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MILFandCookies said:
Losing fat affects your jawline massively as well as vascularity on your arms, and the shape of your torso. It's easy to see with clothes on.
This, massively.

hush said:
Same about the tattoos. Unless he plans on tattooing his face, how would that impact his interactions with women?
I'm probably going to experiment with henna / painting tattoos on my face. That's for something extreme I want to try tho and tattoos do turn off some girls.
RogerRoger said:
That's for something extreme I want to try tho and tattoos do turn off some girls.

Around 90% of girls are unresponsive so you're not losing much. I think you'll have an easier time scoring with girls who dated narcissists but that's just a theory.
I cannot agree with the bros enough.

I LOVE that the boys are spitting straight facts.

Dude, when I posted my pics, Crisis was pretty firm

"Bro what are those pipe cleaners"

I have an SMV problem, have not maxxed out, and my retarded ass is not even at the looks threshhold

This is ME fucking up

Also, if you were in the Krakow Bootcamp, The Dom delivered 1000 x harder bars than Crisis did

More improvement, got women to stop treating me like a primeval beast

They are now, not absolutely vile to me like they were. But, equally, I do have quite an attraction problem.


There was ways to bridge the gap while I am improving myself...........


It helps the lower SMV or uglier male a lot, I assure ya!

If you ever attend a workshop or lecture with The Dom, you'll hear examples of this, such as the power of a "million dollar mouthpiece", the example he likes to use of Patrice O'Neal (RIP legend), this stuff does work, but the implementation, development, and delivery is not easy

I have been working with my boys DAILY on this, we are making some types of improvement, though my ass is bad at this, and I do need an embarrassing amount of help, fortunately, I have been able to get some great support, and in my own ways I pay it forward trust me on that, a relationship with me is a good investment tbh most of my friends get good value because, well as arrogant as it may sound, I know I am destined for Greatness in life due to the inner drive God gave me.


V is here, We're G-G-G-G-G-GRINDING

Sleep, is improving, gym is consistent.

Back approaching. Working on this hardcore, I am still building back up, I am doing 5 quality sets right now, some of my friends such as Crisis want me to do 15, but damn the quality aspect is so important, my QUALITY needs work. It's taken me weeks just to get the tonality right. But I did improve this.

What helped, was watching some of the videos Pancakemouse & Rags2Bitches recommend, from Brian Begin, on tension, and speaking from one's core as man. This is similar to what Dante harps on about, in terms of delivery and speaking with emotions and fun.

As I have been working on "The Chad Voice" (Shoutout Giga Chad Arcade_Fire for giving it this name lol), I found this helped me on many levels, from coolness, groundedness, and just speech delivery.

TINDER DATE - F, 19, Hungarian Waitress

This date was from Tinder. I don't get many matches, maybe 1 or 2 a week. Slow as FUCK out here. She is pretty, and in the UK, there is basically no opportunity for me to meet girls like this. They are simply f**king repulsed to put it midly. Lol. But, here in Budapest, it is not so much a problem. Some, again, it's not many, but SOME small number of chicks, are OK with going on dates with me and feeling some attraction. Very cool.

We meet.

She's 30m late.

Message my chat, who advise I loom around the area and wait until she arrives.

New model is this:

I get the chicks to meet me at the coffee shop 1 min walk from my apartment. I then walk them over to the bridge, which is a killer location, and then I ask if they want to drink wine and listen to music at my place.

This, is cool, as I spend 0 money, and the entire date takes place within 3 min walk of my bedroom


This is the power of PRIME REAL ESTATE

My money goes further in Hungary, so I have a killer apartment with Paw, and we even have a guest room which is currently housing V, but following that, I think it's The Dom, a few of Paw's friends thereafter. We have a great network and people are in and out of our place all the time. Lifes good in this regard. Life is about people. Relationships (friendships, romantic connections, family) are the most important thing in life. If you have great relationships, with great people, you will always succeed.

A sign that you are on track in life, is, if many people are wanting to be in your life. My DMs and WhatsApp always have a fucking backlog. I have more people than I can do anything with. My notifications are always on max. It's hard to keep up with people. It was my birthday this month and I had over 100 messages across socials and had many phone calls.



So ofc, this has been good vibes for my mind and soul and I am doing alright in my mindset. It perked up because I was in the dungeon a few weeks ago let me tell ya!


She rocks up. I am wearing a vest, and trying to thugmaxx a lot more. LOL. Chad Voice is engaged. Stepping into a different personality matrix. Greet, hug, kiss, and vibe a bit. Walk her right over to the bridge, she's compliant. Start touch early on, stroking arms, back.

Seat her, we start flowing. First 30m is me building some rapport, vibe, lots of physical touch, shes totally fine with it all, and giving the right IOIs, stroking hair and such. Sit right next to each other rubbing up on each other.

She is a kinda fun chick, she is different from others I dated, she is showing me all sorts about her life on her phone, her friends, her travels, it feels pretty wholesome and natural.

I soft pitch the pull, saying lets listen to music and drink some wine later, shes super compliant "sure", and then at about 35m, I just pull to mine. Stupidly, I stopped recording the audio here. Which cost me valuable learning opportunities.

Once back, V is there, shirtless, blasting music and singing. He adds his nutcase energy to the situation, and it is a good vibe, he lifts it all up. V is a fuckin NUTCASE and is a unique human - you'll never meet a fucker like this.

We pour some wine, we go to the main room, sip a little. We head out a few times as she wants to smoke a cig.

Head to my room. Sat next to each other on the bed. I am escalating, she is cool with it all, slow sensual touch on arms, legs, back, stroking hair, hugging close and tight.

Go for the makeout. She deflects.

I ignore and just build more comfort. Try again about 5m later. She deflects again.

Head out for another smoke break from her.

As the date gets to about an hour and a half, and more and more comfort is built, she opens up A LOT and I am totally enjoying it.

We get more sensual, and she starts bantering a lot. She is trying to teach me Hungarian, and it's funny as hell. It brings her out of her shell a lot, and we are fully vibing.

I don't want it to go on too long, so given I know there's no lay here tonight, and she says she has to go, though she is in no rush at all, I walk her over to the tram, and there, she doesn't really want to leave. I am building more comfort, doing some future projection, asking her deeper questions, she is into it and we are doing some deep eye contact, with her hands around my neck, and my hands on her ass.

She leaves, and she texts me a few times, with videos and stuff. Overall, solid.

First Time Ever: Good Morning Text For MAC?!?!

Of, what, 120-150 dates I've been on since I started, ALL ghosted, apart from my old FWB Nerd Girl (legend) and L (meh).

But, never, has any chick shown meaningful investment into wanting to know me.

I checked my phone the next morning, and F texted me "Good morniiiiing"

I was quite stunned and it felt.....weird......

She's texted throughout the day, ever since, with lovely pics, videos, and just being really awesome asking how I am etc.

Never have I seen this in 32 years.

I mentioned in my chat, how old Ravi would have killed for this.

At this point I have been through the grinder to such an extent I am jaded, cynical, and super hardened. Heart is like stone now.

But, F made me....feel a little....for the first time in so long.

I am grateful for that.

I am not emotionally invested in this person, after the experience with dating I've had, I am so fucking jaded that if a chick doesn't meaningfully move things forward with me each date, I will just move on. If no bang by date 3, RIP, thanks and good bye.

We as men, who have lived this experience, now the truth.

We know, that many of us, get a horrible deal in dating, and get the worst of the worst. The absolute bottom of the barrel the top 20% of men dont want. We know women's nature, the guys they go for, and how much insane abundance they have.

They don't give a rat's ass. They forget you exist within 5 damn minutes. POOF. It's like you were never there.

We know whose bedroom they are in each week (top 20%), and it's honestly just sad.

In time, love for woman leaves the heart, and all you can do is: (A) Generate Leads, (B) Be Stoic AF.

I'll see F tonight. I will push to move forward physically, in some terms. If she doesn't makeout with me, which part of me suspects she won't, I'll ask for advice.

I have a 3 date rule after being screwed around so much the past few years. If no lay by the 3rd date, it's goodbye. Hard rule. No exceptions. I have set the frame upfront by being SUPER physical, sexualising like hell. I offered this girl a tantric massage on the first date and she was into it lol, she said "sure", so she is under no illusions.

Long Term Thoughts

The only way to survive this game, as a low SMV person, is to realllllllllllllllly maxxx yourself out.

It is painful to read when some make statements like, you could get laid looking like how you do, you are good enough, and so on

This shows massive inexperience and massive lack of understanding of self improvement & dating

Remember, moderate SMV guys get a pass and get away with murder. They are already at the finish line, they just need to try, and then boom, they have taken the one or two steps needed to finish the race.

The lack of empathy and awareness displayed when people don't recognise I have done, what, 7,000 approaches and got ZERO from that. 120-150 dates, 9 of which converted, all bar 1 were unattractive, most just fat/gross.

The best thing the truly low SMV male can do, is just thank these people for their time, not alienate them, and just get back to work. Sorry to say, but many moderate or high SMV men, are rank beginners in their knowledge, awareness, and are f**king useless to help you solve your problem. Leave them to it, they can still be great friends, just avoid discussion about dating because they have the luxury of easy mode, and you don't. Hard mode, is a very different reality and few men on KYIL are strong enough to live it. Nobody else, if they were in my body, would be able to handle it. You'd have to be hard a man as me. Which, I don't really think many are.


Who, if they switched bodies with me, would get results on KYIL?

Andy, yes, he'd still get result if he switched bodies with me but it would be maybe 2-5% of what he has. The Dom would find a way to get laid but he'd not be 5% of what he is. Pancakemouse, Rags2Bitches, also would find ways to succeed, but their dating life would also be fucking awful and they'd be posting the same shit I do. Otherwise, I can tell you without any shadow of a doubt, if 99% of the forum swapped bodies for me for ONE WEEK, they'd be involuntarily celibate and I do not know if they would have the sheer mental strength required to endure. It's daily rejections out the ass, you have to fight for every inch, and despite all the energy and focus you put in, guess what? Nothing improves. You're back to square one EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Nothing gets easier. It's Week 1, Day 1, every single day of your life.

Could you handle that?

Not likely, because this is not how self improvement is supposed to work.

All you have is luck, the scraps from time to time, that the more attractive men in the apps either didn't want, or by sheer law of large numbers, you just got access to due to being fast to strike and good enough to make it happen.

That's woman. You have to respect it. And respect them. You have to be totally OK with this. God created them this way, it's not OK to judge them for their nature. I find it disgusting and inhuman. I suppress it and just get on with it. There is a reason it is like this beyond what we are able to process.


It overpowers everything.

You can argue if you like, but you'd just be considered a joke at this point by the 500,000+ viewers of this log that exposes the ugly, dark truth of dating for a guy who does not fit the mould and is trying to find someone.

Low SMV men, have an entirely different journey. We've already seen how most of what we expected SHOULD work for me, didn't work. Why? SMV. KYIL didn't know, I've been here since the early days, when it was me and 4 other dudes posting regularly, we had a lot to figure out and now we ofc know the Race Pill (basically, white, black, and Asian guys will be OK - Brown guys, like, properly brown guys who look blatantly Indian, have an entirely different journey if they are also facially unattractive!)

Best advice:



Or you will just have your mind and soul destroyed like I did and end up totally jaded!


MakingAComeback said:
The Dom delivered 1000 x harder bars

I promised you as a friend, I will alway do my best to give you everything in my knowledge to make you succeed.

When we were in Krakow the first time, I went hard on you - and I went harder the second time because I want to see you win.

People sometime confuse me being hard because I'm a sadist ( to a certain extent, with consent, I'm) but for everyone that read this log I want you to understand this concept extremely well:

Men are forged in pain and toughness.

If you aren't putting yourself through the gauntlet of pain, if you don't have friends that sharpen you like steel, you aren't pushing yourself enough.

Pain is an honest friend, doesn't hug you and say "bro you are amazing, it's these western women that are missing out"
How can MAC obtain 17inch arms or at least 16+?
He must have iron on his body, iron on his mind. Like Dave Draper and Trent from PIKE.
Triceps are about 2/3 of the arm. I can't imagine that if you were able to lock out 275ibs on flat bench, or dip 2 plates for reps that you wouldn't have pretty sizable guns. How much do you barbell bench regular width, narrow grip? Flat dumbbell bench, incline press, overhead barbell press, overhead dumbbell, behind the neck press, skull curshers, weighted dips, pushups...?
How much can you improve these lifts in a reasonable amount of time? Do you still have newbie gains left? What's your bicep, back, trap training looking like?
What quantitative goals do you have for lifting?

Hoping that you get some wins.
MakingAComeback said:
Remember, moderate SMV guys get a pass and get away with murder. They are already at the finish line, they just need to try, and then boom, they have taken the one or two steps needed to finish the race.

The lack of empathy and awareness displayed when people don't recognise I have done, what, 7,000 approaches and got ZERO from that. 120-150 dates, 9 of which converted, all bar 1 were unattractive, most just fat/gross.

The best thing the truly low SMV male can do, is just thank these people for their time, not alienate them, and just get back to work. Sorry to say, but many moderate or high SMV men, are rank beginners in their knowledge, awareness, and are f**king useless to help you solve your problem. Leave them to it, they can still be great friends, just avoid discussion about dating because they have the luxury of easy mode, and you don't. Hard mode, is a very different reality and few men on KYIL are strong enough to live it. Nobody else, if they were in my body, would be able to handle it. You'd have to be hard a man as me. Which, I don't really think many are.

I feel like I want to offer some help and advice, but with this part here it sounds like you've automatically pre-disqualified advice from anyone who has a "higher SMV" than you.

Is that another story that you're telling yourself? I see a lot of stories in your post here, are they true? Can you absolutely know they are true?

We care a lot about you dude and I know you'll find the happiness you're looking for 🙏
Hey bros,

I will spend some time responding in the evening. :-)

Last few days: been out approaching, was in a very negative inner spiral with day game, and didn't want to be there, was hating day game, but was having some OK interactions and did exchange with 1 girl, who didn't reply to the feeler.

The girl I went on a date with, which was a good date, texted me an hour before the 2nd date asking to reschedule for tomorrow. She's stopped responding. So, I suspect, another ghost. That's fine. You can't dwell. What I have learned from the journey, is that women change their mind like the weather, and just don't care. Discard you and dispose of you within a second, for no reason at all. It's better to just downplay women in your life. They add so little. The net negative they have brought to my life, vs the small positive (there was some here and there), I would say is 50:1. That's just modern women. Can't dwell on this. Life is out there for us to go get, by breaking out of this mind prison, not falling into these ruts, and getting off our arses and hustling! ;-)

Online dating, is quite slow. I get the odd match. Very few respond. Not ideal.

Gym has been consistent, BW is around the 191/192 range. Added a little muscle I think. I will get back to measuring and posting pics. Next week, due to the smasher of a night last night............

Last night, after a tough day feeling very negative due to feelings of total futility and my dating life being in the shitter and all, V talked me into a night out. He wanted to do karaoke, as he is obsessed with music pretty much, so we hit 6 spots, he performed at them all, and then we went to the main bar in BP.

We did LOTS of approaches. V is not into any game, doesn't know it, but has several hundred lays due to clout chasers and groupies from when he used to be in a band. He wasn't really rousing any interest from chicks in the bars we were performing at, though I was chatting to the odd girl very socially, and there was a little bit of energy. Cool. Very low key, these were momentum building. Just getting into a social state.

We would approach chicks in the street, in venues, everywhere. I saw a gal who was his exact type, so I did a day game set and pulled him in. Nailed the stop, she was very receptive off the bat, pulled V in. We had a good set and we both exchanged with her LOL. Bants. She has a BF I'm pretty sure, this was just for jokes. V was quite impressed I could do that, he's never seen me do it, and he told me he was expecting her to instantly eject. He insisted that European girls are a lot nicer than London or LA girls. London girls, which was where I cut my teeth so to speak, were absolutely brutal, but good for building thick skin.

In the bar, it was a diff ballgame. V would get approached by woman after woman, complimenting him, and being craaaaaaaazy into him. He exchanged 5 times with girls who approached him, and they all replied to the feeler which I sent, and after some back and fourth, we almost got one to come back. But no dice. It was nuts how easy it was for him. It's a different level of experience if a chick is actually into you, the way they look at you, the way they want to chat, I've seen it with Paw, V, guys like that.

Needless to say, this has never happened for me. Pretty much ever.

It's why I don't go to nightclubs. It feels very futile and pointless. Nightclubs are hypergamy on steroids, and it's not my preference to be out super late trying to spit game to perpetually unreceptive girls. It also withers away at your mental health. V was strongly insisting we go out, so to appease this wildman, I went with it. I won't do this again. I don't want to do night game. I do not see value in it.

Notable sets from me:

1 - 2 Set, with V, UK girls (Yes, I know. I heard the accents and then was ready to fucking eject). Was vibing, both were alright, one was giving IOIs though. Funny thing here, was despite V being on a fucking tear and getting approached left and right, these two wouldn't give him the light of day and were giving him one word answers, but they chatted to me and one was a little into it. LOL. Only a little. Nothing hooked. They bounced.

2 - Talked, pushed, she was shit testing a bit the little dork. I gave no fucks. Trying to build some tension, in the moments and spaces where in convo, you want them to invest a little, she was not investing at all. I created a little bit of space to see if there was any investment. She immediately ejected.

The rest, were very shit. Women hardcore unreceptive, giving 1 word answers and such, or some were nice, but had bfs etc.

We left about 230am. We approached several women in the street. Some, were actually cool enough to chat a little, after we overcame the initial nervousness and weirdness of the situation. It was late.

Why V did well: he wears outrageous outfits, so he will stand TF out. He is super good with people, massively extraverted, and also, very handsome. He has a look that women LOVE. Pencil thin skinny emo. LOL. He gets eye fucked all day long. I notice it. I used to have the same thing living with Timmy. That legend used to walk down the street and it was simply nuts how women would gawk at him in quite inappropriate ways imo. Shameless. But that's biology.

I went to bed, super negative, seething honestly, from how shit my dating life has become and my dislike for women sadly has returned to the levels it was at in London. I am super jaded and cynical and the disappointments and bad experiences seem to just be every week now.

I was recently called out for saying I think women are total trash. I did regret saying that, as it is quite a negative belief to hold. I do struggle to see the goodness and humanity in woman at this moment in my journey. I do not enjoy them any more, they have been a true disappointment and seem to find new and novel ways to make you lose any minuscule seed of faith you may have. After a brutal 10 months, the recent date actually had me thinking, hey you know what, what if I could turn this around....nope.......over before I knew it. Just like always.

It's tough, and this is an awful time for me in my journey.

It's what we signed up for, so we have to roll with it.

What is the alternative?

Rotting in my house all day?


I will head back out and just be grateful.

There will be a time in my life, when I no longer have to do this, and the pain will be over. I don't have any hope of building a dating life now. I am thinking of stopping my log soon, unfortunately, as I see no way out now and this will just be me posting endless rejections and being treated like filth. Does anyone need to read that? I don't know.

Ed_ You are a legend, and I do respect you for your totally incredible journey and the hope you give other men. You have done a lot of good for other men, and it is why we appreciate you so greatly. I think about your journey quite a lot when I am basically losing the thread and literally hating this journey at times. Which isn't often, but it happens sometimes. As you can understand, 10 months of very bad results, will hurt a man, deep inside. It wounds you. Anyway, I don't mean to come across like such an ass. That is not my intent. Following reading your post, I understand this is quite ignorant of me to say. But equally, we must also call a spade a spade. It is clear to all at this point, that my attempt to self-improve and build a dating life, has been a slow descent into hell.

Thanks all.

Nightgame really is a winner-take-all game, and as you say, hypergamy on steroids. I've done the work, honed my social skills, but I could only consistently get laid from it when I went out with other girls (or smartly used the girlfriends of my friends to give me social proof).

If you're out with other men, the most attractive one will get the girls and the attention, and it can really fuck up your mental health. I noticed this myself when I went out with my friends, who are almost all the typical jock athlete Chad type, half of whom are taller and better looking than me.

I carved out a little system and modus operandi that works for me: nightlife, where I had to compete with these guys (who are totally game-unaware btw), is not a part of that. They're all jealous of my sex life, but I'm the jealous one when we're out together and I see how easy things could be.

I went out alone too sometimes but I could never make it work honestly. If I got laid from nightlife it was because I had girls with me. That's the great status-shortcut. Going out with dudes is always a bad idea in my experience.

If they're more attractive than you, you're getting blackpilled. And if they're less attractive, they pull your status down.
I do have to admit that I would not have your grit. Your frustration and anger are totally understandable, and anyone with your experience would feel the same. You're right when you say that many would have given up in your shoes, I know I would have.

I'd like to help more but with all the help of the more advanced people (PM, the dom, Andy...) that saw you in real life, I don't think I can add anything useful. I can just root for you from afar.

Good luck! Don't hesitate to take a break when things are getting nowhere. I understand the need to grind, but sometimes it's good to take a step back, reassess, and come back with a fresher mind
Frame is: who you are, what you are, what you’re doing, where you’re going, what your dreams are. Another more old-fashioned term for frame would be a ‘man’s spirit.’

Frame requires coherence on all levels: your actions, thoughts, wishes and moods must all align. It does not tolerate contradiction. You can’t say to yourself women aren’t important to you, then spend hours looking for them and talking to them—very few people are able to sustain cognitive dissonance like that.

You have such a cool life in Budapest—you’re on an adventure, in a new place, with friends, scaling a business. What’s wrong with taking a break from women for a month and just figuring out what you want for yourself absent the opposite sex?
You see MakingAComeback

It's funny because your mission at this moment it's to build your business but low and behold, it takes few bad sessions of daygame and you spiral down into resentment.

You see my friend, the problem here is that you are doing all this work HOPING to get pussy.

I told you plenty of times "You are entitled to the work, but not the results"

I know people that had to work years on themselves, change country (multiple times) to get a MINIMUM of results.

This is an exercise you do for yourself, not for the girls - even though I understand you want to get laid.
DavidStone good to see you champ, thanks for posting. My training is quite good at the moment, the exercises I am doing are the same, but I greatly increased intensity by switching to one top set to mechanical failure. I am happy to share the routine. I am getting stronger, and training super intensely, albiet for a shorter period (lifting is max 45m, I then stretch, and do some additional work for my lagging bodyparts - side laterals, glute bridges, and hammer curls 1 x 20)

I am also back on OMAD. I have been SUPER stressed lately, so gains suffered a tad. I will keep working, and I will resume my body progress updates on a weekly basis (Sunday). I will ask for feedback this Sunday, alongside my measurements.

Holden said:
Nightgame really is a winner-take-all game, and as you say, hypergamy on steroids. I've done the work, honed my social skills, but I could only consistently get laid from it when I went out with other girls (or smartly used the girlfriends of my friends to give me social proof).

If you're out with other men, the most attractive one will get the girls and the attention, and it can really fuck up your mental health. I noticed this myself when I went out with my friends, who are almost all the typical jock athlete Chad type, half of whom are taller and better looking than me.

I carved out a little system and modus operandi that works for me: nightlife, where I had to compete with these guys (who are totally game-unaware btw), is not a part of that. They're all jealous of my sex life, but I'm the jealous one when we're out together and I see how easy things could be.

I went out alone too sometimes but I could never make it work honestly. If I got laid from nightlife it was because I had girls with me. That's the great status-shortcut. Going out with dudes is always a bad idea in my experience.

If they're more attractive than you, you're getting blackpilled. And if they're less attractive, they pull your status down.

Thanks bro for the post. Night game yes, is too punishing in this regard, yes you are great socially and super skilled in seduction, it's no surprise to me you made night game work. Nightlife, is too much on top of my already super demanding life. And yes, going out with very attractive men such as Paw, V, and others, does blackpill me at times. It's part of life and you can't get too down about it. I have done better solo btw. Very curious point about having girls with you already - this I could explore perhaps, I don't have any girls who would go out with me right now, if that changes, I would consider this. The Dom also does this.

klondike said:
Frame is: who you are, what you are, what you’re doing, where you’re going, what your dreams are. Another more old-fashioned term for frame would be a ‘man’s spirit.’

Frame requires coherence on all levels: your actions, thoughts, wishes and moods must all align. It does not tolerate contradiction. You can’t say to yourself women aren’t important to you, then spend hours looking for them and talking to them—very few people are able to sustain cognitive dissonance like that.

You have such a cool life in Budapest—you’re on an adventure, in a new place, with friends, scaling a business. What’s wrong with taking a break from women for a month and just figuring out what you want for yourself absent the opposite sex?

Thanks for posting bro, always good to hear from you. I am moving forward with biz, TusharMaxxing, and just got myself into a bit of a rut recently. Life in BP is good, for sure. Better than London, but dating in London was pretty good tbh, I could get dates from Hinge, Tinder and Bumble ALL THE FUCKING TIME. When I improved my pics, the women I was matching with were gorgeous man. Then I came to Budapest under the impression it would be even better, and it actually was the polar opposite!

I think the game, the process we engage in, is a tough one mentally. We are all different, I am a guy who has found the endless ghosting a bit painful and it has hurt my self esteem a little and made me feel super unattractive. I am not actually that unattractive and undesirable, I am a 6ft5 beast of a human, super intellect, insane work ethic, legendary inner drive, and am also a guy who is trying to add value to the world and do the right thing in life. That is important. I still have a good heart and soul. Important to reaffirm that.

The resentment and bitterness, comes from the endless rejections and bad dating life. Remember, I've been ghosted over 120 times ad that does hurt man. I don't think it's useful to develop a dislike for woman, but in this process, it is very easy to start to dislike woman. It is easy to become cynical and jaded, when things go badly for you, and seem to always remain the same, regardless of anything we do. It is this that drives a shard of ice into one's heart and makes you colder inside.

Time off, actually is not productive in dating.

Here's why:

When there is a raw attraction problem, and yes this hurts me to write and makes me feel terrible, you will not be able to take it easy or lightly. If noone wants your product, which is brutal to go through, and your reception is so bad, the remedy for this is game.

Game, was not something I ever wanted to learn or get into. I had huge resistance to it. I followed the Tinder Guide to a T, but every time I'd ask if the girl wanted to come back for a drink, her eyes would flash with panic and she'd blurt something to the effect of "I HAVE TO GO", get up and fucking bolt for the door.

That happened 50+ times, in a row. The same text was sent over and over, "I'm not feeling a connection". This was called the "Crisis of Connection" era on KYIL (lol).

It drove me fuckin nuts, until Pancakemouse & Rags2Bitches saved my ass from that nightmare, and taught me about Game.

There was NO ONE on KYIL talking about Game. We had NO FUCKING IDEA. We actually used to actively dismiss it and push it away. Then my brown ass got slaughtered and legit nothing worked. Until I learned some date game and started getting lays. That was what changed my life man. But it opened up a rabit hole and unfortunately............

Game is one of the hardest skills to learn of ALL TIME.


The lower your SMV, the more game you need

For me, it was sheer brutality, every aspect of the interaction had to be nailed down, and to this day, if anything is even slightly off, I get punished severely.

This is what happens when you suffer from an attraction problem.

Women will give you no margin for error. And it is this that drives resentment and bitterness and makes you lose all love for woman. That was what happened to me.

It hurts less with the passage of time, and acceptance does come.

However, here is the catch-22.

If you take time off during the Unconscious incompetence stage in skill acquisition, you are totally screwed.

In my chat, we agreed the best move for me is immersion, 7 days a week, just approaching as much as I can, using the apps as much as I can, hustling dates as much as I can, and pushing 7 days a week in order to rewire the brain and learn how to become better with woman.

Time off, will put me back at Week 1, Day 1.

This process, for the true hardcase, and low SMV person, is not for the faint of heart.

It will genuinely kill you inside.

But from there, you can be reborn, stronger, more adept, and able to better understand reality.

AskTheDom said:
You see @MakingAComeback

It's funny because your mission at this moment it's to build your business but low and behold, it takes few bad sessions of daygame and you spiral down into resentment.

You see my friend, the problem here is that you are doing all this work HOPING to get pussy.

I told you plenty of times "You are entitled to the work, but not the results"

I know people that had to work years on themselves, change country (multiple times) to get a MINIMUM of results.

This is an exercise you do for yourself, not for the girls - even though I understand you want to get laid.

Good points big dawg.

Yes, you did tell me this.

I need to get better at embodying this.

My mindset, is improving in many ways, but still is prone to cracking & shattering during the hard times.

No excuses will be made. I have done a lot of thinking, and the right approach at this time, is to:

"I know people that had to work years on themselves, change country (multiple times) to get a MINIMUM of results."

^ This actually really helped me this morning, so thanks for this.

These examples and little stories, matter a lot in keeping one's head in the game, in the fight of life so to speak.

Really, this year is about Biz, and improving my actual technical game, to get to a decent baseline - beginner-intermediate. I understand this can take 12 months of daily work just to get to a basic competency that someone like yourself may say is about 3 or 4/10. So be it. I am willing to make the investment. In time, and in a few country changes, I am sure the results will eventually come.

Back to work.
Yesterday: Sunday Volume. Took almost 3hrs.

1 wouldn’t stop. My stop was not strong enough.
-hit and run compliment.
2 talked for a while, refused exchange
3 no English I assume

Stop harder
Smirk on the approach

4 she did stop which was cool, but in a rush
5 she was cool, but in a rush
6 she listened to the opener, said thanks, and immediately darted off
7 hard hard deflection, super harsh
8 bf, standoffish chick, ugh
9 she was a nice lady, but didn’t stop properly I should have stopped her a lot harder. She stopped and looked back two times lol wtf

Next Steps:

-Learning to persist in a calibrated way


(1) MONEY:
-Client Work
-Onboard new client, confirn sales call tomorrow, outreach
-Content: Shoot 5 LF / Make 5 Reels
-Intro in ChatGPT Group
-High Ticket Work: 1hr / Post in chat

-Gym: Chest & Tris (DONE)
-Stretch & Extra Work (DONE)
-OMAD, DHA, Supps

-Day Game: 10 Sets – Focus on Tonality, Vibe, and Calibrated Persistence (Review video)
-Online Process: 500 Swipes Tinder, Swipe out profiles Hinge
-Read Street Hustle for 30m
-Watch Tom Terrero for 30m

Life Admin Tasks: Payments etc


Yesterday, I got a call from my Mum. She asked how dating is going, and if I am meeting women. I told her the honest truth. She was a bit disappointed, and told me it may be time to consider getting an arrange marriage. I laughed it off, but I was actually stunned. I can’t fail. This is unacceptable.

I will keep working on the processes that will make me better, and improve my technical execution.

Step by step.


MakingAComeback said:


Happy birthday man! I hope you enjoyed your break - it's important to relax sometimes.

I like the look of the tank top man. Chaddly chaddington.
We already had a little chat IRL now, and I see you're back in a good headspace. Happy about that, your dips are becoming shorter and shorter. You mentioned a bunch of the points I am bringing up in this post, so good stuff man.

Hey man, I usually don't comment in since we always talk in person, but didn't have the chance for the past days. Maybe you are already over it, but to comment on what happened with this 19yo tinder chick.

First of all, you are probably right about me. I likely wouldn't have the grit to go through all the things you have gone through and are going through now. At least, I don't have the same work ethic as you, I'll admit that.

That being said, I need to point out some flaws in your doomsday thinking

1. You always say you have done 5000 approaches or 7000 approaches and have fuck-all to show for it.

First, I want to point out that your first 5000 or whatever approaches were ABSOLUTE SHIT. You had basically zero facetime. Everything was an instant rejection. You had horrible technique AND you were fat or balding AND they were done in London.

Before we met in person, I kept telling you "you must be doing something wrong if they don't even stop and talk to you EVER." But no, that wasn't possible.

Lo and behold, when you first visited me about a year ago, I saw you do your goblin approach. Of course it wasn't working. I can't believe that nobody ever pointed this out to you until this point. It's unbelievable.

We fixed it THAT WEEK, and you started getting interactions, numbers and if I remember correctly, even a date.

Since then, you have continued improving upon every aspect of your dating. You now look much better than even back then.

I will not accept you using all these "statistics" to put yourself further down than you need to.

I understand that shitloads of work went into those first 5000 approaches. That fucking sucks dude. But you were doing it completely wrong.

Imagine I said I'd "done 5000 sales calls," but it turned out that every time the prospect picked up the phone I said "Hi, I have an incredibly small wiener" and they then proceeded to hang up. Would that count as 5000 sales calls? That's basically what you're doing.

And the problem isn't that you did 5000 "approaches" that led to nowhere. It's that you use it to reinforce some shitty belief about yourself that isn't helpful.

2. You HAVE slept with a hot girl. You HAVE had a fwb.

I am stating facts. It has happened before, it can happen again. That was when you looked much worse than you currently do. You had worse game than you currently do. Your overall SMV was lower than it is now.

So it IS possible. I am not gonna come with some BS about everyone can find someone, I am simply stating a fact. You have fucked a hot girl in the past, when you looked worse than you currently do.

3. You are not maxed out.

Sure, SMV is king. But you are not maxed out at all. You can especially improve your style and your body. You can even go for fame/status. If anybody can achieve that shit, it's you.

We talked about this when Thebastard visited. There are still tonnes of things you haven't even tried
- Actually getting ripped
- Improving your style further
- Improving your game further
- Improving your photos further
- Trying different countries

4. Don't say you won't keep going

We all know that is absolute bullshit. You can't stop. You've had half a million people read this shit. You tell me they reach out to you every week thanking you. How many other people who didn't say shit are inspired by you right now?

There is a higher purpose behind this log than just your own journey. And we all have your back.

What I think you did wrong with this specific chick.

Your current pattern goes something like this:

1. You finally get a girl to come on a date with you, and you do well on the date.
2. The girl somehow expresses that she likes you through words or actions/attention.
3. You get overly excited, lose the frame you established and start validating her way too much - secret nice guy. She then loses attraction.

A chick sends you a good morning text and you melt back into the nice guy. This happened with L, the rave chick and now this new chick. It's a pattern.

I saw you message her "Hello beautiful" before you even had the 2nd date with her!! Don't fucking do that. You don't know her. You haven't slept with her. You explained this with something to the effect of "low SMV guys have to love-bomb" (not your exact words, but that was the point).

I don't agree. I think you nailed the date but then showed your "true nature" of being a nice guy, which then turned her off. You changed behaviours, so how can she trust you?

What to do instead (I'm sure your game mentors can explain this better than me though)
- Keep the same frame as before the first date. Don't change behavior all of a sudden, then she can't trust you.
- Don't overly validate her for nothing. Validation is a reward for girls who you're seeing on an ongoing basis that treat you great.
- Keep the messaging to a minimum between the dates. Mostly logistics and the occasional banter.
- Get the 2nd date in ASAP. Get it the next day if you can, until you've fucked her on two separate occasions.

On top of that, obviously keep doing all the other improvements you're also doing. I know you will keep doing that.

Keep going bro. You are so close right now.
Paw said:
1. You always say you have done 5000 approaches or 7000 approaches and have fuck-all to show for it.

Just to expand a little bit on this, a couple of weeks ago he shared the audio clip of an approach he did. It was so bad that it horrified Rags2Bitches and it made me laugh for hours later. I don;t even wanna know what his first approaches looked like.
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