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MakingAComeback You shouldn't read that book, or any books for that matter. What you need is to get some coaching/feedback on your vibe dude. Sorry if this sounds too harsh but nothing that you try in game is going to work unless you have a good vibe first.

Idk what Dante or Scotty told you, but either they aren't giving you enough feedback or you aren't applying what they told you. Applying coaching advice is 100000 times more important than reading books.

Maybe you aren't receiving enough feedback. Maybe people don't want to offend or hurt you. Or they simply don't want to spend energy in you. Even if they are getting paid, coaching is a lot of times a pain in the ass and you probably know this as a coach yourself. Or maybe they are just kinda used to you being you. Your friends sort of ignore your quirks and are like "Oh that's just Ravi" (it's not just you btw, I also needed to learn social skills from scratch, maybe not as bad as you, but still bad). But women you don't know are going to be totally unforgiving to this type of stuff.

But you need to go the extra mile to get people to be 100% honest with you, otherwise they have no reason to, as I said, it's a pain in the ass. It's hard to get raw, harsh, unfiltered feedback, but it's also hard to give that kind of feedback. Nobody is going step up and be like "Ravi, I know you can totally kick ass with women". You need to be the first one to buy into the idea that you can be a total killer with this. Everyone else is kinda going to let you be,.

I could make a list of all the things you could improve, but I just want you to notice how different your vibe is from Scotty's (he's a very good example of a good vibe). It's like night an day. I also want you to notice that your vibe is way better in your videos with Scotty than in your podcasts. This is because vibe is contagious, if you are around Scotty, you'll get some of his vibe. And also you were out there, approaching, in state.

This is to say that you can improve this, but you need to be around people with a good vibe and practice a lot.
Sisyphus said:
ldoser said:
Did anyone from the big names on this forum or elsewhere recommended the Game Solved book?

I looked at the landing page it sounds interesting but not sure if it’s worth reading it.

Frankly it's a big fucking fat book written in the most unreadeable format ever, with lots of redundant information. It's cool if you go hardcore into game, but otherwise it's (probably) a waste of time. There are a lot of gold nuggets but unless you put it to practice it can easily be a form of procrastination and information overload.

The best you can do is go out with guys with a proven track record, or hire a coach, although most coaches aren't good.

People who procrastinate will do so regardless. If shit is important to you, then read good material. The procrastinators justify their procrastination through reading, and the lazy slobs justify not reading because its procrastination or mental masturbation. Reading books like this is at least, if not more valuable than reading these forums.

If you're not lazy, do everything.
Sisyphus said:
@MakingAComeback You shouldn't read that book, or any books for that matter. What you need is to get some coaching/feedback on your vibe dude. Sorry if this sounds too harsh but nothing that you try in game is going to work unless you have a good vibe first.

Idk what Dante or Scotty told you, but either they aren't giving you enough feedback or you aren't applying what they told you. Applying coaching advice is 100000 times more important than reading books.

Maybe you aren't receiving enough feedback. Maybe people don't want to offend or hurt you. Or they simply don't want to spend energy in you. Even if they are getting paid, coaching is a lot of times a pain in the ass and you probably know this as a coach yourself. Or maybe they are just kinda used to you being you. Your friends sort of ignore your quirks and are like "Oh that's just Ravi" (it's not just you btw, I also needed to learn social skills from scratch, maybe not as bad as you, but still bad). But women you don't know are going to be totally unforgiving to this type of stuff.

But you need to go the extra mile to get people to be 100% honest with you, otherwise they have no reason to, as I said, it's a pain in the ass. It's hard to get raw, harsh, unfiltered feedback, but it's also hard to give that kind of feedback. Nobody is going step up and be like "Ravi, I know you can totally kick ass with women". You need to be the first one to buy into the idea that you can be a total killer with this. Everyone else is kinda going to let you be,.

I could make a list of all the things you could improve, but I just want you to notice how different your vibe is from Scotty's (he's a very good example of a good vibe). It's like night an day. I also want you to notice that your vibe is way better in your videos with Scotty than in your podcasts. This is because vibe is contagious, if you are around Scotty, you'll get some of his vibe. And also you were out there, approaching, in state.

This is to say that you can improve this, but you need to be around people with a good vibe and practice a lot.

Great post as ever.


I learned about this vibe issue, when The Dom noticed I had it. This issue, is deep, and it has driven me a little insane to try to fix it.

I did some mind altered states journalling the other day, and a lot of clarity did come, btw. If you read a page or so back, I wrote a long screed about how I will change my social skills and vibration.

Paw (housemate) and Ralph (good friend, happy to live with me whenever) have a really good vibe. Living with them, and spending as much time as I can with them

Scotty's vibe is so good, he literally naturally attracts women. As in, he talks, flows, and is just being himself, and they slip him their number...I saw this happen. I was with him, for 1 week, and he banged 3 women in NYC, which is the hardest SMP in the world. And that was after 7 years off the Game, and he only came to NYC to spend time with me and shoot content. It was f**king insane how powerful vibe and social skills is.

For this reason, I began to regard Scotty as incredibly important in the Game. Because I saw it, finally: he has it.

I can get unlimited mentorship from Scotty, and literally live with him, and absorb his vibe over many months.

That would change my entire f**king life.

And I am going to make it happen.

By the grace of God, we at Winner Within, are going to become the best Self Improvement space, of all time. You will see us making bigger and bigger waves in this space. We have developed an incredible body of thought and we are going places.

Thanks for your post, it was great. I am going to plot out 3 months of this year, where I can spend as much time with Scotty, Dante, Pancake, as possible. I will do it for 3 months.

BTW, I have massively improved with girls these days. Massively. I am just trying to increase the quality of girl I attract, which is a longer term thing for many players. Especially the lads who aren't good looking themselves.


Matched with a nice brown gal on Tinder a few days ago. Got her out for a tea. She looked decent, pretty face, nice hair, eyes. She was a bit of a chonk. Standard Ravi. Ah well.

As part of just becoming that chill, social, high vibrational guy, I went there to just let go of all inner tension, and enjoy it.

There was some animal electricity on this date. I rocked up, hugged her, kissed her on both cheeks, and felt such attraction, that if I went for the makeout right there and then, she'd have been down. I could tell, this was a case of an "archetype match". As in, I am her exact type. Yes, I can tell these things from the initial approach. I have done 7000+ approaches. 64% of communication, is subcommunication and energy. I am very sensitive to this.

Seat her, and enjoy the date. It's fun, it flows well. I am pretty attracted to this cute Arab chick, and it is hard to keep my hands off her. I go sit next to her, put my arm around her shoulder, chat more. She is cool with it all, and gazing into my eyes, and at my lips, a sign of strong sexual attraction.

I am way further on in the Game from where I was. She was asking me the odd question about being a fuck boy, being a player, and I just said "Yeah", with utter conviction. Her eyes lit up, and she laughed out loud. Immovable. No flincing. You get there, after being fucked over so many times. You develop frame.

I am also pretty horny, so as we leave the place, I just grab her and start making out. She's into it.

At an hour and a half, the tea spot, shuts. Date here is 730 til 9, I already seeded the pull a few times before, and she's down.

As we head out, she tells me, "let's go for a walk on the river bank, first"

Her ASD is kicking in. Brown girls, have extreme ASD. You gotta roll with it.

At the Danube, she notices I am cold, so says, alright, lets go get you changed into a warmer jacket.

Translation: her ASD was coming up, so she literally couldn't go straight to my place, but she found a way to justify it, and pull herself.

At my place, she tells me, she's not looking for a relationship, and never wants to be married, but "Not tonight, and not in the first few dates". I roll with it, and we chat, vibe very normally, very socially, but I am escalating.

Escalation gets very hot and heavy, and we go from that, to me literally choking her, spanking her ass (hard), making out, fingering her pretty intensely (over her clothes, she wouldn't take anything off, lol).

It was fun. But, I am not really looking for someone like this. I am happy to see a girl regularly. but as a grown ass man, I'm not intrigued by just making out and doing these silly little things for several dates.

It gets to 1030, which is my bed time, and it's time for her to leave.

Won't see her again. Wish her well, she was a very nice girl, but she's got too many additional pounds for me, and I am not looking to do several cuck dates type of thing. I leave here, March 1st. I won't be contacting her again.

Brown girls, can be quite tricky. I am attracted to them, so cant really help myself. In the modern world, most of them, aren't really attracted to brown guys. I seldom match with any. Tried for years, they just don't. In the modern, open SMP, women can date anyone, so rather predictably, they just harmonise around the same SMV Scale.

-White & Black men
-Asian men
-Brown men

She brought it up herself, how most of her girlfriends, are looking for blonde men with blue eyes. Like my bro, Paw, lol, who does VERY well with this demographic of woman. Anyone brown, basically is in his matches. Is what it is.

This girl, however, told me that despite what her friends are all into, she herself, always was drawn to her "tall, dark prince"....

It was cool she was into me.

She also pointed out, she likes my look - buzzcut and eyebrow slit.

I really don't want to continue dating women who are, well, a little on the heavier side. I have done this, for almost 3 years now.

I can't physically bear it. In the moment, I roll with it, because sex drive (lol). But then, when we're getting into it, it's like...bruh....come on now......

I have hired an awesome body recomp coach, who will level me up a lot with my body.

How can I solve the quality problem? Again, it's:

Muscles, tattoos, a little botox, some fillers.

A really solid, strategic style overhaul, with a totally different archetype. Nail 2 killer photoshoots.

Unless anyone else has any thoughts?

I have been talking shit and complaining about the quality problem, for years, and people don't have the foggiest clue on this shit. There are actual gaps in knowledge and awareness in self improvement. I stand by what I said: most are Level One in dating: absolutely clueless as to how to improve it.

If this was not the case, would I still be complaining about these things after many years?


Rather, I will take it upon myself to fill these gaps of knowledge, and will hustle with Giga Chad Scotty and get this info out to the people.

Someone has to f**king do something about it. I'll sort it out.............

Current look: buzzcut & eyebrow slit


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MakingAComeback said:
Ravi’s Commitments To Q1 2025: Deadlines 15th Jan to 15th April

(1) 5K A Month: Pathway developed by my business coach. Nail offer, drive traffic, convert.
Stage 1: Foundation Building – (A) One Page Strategy, (B) Before & After Grid, (C) The Offer
Stage 2: Drive Traffic & Test Offer – TBC.
Stage 3: Conversions – Get to 5k, and set Q2 goals.

(2) Body Recomp - Cut to Abs?: Just do what coach Adam tells me. No excuses.
Stage 1: Data sent. Awaiting plan.

(3) Mindset - Self Love & Social Skills:
Stage 1: Read self love, read Game solved. Enjoy approaching, texting, socialising, and night game.

-Botox & Skin treatment

Stage 1 Daily Non Negotiables

(1) Foundation Building: 3 Hours
-One Page Strategy
-B&A Grid
-The Offer

(2) Body Recomposition
-Kcals & Macros
-Hard Resistance Training 4 Days P/W

(3) Study Self Love & Game


The IronWill Project: Money, Muscles, Mindset

Week 3: Tuesday 16th January 2024

Daily Commitments

(1) Business: 5k Per Month
-Foundation Building (3hr)
-Life Admin (2hr)
-Networking: commenting, adding, liking (1hr)
-Content: One to Many - 1 article, 1 long form, 1 reel, 1 social media post. CTAs are to join my free group.

(2) Body Recomposition – Cut To Abs?
-Gym: CT, ATG, Lifting
-Nutrition: 150g protein

(3) Self Love & Social Skills
-Read Self Love
-Read Game Solved


Slow start, due to getting into a long convo with Paw & Ralph, which was sick and I enjoyed it a lot.

In a really good mood. Feel calmer and less stressed. Cracking jokes and laughing with the boys.

Alex from PwF agreed to be on The Killer Instinct as a panel member.

This is a monthly show me and Scotty do. So far, we have:

Ravi IronWill
Brian "Scotty GLL" Harris
Ketan IntellectualMuscle
Radical - Radical Improvements/KYIL
Markus Wolf - Ultimate Man Project

Alex would be a great addition.

I am going to ask Andy (THE GOAT) to join us for at least one episode, or just come on the Scotty GLL podcast.

We are going to GROW this year.

We are now, getting other coaches reach out to be on the show. Awesome!

BTW, the people I really, really rate in this game, are:

-Scotty (Social skills and vibe, are king - Scotty is an oracle of Game. I had 6 months of phone conversations with him, before I decided to partner up with him, because he is the best person to help me realise my life mission, saving men from the dungeon of life. I can't do it without a behemoth like this, because I myself, am still on the road, but I am very, very strong in the performance aspect which is why Scotty was open to it. I also get his mentorship, which is fuckin PRICELESS. I also, do love and respect him like a big brother)
-Dante (he is also an incredible coach, mentor, and I like him as a man also - I have some love for Dante)
-Andy, Radical
-Pancakemouse, Rags2Bitches, The Dom
-The Bastard

I also have my own wings in my chat, No Brains Crew, who are also excellent.

I am still not quite at year 3 yet, March 2024 is year 3 for me.

I am going to keep working, hustling hard as fuck, and I will get to the next level.

IronWill is my primary focus, but what you see here, is part of my mission.

I want to make a contribution and do what Andy did for me.

I work hard, to genuinely serve people. I want them to take action and become hustlers. It makes me very proud to see other men, fucking GRINDING.


That is why I run this forum, and will build it to the max, but I need help from the whole tribe. I can do this, but I need you all to back me.

We will need to funnel members in. Scotty, can help us. He has the biggest growth potential, and he can be what Andy was for us.

Pancakemouse, can also help us, and funnel guys in.

This is to give men FREE help and brotherhood.

I was one alone, defeated, and wanted to end my own life

This forum, pulled me out of the gutter.

I will not stop until I have brought others to success, I will grind until the end of my days to stop the evil disease of loneliness and isolation.

While I am in this world, I will fight back against it, and hit this problem harder than it even knows it can be hit.




-Yesterday, my day was RAN THROUGH like THESE HOES. By this, I mean, I had my first call with my body recomposition coach, which went on for almost 2hrs, and I then had to go shopping, including going to Corvin mall (25 there, 25 back) to get whey protein. Which was not a good purchase, and I will get a different one this weekend.

I ended up, coaching my clients, and trying to catch up with various admin.

Today, I will crank out a killer work day. I am in the flow, and feeling it
Ravi’s Commitments To Q1 2025: Deadlines 15th Jan to 15th April

(1) 5K A Month: Pathway developed by my business coach. Nail offer, drive traffic, convert.
Stage 1: Foundation Building – (A) One Page Strategy, (B) Before & After Grid, (C) The Offer
Stage 2: Drive Traffic & Test Offer – TBC.
Stage 3: Conversions – Get to 5k, and set Q2 goals.

(2) Body Recomp – Gain Muscle:
Stage 1: Complete week 1, and debrief w/ Adam.

(3) Mindset - Self Love & Social Skills:
Stage 1: Read self love, read Game solved. Enjoy approaching, texting, socialising, and night game.

-Botox & Skin treatment

Stage 1 Daily Non-Negotiables

(1) Foundation Building: 3 Hours
-One Page Strategy
-B&A Grid
-The Offer

(2) Body Recomposition
-Kcals & Macros
-Hard Resistance Training 4 Days P/W

(3) Study Self Love & Game


The IronWill Project: Money, Muscles, Mindset

Week 3: Wednesday 17h January 2024

Daily Commitments

(1) Business: 5k Per Month
-Foundation Building (3hr)
-Life Admin (2hr)
-Networking: commenting, adding, liking (1hr)
-Content: One to Many - 1 article, 1 long form, 1 reel, 1 social media post. CTAs are to join my free group.

(2) Body Recomposition – Build Muscle
-Gym: CT, ATG, Lifting
-Nutrition: Hit all 6 meals today.

(3) Self Love & Social Skills
-Read Self Love
-Read Game Solved


Reminder of Ravi’s Commitments to 2024, above.

MakingAComeback said:
Lusty69 said:
From my personal experience, I do feel like the focus on SMV becomes a little myopic, yes it will help, and yes it matters however I think it matters less than a lot of people make out.

I think your vibe, your social skills, your "game" and your mindset can help make up for deficits in SMV. I am 5'4 and have been overweight most of my life, I have put in the work and run volume, yes I might have a decent face as I have been told but I was rejected so hard in my first 3-4 years of knowing about "game" I did a fair amount of approaching to learn social skills from nothing, I did spiritual work, I learned how to be confident and become really good with sex. I obsessed with a lot of this stuff and worked hard on it for 6 years from 18-24 years old with massive action.

When I was about 24-25 I remember one summer before I got into a relationship and sort of went backward in a sense but during that period from day game and night game I managed to go on dates and sleep with some of the most attractive women I have ever met, one ended up being some high profile onlyfans model, then post that break up the next girl I was seeing is also an onlyfans model now but my point is I didn't really change much in terms of SMV, I just got much better social skills, confidence, sexual confidence improved my vibe.

I think as logical men it is easy to just go oh formula of SMV = L+M+S deerrrr lets just focus on that because its actionable logical steps, but I do believe there is more to it than that.

Hey Lusty,

I feel kind of bad, and as if I dismissed what you said.

If i came across like that, I hope you know, this was not my intention.

I did read, think, process, and consider.

Your post, was really good man, and I know you are a cool dude - I have read your posts.

Hope I didn't come across as a dickhead, mate.



Nah man you are all good, I love what you are doing and chasing with the looks stuff as it will definitely help I just didn't want you to get too caught up in that is all that matters as I think whilst there is a lot of validity to it other things matter a lot when it comes to women as well and time and time again I have proven this for myself.

Personally I am working on looksmaxxing too whilst also focusing on more deep work, loving-kindness meditation, relaxation and even better social skills
MakingAComeback said:
Ravi’s Commitments To Q1 2025: Deadlines 15th Jan to 15th April

(1) 5K A Month: Pathway developed by my business coach. Nail offer, drive traffic, convert.
Stage 1: Foundation Building – (A) One Page Strategy, (B) Before & After Grid, (C) The Offer
Stage 2: Drive Traffic & Test Offer – TBC.
Stage 3: Conversions – Get to 5k, and set Q2 goals.

(2) Body Recomp – Gain Muscle:
Stage 1: Complete week 1, and debrief w/ Adam.

(3) Mindset - Self Love & Social Skills:
Stage 1: Read self love, read Game solved. Enjoy approaching, texting, socialising, and night game.

-Botox & Skin treatment

Stage 1 Daily Non-Negotiables

(1) Foundation Building: 3 Hours
-One Page Strategy
-B&A Grid
-The Offer

(2) Body Recomposition
-Kcals & Macros
-Hard Resistance Training 4 Days P/W

(3) Study Self Love & Game


The IronWill Project: Money, Muscles, Mindset

Week 3: Wednesday 17h January 2024

Daily Commitments

(1) Business: 5k Per Month
-Foundation Building (3hr)
-Life Admin (2hr)
-Networking: commenting, adding, liking (1hr)
-Content: One to Many - 1 article, 1 long form, 1 reel, 1 social media post. CTAs are to join my free group.

(2) Body Recomposition – Build Muscle
-Gym: CT, ATG, Lifting
-Nutrition: Hit all 6 meals today.

(3) Self Love & Social Skills
-Read Self Love
-Read Game Solved


Reminder of Ravi’s Commitments to 2024, above.



Morning, was quite a slow start. But then got into it.

Made progress in some fundamentals, and did get a solid 4-5hrs deep work done.

Adjusting to a new lifestyle, the new schedule with the body goals, and so on, will bring with it, a little disruption.

I will endeavour to tighten up tomorrow, by starting earlier. I'll get straight into it. This will do the trick.

Week 3: Wednesday 17h January 2024

Daily Commitments

(1) Business: 5k Per Month
-Foundation Building (3hr) (DOME)
-Life Admin (2hr) (FAIL)
-Coaching (DONE)
-Networking: commenting, adding, liking (1hr) (FAIL)
-Content: One to Many - 1 article, 1 long form, 1 reel, 1 social media post. CTAs are to join my free group. (FAIL)

(2) Body Recomposition – Build Muscle
-Gym: CT, ATG, Lifting (DONE)
-Nutrition: Hit all 6 meals today. (DONE)

(3) Self Love & Social Skills
-Read Self Love (FAIL)
-Read Game Solved (FAIL)
Ravi’s Commitments To Q1 2025: Deadlines 15th Jan to 15th April

(1) 5K A Month: Pathway developed by my business coach. Nail offer, drive traffic, convert.
Stage 1: Foundation Building – (A) One Page Strategy [DONE], (B) Before & After Grid, [DONE] (C) The Offer
Stage 2: Drive Traffic & Test Offer – TBC.
Stage 3: Conversions – Get to 5k, and set Q2 goals.

(2) Body Recomp – Gain Muscle:
Stage 1: Complete week 1, and debrief w/ Adam.

(3) Mindset - Self Love & Social Skills:
Stage 1: Read self love, read Game solved. Enjoy approaching, texting, socialising, and night game.

-Botox & Skin treatment

Stage 1 Daily Non Negotiables

(1) Foundation Building: 3 Hours
-One Page Strategy [DONE]
-B&A Grid [DONE]
-The Offer

(2) Body Recomposition
-Kcals & Macros
-Hard Resistance Training 4 Days P/W

(3) Study Self Love & Game


The IronWill Project: Money, Muscles, Mindset

Week 3: Thursday 18h January 2024

Daily Commitments

(1) Business: 5k Per Month
-Coaching: 1 on 1 calls
-Networking: commenting, adding, liking (1hr)
-Content: One to Many - 1 article, 1 long form, 1 reel, 1 social media post. CTAs are to join my free group.
-Life Admin
-Scotty GLL Podcast: Part 2 w/ Alex from PlayingWithFire

(2) Body Recomposition – Build Muscle
-Gym: CT, ATG, Lifting
-Nutrition: Hit all 6 meals today.

(3) Self Love & Social Skills
-Taking a back seat today, have to chill in the evening, as I will be shooting a podcast for the Scotty GLL channel, with Alex from PwF, at 01:30am!


Reminder of Ravi’s Commitments to 2024, above.

MakingAComeback said:
Sisyphus said:
@MakingAComeback You shouldn't read that book, or any books for that matter. What you need is to get some coaching/feedback on your vibe dude. Sorry if this sounds too harsh but nothing that you try in game is going to work unless you have a good vibe first.

Idk what Dante or Scotty told you, but either they aren't giving you enough feedback or you aren't applying what they told you. Applying coaching advice is 100000 times more important than reading books.

Maybe you aren't receiving enough feedback. Maybe people don't want to offend or hurt you. Or they simply don't want to spend energy in you. Even if they are getting paid, coaching is a lot of times a pain in the ass and you probably know this as a coach yourself. Or maybe they are just kinda used to you being you. Your friends sort of ignore your quirks and are like "Oh that's just Ravi" (it's not just you btw, I also needed to learn social skills from scratch, maybe not as bad as you, but still bad). But women you don't know are going to be totally unforgiving to this type of stuff.

But you need to go the extra mile to get people to be 100% honest with you, otherwise they have no reason to, as I said, it's a pain in the ass. It's hard to get raw, harsh, unfiltered feedback, but it's also hard to give that kind of feedback. Nobody is going step up and be like "Ravi, I know you can totally kick ass with women". You need to be the first one to buy into the idea that you can be a total killer with this. Everyone else is kinda going to let you be,.

I could make a list of all the things you could improve, but I just want you to notice how different your vibe is from Scotty's (he's a very good example of a good vibe). It's like night an day. I also want you to notice that your vibe is way better in your videos with Scotty than in your podcasts. This is because vibe is contagious, if you are around Scotty, you'll get some of his vibe. And also you were out there, approaching, in state.

This is to say that you can improve this, but you need to be around people with a good vibe and practice a lot.

Great post as ever.


I learned about this vibe issue, when The Dom noticed I had it. This issue, is deep, and it has driven me a little insane to try to fix it.

I did some mind altered states journalling the other day, and a lot of clarity did come, btw. If you read a page or so back, I wrote a long screed about how I will change my social skills and vibration.

Paw (housemate) and Ralph (good friend, happy to live with me whenever) have a really good vibe. Living with them, and spending as much time as I can with them

Scotty's vibe is so good, he literally naturally attracts women. As in, he talks, flows, and is just being himself, and they slip him their number...I saw this happen. I was with him, for 1 week, and he banged 3 women in NYC, which is the hardest SMP in the world. And that was after 7 years off the Game, and he only came to NYC to spend time with me and shoot content. It was f**king insane how powerful vibe and social skills is.

For this reason, I began to regard Scotty as incredibly important in the Game. Because I saw it, finally: he has it.

I can get unlimited mentorship from Scotty, and literally live with him, and absorb his vibe over many months.

That would change my entire f**king life.

And I am going to make it happen.

By the grace of God, we at Winner Within, are going to become the best Self Improvement space, of all time. You will see us making bigger and bigger waves in this space. We have developed an incredible body of thought and we are going places.

Thanks for your post, it was great. I am going to plot out 3 months of this year, where I can spend as much time with Scotty, Dante, Pancake, as possible. I will do it for 3 months.

BTW, I have massively improved with girls these days. Massively. I am just trying to increase the quality of girl I attract, which is a longer term thing for many players. Especially the lads who aren't good looking themselves.


Sounds that you have a good grasp on the problem.

Yup, vibe is literally THAT powerful. Took me years to realize it was my sticking point. As long as you're aware about it, you'll solve it, you have the work ethic.

I'm also pretty excited about the body of knowledge we're developing. Hope this forum doesn't stagnate and slowly die off.

And thank you, your journey is inspiring and you're one of the few that's keeping this place alive,
Hey brothers.

Heart feels full of gratitude.

So much is coming together for me, my network is so strong now, the men around me, lift me up so much.

I have 4-5 leads texting daily right now, some are really attractive girls.

The buzzcut, and the eyebrow slit, changed the game for me. I am getting eye fucked, daily.

The body recomp coach, is helping me a lot, and I am getting stronger, and feel so much better eating more food.

My business coach, is helping me plug my gaps, a lot.

One of my friends who runs a short form video agency, invited me to his place this morning to give me a full consult on how I can really level up my short form game, and start getting consistent leads, and converting.

For IronWill, I literally only need 20-30 active clients. No more. I can't handle more. My consistent performance coaching practice, is high touch. I have daily contact, and go so deep. It's a tribal dynamic. 20-30 active clients, is the max I can have, whilst maintaining daily touch points and walking with these people. They need to know, Ravi is right here beside me, DAILY. That is what changes my clients lives and they are massively grateful.

You should see the results I get. I am f**king world class. And I have the consistent results to prove it!

The Killer Instinct was shot yesterday, and it was great. The panel is:

Ravi IronWill
Scotty GLL
Ketan Intellectual Muscle
Radical Improvements
Markus Wolf - Ultimate Man Project

From next month, Alex from Playing with Fire will be on the panel.

And I want Andy to be on our panel, as much as possible. I'll text him and make it happen.


Mental health & happiness is life

Yes, I will eat humble pie and admit, The Mouse, was right. I was in a mental health crisis for a few months. Again. But the last 2 months, being around my people, eating a good level of kcals, and getting sleep right, lifted me back out. And now walking through the streets of Budapest, everything seems beautiful.

I am welcoming a member of the forum here, Olafsmash, next week, for 7 days of cold approach! He is doing an IronWill Goal Crusing retreat with me, which is something I offer, for those who want in person accountability for a week. If it's content, outreach, or their personal goals, we will live and breathe it for 7 days, and I will offer 40 hours of in person consistent performance coaching during this retreat (an hour of my time is $200, so these guys get a good deal, a week with me is just £1500).

Abundance, seems to be flowing to me.

And I think I am on the verge of a major breakthrough.

It's all VIBE, social skills, and energy.

I am dealing with my low self esteem issues from the past, and finding love for both men and women. I have always loved men (no homo), I am a popular person and always was loved by men, so I am very successful with men and the best men, just come to me, and want to be friends with me.

I am now, doing the inner work, to find true love for woman. And I have improved it. Now, my energy has shifted, and gorgeous girls, are starting to be naturally attracted to me.

I speak to everyone in my life. I am a up and comer, and my life is so interesting. There are people in and out of my house, all day. Men, women. Videographers, consultants, clients. All sorts.

What a life I live - this will be an incredible story when it's done!

My close inner circle, is a small, small number of people. Anyone in IronWill Grind Chat, and anyone in No Brains Crew. I would do anything for these men, if they need me, at any time, for anything - it's done. These people are like my family.

I am grateful that I have an outlier level ability to bring people together, and create amazing things. This is a gift from God I was born with.

And I want to use it, to make this forum, the greatest of self improvement, ever!

We are going to complete the transition, Andy is working on passing the forum to me, and then we will work together on driving traffic to here, getting sign ups, but also making it a place you boys really want to be.

I want you to be happy.

Because mental health, is life.

I improved my mental health lately, through socialising, letting go, inner work, and self love. And every day, I walk down the street, and beautiful women are drawn to me. And when I approach in day game, the sets are so receptive. And these are hot girls.

Because it's Game, Vibe, and Masculinity.

What I want, is a hot girlfriend, who will lift weights with me, help me shooting my content (and be happy to help me, literally, she'll love me and want to do things for me), travel with me, explore the world with me, and we can both make lots of money and succeed together.

I am on track, to get this.

I will get that killer body this year with the help of coach Adam. And I will make great money this year with the help of coach Dino.


Because I have the fundamental skill of consistent performance, I developed using my own IronWill methodology.

If you have that, you WILL realise your human potential. My method, uses nature's law. It works, because it has to.

The question now is, how can I create a real movement?

I need help to push this forum. I need to retain all the men here, especially the quality members.

And I need more help to drive this forward.

I will appoint 2 new mods, and in the mods group chat, we will start to talk about how we can drive traffic to WinnerWithin.

We have a good offer, the forum is solid.

We just need eyeballs and ears.

Remember, this is my legacy. I will do this forum, and push it, and will not stop until I have lots of men and women here, and I am saving lives.

I want people to know, before I am dead, I was one of life's true helpers, I truly cared about them, and I made their life better.

That is what I want to do before I am done.

It will be done, it's God's plan.

Sisyphus said:
MakingAComeback said:
Great post as ever.


I learned about this vibe issue, when The Dom noticed I had it. This issue, is deep, and it has driven me a little insane to try to fix it.

I did some mind altered states journalling the other day, and a lot of clarity did come, btw. If you read a page or so back, I wrote a long screed about how I will change my social skills and vibration.

Paw (housemate) and Ralph (good friend, happy to live with me whenever) have a really good vibe. Living with them, and spending as much time as I can with them

Scotty's vibe is so good, he literally naturally attracts women. As in, he talks, flows, and is just being himself, and they slip him their number...I saw this happen. I was with him, for 1 week, and he banged 3 women in NYC, which is the hardest SMP in the world. And that was after 7 years off the Game, and he only came to NYC to spend time with me and shoot content. It was f**king insane how powerful vibe and social skills is.

For this reason, I began to regard Scotty as incredibly important in the Game. Because I saw it, finally: he has it.

I can get unlimited mentorship from Scotty, and literally live with him, and absorb his vibe over many months.

That would change my entire f**king life.

And I am going to make it happen.

By the grace of God, we at Winner Within, are going to become the best Self Improvement space, of all time. You will see us making bigger and bigger waves in this space. We have developed an incredible body of thought and we are going places.

Thanks for your post, it was great. I am going to plot out 3 months of this year, where I can spend as much time with Scotty, Dante, Pancake, as possible. I will do it for 3 months.

BTW, I have massively improved with girls these days. Massively. I am just trying to increase the quality of girl I attract, which is a longer term thing for many players. Especially the lads who aren't good looking themselves.


Sounds that you have a good grasp on the problem.

Yup, vibe is literally THAT powerful. Took me years to realize it was my sticking point. As long as you're aware about it, you'll solve it, you have the work ethic.

I'm also pretty excited about the body of knowledge we're developing. Hope this forum doesn't stagnate and slowly die off.

And thank you, your journey is inspiring and you're one of the few that's keeping this place alive,

Thanks man.

All we need, is brotherhood.

I need to treat you well, and other men, well. And create positive emotions and add value.

If we do that, the forum will become unbelievable.

And we will change the face of self improvement.

We have amassed an incredible knowledge base, and we will formalise it, and give it to the world, for free.

We will produce in depth and detailed guides, and we will serve people, for no charge.

They will be amazed that such a place existed, and lives were changed, because men stepped up, and just gave a shit, and TRIED.

That is enough to change the world

MaxedOutMatt said:
MakingAComeback said:

@Thebastard Haha thank you but let's remember you have 5 TIMES THE FUCKING MUSCLE I HAVE lol!! Your physique was definitely elite in The Golden Eagle Project, and it will still be rock solid now. I will get muscled up for sure this year, following the cut I will get jacked. I may mess around with the prohormone Turkesteron.

My little brother (25) started Turkesteron 2 months ago and legit put on 25lbs and doubled all his gym lifts. He didn't have much muscle before and now he's almost 195lbs (he's 6 ft 1). I measured his arms at the start and just now, he gained a full inch in like 2 months.

Not getting ahead of myself, will focus on getting lean AF first. But damn, if I got to 185lbs ice and lean and built up to 200-210lbs of rock hard muscle by the end of this year, it will be one hell of a year man, and I will achieve my goals.....!

Very motivated to slay on the gym. Since stopping topical dutasteride and hitting weights and cardio hard my sex drive has come raging back. My sex drive was dead for like 3 years. Now it's normal and healthy.

Lots of progress made and great ground to cover moving forward.

Tomorrow seeing my friend, going for a walk at a nature park, shooting content, and then reading. Weekends will be focused on socialising and reading/learing. Mon-Fri is girls (cold approach, online dating, maybe nightgame once a week), gym, side hustle, sleep.

The day structure I will be using for The Phoenix Project in 2022 will be outlined tomorrow.



I came across this old post of yours. Do you know what brand of Turkesteron you're brother used?

Just did some quick research and sounds like some / many of the manufacturers put hardly any of the active ingredient in their product despite what they claim on their label.

Obviously if I take it, I want to get the real deal legit stuff that actually works.

Thanks bro!

Yes bro.

German Pharma Turkesterone

I used it, seemed OK!

Let's see you start a log, and let's see you get success man.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask

Q1 Day Structure

Ravi’s Commitments To Q1 2025: Deadlines 15th Jan to 15th April

(1) 5K A Month: Pathway developed by my business coach. Nail offer, drive traffic, convert.
Stage 1: Foundation Building – (A) One Page Strategy [DONE], (B) Before & After Grid [DONE], (C) The Offer [PENDING]
Stage 2: Drive Traffic & Test Offer – TBC.
Stage 3: Conversions – Get to 5k, and set Q2 goals.

(2) Body Recomp – Gain Muscle:
Stage 1: Complete week 1, and debrief w/ Adam. [Week 1 ends tomorrow, got my weekly call w/ my coach, and will share my pics and measurements on the forum]

(3) Mindset - Self Love & Social Skills:
Stage 1: Read self love, read Game solved. Enjoy approaching, texting, socialising, and night game.

-Botox & Skin treatment

Stage 1 Daily Non Negotiables

(1) Foundation Building: 3 Hours
-One Page Strategy [DONE]
-B&A Grid [DONE]
-The Offer

(2) Body Recomposition
-Kcals & Macros
-Hard Resistance Training 4 Days P/W

(3) Study Self Love & Game


The IronWill Project: Money, Muscles, Mindset

Week 4: Monday 22nd January 2024

Daily Commitments

(1) Business: 5k Per Month
-Coaching: Checkins, and 1 on 1 calls
-Content Machine: Short form action plan, from my friend Dan coaching me
-NBD: Action plan (1hr) & lead gen (1hr)
-Content Catchup: Action plan & Execution (4hrs)
-Content Creation: One to Many - 1 article, 1 long form, 1 reel, 1 social media post. CTAs are to join my free group.

(2) Body Recomposition – Build Muscle
-Rest Day
-Nutrition: Hit all 6 meals today.

(3) Self Love & Social Skills
-Just be totally relaxed, high vibrational, and present.


Reminder of Ravi’s Commitments to 2024, above.

Oh my God I cannot believe I did it.....

I did my first BootCamp, with an incredible student, and it was an UNBELIEVABLE experience

No one will ever understand how deep and profound this experience was

We were both in tears of gratitude at different points of this experience

I am SO grateful to be the man I am

I am SO grateful I became ELITE in solving the Consistent Performance problem

I am SO grateful I have the kind of TOP 1% LEVEL coaching skills God has to give you

Because I literally burn with passion and drive and NOTHING comes above my mission in life

This is everything to me


I dedicated my entire life to this

And now, the green shoots are sprouting

I can take anyone, who is serious about change, and make them into a top performer like me

I can get them to pretty much any goal

Because I found the answers, which existed in nature, after 14 years

-Recharge the biology
-Simplify systems & rewire the brain
-Nurture and heal the inner world, beliefs and subconscious software programs

When you fix the hardware

And you install the right software

And have simple systems to literally keep it updated, every dat

You cannot be fucking stopped

I know this, because it is how evolution designed it to be

That was how I discovered The IronWill Methodology

And is now, why I have been producing killer client results for fucking years now

And my own life, and my own skills, are fucking top draw. Go ask the people who met me, who see how I live.

I am a G.

And a spiritual servant here to serve the human animal and save as many lives as possible.

Like Andy saved mine.

This bootcamp, was crazy. We got attraction from the hottest girls, 2 girls asked ME out (I was just being me, using my vibe and social skills, and they asked ME for a date - lol, ask the guys, they can confirm....)

I have a woman who became my sex slave, in an interesting BDSM plot twist, and I use the red flogger The Dom gave to me, on her ass, every week

And next month, I will invite 5 people to come to a week long BootCamp with me in Budapest, where they will have an experience that changes their fucking life, forever

We will be family for a week

And we will do everything together

And then, we will rise to the highest levels

But for now, thank you SO MUCH to Olafsmash who believed in me, who actually got to know me as he is in my Men's group, and he saw, I am an exceptionally competent professional with top tier coaching skills, and how much I fucking CARE.

No one will outcare me.

No one.


So thank you Olaf for your trust in me, and in investing in me and IronWill Consistent Performance coaching!




My boy will become a legend

.....Just like me ;-)


MakingAComeback said:
Sisyphus said:
@MakingAComeback You shouldn't read that book, or any books for that matter. What you need is to get some coaching/feedback on your vibe dude. Sorry if this sounds too harsh but nothing that you try in game is going to work unless you have a good vibe first.

Idk what Dante or Scotty told you, but either they aren't giving you enough feedback or you aren't applying what they told you. Applying coaching advice is 100000 times more important than reading books.

Maybe you aren't receiving enough feedback. Maybe people don't want to offend or hurt you. Or they simply don't want to spend energy in you. Even if they are getting paid, coaching is a lot of times a pain in the ass and you probably know this as a coach yourself. Or maybe they are just kinda used to you being you. Your friends sort of ignore your quirks and are like "Oh that's just Ravi" (it's not just you btw, I also needed to learn social skills from scratch, maybe not as bad as you, but still bad). But women you don't know are going to be totally unforgiving to this type of stuff.

But you need to go the extra mile to get people to be 100% honest with you, otherwise they have no reason to, as I said, it's a pain in the ass. It's hard to get raw, harsh, unfiltered feedback, but it's also hard to give that kind of feedback. Nobody is going step up and be like "Ravi, I know you can totally kick ass with women". You need to be the first one to buy into the idea that you can be a total killer with this. Everyone else is kinda going to let you be,.

I could make a list of all the things you could improve, but I just want you to notice how different your vibe is from Scotty's (he's a very good example of a good vibe). It's like night an day. I also want you to notice that your vibe is way better in your videos with Scotty than in your podcasts. This is because vibe is contagious, if you are around Scotty, you'll get some of his vibe. And also you were out there, approaching, in state.

This is to say that you can improve this, but you need to be around people with a good vibe and practice a lot.

Great post as ever.


I learned about this vibe issue, when The Dom noticed I had it. This issue, is deep, and it has driven me a little insane to try to fix it.

I did some mind altered states journalling the other day, and a lot of clarity did come, btw. If you read a page or so back, I wrote a long screed about how I will change my social skills and vibration.

Paw (housemate) and Ralph (good friend, happy to live with me whenever) have a really good vibe. Living with them, and spending as much time as I can with them

Scotty's vibe is so good, he literally naturally attracts women. As in, he talks, flows, and is just being himself, and they slip him their number...I saw this happen. I was with him, for 1 week, and he banged 3 women in NYC, which is the hardest SMP in the world. And that was after 7 years off the Game, and he only came to NYC to spend time with me and shoot content. It was f**king insane how powerful vibe and social skills is.

For this reason, I began to regard Scotty as incredibly important in the Game. Because I saw it, finally: he has it.

I can get unlimited mentorship from Scotty, and literally live with him, and absorb his vibe over many months.

That would change my entire f**king life.

And I am going to make it happen.

By the grace of God, we at Winner Within, are going to become the best Self Improvement space, of all time. You will see us making bigger and bigger waves in this space. We have developed an incredible body of thought and we are going places.

Thanks for your post, it was great. I am going to plot out 3 months of this year, where I can spend as much time with Scotty, Dante, Pancake, as possible. I will do it for 3 months.

BTW, I have massively improved with girls these days. Massively. I am just trying to increase the quality of girl I attract, which is a longer term thing for many players. Especially the lads who aren't good looking themselves.


Do you think vibe matters that much for dating results?
finaplix58 said:
MakingAComeback said:
Great post as ever.


I learned about this vibe issue, when The Dom noticed I had it. This issue, is deep, and it has driven me a little insane to try to fix it.

I did some mind altered states journalling the other day, and a lot of clarity did come, btw. If you read a page or so back, I wrote a long screed about how I will change my social skills and vibration.

Paw (housemate) and Ralph (good friend, happy to live with me whenever) have a really good vibe. Living with them, and spending as much time as I can with them

Scotty's vibe is so good, he literally naturally attracts women. As in, he talks, flows, and is just being himself, and they slip him their number...I saw this happen. I was with him, for 1 week, and he banged 3 women in NYC, which is the hardest SMP in the world. And that was after 7 years off the Game, and he only came to NYC to spend time with me and shoot content. It was f**king insane how powerful vibe and social skills is.

For this reason, I began to regard Scotty as incredibly important in the Game. Because I saw it, finally: he has it.

I can get unlimited mentorship from Scotty, and literally live with him, and absorb his vibe over many months.

That would change my entire f**king life.

And I am going to make it happen.

By the grace of God, we at Winner Within, are going to become the best Self Improvement space, of all time. You will see us making bigger and bigger waves in this space. We have developed an incredible body of thought and we are going places.

Thanks for your post, it was great. I am going to plot out 3 months of this year, where I can spend as much time with Scotty, Dante, Pancake, as possible. I will do it for 3 months.

BTW, I have massively improved with girls these days. Massively. I am just trying to increase the quality of girl I attract, which is a longer term thing for many players. Especially the lads who aren't good looking themselves.


Do you think vibe matters that much for dating results?

I'm of the opinion that for a truly happy and loving dating life, we need to heal ourselves, and develop a wonderful vibe. So, yes.


Hope everyone is well.

I am doing good, working, living a joyful life, without suffering, and without inner tension.

I am attracting good things into my life.

Having a good time w/ my plate, whose my sex slave, and I'm her Master. Interesting BDSM arc, lol.

Good friends around me. My CHAD bro came to visit. He gave me a full makeover. His style, is literally so good.

We did a photoshoot. Will upload the photo selection here, and make your pics. I can choose 15 for editing.

Was burned out last week, so took time to relax.

Focus is on having impact, working hard, delivering insane levels of value to IronWill clients, and I will leave Budapest on the 1st of March.

I want to do an absolutely KILLER IronWill retreat for 7 days before I leave. It'll be a pretty affordable BootCamp, at £1,500 for 7 days, and about 40-60hrs of actual activity. I want to find 5 guys who will come do this with me in Budapest. I will also allow my current clients to have observer spots and come along.

I will offer this ONCE this year, then it's done. I will be focusing on my coaching practice from there on out.

If you want to come to hustle with the boys in Budapest for 7 days, and have the time of your fucking life, and change your brain at the core identity level, reprogramming it with the mindsets necessary for SUCCESS & ABUNDANCE, then let me know. Offering this ONCE, and then when I leave Budapest in March, it's doneso! 1 on 1 & group coaching from that point, only, if I do bootcamps, it'll be with Scotty, and they will be twice the price......

To your success,

Q1 Day Structure

Ravi’s Commitments To Q1 2025: Deadlines 15th Jan to 15th April

(1) 5K A Month: Pathway developed by my business coach. Nail offer, drive traffic, convert.
Stage 1: Foundation Building – (A) One Page Strategy [DONE], (B) Before & After Grid [DONE], (C) The Offer
Stage 2: Drive Traffic & Test Offer – TBC.
Stage 3: Conversions – Get to 5k, and set Q2 goals.

(2) Body Recomp – Gain Muscle:
Stage 1: Complete week 1, and debrief w/ Adam.

(3) Mindset - Self Love & Social Skills:
Stage 1: Read self love, read Game solved. Enjoy approaching, texting, socialising, and night game.

-Botox & Skin treatment

Stage 1 Daily Non Negotiables

(1) Foundation Building: 3 Hours
-One Page Strategy [DONE]
-B&A Grid [DONE]
-The Offer

(2) Body Recomposition
-Kcals & Macros
-Hard Resistance Training 4 Days P/W

(3) Study Self Love & Game


The IronWill Project: Money, Muscles, Mindset

Week 6: Monday 5th February 2024

Daily Commitments

(1) Business: 5k Per Month
-Coaching: Text, Voice Notes, throughout the day. High touch point as per.
-New Business Development: Make plan, post in IronWill Grind Chat for feedback, and implement.
-Short Form Plan: Write up, execute, post in IW GC for feedback, implement.
-Content: One to Many - 1 article, 1 long form, 1 reel, 1 social media post. CTAs are to join my free group.
-Life Admin: Pay Paw, Ralph, Botox,
-Scotty: 30m catchup actions

(2) Body Recomposition – Build Muscle
-Rest Day
-Hit macros & kcals

(3) Self Love & Social Skills


Reminder of Ravi’s Commitments to 2024, above.


Evening Checkin Questions:

(1) Business: 5k Per Month:
-Did I move the needle?

(2) Body Recomposition – Build Muscle & Strength?
-Did I move the needle?

(3) Self Love & Social Skills
-Did I move the needle?

Stage 2 Daily Non Negotiables
(1) Foundation Building: 3 Hours

(2) Business Development: Find & Follow - 2hrs
-Start conversations

*Will change to accommodate recomp coaches advice

Sunrise, Skincare, Haircare
Breakfast & Ravi Morning Checkin
Foundation Building (3hr)
Life Admin (2hr)
Gym: CT, ATG, Lifting
Networking: commenting, adding, liking (1hr)
Content: One to Many - 1 article, 1 long form, 1 reel, 1 social media post. CTAs are to join my free group.
Dinner & Online Hustle, Skincare, Haircare
Self Love & Game Solved
Relax & Bed

Monday, met a Balkan beauty off Feeld at 5pm. Vibed hard, fucked until 930pm, and she had to go to meet her friends.

Bootcamps work. Since my Pancake/Dante Bootcamp in NYC last year, I have DOUBLED my lay count (9 to 18). I've banged 11 women since doing the BootCamp, which was 4 months ago. Retained 1. Of these lays, 1 was "quality", which was a beautiful girl from Montenegro I met this Monday.

22, attractive girl (6.25 for me), good face, good body, feminine, absolutely amazing in bed - sex with her was magical and I loved it. She was a fantastic girl with a great personality.

I'll write the LR this Friday. I destroyed this girl, made her cum over and over, sex was INSANE with her and towards the end. she reached what I call "total surrender". I've done this to only 2 of the 18 women I've fucked. Total surrender is when a girl completely submits to you, and literally tells me, "Ravi, my body is now yours, do whatever you want to me, I belong to you now"

This usually comes after series of very hard orgasms from being pounded in different positions, for long periods of time, and completely dominating them. They LOVE this and they become the most cute, feminine, submissive girls for you. Very cool.

Tuesday, got back into flow. This chick gave me some mild cold or something, so I was tired and had to recover yesterday.

She's only here until Sat morning. Will try to bang once more before she leaves, her comms have been alright, her sister is here so she's not got lots of time.

She is a right open minded little thing, she's had plenty of partners, has sugar daddies, etc.

How you win, is you compete on vibe & masculinity. And keep maxxing. And be OK with it.

Pushing with IronWill. Onboarded some new clients, and now just focusing on my 1 on 1 program. Will launch the group next month, and I will not be taking on new 1 on 1 clients after that. I am happy with my client roster and happy to serve these guys to the max, and do the group coaching outside of that.

Will keep pushing..............

Got a sales call later with a great guy who is interested in my 1 on 1 coaching.

I am selective about who I take on, but I am happy to serve this dude and give him full focus.

I am looking for 6 more 1 on 1 clients, and will close up shop, retain these guys, and then launch a separate group coaching program thereafter. That is all I need to do in my biz this year.

Placeholder / catchup post here. Will repot daily as per, still in catchup mode!
