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MakingAComeback said:
changed dating profile bios (using certain lines to overcome the racist objections I face, I have to play on the fact that my Dad is English, so they don't label me as Indian and just not match at all. Before I did this, I couldn't get ANY leads. NONE. ZERO. Yes, it's that sad. The lays I had on Feeld, were because I changed my name from Ravi, to Rob. YUP)

That is wild. Thanks for sharing that anecdote. It's been hard for me to conceptually grasp your experience because there were so many other confounding variables to be addressed that were holding you back other than race, like game, mindset, weight. But when you isolate it to one variable, race, and can see a clear night and day difference, it's hard to argue.

MakingAComeback said:
Heavy tattooing

I'd recommend staying with all black tattoos, with the exception of one or two tattoos that have significant meaning to you that could be done with a bold color (red or blue). When you tattoo dark skin with mild colors, the ink already looks faded and is not a good look. All black tattoos look very clean and make your skin textured, giving it an exotic look. Having one or two bold colored tattoos breaks the viewers gaze when they run their eyes up and down your body. It will draw attention and you will be asked most often about those specific tattoos, which is why I suggest them having a significant meaning to you because it's an opportunity to DHV or create a deeper connection.

Case study:

View attachment 1

I also recommend making the inner forearm ones well done and significantly meaningful. When on a date, my inner forearm tattoos are the ones most looked at and commented on. No surprise, considering the angle we are sitting in and girl's obsessions with forearms. My left forearm tattoo is mermaid/siren with lettering wrapped around her which reads "Captain's Temptations", which gives me the opportunity to bring up man/woman dynamics in conversation.

While they can look good, I'd stay away from only doing pure tribal tattoos. I think it's a waste precious real estate and you could have done something way more interesting. Tattoos are great conversation pieces. Don't waste them on "ehh, it just looks cool".
Bman said:
MakingAComeback said:
changed dating profile bios (using certain lines to overcome the racist objections I face, I have to play on the fact that my Dad is English, so they don't label me as Indian and just not match at all. Before I did this, I couldn't get ANY leads. NONE. ZERO. Yes, it's that sad. The lays I had on Feeld, were because I changed my name from Ravi, to Rob. YUP)

That is wild. Thanks for sharing that anecdote. It's been hard for me to conceptually grasp your experience because there were so many other confounding variables to be addressed that were holding you back other than race, like game, mindset, weight. But when you isolate it to one variable, race, and can see a clear night and day difference, it's hard to argue.

MakingAComeback said:
Heavy tattooing

I'd recommend staying with all black tattoos, with the exception of one or two tattoos that have significant meaning to you that could be done with a bold color (red or blue). When you tattoo dark skin with mild colors, the ink already looks faded and is not a good look. All black tattoos look very clean and make your skin textured, giving it an exotic look. Having one or two bold colored tattoos breaks the viewers gaze when they run their eyes up and down your body. It will draw attention and you will be asked most often about those specific tattoos, which is why I suggest them having a significant meaning to you because it's an opportunity to DHV or create a deeper connection.

Case study:

I also recommend making the inner forearm ones well done and significantly meaningful. When on a date, my inner forearm tattoos are the ones most looked at and commented on. No surprise, considering the angle we are sitting in and girl's obsessions with forearms. My left forearm tattoo is mermaid/siren with lettering wrapped around her which reads "Captain's Temptations", which gives me the opportunity to bring up man/woman dynamics in conversation.

While they can look good, I'd stay away from only doing pure tribal tattoos. I think it's a waste precious real estate and you could have done something way more interesting. Tattoos are great conversation pieces. Don't waste them on "ehh, it just looks cool".

Thanks for the thoughtful, valuable post!

It has taken many years for me to dissect and get into the core of the problem, and develop the analycitcal ability to discern the deeper psychology, and how to find success within this context.

SMV drives dating success. To bridge deficits, Game is an augmentation agent, that helps to temporarily suspend the dynamics of the selfish gene, as they intersect with social conditioning (perception = reality), but without base SMV, Game leads to quite lacklustre outcomes, unfortunately.

Understanding this deeply, and why women just couldn't accept me or feel attraction for me, was a multi year battle of daily journalling, analysis, breaking sets down, breaking online interactions down, studying dates, etc.

3 years of this shit. Jheeze. To conclude, essentially, my major break point is my ethnicity and overall looks. Yes, this is a very unpalatable thing, but it is nonetheless something to be thought about objectively, constructively, and to get into the deep core of the variables, so they can be tweaked, and optmised.

We know this, from the sheer awful match quality/volume, after so many years, trying different optimisations, etc. I have done so many sets here, ran good game, but when it comes to it, women just pause and there is a very uncomfortable moment, when they just....cant....

A principle I learned the hard way, was that a woman just can't accept a Low SMV dude in her core.

It is ascend or die in this game, but to do that, you need to know the ACTUAL ISSUES.


-Brown-Brown: Deeply "ethnic" features, no racial ambiguity, clearly and transparently an Indian person (bottom of world SMV, least desirable, and in their core, no woman actually wants a low SMV male, they accept one, through social conditioning and structural factors such as religion, custom, etc). These people, are also human beings, but in relative terms, suffer poor perception.

What I Did:

-Buzzcut: This allows Brown-Browns to obtain a veneer of Black SMV (black guys have high SMV, like white guys). This style, allows the more "acceptable" attraction triggers to be hit in a woman's brain.

-Masculinity: 3 years of consistent mewwing, have given me a very masculine looking face. I am happy with my results. I worked with Dr Mike Mew himself, and spent a good chunk of change. This, as my BF drops, will come to the fore, and will allow me to tap into "universal masculinity", which still signals to a woman's brain, this is a tough, strong, adaptable man, who will be able to survive.

Issues - "Bad Game", "Bad Vibe"

Technical Game, was something that has helped me to learn. I will keep learning it and get better at it. It's useful - to a point. You will bang a lot of uglies, doing this stuff, but you will get a sex life, and make things happen. Women, will still respond to masculinity. But when the Base SMV, isn't there, SMV blocks haven't been dealt with, and when DLV features (ugly face) are still present as blocking factors, the women you attract, will be among the worst the SMP has to offer. The experiences will leave you hallow. This is a very hierarchal game. At lower levels of the hierarchy, it is a form of Dante's inferno of sorts, it just breaks your heart. Truly. For this reason, Game is useful, but will not really unlock a worthwhile dating life. It'll help you ignite a basic one, though! Enough to gather data and solve the deeper puzzles.

I believe Game is useful, but am not a big advocate of it, all things considered. Next to ATTRACTIVENESS, Game is some weak ass bullshit. If you're still unattractive, you have to keep working and get over that, no matter what. If you need a new face, start saving. End of.

Very, Very Long Term Thinking:

Of course, it is can be absolutely excruciating to have to work like an absolute savage, for years, and still not come close to finding what you seek. It is a very precarious situation. This, can be painful in excess. That's life. It takes a truly superhuman work ethic, and level of persistence, to go through the multi year journey, whilst not really getting what you seek the whole time. You have to push through it all and never quit.

That is part of being a man.

Critical Thinking & Evaluation

Why does this always happen? Why can't I make this stop?

I had to learn about the perception of race, racial ambiguity, Golden Ratio, facial structure, and things like this. And I came to an initially bitter realisation about how I will need quite a lot of cosmetic surgery, but with the passage of more time, and ongoing disappointment with outcomes (3 years of ghost sex w/ mid ass women) just made me more determined to WIN.

Scotty, told me the truth, and I am grateful about that. Dante also told me the truth. These guys, are properly elite guys, and know their shit.

Using my own brain, I was able to test and figure things out, so the next generation, can just roll with it. Futhermore, we are adults, not victims, and we are setting out to do what we have set out to do. We have personal power, and we are responsible for our own outcomes.

I will keep working on my ideas, and will release them in time:

-Base SMV: We already understand this, and we do advocate guys maxxx themselves out.
-SMV Blocks: Cultural conditioning dependent on geographical location - a particular concern for Low SMV & very niche product people
-Golden Ratio DLVs: Certain bad features and looks, can be a major DLV - they just keep signalling to woman, do not mate with him, do not go with him, he's not a good fit. These, may need to be surgically altered, or one will just remain in the "dead zone" of the SMP. Certain features, can be death, when combined with Low SMV - they say to a woman, if you hate with him, your children will be undesirable, and they will have to suffer a sub-par life. What do you think a girl is going to do? Yup...exactly.
-Archetype: You can tap into this, to look more racially ambiguous and tap into the more attractive archetypes, which are more desirable and can support in generating attraction

I did the work, consistently, for years........The raw reality, is posted in this log.

Remember, I do get laid, I am successful in the Game, I just have to operate very differently from others who do not have to deal with the same SMV Blocks, Golden Ratio DLVs, and of course, lower Base SMV.

My time, may should come. I battle doubt and the normal fears about the prospect to find a good partner. Anyone who is at the bottom f the market, will feel that way, but with savage grinding ability, I create outcomes. The harder you work, the luckier you get, so I may find a decent woman who will treat me well.

I suspect this will be, when I have developed my physique to very high levels (2 years), my game & vibe (these are not that significant in comparison to removing DLV, and finally gotten all my surgeries done and dusted.

The rest of the answers, I will find within.

What really matters, is your outcomes.

If you are not getting the outcomes you seek, CHANGE.

Rip it all down. Start again. Remove what didn't work. Keep going.

I got so sick of fucking fatties and uggos, I just stopped recording my audios, stopped asking for feedback, and honestly, stopped speaking to my people as much.

I didn't blame them, because I am responsible. But rather, I spent a lot more time just opening up a pen and paper journal, and working through every facet of the break points, sticking points, etc. Developing my own ideas, and going off real world data I have gathered for 3 years.

I then began to slightly improve my outcomes, and the last two I banged were cute.

And as I STRATEGICALLY RAISE SMV - things will improve further.......

This means, actually tackling the deep core of SMV issues. Lack of racial ambiguity, DLV-inducing features, things like that.

It is possible to overcome Low SMV. You can adapt style and various alterations to the body, that make a woman pause for a moment, and think, wait a minute....I may actually like this guy.....

What really helped, was visualising approaches, and trying to get into the mind of a woman, and imagine her talking to her friends, stuff like that.

Women, generally seek High SMV men, as part of their mating strategy (hypergamy). This is a scale, there is an upper end, and a low end (brown-brown / currycel is the lowest, which is what I am).

Women, deal with a lot of shaming, for dating lower SMV men. They are glared at in the street, their friends shame them ("you can do SO much better, girl"), their family does not approve (brown girls are quite complex, in general, they are quite resentful of brown men for our low SMV, and tend to "settle" for us in older age....gross....), and there is just a whole lot of BS they have to deal with for making this lifestyle choice.

I can't, in my heart of hearts, blame them. And I am also empathetic for them, because the fact of the matter is, they can find what they seek (higher SMV) pretty f**king easily. So I'm OK with it when all things are considered.

A random brain dump, but thanks for your post!

I am going to do more work on tattoo research tomorrow, as part of my ongoing self improvement.

Closing the week now


The IronWill Project: Money, Muscles, Mindset

Mon 19th Feb 2024

Action Plan

(1) Money:
-Sales: 3hrs
-Coaching: 1 on 1 client work, and drop my daily audios/videos in the group coaching
-Content: One to Many
-Networking: 30m

(2) Muscles
-Nutrition: P 393 / C 239 / F 72

(3) Mindset:
-Daily Online Hustle
-FaceTime Call: Comfort building w/ prospect. I leave here soon. I just want to go on a date with a chick I atleast feel attraction for, and enjoy my time. I am doing FaceTime calls to screen these women. So many, just absolutely suck and it can be painful…..rather screen them the hell out!

Optimisation Work:
2 Hours Strategic Thinking – How Can I Get To The Next Level?
(1) Money – Sales page, get feedback
(2) Muscles – Deeper thinking about form, technique, watch Adam’s videos
(3) Mindset – Dating: Beard Optimisation & Tattoo Research
-Scheduled from 13:30-15:30

Today's grinding music.

Str8 evil drug dealer music.

Fuck staying small ;-)


I will check in later today and show you what real work looks like.

Nightmare mode does not defeat me.

I am sick of this shit, settling for less, beyond sick of this and I will find ways and go deeper and deeper until I find the answers.

I will be the one who will find them.

I will win. And then, I will help these other people and actually get them proper results. Weak ass intellectually mediocre cunts cannot do it and find the correct answers. I will have to do it and the next gen will benefit. That can be my legacy.

MakingAComeback said:
I changed my name from Ravi, to Rob. YUP
Cunt this is huge. Yeah I didn’t realise the affect cos I have a “white” or at least ethnically ambiguous name.

I have always been a non-believer in race factor but you could a/b test this. Run a profile as Rob and then run one where you go the other way full on Yögi Rävi. Yogi Ravi is you going full Indian, yoga, meditation, wellness (which isn’t too far from you) dressed wacky etc

Fuck make a video I’d watch it
Adrizzle said:
MakingAComeback said:
I changed my name from Ravi, to Rob. YUP
Cunt this is huge. Yeah I didn’t realise the affect cos I have a “white” or at least ethnically ambiguous name.

I have always been a non-believer in race factor but you could a/b test this. Run a profile as Rob and then run one where you go the other way full on Yögi Rävi. Yogi Ravi is you going full Indian, yoga, meditation, wellness (which isn’t too far from you) dressed wacky etc

Fuck make a video I’d watch it


I will circle back, you are on my list today.

As you can see, I am working like a demon, all day, every day. Taught bootcamps, in person retreats, worked every second......

That gave me a backlog. But I am pushing.

And yeah bro what an awesome content idea.

Thank you for sharing your creative genius, I back you hard, and me and you are going to crush our "core story" project.

We will get it done ;-)

And this idea here, is KILLER. I will smash this one!

MakingAComeback said:

The IronWill Project: Money, Muscles, Mindset

Mon 19th Feb 2024

Action Plan

(1) Money:
-Sales: 3hrs (DONE)
-Coaching: 1 on 1 client work, and drop my daily audios/videos in the group coaching (DONE)
-Content: One to Many (FAIL)
-Networking: 30m (DONE)

(2) Muscles
-Nutrition: P 393 / C 239 / F 72 (DONE)
-Knees Over Toes (DONE)

(3) Mindset:
-Daily Online Hustle (DONE)
-FaceTime Call: Comfort building w/ prospect. I leave here soon. I just want to go on a date with a chick I atleast feel attraction for, and enjoy my time. I am doing FaceTime calls to screen these women. So many, just absolutely suck and it can be painful…..rather screen them the hell out! (DONE)

Optimisation Work: (FAIL)
2 Hours Strategic Thinking – How Can I Get To The Next Level?
(1) Money – Sales page, get feedback
(2) Muscles – Deeper thinking about form, technique, watch Adam’s videos
(3) Mindset – Dating: Beard Optimisation & Tattoo Research
-Scheduled from 13:30-15:30


Worked like a fuckin SAVAGE

Got to 9pm, was dead.

Went to bed.

Up at 5am. Grinding again!

Checkin for today, to come.............

Scotty blowing up my phone atm he has some good video ideas LOL what a legend. We will get on Zoom tomorrow and shoot.

The Killer Instinct is on THIS SAT, with me, Scotty, Ketan, Radical, Alex PwF, Markus Wolf UMP. We are gonna do an epic episode this month you'll see: KINK/BDSM, AI Takeover of Online Dating, and Reaction Videos (Fresh&Fit, Andrew Tate)

I have a pretty German girl getting the train 3hrs to come see me on Sat. Geuss what, she's 5ft9 and loves tall men. Which is why my 6ft5 ass can sometimes pull this shit off. We did facetime yesterday, I was masculine as fuck, sexual, talked about spanking her ass, she agreed to let me give her a tantric massage, really held tension well and she was loving it - sweet girl, she told me she's excited to meet me.

That is seduction skill developed over 3 years of consistent hard work, coaching, mentoring, and ongoing review and development..........

If you have an area you want to develop, you integrate best practice into your psyche, by having an expert get into your brain, rewire it, and let you then get on with your life, Version 2.0 of you............

I absorbed the best stuff from Andy & Radical over 1.5 years of getting their coaching

Got mentoring from one of my best friends, Vin Clancy, to start IronWill. He helped me, and pushed me, taught me how to make a great biz. But also pointed out, how weak I was in the things that matter in biz. I basically did no sales for the first 2 years. Now, I learned, that was an error. And to actually serve my clients further, and give them the elite service I deliver, to the best of my ability, I need to pump more money into IronWill, and make it really big.

Which I'll do..............

They are loving it right now, it's a hybrid offer, so you get 1 on 1 with me, and all the guys have their own group chat, where we are literally pushing each other ALL DAY. I feed of it myself and it's truly special. These guys are CRUSHING. And overcoming their issues, because we found the "actual issue", we found the "actual wounds", we found the "right optimisations", for them, in their unique context - and they began to soar................

Time to keep f**king crushing............

Gym today. Doing my weekly call with my recomp coach tomorrow. As well as my call with my biz coach.




The IronWill Project: Money, Muscles, Mindset

Tue 20th Feb 2024

Action Plan

(1) Money:
-Sales: 3hrs
-Coaching: 1 on 1 client work, and drop my daily audios/videos in the group coaching
-Content: One to Many
-Networking: 1hr

(2) Muscles
-Gym: Lifting – Time to bleeeeeeed! LIGHT WEIGHT, BABY!
-Nutrition: P 393 / C 239 / F 72

(3) Mindset:
-Daily Online Hustle

Optimisation Work:
2 Hours Strategic Thinking – How Can I Get To The Next Level?
(1) Money – Sales page, get feedback
(2) Muscles – Deeper thinking about form, and technique, watch Adam’s videos (He wants me to just focus on building a bigger deadlift)
(3) Mindset – Dating: Beard Optimisation & Tattoo Research
Sorry for the delays on the forum transition. I am working hard and currently fucking snowed under. Overwhelmed. Just grinding hard. I will get through it.

Thanks for the patience.

I have a big vision for this forum and I will make sure it is the best space for men's self improvement, ever.

Developing resources atm and giving you all crazy value, leveraging all my connections and contacts, and will make sure you have everything you need to achieve elite success alongside me.

The Winner Within Framework, will be populated over time, and will come down to:

(1) SMV & Foundations For Abundance (Logistics, Lifestyle Design, Winner Within Formula for Self Improvement)
(2) Social Skills & Game / Vibe Development
(3) Inner Game & Mindset

This forum, needs to be restructured, to reflect the above central pillars. At the moment, it's a mess.

I want to organise it all. My mod team will help me with it, and the technical team will help us put it in place.

We will get there.

Keep supporting the mission.

We will SUCEED

Consistent Forward Pressure: How To Achive Life Goals Through Relentlessness

I literally will stop at nothing - you know this about me, and that's why you're here.

As you can see about me, at this stage: I literally NEVER GIVE UP.

That is why I win.

I hit so hard, and so persistently, the opponent just withers and wilts, because they know - this guy has heart and determination, he is truly a savage. At some point, they just say in their heart of hearts, I can't beat that, and they give in.

And we raise our arms, [name redacted], victorious yet again

That is how being relentless changed my life

The many times I was beaten down, face in the dirt, destroyed. Defeated. Broken.

In those dark times, I would visualise, dream and pray

.....What if, from this deep pit of hell, I rose up?

...What if, after 14 years of defeat, when everyone has given up on me at this stage, my own family don't believe in me anymore, and people I thought cared, have begun to now laugh at me.

....What I saw in the mirror, was an obese, anxious virgin, too scared to live, too scared to die.

That man, was destroyed. Absolute destroyed.

As I looked in the mirror, tears welled up in my eyes.

“Ravi, you let your Mum down, you let your Dad down, you let everyone down, and now, your blood line is going to end with you. You are the last one left in your clan, and it’s looking like you are not going to make it, man. It’s looking like, the dreams you had, are not going to be achievable. Looks like you messed your life up”

Then, what happened, was interesting…..

I had been very interested in Andy when I was a lurker on GLL.

I remembered him, and had thought about him, for years.

I went back to the GoodLookingLoser forums, where I had lurked for years, and tried to find Andy. I saw, he had started his own website, and he was offering coaching.

The pain, was so excruciating, that I reached my own "FUCK IT" moment

“Ravi, at this point, the only person I even know who can help you, is Andy. If he can’t fix you, then you have permission to kill yourself”

Yes, that’s how dark it was at that point.

It was a series of bitter experiences that truly galvanised me, but when I truly went ALL IN, I signed up with Andy and Cam, and told them, guys: I MUST SUCEED.

From that moment on, every day I got up, was WAR.

I lost the weight.

I built the profiles.

I started approaching.

I got dates.

I got my first lay.

I got my first FWB.

I beat my Approach Anxiety (9 months of daily approaching, 4hrs a day)

I quit my job, started IronWill Consistent Performance Coaching

I travelled the f**king world

I learned and studied under the best mentors

I became who I am today

With true f**king willpower, you can literally blast through EVERYTHING

When you say in your heart: I'm going to f**king fail, and f**king fail, and f**king fail, over and over, and I will not stop trying, asking for help, getting coaching and mentoring, and improving every variable, sticking at the mission, come hell or high water..............


These are not my rules

This is the language in which God wrote the Universe

And for you to take your seat at the Winner's Table, all you have to do today, is SHOW UP

Let me handle your development. I was born to do it, and I am a mastermind at this game of Self Improvement & Goal Achievement using Consistent Performance.








Just show up for me today, and give me some effort.

Together, we will climb to the top of the mountain, and we will breathe the rarified air reserved for the 1% who paid the price in blood, sweat, and tears


The IronWill Project: Money, Muscles, Mindset

Wed 22nd Feb 2024

Action Plan

High Leverage

(1) IronWill Consistent Performance Coaching: Daily client checkins & coaching (one on one coaching, and posting in the IW Consistent Performance Group Chat on Telegram, where all private clients are hustling, daily, pushing each other, and grinding to SUCCESS in their lives).

(2) Coaching Enquiries: Follow up with the guys who have emailed me to ask about joining IronWill. First, I need to talk to them and understand what the problem is. If IW can solve the problem, and 10x their overall life, I’ll invite them to the program.

(3) Sales: Apply feedback from my biz coach, Dino. Do touch points. Onboard 6 more people, then JUST focus on giving your clients blood, sweat, and tears. Create the next MAC DADDY, and that will be enough to get this business to legendary levels. Within my current cohort, there will be legends and guys who will change the face of self improvement. The Bulldog is MOGGING in my program right now and hit it out the park, getting a top 5% earning engineering role using the IronWill Methodology for Consistent Performance. What a SAVAGE.

Medium Range Priorities

(4) Gym: Absolutely smash this.

(5) Scotty GLL: If I have time, jump on Zoom with Scotty for 30mins, and get mentoring questions answered. Record the call, and post it on the channel, so everyone else can benefit from Scotty’s mentoring also. Life is abundant. Give as much to others as you can. Give until it hurts. The Universe, will give back to you.

Lower Range Priorities

(6) Date: if the chick confirms, she hasn’t said sh*t atm. Lol.

(7) Life Actions:

(7.1) How To Get To The Next Level: With Girls [Strategic Thinking & Implementation]
-SMV Raising
-Tattoo Research
-Online Profile
-Game Study
-NYC Location: Work on locking this down, so me and September can crush and be under Dante & Pancake’s mentorship for 3 months.

(7.2) Forum Transition:
-Speak to the technical team, apologise for ghosting the chat, let them know you’ve been working 10-12hr days in IronWill Consistent Performance Coaching

-Sunrise (DONE)
-Skincare, Haircare, Myofunctional Therapy


Did a great clarity call with my homie, The Greek Troll, Crisis_Overcomer. He helped me figure out the weak links and optimisations to be found in my biz, by using a data driven approach and reverse engineering success, to help me understand where my focus must be right now in IW.
The IronWill Project: Money, Muscles, Mindset

Friday 23rd 2024

High Priority

(1) Coaching Enquiries: Send replies / IW Free Group: Answer various questions, add value.
(2) Coaching: 1 on 1 + Group posting / Admin for monthly group call
(3) Sales
(4) Scotty GLL: Touch base w/ Scotty, push forward with our Paul Janka interview.

Medium Priority

(5) Thinking Time: How To Get To The Next Level W/ Girls: Strategic SMV Raising / Online Profile / Mewwing
(6) Online Hustle: Lead Gen

Low Priority
(7) Pick up overdue forum transition admin


Sunrise, Meal Prep, Skin, Hair, and Gym already smashed.

3 flakes in a row w/ chicks this week. No concern my end, low priority shit. Quality ain't there. Not worried about them.

Got a text from the lovely girl I met in NYC when I went. I was happy she reached out to me to ask how I am. Literally the first time in my journey a chick did that. All the others I dated or banged, just ghost. I am glad she texted, it means a lot to me.

If she is down, I will definitely hang out with her when I am back in NYC in April.

It's a tough game. You gotta maxxx out your looks & game, and get to the better locations.

This shit is an epic hustle, you gotta have the network, the strategy, and be skilled in not just self improvement, work ethic, and looksmaxxing, but also game, making money, and communication skills/vibe.

That is the task if you want to be a Top 1% male.

It must be done.

THE KILLER INSTINCT: Ep 4: Life Updates, Reacting To Manosphere & Modern Dating, Talking Kink BDSM



00:00 Logistics Are King: Location Can Make or Break! Location, Logistics, Personal Growth, and Support Systems
14:40 Coaching Ability, Open Mindedness, Overcoming Challenges and Adapting to Change
26:29 Life Updates from The Killer Instinct Panel
39:11 Why You Must Be A GOOD COACH: Empathy, Connection, Deep Understanding of Human Change
52:07 REACTION VIDEOS: Do You Need WEALTH To Get Women To Respect You?
01:09:08 Why Ravi Put PERSONAL GROWTH Above Money
01:27:10 REACTION VIDEOS: Date In Your Price Range?
01:37:38 REACTION VIDEOS: Focus On Your MISSION, IGNORE GIRLS? Real Seduction, Dating, and The Pick Up Journey
01:51:28 Way Of The Superior Man?
02:02:48 Balance, Enjoyment, and Lifestyle in Pickup Process
02:16:03 Transformative Journeys, Learning Connection
02:29:17 The Healing Side Of The Journey
02:55:51 How Kink & BDSM Can Deepen Game
MakingAComeback said:
The lays I had on Feeld, were because I changed my name from Ravi, to Rob. YUP)

fucking hell man, you're the first who tried this and the fact that it worked says a lot, listen, a lot of people are delt a bad hand and dont even care, they just play videogames and watch porn, so it's a privilage to see you fight back what other prople just accept. India has 1 billion man, millions of them are in the west and they just don't care or even notice, you just care more. It's hard for us to remember that at the end of the day we just care more, the average man of any race has a hard time even finding an ugly girlfriend but doesnt care. We had experiences growing up that made as care more
Thrice said:
MakingAComeback said:
The lays I had on Feeld, were because I changed my name from Ravi, to Rob. YUP)

fucking hell man, you're the first who tried this and the fact that it worked says a lot, listen, a lot of people are delt a bad hand and dont even care, they just play videogames and watch porn, so it's a privilage to see you fight back what other prople just accept. India has 1 billion man, millions of them are in the west and they just don't care or even notice, you just care more. It's hard for us to remember that at the end of the day we just care more, the average man of any race has a hard time even finding an ugly girlfriend but doesnt care. We had experiences growing up that made as care more

Haha yeah brah, we still slaying in life, winning across the board, I don't really care what I got to do to win.

I will just KEEP MAXXING

Good to see you posting

MAC BDSM PHOTOSHOOT DONE W/ Olafsmash IronWill Consistent Performance client & legend

He is learning the photography game, gave me a free shoot, and he will get the art down to a T

Help us both out and select the 5-10 you like best

And we'll get them edited


Files below.............


The IronWill Project: Money, Muscles, Mindset

Monday 26th 2024

Daily Non Negotiables
-IronWill Service Delivery: Coaching, 1 on 1 checkins and work. Group work. Group call admin.
-IronWill Client Onboarding Work

High Priority

Medium Priority
-Online Hustle: Critical Thinking (A) Photo Selection, (B) Profile Breakdown, (C) Lead Gen

Low Priority/Admin
-Scotty GLL: Paul Janka email
-Forum transition
-Friends catchup: Carl, Timmy, Thebastard

LookMaxxing Work:
-Botox booking
-Order mastic gum, the next myobrace (A1), find a myofunctioal therapist near my parents place
-Tattoo research
-Plan next style upgrade: Will do this with my brother, and order stuff.


Set the intent for success.

Life is abundant.

Focus, clarity, and rational, logical, strategic thinking gets you to the top.

All problems have solutions. You have to be stoic, calm, and stay with the process for a long, long, long time.

Get expert help and keep investing in yourself.

I have 3 coaches: Dino, Adam, and Dante.

I have many advisors and mentors.

I have a whole team of high level guys and we just keep pushing to ELITE.

Hammer the process. Test, iterate, refine, keep f**king going.

Even if you have not found what you seek, and feel as if time has run out, or you have been defeated. You must start to believe deeply in your heart and you can transcend, become Great, and turn all that pain and anger into f**king SUCCESS.


MakingAComeback said:
Files below.............



Image 31 is the best one IMO

MakingAComeback said:

great lift! you're strong as fuck
i'm no expert but it's easy to spot the only mistake on your deadlift, after a good set up when the lift starts your shoulders dont move and you start the lift by just lifting your hips, your hips travel a lot before the shoulders start moving. Hips and shoulders have to move at th same time from the start. Once fatigued you set up with hips higher and higher, it's normal with fatigue, i try to avoid by just beign conscious about it