Wnyhg progress log

I got approached today. Legit gym babe and I just stood there like a kid. My first reaction was to look at the guy next to her who was actually walking away, just to make sure they weren’t together. Huge grin on her face and I was completely stupefied.

There’s a lot of things I could’ve done l, but I realize that my mindset has been so focused on weight loss and exercise and getting buff that I really didn’t think anything would happen until then. She reminded me of one of my female friends in high school and the grin she gave me whenever we met. Nothing ever happened then either.

My buddy has been inviting me every day for dinner. It’s home cooked and it looks like hes not comfortable having his wife around me, even though I was just dropping off the plates in the kitchen, wanting to help. Kinda rude but I picked up on it, she’s was wearing something on her face and hiding behind the door when I left. Poor girl.

Not necessarily a bad thing. It’ll allow me to focus on my diet if I choose not to go after tonight. We’ll see if it was an overread. I’ll probably bring it up, but she deserves more love and respect than that. I mean shit, I dont really like the food but who cooks daily for another guy?

Mayo is the only issue I have now. I’ve dropped milk, cheese, the chicken is still on my recipe because that’s what she mostly makes. I’m walking around 10k steps a day and getting ready for a MTB ride with a buddy on Sunday that’ll last a good 2 hours.

Icing the shoulder and maybe a cortisone shot in 2 weeks.

I want to finish a couple of books im Listening to and reading on daytrading. It’s been my main focus.

I’ll take another shot of mushrooms tonight or tomorrow. It’s not anxiety that I had when she stopped in front of me it was pure shock.

I’m checking my weight, I’d like to get my diet I order before June. My pants and shirts and pajamas are very, very loose on me. That’s all the reassurance I need right now.

This has been on of the benefits of mushrooms, before the perfectionist in me would go haywire. I’m able to go with it and roll.

I stopped a rollerblader dude when I was out and since my blades are old he said as long as a puck didn’t hit them the frame should be good. I may just give it a shot one of these days.
Just quickly read Thrice’s log. Thank you Natedawg and the others who take the time to leave a comment and provide a dose of reality.

I’m much faster on the bike, shoulder is better but there’s been no real progress as far as weight loss.

I’m not cheating on my diet. Far from it but I only am really losing when I fast and binge while trying to keep my protein at around 60 grams. Not healthy and I’m trying to find the diet that I can maintain for the long term. I’m considering adding some rice because of some readings but veggies helped me lose weight faster in the past.

So probably veggies but there’s no nutritional value and the farmers market are expensive.

MTB, running, calisthenics and wrestling prep.
I have nothing to add to my log except for my own accountability.

What’s killing me ight now is wives who are cheating right in front of their husbands. Date night with another guy and garbage like that. My wife’s been holding up and hasn’t strayed. Neither have I. Even Michelle Obama has the itch now. Ridiculous. Somebody’s going to get rocked.

I’m going to go out for a run. Tonight I’m going to attempt to get a mtb ride in.

BCAAs are disgusting but I’m using them more often when my protein is not high enough. It’s been years.

Just grinding away. Hope my new problems take over my old ones.
Weight - no bueno.

Im getting stronger on my bike. Added some lifting especially pull-ups, front squats, and once weekly deadlifts to help me with some of the weakness I’ve noted on climbing and longer distances. I ride a 26 mtb which requires some extra strength and some extra training and I am able to get back into the habit of doing it with the right amount of effort while working on my weight. Managed to wrap myself around a tree and benefited from it when the levers bent and rotated downwards increasing my cockpit and allowing me to focus better at speed. That was weird to note.

Started a start running app while listening to audiobooks on trading. I’m actually running without bruising my face from flab.

Diet is getting on point and my friendship with my dinner buddy went north when he told me he was in debt and one of his tenants ruined his van. I lent him my beat up van/family car and refused insurance money when he offered. ( I bought it used and it’s paid off). His knees are getting blown out from his construction work and we bond over a meal and conversation watching Honnold free solo El Capitan or something. Now there is respect and maybe even love. It’s been severely lacking the last few years for me and it is encouraging me to look good for everyone. We are both straight and traditional.

My goal is still calisthenics, mtb , running, and some weightlifting. My diet and first meal is usually after 2 pm ad in the am I push for at least 25 grams of protein or BCAAs. Consistency will get me somewhere. I’ve not addressed my wardrobe but I honestly feel like Gandalf in the mirror albeit better looking.

I’m grateful for what I’ve been given and I hope to continue to grind. People make automatic assumptions and base their opinions on bias and perceptions, I’m over it.

Goal is 175. I feel good and I’m posting for accountability sake.
Weight 245- 250

I’m running around 30 minutes every other day now per the app. buddy wanted to go for a ride on Sunday but the joy is just not there right now and I’m not going to force myself.

Back in with lifting weights. Couldn’t find a good gym that would not take me away from other stuff so I added deadlifts, front squats, and pull-ups downstairs. Soreness is a real issue especially when I keep tweaking my shoulder. Usually resolves with NSAID.

I’m waking up at 5 am now. Sleep has improved massively with exercise and I pay for it massively if I don’t with soreness.

I’m putting more time into studying penny stocks and signed up for tdameritrade and TOS. Trade with paper for awhile until I get the hang of limits.

Funny thing is my clothes are baggy and I fit into medium (I think it’s medium) now, it was a gift and this shirt fits. I’ve lost my love handles and I can see my dick. The love handle setup is hanging off the front only now.

My meals are fresh veggies (half a quarter of cabbage) with mushrooms and carrots and onions) with 300 grams of 70/30 ground beef, approximately. Ready in less than 15 minutes. My night meal is carb based but mostly protein. One or two chapati or 2 cups rice. I’m sick of water so I add 1/3 cup of juice for “flavor”. I think eggs will help per my recent readings. I’m trying for at least 3 or 4 daily.

For all these years, I still don’t get why my weight won’t come down. I can go carb free but it comes right back when I slowly add 50 grams over time One coach said just stay on the path, weight loss doesn’t read books, we do. That’s me actually. Rippedbody coach Andy Taylor says it’s called a whoosh. That’s what I’m hoping for. Andy walked a lot and I plan on running a lot. There’s a soccer field close to where the gangs test their guns at night. I just do loops there to save my knees and strengthen up my ankles from prior injuries. Real story: when I first tried to elucidate who was shooting at night, they knew I was looking. Came over to my house right under my window and started messing with the garbage cans. I got it. Never bothered again. There’s more to it but they know a lot. Respect going both ways, they’ll fuck me up and I let them be. Funny thing I may have helped a gang member out unintentionally with bags and bags of recycling cans. Anyways, I’ve got plenty of stories and experiences. Chicks, gang members and Catholics.

Life is good. For some reason I’m getting a lot more respect from people around me. Now that I think about it there’s only been two changes besides my fucked up marriage; weight loss and sharing kindness. I’m proud of myself. I’ve learned to cook, I’m running which h was a huge flinch and something I’ve shied away from because i was too big.

I’m reading a shit load of books. Psychocybermetics was a good read and I’m now able to envision success without PTSD, carnal frustration or loss of hope. Fascinating.

So basically this journey so far isn’t just weight loss for me, I’m positive every doc wishes he or she was somewhere else.

Every time I hit a slump I swear Andy is there with an article to whack me upside the head? Who are you really Andy? It’s unreal and you’re on the other side of this world. Love and prayers since his most recent article hit me in this slump. I’m giving myself 3 months to man up even though I’ve been doing a good job with my diet. Three months of no distractions,
good food, exercise and getting this stock game up and running. I’m already more than half way there, but my legs were not recovering over the last few days so I binged on chips and cookies.

The calisthenics goal is back to simple. 100 sit-ups push-ups hypers and then onward to 1000. Keep the run app( had to abort yesterday because of rain) but will go back to 12k steps on days I run as well.

Adding Apple cider vinegar, BCAAs when protein is low, and IF. I was usually not eating until after 2pm but I gained weight. Carbs only are rice and binge in cookies once every 2 weeks. I do notice a difference in muscle soreness with a dose.

So far I’m at 5160 steps. Hopefully it won’t rain. Oh, drop the juice, soda and milk that I use for coffee/ cappuccino. That leaves chicken which Ill to deal with.
12775 steps today and 8589 yesterday. Cheap tube socks suck and this is taking me about 40 minutes. Days not even over.

Binged last 2 days on cookies. Down 3 lbs, it happened again. Calculated my protein intake to about 100grams, not good. Illl double to 200.

The rest of the day I’m going to start with
Taking a nap. Make food and finish up on calisthenics. Study the 2 stocks that I’d like to learn more on and probablyn paper trade.
Still doing the running app. Difficult to run because I’m overweight and I realized I’ve lost a lot of flexibility, I’m worse than a turtle compared to the guys running the 800 at the diamond league.

I also noted over the last few weeks of a kind depression. Over time it’s because I’m not eating enough and definitely not drinking enough. So I’m working on that with BCAAs and eggs. I’ve almost choked a couple because of chewing so much food, it’s scary. My cousin probably died from choking on food a few months back.

So I stretch and trying to maintain a routine. When I restart an exercise, powerlifting, running, calisthenics, it’s like I’ve got to go through the motions of soreness and getting those particular muscles back into alignment with the rest of my body.

I’ve no idea what my weight is, I’m avg anywhere from 12700 steps to z6000 steps/ daily. Including the running.

My stocks thing is ok. We’ll see what kind of trader I turn out to be, if ever.

Eggs, water, one big meal around 9pm, lots of rest and calisthenics.

I’ve got a lot to be grateful for. Things are going my way, just not at the speed at which I would want.

The image if the new me is easier to bring up, rather than all the BS. Most of it rolls off of me now and I’m able to stand up for myself with myself and attain an amount of dignity.

I’m getting compliments, I don’t give a fuck. If it’s camaraderie they’re looking for, fuck off. Never again.
Wnyhg said:
Every time I hit a slump I swear Andy is there with an article to whack me upside the head? Who are you really Andy? It’s unreal and you’re on the other side of this world. Love and prayers since his most recent article hit me in this slump. I’m giving myself 3 months to man up even though I’ve been doing a good job with my diet. Three months of no distractions,
good food, exercise and getting this stock game up and running. I’m already more than half way there, but my legs were not recovering over the last few days so I binged on chips and cookies.

The calisthenics goal is back to simple. 100 sit-ups push-ups hypers and then onward to 1000. Keep the run app( had to abort yesterday because of rain) but will go back to 12k steps on days I run as well.

Adding Apple cider vinegar, BCAAs when protein is low, and IF. I was usually not eating until after 2pm but I gained weight. Carbs only are rice and binge in cookies once every 2 weeks. I do notice a difference in muscle soreness with a dose.

So far I’m at 5160 steps. Hopefully it won’t rain. Oh, drop the juice, soda and milk that I use for coffee/ cappuccino. That leaves chicken which Ill to deal with.

Andy is something of an oracle for self improvement

He has a genius for it

I saw it early, and got behind him. He has led me to places I never imagined were possible in my life.

A brilliant man.

Keep working Doc.

My recovery is in days now, not the three times a week and weekends off. Something I have to accept.

Losing weight caused my belt to dangle between my legs and i can fold my pants more than an inch at the thigh.

No weight check no stressing myself out. I’ve got a gut but it’s much flatter.

At this stage, I’m not doing anything that’s not “enjoyable “. So calisthenics is out. I’ve got an app Ny Mark Lauren but I’ve not used it in years.

Setting myself up for weight lifting and running. Front squats and rack pulls with hypers for my lower back.

A change in my diet helped in focusing for the next theee months and that is getting rid of wheat/gluten. I eat my meat and veggies with a humungous bowl of salad. My water intake is better but not where it needs to be.

I’m a loser, no question. I accept it. I’ve not internalized it though. To really be at peace I need to rid myself of my rotten past and that’s not easy. Mushrooms were a godsend, and cleaning my diet was a good result. I think that the confidence and acceptance that I won’t amount to anything more suits me but I want to be great. Even if I’m more than half a century old.

I’m not giving up. This is where you’ve got money, no debt and the uncertainty of what lies ahead as you read and internalize it ain’t over until it’s over. My long term goal is to go to heaven, everybody will give a fuck about me there. There is an Allah even as Jesus spoke Aramaic and called his god Allah. He wants me to succeed in his eyes, the people will follow.
Wnyhg said:
My recovery is in days now, not the three times a week and weekends off. Something I have to accept.

Losing weight caused my belt to dangle between my legs and i can fold my pants more than an inch at the thigh.

No weight check no stressing myself out. I’ve got a gut but it’s much flatter.

At this stage, I’m not doing anything that’s not “enjoyable “. So calisthenics is out. I’ve got an app Ny Mark Lauren but I’ve not used it in years.

Setting myself up for weight lifting and running. Front squats and rack pulls with hypers for my lower back.

A change in my diet helped in focusing for the next theee months and that is getting rid of wheat/gluten. I eat my meat and veggies with a humungous bowl of salad. My water intake is better but not where it needs to be.

I’m a loser, no question. I accept it. I’ve not internalized it though. To really be at peace I need to rid myself of my rotten past and that’s not easy. Mushrooms were a godsend, and cleaning my diet was a good result. I think that the confidence and acceptance that I won’t amount to anything more suits me but I want to be great. Even if I’m more than half a century old.

I’m not giving up. This is where you’ve got money, no debt and the uncertainty of what lies ahead as you read and internalize it ain’t over until it’s over. My long term goal is to go to heaven, everybody will give a fuck about me there. There is an Allah even as Jesus spoke Aramaic and called his god Allah. He wants me to succeed in his eyes, the people will follow.

One day at a time, brother. You're doing great.
My diet is on point. No more chicken, wheat, or crap. I haven’t bugged up on cookies in over two weeks. There’s a lot of days I get up and all I think is holy fuck, why am I so sore. I do the usual 9 eggs or so, lots of water, BCAAs, MVI, alpha lipoid acid, and take a walk. It’s feels as if I’ve lost weight just with the change in diet, but life is so upside down I’m not in the mood to check numbers.

Things are going well otherwise. One step at a time. I was in a bubble and probably still am, for now this is what I prefer. Just to keep my sanity.

My buddy asked me to cook for him and so tomorrow I will. This is going to be fun. He’s an excellent person and cook. He’s the kind of guy that can buy a goat, lamb or cow, slaughter it and then cook it. An hour or so later the poor beast in in a plate with salad and a Coke. It’s awesome.

In any case, I’m going to take a nap. Go buy my mom something and then get some steps in.

Everybody says it. It just happened to Holden. Eventually you find out who your friends are and who aren’t. My gut check was, not even my relatives can be trusted. It’s like they’ll fuck me over so fast, and act totally normal in front of me. Nobody. Put up the cameras and keep tabs on your woman. They do not fucking care.

I started lifting and I had trouble because of shoulder mobility but have been able to go below parallel, with the bar. Interesting that was able to squat 300 just a few months ago and now I’m struggling.
It is hot here n and I either can’t look up from the ground or it’s raining.

No exercise in the last few days. Just minimal walking and lifting trying to stay limber rather than hitting PRs. I attribute some of it to the incorrect dosing of test but life is a complete mindfuck for the nth time.

It’s not motivation I need it’s the ability to create habits. So I go downstairs and lift even though my shoulder has been persistently painful and I can’t do a pull-up or more than 10 squats.

I’n sore obviously, so I just force myself to walk around 3k steps until this gangsta stuff resolves.

Interestingly my mom complained that I don’t eat her food and my response was I eat 2 lbs of ground beef daily and your feeding a half pound of turnips what do you think is going to happen to me? Just to be cool I asked her to make to rice pudding m, she’s makes the best. I ate about 1 liter or half gallon almost of the stuff and I woke up. Literally, eyes opened up my leg cramps and shoulder pain improved and my back straightened up.

Oh carbs! Her recipe is 1 1/2 gallon milk with almostb2 cups of sugar and the stuff is thick. For someone like me, making the same mistake multiple times is sheer stupidity. I stopped binging on cookies and this happens. In any case she’s making fried dough for me next. It’s called Gulab jamin in Urdu. Also dipped in sugar syrup and then stored in the stuff. She definitely makes the best. I guess slow carb is what I’ll be doing to avoid this depersonalized lifestyle.

My point is this whole episode of depression was carb related and then sickness from a URI.

My weight hasn’t changed but the neighbors again sent bags of groceries for me cause I take care of their house and lawn. There’s penne and oatmeal and bread that I have to finish, I’m just grateful Im not eating the same stuff everyday.

The main issue right now is the heat. I’m still traumatized by our brutal winters.

One step at a a time. My doc didn’t want to change the dosing of test, he doesn’t want to go too high. So it’s feeling good for one week and then like shit the next. Some rest and the.my a walk. I’d love to walk for a couple of hours like Andy did. Something to aspire to. My neighborhood isn’t the greatest and there aren’t that many places to go nearby that take time out of my schedule.

Hydration is good. Enough for me to have to wake up at night.

Edit: 11044 steps plus a half mile or so I didn’t have the phone today so far. Saw someone pull a knife on my walk. I tried to cool him down but he moved and stabbed the guys tire instead might be a win.
Goal is 80 miles in the month of july. Just finished 17881 steps. Did 9465 steps on Tuesday and 11184 steps last Saturday.

Diet is meat and one meal at night otherwise water and some juice when I am feeling low and somnolent. Otherwise it’s only when I’m. Ready to pass out and my hunger pains are too much to ignore I have a little food like eggs or some penne or oatmeal.

I’m aggressively addressing procrastination. It’s been quite awhile since I watched a movie, went out to hang with friends or doing anything to kill time.

I am a mountain. Oh God, I ask thee pelf. That I do not disappoint myself and that I soar as high as I can see with this clear eye.
My life is like the stock market. Not right now though. More like 2008.

In any case I’m averaging over 2000 steps. My diet is on point. But when you walk 8 miles one day and then have to take off a day or two to do other stuff, It will let you know you need to walk.

Not much to add. Diet, hydration and pushing
myself to start lifting which should help with soreness and sleep. No more YT. Really only books on knowledge and this website.

This is taking awhile but the carb deprivation has made me look doughy, not to mention the lack of lifting. Clothes fit and the only flab really is my gut and that is down even though I’ve not take measurements. I’m going to eventually move back to lifting because my focus on life long term is changing and I haven’t really seen the benefits of walking / cardio. It might be lifting them 20 minutes of walking or empty stomach cardio but I’ve already done that and my weight reduction rebounded.
Wnyhg said:
My life is like the stock market. Not right now though. More like 2008.

In any case I’m averaging over 2000 steps. My diet is on point. But when you walk 8 miles one day and then have to take off a day or two to do other stuff, It will let you know you need to walk.

Not much to add. Diet, hydration and pushing
myself to start lifting which should help with soreness and sleep. No more YT. Really only books on knowledge and this website.

This is taking awhile but the carb deprivation has made me look doughy, not to mention the lack of lifting. Clothes fit and the only flab really is my gut and that is down even though I’ve not take measurements. I’m going to eventually move back to lifting because my focus on life long term is changing and I haven’t really seen the benefits of walking / cardio. It might be lifting them 20 minutes of walking or empty stomach cardio but I’ve already done that and my weight reduction rebounded.

Modest tweaks over time. You'll get there.
Two things helped me a lot and repeatedly testing them has helped losing weight and pant sizes go down permanent; quitting chicken and going cold in even small amounts of milk as creamer. It’s amazing to witness, I’d call it bloating loss. And a sort of curtain or blanket gets removed from my body after quitting chicken and no milk has reduced bloating, swelling and facial swelling. It has to be hormonal. I would peg estrogen as the cause or even progrsterone. It would funny and pretty sad if they used something oxytocin , in any case I feel like weight loss has progressed with removing these two. I remember reading BRAD Wiggins, the Tour de France winner lost 21 lbs by just not adding
Milk to his daily coffee. I would agree and it fits my condition.

The other two things are : I need carbs and if a carb load doesn’t fix the soreness and malaise have a bottle or two of Gatorade. Especially after regularly drinking a gallon or so of water a day, try to take in a bottle of Gatorade to avoid getting hyponatremic from sweating and drinking too much water.

My shoulder is shot. Absolute pain in the butt. I can feel my joint get dislocated when I lift even minuscule weight. So this is going to be another task. The goal? Killing a guy with one punch. Never going to happen but I need to fix this by slowly and gradually increasing weights esp the rotator cuff muscles.

I’ve never felt fear except for a few occasions because of past experiences and knowing I was going to get lit up. I’m not going to write about them but it happened over the last few days where I was literally threatened by my wife and I realized it wasn’t her talking. It was my fucking SIL. We had a meaningful discussion and she agreed to assist and next day I get a speaking to from one of my other relatives and I get blown out, “ I got a message from your wife”. I have plenty of experience with cops and lawyers and courtrooms, I’m not scared of them, fuckem, I’m scared of the racket behind them, the politics and discrimination. You can’t win if you’re not one of them. The issue behind this literally almost made me shit my pants. Twice. What do I get? A condescending profiling from someone who didn’t ask for both sides of the story and who doesn’t have the wherewithal to know what the fuck.

Blah blah blah. I needed to get it out. All I’m saying is. Trust no one. Never give anyone more info than they need and don’t offer info for free. Even your wife, parents, or siblings. It’s not that they’ll use it against you and being cynical is the best way to live, it’s just that no one gives a shit about you or me. No one. They’ll fuck you over without a second thought and if it’s a woman then watch out for herd mentality. You’re fucked.

Front squats for assistance with shoulder mobility

Wide squats for inner thigh.

Deadlifts once a week

Hyper extensions and push-ups for now. Increase by 5 or 10 lbs every workout.

There’s a difference between saying sorry and apologizing, there’s a difference between laziness and procrastination. The similarity between all of them is having the insight and intelligence to discern and the wisdom
to not be called stupid. Thank you Mark Manson.
Haven’t posted in awhile.

Lots of stuff and I needed to focus.

I’m hanging at 246 lbs. walking and fixing my diet has been my main since my doc hates my cholesterol numbers from all the ground beef.

I’m not divorced yet. I’ve been celibate and confirming that she doesn’t leave her house. She’s celibate as well. We’ve went through med school together and residency and she supported me the whole way. I’m grateful for it and knowing what I know with the nurses, I’ll never find another woman like her. A year off is nothing.

She’s in a world of hurt. I’ve kept my frame and not given in to her demands and sent the message, don’t blame me for decisions you make and just divorce me so I can move on. If I assuage her now, it’ll be a sexless move with me being a simp with her increasing incessant attacks. I’m a born trouble maker.

I’ve picked up another job that allows me to travel and I’m hoping it works out. I sent out at least 30 job applications and had at least 5 interviews. Nuts.

In my eyes American woman are a lost cause. I’m not digging through all that The shit I’ve seen at the hospital, even when I’ve gotten a beautiful blonde icu nurse approach me multiple times I just get repelled, she’s married and her husband is in better shape than me. Absolutely disgusting.

Muslim woman are really suffering as well because of this modern woman stuff. Can you imagine some woman in hijab working at Home Depot yelling, “I’m available”.

That’s it for awhile. I found a gym, I need to find a coach and start Zoloft before seasonal depression kicks with where I live.

It’s not in me to get a girlfriend. Probably my upbringing and I’m too nerdy.

I have parents who are still alive and have raised me, so the extra time I sit there with my 79 year old mom and listen to her gossip. It’s makes them both happier and that is what is fulfilling for me.

So one step at a time.
kyil has been in the back of my

I found a job while back that suits me perfectly. Got a best practice award during probation and at least I got a raise. I think everyone did.

I fixed up my van so I could order travel. Tires, struts and mice had eaten a wire harness and got that fixed by a wunderkid.

I’m eating well. But not enough. Protein is at 100 grams a day and carbs are 3 x times that. I’ve been wanting to perfect my diet for months. I don’t eat out, I only eat home cooked and I only binge in carbs when I’m feeling out of gas. But my lack of confidence and mental health. I need sunlight and it is absolutely gloomy here.

My relationships are non existent. A lot of it has to do with an inferiority complex that and PTSD from the mindfuck I had to deal with at the hospital.

I’ve got chicks waving at me at the gym or start singing caus there feeling scared or conscientious at the gym. I have just as many trying to act condescending, I’m just not all here. At this stage I’m a basket case.

Going to the gym and restarting with the Spartan workout. Keep with fish and home made sweets at around 150 grams of carbs at night and 150 grams of protein daily.

Have some mushrooms today. Choco B or the other type with no filler. Fuck me.

I can’t improve my mind if my body is a cesspool of fat and negativity. Get out of comfort zone and look good for myself.

It’s unbelievable how easy it can be to get involved with a married woman. I’m born charismatic but the ones who cross their arms when they’re working with me are the biggest pigpen ever. I’m not all here; I need to work on myself. Take a few trips and take it from there.

I’ve sworn to myself that one day after I’ve made my money and recovered. The first I’m going to do is lay KYIL with cash. This continuous negativity that I create for myself is effecting my trading too. I could make 100% profit on some trades. When Andy recommends mushrooms and lsd,

That shit literally changed my life. This success I’m seeking is with woman but even more in life and self respect. I owe him a lot with that one recommendation.
Driving around 200 300 miles a day and mostly making money doing it. So I went back to the basics and bought fresh meat and ground beef to start once again following the GLL diet. I have his directions for making the protein shake but looks as if everything else is toast.

I wrote about 150 carbs. But I’m so tired sooner or later I’m gonna choke because I’m sick of chewing. How do these body builders eat so much?

I was going to approach a 9 at the docs office, just introduce but it was a different city, she was eyeglass shopping and I was behind with the office manager working the charts.

Lo and behold I watch her steal a pair of frames from the opticians and it actually didn’t click right away that she did. She walks in with none and leaves looking like a nerd. I don’t get it. Has it really changed that much?

Some of these older ladies are so dead inside that they can’t even tell when someone is flirting with them. Strange to me because I showed up uninvited to a busy docs office when my support team didn’t inform them I was arriving and then with a smirk invites to come back tomorrow. It’s like I had to jump start her into letting her know I was being interested. It was fun and I still got it. I tried to professionally strip her of her clothes by talking about learning how to hunt turkeys with a recurve bow and eating fresh meat yada yada.

I found the Spartan routine from a few years back. I think I need to get permission to post it. It’s a zip file. I’ll be doing this 3 times a week and the other two days just work on my back. Always staring with abdomen workout.

I got this for free several years ago like 2018. It was the only workout that helped me lose fat alongside high protein and 350 grams of carbs. I’m too old to chew that much and ll probably eat half a gallon of ice cream if it comes down to it but my goal is really the GLL diet and adequate hydration and fiber.

I e been doing hillbilly pumpkin mushrooms. Routine should be 3 on 3 off but I can’t afford to be hallucinating even a little bit. Andy suggested LSD, and I want to help this shop that gave me so good stuff by putting their name here. They have a discord, you have order a day prior (if your local), but I think I’ll talk to them first to see if they can ship. Also the admins here.

Moderators can I post their discord? Their based out of NY.