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drz said:
MakingAComeback said:
Hinge is going OK for me, several girls who respond, and in my phone right now, I have 3 girls who are actually receptive and down to let me take them out. I may actually have a date this Saturday. It'll be a fair drive, but it's part of the process for me. Need to build myself up.

Good stuff! When you say fair drive, how far is this away from Coventry (assuming you're still there)?

Hey man, the girl who is open for a date is about an hour and 15 mins from Cov. So that's fine. However, I will be in Oxford tomorrow, and from there, it will be about 2 and a bit hours to see her lol.

But it's cool. Just need to change my brain, and to start sitting in front of women and connecting with them.

Keep grinding,
Sent some inquiries out about float tank sessions (2hr+) and cryotherapy.

Just for headwork really. I know float tanks can be trippy. That is the closest I would get to altering my mind. I am personally 110% against drugs, for deep personal reasons, but believe there are ways to really go deep in our mind that we can do with our own physiology - through breathwork, Buteyko breathing, Wim Hof, deep cold thermogenesis, intense heat, working with light/circadian biology. These are things I am interested in and will keep exploring.

With regards to looksmaxxing, can anyone advise steps that may be useful for me in my current situation? Is there anything, other than weight loss and muscle building, that could improve my outcome? I am working with Radical on style, once all my stuff arrives, I am going to shoot him some emails, and so some further consults.

Teeth whitening may be worthwhile. Anything else?

Keep attacking,
The only looksmax I could think of would be a hair transplant, unless you're going to rock the hat look like Radical does or shave it. I had one myself and while it's not like getting your old hair back (it's going to be thinner), I am glad I did.
drifter said:
The only looksmax I could think of would be a hair transplant, unless you're going to rock the hat look like Radical does or shave it. I had one myself and while it's not like getting your old hair back (it's going to be thinner), I am glad I did.
For sure man, I actually started topical dutasteride and the dermapen a few months ago, think it will turn the corner soon and get a little regrowth going. Even just getting a bit back would be huge.

Yesterday could have been better, got gym done, core, digital marketing for 2 hrs, tonne of life admin and booking things for the weekend, did my cardio and did a 20min cold thermogenesis session. No video work done. Went to bed at 10pm, mind was racing for ages, calmed down and now going to attack today.

FRIDAY 13/08/2021


-Go to get Cranial Sacral Therapy session done
-Check into hotel
-Cold Approach: At night, solo, talk to 50 girls tonight!
-Follow meal plan: Will be a bit harder today as I’m travelling but will do my best.

Keep attacking,
Oxford's night life is pretty diverse, so you should find somewhere you like. The varsity bar and the alchemist are two places that strike me as pretty stylish.
Good to hear about hinge! Its good to have at least one solid alternative to the big T (tinder). Hopefully you will get a date or two out of it! 8-)

FRIDAY 13/08/2021


-Gym (DONE)
-Core (DONE)
-Go to get Cranial Sacral Therapy session done (DONE)
-Check into hotel (DONE)
-Cold Approach: At night, solo, talk to 50 girls tonight! (DONE, at girl 19, I basically pulled – we had a great conversation, made out, and just hung out until the end of the night. We drunkely agreed to a date next Sat)
-Follow meal plan: Will be a bit harder today as I’m travelling but will do my best (DONE)

Hit the gym, came home, had breakfast, and prepped 360g of chicken thigh and 300g of rice. Marinated the meat in the morning, just chucked it on the smart grill and jumped in the shower. Showered off, put the food in the cooler in the back of my car, and hit the road to go to my Cranial Sacral Therapy session.

Took 2 hrs to drive to the little village where a wonderful Irish lady run a natural healing centre. The session was interesting, I will make a video about it. It lasted an hour, and then I jumped back in the car and went to Oxford.

Checked into the hotel, and went for a walk for 2 hours. Oxford is a beautiful city. Lovely people, nice, professional, affluent middle-class place. Great guys, and of course, amazing, beautiful girls.

Power of Location

The legend Thebastard once told me, location can make or break you. You need to observe every little thing about your location and how women respond to you. You need to be somewhere where women are actively interested in you. If you’re not, you get on a plane, and you move. It’s that simple.

So I arrive in Oxford, check into the hotel, and begin to see beautiful women. I am staying in a guest house outside the main hotel, and as I am trying to find it, a very nice middle age gentleman asks if I’m lost. I tell him I am, and he rightly assumes I am looking for the guest houses – which he points out. I thank him, and walk over to them, they’re only 15 seconds away. I rightly identify the house, put the key in, and his two little boys (8 or 9 years old) cheer as I find the right house. So wholesome lol. Right off the bat, I notice how friendly people are here.

I unpack my stuff, head back over to my car which is parked in the main hotel, and get my g
food out the cooler. I ask the hotel owner if I can use the microwave, which they approve, and I eat lunch in the garden. I type the macros in, and notice I still have 300kcal to achieve the days goal. I decide I will pick something up on the walk that will follow.

Taking onboard Thebastard thoughts, I am walking around, and I notice: my god, women are looking at me. I am wearing a nice Ralph Lauren shirt, top few buttons open, with a silver compass pendant, a nice Michael Kors chronographic watch, black jeans, and a pair of black boots. For aftershave, I’ve got Versace blue jeans on. On day 1, women were stealing a few sideways glances. I was 218.6lbs that morning, so I am getting leaner, and muscle tissue is being built. I am happy to be around nice women. Beautiful not just in the physical sense, but the way they are carrying themselves, the way they’re dressed, the way they speak, it’s just lovely. They are warm and friendly. They’re conducting themselves with grace and dignity, and they’re articulate and well spoken. It’s the little things that I notice. The energy they are putting out, the vibe. I notice these things, I am actually highly sensitive to it and very observant as a person – I notice a lot, more than most actually.

So I keep walking around, go through a big mall, and here and there, I notice women looking at me. One in particular stands out, she was a pretty chick, Eastern European looking, she looked at me and kind of did the face I do when I see someone I really wanna fuck. It’s kind of a grimace, you know what I mean. When I was very lean and handsome at 22-23, I used to get this look a lot – back then women would just straight up tell me I was handsome. If I lost 40lbs, I may experience that again – maybe….a lot has happened.

I pick up 2 protein bars to make up the final 300kcal, and go back to my room.

I kid you not, as I am nearing the place, A WOMAN APPROACHED ME!

I was walking down, she was with her friend, and she turned to me and said “Hi!”. I was so stunned I didn’t know what to say, and kept walking.

I cannot believe this, but in Oxford, I actually got approached by a lovely woman. She was a tall girl, which is amazing, I’m 6 ft 5 so all tall girls should come to me, I will love them deeply and make sure all their needs as a human are met.

I arrive at my room, and think, holy shit, this is different from what I am used to.

I lay down for a bit, watching this great video made by this amazing lady who I watch on YouTube. She has a great personality, and of course very pretty. She has nice woman energy, which is one of the most important things for me when it comes to being wife material:


Women who are expressive, interesting, passionate, are everything to me. I don’t care where you’re from, you can be from East Africa, Japan, the Bay of Bengal – I don’t give a fuck. Just love when a woman can really express herself, be vulnerable in your presence, and allow you to really connect to each other in a way that heals and soothes both souls. That is the goal in life.

David Goggins is pretty much my hero. I fucking idolise this man. I personally believe God had to create him as a messenger, because at this moment in time, there are so many humans who are in such pain, and God had to build this man to help strengthen the human animal to be able to bear the burden of life with grace and dignity.

I watch this video, and realise, for David, his crucible was the military. Mine will be approaching women. I know I need to speak to 50 girls tonight.


I rest up for a bit, kcals are now hit, so I write up the day’s action points on my paper diary and send a screenshot to my physique coach for the evening check in.

I then go out! It’s around 9pm, I head to the local pub on my own, get a beer, and go sit at a table in the beer garden. The conversation amongst the people is well mannered and civilised. It’s a different energy from back home.

I enjoy a pint, and then head to the next location. I head to the rooftop bar @drz reccomended, but it’s guest list only, and they’re fully booked. No worries. I walk around, find another pub, and order a double whiskey and coke. Knock it back, and get talking to some guys.
I then head to the club! I go to a venue that’s playing techno, which I enjoy, and meet a few guys. We really connect, we have a great conversation and enjoy some drinks. The DJ gives me a free pass to get to the other side of the venue. They let me in. And I begin approaching!!!

So, keep in mind, I have been going on approaching for a few weeks now, all in the West Mids. Every girl I talk to is super unreceptive, scared, really standoffish, and to be honest, most of them are absolutely disgusted and repulsed. They look at me with a really dirty look when I tell them I think they’re pretty, etc. These are people who mostly won’t amount to shit in life and will just get old and be mediocre. Arrogant shit to say, but it’s true. My needs will not be met there, 30 years of this has sent the message home.

In the Canary Islands, I approached for 11 days, and not 1 girl said a word to me – just ignored.


1. The first girl I approach is a pretty Indian chick. I actually ask her a question about the venue, which was indirect and lame, but she is kinda weird about it. But still, I notice, she is still pretty chill and cool. She’s with a bunch of her friends, and they’re all quite cool about it. I notice they reacted differently to how they do in the West Mids.
2. Then, I see an absolutely beautiful black woman, and approach her. She stops what she’s doing (she’s with her 3 friends), and is receptive. She tells me she’s going for a smoke, and that I should come, so I go downstairs and we have a conversation. Ask her about hobbies, tell her about myself, it was fun.
3. Chicks on a hen do! I talk to these girls for a while. The girl who is getting married becomes my love guru. I tell her I want to be married, can she give me some tips? We talk for a while, she looks at my dating profiles, etc. Her friends are also chiming in. They tell me I am an attractive guy, and the reason I am single is nothing to do with me – they told me I would make a great husband and Dad, and I just need to be myself. Standard women advice of course, lol, but they were such nice girls. I thanked them for the convo and left.
4. Said hi, she was nice
5. High five, fairly nice
6. High five, unreported
7. Talked to very gorgeous Indian girl, fucking sexy as hell. I sometimes smoke socially when out drinking, and gave her a cig. We chat, but she has to go find her friends – she says she will come find me later.
8. High five, nice girl, unreceptive
9. Talked to a girl on her own, she was ok
10. Half assed open unreceptive
11. High five, very nice girl
12. Opened by a group of very hot, very sexy girls, they are dancing with me, taking pictures with me, one starts recording me dancing with her friends for her snapchat, I ask one, can I give you a hug, she is super smiley and nice and says hell, I give her a hug and a kiss on the forehead like the tender motherfucker I am.
13. Approach girl 13, she’s unreceptive, she sat on the table outside the dancefloor on her own all night. She appeared to be in a depressed state. I gave her a peck on the lips. She was quite weird.
14. Nice black chick from Norway, gave me a hug
15. High fived a chick, tried to dance, unreceptive
16. Nice girl, she gave me a hug
17. Approached girl she was very confused
18. Gave me a hug nice girl
19. Girl 19, receptive, beautiful girl, we chat, we make out, she has a gorgeous ass which is where my hands are the whole time (if you read my log, you will know I am a lover of the female behind), her friends come out, she kisses me goodbye, and we agree to a date next sat




I started clubbing at 18. I went out from 18-20 just being a hero getting yucky with the boys. From 20-24, I approached girls. From 24-26, I was destroyed as a human, in mind, body and soul. From 26, I began to build myself back up.

And at 30, I finally got to know the feeling of making a connection with a beautiful woman on the dance-floor, her taking you by the hand, and you both walking out the club together. I got to know the feeling of other men looking at you, like damn. I got to know the feeling of all the bouncers looking at me as I left with this lovely girl. In my life, so many times I saw other guys succeed with women, many times I saw other men take women home, and I wondered, when will I know how that feels like?

Let’s just break this down.

So, I’m dancing, and see two girls on the side. They’re dancing away, one is a taller chick (5 ft 8), has lovely long brown hair, and looks great in her dress. I notice her looking at me a little. Nothing major, just a little.

I dance for a bit, and they both walk off the dance floor. I just wander off too as it’s super late and the floor was sparse. So, I see these chicks standing near the dance floor, the taller girl is there and her friend is kind of near her side. I approach the girl. I’m really warm, smiley, and friendly – I just wanted to say hi to this stunner. I was convinced she would reject me immediately. Guess what? She is receptive. We are chatting, I tell her about myself, she is listening, I tell her about my hobbies, she tells me about hers, she shows me a pic of her surfing. This girl is so pretty, her body is just perfect, really lovely shapely legs, a lovely, juicy ass, facially very pretty, but the thing above everything is she has really amazing nice woman energy. She is sweet, genuine, warm, and she is like swaying there talking to me, looking so serene, like a god damn mermaid or something. How she talks is really expressive, and looking into her eyes, it reduced some of my emotional pain. I ask her, are you single. She smiles and says yes.

“Shall we go sit over there?” she says.

We sit down, and we keep chatting, She really impresses me with her attitude and outlook, and I just needed to sit down and talk with someone like her so so bad, I just needed this experience and I am grateful. I gently grab the back of her head and tenderly kiss her forehead. We keep chatting. We make out briefly, nothing major.

“Shall we go outside?” she says, so we take each other by the hand, and leave the venue.

It occurs to me that I have never done this before in my life.

She sits us down on an area of the side-walk a few meters down from the venue. We keep chatting. I tell her about my life, she tells me about hers, I tell her about my ambitions and aspirations, and she tells me the most attractive thing in a guy for her is ambition. I have that in spades. I tell her all the things I am working on, just let her know, and she has a big smile on her face. The whole time, I have my hand on her lovely ass. She looks me in the eyes and I know we’re about to kiss, I put my hand on the back of her neck very softly, and take the other hand and gently caress her cheek. We kiss, briefly, and keep talking. She tells me more about her life, her parents separated, her Mum is super creative and is writing a novel, I tell her I am a reader and am well read: “My Mum will really like you”. That puts a smile on my face.

I tell her I will take her for a drink next Sat, and she agrees. I will message her tomorrow, and hope she will reply. She tells me her friends are coming out, and she will be going home with them, she is staying with her girlfriend and will be sleeping in her bed tonight. Her girlfriend and a guy arrive, I greet them both, and they are arranging a cab to get home. So, the cab arrives, and my girl gets up to leave, she makes out with me briefly, and I say I will take you for a drink next Sat, she says OK. We hug, and they get in the cab.

I walk off, victorious. I run into several guys who I met and socialised with that night, and we are having a great time, laughing, just drunken stuff.

I walk back to the hotel, get in bed, and think to myself: holy fuck, I am just a guy like everybody else, and I too can make it.

I woke up the next day, sure I got very little sleep, but I just felt like the pain that I have carried for most of my life was lighter somehow. Just a bit lighter. I felt proud of myself. I had breakfast at the hotel, and then walked around Oxford for about an hour and a half. I really love the place, stunning architecture everywhere, nice people, pretty and lovely girls, just a decent place for a human who has some substance and value to give the world.

Here, I got 5 Bumble matches, a few Tinder matches, and the girls who I approached stunned me by how nice they were. Some of these ladies were truly beautiful, and they would high give you, smile, and just be open and nice. They were so adorable to me and put a massive smile on my face.

And for the first time in my life, a woman was really attentive, paid attention to me, and gave me space to explore building a connection with her.

I walked around the city, and just felt like I am a man like everyone else. I am also capable of confidence in myself, I am also capable of being sexually attractive, I have these energies in me, and I can bring them out.

I took today (Sat) off to really reflect and internalise things.

For most of my life, when it came to women, all I ever knew was defeat.

For the first time in my life, I was victorious, and now, I know, I WILL MAKE IT.

One day, I will be rich as fuck, and there will be a picture on my wall of me, with an unshakeable masculine presence, built like a god damn greek god, 6 ft 5, jacked and shredded, and next to me with be my beautiful wife, and underneath them, will be our children. One day, I will look at that picture, and I will now: I made it.

Until that day, I will grind.


So, now I know how I fucked up my dating life.

I stayed in the general area I was born, pretty much, and got what I always had got: absolutely nothing. The place I am working in right now is very industrial, working class, and sorry to say something as classist as this, but full of chavs. Again, I feel bad saying that, because I am actually from humble beginnings myself, although I did achieve class mobility and went to a relatively elite University, took professional jobs, etc, nonetheless, there is a reason why every time I approach a girl in the West Mids, they are deeply unreceptive. Much of the time, they’re kind of borderline scowling chavs, and being able to speak articulately is something that is considered quite alien round her. These are not really ambitious people seeking affluence or to be anything in this world. They resonate with a different energy.

I was never going to get my needs met her. The other people from around here who were bright and hard working fucked off to London and made something of themselves.

I will now do the same.

I am not cold approaching in the day any-more, as it is not viable in my city, and the surrounding cities also fuck major balls. The West Mids as a region is a place I have done fucking terribly, and I am not hurting myself any further and getting any more negative reinforcement.

I am going down South, and I will start my life again there, get an elite dating life, and find the one I want to make my wife. In 2 years time, I want to be in a serious relationship, in 3 or 4 years time, I want to be married and start having children. By 35, it’s my goal to have built wealth, be earning 6 figures, be married, and have 1 or 2 children. In total, I would like 4 children.

I will keep approaching at night, Friday and Sat. What I am going to have to do is, I am going to have to drive out Fri and Sat night, and go approach in other places, some of these may be pretty far! I will make it easier for myself by getting the odd hotel here and there, but otherwise, I will invest in myself and make the effort to travel to different places and approach where I will be able to find receptive women.

So, there you go. It took A LOT of fucking work to have that experience last night, trust me, IT TOOK A LOT! I had to fucking grind hard for so many months, I had to lose 30lbs, I had to start approaching and working on dating apps daily, training hard, working with therapists, hiring a physique coach, coaching with Andy, working with accountability partners. The shit was hard work, but look at me now, it is starting to work.

I know it is not going to be too long before I enjoy my first real, authentic sexual experience.

Excuse the poor spelling above gents I am tired as fuck and will redraft that post tomorrow.

Early night tonight for THE MAC DADDY
MakingAComeback said:
Cold Approach: At night, solo, talk to 50 girls tonight! (DONE, at girl 19, I basically pulled – we had a great conversation, made out, and just hung out until the end of the night. We drunkely agreed to a date next Sat)

I might've misread this or we have different definitions of a pull...

Did you bring her back to your place?
Manganiello said:
MakingAComeback said:
Cold Approach: At night, solo, talk to 50 girls tonight! (DONE, at girl 19, I basically pulled – we had a great conversation, made out, and just hung out until the end of the night. We drunkely agreed to a date next Sat)

I might've misread this or we have different definitions of a pull...

Did you bring her back to your place?

It's OK. Yeah, culturally in the UK, we use the term 'pulled' for when you basically find someone who wants to spend the night with you.

I did not bring her back to my place, I kind of tried, but it was so late, the place was about to shut, and her friends were coming.

Still, a win.

Will be back out Fri and Sat. No daytime approaches until I get to London in Oct.

MakingAComeback said:
Will be back out Fri and Sat. No daytime approaches until I get to London in Oct.


Actually I know why.
But SamJ_ is doing it.
So why can't you?
Seems like youre waiting for the perfect chance to do it. Am I right am I wrong?
Manganiello said:
MakingAComeback said:
Will be back out Fri and Sat. No daytime approaches until I get to London in Oct.


Actually I know why.
But @SamJ_ is doing it.
So why can't you?
Seems like youre waiting for the perfect chance to do it. Am I right am I wrong?

Approaching in the West Mids is truly horrible. I have approached many, many women here and the responses were terrible.

Some places, you will simply not make work. Canary islands was another example.

Why go out daily, like I have been doing for a few weeks, just get scowled at over and over, for women who are frankly quite gross and unattractive?

I will go where there are people I want to be around.

Good to read you had such a good evening. Would be nice if you are gonna have that date.
Just nice that the grind payed off a little bit with this women, this is just the beginning and a 'full pull' will follow.
hell yeah dude, feel like you and me are in the same boat with living in a nowhere town and just being like fuck it and taking a vacation in a larger city to meet girls.
Congrats on the girl but imo you are reacting a bit too emotionally to it. Most girls ghost even if they act interested. I really hope something works out with you and her tho. Just be careful to not fall for her too hard rn, believe me the pain of getting blocked and ghosted by a girl who talked to you on her bed for two hours about all ur darkest secrets and was about to fuck you (you'll know what I'm talking about if u read back in my log) is way worse than rejection, so just be ready for that and keep on approaching in the day. Like manganello said, my location absolutely sucks (only 50k people) but I'm still doing it. You shouldnt give up approaching in the daytime if ur serious about getting over ur anxiety and building confidence. I mean it's your call but I think you'll regret it. Even one or two approaches a day is better than nothing.
Good job on making out with that chick, huge win.

I also agree with Manganiello and SamJ_. You should still at least go out and try to do 1 approach during the day each day even if your city is suboptimal. If you quit now it'll be harder to get back to approaching when you move and you'll lose most of your momentum and progress.
Thanks folks.

Progress is progress. I am a little better than I was last week, a little closer to the starting line, so that's good.

I am beginning to think I may not be as bad as I have thought in the past, and I will get better, long term, I should be OK.

I don't want to continue cold approach in the day in this city. Which is exactly why I will continue cold approach in the day in this city.

Back to work, business as usual.

Keep attacking,
SamJ_ said:
Congrats on the girl but imo you are reacting a bit too emotionally to it. Most girls ghost even if they act interested. I really hope something works out with you and her tho. Just be careful to not fall for her too hard rn, believe me the pain of getting blocked and ghosted by a girl who talked to you on her bed for two hours about all ur darkest secrets and was about to fuck you (you'll know what I'm talking about if u read back in my log) is way worse than rejection, so just be ready for that and keep on approaching in the day. Like manganello said, my location absolutely sucks (only 50k people) but I'm still doing it. You shouldnt give up approaching in the daytime if ur serious about getting over ur anxiety and building confidence. I mean it's your call but I think you'll regret it. Even one or two approaches a day is better than nothing.

Great points.

I have calmed down now :) I won't mind if she ghosts, it's totally OK, I understand it's part of the process.

Will keep working, got up a bit late, but will send through action points and message all accountability partners in a min.

Keep attacking,