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Set up Tinder, Hinge, Bumble, and OKCupid as per Andy's guide. Got Tinder Gold and have paid for Hinge.
The following pics were used, in the order below.
Just looked through your google drive pics. Your photography is pretty good! I serious photograph is a good way of showing the girls you are taking yourself seriously, imagine how good they're gonna be when you hit your weight loss target.

My one bit of advice for now, is you want to choose pictures in which are clearly centered on you. Most apps use take profile orientated pictures, and you want the picture to emphasis how confident you are.
Profile says:

Looking for a cool girl to chill with. 6 ft 5.
Guitar, travel, art, photography, and learning languages.
Firm, but fair.

Sin Silver thanks bro. First time doing online dating in 7 years I had to get the guys from the forum and Andy to coach me back into fighting for the life I want. It'll come together.
So I have only been on online dating for a few hours, and I have got a few matches, and girls are actually responding to my messages. I am following Andy's guides. This is a major win because when I did online dating 7 years ago, I went a whole year without any girls messaging me at all LMAO. So I am stoked to be honest, one girl even agreed to go for a drink with me but she hasn't sent her number yet. At any rate, I am actually making legit progress and I am so happy.

It's gonna be OK.

MakingAComeback said:
So I have only been on online dating for a few hours, and I have got a few matches, and girls are actually responding to my messages. I am following Andy's guides. This is a major win because when I did online dating 7 years ago, I went a whole year without any girls messaging me at all LMAO. So I am stoked to be honest, one girl even agreed to go for a drink with me but she hasn't sent her number yet. At any rate, I am actually making legit progress and I am so happy.

It's gonna be OK.


Good luck bro. I deleted freaking Tinder yesterday and I hope you're more lucky with it than the rest of us.
Nice! Yeah it's pretty normal they say yes, then they don't respond at the number question. It's like a marketing funnel; the herd thins the closer they are to your desired state.

For me, nothing trumps cold approach, but this is one of the few necessities for now to get laid.
Thanks bros, I am getting some matches on Tinder, nothing too exciting, but it's progress. Girls ARE replying so that's positive.

Hinge, however, is going well. A good number of girls on Hinge are inviting me to start the chat with them every day and some are really pretty.

All in all, it's good work, and I am stoked to get to 200lbs and really explore what possibilities I can create in life.

So I am set to depart on Tuesday and I am excited. I will arrive, get in my airport transfer, check into my AirBNB, unpack, and then explore the area for a few hours. I will then jump on a coaching call with Andy and get some direct coaching from him, time to start the process.

MattsCrib said:

I wanted to also ask you some questions about the escort thingy, if you don't mind (you really don't have to answer if it's confidencial). I've been planning for a year or so now, since I'm moving to the Netherlands in a few months as an exchange student singer/musician and tbf, not planning on having a romantic/sex life, I think the last ditch effort would be an escort :D At least get that once in my life.

- What is the approximate cost?
- Is it legal? What's the process?
- How do you "vet" them?
- Did it "fix"/change your mentality about women/intimacy/love?

Sup Matt.

Sure, ask me whatever. However, as this is a public forum, I can only give you information, this is not advice or instruction:

-I saw a high class escort, so it was a cost of around £500 or 585 euros per hour.
-It's legally a grey area where I live, but it's fully legal in many parts of Europe. Do your own research, but if you're worried, don't do it at all. We respect the law and are law abiding citizens.
-I called her, told her my situation, and listened to her. She was articulate, well-spoken, really had a soothing energy and wholesome vibe. She works in the arts and does some high class escorting here and there.

-Yep. She treated me amazingly well, made me feel really whole and valued, told me I was a great person who deserves the best, stuff like that. The experience was so healing. I have literally 0% of the issues I had before now and I am endlessly fascinated by women and want to meet them, spend time with them, and enjoy mutually beneficial enriching experiences together, sex, love, all that.

Note: I had worked very hard on my inner issues and have become a far better and more well-rounded person by the time I invested in exploring sex and connection. Others may not get the experience they are looking for. I'm not a coach, nor am I well placed to advise. I pay Andy for that.

Online dating is super slow. I didn't expect much, just a few matches was success, so I am there. All fat chicks, which is fine, I am still attracted to them of course and would be stoked to date one, but it's not likely that I will get a date this weekend lol. I am travelling Monday onwards. I still did my best. There was a pretty girl or two in the mix, but those leads fizzled out fast. I understand they get a shit tonne of attention. That's fine. I will keep getting better. Hope I have better luck when travelling.

I did match with 1 or 2 normal weight girls but they unmatched when I messaged, lol.

Weight loss is gonna be critical, it's blood sport out here.

Will do a boost Saturday night.

Not sure how I will get these 8 days in by July 31st, gonna be hard ass work, will get some coaching on this.
MakingAComeback said:
Not sure how I will get these 8 days in by July 31st, gonna be hard ass work, will get some coaching on this.

Since you'll be approaching, account for insta dates as well. If you're vibing with a girl, tell her "Hey, I was on my way to check XYZ store, wanna cum along?". If she has nothing to do, she'll love the suggestion.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
MakingAComeback said:
Not sure how I will get these 8 days in by July 31st, gonna be hard ass work, will get some coaching on this.

Since you'll be approaching, account for insta dates as well. If you're vibing with a girl, tell her "Hey, I was on my way to check XYZ store, wanna cum along?". If she has nothing to do, she'll love the suggestion.

That's it, I will try this and give it my best shot. I am going for minimum 10 approaches a day :-)

MakingAComeback said:

Guitar photo looks awesome dude.

The other two I feel like would look better with your chin tucked down more - pro photographers basically always tell me to do this, something I have to remember when I'm out with someone greener.
Andy had me on the podcast, it was a great day.


How motivating is that.

RogerRoger said:
MakingAComeback said:

Guitar photo looks awesome dude.

The other two I feel like would look better with your chin tucked down more - pro photographers basically always tell me to do this, something I have to remember when I'm out with someone greener.

Thanks bro, good tip.

Invested in my first piece of real estate this week, a small flat, went 50/50 with my bro. I don't know anything about real estate, I just bought this to learn the game and grow. It was affordable. I'll make it work.

Tried my hardest to try and get 1 date before I leave, installed 8 dating apps (incl. Tinder and Hinge) and went ham, used 15 boosts lol. All crickets. You could hear a damn pin drop, lol.

It is still a massive success to even be in the fight. So I am happy to be in this struggle and battling along side you all.

It is going to take everything I have got to get to where I want to get, this will be a brutal journey man, but I will make myself good enough and I will win.

Off to London tomorrow, stopping in a hotel for the night, and departing Tuesday afternoon.

Body progress pic coming tomorrow.

Other than that, have been crushing working out, weight loss, diet has been on point, and my guitar playing has been going well. Connected with some bros who are making bank in Marketing.

The motivation I have to turn this shit around is visceral, it's palpable, it feels like the most primeval part of me, the part that is a survival instinct, ready to kill, rip out throats, and smash skulls....quite sick, but others who have a burning fucking desire will know what I am talking about.

I am going to win come hell or high water.

Logging a great post from Master who is making great strides in his life:


This story captures a great victory and I will soon have my first success. Just capturing this here for posterity. ;-)

MattsCrib said:
Another question:

Looking back now that you've gotten laid and feel way better - How much, in all honesty, has it been mental and NOT due to your looks?

I mean in the sense that one one hand I hear stories about guys like you who have tried for years, paid for PUA stuff, have done thousands of approaches, have been social etc. yet no luck which in turn leads to the red pill/black pill mentality of "it's over" or "it's all genetics" etc. (all that good stuff lol).

For example, in a recent CBP channel video he told a story of a depressed guy who tried to carefully develop an image of a successful, popular guy, got along with the cool crowd, yet did not have any luck with women even though he was popular etc. Therefore he realized that it MUST be only looks, It MUST be genetic and over etc.
Like dude, I KNOW guys who look WORSE than you and still have never had any major issues with getting girls. Stories about guys who become slayers after getting cosmetic surgery etc.

I actually have a similar story as in I've had fairly good friends, both male and female yet I've never had any romantic experiences.

NORMAL looking guys like you (no, you're not ugly) and me. Hell, even better looking guys get into that mentality.

On the other hand I see guys Domics, a pretty popular asian youtube animator who is freaking 5 ft 3, chubby, not so good looking, not "based and redpilled alpha chad bro" etc. yet still has normal, decent girfriends etc. People like Vaush, normal people around me etc. Hell, even people like Squirmy and Grubs (who people assume are faking it lol, but you never know).

What gives? Like... Really?

What if a lot of it IS cultural? What if a lot of the red pill, black pill, blue pill etc. IS both true AND also confirmation bias?
I just wanted your opinion since you seem like a guy who really, really made it and keeps "making it". :D

Thanks for your question, it's interesting to see, and is quite telling that the work I am doing is changing something inside me.
When you step away from your old identity, you allow the real you to manifest. Andy knew what was happening with me and how destructive wrapping my identity up in being a virgin was.

I am done thinking about the past, the fucking loser I was, the fuck ups, the dumb shit, the failures after failures. That guy is long gone, dead and buried.

I am here now and I am willing to grind myself into a fucking powder to become a success.

There is only work to do. And I am willing to do it.

