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MakingAComeback said:
I respect what you're saying, and thank you for sharing, but we will have to agree to disagree on this one. Much of attraction is biological. A great documentary on this is Human Instinct, which I saw when I was around 11 years old on BBC 1. It was a superb education and actually, was quite empowering to know. The human genome is not stupid, and you can't outthink nature. It's beyond words.

You know I have been trying to find a girl for 12 years, and really have done it all, so I don't make these propositions lightly. By the time I was your age I had already approached 2 thousand women and was messaging on the primitive dating apps of the day every single day to no avail. I understand it is a numbers game, with respect, I understand more than you may think as I gave this process my all for many, many years. This is my second concerted attempt, hence my username.

Nonetheless, I accept this may be really hard for some. Too bad, the world is extremely harsh and the weak get their throats cut, get passed over for promotion, and get the worst lot. The winner takes it all in life. I'm going to become that guy and will prove it's possible to go from being a guy who is not biologically fit to reproduce, to having a family and a happy home. You're right in that I will probably still get rejected a tonne even with 8 pack abs, and I'm fine with that, I will just have to work harder than anyone else out there. So be it,


Well I can agree with all your dedication, that's for sure. I'm just curious, what were you saying when you approached two thousand women when you were younger, and in what contexts were you approaching?
SamJ_ said:
MakingAComeback said:
I respect what you're saying, and thank you for sharing, but we will have to agree to disagree on this one. Much of attraction is biological. A great documentary on this is Human Instinct, which I saw when I was around 11 years old on BBC 1. It was a superb education and actually, was quite empowering to know. The human genome is not stupid, and you can't outthink nature. It's beyond words.

You know I have been trying to find a girl for 12 years, and really have done it all, so I don't make these propositions lightly. By the time I was your age I had already approached 2 thousand women and was messaging on the primitive dating apps of the day every single day to no avail. I understand it is a numbers game, with respect, I understand more than you may think as I gave this process my all for many, many years. This is my second concerted attempt, hence my username.

Nonetheless, I accept this may be really hard for some. Too bad, the world is extremely harsh and the weak get their throats cut, get passed over for promotion, and get the worst lot. The winner takes it all in life. I'm going to become that guy and will prove it's possible to go from being a guy who is not biologically fit to reproduce, to having a family and a happy home. You're right in that I will probably still get rejected a tonne even with 8 pack abs, and I'm fine with that, I will just have to work harder than anyone else out there. So be it,


Well I can agree with all your dedication, that's for sure. I'm just curious, what were you saying when you approached two thousand women when you were younger, and in what contexts were you approaching?

Thank you, Sam. Glad we can respectfully disagree.

Yeah, so I went out in the day time 3 times per week, and then out at night 4 x per week. I was a student in the UK's 2nd largest city, where the nightlife was insane, really it was amazing, I was big into house music and techno then and saw pretty much all the biggest DJs on earth. It was one hell of a time to be alive. I was young, pretty decent looking, totally ripped, but did have some anxiety. I approached relentlessly and tried it all. I would walk up, say hi, you're cute, etc, got tonnes of numbers, but no one ever texted me back. On the dating sites, I sent hundreds of messages and not even one girl responded, lmao!

Contexts wise, day-time approaches were around the busy city centre and on campus, and night time approaches were in clubs and bars.

I prefer not to think about that time now. it was brutal and damn near broke my soul. Literally, all my mates were getting laid multiple times per week, at times I was driven to the absolute limits of my sanity.

Nowadays my painful past is fuel. I use it for energy, and there will be a hell of a lot of energy required for the war that is ahead. Blood, sweat, and tears will be spent in vast quantities.

FRI 03/07/21

-Gym (DONE)
-Core (DONE)
-Intermittent Fasting (DONE, 24 hour water fast)
-2 hour fasted walk (DONE)
-Digital Marketing (DONE, 2 hours)
-Spanish (DONE, 2 hours)

Back in the dungeon of life. The few matches I did have all unmatched me, back to just the one and she's very far away. On the other apps it's simply crickets. Feeling lonely, obviously. I see people walking down the street with each other and can't believe I never got to know how that feels in 30 years. Sucks, but that's life. I will dust off, relax, and hammer it all again tomorrow.

While I am still breathing, I will keep pushing.

MakingAComeback said:
Yeah, so I went out in the day time 3 times per week, and then out at night 4 x per week. I was a student in the UK's 2nd largest city, where the nightlife was insane, really it was amazing, I was big into house music and techno then and saw pretty much all the biggest DJs on earth. It was one hell of a time to be alive. I was young, pretty decent looking, totally ripped, but did have some anxiety. I approached relentlessly and tried it all. I would walk up, say hi, you're cute, etc, got tonnes of numbers, but no one ever texted me back. On the dating sites, I sent hundreds of messages and not even one girl responded, lmao!

Contexts wise, day-time approaches were around the busy city centre and on campus, and night time approaches were in clubs and bars.

I prefer not to think about that time now. it was brutal and damn near broke my soul. Literally, all my mates were getting laid multiple times per week, at times I was driven to the absolute limits of my sanity.

Nowadays my painful past is fuel. I use it for energy, and there will be a hell of a lot of energy required for the war that is ahead. Blood, sweat, and tears will be spent in vast quantities.


Dam dude I can relate to you on some level quite a bit here. I've been in that position. I think it's tricky you have to detach from the outcome. Otherwise it can definitely be brutal. But I've been there tons of approaches and no lays. Even weirder I remember one night at the bar 3 approaches and got laid. Then another couple weeks like 10-15 approaches and no lays. This shit can for sure be brutal on you. But I guess that's what we signed up for.

Keep your head up my man.
Jacobpalmer123 said:
MakingAComeback said:
Yeah, so I went out in the day time 3 times per week, and then out at night 4 x per week. I was a student in the UK's 2nd largest city, where the nightlife was insane, really it was amazing, I was big into house music and techno then and saw pretty much all the biggest DJs on earth. It was one hell of a time to be alive. I was young, pretty decent looking, totally ripped, but did have some anxiety. I approached relentlessly and tried it all. I would walk up, say hi, you're cute, etc, got tonnes of numbers, but no one ever texted me back. On the dating sites, I sent hundreds of messages and not even one girl responded, lmao!

Contexts wise, day-time approaches were around the busy city centre and on campus, and night time approaches were in clubs and bars.

I prefer not to think about that time now. it was brutal and damn near broke my soul. Literally, all my mates were getting laid multiple times per week, at times I was driven to the absolute limits of my sanity.

Nowadays my painful past is fuel. I use it for energy, and there will be a hell of a lot of energy required for the war that is ahead. Blood, sweat, and tears will be spent in vast quantities.


Dam dude I can relate to you on some level quite a bit here. I've been in that position. I think it's tricky you have to detach from the outcome. Otherwise it can definitely be brutal. But I've been there tons of approaches and no lays. Even weirder I remember one night at the bar 3 approaches and got laid. Then another couple weeks like 10-15 approaches and no lays. This shit can for sure be brutal on you. But I guess that's what we signed up for.

Keep your head up my man.

For sure man. Is that you in your avatar? You're jacked.

I am working on flipping my situation and using it for strength, using some of the mental techniques David Goggins talks about. Things like:

Who on planet earth would still be grinding out here at 30? Who after getting rejected thousands of times, being turned down by every girl he ever liked, getting treated like trash his whole life, would still be working his ass off at 30 to become somebody?

It has been a savage life, I can tell you that, I was certainly never promised a rose garden. But I still have breath in my lungs, so I am gonna fucking attack it.

Imagine if I could become a guy who has an abundance with women? Imagine if I could turn them down, reject them like they have me my whole life? What kind of story would that be?

In the dungeon of life, but using it to build mental strength.

The war hasn't even yet begun. Body progress pics coming on the 12th, new dating pics will follow, and then when I go back to the UK, cold approach begins for the 2nd time after the bloodbath that was the Canary Islands.

SUN 04/07/21

I had a sleepless night last night and this morning felt totally emotionally destroyed. Heart was so heavy. I got up early, went for a 2hour walk, listened to Can't Hurt Me, came back and took a day off. I normally work my butt off 7 days per week, but I was in so much pain I had to relax.

So I did.

I watched some YouTube videos, called my brother and laughed my ass off for over an hour, did some core work, ate well, and read some of the content I refer to when I need to reassure myself that I will make it.

Namely, I read some writings from the Legend, The Bastard, who has one hell of a story:


I do actually have his number and speak to him, he's a legend. I will get there too. He dealt with occasional moments of extreme anger and resentment, which I do also experience from time to time. He is a wonderful human being and I love that he has had women love him, he deserves it, he's a good person.

I am feeling fine now. Going to geek out and watch The Lord of The Rings and then go to bed. Tomorrow, we are back at war, and the enemy will know I am relentless and will never, ever surrender. The enemy will break before I do.

MakingAComeback said:
SUN 04/07/21

I had a sleepless night last night and this morning felt totally emotionally destroyed. Heart was so heavy. I got up early, went for a 2hour walk, listened to Can't Hurt Me, came back and took a day off. I normally work my butt off 7 days per week, but I was in so much pain I had to relax.

So I did.

I watched some YouTube videos, called my brother and laughed my ass off for over an hour, did some core work, ate well, and read some of the content I refer to when I need to reassure myself that I will make it.

Namely, I read some writings from the Legend, The Bastard, who has one hell of a story:


I do actually have his number and speak to him, he's a legend. I will get there too. He dealt with occasional moments of extreme anger and resentment, which I do also experience from time to time. He is a wonderful human being and I love that he has had women love him, he deserves it, he's a good person.

I am feeling fine now. Going to geek out and watch The Lord of The Rings and then go to bed. Tomorrow, we are back at war, and the enemy will know I am relentless and will never, ever surrender. The enemy will break before I do.


I admire your relentless attitude, keep it up! I'm going through a lot of anxiety right now too again for some reason. But we gotta keep pushing. I think one thing to remember tho is that a woman isn't gonna solve all your problems or anything and it's important to take time to focus on yourself too. That's something I have to remind myself at least. Trying to get into meditation but it's really challenging.
I've been super cut before but no its Chris Bumstead I just grabbed a random pic. But I am in good shape for sure.

But I'll leave you with one thing. Just image at the end of it all that your able to push through all this and come out the other end with your intended goal. It would be quite the triumph.

I like David Goggins too. A man who quit at everything who eventually becomes a man who quits at nothing. Keep your head up I think you're closer to a breakthrough than you think. I think as people we usually quit just before we make progress which is why we tend to stagnate.
MON 05/07/21

-2 hour fasted walk (DONE, listened to Can't Hurt Me)
-Core (DONE)
-Gym (DONE)
-Digital Marketing (Done, 1hr)
-Movement & Stretching (DONE, 1hr)

Weight is coming down, physique is improving, I will get there. I will keep working to get lean and attractive. I will learn to dress well and will optmise my physical appearance, style, accessories, etc. It will come together. Life will improve. I’ll create a happy and satisfying existence. Gym again tomorrow,

Now taking some me-time, chilling out watching YouTube, does anyone have any wholesome or just soul enriching youtube channels to recommend? In terms of self dev content, I keep it super minimal, David Goggins, Andy, Radical, Jocko Willink and Jordan Peterson are all I need IMO. But I don’t like to watch too much of this sort of thing as it makes me want to grind way too hard, for an obsessive hard worker like me, I need to take time to recharge and nourish my soul. To laugh. Things like that. Chip in if you want to share anything.

I have made the decision to return home this Sunday, which is 2 weeks earlier than planned, and I'm stoked! I cant wait to be with my friends and family again. The isolation was beginning to hurt, I haven't had anyone to talk to her for 4 weeks.

Whats good is that I got back into the gym BIG TIME, like I am insanely motivated to work my butt off and get shredded, and I did also lose weight here. By going home on the 11th, I will be able to do my body progress pics back home with the same lighting as the previous ones, and also, will be able to shoot tonnes of new pics now I am leaner! Sunday night, I'll be back at my place at 2am, will sleep up, and then Monday I will get my arse down the gym!

Being back home, my goal of 8 dates by July 31st MAY actually be something I can make progress on, I am going to work really really hard the second I am back to revise everything online dating wise and start getting out to cold approach again. It'll come together. I am definitely 110% spending the rest of my time on earth with plenty of women in my life. I must make it happen.

Good shit MAC to see you still working at it hard. Cant wait to see the progress pics. Keep at it and youll get an insane number of dates, you are freakishly tall and with low Body fat % you will look like a greek god im sure.

Master said:
Good shit MAC to see you still working at it hard. Cant wait to see the progress pics. Keep at it and youll get an insane number of dates, you are freakishly tall and with low Body fat % you will look like a greek god im sure.


Thanks bro. I appreciate that. I will do what it takes, the hard work will never stop, a breakthrough will come one day and believe me, I will pay the price in blood, sweat and tears.

When you are climbing out of the dungeon of life, it's critical to begin to believe you can actually succeed. I think about what success would feel like quite a lot. Andy gave me some good techniques for that. I truly believe I will make it, there is an intense fire inside that burns every day for successs.

I am stoked for the upcoming body progress pic, I will put together some side by side comparisons.

Grinding hard, as ever. Every day is another brick in the wall.

Gym is going well, body is improving, and feeling a bit better now I know I'm heading home on Sunday.

Trip was OK overall. I did a lot of reflection and worked very hard. I built up a lot of momentum.

Will just keep grinding. OLD is going poorly, simply nothing happened with my current profile. I am taking a new set of pics next week when I'm home and now I am a bit lighter, I hope this will help me. I will hammer the gym next week when I'm back home, and then the week after (which will be week 6 of training), I will take a deload week, completely off. I learned this lesson the hard way when I was powerlifting many years ago, pushing heavy ass weight every week of the year like a foolish meathead. No one knew any better back then.

Will just keep grinding until I'm dead.

In my opinion, one of the best self development videos out there:


Much of it is an endurance game.

You can lurch forward in total agony, having a terrible time, but you simply make yourself do things every moment of the day. You must cultivate the deep, character level ethic of stoic endurance, staying in the fight to the bitter, bitter end. If you sit in your house in your comfort zone, it's done. You're finished. You will grow old and weep.

You must exist in pain and discomfort, you must impose enormous pressures on yourself to create adaptation. You won't build muscles lifting an empty bar, and you won't build yourself into a powerful person without many years in the fire.

It's how the human brain works, much of our potential lies dormant, it takes environmental pressure to activate the genes, build the neural structures, and grow your brain.

It's not pretty. My life is very, very hard work. But no one cares. It's the process. You simply have to do it. I don't care and nor does anyone else. Being able to endure a fuck tonne of suffering is a mark of a man. I can't relate to soft pussies and they will probably not want to be friends with a man like me. I have the upmost respect for hard working people who really stay in the grind, especially when it hurts so bad it's as if your soul is about to break. We're going to win.

My last day here today. Got my PCR test result this morning, gonna complete the passenger locator, then we're flying back Sunday afternoon. Just going to run around and do photography today. Of course, I won't be missing my morning gym session.

It will come together.

Got back home last night at 3am. Rested up for about 4 hours, and then got up, ate breakfast, went to the gym, prepped healthy meals for the week, did core work, and then took care of life admin tasks. I did some sprint training also. It's the evening now, just going to relax and play guitar, it's a day to recalibrate.

I turn 30 tomorrow. It's a big day for me.

I am not isolated now, I have my friends and family here. I am going to spend the day tomorrow with them, and also, I am going to do Jordan Peterson's Future and Past Authoring Exercises. They require 7 hours each, so I will spend 2 days doing them as a primary focus. I have booked time off for for my birthday and these self development exercises.

I am now getting older, and there is a raging inferno inside me that is screaming with rage, pushing me to do whatever it takes to succeed and make something of myself.

Body progress update tomorrow!

It's hard times as online dating is really tough for me, and I feel so unbelievably hopeless about finding a girl. But I will hammer forward with every damn thing I have got. I will start going to bars and clubs again and start cold approach. I am pulling out all the damn stops to lose weight and will keep hammering until I see a full 8 pack in the mirror every morning.

"We (referring to him and his mother) got beat down by life hard, but in the fight of life, you can get the shit beat out of you for 12 rounds, come back in round 13 and knock the motherfucker out. That's what I did, life beat the shit out of me and in round 15 I went the distance, knocked the motherfucker out and won the whole damn fight"
-David Goggins

The same shit happened to me. I got beaten damn near to death and it's now that I have started to FIGHT BACK.

And I am going to win. Before it's said and done, you are going to see me score a KO victory for the history books. I know it is going to happen. I can literally see it in my mind eye.

It's a tough, painful road, but I will grind until the day I die


Gym 5 x p/w, sprints 3 x p/w, hour of stetching and movement 5 x p/w, core work daily, intermittant fasting daily, 2 x 24hr water fast per week.


Making incremental progress. I will keep grinding. It is an accomplishment to be losing weight. That is positive. I will get to 200lbs before I know it, and then we won't stop until abs are visible in the mirror every day.

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I am not going to stop. I will improve my outcome beyond what I can even imagine right now.

Working hard, improving myself, losing weight, getting stronger, fitter, mentally more capable, and life is improving now.

Got a Bumble match who gave me here number (followed Andy's template) and if she responds to my WhatsApp, may mean I will go on my first ever date soon....maybe....

Applying myself relentlessly and making positive progress in life. Work is going well, now I am back home I can play guitar again and do so daily, and I am studying digital marketing, getting sprint workouts done 3 x p/w, and working on my YouTube channel which I will share here shortly. Any advice on how to grow a channel is appreciated. It's just a hobby, but I will work at it like I do other things in my life.

All you can do is get incrementally better and push yourself every day.

Keep grinding,