right. I am scattered.

I have to say though I buy in bulk and am not one to throw things away.

This is a long term commitment. I don’t want a slow carb diet approach like Tim Ferris’s or keto. The diet I’m looking for needs to be sustainable, permanent, palatable and balanced. Some of the other issue may be medical and I’ve scheduled an appointment for those.

I sincerely appreciate MakingAComeback your insight. My posts from here on will be more coherent and systematic.

I’ve been wanting to post my daily macros and diet like I do my workout routine, but it would really extend my post. I’ll do it from here on. It may come across that I’m not monitoring these things l, namely macros and calories, hydration and sleep ; I am. My diet still hasn’t been squared away.
10k steps? I already installed a pedometer on my cell. Some places that I visit would get me “banned”; for completeness sake I will include my daily steps to my posts.
Another rest day. Had a small attack of gout this morning requiring naproxen.

Chin-ups 8/4. Steps 9286 today.

I posted on Ravi’s log and this morning I’m feeling less hyped, agitated and spiteful. I don’t journal but after finishing up work, I looked forward to setting up my screen. Posting the verbiage was therapeutic. Anything he adds will definitely be beneficial.

I slept well after two days of repeated awakenings. I blended a protein shake with a banana last night before bed. I feel swollen but less sore. It’s possible my protein should be around 230 grams if that’s the case.

80 fluid ounces yesterday 144 ozs today.4607 steps yesterday and 9200 or so today.

125 protein 157 carbs and 67 fats. Might add a protein shake tonight making it 155 grams of protein. Trying to finish off the granola I purchased.

Tontobiker Daily Meals - 02-21-2024

Protein: 0.75
Carbs: 3.01
Fat: 0
Calories: 15.03

Serving Size: 3.00 solo (1 fl.oz)
Total Calories: 15.03
Protein: 0.75
Carbs: 3.01
Total Fat: 0

Protein: 66.41
Carbs: 17
Fat: 15.02
Calories: 486.77

Ground Beef
Serving Size: 10.00 Ounces
Total Calories: 383.75
Protein: 59.95
Carbs: 0
Total Fat: 14

Veg - Cauliflower Rice
Serving Size: 340.00 G
Total Calories: 103.02
Protein: 6.46
Carbs: 17
Total Fat: 1.02

Protein: 4.00
Carbs: 36
Fat: 8
Calories: 230

Serving Size: 1.00 Serving
Total Calories: 230
Protein: 4
Carbs: 36
Total Fat: 8

Post Workout
Protein: 54.16
Carbs: 101.81
Fat: 39.55
Calories: 978.68

Serving Size: 26.00 Grams
Total Calories: 139.78
Protein: 1.56
Carbs: 14.9
Total Fat: 8.22

Egg White
Serving Size: 6.00 Large Egg
Total Calories: 103.2
Protein: 21.6
Carbs: 1.44
Total Fat: 0.34

Egg Whole
Serving Size: 3.00 Large Egg
Total Calories: 214.5
Protein: 18.9
Carbs: 1.17
Total Fat: 15

Diet Pepsi
Serving Size: 1.00 Can 330ml
Total Calories: 1.6
Protein: 0.1
Carbs: 0.3
Total Fat: 0

Honey almond granola
Serving Size: 120.00 g
Total Calories: 519.6
Protein: 12
Carbs: 84
Total Fat: 16

Daily Totals
Protein: 125.32
Carbs: 157.81
Fat: 62.57
Calories: 1710.47

Tontobiker Daily Meals - 02-20-2024

Protein: 59.32
Carbs: 60.86
Fat: 1.5
Calories: 474.24

fruity cereal whey
Serving Size: 52.00 grams
Total Calories: 185.71
Protein: 44.57
Carbs: 1.86
Total Fat: 0

Serving Size: 3.00 solo (1 fl.oz)
Total Calories: 15.03
Protein: 0.75
Carbs: 3.01
Total Fat: 0

Serving Size: 2.00 Tbsp
Total Calories: 53.5
Protein: 6
Carbs: 4
Total Fat: 1.5

Serving Size: 2.00 Potato
Total Calories: 220
Protein: 8
Carbs: 52
Total Fat: 0

Protein: 138.45
Carbs: 17.3
Fat: 31.82
Calories: 948.87

Ground Beef
Serving Size: 22.00 Ounces
Total Calories: 844.25
Protein: 131.89
Carbs: 0
Total Fat: 30.8

Veg - Cauliflower Rice
Serving Size: 340.00 G
Total Calories: 103.02
Protein: 6.46
Carbs: 17
Total Fat: 1.02

Diet Pepsi
Serving Size: 1.00 Can 330ml
Total Calories: 1.6
Protein: 0.1
Carbs: 0.3
Total Fat: 0

Protein: 27.91
Carbs: 28.87
Fat: 12.48
Calories: 321.3

Dark Chocolate Sea Salt Caramels
Serving Size: 44.00 Grams
Total Calories: 191.3
Protein: 1.91
Carbs: 24.87
Total Fat: 11.48

Raw Protein, Chocolate
Serving Size: 1.00 Scoop (35.7)
Total Calories: 130
Protein: 26
Carbs: 4
Total Fat: 1

Daily Totals
Protein: 225.69
Carbs: 107.03
Fat: 45.8
Calories: 1744.41
Weight: 252. Down 5 lbs. I can see the change on my face. It’s either bloating or more than likely CAULIFLOWER RICE FOR THE WIN!!!!

I did it. Im trading. I took a loss but no one learns from the sidelines. Stock came around in the afternoon and jumped almost 180 points. Oh well live and learn.

This means a lot to me. I got a smile on my face. It’s game on.

Obviously I’m going to need to do the research but I’m good now. I attribute it to being spiteful and and consistently uncomfortable with my situation. Ravi wrote “change it, start over again”. Ad lib of course.

ATT was out of commission for a large part of yesterday because of some Cisco equipment on the backend. I walked over to the phone shop and asked for a deal. He gave me an iPhone for cheap. So out with the Android and I with an iPhone.

8507 steps yesterday. Took another recovery day because I had cotton mouth which doesn’t bode well when I’m a few days out from the next injection and I lift heavy. Sleep was good after a scoop of plant protein. Internet usage is almost nil besides this forum and a few minutes before bed. No more news or games.

First day below 1500 calories and no desire to have a cheat meal.


185.0 x 6.0
185.0 x 6.0
185.0 x 6.0

--Good Mornings--
95.0 x 6.0
95.0 x 6.0
95.0 x 6.0

--Iso Row--
90.0 x 6.0
*mid row hoist
90.0 x 6.0
*mid row hoist
90.0 x 6.0
*mid row hoist

--Reverse Grip Bent-Over Row--
35.0 x 6.0
45.0 x 6.0
50.0 x 6.0

--1-Arm Row--
30.0 x 6.0
45.0 x 6.0
60.0 x 6.0

10.0 x 8.0
*7% then 4%. 2.5>3.5

Daily Meals - 02-22-2024

Protein: 21.00
Carbs: 4
Fat: 2
Calories: 120

Plant Fusion Protein Powder
Serving Size: 1.00 Scoop
Total Calories: 120
Protein: 21
Carbs: 4
Total Fat: 2

Protein: 77.00
Carbs: 16
Fat: 6
Calories: 426

Cauliflower Rice
Serving Size: 340.00 Grams
Total Calories: 96
Protein: 8
Carbs: 16
Total Fat: 0

Serving Size: 3.00 Fillet
Total Calories: 330
Protein: 69
Carbs: 0
Total Fat: 6

Protein: 87.12
Carbs: 92.08
Fat: 7.38
Calories: 794.22

Cauliflower Rice
Serving Size: 340.00 Grams
Total Calories: 96
Protein: 8
Carbs: 16
Total Fat: 0

Skinless boneless tilapia fillet portions
Serving Size: 339.00 g
Total Calories: 271.2
Protein: 54
Carbs: 0
Total Fat: 4.51

Diet Pepsi
Serving Size: 1.00 Can 330ml
Total Calories: 1.6
Protein: 0.1
Carbs: 0.3
Total Fat: 0

Tangerines, (mandarin Oranges), Cnd, Juc Pk, Drnd
Serving Size: 1.00 Cup
Total Calories: 71.82
Protein: 1.42
Carbs: 17.78
Total Fat: 0.08

Serving Size: 2.00 Medium
Total Calories: 233.6
Protein: 2.6
Carbs: 54
Total Fat: 0.8

Plant Fusion Protein Powder
Serving Size: 1.00 Scoop
Total Calories: 120
Protein: 21
Carbs: 4
Total Fat: 2

Daily Totals
Protein: 185.12
Carbs: 112.08
Fat: 15.38
Calories: 1340.22
16422 steps yesterday. Just did 1000 strides with 1 mile in less than 14 minutes. A ways to go compared to the guys hauling in the elliptical a at the gym.

I found a book in my stash from 2005, “workouts in a binder” by dirk friel, meant for indoor cycling back when I was getting coached before an accident and I plan on modifying it for the hunk of metal in my hallway that I got from my neighbor. I’m hopeful it’ll bridge my lifting over to MTB in the next month or two. A slight edge is really going to come in handy.

Some people poseur at the gym. I’m happy to say that by the time I’m done I’m either getting nauseous or loose as a Reddit post. I’m going to increase my reps to hypertrophy level, that is 8-12. The scooby1963 program for chin-ups isn’t working I’m stuck at 16 or less reps. Ive got some bands and just go for it doing pull-ups, chin-ups with one of them. Does this mean I need to increase my protein? Unfortunately what this means to me is need to lose all this weight.

Protein: 203.93
Carbs: 204.12
Fat: 55.68
Calories: 2140.23
Hydration 160 ozs
Sleep 8.

Protein: 163.21
Carbs: 195.41
Fat: 116.53
Calories: 2360.51
Hydration 96 ozs
Sleep: 5
I’m down 5 lbs which is a little too fast. I finished off the caramels and any added carbs were fruits.

I’m heading towards fish as a staple since the heaviness and fat content in ground beef makes me think it may be interfering with weight loss. Kind of done with the taste as well. Looking at oatmeal, egg whites to become a staple. Just need to figure out condiments, toppings like strawberries and spices to go with the different variety of fish.

Weight 252
Neck 16.5
Chest 46 down 1 inch
R arm 15
L arm 15
Belly 47 half inch above navel
Hips* 42.5 up.5
R thigh 24
L thigh 24

Sleep terrible improved with protein shake before bed the following night.

Hydration 96 ozs
Only 64 ozs on 2/26


Dropping sets left and right except for squat .first day on an empty stomach workout or not enough protein or just a deload, mainly bench.

195.0 x 8.0
195.0 x 8.0
195.0 x 8.0

0.0 x 6.0
0.0 x 6.0
0.0 x 6.0
0.0 x 5.0

--Incline Bench Press--
135.0 x 6.0
145.0 x 6.0
145.0 x 5.0

--Barbell Bench Press--
135.0 x 6.0
0.0 x 6.0
0.0 x 6.0

--Triceps pushdown--
40.0 x 3.0
*missed sets

--Incline Bench Press--
120.0 x 6.0
120.0 x 3.0

--Hanging Leg Raises--
0.0 x 10.0
0.0 x 10.0

Increased leg measurements just from swelling not muscle. Chest is down but all in all does not mean much. Weight loss is prbaly water. Adjusted macros after 3 weeks and will decrease to 170 protein and either 150 or 230 carbs and 44 fats. It takes me a good 4 weeks because of testosterone timing to get my weight right with diet and maintaining sleep.

APeople who haven’t seen me in along time don’t recognize me. An ex neighbor confused me for another one who’s fit and my dad was like you look buff. Encouraging but I’ve got a ways to go. Goal is around 450 dl 250 bench and 325 squat. If I can do a single plate in the OHP I’ll be happy. Already done in the shoulder press machine. I’ll do a reload for the bench press.

Pre sleep protein is making a huge difference and splitting 25 grams by a half hour or 45 minutes seems to also make a difference.

I found the GLL articles by Scotty on his diet during competition. I’ll try to incorporate some of them. Just can’t do chicken anymore.

Overall the gym is turning in a haven for me. There’s a lot of guys in and out, it seems that over time you start to get recognized as one of the wannabes who’s trying to get beter and I wouldn’t call it respect but just getting recognizing I exist. That’s enough.

I have to figure out my LTHR on the elliptical. It’s a test you do to stratify aerobic capacity and fitness over time. I’ve gone through so many bike trainers, treadmills, power taps and here I am years later getting along with an elliptical. I’m not enjoying walking although my steps are avg 7500. I don’t listen to podcasts because of tinnitus and hearing issues.

Maybe it is my time. Maybe at the end of all this I’ll send a photo to Fords agency as a model and they’ll send me back the hahaha letter until it gets passed to that one metrosexual dude who thinks I know just where to use him. Something to look forward to.
1. Added creatine to diet and have noticed some improvement in soreness and movement. First time I’ve been able to recover and workout on a Wednesday after Mondays workout. We’ll see about Friday or Saturday morning.
2. Took a diet break last night after getting down on myself. An extra 50 grams of carbs. might be that 250 grams is better for me than keeping carbs around 150. For psych reasons.
4. Get the girl or be kind to everyone?
5. Protein before bed and BCAAs on waking. Fish oil on hold. They didn’t use it 30 years ago with reg park.
6. Slept well last night. Getting old kinda sucks, had to micturate.
7. Hydration needs to be pushed up to 2 gallons. I’m noticing plague buildup on my front teeth. Usually happens from dry mouth.
8. Need to work in chin-up, OHP and the elliptical.
9. I think the older you are the more you have to work towards maintaining what you have. I’m decinditioned but keeping my heart at 60 to 70 for 30 to 1 hr walking, elliptical early am can help. Goals.

Was talking to a girl where I was working an appointment. I overheard her scheduling an appointment for BPD, what it sounded like. Poor girl. She was getting down on herself with every sentence. How much can a guy do?

Performed 3 sets of Tabata before I went to the gym. 754 stride 40 rpm. Around 10 minutes. I don’t like walking and I don’t like being dependent on the weather to workout. Ruins my retentive, indignant self.

--Chin Up--
0.0 x 7.0
*with band
Goal is 8 reps for 5 sets then go for one without the band.
195.0 x 10.0
195.0 x 10.0
195.0 x 8.0

--Stiff-Legged Deadlift--
155.0 x 8.0
155.0 x 8.0
Stopped because I don’t want a back sprain taking me out again.
--Chin Up--
At start.

--Overhead Press--
115.0 x 3.0
*35 lbs plates. needs work

--Bent Over Rear Delt Raises--
25.0 x 5.0
25.0 x 5.0
25.0 x 5.0

Concentration curls
25 8 3

1. I cut back on ground beef and Lo and behold I lose 6 lbs. it’s the fats. I noticed I gain visible fat quickly after pizza which clued me in to this almost 2 months in. Some would say duh; it is what it is.
2. I’ve been doing doing Tabata workouts. 20 secs on 110 secs off or 20 secs on and 10 secs off. It’s brutal but I’m visibly and physically grateful I found the elliptical. I was worried that not doing front squats would affect my thigh spread, like the incline bench is oreferred over the flat bench for aesthetics, but I don’t need it. It’ll be difficult to fit into pants and two my main sport is MTB. I need to be able to climb a steep ravine or a hill and the elliptical does just that. I noticed that the muscles worked on a flat incline and 5% or more on the machine is different and I hope to use it to my advantage and allow myself to use the elliptical daily. The elliptical really burns the quads, takes care of the soreness post workout like a walk never could and I can’t walk 2 + hours without “learning”. Tabata is around 5-15 minutes and I can’t even move the elliptical steps by the time I’m done.
3. Another benefit: stretching calf muscles. The machine requires pushing with the entire foot and keeping a straight back. What a difference. I no longer need to stretch. If I stand still
I’m on my heels and not my insteps. It felt really weird the first time I noticed but I only see benefits with NEAT and progress. It will correct the one flaw I’ve noticed in my squat, I’m too forward and not pushing with heels.
3. I could jump to 225 or 250 for my squat, I feel very strong but controlling my ego and allowing my to prepare for the 300+ lbs I’m planning on will take time for the connective tissue to prep.
4. Rest day today. I took an afternoon nap and it’s been awhile that when I woke I was famished. I need to be ready with oatmeal or peanut butter for the pangs to stop until the next meal.
5. Pbfit
6. I’ve doubled up on my mvi and magnesium. I split the mg doses over the course of the day. There is a change in my soreness quotient; I can’t explain it and I’m grateful.

Tomorrow morning we’ll see what happens if I go to the gym or not.

Sleep is awesome. Hydration is 96 ozs. Carbs are finally hovering around 90 most of the day and now that the pecan clusters are done I can focus on oatmeal, Pbfit and frozen fruits. I’m intentionally avoiding almond milk. Long term I know I won’t drink it. I add a banana or Pbfit for thickness and am considering oatmeal as well.

I worked out on an empty stomach for the first time. I almost feel, now that I’m typing this that metabolism has sped up. I feel warm and always thirsty(which almost always means I’m down 15% or more in fluids) and I’m getting orthostatic. I finish off 32 ozs of water like a fish. This is not the old me. I’m only two months in.
7. Grasping at straws but bear with me. I’m losing weight even though the scale doesn’t show it. If I grasp the fat on my obliques and stand up straight, it slips out. My handles are gone and I believe that the muscle underneath is pushing the fat out. I’ve read that in this situation I keep doing what I’m doing and maximize sleep and minimize stress and a whoosh happens. Hydration is key. I’d post the book but it’s copyrighted. The author is Andy Morgan and Eric Helms. There’s an entire website behind it and it’s been one of my go tod for adjusting my macros and stuff. This is a long term deal for me. I want to be able to fight and feel young again. There is no way I’m picking out a nursing home.

Edit: Uploaded new avatar idk how to do before and after pics. Also, those aren’t bitch tits. There is flat against the chest tshirt with no flab pic. This is mostly reassurance for myself, lol.

205.0 x 6.0
205.0 x 6.0
205.0 x 6.0
Tried doing sets of 10. No burn though off the heel.

0.0 x 6.0
0.0 x 6.0
0.0 x 6.0
0.0 x 3.0
Change of routine required I got this and there are no belts.
--Barbell Bench Press--
185.0 x 4.0
185.0 x 4.0
Not going to perseverate and just thought DO ITTTT. and wallabies.
--Incline Bench Press--
135.0 x 6.0
185.0 x 1.0
Thanks Mr spotter
--Triceps pushdown--
60.0 x 6.0
110.0 x 2.0
100.0 x 2.0
90.0 x 6.0
90.0 x 5.0
??? Down
--Hanging Leg Raises--
0.0 x 15.0
0.0 x 15.0

7 of 7
Days Tracked 145%
Goals Reached 247.00lbs
Tracked On 02/22
Day Summary Favorite Foods
03/02 2796 kCals
03/01 1951 kCals
02/29 2145 kCals
02/28 2618 kCals
02/27 2119 kCals
02/26 2694 kCals
02/25 2096 kCals
(8) Raw Protein, Chocolate
(7) PBfit
(5) Coleslaw - Taylor Farms
(5) Pecan Cluster
(5) fruity cereal whey

My weight went bounced almost 7 lbs in one day. I read a lot and can attribute to muscle swelling and water retention. Prior to this I tried doing Tabata with burpees and mountain climbers and stuff and my legs responded with soreness. So I stopped. I know now that recovery is important and was the reason I couldn’t do 205 for 10. I can’t blame it on low protein it’s not. Just age and not recovering well at the end of last week.

I’ve woken up around 2 am. No reason and realized no protein shake before bed, so I go make one take a mg tablet and pass out. I didn’t realize it could be so important, that is taking protein before bed for me. I was at 230 grams protein yesterday almost and it still occurred. I’ll maintain 170 grams. Try to cut down in carbs and fats by 250 cals to around 1800 and do it for the next few weeks. This is still a clean bulk or a recomp and I’m not complaining. I look great to myself and I’m sure I look 5x worse in real life. Perceptions as the chief of medicine used to say. Kiss my ass Tom.

I’m heading towards smoothies, oatmeal, Greek yoghurt and fish and breast. Can’t find quality Turkey anywhere. Alongside potatoes in the am, alternating, whey isolate BCAAs, and creatine. For vegiies it’s cauliflower rice and stir fry. No cheat meals and if I do is going to be an extra large veggie pizza. I’m also using fruits mainly frozen with my protein. And sometimes adding Pbfit. I. Shop tomorrow so I hope to buy fish oil and cottage cheese. I don’t use stevia or sugar and opt for local honey because if its desensitization effects for my allergies. I haven’t used it in about two weeks and the fruits have their own sweetness. Got myself a microwave and a nutribullet. Killed the first one in 2 months and I’m in my second one already. Only sauce I use is ketchup and mayo sometimes on the coleslaw amd tuna fish. I have to figure out sodium soon. Might try MSG. Otherwise my spices are dry.

The next two weeks are for me to figure out my recovery time. Apparently that’s where the benefits are seen that matter.
Official weight 249. Eating jalapeño cheese and strawberries. Down 2 lbs this past week. Doctor gave me a clean bill of health. I’m off any blood pressure medication, my blood pressure is good. Labs are good with the exception of uric acid.

He asked me what I did for exercise, and I told him I lift weights and some cardio. He basically said fuck weights you should be running. He gave me leeway with the elliptical. He’s been spot on with both of my diagnosis and treatment so I have to give what he said with weight and I promised to start mountain biking soon.

Rest day, for some reason my muscles are twitching quite a bit today, and I had problems with soreness climbing stairs. Will get back to lifting weights tomorrow morning. Also need to consider that I worked out on Saturday and did HIIT/Tabata on Thursday and Wednesday and I’m still out.

Other things I noted I’m able to clasp my buckle one notch lower on my belt on my pants.

Went shopping got a couple of pounds of chicken breast, and spices and some yogurt.


215.0 x 6.0
215.0 x 6.0
215.0 x 6.0
Up 10 lbs. legs didn’t have it for 10.
--Stiff-Legged Deadlift--
165.0 x 6.0
165.0 x 6.0
165.0 x 6.0
Up 10 lbs and did a third set ! Recovery !!!!
--Chin Up--
0.0 x 8.0
0.0 x 4.0
*at home before start of workout. Up four.

--Overhead Press--
115.0 x 6.0
115.0 x 4.0

--Bent Over Rear Delt Raises--
30.0 x 5.0
30.0 x 5.0
30.0 x 5.0

--T-Bar Row--
No Sets Performed. Was getting nauseous and really didn’t have the gas. I have my rack downstairs. Consequence of lowering carbs.

--Concentration Curls--
No Sets Performed

Suboptimal recovery hindered my last workout. Today I did so much and sweat that I really got into the groove. Sublime.

I have nothing to add. If the weather is good tomorrow I’ll bike. Cals are staying under 2000 so far.
Recovery day yesterday with generalized persistent soreness. Lo carb didn’t come to mind then except some Tylenol before bed. Neighbor from Cali finally sold his house and flew in to sign off and hand over the keys, it’s a house that I was babysitting. He took me grocery shopping. I know. He made 70k on the house. It was impromptu and a blessing from many angles.

He was surprised that I didn’t buy bagels, entrees, junk food until I forced myself to pick up a pack of Oreo cookies that I usually ate on cheat days with milk. Stayed surprised at the checkout and then bought me balm for my beard at another shop. I don’t have to buy mayo for awhile or worry about buying a tub and having it go bad. God, is this normal?

In any case Fridays are my cheat days and I the calculated my average carb for the last 7 has been 100 grams hence the soreness. No urge to cheat, from a perspective I decided let’s see what happens and I finished off the bag. At the same time last evening, I developed gout. Tried to preempt it with NSAIDs but had to take anothe dose this morning. I usually limit protein especially meat hence circumstance was in my favor overnight.

I slept extremely well and was up at 447 am. I wanted to check my weight but it usually pops up after carbs. I look forward to continuing my regular diet and the day off will recalibrate me for everything going on.

Sleep is good. Working on hydration. If I’m going to lift heavier and heavier I’m going to need more recovery and won’t bike as well. Weather has been all over the place lately so walking yesterday or today was out. Also the doc has been right, Andy, ravi and everyone recommend walking or cardio to lose the weight. So in the coming weeks this will be another issue alongside recovery.

As Andy says, baby steps. I got on my elliptical and just cruised to about 2 miles 2000 stride and 35 minutes or so on the equipment. More important heart rate stayed over 100 and after 20 minutes stayed above 120. I can’t believe i didn’t bail. It’s not a big deal but it’s a breaking point for me since the last decade or so.

The bag is finished my test is done. Back to my permanent home and lifestyle. My diet, and success.
Gout persists. I made the mistake of continuing steps and last night it bit my left ankle.

I was going to mountain bike today, but it’s extremely windy and getting ready to rain. I was also planning on working out in the afternoon And that’s gonna be on hold as well.

Only had one smoothie this morning with water and strawberries and some pineapple. I’m gonna keep my intake limited and strive for less than 1200 cal.

Amazingly last week dose of testosterone was less than half and I actually fared better than my full dose to me. That means there’s less aromatization going on and I’ve made some muscle. given that it’s a controlled substance, I’m gonna keep the same dose and adjust my diet by increasing the protein a little bit, I’ve been doing 170 g 90 g of carbs and 60 g of fat and I will probably change that to 200 g of protein and 150 g of carbs And keep the fats at 60 g. Hydration stays around 100 ounces and my sleep is good.

I’d go into more detail with my personal life but maintaining focus and staying away from everyone until I’m either dead or in a spot where I’m looking down on everyone is going to be best for my sanity.
Have you started trt or a cycle, what's your dose if you don't mind posting on here?
Sewerdog said:
Have you started trt or a cycle, what's your dose if you don't mind posting on here?

I’ve been on TRT for about 6 years. It’s all above board and prescribed by my PMD. He scared that it’ll kill me hence my dose is miniscule without any anti-estrogenic agents or HCG. It’s 0.6 every two weeks. Comes out to 120 mg every two weeks. It should be weekly and a bit higher. But he doesn’t want me dead. Long story. But that’s the jist.

I saw endocrinologists, family practitioners and urologists. Injection therapy without a doubt is safest long term, as compared to patches and pellets. I use cypionate and my labs are checked every 6 months. I just visited him this last week and we’re good.

Hormone therapy is not a joke. I was against it and then all for it when my gout persisted for months despite all sorts of treatment. Basically l went into rhabdomyolysis. I wouldn’t wish that pain on anyone.

The number one thing I’ve noticed with therapy is a drop in my HDL. That’s the good cholesterol. Exercise has brought it up, as a control sometime in the near future I’ll start fish oil and see how it responds.

But no cycles here. I’m not interested in fertility at all so no hcg, and yeah. I maximized removing antitestoserone products from my home like bottled water and tap water etc. everyone could benefit by looking into things that prohibit testosterone production. Shampoos, soaps, detergents etc.
Wnyhg said:
Sewerdog said:
Have you started trt or a cycle, what's your dose if you don't mind posting on here?

I’ve been on TRT for about 6 years. It’s all above board and prescribed by my PMD. He scared that it’ll kill me hence my dose is miniscule without any anti-estrogenic agents or HCG. It’s 0.6 every two weeks. Comes out to 120 mg every two weeks. It should be weekly and a bit higher. But he doesn’t want me dead. Long story. But that’s the jist.

I saw endocrinologists, family practitioners and urologists. Injection therapy without a doubt is safest long term, as compared to patches and pellets. I use cypionate and my labs are checked every 6 months. I just visited him this last week and we’re good.

Hormone therapy is not a joke. I was against it and then all for it when my gout persisted for months despite all sorts of treatment. Basically l went into rhabdomyolysis. I wouldn’t wish that pain on anyone.

The number one thing I’ve noticed with therapy is a drop in my HDL. That’s the good cholesterol. Exercise has brought it up, as a control sometime in the near future I’ll start fish oil and see how it responds.

But no cycles here. I’m not interested in fertility at all so no hcg, and yeah. I maximized removing antitestoserone products from my home like bottled water and tap water etc. everyone could benefit by looking into things that prohibit testosterone production. Shampoos, soaps, detergents etc.

Thats interesting, thanks for sharing. Steroids are legal in the uk so I was blasting and cruising test enanthate for a year before coming off, bloodwork was actually fine too although I was only on 300mg/week for 8 weeks then dropped to 150mg/week, then 125 which was still more than enough. Rhabdo sounds pretty hellish, glad your over it.
Empty stomach workout. Went to the nearby high school track but gates were locked. Got permission just to make sure.

Plan on couch to 5k and then trying to run one mile. Alongside elliptical work and lifting which may go down to 2ice a week to prep for mtb season.


225.0 x 6.0
225.0 x 6.0
225.0 x 6.0

50.0 x 8.0
50.0 x 8.0
50.0 x 8.0

--Barbell Bench Press--
135.0 x 3.0
155.0 x 5.0

--Incline Bench Press--
135.0 x 1.0

--Triceps Pushups--
0.0 x 5.0
0.0 x 8.0
0.0 x 1.0

03/09 1172 kCals
03/08 1975 kCals
03/07 1601 kCals
03/06 2388 kCals
03/05 1449 kCals
03/04 1552 kCals
03/03 1836 kCals
(8) Raw Protein, Chocolate
(5) Banana
(4) Small Potatoes
(4) Espresso
(4) Natural sliced strawberries

Hydration needs work. Sleep is ok. Probably a 5.
It’s that month. Two days prior I was reading “ the obesity code” and several of Dr.Fung’s other books. I’m also reading blueprint by Ross Edgley. Still can speedread with the best of em.

The first two days I was out. Like lights out. Slept at least ten hours. Reassured myself it was catch-up sleep.

Did a Tabata workout and then paid for it for the rest of the day.

My SIL has decided to be kind and generous and send me massive amounts of hamburgers, pizzas, linguini, and I’m sending her back empty plates with bags of coleslaw. It’s only two days and she doesn’t really talk so hopefully she’ll get the hint.

I wanted to go downstairs and get a workout in but IF, the one Dr. Fung recommends has put me in a tailspin.

I had to work today. Goal is weekly workouts downstairs and gradually increasing the weights. IF the first few days sent me straight into ketosis. I only eat once day. Morning is an espresso, protein shake and/or electrolytes in water.

It’s like somebody hit the clutch. In the process of adjusting and focusing on trading, weights and Tabata. I did go to the track again and it was full of high schoolers. Had to turn around and waste a half hour.

So far I take is averaging less than 1000 cals daily. Yesterday after eating whatever, i didnt want to even look at food. I also read the book Fast800, this applies somewhat.

I’ll check my weight next week. Some of the issue is dehydration. I try to yank up with protein shake at night alongside electrolyte water. ( water with iv hydration packet.)

As a side note people are worried I spend too much time on the net. lol. I spend most of my time smoking and meditating. It’s just this forum and outside online.
