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Thanks @hush appreciate it!

Yesterday, was a great day in the life.

On top of my shit, nailed gym, diet, lots of good admin.

My approach session, was impacted by the rain. I did 2 sets, quite the battle in the rain.

The first, was nice enough, but super wrapped up in what she was doing and my approach wasn't strong enough to stop her.

The second, was a 2 set. Jay went in, an Asian girl and a Brown girl, they were liking Jay, but then I joined, and the brown girl took one look at me and expressed such disgust and disdain, she waved her hand in my face, and grabbed her friend and yanked her out of there. White-washed browns are my worst market & usually hardest, harsh blowouts ;-)

When approaching a brown chick I often just hope I hear an Indian accent. If they're native born, it's over, lol, my worst market by far. Might literally stop approaching them altogether man. The other women, treat me a little better, and I have no preference.

Rain REKT the volume after that.

Dating in NYC, is so polarising and harsh, and there is such little room for error, that you quickly learn what your sticking points are, and why you are where you are in your dating life.

For me, I can close.....

But, I need a girl who is at least kinda interested and attracted to me. I need a little something. Quality wise, what I'm getting is just too far below what I could psychologically accept.

Looking at the matter rationally as I now leave this place on the 16th, I have learned a bunch.

Firstly, I don't have a Minimum Viable Product yet.

I don't have a market. My product, doesn't have an appeal to women, which makes dating 10-100 times harder I'd say.

You have to have SOMETHING that makes her stop, and think, wait a minute.....I'm into this.

And if you're dealing with socially conditioned disadvantages, this has to be done physically, I think. It's too hard to persuade and convince someone to see value in something they can't see themselves.

I talked to Dante about my sheer lack of frame, and how much of an uphill struggle it is to get any semblance of attraction. He agreed, and said it's unrealistic me getting any success in DG in places like NYC until I can get some minimum level of frame/receptivity and have some level of market share

His suggestion?

Focus on business for a while, 6 months or so, and do a monumental image upgrade. Full body tattooing, style, jewellery, the lot. He told me, expect to spend 20-40k just on personal image next year.

...What other choice do I have?

Ten thousand more approaches?

5 new locations?

More photoshoots?

I believe Dante is on the money, and he's coached hundreds of men over the years, he's still coached more men BY FAR than the guys we know in/around our community and has had a lot more data points. And his thinking aligns with mine also: issue with me, is just a massive SMV deficit I have to deal with (brown-brown, lack of ambiguity, too Indian/ethnic looking) that is why my online never took off, and approaching was such a major pain in the ass.

At the end of the day, you have to do whatever it takes to win.

I've tried to shift this product all around the world. It is just far, far, far, far too hard. Done it 30+ times, but you see the grinding it takes, the ghosting, the lack of commitment & investment.

That, can't be my future.

I can't allow that.

The huge focus I put into the gym, and adding size, genuinely didn't do shit.

The level I'd need to get to, to make efforts in the gym count, would probably be a few years ago, and maybe need AAS....

From what I saw from that intervention, it just didn't activate attraction. Physical attraction is SO important. Like, RIDICULOUS. Relying purely on Game, is exceptionally tough. It's a fleeting form of attraction, and requires effort and skill to keep up.

Instead, in true GLL fashion, you want to see if you can become attractive enough to where some women actually give you a chance on the basis of how you look & present.

I have tried to crack that puzzle, for 3 years, and traditional means, didn't do it for me. Getting lean (which I've done in the past), gaining size, hair transplant surgery, skincare, botox, different fashion and image, so far didn't get me over the line.

Realistically, this is probably why I developed an absolutely cast-iron mindset of determination and hard headedness. I saw that it was going to be an uphill battle from the get go. But I don't know if that is serving me now. Longer term, I need them to put a little something in, it can't be 100% my effort, there has to me at least something coming from them too.

This level of absurd difficulty is what can kill Inner Game.

Before I left for Mexico, I was determined to fix my Inner Game. And I feel like it changed a bunch and I feel more at peace, and in the headspace of a winner. I feel like I still need to go far deeper and to offset my Low SMV, I think the level of internal mindset transformation required, is just far more than I had conceptualised. Might require me to become an absolute beast of a human being to get what I seek.

A tall order - but what other option do I have?

Image wise, things haven't hit yet. Not passing the basic attractiveness threshold yet, unfortunately. I'd have seen it here and there. Right now it's running into the odd miracle. You can't make it work like that.....

Gonna get my head clear, go monk mode, and figure this shit out. Two major sources of progression for me will be:

(1) Inner Game
-Building truly unbreakable IG through 6 months of hardcore, daily commitment

(2) Image Transformation
-Extensive full body tattooing
-Surgical interventions for the face
-Ongoing physical training. Next step, is to get lean. And then add more size once at a decent bodyfat.

The more of a niche product you are, the longer it takes to start seeing results and rewards for your efforts. The more complex the journey, and the deeper you need to go. Evolving way past mainstream paradigms and having to grapple with a lot more than most will ever know.....

And yet, it IS possible. I've banged a bunch, it's just, not what I want. Quality women, I've just not encountered. The women I'm getting are not dateable at all. All due respect, few men who aspirational would.

How I can make the most impact from the final 16 days here, is via ongoing approach/desensitisation, and possibly gaining some useful reference experiences of possibly a small handful of chicks who are interested or attracted. Feeling this a few times, will help my inner core a tonne.

I then need to go away, again, and focus on my sticking points and attack the actual problem areas, and re-emerge again.

Sticking Points:

(1) My image & SMV isn't even at a point where I can even implement Game, because the frame I'm getting is not there, there is 0 receptivity most days and I can count on 1 hand how many girls gave me frame over the past 4 weeks. That is not workable. You can battle and see if you can make something happen, but most likely, it is an futile exercise in a lot of work, for nothing.

I'm going to just have to get my looks to a point where there is a possibility of being able to sway them with Game & vibe. Have done it on many a date, sketchy quality, sure, but have seen that if I maxx out properly, there is a future where it turns around.

(2) Inner Game: As a Low SMV guy, with a poor archetype, and seriously poor social conditioning (women are actually ashamed with the prospect of dating a Low SMV guy), there is still a way to win, but you have to become an Exceptional Low SMV guy. You have to become an outlier type person, the likes of which, she she has never seen before. So she can pause for a moment, and say, wait, yeah, he doesn't look like a guy I'd want....but fuck he is cool as hell and kinda turning me on right now.....That, requires a monumentally tough mindset where you have decided to compete and see value in yourself at a delusional level. Pushing past lived experience and cultivating a delusional, unrealistic, insane self-belief and self-love.

So be it....................

Back to work.

But, I need a girl who is at least kinda interested and attracted to me. I need a little something. Quality wise, what I'm getting is just too far below what I could psychologically accept.
I'd say she was a cutie. Carl, gave her a 6. She was a petite little thing, 5ft2, but had a cute face, nice long, curly hair, great tits and ass.
You clearly do get some girls you're into. Yeah they may be online layups, but still.
You clearly do get some girls you're into. Yeah they may be online layups, but still.

I don’t know man. She was a bit of a head case.

We had fun and she completely ghosted.

7 years of anti depressant use and therapy her end, and a fair share of head issues

Normal attraction and bonding, I’d say, involves some staying power

Actual, meaningful interest and engagement

It can’t be this superficial and base. SOMETHING should happen, some of the time.

I’d say that happened for me twice, over 3 years.

That, isn’t a trend that is workable, and trajectory I don’t like at all.

Something needs to change significantly.

Today was solid........

Gym: Chest & Biceps / KoT [done]
Nutrition: Done [done]
Inner Game: 2 hour deep dive session with Carl @JourneyToOptimal
Admin: Partnership Project - Minor editing, images, etc

Gonna wind down now and get to bed.

Just hustle and message. 2 gals are having an online convo with me.

May turn into a lead.

We'll be out of this funny position one day. I didn't crack online, but I will.

That jacked & tatted version of myself, with solid inner game and a successful life, is gonna crush.

Realistically I am a 6ft5 brown Chad, yeah my SMV is not ideal in the West, women here have their own preferences and I could give a fuck about that honestly, who wants someone who doesn't want them....But I am recognising my own massive, massive elite tier hardcase success story (I don't know former incels @ 30 who have done what I've done) and this shit is just getting started so I feel like once the beliefs and inner game is solid, I'm gonna crush it all

And there will be locations, versions of my profile, and a level of game and social skills I eventually gain, that let me get to where I know I got outcomes in alignment with my value and what I know would make me the legend I was born to be

Success is inevitable.............

Onto another killer week

Plan to come below

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Monday 30th Sept 2024


-Block 1: Coaching
-Admin: Onboarding Adam D, Shane follow up, John follow up
-Andy Call
-Block 2: Biz Dev
-Block 3: Biz Dev
-Block 4: Content
-Partnership Project: VSL Script

(2) Body:
-Rest Day

(3) Mindset:
-Inner Game Session: 2hrs w/ @JourneyToOptimal
-Online Lead Gen: 30m
-Reading: Fanatical Prospecting(1hr)
-Journalling & EoD Report



Most people quit when they hit resistance.

That’s not in our DNA.

We don’t stop when it gets hard.

We thrive in that space.

How many of these people thought I was insane because I kept trying.

Pain? Failure? Frustration?

I will take that ALL DAY LONG


That’s just the admission price for the next level.


The childhood trauma, mental health battles, physical breakdowns.

So be it......

The only person who can make this person GREAT, is me. The only one who can stop me, is me.

I’ve been at the bottom. Obese. Housebound. A prisoner in my own mind. People wrote me off as a lost cause many times in my life. I've had it happen to me, again and again.

When I was a housebound agorophobic, it took me 2 years to recover. I lost all my "friends". They didn't want to know me anymore. But I knew I was going to change, and I was going to rebuild my network.

When I was obese, it took me 5 years to lose the weight. Every year, I was determined, but kept failing. Everyone lost faith, my own family told me, I'd never lose it.

And yet, I knew deep down, this was not going to be it for me. I lost 100lbs.

Same thing happened with dating, people told me I was insane to think I could go from being a virgin to getting 10 lays in my first year as a hardcase. I banged 9 and turned 2 down. I have more than tripled my lay count since then and through the long, long grinding to become good in Inner & Outer Game, the same thing that always happens did take place at various times: people losing faith, they stop wanting to be friends, etc. The people who are not good people inside reveal themselves over the course of years.


No matter how much shit life this brutal, brutal life has threw at me, I have always refused to stay down.

My drive is what separates me.

It doesn’t come from talent or luck. I don't have that. My drive is born from pain and hardship. I built it in the trenches, brick by brick, from nothing, because I had nowhere else to go.

That is my why.

Because I am going to build a man so great, he will be legendary in underground self improvement.

Because I have a point to prove in this life......

That the underdog in life, can make it too.

The world is full of excuses.

People blame their circumstances, their upbringing, their lack of opportunities.

I’ll tell you right now, NONE OF THAT MATTERS. If you want it bad enough, if it burns in your soul, you can push through any and all obstacles to find success.

I’ve accepted the harsh realities—the superficiality and hypergamy of women, the endless pursuit, the unfair systems stacked against some of us.

I can accept all that.

But what I’ll never accept in this life is fucking quitting.

You think you’re broken? Good.

I am too.

Use that as fuel

Because those cracks are where drive grew for me.

No one is a product of their past.

We're a product of how fucking hard we're willing to work for our dreams, to break the cycle, and to re-write our story.

Talent - Not required.
Support - Not required.
Good life circumstances - Not required.

What IS required?

Inhuman, relentless, otherworldly drive to keep getting back up when the world says you can’t.

Just downright refusal to fail

I’m proof of that.

You’ll see it one day.

And you’ll know a guy who had every reason to give up fucking made it anyway.

You only have to make it once

It just takes one knockout blow to win the whole fight

It does not matter how strong the opponent in front of you may be

Nothing in this world is able to resist something that is truly f**king relentless.

Let that be you.


– MAC Daddy, The Godfather of Grinding
Boyos, there are a few of you who would do really well in IronWill, and now I've decided to raise my rates (double) to get myself and my biz to the next level, I'll take a final cohort, and we can reach new levels in our goals across finance, dating/relationships, and life, and get you on your A-Game, connected to your mission, and waking up ready to attack your goals.

It's time to COMMIT.....Happy to serve this final cohort at this price, you'll be locked in and good for the long-haul.

If you're actually ready to get serious about your goals, this ones for you

Time to Commit: Prices Double on October4th

Things are going well at IronWill. I’m servingsome incredible people, and the results we’re getting together are creating a real movement.

Clients are hitting record-breaking months, achieving big goals, and finding true satisfaction in both their business and personal lives.

With the demand and the results I’m seeing, it’stime to step up.

After years of building this business, it’s time to raise my prices to reflect the next level we’ve reached together.

As of October 4th, my program rate will increase to $1,000/month.

But, before that happens, I’m offering a time-limited deal to those of you who follow me, are part of my groups and communities, and know that working together can get you on your A-game.

For the next 5 days, you have the chance to lock in my current rate of $500/month for atleast 6months, saving you $3,000. This offer is for my final cohort from this community—after that, future clients will be on at my new rate.

This is about commitment.

You know my philosophy: high levels ofaccountability, relentless commitment, and pushing ourselves to reach the highest level of our game.

That’s how you build an empire, have fun doing it, and live a life that’s incredible, satisfying, and deeply connected to your mission.

If you’ve been waiting for the right moment totake action, this is your time.

The price is going up, and I want you to join me now and lock in the current rate before it changes.

Don’t wait. Commit now. This is the moment to take your business, life, and potential to the nextlevel.

Book your spot here:
