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Day is going well. Working hard & focused as fuck.

Smashed gym. Will post in the bodybuilding thread. Now cooking a meal.

Date for tonight:

She has hard boundaries around sex, and I'm not going to have the time for multiple dates before I leave NYC.

I can't justify multiple nights of battling for hours with mid, 4.5s off Feeld.

This, isn't what would be an exciting time for me.

What I'll do:

Do the date tonight, use it as practice for vibing, sexualisation, frame control, intent, seeding and pulling.

I'll be there for an hour, she can have one drink, while I sip water.

If cuck, I'm gone at the hour mark, and will come home, jerk off and just get work done!

Was a fun lay.

My vibe and date game, was on point.

We arrive at 7, after some sexual testing earlier in the day. She sent the above text, but it wasn't reality....

Teasing her, getting spicy, and running some good game

Icey. Vibey. Non logical. Fun. Teasing. Sexual energy.

I was able to really connect with her, and there was some signs of huge attraction, within 5 mins or so, she began holding my hand, squeezing it - she was super into it

I'd say she was a cutie. Carl, gave her a 6. She was a petite little thing, 5ft2, but had a cute face, nice long, curly hair, great tits and ass.

After 15 mins, I was getting more sexual. At the 30 min mark, I started making strong sexual stims - telling her I'm gonna teach her a lesson tonight....

She was super turned on, and at the 30m mark, she told me, I'm gonna get this drink to go, so let's go to your place.

Pulled her fucking self!

Back to my box. Blew her fuckin back out. She leaves at 930. And I debrief with Carl.

Good times..........

Monday 23/09/2024

(1) Business:
-Coaching Delivery
-Business Development: 3hrs
-Coaching Call
-Content: 1.5hrs

(2) Body:
-Gym: Shoulders & Triceps / KoT

(3) Mindset:
-Date: Feeld, App date. Submissive girl, seems sweet. I will enjoy this one, and use it to shift persona and vibe, and bring a more dominant energy. Grounded, calm, masculine. Who I want to embody. No more playing tit for tat with brutal SMDs.


So, various NYC bros think my app results are due to my pics no longer being good enough for online. They are telling me, professional photos that look posed, are now cucked here. Cadid looking photos are the way, or so they say.

So be it.

Whatever it takes to win.

We're still breathing, and we still have motivation and drive to go high in life.

A lack of effort and exploring possibilities that could have meant you could win, cannot be a rate limiting factor in the equation

There can't be something out there, that could have helped me succeed, that I simply didn't do, or didn't put enough effort into

Then, that is my fault, and I didn't earn success

It's my commitment to this week, to ensure that work ethic, determination, and simply MAKING MYSELF BECOME BETTER, are not factors in whether I succeed or not

It is a proven fact that if you want something, bad, and are willing to do literally whatever it f**king takes to get it

Then, a man can have whatever it is that he seeks

(1) Business:
-Coaching Delivery [done]
-Business Development: 3hrs [done]
-Coaching Call [done]
-Content: 1.5hrs [fail]

(2) Body:
-Gym: Shoulders & Triceps [done]

(3) Mindset:
-Feeld Date: Was a fun lay.

Showed up.

Put the work in.

Moved my life forward.

I got 0.001% better.

And tomorrow, I will show up again.



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Good mental health boost from a really lovely time with the gal last night. Well needed WIN. Helped me after a few close calls and some negative experiences.

Negative Tilt:

When life is SMASHING YOU

You have adverse outcome after adverse outcome.

And it seems like you're just on a downward spiral

First it's the doubt. Then it's the fear.

You're in the trenches, working, but nothing is happening for you.....

Slow month in biz, slow month in life, and you are giving absolutely everything.

What gives?

That is negative tilt.

And to ascend and to become one of the best guys in the world, you have to be able to handle it.

When others tap out and fold, you keep fucking digging.

-More self improvement
-Keep listening to your coaches/mentors
-Keep working on your sticking points
-Keep working on your mental & physical health

And literally exert your sheer will into the Universe.

Outcomes are created & new levels unlocked by the one who is simply not willing to quit, back down, and who will go all the way.

Last night, was a well needed experience man. Was getting my brown ass fucking SPANKED out here in NYC.

And yet, for the one who is willing to eat shit and keep moving forward.

Success is inevitable.

Took the morning to just breathe in the air.

I needed it.

Now, back to work.


Tue 24th Sept 2024


(1) Business:
-Coaching Delivery
-Biz Dev: Dream 100 – Agency Owners
-Content: Sales Asset / Lead Magnet
-Networking: 6-1130pm @ Sauna & Cold plunge event for Founders, CEOs, people like that. Going with an IW client. My goal is to connect with 10 new people in my target market, exchange numbers, and get to know them.

(2) Body:
-Rest day

(3) Mindset:


6 hours working ON the biz

4hrs working on networking

Today, I WILL move the needle & become 0.001% better

Gal from last night did text so may not ghost. She is 26 and lost her virginity last week – crazy! I was the 2nd dude she's been with. Probs why she was so nice and submissive. Not jaded yet.

Got another lead off Feeld. The only app I am getting anything from man. Thanks to the homie Olaf for getting me that killer BDSM pic, he did me a solid with that one.

Gonna be working all the way through until probs 1130 tonight and then will just sleep...Carl has a date tonight, spent a while coaching him last night, I hope the fucker finally starts pullin.

White passing ass has leads out the ass, but can't close.

The few leads I get, I make something happen. The difference is I did the work, he got shacked up in a relationship & never became a man. Until now.....

Long way to go, man. But the fire is back. I can feel it.

Shutting the world out for a while, not really speaking to many people, just focusing entirely on me and my success. Getting mentoring from Dante, and that's about the only person I am consulting with at all man. He is pushing me to really, really go hard in life. His no excuses, no bullshit mentality, is a good fitment for myself.


Breakfast done, posting for accountability:

The look Dante advises I evolve into, to help me ascend to the next level.

This is 30 grand in full body tatooing....

So, the monk mode move, is the right plan man.

I need to be polarising as fuck, to overcome my poor archetype & low SMV. The market will shift, and I will have some access to quality......

Few more weeks of grinding in NYC, and then will go absolutely ham in biz, body, mindset, blinders on for 6 months I think.

Then decide what it is I want to do in life.

A year long world tour for day game.

With a better image, vibe, mindset.

Posting for accountability. Saved this on my desktop.

There is still a long road ahead. But, I will FIND A WAY.........

-RScreenshot 2024-09-24 111107.pngScreenshot 2024-09-24 111211.png
Tue 24th Sept 2024


(1) Business:
-Coaching Delivery
-Biz Dev: Dream 100 – Agency Owners
-Content: Sales Asset / Lead Magnet
-Networking: 6-1130pm @ Sauna & Cold plunge event for Founders, CEOs, people like that. Going with an IW client. My goal is to connect with 10 new people in my target market, exchange numbers, and get to know them.

(2) Body:
-Rest day

(3) Mindset:


6 hours working ON the biz

4hrs working on networking

Today, I WILL move the needle & become 0.001% better

Gal from last night did text so may not ghost. She is 26 and lost her virginity last week – crazy! I was the 2nd dude she's been with. Probs why she was so nice and submissive. Not jaded yet.

Got another lead off Feeld. The only app I am getting anything from man. Thanks to the homie Olaf for getting me that killer BDSM pic, he did me a solid with that one.

Gonna be working all the way through until probs 1130 tonight and then will just sleep...Carl has a date tonight, spent a while coaching him last night, I hope the fucker finally starts pullin.

White passing ass has leads out the ass, but can't close.

The few leads I get, I make something happen. The difference is I did the work, he got shacked up in a relationship & never became a man. Until now.....

Long way to go, man. But the fire is back. I can feel it.

Shutting the world out for a while, not really speaking to many people, just focusing entirely on me and my success. Getting mentoring from Dante, and that's about the only person I am consulting with at all man. He is pushing me to really, really go hard in life. His no excuses, no bullshit mentality, is a good fitment for myself.



-Coaching Delivery [done]
-Biz Dev: Dream 100 – Agency Owners [done - at 62, lets get to 100 today]
-Content: Sales Asset / Lead Magnet [fail - was filling the pipeline]
-Networking: 6-1130pm: [done - knew it was a sauna and cold plunge, so no phones, and was the smart guy who went old school and brought pen and paper. The event, was a bit odd in that, there were 45 attendees from the group of startup types, and also general population was mixing. There was no way to identify who was in the networking meet, and who wasn't, so you just had to be ballsy and strike up convo. A few were general pop, but would just get into convos with you and network anyway (lol, NYC is different), but I connected with 5 people and took their details. 2 were really great and people I'd like to connect with a lot more,

As you keep rising in life, you meet some seriously smart and impressive people.

There are a lot of those sorts in places like London / New York.

It's competitive out here. Giga Chads with elite confidence and zero fucks to give who are making 100 grand a month, one of the guys heard a little bit about what I do and just said "Fuck yeah I'll hire you" and shook my hand, lol.

The money is in the follow up.

Hustled hard all day. Was focused. And got so much done. Also enjoyed connecting with a great IW client who was at the event.

The sauna and cold plunge fucked with my sleep. Couldn't sleep last night, think I got an hour or two max.

Will be strategic and not go to the gym today. Gotta play it smart. Have day game later also.

Making progress, making things happen, through sheer consistency..........

Wed 25th 2024


(1) Business:
-Coaching Delivery
-1 on 1 Calls
-Networking Follow Up
-Biz Dev: Dream 100 & Sales Asset
-Partnership Project: Add testimonials

(2) Body:
-Mindful nutrition

(3) Mindset:
-Day Game & Field Report / Reflection


Feel terrible due to very little sleep.

Don't want to do anything today.

But will get the job done. By letting go, getting still, and just being compassionate and chill.

Days like this, you need the philosophy of performance.

Just showing up.

Getting into flow.

Thurs 26th Oct 2024


(1) Business:
-Biz Dev: Dream 100 & Sales Asset
-Client Consult: In person
-Partnership Project

(2) Body:
-Gym: Back & KoT

(3) Mindset:


Biz: Got a first session with a founder I'm bringing on the program today, meeting him at his place in Brooklyn, and we're going to crush together. His goal for the end of this year is just to overhaul his performance and nail his consistency, and get on his A Game. Goal for next year? Million dollars in revenue. Great goal to smash together.

The 2 guys I connected well with at the networking event, agreed to hang out next week and meet for coffee. Let's see what happens.

Body: Bounced back from shit sleep, and got more rest. Still not fully recovered. I'm in hustle mode and getting after it, but mindful of bed time.

Mindset: Feeling positive mentally, despite the market this year. Mexico I was getting consistent leads, but the quality was terrible. I enjoyed three of my lays, the others were just going through the motions and becoming a better man, more sexually experienced, and strengthening my core.

Product: Market fitment for me in NYC is not great. You can get laid if you have ~5 solid leads a month, I've found. I am getting just under that, it seems. I have tried manipulating some basic variables on my profile, but it didn't make a difference. Instead, I'll need to just overhaul the profile again. We're doing a big photoshoot on Oct 5th, which I hope makes some difference.

Following that, I think I'll book flights to go back with my family in ~3 weeks. Committing to monk mode for at least six months.

Have banged plenty of chicks, this year, despite having the worst market ever. I got back into dating, July, and still fucked at least 2-4 new girls a month, except for when I was with the same lady earlier on in the year.

What I learned from the legend, The Bastard, was that as a niche product, you need to Geo-Maxxx like a mofo. You need to be able to test market after market, for years if you need to, until you find SOME product market fitment.

Taken tonnes of social and Game development from my journey, worked my ass off to become a cool, confident, successful guy higher end men meet, talk to, and actually want to work with.

Spoke to my mentor Dante on the phone yesterday. Just told him, I banged a new gal on Monday and after she left I just enjoyed talking to my friend Carl for a few hours a lot more than sex with her.

He asked me, what do you really want?

I had to be honest. I want to build a movement, be a leader, and have a large tribe who are working together and ascending.

We both agreed, monk mode for me for 6 months might work best. With Dante, I will likely just be taking Inner Game coaching for 6 months.

Before launching the mother of all self-improvement projects, which will be on par with The Phoenix Project for those who followed that one...

6 months of G-G-G-G-GRINDING biz, saving cash, and getting myself set up, and I am going to do a massive world tour for day game, apps, and social circle, and I will find quality, and put myself on track to connect with someone who could be a great life partner.


15m break: Gratitude & Reflection

Posting these as gratitude and reflection

I arrived in CDMX, for a month, in July, and really enjoyed it. I was getting over my breakup with S, which was like 2-3 weeks before, and I was a bit depressed. I banged 4 new girls that month, and it was fairly easy for me in CDMX. I was getting leads, and while many were not the quality I want at this stage in my journey, I was pleased to be banging as much as I was.

The first gal, was a 22 year old Law student, and she took a serious pounding.


We agreed to hang out again, and I messed up on the day and left her hanging, due to a transport error on my part. We texted after that, but logistically, I didn't have the time left in my trip. Vamos!

And then there was this chick, off Feeld, who was married. She had been with her husband, and only her husband, for 11 years. She found my profile curious, and chose me to experiment with for her first kinky experience.

This was legit probably the best sex of my life. And far exceeded anything I had ever imagined for sheer intensity. We fucked like animals for 3+ hours, I couldn't believe her animal lust and spirit. To say, I destroyed her, would be an under statement. She took my big brown cock like a champ, and had multiple orgasms, 4 times, reducing her to a shaking, quivering mess, barely able to think. She was fucking loving it.

She enjoyed the experience so much, she referred me to her friend, and asked me if she could give her my number. I tentatively agreed, but she didn't follow through in the end.

Memories were made for life with this one. She was from Brooklyn, living in CDMX. Legendary chick who gave me by far the best oral I have ever had. Her skills were 10/10.


I then went to Guadalajra, and banged 2 girls that month, one, was this really cute little Latina who was the most feminine, sweet, submissive little thing ever. Absolutely adorable human, who still replies to my texts to this day.

This girl, took me like a champ.

Like the above, she got the ever living hell pounded out of her. Many chicks, haven't been with a guy like me (6ft5, serious stamina and endurance in bed, and dominant). Many do let me know that it is often the most intense sexual experience they have had in their life. This chick, was about 23, working in GDL, and a total sweetheart. She was screaming with pleasure during our session together, and there was a certain pleasure I got from stretching her little pussy out and destroying her the way I did. She did a good job of sucking my cock also, I'd say.

As with the others, we agreed to hang out, and she tried her best to make it happen work wise, but couldn't in the end. And then I ran out of time.


I flew from GDL, to Puerto Escondido for my final 2 weeks, and just got myself a tonne of beach time and reflection, before NYC.

NYC has been a massive hustle.

Online & Approaching, changed here so much, that I wasn't prepared for it. I was getting matches out the ass here last year, and exchanging with some stunners.

Now, it just got so much worse. Online, died a death for me. And approaching, got palpably more difficult. I STILL banged two new girls here this month, one Ultra Yes from Feeld the first few days, and then, another Yes from Feeld this week, who has ghosted completely.

I went on 2 meh Hinge dates, and 1 day game date that was a challenging experience.

And I have grown, gotten more inspired, and done deeper thinking on the journey moving forward............

I'm going to push myself for 2 more weeks here, in NYC, make whatever outcomes I can make in biz & dating, and I will fly to see my family in California and make a lock-in plan for a 6-7 month monk mode sprint.

At the behest of my coach, I'll be doubling my prices in IronWill, and going ham with onboarding and serving clients.

I'm getting great client results, and will keep growing and serving. But it's time to stop playing small, man, and charge what I am worth.

I do also really enjoy self-improvement and goal achievement mentoring, and will take on a small, select handful of purely self-improvement clients in IW, at my current rate, because I really enjoy helping them and getting them to their goals.

But after that, it has to be about building something truly special.

Which is what I will do when I monk mode.

I'm going to re-open my log to replies, now, but I am serious about the reasons I closed it off for. I am seeking a quality relationship and a life partner and am just looking for improvements and to operate in the way, that I want to operate in.

I am open to feedback, but I want to start getting out of player mode soon, and towards a relationship, and the family building mindset

My goal in a few years is to win in all my goals, thrive, get financially abundant and then lock a quality chick down and begin repopulating the earth with my Punjabi giant genes

And we will be able to remember the fun days of me stretching these hoes out with my big brown cock and laugh

This shit, is the fun part of the journey, and it happens after A LOT of work and grinding

So we should be grateful and happy about the WINS


Thurs 26th Oct 2024


(1) Business:
-Biz Dev: Dream 100 & Sales Asset
-Client Consult: In person
-Partnership Project

(2) Body:
-Gym: Back & KoT

(3) Mindset:


Biz: Got a first session with a founder I'm bringing on the program today, meeting him at his place in Brooklyn, and we're going to crush together. His goal for the end of this year is just to overhaul his performance and nail his consistency, and get on his A Game. Goal for next year? Million dollars in revenue. Great goal to smash together.

The 2 guys I connected well with at the networking event, agreed to hang out next week and meet for coffee. Let's see what happens.

Body: Bounced back from shit sleep, and got more rest. Still not fully recovered. I'm in hustle mode and getting after it, but mindful of bed time.

Mindset: Feeling positive mentally, despite the market this year. Mexico I was getting consistent leads, but the quality was terrible. I enjoyed three of my lays, the others were just going through the motions and becoming a better man, more sexually experienced, and strengthening my core.

Product: Market fitment for me in NYC is not great. You can get laid if you have ~5 solid leads a month, I've found. I am getting just under that, it seems. I have tried manipulating some basic variables on my profile, but it didn't make a difference. Instead, I'll need to just overhaul the profile again. We're doing a big photoshoot on Oct 5th, which I hope makes some difference.

Following that, I think I'll book flights to go back with my family in ~3 weeks. Committing to monk mode for at least six months.

Have banged plenty of chicks, this year, despite having the worst market ever. I got back into dating, July, and still fucked at least 2-4 new girls a month, except for when I was with the same lady earlier on in the year.

What I learned from the legend, The Bastard, was that as a niche product, you need to Geo-Maxxx like a mofo. You need to be able to test market after market, for years if you need to, until you find SOME product market fitment.

Taken tonnes of social and Game development from my journey, worked my ass off to become a cool, confident, successful guy higher end men meet, talk to, and actually want to work with.

Spoke to my mentor Dante on the phone yesterday. Just told him, I banged a new gal on Monday and after she left I just enjoyed talking to my friend Carl for a few hours a lot more than sex with her.

He asked me, what do you really want?

I had to be honest. I want to build a movement, be a leader, and have a large tribe who are working together and ascending.

We both agreed, monk mode for me for 6 months might work best. With Dante, I will likely just be taking Inner Game coaching for 6 months.

Before launching the mother of all self-improvement projects, which will be on par with The Phoenix Project for those who followed that one...

6 months of G-G-G-G-GRINDING biz, saving cash, and getting myself set up, and I am going to do a massive world tour for day game, apps, and social circle, and I will find quality, and put myself on track to connect with someone who could be a great life partner.


Killed it today.

Thurs 26th Oct 2024


(1) Business:
-Coaching [done]
-Biz Dev: Dream 100 & Sales Asset [done - dream 100, completed]
-Client Consult: In person [done]
-Partnership Project [fail]

(2) Body:
-Gym: Back & KoT [fail]
-Nutrition [fail]

(3) Mindset:

Was completely locked in and focused, got tonnes done. New client, verbally agreed to start Monday, which will be a WIN! He's a Founder with some great goals, for scaling the agency, and my aim is always to turn them into a superb case study for IronWill - make lots of money together, use my system and the IW Methodology, and embrace joyful performance

I did 3 x 90m focused deep work blocks today, and an in person client call, with 20-30m each way for transport

Nailed diet.

Now, going to rest and get an early night.

Lead for Friday, asked to reschedule for next week. Which, I'll agree to.

Let's finish the week strong tomorrow, and enjoy a weekend of friendship, community and hustle!

I will day game Sat & Sun, get some leads if possible, and on Sunday, hang out with Carl and Squilliam.

Plan for tomorrow:

Friday 27th September


(1) Business:
-Block 1: Coaching Delivery
-Block 2: Biz Dev –Draft Messaging / Cold Email Script Revision / Sales Asset
-Block3: Biz Dev – Sales Asset
-Client Call
-Block 4: Sales Asset
-Admin: Partnership Project

(2) Body:
-Gym & KoT

(3) Mindset:
-Online Lead Gen
I've done more work on the sales asset.

Final draft:

I made the Dream 100 list, of agency owners I'd really like to work with.

My strategy is going to be to DM these 100 guys, with the following:


I’ve got something I think you’ll find valuable:

The Agency Owner’s A-Game Blueprint: Eliminate Burnout, Master Your Time, and Boost Your Revenue in Just 2-6 Weeks [Gamma Doc & YouTube Embed: https://tinyurl.com/2jp8se2f ]

If a performance upgrade sounds like what you need to get (and stay) on your A-Game, I’d be happy to create a free, custom performance strategy for you.

I’ll record a Loom video showing exactly how you can consistently hit 10/10 days in your agency and scale faster.

Let me know, and I’ll make it happen!



If they are receptive, I'll send them a basic intake form, and create a custom strategy for them.

And if they want help on implementing it, the next step is, to hop on a call with me and see if they're a good fit for IronWill.


That's my 4 x 90m blocks done. Super good work day, focused as hell.

I will now do a little bit of work on the partnership project, and sign off on a great week.

Plan for tomorrow:

Friday 27th September


(1) Business:
-Block 1: Coaching Delivery
-Block 2: Biz Dev –Draft Messaging / Cold Email Script Revision / Sales Asset
-Block3: Biz Dev – Sales Asset
-Client Call
-Block 4: Sales Asset
-Admin: Partnership Project

(2) Body:
-Gym & KoT

(3) Mindset:
-Online Lead Gen
(1) Business:
-Block 1: Coaching Delivery [done]
-Block 2: Biz Dev –Draft Messaging / Cold Email Script Revision / Sales Asset [done]
-Block3: Biz Dev – Sales Asset [done]
-Client Call [done]
-Block 4: Sales Asset [done]
-Admin: Partnership Project [done]

(2) Body:
-Gym & KoT [fail]
-Nutrition [done]

(3) Mindset:
-Online Lead Gen [in progress]


4 x 90 deep work blocks of total focus.

Got really high quality work done. Drafted a great sales asset, got feedback on it, and created a pretty solid piece of work.

Created an accompanying video guide, and drafted a messaging script.

Awaiting feedback on my messaging, and if all looks solid, will send 100 cold DMs over the course of next week, and begin the follow up process. I will target ONLY Agency Owners in Oct, and see how that goes.

Nov, I will tweak slightly, and target Founders & CEOs that month.

And then just rinse & repeat.

Likely going to do an overhaul of my online branding and lean hardcore into the biz/professional look. Will hide my self improvement & dating type videos on YouTube, and IronWill will be a very performance based channel, as is aligned with my work and mission.

I am an expressive individual and often "need" to express. Which is why I log so much.

I would still like to record videos discussing dating and stuff like that, which I will just upload here for my audience on the forums.

I need to do a lot of work in growing this forum, and getting more active users. It's far too small at the min but I am in a real business focused mode and can't justify the diversion away from biz right now.

The intention is there and I'll find a way.

And we will have an amazing community.


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Weekend Plans:

-Gym: Back & KoT [Sat]
-Gym: Chest, Biceps & KoT [Sun]
-Cold Approach: 20 Sets [Sat/Sun]
-IG Photos: Plan locations in NYC
-Follow Up: J.Allen
-Clothes for shoot: ASOS
-New Laptop: All this travel led to mine getting it's screen cracked. Currently working using Carl's monitor plugged into my busted laptop. Need to sort this out for my next location, which will be 4 weeks of family time in California
-IW Rebranding: Hiding old YouTube videos
-Admin: IW, Slack migration
-Partnership Project: Testimonials.


Body isn't looking good. Business grinding and Day Game is making it nigh on impossible to get to the gym, I'm getting one session in during the week, and two on weekends. Just about surviving. Diet, is clean, but not enough kcals I don't think.

I will dial this in a lot when I'm with family in a few weeks. Right now, NYC is just a major hustle.

I'll have 6 months of monk mode to just get my body right, get lean as hell, and start investing in tatooing.

One step at a time....

No "work" on weekends as such, just here and there.

Photoshoot planning for next Sunday........

I'm gonna get one more formal pic, wearing a blazer/white tee

The other two, will be standard fuckboi looks, of which, I think I have 2 with me as it stands

Pinkish shirt, white trousers, beige shoes

And I'll come up with a 3rd look

Anyone got any ideas for me? Fire my way
Gym, done.

Partnership project work, done.

Lots of admin, done.

Laptop shortlisting, done.

NYC photography - For my IG:

Booked my ticket to leave NYC, 16th of Oct, which is when I'll touch base & commit to a mandatory 6 month monk mode.

It's rain cucked today. Will see if it stops in an hour, and then will go Game, go at least 10-15 sets, and just come back and chill with Carl tonight.

We'll do inner work.
