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BW: 193.3lbs


(1) MONEY:
-Relationship Building: 50 Conversations (25 FB / 25 IG)
-Audience Building: 5 comments x 5 FB Groups
-Adding: 50 – 100 people on FB & IG per day
-Cold Emails: 5 – 10 Per Day
-Content: Catch up. Long form & shorts.
-Networking Event: Find the next event, book it, go.
-Read: Vin, Dan.

-Gym: Legs & Shoulders
-CT (30m Ice Bath)

-Read V
-Read Dan
-Online Dating Process: Send daily video of "the experiment" (lol) to my game hustle chat. We've already solved the problem but it's still a bit of fun. I'll conclude the experiment in a few days.


I have gone into biz overdrive lately.

The biz journey is an entirely different flow from anything I’ve done before, but after 8 months now (I worked for free for the first 3 months, literally) and now successfully working with clients, acquiring new clients, getting referrals, and getting real results, it’s time to step TF up and get to the next level.

I have some enquiries for 1 on 1 coaching for hardcore accountability, productivity and goal achievement using my approach (project management, biohacking, hardcore daily accountability) and I will sign these guys up as I’d enjoy helping them a lot, but I am going to step away from that for a bit.

Instead, I am going to overhaul my biz a lot. I will:

-Launch a group coaching program, where everyone has clear goals, and we get together every day and totally attack them. Weekly group call. Trainings from me and others in the areas I am obsessed with for performance. We hold each other accountable and also just support & push each other on the journey in a robust and meaningful way.
-Have an actual platform & more robust systems for tracking.
-Niching down: I am going to do some critical thinking on this, but I am now going to pivot away from what I am offering, and niche down, targetting a specific segment of the market, and offer something higher ticket, that solves their problem.

Many people offering what I do, are charging almost TEN TIMES what I am. Yup. They just nailed their positioning. So, this will be the way I go.

I am posting about all this each day in my biz chat, IronWill Grind Chat. This is for people whose PRIMARY goal is BUSINESS. I accept only the most serious and dedicated people and those I see excellent potential in. Plus some of the guys I like to be around a lot who are on the same biz journey I am. If you are absolutely dead serious about biz and putting in work on it, daily, and are a savage, reach out and I’ll add you to my biz chat. It’s for people in the actual trenches only.

Biz: I am doing more in person group work, public talks, workshops, etc. I am getting leads from networking events for people who want to work with me, corporate stuff or whatever else, scheduling meetings and going fully into overdrive.

Hustle is legit at almost god tier levels some days. 12Hrs of total focus. Killer.

High performance and totally dedicating yourself can completely change your destiny.

I don’t like to tell people this, but you have to work HARD, DAILY, and actually enjoy the process. You learn to love it, and you also must do it and expect little by way of results. You apply yourself vigorously for months and don’t fret over outcomes, you just focus on OUTPUTS.

Biz is a funny game. You make a tonne of noise about what you do, do it well, and keep putting yourself out there to insane levels, and things just…..happen.

But you also take some brutal Ls, and have to be proactive, resilient, and fucking course correct, keep your head, keep your blind faith, and just HUSTLE.

You know my mentality. I am the king of comebacks. I took some biz Ls lately, and instead of folding, I just went into overdrive, spoke to my bros in the biz chat, got feedback, got a plan of attack nailed down, and now I am executing, making a LOT of changes, and am going to just attack it.

You just NEVER give in. Never.

You know what excellence and greatness looks like. If you want that, you must embody it in your thoughts, behaviours, and actions, every waking fucking second of the day.

To escape the hell I came, that was what it took.

To truly grind is an honour. I am happy to be able to do so. But you MUST work smart. You cannot take Ls without course correcting. I will overhaul my biz, make a lot of changes, add a lot of value to my offer, and then, yup, I am going to triple my prices (no one on my current offer or rate will be impacted, and nor will anyone currently enquiring).

You HAVE to be willing to bet the house on yourself. When I went to London for the Phoenix project, I was convinced it was impossible to succeed, and I still went out every day for 4hrs suffering from extreme anxiety and approached 5-7 days per week, because I decided, either I will change my brain and fix myself, or I will literally die here in the streets of London. I will not stop. I will persist beyond anything I even thought was possible. And after doing this for 1.5 years, I eventually started to do things that I saw as showing some signs of greatness. The moments where all hope was lost and I somehow persisted

Time, and time, and time again


That shit is in my brain. I remember those moments. When life hits me, I remember all these things, they come flooding back. If you can accomplish goals and persist, in the darkest times of your life, IMO you have what it takes to be a true beast of a human. I am going for that in life. I want to prove a point. I want to prove that someone can go from rock bottom, down and out, to absolute king, through a multi year process of extreme grinding. Because anyone can do that. Underdogs like me who didn't really have anything else can just cultivate true, true grinding ability. And then, they too, can win in life and overcome the shit card they were dealt. It's about proving it is possible to outwork God's plan.

Because I have done that

Time and time again

View attachment 1

Looking at my dating apps, and the beautiful women who are matching now (curiously enough, match volume is about the same as before, but QUALITY went up. Market share for my product, remains quite small understandably, but there are still attractive women who are willing to give me a shot. And it will only get better from here) I have made great strides in improving this domain.

So, I will absolutely attack biz and keep levelling up as a male.

Where I am right now, is, I need to legit develop my offer, really add value, develop a whole coherent platform, community, training library, maybe bring in guest speakers to spit wisdom, etc. For this, I will charge a lot more than I currently am. I will keep all my 1 on 1 clients at their fixed rate, they’re locked in, but I am not going to push that anymore. I must transition over and compete at a higher level.

A recent FB from me on the matter:

“Mantras and Principles that help me be the most productive and healthy human I can be, with my formely agorophobic and anxiety ridden brain.
Stuff I had to INGRAIN to become sooooooo much better over time.
Lets affirm some for you & me both:
-The thing no one really enjoys telling you is that making progress is a long, long term game. To change my thinking patterns and to be able to genuinely perform at a high level, that was quite a bit of work!
-You genuinely have to be patient. You have to hang THE FUCK in there. It only pays off if you keep going at the points at which most would throw their hands in the air and say FUCK IT. That still happens to me, but I keep going. That's how ya win!
When I’m getting really stuck, I speak to my own coaches and advisors
You are investing in using these peoples brains to solve your problem
In the wild, humans who were able to effectively align themselves with a tribe, solved their problem (survival)
There are set backs and challenging times, for sure
That's when you have to try to be RATIONAL, calm your spazzing mind TF down, and work your way back to baseline.
Because doing the reps and not expecting results is a learned skill
We as goal achievers and people who make progression on our projects and objectives understand this and we keep doing the reps
And we choose not to give in to excuses
Being willing to change, course correct, and persist.
A way to 'hack' the brain and ingrain this through social learning is to do it as part of a group. I myself responded massively well to this and will be forming my own group coaching for others.
I will be doing less 1 on 1 stuff moving forward I think!
Ingraining better mindsets through the work I did meant that when I take Ls, I can just double down, get more insight and clarity, and go back on the attack
Mantras that help:
-I’ve just not done enough reps yet
-I’ve just not faced enough of my own resistance yet
-There are other variables I have not changed enough yet
-All problems can be either solved or managed
-Life is a numbers game
-If there is sweat on your brow because you bust your ass, YOU belong here
If you're stuck, you have to speak to people. Invest in yourself.
If a former nutcase like moi can do it, you have no excuses people, lol”

Recent wins:

I did my first public talk! It’s on YouTube, you can check it out in my signature.




I will make a separate post and proper writeup in the matter. This outcome was achieved through 2+ years of ass busting grind and eating shit for most of that going off trust & faith in my advisors/mentors.

The new photos, FINALLY, have allowed me to get matches with girls who I am sincerely, fully attracted to, and would LOVE to go on dates with. I would LOVE that. I worked my fucking ass off for this, for years at this point, and following the hard reset and use of a burner phone, I was able to see the fruits of my labour.

I had a huge mental breakdown a few weeks as you know due to what seemed like a lost cause in fixing the quality problem but my boys helped me through it and now we are finally seeing FANTASTIC improvements in this area.

I gutted up and dealt with the match quality I got in The Phoenix Project to get experience, to get lays, and to just become a better man. In the back of my mind, the fact I was attracted to maybe 1% of these girls fucked with my head and took me to some dark places. I am looking for a serious relationship for myself so the quality I was getting really left me so worried, fearful, anxious and I had to just swallow it down, gut up and put in the fucking WORK to level up in my looks, image, confidence, game/vibe, and trust that men who are infinitely more knowledgeable and advanced than I had a greater understanding than me, and that I had to put faith in.

I am so, so, so happy to report that they were right. As ever.

“Your best thinking got you where you are”

If we have a persistent and long standing problem, we ourselves are not competent at solving that problem. You acquire coaching, you acquire group support, and you change your brain over time through consistent diligent hard work.

Thanks to the boys in my dating group chat who are grinding beside me every day:


(We also had The Bulldog but he’s now a 1 on 1 client of mine and is out here in a personal chat with me GETTING IT)

Seeing the lovely women who are matching with me, happy to chat to me, and some of whom are happy to agree to come out for a drink with me, just left me feeling emotions I’ve not felt for so long.

Panic over.

I am going to be ok.

All will be well.

It was so needed.

I am very grateful to see how far I have come. And it’s only the beginning. I will greatly increase my muscle mass, drop a lot more body fat (10-20lbs man), get tattoos, and make any other adjustments I must make.

Now………..its grinding season.

I will do the same thing Andy did in his biz journey, but in my own weird and wonderful way. The problems I want to solve are a little different from his in some sense, but I am damn good at solving them, many struggle with them, and for me to be able to properly resolve this in others will be something I can proudly call my contribution to the world.

It’s the hill I’ve chosen ;-)







MakingAComeback said:

BW: 193.3lbs


(1) MONEY:
-Relationship Building: 50 Conversations (25 FB / 25 IG)
-Audience Building: 5 comments x 5 FB Groups
-Adding: 50 – 100 people on FB & IG per day
-Cold Emails: 5 – 10 Per Day
-Content: Catch up. Long form & shorts.
-Networking Event: Find the next event, book it, go.
-Read: Vin, Dan.

-Gym: Legs & Shoulders
-CT (30m Ice Bath)

-Read V
-Read Dan
-Online Dating Process: Send daily video of "the experiment" (lol) to my game hustle chat. We've already solved the problem but it's still a bit of fun. I'll conclude the experiment in a few days.


I have gone into biz overdrive lately.

The biz journey is an entirely different flow from anything I’ve done before, but after 8 months now (I worked for free for the first 3 months, literally) and now successfully working with clients, acquiring new clients, getting referrals, and getting real results, it’s time to step TF up and get to the next level.

I have some enquiries for 1 on 1 coaching for hardcore accountability, productivity and goal achievement using my approach (project management, biohacking, hardcore daily accountability) and I will sign these guys up as I’d enjoy helping them a lot, but I am going to step away from that for a bit.

Instead, I am going to overhaul my biz a lot. I will:

-Launch a group coaching program, where everyone has clear goals, and we get together every day and totally attack them. Weekly group call. Trainings from me and others in the areas I am obsessed with for performance. We hold each other accountable and also just support & push each other on the journey in a robust and meaningful way.
-Have an actual platform & more robust systems for tracking.
-Niching down: I am going to do some critical thinking on this, but I am now going to pivot away from what I am offering, and niche down, targetting a specific segment of the market, and offer something higher ticket, that solves their problem.

Many people offering what I do, are charging almost TEN TIMES what I am. Yup. They just nailed their positioning. So, this will be the way I go.

I am posting about all this each day in my biz chat, IronWill Grind Chat. This is for people whose PRIMARY goal is BUSINESS. I accept only the most serious and dedicated people and those I see excellent potential in. Plus some of the guys I like to be around a lot who are on the same biz journey I am. If you are absolutely dead serious about biz and putting in work on it, daily, and are a savage, reach out and I’ll add you to my biz chat. It’s for people in the actual trenches only.

Biz: I am doing more in person group work, public talks, workshops, etc. I am getting leads from networking events for people who want to work with me, corporate stuff or whatever else, scheduling meetings and going fully into overdrive.

Hustle is legit at almost god tier levels some days. 12Hrs of total focus. Killer.

High performance and totally dedicating yourself can completely change your destiny.

I don’t like to tell people this, but you have to work HARD, DAILY, and actually enjoy the process. You learn to love it, and you also must do it and expect little by way of results. You apply yourself vigorously for months and don’t fret over outcomes, you just focus on OUTPUTS.

Biz is a funny game. You make a tonne of noise about what you do, do it well, and keep putting yourself out there to insane levels, and things just…..happen.

But you also take some brutal Ls, and have to be proactive, resilient, and fucking course correct, keep your head, keep your blind faith, and just HUSTLE.

You know my mentality. I am the king of comebacks. I took some biz Ls lately, and instead of folding, I just went into overdrive, spoke to my bros in the biz chat, got feedback, got a plan of attack nailed down, and now I am executing, making a LOT of changes, and am going to just attack it.

You just NEVER give in. Never.

You know what excellence and greatness looks like. If you want that, you must embody it in your thoughts, behaviours, and actions, every waking fucking second of the day.

To escape the hell I came, that was what it took.

To truly grind is an honour. I am happy to be able to do so. But you MUST work smart. You cannot take Ls without course correcting. I will overhaul my biz, make a lot of changes, add a lot of value to my offer, and then, yup, I am going to triple my prices (no one on my current offer or rate will be impacted, and nor will anyone currently enquiring).

You HAVE to be willing to bet the house on yourself. When I went to London for the Phoenix project, I was convinced it was impossible to succeed, and I still went out every day for 4hrs suffering from extreme anxiety and approached 5-7 days per week, because I decided, either I will change my brain and fix myself, or I will literally die here in the streets of London. I will not stop. I will persist beyond anything I even thought was possible. And after doing this for 1.5 years, I eventually started to do things that I saw as showing some signs of greatness. The moments where all hope was lost and I somehow persisted

Time, and time, and time again


That shit is in my brain. I remember those moments. When life hits me, I remember all these things, they come flooding back. If you can accomplish goals and persist, in the darkest times of your life, IMO you have what it takes to be a true beast of a human. I am going for that in life. I want to prove a point. I want to prove that someone can go from rock bottom, down and out, to absolute king, through a multi year process of extreme grinding. Because anyone can do that. Underdogs like me who didn't really have anything else can just cultivate true, true grinding ability. And then, they too, can win in life and overcome the shit card they were dealt. It's about proving it is possible to outwork God's plan.

Because I have done that

Time and time again


Looking at my dating apps, and the beautiful women who are matching now (curiously enough, match volume is about the same as before, but QUALITY went up. Market share for my product, remains quite small understandably, but there are still attractive women who are willing to give me a shot. And it will only get better from here) I have made great strides in improving this domain.

So, I will absolutely attack biz and keep levelling up as a male.

Where I am right now, is, I need to legit develop my offer, really add value, develop a whole coherent platform, community, training library, maybe bring in guest speakers to spit wisdom, etc. For this, I will charge a lot more than I currently am. I will keep all my 1 on 1 clients at their fixed rate, they’re locked in, but I am not going to push that anymore. I must transition over and compete at a higher level.

A recent FB from me on the matter:

“Mantras and Principles that help me be the most productive and healthy human I can be, with my formely agorophobic and anxiety ridden brain.
Stuff I had to INGRAIN to become sooooooo much better over time.
Lets affirm some for you & me both:
-The thing no one really enjoys telling you is that making progress is a long, long term game. To change my thinking patterns and to be able to genuinely perform at a high level, that was quite a bit of work!
-You genuinely have to be patient. You have to hang THE FUCK in there. It only pays off if you keep going at the points at which most would throw their hands in the air and say FUCK IT. That still happens to me, but I keep going. That's how ya win!
When I’m getting really stuck, I speak to my own coaches and advisors
You are investing in using these peoples brains to solve your problem
In the wild, humans who were able to effectively align themselves with a tribe, solved their problem (survival)
There are set backs and challenging times, for sure
That's when you have to try to be RATIONAL, calm your spazzing mind TF down, and work your way back to baseline.
Because doing the reps and not expecting results is a learned skill
We as goal achievers and people who make progression on our projects and objectives understand this and we keep doing the reps
And we choose not to give in to excuses
Being willing to change, course correct, and persist.
A way to 'hack' the brain and ingrain this through social learning is to do it as part of a group. I myself responded massively well to this and will be forming my own group coaching for others.
I will be doing less 1 on 1 stuff moving forward I think!
Ingraining better mindsets through the work I did meant that when I take Ls, I can just double down, get more insight and clarity, and go back on the attack
Mantras that help:
-I’ve just not done enough reps yet
-I’ve just not faced enough of my own resistance yet
-There are other variables I have not changed enough yet
-All problems can be either solved or managed
-Life is a numbers game
-If there is sweat on your brow because you bust your ass, YOU belong here
If you're stuck, you have to speak to people. Invest in yourself.
If a former nutcase like moi can do it, you have no excuses people, lol”

Recent wins:

I did my first public talk! It’s on YouTube, you can check it out in my signature.




I will make a separate post and proper writeup in the matter. This outcome was achieved through 2+ years of ass busting grind and eating shit for most of that going off trust & faith in my advisors/mentors.

The new photos, FINALLY, have allowed me to get matches with girls who I am sincerely, fully attracted to, and would LOVE to go on dates with. I would LOVE that. I worked my fucking ass off for this, for years at this point, and following the hard reset and use of a burner phone, I was able to see the fruits of my labour.

I had a huge mental breakdown a few weeks as you know due to what seemed like a lost cause in fixing the quality problem but my boys helped me through it and now we are finally seeing FANTASTIC improvements in this area.

I gutted up and dealt with the match quality I got in The Phoenix Project to get experience, to get lays, and to just become a better man. In the back of my mind, the fact I was attracted to maybe 1% of these girls fucked with my head and took me to some dark places. I am looking for a serious relationship for myself so the quality I was getting really left me so worried, fearful, anxious and I had to just swallow it down, gut up and put in the fucking WORK to level up in my looks, image, confidence, game/vibe, and trust that men who are infinitely more knowledgeable and advanced than I had a greater understanding than me, and that I had to put faith in.

I am so, so, so happy to report that they were right. As ever.

“Your best thinking got you where you are”

If we have a persistent and long standing problem, we ourselves are not competent at solving that problem. You acquire coaching, you acquire group support, and you change your brain over time through consistent diligent hard work.

Thanks to the boys in my dating group chat who are grinding beside me every day:


(We also had The Bulldog but he’s now a 1 on 1 client of mine and is out here in a personal chat with me GETTING IT)

Seeing the lovely women who are matching with me, happy to chat to me, and some of whom are happy to agree to come out for a drink with me, just left me feeling emotions I’ve not felt for so long.

Panic over.

I am going to be ok.

All will be well.

It was so needed.

I am very grateful to see how far I have come. And it’s only the beginning. I will greatly increase my muscle mass, drop a lot more body fat (10-20lbs man), get tattoos, and make any other adjustments I must make.

Now………..its grinding season.

I will do the same thing Andy did in his biz journey, but in my own weird and wonderful way. The problems I want to solve are a little different from his in some sense, but I am damn good at solving them, many struggle with them, and for me to be able to properly resolve this in others will be something I can proudly call my contribution to the world.

It’s the hill I’ve chosen ;-)








Respect man! Having a solid niche and making a good reputation is the whole reason I'm successful.

I love how Hormozi says it... if you could pick one advantage in business, pick a hungry audience. If you sell hotdogs to a hungry crowd at a baseball stadium, you're guaranteed to win.

When you niche down, you get more specific with your messaging, your product, and everything, and you can help that group of people so much more plus you can speak to their hearts.

Can't wait to see you crush it man.
Thank you broski I will keep you all updated on biz, I am going to level up a lot, a lot, believe me. I will make more money, serve more people, and invest that back into myself and my growth.

More self improvement, more looksmaxxing, more success.

And I will share that with my tribe: KYIL

Rock solid:

-2hr walk & self reflection
-1hr stretching & core
-FB intro message to all who accepted
-Skincare, Minox
-Biohacks: Light breaks, earthing, DHA
-Follow/Unfollow on IG (few rounds)
-FB Messenger: Relationship building
-Life Admin: Purchased 4k webcam for coaching calls
-Dante video
-200 FB Adds
-Cold Email Prospecting: 15 prospects, working on it, these are businesses I could work w/
-Content: 2 long form uploaded. 1 is up now, title is Goal Achievement Is A Team Sport: No Man Is An Island (2 Diff Types Of Achievers) [Productivity]. There is another long form scheduled to go out at mid night which is a hard hitting video on personal responsibility.
-5 shorts uploaded/scheduled

Good. Worked the whole day. No bs. Lovely. Back tomorrow. See you in the morning.

Yo MAC can you link the best resources you've utilized for building a business? starting a new venture and currently gathering information.
Got to LDN on Mon. Full out Biz Hustle.

Got to Carls. Dropped my stuff off. Went on a date.

Gal was of acceptable quality. Pretty. She intensely grilled me, full interview mode. Sucked. I wasn't into it. After an hour, she told me she didnt think we vibe, we chatted a bit more, and as she told me outright she wasn't interested, I politely told mer to enjoy her evening and leave. She left. I think she felt a sense of loss of power when I told her this, as she got up and walked off, she turned around and said "Well maybe I'll talk to you somewhere down the line, or maybe I won't". I was totally oblivious the second she stood up and was deep into my phone, looking at my dating group chat, but I saw a strange smile on her face in my peripheral vision. She unmatched quite swiftly.

This was the first date of the new profile. She was a better looking person than many I date, though I did not like her, at all.

Mon: Huge biz grinding. Met with an investor I got in touch with through quite a high level guy. Dude is exceptional smart but a psycopath type person. Something of a money making machine he has all manner of strange qausi-scams and whatnot but he is unbelievably well connected and is something of a networking dynamo and is able to get into all manner of places. A guy who is very high level told me to just keep in touch with him, so I made efforts to. Dude was fat, uncouth, completely disagreeable, and even loudly farted here and there with no fucks given (lol). Despite this, this dude is doing sponsporship deals with Fulham FC and is effective AF at what he does. It was my 2nd time meeting him. Like a psycho, he just invited me to a meeting he had with other investors to try to support his image and cut some deal. But the good news is, I connected with 2 other dudes I've met at events and they were great, and gave me zome good info. One is also connected with the same high level guy, so given I have these dudes on socials as well now, it just makes it easier for me to strengthen that relationship.

Got home after the date. Worked hard all day. Uploaded my content. Did my social media hustle. Added poeple, wrote comments. Potentially found another networking event to attend next weekend.

Tue: Spent the morning in the sun, in Carl's front garden, having a good and deep convo with him. I was set to meet other investors. These are more serious and I know they have $5 million theyre looking to put into projects. They are running Wellbeing events and want to know if I can help. I can assist with either speaking, group work, or in project management. These will be 600 person events and good for my brand. The investors were late AF on Tue so I offered to reschedule. They apologised as their previous meeting overran and asked to reschedule. They also wanted pictres and videos of my previous experience in delivering wellbeing events so I'll put some stuff together (I have done talks on productivity, biohacking, healing, and so on). Will see if I can swing the gig.

Many times these things go nowhere. I learned from Vin back in the day, that in biz, you do all these meetings, try to get deals going, but often, these people are bullshitters and don't mean what they say. To find someone truly solid in biz, Vin said, is like gold dust. He told me I am one of the few truly rock solid people he's met the past few years. He considers me his "best friend" in the UK (as he is mine, also) and his posting about ths on a biz group recently helped my clout a lot now I am audience building.

If you go back in my log to a post called "Life Changing Day In The Forrest" you'll see the masterclass on biz and community building Vin gave me when I first met him. Which was a serious hustle to even have a 5 min call with him in the first place! Turned that into a close friendship, and tonnes of knowledge. He was the one who told me to start IronWill. And I will make it.

So, I hustle away. So my work. Then go on another date. Her pics suggested she may be a sneaky chonker. Man, she was fat. FUCK. Date was also cuck - she was looking for a LTR and wasn't into me, She enjoyed the date and then texted me after she unmatched about 10 min after the date telling me the usual bs lol.


Met up with a great guy I met at a previous event, who is an influencer, and has a good brand. He does well financially, is making 6 figures, and gave me some good info. Dude is a really pleasant chap and I liked hanging with him. He gave me some tips: reach out to platforms that already have an audience/followng and offer to teach on productivty, consistency, high performance management, goal achievement, and biohacking. He also told me I should do more public talks. I had an idea to reach out to schools, Unis, and do free talks for diff. student groups. INB4 GETTINC CANCELLED,

We agreed to hang out again, and I asked him what I could do for him: he said come on my IG Live, and do a call w/ my audience. He has 10k followers so it's a useful opp. He also said we can shoot a proper video together next time we hang out.

I enjoyed learning of the rags to riches story of his mentor, a guy who came from Pakistan with nothing, who has made himself a multi-millionaire through extreme work ethic, trading, and running this platform teaching trading/finance. I met him briefly. Amazing how some people are so obsessed and relentless.

Good relationship building. Maybe something will come, maybe it won't. But I got some good insights. We followed each other on socals and always good to connect with proven commodities for the clout.

I then met up with the investor guy from Mon. He wanted to explain some money-making scheme he has going. I understood it, get it, and it's working for him. Bit odious for my liking and not really something I can help with. I did him a favour and shot some content with him. Made a good impression and kept moving. He is well connected and just leaving a good impression on him is useful for my own image as I know some people he is close to and they are high-level. Silly little things we do to get a seat at the table. Minor investment of time, it's whatever

I had another girl scheduled for a date, she was quite pretty, and 6 ft 3! She flaked due to work. But asked if she could see me next week. I then got another lead, again, a pretty girl, and she wasn't free tonight, but asked if I am around next week.

So wed has been a true hustle. Up. Running around LDN. Meetings, connecting with folks, working and working. Didn't even eat. Had no time. Just drank water.

The biz hustle is real.

And I love it.

It makes me feel alive. My brain is so engaged. It's constant. If I even have 1 second, I am on my phone responding to comments, in my DMs carrying on convos, and working on ideas for IronWill.

I will be working hard on my offer and will also be raising my prices soon. Currently. I'm $300 a month. I will sign up the current guys enquiring because they are guys I genuinely like but it'll be $400 going forward. I will build my brand, get clout, and level up my actual offer a lot (a client only group, a training library, webinars, events, the lot).

(Post was written on the train last night, came home, passed out)

I wil reply seanconneryfan_
seanconneryfan_ said:
Yo MAC can you link the best resources you've utilized for building a business? starting a new venture and currently gathering information.

Here is the overview of all the nuts and bolts of what I am doing:


In my case, I just monetised my currently existing skillset, stuff I nailed down through 12 years of real world experience.

I learned a tonne on how to operate and think from: one of my best friends and internet-marketing legend, V, and Andy/Radical, who've coached me for almost 2years. Earlier on this year, I got involved with V's old mentor, Dan, after V advised I join his accountability program in order to be able to model what a successful one looks like. This proved to be good advice.

The approach I took:

(A) I got coaching. I asked my friend for advice. And executed. I learned through doing. Andy actually helped me through the initial implementation, brainstorming, and the nut and bolts of how to get clients results. He gave me advice on how to coach and so on. I have a lot of management experience (I was a Projects & Programs manager) and it was my job to do a lot of this stuff for years, and I've line managed teams of 30-50 people.

(B) Peer to Peer Support: I assembled a bunch of the smartest and most capable people, who had the same goal as me (Biz) and created a group chat. We outlined our goals and we continuously supported each other and leveraged our own knowledge, skills, and experience to help each other. The only criteria for this group was: the guys need to be absolutely rock solid, cast iron, and I need to like them and vibe well with them as bros. I tolerate no bullshit, no excuses, no whining, and no mediocrity in my personal life. These are my peers, so are involved in my personal life. I demand excellence and performance, and I will, in return, give every ounce of energy in my brain, body and soul to ensure the success of every individual in my tribe. This ended up being a massive game changer, there are very smart guys in this chat (Crisis Overcomer, The Dom, Natedawg, Slickbackhair, Radical, Paw) and we have a genuinely close relationship so we are always giving each other feedback, tweaking, course correcting. And we work like fucking savages. Daily. I have only 2 chats, both are very, very active, and the premise with both of them was, I will assemble the people who are the smartest and whom I like the most, and together, I will become elite alongside them.

(C) Learning by doing: Take it step by step. Solve problems as you go. Built the airplane while flying it. Don't consume random information. Need to learn how to develop a pitch? Study. Learn. Execute. Done, onto the next. Need experience working with clients? Work for free. I worked for free for several months. Many guys got access to my brain for months, for no cost at all. In the next 2 years I will rise to the top 5% of my industry. Guys who get onto my program at my current rate will be grandfathered in at that rate. In a few years I will charge lots, ofc. That's business. Andy used to charge f**k all. He now charges what he's worth - which is 100% worth it. He changed my damn life, I'll never be able to repay him.


(1) Mindset is King: Just study & absorb everything you can from Andy. Again and again. Keep watching his videos. Keep listening to the podcast. Read the articles again and again. I was coached by him for almost 2 years, he installed that incredible mindset into my head. Now I can do the same with others. I am still early days but the past 2 years I've basically made 12 years of progress in 2. That is why you invest in a great coach. Now my own tribe will get the same results and outcomes from me. Abundance mentality. Be fucking fearless. Turn every L into a W. Be patient as fuck. If it takes 5-20 years, oh well. Accept it. Deeply. Be very, very long term focused. Be willing to fail. Be willing to suck. Every great success story has gone through failure after failure and has been through so much pain. I embody this. And that is why I suceed.

(2) Time Served: Accept that it just takes a long time to build an audience and for people to trust you as a proven commodity.

(3) Model Success: Select a few very successful people and just model them. Find who has what you seek, get close to them, get on their radar, be a part of their programs, and align with them. Read their books. Take their courses. Get their coaching. This is how smart people level up in life. Smart, successful people invest in themselves. Losers pinch pennies. Winners invest in personal trainers, accountants, attorneys, business coaches, style consultants, therapists, and coaches. And thats why, all they do is win. You can get on the radar of winners and model them. Connect with them, move how they move, absorb, internalise, and grow as a unit. Add value, always. Be willing to risk it. Don't ask. Give and give. Sometimes, you'll get something in return, many times you don't. Winners are willing to make the investment and they speak the language of success. IronWill as a business was all developed within 1 convo that took place in Battersea Park between me and one of my best friends and quasi mentor in biz, V, who I connected with 8 months before through monumental hustle (I literally hounded him on socials after following him for years and convined him to spend a week with me in a forrest, I shit you not). He is an unparalleled biz mind and I just made it so I could spend a lot of time with him, and emulate him. I was able to do this effectively and we're close now. Because I went out my way to model success, I was able to have that one conversation that convinced me to start my business.

(4) Skills Matter: If you're early AF and don't have skills yet, you'll need to build them. You will need to be able to offer real, genuine value. I know my subject matter at a level of depth that is excruciating, I am an autistic genius and I have been completely f**king obsessed with productivity, goal achievement, transformation and how to 10x achievement using the framework and method I have developed through 12 years of relentless effort. I first solved my own problem (from procrastinating loser who would do fuck all for months, was obese, anxious, virgin, etc) to a guy who will go down in self improvement history as one of the hardest most fucked up cases of all time, who became one of the Greatest of All Time, by decoding the system, seeing through the matrix, and actually finding a way to hack this stuff and change the brain itself. I put my work in. I put the time in. I was proven in the real world as a project manager and have recognition awards to show for it. I have the coaching and managerial chops and had a LinkedIn full of staff members who considered me the best boss they ever had. I found my gift/super power: community & people development, consistency & discipline. I learned TF in.

If you are serious about building a biz, start a log, post your goals, and I'll help you the best I can. We all will.

Hey bros,

Any feedback or thoughts are appreciated. Doing some business development.



jakeD said:
I think your looks are actually killing it at this point both in your profile pic and the pic you recently posted to compare how far you've come to that older pic of you.

I'm just waiting now to see you walking around with a hot ass girlfriend to match.

Thanks Jake for your kind words & brotherhood as ever

If I am ever able to have that experience happen, I would be overjoyed

Totally would mean the world to me

Let's hope we can make it happen bro, the KYIL boys got me this far, I hope I can make a better situation for myself in the future around dating.


Just some journalling and sharing. I want to write it out. This isn’t what I think. It’s just shit in my head and I do’t want it there. For me, the most powerful way to heal is write it out and share it. It just works. I don’t know why this is the case. I use my journal for healing work and have done for years here at KYIL.

Journal entry below:

How I feel about biz and success:

Good. Today, I went to a great paid event. Networked, made relationships, connected with lots of great guys. It was with serious guys and action takers, people who will pay £100 to attend are serious.

I have a method to win influence with key players and event speakers. I vlog their event, and tell them I will tag them. The event organisers like when guys vlog their events, and this is great for their brand. So I talked to them and they were very happy about me vlogging. I did this, and later, asked them for interviews. I also got selfies with them. I then asked them to come on my podcast. I have uploaded a few podcasts to my youtube channel. I’ll be recording lots more with my network.

I exchanged contacts with lots of great guys. Some dudes were fantastic. I will get a few of them on my podcast also.

Content wise, I got a tonne. Built relationships. Got photos. Made connections. Did the best I could. The event was also exceptionally helpful and inspiring. I liked it.

A dude I am getting to know came over and met me. I shot an interview with him and a bunch of videos. We got pics together. There’s different things we can work on together.

So hustle complete. It was a true ass busting day. Got up early, went to the event, arrived early. Event was 9 – 6pm. Then my guy came to shoot with me for about 2hrs. I then went to Carls place. I had dinner. I was fasted all day, just coffee! Ate at around 8pm. Chilled with Carl.

We are doing a magic mushrooms session tomorrow. We are doing 2g each for mind healing purposes.

To facilitate my shrooms session tomorrow and help my healing, below I am sharing the things I am struggling with right now. I am feeling a lot of pain some days and feel a lot of heavy, toxic, painful emotions, and deal with difficult voices in my head around relationships and my future with dating. Journalling starts below……………..

How I feel about dating and relationships:

I feel hopeless and like there is no way out

That is how I feel at this moment.

The last 6 dates went absolutely nowhere. I have had no success with women for 8 months. Soon I will be on a year long dry spell. I feel lonely, unwanted, and undesirable, and have lost so much faith.

Just sharing, venting, but I will keep working……...

There is no hope of a better day on the horizon for me I absolutely fucked

I see no way out. I can’t convert. I can’t get 2nd dates. I am not getting leads who want to know me in a meaningful sense.

What is so wrong with me?

What part of me is missing?

I see other men waking down the ateeet with women

Why does no one want to hold my hand and walk down the street?

I do not understand why I am not able to make this experience happen

Lost, confused, and just do not know how to fix this.

Week after week, month after month, year after year. I cannot escape this experience.

My thoughts on myself in dating:

Something about me is truly fucked up and it is that which is the reason why my approaches and dates go nowhere

And it is that which is the reason why women in life just do not want to know me

But why do men want to know me? Why are my bonds and relationships with men so strong?

Men help me push me and see greatness in me

Women see me more or less as generic trash. A detestable individual. Can’t make this stop and it drives me fookin insane

I want to give up so bad

I truly do not like this and here are the thoughts it gives me (yes I am aware these are bullshit, but this is the stuff that enters my mind sometimes)

Ravi stop this you are so fucked beyond repair, you are autistic generic trash and you do not need to be on this planet

You are being weeded out of the gene pool, this is your extinction, you are a former anxious agoraphobic obese housebound wreck that is why you ended up a 29 year old virgin and this is something the world feels

It’s on your voice, your movements, your eye contact, your posture

It’s in everything you do

And that is why you will never succeed in relationships or finding love.

You cannot overcome biology, the body keeps the score, it knows you have trauma, it knows you emotional suppression, it knows you feel uneasy and stressed and lack self love and do not believe any woman will ever want to be with you

So you will continue to get what you subconsciously believe you deserve

Which is nothing

Yeah I have a strong strong mindset in biz success and life

I can attack any goal

Apart from one…………..

Anything related to love, connection, and the relationships I seek

That feels completely impossible and causes me pain the core of my being

And part of it is true

I am unattractive to women and they don’t like me

I am undesirable to them and their actions speak volumes

And I am very very bad at fixing this situation because I frankly do not believe I can be fixed

If it is any other goal, I know I’ll nail it. Through brutal hard work, consistency, discipline, and the approach I have to achievement, I’ll nail it.

This for some reason does not make me believe I can succeed in dating.

Part of it is also due to the fact that I am objectively speaking a guy women don’t like. There are exactly 0 women walking planet earth who would choose me to be with. Sucks, but nothing I can do about this.

For any other guy on the forum, I would say there is a future for them and they will find what they seek

But in my opinion, for myself, it is truly over

Reason for this: something deep inside is wrong. It is the thing that means all my dates ghost/aren’t interested. It’s the reason none of my approaches have gone anywhere in 12 years. And it’s the reason no one sticks around.

This, I don’t think is something I can dislodge or fix.

I have a concept for what this shit is. I can describe it. It’s a traumatised and screwed up psyche due to bad past experiences and also, obviously, being a bit of an autist.

This shit is rough and it makes me so sad I just have to live like this and be a lonely guy. Rough but as this has gone on for so long now, I think my options have been totally exhausted and it’s time to think about coming to terms with myself, accepting myself, and being absolutely OK with myself as a human being.

My prediction for the next year of my journey:

Biz gets better. Body gets better.

Nothing else moves.

The dry spell is at 8 months and i feel like it will go on for years


Journaling over.

Ugly right?

Yeah, that’s stuff in my psyche.

I deal with it and do the work regardless.

Maybe these voices will remain in my. SO what? This ugly shit does not stop me. Because I refuse to accept defeat for no damn reason.

It’s important to step into your power and come to life expanded vs contracted. Come to life with agency and not victimhood.

Sure, when it comes to dating, I am in no uncertain terms, quite f**ked:

-Being brown in places like the UK is pretty much a death sentence if you have an unattractive face and are generally quite physically unattractive. This is a recipe for having your mental health progressively carved down to nothing. I deal with it and push regardless.
-Generally, in the world, it is a major DLV You lose 1 to 3 points on your SMV. Rough. This is actually why my dating life has always sucked and the huge SMV loss is something I can only overcome with solid game. Solid game is something I find hard to learn. Not impossible, but close to it.
-Game: It is very hard to learn game when women give you nothing to go off. Often it is like speaking to a piece of stone. They feel nothing for me and there is no concept within her mind of the possibility of being attracted to me. Hence dates, from women’s end, are usually just a boring exchange of useless information. Yayyyyyyyy. Tried all manner to sexualise and create fun. The chicks I usually go on dates with are, at times, at the point of a total collapse of their identity when an even slightly sexual statement is made. This behaviour is truly pathetic and makes me lose the will to be quite honest.


What I am actually going to do about this:

Hired a new coach. I think he will be able to help me actually start to solve my dating problems. I don’t know how but he thinks he can help me. I have no other choice. Importantly, this is a brown coach. No one else has any grasp on how truly low SMV people can build a dating life. Other dudes know literally jack shit on the subject matter. There is only 1 group in this world who is truly at the bottom of the hierarchy and is genuinely undesirable. It should be obvious who I refer to. You don’t have to like this. It’s fact. My coach thinks the same and outlined this clearly. He is someone who understands how the SMP works. People on KYIL do not understand this at all and hence I just tuned out over time. What helps me deal with this, is that men in this world just live in different realities. Some are pre-selected and women actually like them. They get experience A. This experience I actually workable. Hard work pays off in this world. You can actually build a dating life and make progress. Others, live in reality B. This is a fundamentally scarce and ugly world. Nothing good happens here. It’s just a heart breaking world. I am not sure how one can stop this experience. I’ve seen no signs yet. There may be no cure. If there was, I would have seen it by now, sorry to tell you.

Keep training and self improving

Work on mindset and healing

Not give up

Give myself a nuclear option: if by the end of 2024 I have made no progress whatsoever, then I will stop this journey because I think there are very deep things fucked up with my brain. Frankly, as a man who is likely on the spectrum, I think nature does not want me in this world. I think it is gently telling me I should not pass on my genes because it will be unfair for the next generation. It may be time to just understand that my actions are selfish and it would be very unfair to my possible children to have an autistic weirdo as their father who will pass the tainted genetic material onto them and they will suffer like I did. At the end of 2024 I think it will be time to stop all this, move away somewhere and start my life again away from all self improvement & dating people and spaces like this in general. It will be like going into the witness protection program. I coild just start aggain and forget all this shit. My focus in life could be on business and solving problems. I think I will focus the rest of my days accepting myself and just getting the counselling and psychological help required to accept living alone and dying like that. The positive impact of this will be just not passing the problem on and carrying my own burden and cross with integrity and grace. Those who are better men can carry on the lineage and continue to fight for the human animal. I’ll do my bit in my own way.


End of journaling.

Now, back to work.

Maybe things get better. Maybe they don’t. Maybe with my new coach, I can finally start building a non-shit dating life. Maybe it doesn’t happen. I’ll give him 6 months of work and see what we can make happen. If he can’t help me in any way within this time frame, I’ll thank him and move on. I am getting quite sick of this shit to be honest and will commit to plodding on for another 1.5 years and at that stage I give myself permission to finally drop this pursuit. I will be grateful for the growth and I will always know I tried. You don’t know how deep and how bad your problems are until you go on the mission to solve them. The further along you get in your journey, the deeper you have to go. For myself, I learned that much of my belief in dating was based on quite a naive hope and optimism. I no longer see it like that. I lost my hope a few months ago and it’s now dead, buried, and gone. And I am OK with it. I will still keep doing the work and like I said, in 1.5 years I’ll ask for my account to be banned and just move on with my life. That time will be upon us before we know it, it’ll be like a click of the fingers. And then my life can finally begin, not engaged with this awful fucking shit that is so unpleasant, so draining, so tiring, and just breaks your heart and makes you lose faith in the human species.

I will go to Budapest and work hard for 6 months. I am quite sure nothing will happen in Budapest at all. It is a god awful location for dating and there is a lot of bullshit to come. I think I will just turn it into a fun game – how many dates to completely nowhere can I get to? If I get to 50 and nothing happens, I am pulling the plug on this shit and moving TF on with my life, alone and single. Time to buy a dog!

MakingAComeback said:
it’s time to think about coming to terms with myself, accepting myself, and being absolutely OK with myself as a human being.

I'm not going to give platitudes or pretend to know what it's like in your situation. I have little concept of it, just as I have little concept of what it's like to be a total Chad.

What I will say is I think this statement will bring you a lot of peace if you follow through with it. Then once you start accepting yourself, others may follow suit including some women.

I also see nothing wrong with giving yourself a timeline like this. I've always told myself that I'm not required to do any of this, that I could find happiness dropping it all and living life in a monastery which reminds me I have choice.

In fact taking a break, even for a few years, may help you work through yourself and be able to renter the game stronger. If you choose to do so.
Im not gonna comment on wether a player lifestyle of banging hot white chicks is possible or not for you.

But don't give us the bullcrap that you have to give up the goal of becoming a family man with a attractive and loving wife.
If the SMV of a brown man is so bad, why is there hundreds of millions of brown people on the globe ?
this is horseshit and your not that special that something is so wrong with you that you cant find a mate.
MAC is like the only guy in existence who says "I tried my best" after not getting results and is actually telling the truth
I just don't understand how this can possibly be due to your looks. To my knowledge you're pretty flexible in your standards. You don't get matches or dates with the new photos?

Or the dates just don't go anywhere? Then I guess it could be game related. Like I have what september calls antigame. I wonder if you have the same problem
You need to work on your energy and subcommunications like a madman. And your frames. If your coach doesn't stress this over and over, find a new coach.

You should find someone that calls you while you game and gives you feedback.

If you're not getting constant feedback from your coach saying "your energy is shit bro", then he probably isn't good.

If your coach just talks about verbal game, generic game concepts that anyone can read online like "seed the pull", he's not good.

Most coaches aren't good. Because:
-Most men aren't good with women. So most game coaches are the classic example of "those who cant do, teach"
-Most people in general, and most men that are good with women are bad at teaching and actually verbalizing concepts that are intuitive to them.
-Most people, and most game coaches don't actually care about you. They want to make good money doing a reasonable amount of work. So they focus on converting mediocre performers into decent performers.

But they give up on hard cases. They dont want to invest in you since you might not come to the other side. And they dont want to offend you by giving you 100% honest raw feedback. Most people are politically correct and fake.

If possible, actually befriend a coach. Look at colgate and other guys that learnt from Troy. The 1 on 1 mentorship system fucking works and has worked for all human histort

It's the only valid shortcut.

You should absorb his energy and frames. How they view themselves, how they view women.

I cannot stress this enough. If your coach isn't constantly hammering you with the right mindsets, with the right energy, move on. If you don't have masculine, dominant energy, NOTHING will work in game.

You should also read Game Solved.

You Have No Idea How Beta You Are
When I first decided to think through my inner 'game', my inner perspectives, it was basically a thought
experiment. I was probably 6-7 years into game already, and my inner game had definitely been above
average all these years. Ever since I learned some inner game when I first heard about game in general,
things like “Don't be afraid to take up space in the world,” I had been alright. I soon started finding that
there was a tangled maze of dark caves hiding subtle shit that was really fucking me up. That's where a
lot of this book is actually about perspectives. Correcting that stuff. It was shocking to me.
By the same token, I didn't realize how many beta non-verbals I had until I started working on them.
And I had grown up an athlete, was one degree of belt away from black in one martial art and had base
proficiency in Brazilian Jujitsu, could bench press twice my weight at one point, and grew up with a
very alpha father (whose degree of alpha behavior actually forced me into beta-ing to an extent, but
nonetheless). For just about every intermediate, or especially beginner, guy I meet in game – they are
simply worse than I ever was. And I was dripping with little beta signs and tendencies.
I'm watching a show on HGTV called “Property Brothers” and using it to do a humor training exercise.
But the husbands on the show that are buying houses with their girls... Fuck. These dudes are just
FULL of beta signs. Left, right, and center. They're the 'average American.' The male 7. And these are
dudes that GOT reasonably attractive girls (attractive enough to be chosen for a TV show), and have
the cash to buy a house and so on.
The fact is, without training it, I guarantee you're guilty of FAR more micro-alpha giveaways than you
can imagine. Even writing this and getting to a point where I'm pretty decent at it and getting quite
good results, I would still say that I'm probably quite unaware of the number of micro-alpha giveaways
I'm still guilty of.
I'm not going into this to hate on you. I just want to hit on it to wake you up. Because I know the guys
that need this MOST – either those that are crazy beta, or the guys that are solid intermediates or better
but are being TOTALLY stopped from the next level BY their beta signs – are going to read the part on
not having micro-alpha giveaways and just shrug and keep reading. The dudes in between will listen
and benefit. But for those two groups who think that's a non-issue for you, trust me. It fucking is. Quite
frankly, you wouldn't be IN game reading a 500 page book if you A) Were guilty of no large amount of
beta-ing (micro-alpha giveaways). B) Created strong emotions in girls when you interacted with them.
And C) Had proper internal attitudes towards sex and sexuality and led towards sex like it was the natural thing for man and woman to wind up doing. Those three things would've combined to keep you
out of game entirely, guaranteed. So I know for a fact no one reading this sentence started their journey
with those three things. Now some of you might have advanced beyond some of those, but unless
you've worked on it, you definitely are still going to have big issues in category A.

Cold approach is not an easy puzzle. This is the level of thought you need to have to actually improve. It's like learning an instrument or playing a sport. Theres a million factors you need to account for. You need the right guidance. And you ALSO have to work hard.

I repeat, cold approach is a great training ground, but it's a hard problem. There's very, very few people in the world that can consistently pull hot girls from cold approach.

So don't be so hard on yourself. If you fail at cold approach, you can still meet a decent looking woman through social circle. There's this idea that with Game you can seduce any woman, and it's bullshit.

Mediocre looking simps all over the world have hot girlfriends through sheer luck and social circle. So don't understimate joining a random class.

I'd also consider moving somewhere in the world where you are relatively higher smv.

It's not over man. Don't lose calm.
Always glad to see you're soldiering along brother, even when things feel grim.

One thing I've noticed is just how much a lack of response from women seems to send you on a spiral. Upon further observation, I think a lot of that simply lies in the fact that alot of things change when we add other people into the mix.

When they respond the way we want, we're happy.

When they don't respond the way we want, we tend to beat ourselves up with shame/blame/etc.

I mention this because I believe you will become stronger if you derive your strength from the things you can control, instead of women.

Not because these things aren't important (they are) but dealing people is like dealing with the wind. These dynamics are so incredibly random to the point they're impossible to control. So if we're only happy when women are around, and not when they ignore etc, then someone always controls your internal power. Maybe this is what is reffered to as 'frame', not sure.

All in all, just some perspective as I look at your journey man. The ladies are important, but i'd love to see you pull strength from somewhere no one can touch. Ultimately, everyone's win conditions will be different. As long as you don't quit, it's impossible to lose.

Keep goin' brotha.

I understand your struggle because when I’m walking on the street with a foreign girl (no matter the race even), I also get looks like “why tf isn’t he going with a white girl” so yes social acceptance is in your disadvantage.


You are literally living in a different world than 99,99% of the girls you’ve talked to. You’ve been grinding 24/7 for the last couple of days like a maniac.
Girls go to the gym once a week and think they’ve worked super hard. They don’t resonate.

Right now you have close to 0 commonalities with every girl you meet. She probably does think you’re cute because she swiped you right (indicator of attractiveness) but then she realizes during or after the date that y’all have nothing in common. I also don’t get 2nd dates often so don’t stress about this.

See that cute girl you met on that high value party. She was into your world and she showed interest. It’s one of the only girls you ever had stuff in common with and you came close.

I think you absolutely need to make 1-2 evenings free per week to do something you like in a social setting. Meet new people, make connections with “betas” and overall try to become more in touch with the world for normal people.

jakeD said:
This will sound strange but you are maybe just too good of a person and too responsible.

Being alpha and intimidating is so overrated in the online red pill world. I get it because of the Tinder takeover where you normally match with girls under your SMV hence it’s better to be a fuckboy.

But guess who fucks a lot of girls in the real world? The super fun guy does, the genuine good guy that everyone respects does, the talented guy does,…

Mac is an honest guy who wants a loving relationship with a beautiful women. The worst advice is to turn him into an intimidating bad guy.

If Mac can go from happy chappy to fun, interesting and positive whilst being a genuine person who sets and respects his boundaries, then he’s on the right track
Your smart and have way more experience than me so I dont really have much advice but a family is a truly good thing to aim for and I think you will figure it out.


I think the psychedelics will be very beneficial, especially shrooms due to the neurogenisis.

I think you've still got a lot of good avenues to approach.
Social game or just generally socialising with women could be great for you and you'd be able to put yourself more at ease. Also as you say men respect you, in a social setting this could raise your smv if women see other men treating you well.
Maybe in a social setting, especially if your leading a group - which you definitely can do, you can select for women who value things like intelligence and drive instead of fast-life-history strategists.
Your also tall, have a successful business, well-dressed and will become jacked.

This is the next thing, you are still just scratching the surface with physique - if your have massive arms, neck and delts popping out your shirt, 6-pack ect your definitely going to notice an improvement.

"I think nature does not want me in this world. I think it is gently telling me I should not pass on my genes because it will be unfair for the next generation. It may be time to just understand that my actions are selfish and it would be very unfair to my possible children to have an autistic weirdo as their father who will pass the tainted genetic material onto them and they will suffer like I did."

I used to think like this but natural selection is not a good way to define right or wrong, good and bad. All that matters is being just good enough to survive to the next generation, there are no style points, its an inefficient mechanism with massive amounts of luck. 'Nature' in this sense is retarded compared to intelligent design so fuck what it's trying to tell you.
Nature might make a swamp full of disease-bearing mosquitos. Intelligent design (a faculty you posses) can say 'let's drain that swamp and plant food where it used to be.'
(Idk if autism is caused by high mutational load or environmental toxicity or is just over-daignosed these days anyway.)

I truly beleive that we are equipped to solve our problems.

In that vein you can also manipulate your hormones and get cosmetic interventions if you think it will help you.
Also geomaxxing is on the table for you now.

Dont like to rant on your log but you keep giving back to the community and your YouTube content has been really good so this got me fired up.
Yo bros

I had a really good day today shrooming with Carl and chilling out

I like Carl a lot, I've been mentoring him for almost 2 years now. He's come a long way and thankfully he lives in the other reality and his dating life is fucking good. Happy for him and happy I was able to get him on the right track and avoid so much pain. I know I did a good thing for someone and I put a lot of time and energy into him. He lost his V, he now has a few chicks, all retained, lifes good for him, he's making 6 figures at 23, his future is bright as fuck.

I am good at what I do and understand the game of development so well.

He was of course playing with a different set of cards to me so thankfully it was not THAT hard. When he was able to get dates, he was able to just make it happen, because the girls actually liked him, and hence, made it quite easy. No game, massive beta, all that - but when chicks just like you, dating is normal, it just happens.

My shit I think is a diff. situation ofc but one I will learn to manage better and be stoic to.

We had a crazy deep convo today for like 6 hrs tripping fucking balls on shrooms.

It was intense, deep, we debated hardcore, but we have a close and deep relationship (I see him as my little brother tbh he's only a kid, 23) and he has also done a lot for me. He let's me crash at his place in London all the time for several days and this is what enables me to come here and hustle biz alllll fckin day until I am so tired I can't stand up, Often I don't even eat on these days and just drink water and grind meeting people shooting content etc.

I have a dream and I am willing to risk it all to live my dream, which is to be successful and to be happy and whole.

Carl asked me some good questions:

Ravi, I fear you are going to keep taking a lot of rejection, and you are going to become an old, angry, bitter man, who is going to say, fuck these bitches, I have allowed them to destroy me. Do you know this may happen to you?

How much pain do you want to take? You know this journey will be rough for you and you may not find someone. Do you just want to traumatise yourself?

He, as a total beta with no game whatsoever, is quite against game and seduction. Like most guys with acceptable SMV, he just does not have to see the harsh reality and thinks what I do is quite insane. Obv he is young and inexperienced, so I am just listening to his searching questions and processing them, and answering honestly.

I explained to him that, for the longest time, the women I was attracting were quite literally trolls. I persisted to see if it was possible to attract women who are actually OK looking. I was able to do this eventually and now the chicks I match with look quite nice. I can get them out on dates sometimes. But they are extremely averse to any form of sexuality and the dates go nowhere. I have made concerted attempts to change this and the last date was a total fucking shocker. But it's early days I will do 50 more and see what happens.

Our brain were melting out of our ears and we also laughed our fucking asses off. We then just walked around London, I did some random cold approaches whilst high off my fucking tits. I told some girls I was on shrooms they were quite nice and told me to have a good trip. Was cool.

We agreed that I should do more normie stuff. Take a day off per week. And chill out more and do regular things. I will pick my guitar up again and do more nature stuff I think. Sundays I can take off and just put my brain on ice. It may help me.

He told me I should just move to India. I am going to go to India at some point, of course, I will try there also. I do like brown girls and try it on with them a lot. They match with me sometimes but I have only been able to get 1 out on a date. She was very fat. Just being honest. I had a very hot brown girl match recently but she wouldnt exchange and unmatched lol. MOGGED.

IMO, there is no location that can save you. I've been in many different locations and sweet f**k all happened, so...........

Look, it is what it is.

I am unsure why some of the bros think I am looking for a certain type of girl. I have no preference for race. I am not sure you know this but I don't really see colour. If you spend time with me, you'll see most of my friends are white and black. I have a few brown friends but mostly it's white guys and black guys. My group was always mixed, and people of all backgrounds always came in and out of my house and this is how I was raised. We don't give a fuck. Punjabi Sikhs are a very small minority, like even in India, we are a fraction of a %. We just vibe with everyone. It does not matter to us. We are mostly concerned with family.

I appreciate everyone's insights.

My progress in biz has been solid. I am simply a beast with work ethic and am ballsy. The guys who hosted the event DM'd me to ask to come on my podcast. These are multi milliionaire biz owners. Ofc I am a G in life and other men just know. I believe deeply success is inevitable for me in life.

But the things I get bad outcomes in, yeah, look..........

It's about still being positive, still working and not giving in.

I have gotten tonnes of help for which I am grateful. Deeply so. I am thankful.

All you can do, is do your best, and understand that you outcomes are unique to the individual male.

I have still had some success with women. Yeah they were quite gross. But it's better than nothing lol.

Staying strong. Staying determined. And refusing to give in.

Do I HONESTLY think it'll get better?


You play the cards you're dealt either way.

I will find a way to deal with it.

I did not make the world. I did not ask for it to be like this. But I know I will rise to the occasion and use the resilience I have to find the strength to keep going. It it doesn't get better, fine, I am OK with that. If I can endure 1.5 more years of this, in my own mind, I will be a champion and that is enough for me.

MakingAComeback said:
Do I HONESTLY think it'll get better?


You play the cards you're dealt either way.

I will find a way to deal with it.

I did not make the world. I did not ask for it to be like this. But I know I will rise to the occasion and use the resilience I have to find the strength to keep going. It it doesn't get better, fine, I am OK with that. If I can endure 1.5 more years of this, in my own mind, I will be a champion and that is enough for me.

Your mindset has made a lot of improvement recently. This ability to see that what's truly important is taking action on what you can control, and that living up to your own promises is more important than any external metric. You're an inspiration man, keep it up.
Zug said:
. I am going to go to India at some point, of course, I will try there also.

Brah have you not gamed in the motherland! You get white man advantage by just being from England (or Aus). It’s wicked.
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