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You know I am going to get to 200lbs. I am starting in the gym on Wednesday.

Will post body update in 4 weeks.

Thanks g, I used to lift (competed in powerlifting actually) so I should be OK. That was 8-9 years ago, but I did train with world champions and learned a tonne about lifting. Nonetheless, the game has probably evolved a lot now and knowledge probably has advanced. I would consider getting a few sessions in with a PT in the future as a gift to myself.

Obviously I haven't lifted in years, but I still have some small amount of muscle. Muscle memory is a real thing and I think they will come back sooner than I think.

In London, chilling out in a hotel, flight is tomorrow.

Tomorrow will be setting up camp, sorting things out, and then getting my notebook out and getting on a coaching call with Andy.

Wednesday, will join the gym, smash a session, and start cold approach (10 approaches per day for 90 days).


Andy has built a self-improvement community for guys who want to be savages, I have gone all in, to re-iterate what I told you before, it's done now. This is the path I am on.

I have been approaching today, got rejected loads, but honestly, so what? Andy coached me on Tuesday night and just told me all I have to do is do the work and not think about anything. As such, I am not going to think any deeper, because Andy has told me not to do that ;-)

I am willing to fail over and over and over.

I take pride in being the guy who will simply have to work 100X harder than everyone else to get even 1% of the results the other guys get. I am that guy, the lowest of the low. Even if I never get with anyone worthwhile I am willing to grind myself into a fucking fine powder for this.

I take pride in being the dude in this community who started from a lower place than anyone here, man, I could tell you stories about girls in school coming up to me and telling me I'm ugly for no reason at all lol. I may just be ugly, but that's fine. This motivates me now. Fuck 'em all. I will win. If I can get someone to marry me one day, I've won.

It's about outworking God's plan for me, I am not gonna die alone like I would otherwise.


Thurs 17th

Action Points
-Gym (DONE)
-Movement Training (DONE)
-Day game (DONE - 5 approaches in 2.5 hours, said hi to some godesses, they ignored my existence completely lol not a single word)
-16:8 Intemittent Fasting (DONE)

Gonna shower now, and then do 1 hour digital marketing and 1 hour Spanish, then a breathwork session before bed.

MakingAComeback said:
Day game (DONE - 5 approaches in 2.5 hours, said hi to some godesses, they ignored my existence completely lol not a single word)

Great job man. Seriously. This shouldn't be downplayed.

Approaching especially when you're new to it takes some balls.

Don't worry about rejection. AT ALL.
You'll get rejection a lot. It's normal. Even when it doesn't feel normal, remover this: ITS NORMAL. In fact I wouldn't expect anything to come out of your approaches for the first 100 to 200 approaches. No dates. Nothing. Just work on it. And you'll be doing absolutely crazy shit soon enough.
MakingAComeback said:
said hi to some godesses, they ignored my existence completely lol not a single word

Yeah I hate the non-response more than just about anything else - but I also was pretty invisible when I was younger.

Last time that happened in Miami I basically ignored that she was trying to ignore me and stuck my hand out on top of her phone to shake her hand, lol. She had a bf (supposedly) so I peaced out. But I feel good that I don't allow myself to be ignored anymore.
Manganiello said:
MakingAComeback said:
Day game (DONE - 5 approaches in 2.5 hours, said hi to some godesses, they ignored my existence completely lol not a single word)

Great job man. Seriously. This shouldn't be downplayed.

Approaching especially when you're new to it takes some balls.

Don't worry about rejection. AT ALL.
You'll get rejection a lot. It's normal. Even when it doesn't feel normal, remover this: ITS NORMAL. In fact I wouldn't expect anything to come out of your approaches for the first 100 to 200 approaches. No dates. Nothing. Just work on it. And you'll be doing absolutely crazy shit soon enough.

Thank you bro. I needed that. I'll keep showing up every day.

RogerRoger said:
MakingAComeback said:
said hi to some godesses, they ignored my existence completely lol not a single word

Yeah I hate the non-response more than just about anything else - but I also was pretty invisible when I was younger.

Last time that happened in Miami I basically ignored that she was trying to ignore me and stuck my hand out on top of her phone to shake her hand, lol. She had a bf (supposedly) so I peaced out. But I feel good that I don't allow myself to be ignored anymore.

Yep. I think it's a bit harder when you're in a foreign country where not so many speak English, although my Spanish is improving a lot which I am stoked about.

Will keep hammering. It's a fun experiment.

Fri 18/06/21

-Gym (DONE)
-Intermittent Fasting (DONE)
-Movement Training (DONE)
-Spanish (DONE)
-Digital Marketing (DONE)
-Cold Approach: Out for 2 hours, said hi to one girl (completely ignored me and walked by (DONE)

Notes: Please NEVER come to the Canary Islands. This place is a total shithole.

I'm in the Capital city, Santa Cruz, and there is no nightlife, no clubs at all! People here are extremely socially conservative, no one speaks to you, for example when you let someone past you to blatantly be nice, most people in other parts of the world say thank you, here they just ignore you.

There were few women around who were above 20, most of them looked about 16-18.

It was a massive mistake coming here. I thought I would be able to find someone nice to spend time with but I cannot see it happening whatsoever My AirBNB is for 2 months and I will just make the most of the time here, but after that, I am leaving and not coming back. I was gonna stay for 3 months if there was any opportunity to spend time with a woman, but it's not looking good. No matches on any of the dating apps, haven't had a women even look in my general direction. Even in shops for example, the women are so cold and distant and don't even smile or interact with any warmth at all. Total shit stain of a society.

After month 2 here, I think I will go to somewhere where people actually speak to others. Or just go back to the UK and grind it out there.

Dude, I am going to pm you soon RE your last post.

On another note, AMAZZZZZZZING podcast with KillYourInnerLoser Easily the best video I have seen yet. I was breath-taken by it.
Thebastard said:
Dude, I am going to pm you soon RE your last post.

On another note, AMAZZZZZZZING podcast with @KillYourInnerLoser Easily the best video I have seen yet. I was breath-taken by it.

Thank you brother, it means a lot coming from you.


"I've failed over and over and over again in my life,
and that is why I succeed"
-Michael Jordan, the greatest of all time
SAT 19/06/21

-Gym (DONE)
-Core (DONE)
-Intermittent Fasting (DONE)
-Cold Approach (DONE - out for 2 hours, approached 3 girls, all completely ignored my existence. Was way louder this time and also approached a girl who was standing still (waiting for a bus).

-Used 2 boosts on Tinder this week, swiped on all 8 dating apps. No matches yet.

There was one match I had while I was still in the UK who actually gave me her number, which I appreciated, first girl to give me her number in 7 years. I would be stoked to spend time with her, but it would just to have some wholesome human contact, I would not pursue her romantically - respectfully, she was very obese and also has lost all her hair sadly due to some health problems. I did message here but she ghosted. Not sure what the point was of giving me her number? Oh well.

Now gonna grind out some work, digital marketing for 2 hours, Spanish for 2 hours, then breathwork and bed. Gonna be a long night but I will sleep in tomorrow. I religiously get up at 6am and grind it out but I will allow myself to get some rest.

Tomorrow is a rest day from the gym.

SUN 20/06/21

Went to the beach, which was amazing! I think every Sunday for me here will be a beach day.

Saw some beautiful bodies and the girls here actually have their tits completely out on the beach which was really lovely.

Anyways, I wanted to spend a few hours on the beach and also do talk to women. Which I did.

I put my towel down on the beach today and just chilled out for a few hours, did some reading, played around with my camera. Basically, I was sitting down, enjoyed the wonderful beach and the gorgeous women who were everywhere. And then I moved elsewhere down the beach, and the gods of cold approach blessed me! There were two English girls chatting away. I went right over and we had a really nice conversation for about 2 hours. They were really beautiful people, I really needed it, because I have been feeling isolated and quite rejected lately. So these girls were like medicine for my soul, talking to them has been the highlight of my first week here. Came on Tuesday night and did my coaching with Andy, started going to talk to women the Wednesday, and by the end of the week I was able to gain what I really want and need - a good engaging conversation with a woman!

There were two girls, both very lovely, warm, interesting people. One had a boyfriend, who was a super nice Italian guy, in really really good shape (he was handsome as hell) and a cool guy. I was able to have a great conversation with the girl who was chilling out on her own. She talked and talked and talked and knew tonnes about spirituality. I loved it and listened intently!

They were strippers, which is very cool. Looking at the bodies it didn't surprise me, they had gorgeous bodies. They offered me some weed but drugs aren't part of my process for massive success so I said no. We talked for I think almost 2 hours. At the end, they both gave me their social media’s, and I said if I was ever down south which is where they are in the island, we could go for a drink together. I really needed that, you have no idea how isolated I have been feeling, it was starting to really hurt me.

First positive step in the journey. :) I am going to make it because I am the guy who will show up and work every day ;-) The harder you work, the luckier you get. Furthermore, it was really useful to be made aware by these wonderful ladies that down South of the Island there are far more English people. Which was music to my ears because English people are nice, have great social skills and are a good solid bunch of folks even if I say that as an English guy myself, I do appreciate my country a lot.

After getting my ass kicked by the Canarian women all week, these two English ladies really helped me feel more human and my heart isn’t as heavy as it was yesterday.

MON (21/06/21)

-Gym (DONE)
-Core (DONE)
-Movement Training (DONE)
-Digital Marketing 2 Hours (DONE)
-Spanish 2 Hours (DONE)
-Cold Approach 1.5 hours (DONE, went out for 1.5 hours, saw only 2 girls who looked like adults but bottled saying hi to them. I failed. I tried hard but it was painful today)
-Study mathematics 1.5 hours (DONE)

All online dating is literally crickets, no matches or anything, and not getting any responses to messages I sent on the apps that let you straight up message chicks.

Body progress pics in 3 weeks, will keep hammering in the gym.

Feeling a bit depressed/ugly. But that’s OK. I will be back tomorrow and will try harder.

I really hate the Canary Islands.

MattsCrib said:
MakingAComeback said:
I really hate the Canary Islands.

Haha, I felt exactly the same :D Lived there for 3 months and just... didn't vibe. I liked the foreigners (worked at a hostel with people from many countries), but the overall vibe was fake-ish and just not my thing (I come from a nordic country so it was especially extreme).

Haha. Youre from Lithuania right? I have several friends from there, so I think you understand what I mean.

I will keep working my god damn butt off though. Looking forward to the next body progress pic (12/07/21 - day before I turn 30!).

Fair enough, I respect that.

TUESDAY 22/06/21

-Gym (DONE, Pull session)
-Core (DONE)
-Movement & Stretching (DONE)
-Intermittent Fasting (DONE, today was a 24hour water fast)
-Digital Marketing (DONE, completed today's PPC lesson, will do the homework tomorrow which is to build a PPC account)
-Cold Approach (DONE, out for an hour, approached 5 women, all completely ignored my existence).

Now going to chill out and get my head back together for 5 mins. Then, will study Spanish for 2 hours, do some breathwork, get a bit of rest, and jump on the group coaching call at 1am.

Note: I will be back tomorrow and keep hammering for the next 60 days. Sadly I am going to fail to get 8 dates by the 31st of July, I suspect I am going to work my ass off every day here for 2 months and no one will even acknowledge I exist. And then when I go back to the UK, I will keep grinding. Talk about a baptism of fire. Not complaining, I will work my ass off regardless, but for the sake of posterity I want to be clear about this in my log. Maybe in 5 to 10 years time of sheer brutality, I will have made myself into something....I want to acknowledge the blood, sweat and tears this is going to take.

This shit is hard. Believe me. I am suffering but I will win.
