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Just want to say:

There is nothing but pride I feel for myself. I weighed under 220lbs today. When I saw the scale, I fucking cried.

Thank you everyone for helping me, you do not know how big a deal this is to me.

MakingAComeback said:
Just want to say:

There is nothing but pride I feel for myself. I weighed under 220lbs today. When I saw the scale, I fucking cried.

Thank you everyone for helping me, you do not know how big a deal this is to me.


And thats only the beginning;)
WED 04/07/21
-Run (DONE, 60mins)
-Core (DONE)
-Movement & Stretching (DONE)
-Intermittent Fasting (DONE)
-Cold Approach (DONE, 1 approach)
-Digital Marketing (2hrs) (FAILED, 0 hours!)

Did some good life admin, got my ring size sorted, bought more pendants, good day at work.

Note to self:

How you strengthen your mind is you put yourself in the grit and you suffer and go way past what your mind says is your limit.

I’d been fasting for 36hours, not feeling strong to put it lightly, broke my fast with a bowl of oats put my gear on and hammered the pavement for an hour. It sucked, but in the final 10 minutes, I felt at peace.

That’s how I build self-esteem and determination. I do whatever it is I have to do no matter how I feel. I really try my best and sometimes I overrun things and have to recharge for a bit for example, which means laying down for 30 mins listening to either Andy, Radical or David Goggins. That is all I do, every breath I take is focused on the goal. Sometimes I may slip a little and spend too long on OLD. But I am focused on my action points like a laser and they are what build me up as a man. It WILL come together.

It’s a savage battle every day.

But I will win the fight.

Talked to my friend who is in the healing game and I emailed 5 person-centred therapists today. He said these people can really help you do good head work and build up your self-esteem to become a better and stronger goal crushing machine!!!! Also looking into energy healing, like reiki, stuff like that. I practice breathwork and have done for years it made me healthier and more chill as a guy. I do stretching and movement daily and keep my body well balanced and integrated as a unit enabling good oxygenation and flow of energy throughout.

I will make some videos on the therapy and healing work, love trying new things, and also enjoying making videos a tonne. Back at that tomorrow!

Upped my work on Hinge and POF as Tinder is weird for me atm and got a girl on Hinge to give me her number. Said let’s meet for a drink Saturday and she says she will let me know, come on self-improvement gods let me win one! She is a BBW for sure which ain’t a problem for yours truly would absolutely love to chill with her and see what happens.

MakingAComeback said:
Just want to say:

There is nothing but pride I feel for myself. I weighed under 220lbs today. When I saw the scale, I fucking cried.

Thank you everyone for helping me, you do not know how big a deal this is to me.


Your resilience and motivation is one of the most inspiring things on this forum for me, keep going man you got this!
Striker said:
MakingAComeback said:
Just want to say:

There is nothing but pride I feel for myself. I weighed under 220lbs today. When I saw the scale, I fucking cried.

Thank you everyone for helping me, you do not know how big a deal this is to me.


Your resilience and motivation is one of the most inspiring things on this forum for me, keep going man you got this!

Thank you so much man, it's becoming real for me now, I look at myself and I have changed my body so much, it's starting to sink in that I will see abs soon. It's fucking crazy because I was 250lbs for 3 years, I came here and got my ass kicked into line. The most insane thing is the longer I spend in the community the more motivated, more driven, more relentless I get - I am working like a god damn man possessed.

Self improvement is an incredible thing. For all of you here grinding, my upmost respect, wherever you are in the journey, just because you are in the fight, I have the deepest love for you.

Keep hammering,
THUR 05/08/2021

-Movement & Stretching
-Cold Approach
-Digital Marketing (3hrs)
-Video Work: Shoot, Edit and Upload

I will be GRINDING today. And I will check in with you this evening.

Video from the GOAT:


RIP Your Excuses.

They are dead, buried, and gone.

This motherfucker is an unstoppable person, trust me, I know this guy is going to have serious impact in the next 10 years.

Note: Had to tweak my YouTube ads campaign, it hasn't showed my ad once, so I did some digging and am experimenting with changing the cpv (cost per view). At 0.05, which was the recommended starting cpv, my ad wasn't getting served, so I bumped it up to 0.30! Let's see if this starts getting served and I can build a bit of traction.

MakingAComeback said:
WED 04/08/21

Hey man. I do 16:8 5 days per week, and two days per week, I don't eat at all, effectively creating a 36hr water fast effect.

I feel great on it, getting healthier, leaner, and fitter.

Must cut down to abs.

Keep hammering,

Seems pretty sensible to me. You're clearly losing fat on it, so you should get there.

I'm seeing a semblance of abs in myself, though they ain't cut (I guess the smarter thing to do in my case now is just to build more muscle). Having said that I am somewhat questioning OMAD and wondering about increasing my eating window on certain days (when I can).
Fashion update:
-2 new pendants with a longer chain arrived today
-Ordered 3 pairs of Stan Smiths (2 in white, 1 in black)
-Ordered Alpha Industries bomber

It will come together.....

drz said:
MakingAComeback said:
WED 04/08/21

Hey man. I do 16:8 5 days per week, and two days per week, I don't eat at all, effectively creating a 36hr water fast effect.

I feel great on it, getting healthier, leaner, and fitter.

Must cut down to abs.

Keep hammering,

Seems pretty sensible to me. You're clearly losing fat on it, so you should get there.

I'm seeing a semblance of abs in myself, though they ain't cut (I guess the smarter thing to do in my case now is just to build more muscle). Having said that I am somewhat questioning OMAD and wondering about increasing my eating window on certain days (when I can).

Hell yeah big man, I'm in London in 2 weeks, trying to arrange a few dates with the girls who matched when I was out there - wanna approach for 2 hrs maybe?

TimmyTurner Same with you big man, I'll be in London again soon, wanna approach for 2 hrs?

I will try to get these dates going, these two girls seem receptive, will double book them the same day lol.

A victory can't be too far now, I can feel it, it is coming........

MakingAComeback said:
@TimmyTurner Same with you big man, I'll be in London again soon, wanna approach for 2 hrs?

I'm always down to approach. Just recovered from covid so I'm slowly getting used to going outside again.
MakingAComeback said:
Hell yeah big man, I'm in London in 2 weeks, trying to arrange a few dates with the girls who matched when I was out there - wanna approach for 2 hrs maybe?

I'm actually supposed to be getting coached in London tomorrow evening (on cold approach) for a long 3 hours. Ideally I do these every 2 weeks spaced between going solo in my locality, so perhaps! I'm based around Windsor.
TimmyTurner said:
MakingAComeback said:
@TimmyTurner Same with you big man, I'll be in London again soon, wanna approach for 2 hrs?

I'm always down to approach. Just recovered from covid so I'm slowly getting used to going outside again.

SHIT, are you doing OK now? That's rough man!! Hope you are on the mend now.

THUR 05/08/2021

Cold Approach: Out for an hour, very few women around in this shit city. Saw one cute-ish girl, approached her, said "Hi, how are you doing today?" she looked at me with pure disgust and kept walking.

All good. Back tomorrow, and will keep grinding. Also will go out, solo, at night, Friday and Saturday to keep the momentum going.

Running Totals: Cold Approach
No of approaches: 16
Numbers: 0
Dates: 0
Intimate encounters: 0

MakingAComeback said:
THUR 05/08/2021

Cold Approach: Out for an hour, very few women around in this shit city. Saw one cute-ish girl, approached her, said "Hi, how are you doing today?" she looked at me with pure disgust and kept walking.

All good. Back tomorrow, and will keep grinding. Also will go out, solo, at night, Friday and Saturday to keep the momentum going.

Running Totals: Cold Approach
No of approaches: 16
Numbers: 0
Dates: 0
Intimate encounters: 0


Yeah, disgust is a normal reaction. It's interesting, last week at least 10 or more girls in a row I approached were very disgusted and creeped out by my approaches and clearly very uncomfortable. This week, literally the exact opposite, almost all of them have been well received and they've appreciated all of them. Some will say this is pure randomness but I don't think so--I have noticed that my mood at the time can often predict how the approaches will go. Last week I just felt cloudy and in a weird mood most days, but this week has been better, I'm really not sure why. I think women are really good at reading a guy's attitude\mood. Not saying it's your fault that they're reacting badly, but I'm betting that it's not your looks but something in the vibe you're giving off that they are picking up on. But that's easy to fix once you practice more and just work on improving mood in general. Maybe try watching a funny video or something before going out to approach. You want to be in a kind of light and playful mood and not super intense with an obvious agenda.

Also, I have heard the UK is just a rougher place for approaching in general, as women tend to be more harsh with their rejections. If you visited the Midwestern USA, I'd be willing to bet you would get better reactions for the most part.

Another thing to note is that the absolute worst reactions I've gotten have always been from indirect approaches when I don't directly compliment them. When I say something like "I just noticed you and I know this is random but I just wanted to say hi to you." Those approaches almost always lead to the girl getting creeped out. Going direct and calling them attractive or at least saying you like their style is usually received better.
For sure man, it's all good, I lean into this stuff as it strengthens the mind! I love it.

UK is interesting, the people here are very hard people, by which, they are tough motherfuckers - this is a country that was willing to fight the Nazis completely alone, to the last drop of blood. The day after the 7/11 bombing, everyone in London just went straight back to work, without skipping a single beat. I admire the mentality of people in the UK, a super fascinating island with a brilliant history.

HOWEVER, yes, SO FUCKING hard to get any love whatsoever from anyone who lives here :) But it's OK, I'll keep working, I think things MAY be better in London in the rave a fair few women were checking our boy out.

I do need to stop being a cuck and go direct AF, please hold me to this, as you are absolutely right on the money here.

MakingAComeback said:
HOWEVER, yes, SO FUCKING hard to get any love whatsoever from anyone who lives here :) But it's OK, I'll keep working, I think things MAY be better in London in the rave a fair few women were checking our boy out.

I do need to stop being a cuck and go direct AF, please hold me to this, as you are absolutely right on the money here.


That's awesome they were checking you out! That doesn't happen to me much if ever. Yeah, I was scared of going direct for my first few dozen approaches, but once I started going direct I never looked back, with a few exceptions. I always thought I'd creep girls out by calling them attractive, and I do sometimes, but they usually get way more creeped out when you go up to them and are vague and indirect about why you're approaching them. Probably because they don't know why, they think you could be a salesman, street evangelist, homeless guy, who knows lol. If you state your intentions right away then their fear of those things goes down a bit. Some will still be rude however, and it's just how it is, they may have traumatic experiences in their past or something so don't take it personally, just move on to the next.
Haha yeah for sure, the weird thing is, the girl who was like legit mad today was smiling at me, so I approached, and she was then mad as hell! I think this is just dark energy and resentment towards men some chicks have, it has it's place in the world and it can strengthen you as a man and drive you

THUR 05/08/2021

-Gym (DONE)
-Core (DONE)
-Intermittent Fasting (DONE)
-Movement & Stretching (FAILED)
-Cold Approach (DONE)
-Digital Marketing (FAILED, only did 2 hrs not 3!)
-Video Work: Shoot, Edit and Upload (FAILED)

So what went wrong here?

Interestingly, my usually dead sex drive came to life today. I am on day 5 no PMO and like a thermonuclear reactor my sex drive roared into life today, I got my hands on dating apps and went insane, 2 boosts (+ 2 matches) and HUNDREDS of messages on Hinge.

One Tinder match is my friend from years ago sister!!! She is cute, only 24, and we have met before etc, but we haven't mentioned anything like that in the chat. Ive used Andy's template and am asking for her no. She was a cool girl, big time drinker, me and my buddy were massive binger drinkers back in the day and she was only a kid then. She's pretty now.

Tomorrow I will be more focused and calm down this rampant dragon that is raging in me!!!

Good problem to have, I had no sex drive for YEARS man, this is cool.

Wonder what has brought this about? I did nofap before but I was out the game then and wasn't approaching or using dating apps. Interesting.

Tomorrow must calm down and fucking work I fucked up today. Damn.

MakingAComeback said:
Haha yeah for sure, the weird thing is, the girl who was like legit mad today was smiling at me, so I approached, and she was then mad as hell! I think this is just dark energy and resentment towards men some chicks have, it has it's place in the world and it can strengthen you as a man and drive you

Yeah some do have resentment toward men but like I said, can't take it personally. And a lot of women have been abused by men in some way or another so I try to look at it empathetically from their perspective too. It helps to not take it personally and just feel bad for them when theyre that bitchy instead of feeling angry back at them cuz that never gets you anywhere. ive never had a girl straight up yell at me angrily for approaching but I kind of hope it happens lol. Would be amusing in retrospect and would help me get over worrying about negative reactions.
SamJ_ said:
Yeah some do have resentment toward men but like I said, can't take it personally. And a lot of women have been abused by men in some way or another so I try to look at it empathetically from their perspective too.

exactly. very few men actually do this but the ones that do usually manage to rack up tens if not hundreds of victims. hard to prove anything when a guy picks a completely trashed girl at a party and takes her into a room while she’s throwing up. has happened at least once to my close family and friends and majority of sexually active girls i know over 25yo. it is what it is